
Dietary first courses. Greek curdled milk soup diet recipe

The basis of dietary vegetable soups are vegetable juices or mashed potatoes, which are seasoned with sprouted grains, nuts, pieces of vegetables, finely chopped greens.

Before you cook a vegetable diet soup, you need to stock up necessary ingredients. The taste and texture of dishes prepared according to the recipes of vegetable diet soups can be improved by adding dairy products. They will give the dish density and a pleasant shine.

All diet recipes vegetable soups, as a rule, have one thing in common: in addition to ease of preparation and undeniable benefits, they are deliciously delicious and full of flavor. Diet soup in vegetable broth can be served as an appetizer, as a main or as a light dish.

On this page you can find vegetable recipes. puree soups their turnips, kohlrabi, tomatoes and other foods. You will also learn how to cook a vegetable diet pickle soup, Hot soup from pumpkin, low-calorie pickle and other diet recipes for vegetable soups.

How to cook vegetable broth for diet soup


300 g of mixed vegetables (carrots, parsley, a piece of celery, half a leek), 1.5 liters of water, parsley, pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

Roots wash, clean, rinse, pour cold water and cook until the amount of liquid is reduced to about 1 liter. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Drain the vegetable broth, pour into cups, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill.

Vegetable root soup

Cooking method:

1. Pour 4 cups of salted boiling water into a saucepan and put peeled, washed and finely chopped soup roots and cook for 15 minutes. Then add chopped potatoes and cook for another 20 minutes. Strain the broth, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and cover.

2. Arrange strained vegetables in deep plates, pour over hot broth. Add a few drops of lemon juice to each serving of vegetable root diet soup.

cucumber vegetable soup recipe

The recipe for dietary vegetable soup with cucumbers is different unusual taste. The ingredients will require 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 1 onion, 2 fresh cucumbers, 4 potatoes, 1/3 cup green peas, 40 g spinach, 1.5 liters of water, spices, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut carrots, turnips and onions into slices and lightly sauté. Wash fresh cucumbers, cut small ones into circles, large ones - pre-cut lengthwise, cut potatoes into slices. Put the potatoes into the boiling broth, bring to a boil and add the browned roots.

2. 5-6 minutes before the end of cooking, put cucumbers, spinach leaves, green peas into the soup. Serve vegetable soup with cucumbers, sprinkled with herbs.

Diet recipe for italian vegetable soup


1 small carrot, 1 young leek, 1 stalk lettuce celery, 50 g green cabbage, 3 3/4 cups vegetable broth, 1 bay leaf, 1 cup boiled beans, 1/5 cup curly vermicelli, salt and ground black pepper, finely chopped spinach.

Cooking method:

1. Carrot, leek and celery cut into thin strips. Finely chop the cabbage.

2. Bring the broth with bay leaf to a boil. Add carrots, leeks and celery. Cover and cook over low heat for 6 minutes.

3. Add cabbage, boiled beans and curly vermicelli. Mix everything and cook, uncovered, over low heat for another 45 minutes until the vegetables and vermicelli are soft.

4. Bay leaf take out, salt and pepper the soup to taste. Pour the Italian vegetable soup into bowls and garnish with finely chopped spinach.

Diet on sorrel soup and beet tops


280 g sorrel, 280 g beet tops, 100 g onions, 80 g sour cream, 1.6 liters of water, salt.

Cooking method:

Well washed young beet leaves and chop the sorrel greens with a knife, pour hot salted water and cook for 10 minutes. In ready-made sorrel soup and beet tops add chopped dill, onion feather.

How to make spicy pumpkin soup


500g pumpkin, 500ml water, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 tbsp. spoon wheat flour, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar, 1 bunch of dill, salt, sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin into pieces and stew in lightly salted water, then wipe through a sieve.

2. Stir in oil, bring to a boil. Add vinegar, sugar and chopped dill to the spicy pumpkin soup.

Recipe for vegetable pickle with seaweed


200-250 g seaweed, 4-5 potatoes, 2 pickles, 1 onion, 2-3 parsley roots, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable unrefined oil, 500 ml of water, herbs and spices.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and chop potatoes, onions and roots into small pieces. Dip the seaweed into boiling water and boil. After cooling, cut into thin strips and combine in a pan with onions and roots. Peel the cucumbers and prepare a decoction from it. Put chopped cucumbers in it.

2. Bring back to a boil. Dip potatoes into it first, and after 5-7 minutes - vegetables and roots. 5-7 minutes before cooking, spices and cucumber pickle can be added to the soup if desired.

3. Pour the finished pickle into a tureen or immediately pour over portioned plates. Sprinkle pickle with seaweed with herbs or serve it separately in a small salad bowl.

Vegetable diet turnip puree soup


4 turnips, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour, 1 tbsp. spoon corn oil, meat broth.

Cooking method:

1. Wash turnips, bring unpeeled turnips in water to a boil, wash again, cut off the green top.

2. For cooking vegetable diet puree soup peel the turnip, cut into pieces, pour water (to barely cover the turnip), boil. Rub the hot root crop through a sieve, add the toasted flour, stir well, boil.

3. Dilute dietary turnip soup to taste with meat broth and boil again.

Cauliflower Basil Soup Recipe


250 g Brussels sprouts, 250 g cauliflower, 250 g onion, 300 g celery root, 250 g parsley root, 1 carrot, 200 g leek, 1/2 cup tomato juice, red and black pepper, basil, tarragon, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rinse vegetables, chop, add water and cook until tender. Then mash them, add tomato juice and spices to it and cook for 10 minutes. Serve hot cauliflower soup with basil, sprinkled with herbs.

Kohlrabi Vegetable Diet Soup Recipe

To prepare this recipe for vegetable diet puree soup, you will need 200 g of kohlrabi, 1 carrot, 1 potato, 1 parsley root, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour, 2-3 berries of black and red currants.

Cooking method:

1. Peel potatoes, cut into small cubes, pour into boiling water. Finely grate kohlrabi and roots and boil in potato soup.

2. In the resulting puree, add wheat flour, previously sauteed in oil.

3. Mix everything thoroughly. When the kohlrabi diet soup thickens, remove the pan from the heat, add the berries, mix again and serve.

Diet recipe for tomato and apple soup


4 tomatoes, 1 liter of broth, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 23 apples, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour, 1 tbsp. spoon of corn oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed hot pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Carrots and onions cut into slices and lightly fry in oil. Add wheat flour mixed with hot pepper and continue frying for another 2 minutes.

2. Then transfer to a saucepan, pour hot meat broth, bring to a boil, add sliced ​​​​tomatoes and fresh apples, peeled from the skin and seeds, and cook for 30 minutes.

3. Rub the mass through a sieve, bring to a boil again and season with salt. Pour the tomato and apple soup into bowls and serve.

Vegetable soup puree with zucchini and sauce


1 zucchini, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 125 g canned green peas.

For sauce: 250 ml skimmed milk, 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour, 3 cups vegetable broth, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil potatoes, carrots and zucchini in a small amount of water separately. Boil the canned peas, drain the water.

2. Wipe the prepared vegetables, combine with the sauce, bring to a boil. Season with egg mixture and salt.

3. To prepare the sauce, bring half of the vegetable broth to a boil. In the rest, dilute the flour, previously dried in the oven.

4. Pour the resulting mixture in a thin stream into a boiling broth with continuous stirring and cook for 10 minutes. Serve hot soup with zucchini and sauce, sprinkled with herbs.

Diet on vegetarian soup with zucchini


1 small zucchini, 4 carrots, 4 parsley, 1 liter of water, 1 cup low-fat sour cream, 4 potatoes, 1 cup canned green peas, 2 tomatoes, 2 tbsp. chopped spinach, herbs, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Carrot and parsley root finely chopped and simmered in sour cream. Pour boiling water, put chopped cabbage, zucchini and potatoes, cook for 15 minutes.

2. Before the end of cooking, put washed with boiled water canned peas, sliced ​​tomatoes and spinach, salt.

3. Chopped greens can be added to plates of vegetarian zucchini soup.

How to cook vegetable cold soup from goatweed


400 g goutweed, 240 g fresh cucumbers, 160 g of green onions, 40 g of dill, 1.2 l of kvass, 400 ml of curdled milk, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the gout until half cooked in salted water, grind in a meat grinder, cool the broth.

2. Put chopped cucumbers (or borage), add onion, greens puree, dill, curdled milk, kvass.

3. Pour the soup into bowls and serve.

In order to preserve the vitamins contained in vegetables as much as possible during the preparation of hot soups, it is recommended:

  • peel and cut vegetables immediately before cooking;
  • lower the vegetables immediately into boiling water;
  • make sure that the soup does not boil too violently;
  • do not reheat vegetable cold soup from goutweed repeatedly.

Recipe for cold tomato juice soup with cheese


1/2 liter tomato juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, 100 g of cheese, parsley.

Cooking method:

To chilled tomato juice, add grated cheese, finely chopped parsley, vegetable oil and mix well. This cold tomato juice soup with feta cheese is perfect better fit for use on hot, summer days.

Diet cold parsley root soup


5 parsley roots, 3 celery roots, 2 onions, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped green onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped parsley, 1/2 cup water, salt, vinegar, sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

1. On vegetable oil fry the finely chopped onion, add the parsley roots, cut into circles, and the celery cut into slices.

2. Then mix everything well, pour boiling water, add salt, vinegar, sugar and bring to readiness.

3. Cold soup cool from root parsley, add finely chopped green onions and parsley.

Diet on vegetable soup from curdled milk in Bulgarian


750 ml curdled milk, 1 fresh cucumber, 4-5 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2-3 tbsp. crushed spoons walnuts, 2 tbsp. spoons of dill or parsley, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Peel a fresh cucumber (approximately 300 g) and finely chop. Salt and soak for 5-10 minutes. Pour in yogurt, add crushed garlic. Stir the curdled milk well, gradually pouring in 1 glass of cold water.

2. Then add chopped cucumber, vegetable oil, crushed walnuts, finely chopped dill or parsley and salt to taste.

3. Lightly stir the yogurt soup in Bulgarian style and serve.

Greek curdled milk soup diet recipe

A dietary lunch is a difficult task for any person who watches their figure. This meal should be hearty and dense, at the same time useful for digestion and not too high in calories, and this is quite difficult. Dietary lunch is not complete without good lung soup, which is the basis of proper nutrition.

Soups can be low-calorie, but very nutritious, and high-calorie with great content fat, therefore, when preparing a diet dish with recipes, you should be very careful. diet soup recipe, like all diet lunch, should be based on right choice ingredients.

Experiment with a variety of herbs and dry seasonings, replacing salt and pepper with them (some diets simply need to reduce the intake of these spices). The simplest one is:

How to make quick chicken soup

You will need:

  • half chicken breast, with already skinned
  • half a glass of any cereal
  • one carrot
  • two potatoes
  • one bulb
  • lots of herbs and spices


  1. First, the chicken broth is boiled, then the meat is removed and the potatoes are boiled with chopped onions. If you don't like onions, just put the whole onion in and then take it out: the taste will remain, and there will be no onions in the soup.
  2. After fifteen minutes of low boiling, add the grits, better millet or buckwheat, and not rice, beloved by many (it has fastening properties, which is contraindicated in certain diseases, and even if you are losing weight, it is better not to risk it).
  3. After another fifteen minutes, send the grated carrots to the pan. This healthy vegetable soup recipe you can diversify by replacing potatoes with any cabbage or celery, adding a wide variety of herbs. It is prepared quite simply, but it turns out tasty and very satisfying.
    Another of the most popular is the recipe for a dietary vegetable soup with mushrooms. Mushrooms are very useful irreplaceable source proteins, which is important for healthy eating and regular exercise.

How to make chicken and mushroom diet soup

You will need:

  • half a kilogram of any mushrooms (one type or mixture)
  • a couple of shallots
  • a quarter cup of flour
  • glass of dry white wine
  • variety of spices and herbs


  1. As a basis in this soup - a liter chicken broth and a glass of milk, preferably skim. The first stage of preparation is stewing mushrooms in oil with seasonings and pepper. Carcasses directly in the pan for fifteen minutes, until the mushrooms turn golden.
  2. Here, add flour and white wine at the same time, mix everything thoroughly for a couple of minutes, and then add the remaining ingredients and cook for another fifteen minutes.
  3. Soup can be served in traditional form or prepare a diet puree soup, decorate with a small amount grated cheese and fresh herbs.

Recipe for pumpkin soup with chicken broth

Diet puree soup- This perfect solution for everyone who loves unusual recipes, but at the same time he watches his figure. Very useful for digestion, for example, pumpkin diet puree soup.

To prepare it, take:

  • five hundred grams of pumpkin
  • some vegetables: carrots, celery, bell pepper, onion
  • as spices, use a mixture of cumin, coriander, turmeric, ground ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg


  1. Broth is not required here, just enough pure water however, you can use low-fat chicken broth, which is low in fat and high in useful substances. The main process is roasting the pumpkin.
  2. Cut it into large cubes, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 45 minutes at a temperature of about two hundred degrees. All vegetables with half seasonings are first fried on olive oil, then water or broth prepared in advance is added to them, half of the total amount.
  3. The mixture is boiled over low heat for fifteen minutes, then pumpkin is added to it and everything is crushed with a blender to a smooth puree. Add the remaining amount of water or broth and the remaining seasonings, cook over low heat for another twenty minutes. Even salt is not required in this soup, it turns out to be very fragrant and with a bright taste.

Pumpkin is not only a low-calorie product, but also extremely beneficial for digestion. A large variety of seasonings makes the soup perfect healthy breakfast or lunch. Seasonings make the body digest food faster and speed up metabolism.

To make any soup tastier and decorate it, they often use a variety of seeds, croutons and grated cheese. It is better not to get carried away with such additives, so as not to add diet soup a couple hundred calories, and also don't forget that fried croutons should not be used in a therapeutic diet.

Even airy white bread croutons, Maasdam cheese and pumpkin seeds are very rich in calories and will make any soup not at all dietary. The ideal decoration for the first course is chopped greens or red pepper flakes.

Milk soup with apple and pumpkin

Milk soups are great for weight loss. Due to the presence of animal proteins in milk, such a dish is easily digested. To reduce the calorie content of the soup, it is recommended to take low-fat milk and dilute it with water.

The recipe for this soup is very simple. For half a liter of milk you need to take:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 200 grams.
  • Apples - 1 medium piece.
  • One yolk.
  • Sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Potato starch - a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • Water - half a liter


  1. Finely chop the pulp of pumpkin and apple and stew, adding a little water and a spoonful of sugar, until tender.
  2. Mix the yolk with starch.
  3. Boil milk with water, add a mixture of yolk and starch, let it boil a little, filter, cool and add a pumpkin with an apple.
  4. Serve on the table milk soup sprinkled with cinnamon, if desired.

Light fish soup with pumpkin

For a liter of water take:

  • White sea ​​fish(cod, haddock, hake, saithe) - 400 grams.
  • Pumpkin pulp (unsweetened) - 400 grams.
  • Potato - 2 tubers.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 5 pieces.
  • Leek - half a stalk.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves.
  • Ground black pepper, herbs.


  1. We cook the fish in water for about a quarter of an hour, periodically removing the foam. Salt the broth, you can put black peppercorns and lavrushka in it. We take out the fish from the broth, filter the broth.
  2. We cut all vegetables, except for leeks, into medium cubes, cut half a leek into rings. IN fish broth boil potatoes until soft. Fry green onions and onions in oil, add a little water so that the vegetables sweat, and pumpkin with garlic. After a couple of minutes, put the tomatoes in the pan and let them stew a little.
  3. Transfer the vegetables from the skillet to the pot. boiled potatoes and cook until the pumpkin is soft. Add the fish disassembled into pieces, pepper, sprinkle with herbs.

Italian diet soup Minestrone

This light soup You can even give it to babies, and those who are losing weight can eat as much as they like, but only without bread.

It will take one and a half liters of water:

  • White cabbage - a quarter of a head.
  • Fresh green peas - 50 grams.
  • Quarter of zucchini.
  • Young potatoes - 2 small root crops.
  • Carrots - half a piece.
  • Green onions - 2 stalks.
  • Olive (can be sunflower) oil - a tablespoon.
  • Greenery.


  1. Boil diced potatoes, peeled peas, chopped zucchini and cabbage in salted water until soft. Fry onion slices, chopped carrots, and garlic in oil.
  2. Add this overcooking to the pot of soup a few minutes before cooking. Salt, add spices, sprinkle with herbs. That's it, the soup is ready!

Light soup is not only a low-calorie first course for losing weight, but also a storehouse of nutrients, minerals and vitamins! It is not difficult to cook it and you can experiment with new recipes daily. Losing weight without hunger is easy - treat yourself light diet soup!


Diet chicken soup is very satisfying and has a low glycemic index because protein slows down digestion and helps maintain blood glucose. In addition, protein is important for muscle development.

The more muscle you have, the more fat your body burns at rest. To make 4 servings chicken soup, necessary:

  • 1.5 kg chicken carcass or 1 kg fillet;
  • 6 carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 arrows of celery;
  • 2.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 8 glasses of water;
  • 1 tsp black peppercorns.


  1. Place the chicken in large saucepan. Coarsely chop half the carrots and celery.
  2. Divide the onion into 4 parts. Add vegetables to pot with chicken and cover with water.
  3. Bring the mass to a boil, reduce the temperature and cook, removing the foam periodically, for about half an hour, until the chicken is cooked.
  4. Strain the broth and remove the boiled vegetables.
  5. Chop the remaining carrots and celery, add them to the broth and simmer until tender, 10 minutes.
  6. If desired, you can add peppercorns, garlic and bay leaf.
  7. Divide the cooled chicken into fibers and add to the finished broth.

One serving of diet soup contains 245 calories, 42 g of protein, 6 g of fat, 4 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fiber.


A diet vegetable soup recipe should include spices such as ginger, garlic, cinnamon, or hot pepper. They give a piquant taste to vegetables and regulate metabolism.

Try this lentil soup with ginger, garlic and cinnamon. Lentils are packed with plant-based protein and compounds that control appetite.

Ginger supports a high metabolic rate, garlic lowers cholesterol, and cinnamon stabilizes blood glucose levels. For 6 servings of soup you need:

  • chop 1 onion;
  • cut 2 carrots;
  • chop 2 cloves of garlic;
  • rinse 2 cups of lentils;
  • 5 cups of water or vegetable broth (you can dilute the bouillon cube);
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 st. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 tsp paprika;
  • half a spoonful of coriander and cinnamon;
  • pepper and salt;
  • a spoonful of sour cream for decoration, if desired.


  1. Fry the onion and carrot for 5-7 minutes in olive oil.
  2. Add garlic, ginger, tomato paste, spices.
  3. Fry for another minute until fragrant.
  4. Add lentils, tomatoes, pour broth, salt and pepper.
  5. Bring the mass to a boil and reduce the temperature.
  6. Simmer for 45 minutes over low heat until the lentils are tender.

One serving of this soup contains 200 calories, 29 g of carbohydrates, 9 g of protein, 5 g of fat, 9 g of fiber.


Vegetables are low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. Therefore, dietary vegetable soup is one of the popular soups for weight loss.

Eating a bowl of vegetable soup before your main course will help you feel full faster and avoid unhealthy afternoon snacks. Try to cook according to the recipe dietary vegetable puree soup.

Pureed soups have been proven to keep you full longer than regular soups.

For 6 servings of soup you will need:

  • cut into cubes 3-4 potatoes;
  • chop 1 carrot;
  • disassemble into inflorescences 1 head of cauliflower;
  • chop 1 onion;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • pepper, salt, herbs.


  1. Pour potatoes with water and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, then cover with cold water and remove the skin.
  3. Grate the tomatoes. Fry onions and carrots in oil for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Add tomatoes and flour and simmer for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Transfer the roast to a pot with potatoes. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Pulse the vegetables in the soup with an immersion blender until pureed.

One serving of diet puree soup contains 160 calories, 4 g of protein, 24 g of carbohydrates, 5 g of fat.


Pumpkin soup is one of the healthiest vegetable soups. Pumpkin contains a lot of vitamin A. In addition, vitamin T was found in it, which regulates the work digestive tract. High content fiber and iron also have a positive effect on metabolic processes.

For 4 dietary servings pumpkin puree soup required by prescription:

  • 1 small pumpkin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • chop 1 onion;
  • grate 2 tbsp. l. ginger;
  • 4 cups chicken broth;
  • finely chop 1 green apple;
  • pepper and salt;
  • greens and a spoonful of sour cream for decoration.


  1. Cut the pumpkin, remove the seeds. Drizzle the pumpkin flesh with olive oil, pepper and salt.
  2. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, bake the pumpkin for 40 minutes to make the pulp tender. Cool the pumpkin.
  3. Fry onion and ginger for 3 minutes in a pan. Add apple and fry for 3 more minutes.
  4. Remove the pulp from the cooled pumpkin into a large saucepan, transfer the contents of the pan and pour the broth.
  5. Puree the vegetables with an immersion blender until smooth.
  6. Bring the finished mass to a boil and check the taste of salt and pepper.

One serving of puree soup contains 150 calories, 7.5 g of protein, 16 g of carbohydrates, 6 g of fat.


Adding hot peppers to your diet soup recipe for weight loss will help boost your metabolism. Spicy taste can be strengthened apple cider vinegar, it will keep blood sugar at a stable level after eating. In addition, provide the body with fiber from cabbage and protein from chicken.

For 4 servings of soup you need:

  • cut 1 carrot;
  • chop 1 onion;
  • chop half a head of medium-sized cabbage;
  • finely chop 1-2 hot red peppers, you can add seeds for spiciness;
  • cut into pieces 2-3 tomatoes;
  • minced 2 cups cooked chicken breast (boiled or grilled)
  • 4 cups water or broth (you can dilute the bouillon cube);
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 3 art. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • pepper and salt.


  1. In a deep saucepan, fry the onion, carrot, cabbage and hot pepper for 5-7 minutes in olive oil.
  2. Add tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt, black pepper and chicken breasts.
  3. Pour in the broth and mix well.
  4. Simmer the soup over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

INone serving of soup contains 270 calories, 32 g of carbohydrates, 15 g of protein, 8 g of fiber, 9 g of fat.

Japanese diet soup


  • water - 1.5 l.
  • any marine lean fish(pollock is suitable) - 1 pc.
  • rice - 1/3 tbsp.
  • sea ​​kale - about 150 gr. fresh or 1 can canned;
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • Japanese Toko soy sauce - 2-3 tablespoons; (or any of your favorite sauces)
  • spices.


  1. Finely chop the onion and marinate in soy sauce(preferably Japanese Toko) with spices.
  2. Boil rice until half cooked, add fish fillet, cook until cooked rice and fish.
  3. Add chopped seaweed (you can use "Seaweed salad, but be sure to drain the liquid from it and squeeze) and then pickled onions (do not add the marinade itself).
  4. Whisk the egg and pour into the soup in a thin stream.
  5. Remove from the stove immediately, the onion should be crunchy! Soup can be eaten both cold and hot. Read more:


  • 1 can canned beans
  • 250 gr marinated champignons
  • 100 gr pickled cucumbers
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic spices and seasonings (oregano, mushroom bouillon cube, pepper)


  1. Finely chop the onion and carefully place it in a preheated pan, but do not add oil.
  2. We quickly settle it for 2-3 minutes, while we ourselves are engaged in slicing cucumbers and mushrooms.
  3. We spread them to the onion and close the pan with a lid.
  4. After 10, we throw beans to the vegetables along with the sauce with which it was in a jar and again move away from the stove for 15 minutes, make the fire weaker. Meanwhile, put a pot of water on the fire.
  5. When the water boils, pour the contents of the pan into the pan.
  6. Add seasonings and spices to the soup.
  7. After 20 minutes, the fragrant and at the same time dietary soup is ready.

Diet soups - best friends all those who diligently keep themselves within the limits healthy diet. They are moderately high-calorie, nutritious and extremely useful. Let's discuss recipes for making diet soups.

magic stem

The recipe for diet celery soup for weight loss is approved by nutritionists around the world. To prepare it, chop 500 g of white cabbage, finely chop 400 g of celery stalks, 2 sweet peppers and 3 tomatoes. Posting this vegetable mix in a saucepan with 3 liters of boiling water. For more rich taste You can use vegetable or chicken broth. Bring the soup to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes, at the end add a pinch of salt and pepper. In some versions, the dietary soup recipe is supplemented with carrots, green peas and fresh herbs - it only benefits from this.

vegetable double

with zucchini and potatoes is well balanced in composition, because it contains both carbohydrates and fiber. We grate the carrots and onions and make frying out of them. big zucchini and cut 2 potatoes into cubes, pour into a saucepan, pour a glass hot water and start cooking. When the potatoes soften, add carrots and onions, boil for 2 minutes, salt and pepper to taste. We give ready soup cool slightly and beat it with a blender into a homogeneous mass. This simple diet soup for weight loss can be given to children. Just pour half a glass into it first. warm milk and wait a little.

Sun for lunch

Pumpkin is a seasonal vegetable. And now it is richer in valuable elements than ever before. Therefore, the recipe for dietary pumpkin puree soup is doubly useful. Fry 6-8 chopped garlic cloves in a saucepan. Add 3-4 chopped celery stalks, onion and ½ fennel root. Cut into cubes 2 kg of pumpkin pulp, remove the skin from large tomato and also cut it into cubes. We send the pumpkin with tomato to the pan, add a glass of water, simmer the vegetable mixture until tender and puree with a blender. Decorate a plate of soup with fried pumpkin seeds and basil. By the way, with pancreatitis, diet soups with pumpkin are one of the best dishes.

Cheese and cabbage languor

Diet cauliflower soup tasty way please yourself to those who tirelessly lose weight. We disassemble 500 g of cauliflower into inflorescences and boil them in salted water for 6-8 minutes. Then beat the cabbage with a blender, add 250 ml of chicken broth, 120 g of grated cheddar cheese, salt and spices to taste. Instead of cheddar, you can take processed cheese. Put the soup on low heat and stir to melt the cheese. Pour in 100 ml of warm skimmed milk and bring the soup to a boil. Dietary calorie cheese soup- only 120-140 kcal, so it is quite possible to serve it rye croutons or dried bread.

fairy bird

You can successfully lose weight meat soups. With chicken meatballs will quickly convince you. Pass through a meat grinder 300 g chicken fillet with 2 heads of garlic, peeled. Add 2 eggs to the minced meat, salt to taste and sculpt miniature meatballs. We spread them in a saucepan with 2 liters of salted water and bay leaf, cook with finely chopped potatoes for 20 minutes over medium heat. Lightly fry the chopped onion and medium-cut carrots in oil. We put vegetables with herbs in the soup, season with salt and spices, cook for 15 minutes. Doctors recommend this diet soup recipe for ulcers and for the prevention of the disease.

Autumn in a bowl

Do you want to cook a delicious diet meat-free soup? Lentils, rich in vegetable protein, can easily replace it. Soak 300 g of lentils in water, then boil until half cooked. Cut into cubes of 150 g of red onion and celery, bell pepper and carrots cut into strips. Saute the vegetables in a saucepan with olive oil to soften them. Then we flavor them with 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste and simmer for a couple of minutes. We spread the lentils to the vegetables, pour it with 2 liters of broth and cook until tender. If you wish, you can supplement the recipe for dietary lentil soup for weight loss with dry herbs - its taste will sparkle with new notes.

mushroom velvet

Despite the fact that mushrooms are a heavy product, diet cream soup from champignons also has the right to exist. Cut 2 medium onions into cubes and fry them in olive oil until golden color. We wash 400 g fresh champignons, cut them thin plates and send to the bow. When the mushrooms are browned, pour in a glass boiled water, salt and pepper to taste. Now beat the ingredients into a creamy mass, pour in a glass of warmed cream and bring the soup to a boil. Decorate with fresh herbs before serving. Complement the soup with crunchy croutons, and even those who do not count calories will not refuse it.

As you can see, you can keep yourself in shape and at the same time not give up your favorite products without any effort. Do you know how to cook diet soup? Share proven recipes that allow you to combine tasty with healthy.

Diet food helps a person stay healthy for a long time. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed that diet meals helped to improve the condition of the sick person. Right diet food- one of the components of treatment. At the moment without diet food no system of weight loss is spared. But most popular dish dietary soups are considered.

Exists great amount easy soup recipes These recipes use various vegetables. The combination of several products makes its taste interesting and unforgettable. Vegetables are the main ingredient in these recipes.. They saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. If you constantly follow a diet, then after some time you can say goodbye to the hated extra pounds. If you decide to lose weight without harm to your health, recipes for diet soups will help you.

Diet soups - tasty and healthy

You can pick up the soup recipes that you like the most. They turn out very tasty. Your family will be happy with a fragrant and tasty hot dish.

Recipe number 1: diet vegetable soup

The soup prepared according to this recipe is tasty and very fragrant. And how beautiful all the vegetables look. The photo shows that even when cooking, they have not lost their colors.



  1. To begin with, according to the recipe, you should take a large saucepan, draw water and put on fire. While the water is boiling, let's prepare the vegetables.
  2. Defrost if necessary green beans And green pea. If possible, you can use fresh vegetables. In any case, this will not affect the taste of the diet food.
  3. Peel potatoes and wash thoroughly. Cut into small sticks.
  4. Wash the zucchini and, without removing the skin, also cut into sticks.
  5. cauliflower with the help of hands divide into inflorescences. These same simple steps do it with broccoli.
  6. According to the recipe, chop the onion very finely.
  7. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
  8. Put the potatoes, zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower into the pot.
  9. Mix the onion with celery and fry in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil for about 4-6 minutes. The mass should emit a delicious aroma.
  10. Then add more carrots to the mass and simmer again until half cooked.
  11. Add the prepared onion with celery and carrots to the water.
  12. Cut the tomato and bell pepper into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil. Simmer until the skin starts to peel off the tomato. Then add to water.
  13. At the very end, add green beans and green onion and boil all the ingredients together for another 20 minutes.
  14. At the end, salt the dietary soup, add chopped garlic and any greens.
  15. Delicious vegetable soup is ready. Bon appetit!

The soup is quite easy to prepare. The recipe is very simple and will appeal to any hostess.

Recipe #2: Spinach Puree Soup

For lovers of cream soup, there is special recipe diet soup. Its texture resembles mashed potatoes . The recipe is simple. At the end, the soup is very tasty.



  1. At the very beginning of the recipe, peel the onions along with the potatoes and wash well. Cut into small cubes.
  2. Celery also washed and cut into the same shape as onions and potatoes. All vegetables should be chopped equally.
  3. On Christmas Eve or regular frying pan sauté the onion in vegetable oil. Simmer until done.
  4. Then pour the mixture into water and bring to a boil.
  5. According to the recipe, potatoes and celery are added to the water at the same time. Salt everything and cook for 20 minutes. Taste vegetables from time to time, they should be ready. If the water evaporates feel free to add the right amount.
  6. At this stage of cooking vegetable soup, you need to add spinach and also cook until tender. When it is cooked, then its balls should disperse.
  7. Now you need to prepare crackers. Their recipe is very simple. Take White bread cut it into desired pieces and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes t. Check their readiness and, if necessary, turn over.
  8. Warm up the milk a little.
  9. When the vegetable soup is cooked, place a blender in a saucepan and beat all the vegetables. The mass should be uniform.
  10. Ready vegetable puree add milk and beat together again.
  11. Tasty soup ready to use.
  12. Pour the soup into a bowl and add the croutons.

Recipe #3: Lentil Vegetable Soup



  1. Cooking a delicious dietary soup begins with lentils. The right amount wash thoroughly and drain. Repeat until you get rid of all impurities. Pour the lentil grains at the end with cold water and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Next, according to the recipe, you need to peel the onions and carrots. Then wash them and cut into cubes, but not too small. The taste of carrots should be well felt in vegetable soup.
  3. Chop the onion very finely.
  4. Potatoes for vegetable soup are also peeled, washed and cut into cubes or cubes. But the potato pieces should be more pieces carrots. No need to cut too big. All vegetables will be sent into the water at the same time. So everything has to come together.
  5. Take a pot with a good thick bottom and heat the specified amount of oil. Then add the onion according to the recipe. Make sure it roasts well. When the color turns ruddy, it's ready.
  6. As soon as the onion begins to emit a characteristic aroma, add carrots. Fry the carrots for a few minutes until they begin to absorb the oil.
  7. We send potatoes and peppers to onions and carrots. It is not necessary to take the amount indicated in the recipe. The taste of vegetable soup depends on your preference. We fry the potatoes.
  8. Now it's time to add the bell pepper. This stage of the recipe has some nuances. If you are using fresh, then you need to fry it with carrots, if the Bulgarian pepper is frozen - add when all the vegetables are already fried.
  9. Fill with fried tomato sauce. You can take any of your choice.
  10. Then pour all the vegetables with water and bring the soup to a boil. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
  11. It's time to add lentils to your diet soup. While stirring thoroughly. Thus, the grains will not stick to the pan.
  12. After a few minutes, the lentils should be soft. After that, salt the soup to taste and cook so that all the vegetables are soft.
  13. Now the light soup can be seasoned with garlic. Remove the saucepan from the heat.
  14. In the diet lentil soup add greens and sour cream if desired.
  15. Soup can be eaten with bread. Bon appetit!

Diet soup will appeal to even the most fastidious gourmet. Light in texture, it improves digestion and general state organism. A huge number of recipes allows you to choose any. Unusual combinations vegetables create unique taste dishes. Try these soup recipes and you won't regret it.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that daily diet man must have soup. Modern nutritionists share this opinion, because first courses improve the functioning of the stomach and perfectly saturate. It is for this reason that very often you can now see dietary soups for weight loss on the menu. Recipes are varied, sometimes even unusual. Such first courses are low-calorie, while very healthy. Soon you will be able to become slim and fit, as you always dreamed of.

Benefits of the soup diet

  • First courses contain minimal amount calories. They are perfectly absorbed by the body, there is no heaviness in the stomach.
  • Ingredients that are used during cooking do not lose their useful properties. This means we get everything minerals and vitamins that have a positive effect on health.
  • You can cook diet soups not only in a saucepan, but also in a slow cooker or in an oven in a pot.
  • It is very easy to prepare a healthy fat burning soup. Its recipe is based on those products that can be found at any time of the year. In extreme cases, vegetables are purchased frozen.
  • Vegetable soup in its composition contains a large amount of fiber. The feeling of satiety not only comes quickly, but also remains for several hours. There will simply be no desire to make a snack.
  • Daily consumption of fat-burning soup will replenish the body's fluid deficiency. As a result, it will leave excess weight and even cellulite.

How to use diet soup correctly?

The soup diet is very effective. If you choose to include daily diet the first dish that is prepared according to all the recommendations from nutritionists, then it will be right decision. Those who want to lose weight in a short period of time need to know a few simple rules which must be adhered to:

  • Eliminate grains from your diet completely.
  • If you make yourself a fasting day on a low-calorie soup, then you need to use it only fresh. Therefore, cook in the morning a pot of such a volume that you can handle it. Remember that overeating is also not recommended.

Diet "Mayo"

The main focus of the Mayo diet is daily use fat burning soup. The dish is vegetarian and very easy to prepare.


  • onions (2 pieces);
  • cabbage (small head);
  • celery (a couple of branches);
  • sweet pepper (1 piece);
  • tomatoes (2-3 large);
  • you can add spinach, zucchini, carrots to taste.

This amount is for a 4 liter pot. There are about 310 calories in the soup, and not in one serving, but in the whole dish. It turns out if you only eat during the day this dish, then the next day, standing on the scales, you will find that it took 2 kilograms. Only 310 calories, and the feeling of hunger will not be felt.

Fat-burning soup (Mayo diet): contraindications

This soup should not be consumed by people with the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • inflection of the gallbladder, liver disease;
  • ulcerative colitis and other intestinal disorders.

dietary cabbage soup

You can use the soup in any amount, but at least three times a day. You can even do a fasting day on it.

Soup with sorrel

Sorrel soup very light, yet rich in vitamins. For the fair sex who want to improve their figure a little, this is great option. Prepares simply and quickly.


  • sorrel;
  • spinach;
  • celery root;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini.

Step by step preparation:

  • We prepare the pan, pour about 1.5 liters of filtered water into it, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil.
  • Add finely chopped zucchini and celery to boiling water.
  • We pass the onion and carrot in oil, then we also throw it into the broth.
  • When the vegetables are almost ready, you can already put sorrel leaves, spinach.

Of course, when the soup is already ready, salting it is not recommended, but you can add a little seasoning for taste. A little pepper is also allowed. Sorrel soup is very healthy, one serving contains no more than 20 kcal. Those extra pounds will start to go away the very next day.

Soup with celery

Celery soup belongs to the group of the lowest-calorie first courses. It contributes not only to the breakdown of fats, but also improves the general condition of the body, removes excess fluid and improves complexion. You can use celery soup as much as you like. Probably one of the few dietary products which has no contraindications. If you eat this first course for a week, it takes about 5-8 kilograms. This will depend on how much excess weight you have.


  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • celery root;
  • onion;
  • parsley;
  • bell pepper;
  • tomato paste.

Celery soup is cooked for no more than an hour. We cut the cabbage, carrots, peppers and celery root, pour it with water and put it on a strong fire. We wait until the soup boils and turn off the gas. At this time, fry finely chopped onion in olive oil, add tomato paste, then transfer the dressing to the pan. After boiling, cook the soup until the vegetables are ready, add the parsley leaves.

If the resulting soup seems completely bland to you, you can put a small amount of salt. Although without it, the taste is very rich.

Onion soup

Every girl dreams of losing weight, but at the same time not overloading her body with workouts in the gym and not suffering from hunger. It turns out that this is quite real. You just need to switch to diet soups for weight loss. Onion based recipes give excellent result. The diet continues for a week. The main dish to be consumed is onion soup.

How to cook:

  • We take a celery root, 6 large onions, a small head of cabbage and tomatoes.
  • We chop everything finely (you can cut it), put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and set to boil.
  • After boiling, reduce the gas and cook until the vegetables are ready.

Is onion soup really effective? The reviews that girls leave after a diet on it are very impressive. Depending on the amount of your excess weight, it takes from 5 to 9 kilograms per week. At the same time, you will always feel full. You can eat soup as much as you like because its calorie content is very low.

Vegetable soups can be different

A simple vegetable soup is a real treasure for the fair sex, who have set themselves the task of losing weight. It is hearty and healthy, it cooks very quickly. The main advantage is that you can customize the ingredients to your liking. The main rule is not to put potatoes. View all diet soups for weight loss. The recipes are very diverse, you are sure to find something that will suit your taste.

Simple Recipe:

We take some onions, carrots, green peas (fresh or canned), cabbage (small head), celery. Grind everything well and cook until the vegetables are ready. It turns out simple summer soup, which is also low in calories, and you can safely eat it as much as you want.

You can play with the composition, add zucchini or leeks to make the soup more aromatic and tastier. Squeeze some lemon juice instead of salt.

On vegetable soups you can arrange fasting days Or eat only them for a week. At the same time, you do not starve at all, give the body the necessary energy and vitamins. And the best part is that you lose weight. low calorie soups on vegetables have no contraindications. On the contrary, it is very useful for the stomach, kidneys and intestines.

Low calorie starters

There are a huge number of recipes for first courses that can help get rid of excess weight for both women and men. Here are some of them:

  • Pumpkin soup. You will need a pumpkin, some carrots and onions. We grind everything and throw it into boiling water. Cook until the vegetables are ready. To make the taste more intense, you can add fresh parsley or dill. This is a great fat burning soup. The recipe, as you can see, is very simple and the dish is prepared very quickly.
  • Tomato soup. We take ripe tomatoes and pour boiling water over them well so that the skin comes off. Simmer a little in olive oil and throw into a pot of boiling water. Add bell pepper and garlic to taste. Cook for a few more minutes and turn off. This is very hearty soup, but at the same time non-caloric.
  • Broccoli soup. We take broccoli, carefully separate them into inflorescences, cut carrots and peppers. We put all the ingredients in boiling water, cook for about 15 minutes, no more. This is necessary so that broccoli does not lose its beneficial properties.
  • Meat soup. You can lose weight not only on vegetarian soups, but also on meat broths. The main thing is not to forget the basic rule: cook without adding potatoes. Take chicken breast and boil the broth on it, add carrots, onions there. Salt and pepper to your taste.

Diet soups for weight loss, the recipes of which were presented above, have no contraindications. The only exceptions are some vegetables for stomach ulcers. But they can always find a replacement. It is for this reason that the soup diet is perfect way losing weight is absolutely for everyone.

The duration of the soup diet

Before switching to soup diet Many people have a question, how long can you stick to such a diet. The answer is simple - until you reach the desired weight. A diet based on low-calorie soups is safe, and there are reasons for this:

  • You can eat low-calorie soups in any quantities. If you want to have a snack - eat a bowl of soup. Stomach growling before bed? Have another bowl of soup. Even if you cook a 6-liter pot, you can be sure that the calories in it are much less than the daily allowance.
  • If you have an allergy to any of the vegetables from the recipe, then you should not worry. You can choose a different vegetable or just a different soup. There are practically no calories in the soup, so you can definitely find optimal recipe for myself.

A low-calorie soup diet can continue for as long as you like. Make it a rule that your main course is soup. And you can diversify your diet a little with fruits or lean meat. Eliminate fried food, use as little salt as possible and you will be surprised by the result and the speed with which you get it.

Sample menu for weight loss for a week

If you have clearly decided that you want to lose weight, but you can’t decide on a diet, then look at the presented menu for a week. It should be noted that this is only an approximate selection of products. If you wish, you can change something. All meals and products are consumed throughout the day. There are no rules for hourly eating.

Sample menu:

  • First day. Diet soup (unlimited). You can eat all kinds of fruits with the exception of bananas. They are not only high in calories, they also awaken the appetite.
  • Second day. Unlimited soup. Eat a few lettuce leaves throughout the day for a change, one baked potato is allowed. But without the addition of oil and salt.
  • The third day. In addition to soup, you can eat fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Remember - except for bananas and potatoes.
  • Fourth day. Diet Soup. Of course, it is quite possible that by this time you will already miss the meat. Boil yourself small piece lean beef. But you need to eat it not at once, but divide the entire amount for the whole day, so as not to immediately fill your stomach.
  • Fifth day. Let it be not only soup, but also vegetable. You can eat cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce leaves indefinitely. If desired, make a salad without salt, seasoned with olive oil.
  • Sixth day. Soup - as much as you like. Tired of fruits and vegetables? Get yourself some brown rice. It is also very filling and low in calories. It won't hurt the figure.
  • Seventh day. Soup. We fix the result with cucumbers and tomatoes, on the last day it is especially important not to overeat.

Here comes the end of the week. You can safely stand on the scales and rejoice a little. Represented sample menu, in which the main dish is soup, gives an excellent result. The minimum that you will see on the scales is minus 4 kilograms. Just one week is pretty good. Do not forget that you did not starve, but ate, you just did it in a balanced and correct way.

Summing up

Now you know not only how to cook soup for weight loss, but also how to use it correctly, with what foods to combine. As you can see, it is not at all necessary to spend time in the gym, to overstrain your body. Proper nutrition on the basis of first courses creates real miracles. Just pull yourself together and set a goal: you need to lose weight. There are so many recipes for dietary soups that it is simply impossible to list them all. But among them there is sure to be one that suits you. Choose a soup that is not just for you to lose weight, but also a pleasant dish to taste. Believe me, then get rid of extra pounds it will be much easier.
