
Broth with noodles calories. Chicken soup with vermicelli or noodles, calorie soup

Most nutritionists recommend eating light soups that will help the digestive system and intestines to function properly. One of these is, the calorie content of which is insignificant, and therefore you can not be afraid that it will somehow affect the figure.

What is the benefit of soup?

Due to the beneficial properties and rapid absorption of all ingredients, chicken broth soup is recommended for all people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors also prescribe it to restore the body of patients during the period of illness and after surgery. At the same time, there are few calories in chicken soup, which means that you can use it quite often and without fear of getting better.

It is possible to make soup using different parts of the chicken, but it is most often made from the breast. This option is really dietary. Chicken soup with noodles from legs or other parts of the body has a slightly higher calorie content. At the same time, if you want to reduce the fat content in the first dish, then you need to strain it. You can remove fat in another way - remove the top layer from the broth.

How many calories are in chicken soup?

Calories in chicken vermicelli soup can range from 40 to 84 kcal per hundred grams of product. It depends on what ingredients are still added during the cooking process. So, for example, the use of meat, noodles, greens will give you a content of up to 40 kcal, and if you add a little more mushrooms and potatoes, then the figure will become even higher. In this case, its nutritional value will look like this: about 6 g of proteins, 5 g of fats, and about 7.5-8 g of carbohydrates.

Chicken noodle soup, the calorie content of which can vary not only from the composition, but also from the type of meat, can be quite fatty. It depends on whether you removed the skin from the meat or not. It's in the skin contains the largest amount of cholesterol, and therefore it is advisable to remove it before cooking.

How to cook broth?

To make chicken vermicelli soup that is low in calories but high in nutrients, you need the following:

  1. Pour the brisket with plenty of water and bring to a boil.
  2. After the appearance of noise, drain the water and refill with clean water.
  3. Boil the brisket until it is completely cooked. If desired, you can strain the broth, and then add some potatoes (or better without it), vegetables and noodles to it.

First courses are essentially soups. They may have an authentic name, for example: cabbage soup, borsch or lagman, but this does not stop being a soup. The basis of most of these dishes is the broth. The only exceptions are vegetarian stews cooked on vegetable broth. And of all the types of meat that can be used for broth, chicken is the most popular - it is much cheaper than all other representatives of the animal world, and is very affordable in terms of price, and does not have a specific smell (like fish), and is also famous as a dietary (read - low-calorie) component of any soup. But is it?

Myths and misconceptions

The fact that this poultry is ideal for those who want to lose weight is complete nonsense. Chicken meat is considered dietary in the sense that it is most easily absorbed by the body, even when it is weakened by blood loss or a long-term serious illness. That is, a person does not spend forces, which he already does not have enough, to digest “difficult” food and receives enough food to replenish vital energy.

Which part of the chicken is more dietary?

Meanwhile, the chicken itself is a very nutritious bird. So if your goal is to lose weight or keep what you have achieved, keep in mind that the calorie content of chicken soup is highly dependent on which part of the carcass you took for the broth. If you are going to use soup to maintain your strength, you should take a closer look at the choice of meat for it.

Most often, the broth is boiled on the legs. For some, nostalgia affects this - in Soviet times, the chicken had only two of them, limbs were not supplied separately, and everyone wanted to eat just this part of the bird. Other people are price oriented, but thighs and drumsticks are cheaper. Still others believe that the whole chicken is dietary. As a result, chicken increases significantly and is unlikely to suit those who follow the figure and weight, because dietary broth must be cooked from bird's breast. In the most extreme case, you can cook a whole young chicken, but do not use the lower limbs of this bird.

Calorie content and benefits

It should be noted that nutritionists, who are not concerned about losing weight, but about restoring a breakdown in patients, also prefer this particular part of the carcass. And although they are of little interest in the calorie content of chicken soup, they insist on their choice, since the breasts do not contain cholesterol, but they contain a lot of phosphorus. The broth from them facilitates and accelerates the fusion of bones, helps with gastritis and ulcers, facilitates the treatment of influenza, and normalizes the functioning of the heart. At the same time, doctors admit that the calorie content of chicken breast soup is very low (depending on the preparation methods - only 15-20 kcal per 100 g, if there are no heavy components). This becomes very relevant in the treatment of the same heart diseases complicated by overweight.

Do not forget that the same nutritionists do not recommend “sitting” only on “breast” chicken broth or soups with it. Even a non-allergic person runs the risk of earning breast intolerance and experiencing all the discomfort associated with allergy manifestations - from ugly rashes to Quincke's edema.

What is calorie content

First of all - from the meat base. The quality of the purchased bird, its origin and fattening will definitely affect what the final calorie content of soups will be. And it will turn out to be much lower if a factory-made carcass is put into the broth. Broilers give a not very rich base and rather tough meat. It is worth soaking them for two hours in cold water: if you took carcasses in a supermarket, the penicillin introduced to the birds for longer storage will go away. If you cook “village” chicken, you won’t need any additional gestures, but the soup will turn out to be much more satisfying and high-calorie.

Next come the nice additions to the broth. The very first number is, of course, everyone's favorite potato, without which the first one is not at all the same. But when it is added, the satiety and nutritional value of the dish increase significantly! So, the calorie content of chicken soup with potatoes (even if nothing else floats in the broth) grows to hundreds of calories. If you add only tomatoes, cabbage and, say, bell peppers, then, depending on the ratio of the components, calories will not increase so much: by 25-30 per 100 g. Mushrooms will raise this figure to almost 40 kcal, but still this figure will not seem so big, if you compare it with how much chicken will increase the calorie content. Everyone exceeds the nutritional value of the same potato five times. So eating a bowl of gossamer pasta soup is like sipping five bowls of broth with potatoes.

Rules for making low-calorie soup

  • Rule one - buy only the breast!
  • The second rule is that the foam that forms during boiling is necessarily removed, since it contains the maximum amount of unnecessary fats. Some extreme people even advise leaving the broth in the refrigerator for several hours. All fat at the same time is collected at the top and ruthlessly merges.
  • The third rule - in no case do not cook the calorie content of the latter is in no way suitable for dietary nutrition.
  • The fourth rule - the broth should be cooked slowly and leisurely, almost an hour. 30 minutes before “time X”, it is required to put onion and carrot, peeled, but not chopped or fried, for aroma and awakening of appetite. From this follows the fifth (and final) rule: do not fry any vegetables before adding them to the broth. They are saturated with oil and become very satisfying. And even more so, frying should be avoided if chicken soup with vermicelli is being prepared - the calorie content of such a dish is already high, so you should not aggravate the situation.

Ways to overcome the calorie content of the broth

How to "win" the overall nutritional value of the soup? Obviously: just don't put high-calorie ingredients in it. But there is still satiety of the broth, which is also possible to overcome. First of all, all fat is removed from any piece. No less important is the removal of the skin - it increases the calorie content of chicken soup. So the ideal choice of purchase would be chicken fillet. Removing the skin immediately reduces the calorie content by three times.

The right move would be to drain the first fat: the meat was cooked for a quarter of an hour - and the broth goes into the toilet. It's a pity, of course, but the next one will be more dietary.

If the broth has stood in the refrigerator overnight, do not forget to remove everything from it, even very small fats. Now your soup will be truly low-calorie!

Chicken vermicelli soup is a fairly popular and common first course. Everyone from young to old will become his fans, because the soup is not only very tasty and nutritious, but also rich in vitamins. In this article you will find several simple and delicious recipes cooking this dish, the calorie content of which does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken soup with vermicelli

Chicken soup with noodles, the calorie content of which will not create any special problems for your waist, will become a frequent guest on your table.

For cooking, you need the following products:

  1. 0.5 kg of chicken breast;
  2. 2 onion heads;
  3. vermicelli ("Spider web");
  4. 2 medium sized carrots;
  5. 3 potato tubers;
  6. some salt and pepper;
  7. greenery for decoration.

Chicken noodle soup is prepared on the basis of the broth, with the preparation of which we will begin. We wash the chicken, randomly cut and set to boil. For a richer taste and color of the broth, add one peeled carrot and onion each. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook the broth until the meat is ready. After the chicken and vegetables are pulled out, the broth is filtered, the meat is cut into cubes and returned back to the soup, and the vegetables are discarded. We again send the broth to the stove so that it boils.

Next, the soup with noodles and chicken is prepared like this. Peel the remaining carrots and onions, chop and sauté until light golden brown. And in order for the soup to be truly tender and light, it is better to cook the passivation in butter.

Peel and slice potatoes. We put potatoes in boiling chicken broth, the calorie content of which allows us to call it almost dietary. After 5-7 minutes of cooking, add the sautéed vegetables to the pan. And when the potatoes become soft, then it's the turn to send vermicelli or noodles to the soup. Season the dish to taste with pepper and salt, boil for a few more minutes and set aside. Pour the finished soup on plates, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs and treat the household.

Chicken noodle soup

If you have half an hour of time left and a great desire to feed your family with delicious and healthy food, then join us and cook a great soup with homemade noodles.

Required Ingredients:

  1. 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
  2. 2 carrots;
  3. 1 bell pepper;
  4. 2 beam heads;
  5. pepper and salt to taste;
  6. 1 bunch fresh herbs (dill or parsley).

Noodle Ingredients:

  1. 2 handfuls of white flour;
  2. 1 fresh egg;
  3. 2 tbsp water.

Before preparing chicken broth with homemade noodles, you need to make this same vermicelli or noodles. To do this, pour the sifted flour into a pea. In the center of the hill we make a hole where we break the egg and pour in warm water. Gradually kneading stiff dough so that it doesn't stick to your hands. Divide the dough ball into several equal parts. Roll out each part thinly, dusting the surface and rolling pin with flour. Cut the rolled out dough into narrow strips and lay out to dry.

While the noodles dry, cook chicken bouillon. Cook the chicken with one carrot and onion until tender. When the meat is cooked, put the peeled and chopped potatoes into the soup, and cook it until half cooked.

Preparing vegetable dressing soup with noodles. Three carrots, finely chop the onion, and cut the pepper into cubes. Fry prepared vegetables in a frying pan until golden brown. When the potatoes boil a little, season the soup with fried vegetables and let it boil for another 5-7 minutes. At the end of cooking, add the noodles, season the soup with salt and pepper and cook until tender. Ready soup can be sprinkled with herbs.

Pasta is often excluded from the diet as a high-calorie and harmful dish for the figure, and they do it completely undeservedly. Noodles made from wheat flour (especially from durum flour) are a valuable source of protein and complex carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements, and the calorie content of noodles is actually not that big.

How many calories are in noodles depends on the way they are cooked.. The calorie content of dry noodles is 320-340 kcal per 100 g, when cooked, it boils and increases in volume up to 2.5 times, so the calorie content in noodles becomes less. A serving of noodles (180 g) contains about 250 kcal. This is a hearty, nutritious dish that, when consumed in moderation, does not harm health at all. The calorie content of cooked noodles is influenced by sauces with which this dish is eaten, various additives, oil, etc. For example, the calorie content of boiled noodles is about 140 kcal per 100 g, and adding ketchup, mayonnaise, grated cheese and butter will increase the calorie content of noodles by a good 100 kcal.

Noodles contain B vitamins, which are of great importance for metabolism, are involved in cellular synthesis, the production of enzymes and hormones, and also improve the condition of hair and nails. These vitamins are very useful for the nervous system and the brain - they reduce fatigue and susceptibility to stress, increase efficiency, improve memory and attention, help with depression, fear, nervous fatigue and sleep disorders.

Choline regulates blood insulin levels; vitamins E and A slow down aging, prevent the formation of cancer cells and improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair; vitamin PP regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves blood circulation and helps fats and carbohydrates to be converted into energy; vitamin D improves immunity, promotes muscle tone, strengthens bones. Due to the calorie content of noodles, it is a good source of energy and satisfies hunger for a long time..

In addition to vitamins, the composition of noodles is rich in micro and macro elements - potassium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and others. They strengthen blood vessels and the heart, improve muscle function, have a beneficial effect on bones, increase brain activity, strengthen immunity and help the body repair damaged tissues.

Nevertheless, despite all the benefits, due to the rather high calorie content, noodles are contraindicated for obesity, and its use must also be reduced for constipation. In noodle dishes, replace fatty high-calorie sauces with natural additives - seafood, homemade sauces (cheese, cream, tomato, lecho). This will increase the usefulness of the dish and reduce the calorie content in it.

Rice noodles calories

Noodles are made not only from wheat flour. For this, buckwheat, rye and rice flour are used. Rice flour noodles are especially common in the countries of Southeast Asia, where this cereal grows. Rice noodles differ slightly from wheat noodles in composition and calorie content, it contains more complex carbohydrates and less fat, it also has a higher content of B vitamins and some trace elements (for example, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, etc.). It is especially useful for the elderly - the substances that make up this product help maintain health, vigor and clarity of mind. Rice noodles have a low sodium content, so they can be safely consumed by people with kidney and cardiovascular diseases.

The calorie content of dry rice noodles is 364 kcal per 100 g. When cooked, a serving of rice noodles contains about 190 kcal. It has a neutral taste; rice noodles are especially well combined with soy sauce, vegetables, meat and seafood.

noodle soup calories

Soup noodles - a liquid first course cooked in broth with meat, fried vegetables (carrots and onions) and noodles. Easy to prepare, this dish has a rich taste and strong aroma. The calorie content of noodle soup depends on the cooking technology - the amount of oil used, the type and fat content of meat and broth, the content of additional ingredients (such as boiled egg, green peas, potatoes, crackers, etc.).

This dish is low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals and is good for people of all ages. Noodle soup is especially useful during the recovery period after diseases, injuries, and operations.

The calorie content of noodle soup is from 20 to 70 kcal per 100 g. The lowest calorie content of a dish that does not use additional oil and does not contain potatoes.

calories in chicken noodles

Chicken noodles are slightly similar in preparation to noodle soup, but differ from it in composition (for example, the absence of potatoes) and density. This dish is prepared from homemade noodles. To make homemade noodles, you need to knead a stiff dough from flour, water and salt, roll it thinly and cut into strips. You can add 1 egg to the dough. The chicken is boiled in water and pulled out, noodles and chopped onions with carrots, as well as bay leaves and black pepper should be added to the broth. When the broth boils, the boneless and chopped chicken meat is added to the pan, the dish is simmered until the noodles are ready, removed and served with herbs.

The calorie content of chicken noodles can be from 150 to 180 kcal per 100 g. It depends on the density of the dish, fat content, the use of oil (some recipes recommend adding a spoonful of butter 5 minutes before the end of cooking to improve the taste). On average, the calorie content of chicken noodles is about 165 kcal per 100 g.

egg noodles calories

Egg noodles are made from flour, eggs or egg powder, salt. It tastes better than regular noodles, contains more nutrients and cooks faster. The calorie content of dry egg noodles ranges from 305 to 380 kcal per 100 g. It depends on how many eggs were used in the manufacture of the product, whole eggs or only proteins or only yolks were taken. Egg noodles on proteins are a low-calorie dietary product, but on yolks it turns out to be more high-calorie, but also more tasty, while egg noodles on yolks have a bright yellow saturated color.

When vegetable juice or puree (for example, from carrots, pumpkin or broccoli) is added to the dough, egg noodles turn out to be multi-colored - orange, golden yellow, green, etc. The calorie content of cooked egg noodles is 135-140 kcal per 100 g.

Buckwheat noodles calories

Buckwheat noodles (soba) are a traditional Japanese dish. It is prepared from water and buckwheat flour and absorbs all the beneficial properties of this cereal. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals and is considered the most useful among this group of pasta.

The calorie content of dry buckwheat noodles is 348 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of boiled buckwheat noodles is 125-130 kcal per 100 g.

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Chicken soup is one of the easiest to prepare first courses, it has a rich nutritional value, but rather low energy value. Therefore, it is so actively used in the nutrition of sick people, children, the elderly and those who monitor their weight. There are many variations of cooking a dish, so in order to find out the calorie content of chicken soup with potatoes, vermicelli or just vegetable, you need to take into account its composition.

Chemical composition of chicken soup

It is not in vain that this first dish is included in the diet of unhealthy people, whose body is weakened and needs a good portion of vitamins and microelements. Chicken meat is rich in B vitamins, which are necessary for the health of our cardiovascular system, contribute to the proper functioning of the central nervous system. There are many trace elements in the product: iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium. But especially chicken soup is rich in proteins, which contain many essential amino acids. A large part of the proteins from chicken meat ends up in the soup. The balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in chicken soup is optimal for dietary nutrition. There is a lot of protein, a little fat and carbohydrates.

BJU chicken soup

Proteins - 4g

Fats - 2 gr

Carbohydrates - 3 gr

However, this is true for a dish that did not involve potatoes, rice or pasta. The nutritional value of chicken soup with these products will be completely different. The calorie content of chicken soup directly depends on the recipe. We gave general data that are as close as possible to the light vegetable version of this dish.

chicken soup calories

How to calculate the calorie content of chicken soup? The nutritional value, as well as the calorie content of chicken soup, will change if you remove the skin from the chicken before cooking the broth. It is also of great importance from which part to cook chicken soup. The breast is the least fatty part of the bird, while the fattest parts are the back and wings. In general, the most fatty and high-calorie part of chicken is the skin, but if it is easy to remove the skin from the breast, then it is very difficult to remove the skin from the wings. They have little meat and a lot of fat. Therefore, if you cook soup with chicken from wings, the calorie content per 100 grams will be significantly higher than that of the first dish made from breast.

The calorie content of chicken broth soups depends not only on the energy value of the broth itself, which is about 15 kcal per 100 g of product, but also on additional ingredients. If these are low-calorie vegetables, then the soup will turn out to be light, if potatoes, pasta, mushrooms are added, the dish will no longer be so dietary.

Energy value of chicken soup varieties

Calorie soup with chicken breast is approximately 44 kcal.

Calorie soup with chicken and potatoes: 45 units.

Soup - noodles with chicken (chicken soup with noodles / vermicelli / pasta) has a higher calorie content per 100 grams - at least 54 units.

Pea chicken soup boasts a lower calorie content - only 34 units, but at the same time it contains quite a lot of carbohydrates.

Chicken vegetable soup: calorie content has only 27 units. This is one of the "lightest" options.

The energy value of chicken soup with rice is approximately 40 units.

When calculating the calorie content of chicken soup or chicken broth soup, do not forget that the data is given per 100 grams. A standard serving of soup is approximately 250 grams. To reduce the energy value of the dish, remove the skin from the chicken before cooking. Or, boil the soup on the second broth. In this case, put the chicken to boil, drain the broth after 15 minutes, and add new water. So chicken soup will be more healthy and less high-calorie.
