
Recipe for chicken cutlets. Recipes for minced chicken cutlets

Good morning everyone! Ekaterina is in touch with you. I haven't posted in a while meat dishes I'm correcting. 🙂 Today I will show you the most popular cutlet recipes, and not the most ordinary, but very unusual ones, made from minced chicken.

Two years ago, I didn’t even suspect about such sweets, I always made and ate traditional ones, from beef and pork. This type, like the classic ones, can also be frozen for good, and then quickly into a frying pan or into the oven. And voila chicken meatballs on the table!

This option is the easiest and most traditional, probably everyone cooks according to it without exception. Because it is very simple, absolutely no extra ingredients. These cutlets are served in our school cafeteria. Cutlets will be breaded, keep this in mind.

We will need:

  • Minced chicken - 1 kg;Chicken egg - 2 pcs.Onion - 2 pcs. Salt - to taste Pepper - to taste Flour - 2 tbsp. Breadcrumbs for breading - 200gVegetable oil - for frying

Cooking method:

1. Put the finished chicken mince into a clean cup, salt and stir, then pepper to taste. Beat in one or two eggs.

2. With your own hands, knead thoroughly, mix this consistency.

If the stuffing turned out to be liquid, do not be discouraged, add a little flour to it, about 4 tablespoons of flour and the problem will disappear by itself.

3. Prepare breadcrumbs for felting our meat lumps. I prefer to buy ready-made breadcrumbs, do you make your own? Once I even bought them with spices, it turned out very tasty.

4. With your hands, first form balls from the meat mixture, and then flatten them with your hands, make them round or oval shape. Roll in breadcrumbs and voila, they are already in the pan!

Important! Before frying, you need to heat the pan with vegetable oil well, then reduce the heat, and then fry.

Cover and fry for about 3 minutes, when you open the lid you can see a slightly golden edge, which means it's time to turn them over to the other side.

5. These handsome men turned out to be very juicy and fragrant from the most important tasty and dietary ingredient like a fragrant chicken.

Chicken cutlets in the oven, baked with cheese

This option is simply amazingly tasty, because potatoes and processed cheese are used in the composition. Potatoes give softness, and cheese gives tenderness and a creamy shade, as well as juiciness to such fragrant cutlets. And most importantly, this dish is baked directly in the oven, which means it is also healthy. Can you imagine how tempting it already sounds?

Try it, you will definitely like it!

We will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 kg Potatoes - 2 pcs. processed cheese- 2 packs of 80 g. Salt - to taste Ground pepper - to taste Chicken protein - 1-2 pcs. (for greasing cutlets) Spices - to your taste Dried herbs - to taste Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. (for greasing the pan) Breadcrumbs - if you like

Cooking method:

1. Chicken fillet needs to be chopped, beaten so that it turns into gruel, approximately like this, as shown in the figure. If you do not have much time, just twist the fillet pieces in a blender.

2. Grate melted cheese best on a fine grater. Then add to the chicken mixture. Purified fresh potatoes also quickly grate and add there too.

Important! Instead of potato chips, you can take zucchini, for example, in summer, when it's the season, with zucchini it will turn out even softer

3. Pepper, salt, add your favorite herbs and spices. I like to add ground coriander or curry.

4. Take a ceramic mold, I love such molds because nothing sticks to them and they are harmless to our health than non-stick ones. Lubricate it with a silicone brush or a regular, vegetable refined oil over the entire surface.

5. Form with your hands or with a tablespoon of our chicken dumplings 😆

6. Separate the whites from the yolks. You only need protein, it needs to be beaten a little with a whisk.

7. Brush the top of the cutlets with protein. Then coat them in breadcrumbs.

8. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 20 minutes on one side, and then turn them over, coat the other side again with whipped protein and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put in the oven and bake for another 15 minutes.

Such a beauty turned out, no doubt it will be impossible to break away from such yummy!

Cutlets in a multicooker for a couple, dietary

More and more often in my family I use a slow cooker, where without this assistant. Do you have this miracle?

The option in this multi-helper is quite interesting and unusual, it uses white loaf, or can be replaced with bread. In order to give aroma, greens are added to the composition. These cutlets can truly be called dietary, as they will be steamed.

It is quite possible to give such cutlets to nursing mothers or feed children. By removing pepper and greens from the composition, you can even feed completely babies, for example, a one-year-old child.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. Chicken breast, fillet should be taken chilled and cut into small pieces.

2. C onions you need to do the same.

3. Pour the loaf, fill its pieces with milk, and knead with your hands, and then express, squeeze the milk so that the loaf softens and becomes soft.

4. Chop the greens as finely as possible with a kitchen knife.

5. Pass the onion, fillet through a meat grinder.

6. Add chopped greens. Mix thoroughly. Salt and pepper.

7. Form these oval buns and place them on a special steamer bowl. Pour water into the bowl of the multicooker. Close the lid, select the "Steam" or "Steam" mode and cook for about 25 minutes.

8. Here is such a juicy simple and easy charm turned out! Bon appetit!

Step by step cooking cutlets in a pan with the addition of semolina

All products are calculated in such a way that you will need 1 kg homemade minced meat if you have less, then just reduce the correct amount of ingredients accordingly. Sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise, in order to give more juiciness, there is no garlic in the composition, but you can add it.

We will need:

  • Minced chicken - 1 kg Bulb onion - 2 pcs. Sour cream (mayonnaise) - 1 tbsp. Egg - 1 pc. Semolina - 7-8 tablespoons Salt and pepper to taste Vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method:

1. First, crumble with kitchen knife onion into small cubes. Next, add it to the minced meat, add salt.

2. Add semolina, beat in one testicle. And only after that put sour cream. It will be delicious even without sour cream. Stir.

Important! Semolina in cutlets is not felt at all, so add it without fear.

3. Here is such a mixture turned out! Leave it, covered with a lid, to stand for 20 minutes so that the semolina swells.

4. Heat the pan with butter at maximum heat, then reduce the heat, form cutlets of any shape and fry them first on one side until beautiful crust, then on the other.

5. Beautiful, ruddy, delicious, oh, yum!!!

6. Here are such soft "fluffies" turned out. It tastes just great. Try it and you cook according to this economical affordable option.

Cutlets with minced chicken and oatmeal

Have you ever tried oatmeal patties? I'm sure not, although you may have known about this species for a very long time, unfortunately I found out about it, only recently, I was visiting a friend's birthday there and tried this gourmet.

I was surprised that there are these cereals, and there is no loaf and bread, when I asked about the composition. I advise you to try and cook them at home, especially since you can take the minced chicken from the store. Simple, easy and fast option.

We will need:

  • minced chicken - 250 g; egg - 1 pc.; cereals fast food- 0.3 st.; milk (or water) - 0.3 tbsp.; onion - 1 pc.; garlic - 1 clove; paprika; black ground pepper; salt;

Cooking method:

1. Take a bowl and pour fresh cow's milk into it, pour oatmeal into it. Next, break one egg into this mixture. Mix well. Leave the resulting mass to stand for 30 minutes in a warm place.

Important! Do not neglect this step if oatmeal if it does not stand for a while, then the flakes will not swell and the cutlets will turn out to be not very pleasant in taste and not so airy.

2. Rub the onion and garlic on a grater or you can pass it through a blender, add to the minced meat. Next, pour in the cereal mixture. Salt, pepper, mix everything in a bowl. If you like paprika, you can add it. It will add spice and originality to the dish.

3. If the stuffing turned out to be liquid, add 2 tablespoons of flour to it.

Important! If you want to make cutlets on dry land, then just chop the onion and garlic, do not rub!

4. Spoon meat beauties into a hot pan with oil.

In this version, it is better to spread the mass with a tablespoon than to form it with your hands.

5. Fry such cutlets on low heat until you see a golden brown crust. It's as beautiful as in this photo. Look how fluffy and airy fried cutlets turned out! I hope you enjoy this sweet treat too! Bon appetit!

Chicken cutlets with cheese

We will need:

  • minced chicken - 600 g, onion - 1 pc., cheese - 150 g, chicken egg - 2 pcs., sour cream or mayonnaise - 2 tbsp, salt and pepper to taste, dill - to taste, semolina -2-3 st.l

Cooking method:

1. Grate the cheese, chop the onion into cubes. Add all the ingredients listed to the minced meat. Salt and pepper.

2. Add semolina and dill.

3. Form such meat lumps with your hands and with a spoon. Fry them in a pan in vegetable oil on both sides over medium heat. Initially, the pan should be very hot.

4. Gently turn the patties with a fork as soon as you see golden brown from below.

Interesting! You know that such cutlets are called "frogs". 😆

Therefore, let your frogs certainly please you with their taste!

Chicken breast cutlets

There is another option with the addition of cottage cheese, but do not think that the cottage cheese will be felt in them, it is used as secret ingredient, and if you don't tell about it, then no one will guess. Do you want to know why he is there? Then watch this video from YouTube with Irina Khlebnikova:

We will need:

  • Main Ingredients: chicken fillet - 500-600 g, onion - 1 pc., cottage cheese - 1 pack 200 g, sour cream - 1 tbsp, semolina - 2 tbsp, salt, pepper to taste, flour instead breadcrumbs
  • Vegetable pillow: onion - 1 head. carrots - 1 pc., Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the chicken fillet in water, cut into small pieces, peel the onion. Pass these two main ingredients through a meat grinder.

Important! With homemade minced meat, cutlets always turn out tastier. Because there is nothing in it except chicken and onions.

2. Next, add cottage cheese, sour cream, egg and salt and pepper. Add semolina too, it will not make your dish liquid. Leave the resulting mass to rest for 20 minutes so that the semolina swells. Instead of semolina, you can put 1-2 tablespoons of flour or starch.

3. In order to make a vegetable pillow, prepare in advance fresh grated carrots, chopped onion into pieces, and of course cut into plastics bell pepper.

4. From minced meat, form chicken cutlets, like this, approximately, you can make a round shape, there is no difference. Roll them in flour.

Important! If you want your cutlets to be crispy, roll them in semolina. Do not think that it is not tasty or semolina will creak on your teeth, it turns out very crunchy. I usually always roll in semolina. Try it, you won't regret it. 🙂

5. Fry in a hot pan with vegetable oil with a closed lid, until you see that a golden crust is visible from the bottom. Turn over to the other side and fry.

6. All vegetables for vegetable pillow put in the pan and fry until done. Don't forget to stir. Fry for 5-7 minutes.

8. Fill them up hot water to about half the middle of the vegetables, without touching the cutlets.

9. Simmer with the lid closed for about 20 minutes.

10. What a miracle happened! Serve with vegetables and mashed potatoes.

Chicken cutlets from zucchini

The time and season of zucchini has come, you can already meet them at grocery stores. Soon they will appear in the garden. So why don't we use them in this dish.

We will need:

  • chicken fillet - 300 g, zucchini - 1 pc. small, carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., favorite seasonings, salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. First, grate the carrots and zucchini peeled on a grater. Send the onion and chicken fillet cut into cubes into a blender and process. Mix all the ingredients together. Salt and pepper. Season it, it will be very fragrant. Mix well.

Important! You can add semolina 1-2 tablespoons so that the minced meat is not watery.

2. Now form, blind cutlets, roll them in flour or breading. Turn on the slow cooker to the "Frying" mode, pour vegetable oil on the bottom of the bowl and heat it.

Important! Set the temperature to 150 degrees so that the oil breaks faster, you can cover the bowl with a lid.

Put our beautiful lumps, flattened balls one by one on a hot surface 😛

3. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

4. These are the chicken cockerels! This name was given to them by our Russian people) Soft, juicy, fluffy and tender, and most importantly, melt in your mouth, will delight all your loved ones in the household. Zucchini will give a taste of tenderness. This original variant deserves your attention, and by the way, as a result, you can use such a dish for burgers.

Minced chicken cutlets with cabbage

An unusual option, without eggs, a loaf, bread and without milk, but with a super ingredient - cabbage, which diversifies these meat delicacies. Such cutlets are useful not only for adults, but also for children, bake them in the oven so that there is only good!

You can also fry, but of course there are a lot of carcinogens in fried ones, which are very harmful to absolutely everyone.

We will need:

  • chilled chicken breast - 600 g
  • cabbage - 500 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Grind chicken meat in a blender. Next, chop the cabbage into pieces and send it there too.

2. Then rub on coarse grater onion. Oh, onions can bring tears.

Important! If you do not want onion tears, put the onion in the refrigerator for an hour beforehand. And what method do you use, write comments to avoid this problem.

Salt, pepper to your taste. Mix everything by hand.

3. The next step is sculpting. How to make cutlets correctly? First you need to form a small ball from minced meat, and then flatten it with your palm.

Important! Moisten your hands with water every time. So they do not stick to your hands and get the right shape.

4. Cover the form special paper and put the chicken charm.

5. Bake at a temperature of 180-190 degrees, as you will see that the crust has become golden, pull out and turn over to the other side. Here is such a beauty and of course a meat delicacy will turn out! According to this recipe, cutlets keep their shape perfectly! Bon appetit!

The most common way to cook chicken cutlets without eggs

IN summer season it is useful to cook this kind, with the addition of pumpkin and greens. In the role of greens, take spinach. Why not? Pumpkin will give sweet taste, spinach juiciness. This option can be considered a vitamin-dietary one, because it is without eggs and without bread. Therefore, if you follow your figure, then use this step-by-step guide.

We will need:

  • minced chicken - 500 g, boiled pumpkin - a small piece, onion - 1 pc. spinach - 150 g, salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. The pumpkin will need to be boiled, or rather a piece, mashed with a potato masher to make a gruel. Grate one part of the onion on a coarse grater, and chop the other part finely with a knife. Take a bowl and mix all the ingredients. Salt and pepper.

2. Rinse the spinach very well with water, and then simply and lightly crumble it with your hands. You can cut it, but it will be faster with your hands. How nice and cool it looks. Such brightness of colors. Stir.

3. Make cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in a pan with hot vegetable oil with a closed lid until you see golden edges, then turn over to the other side and continue frying.

Important! Choose any form for cutlets, even round, even oblong. It won't affect the taste in any way. 😀

4. You can also bake in the oven. To do this, put a sheet of foil in the form, and meat treats on it. Bake at 180 degrees until done.

5. Choosing any method you will get very fragrant and crispy chicken cutlets that even small gourmets will appreciate) 😆 Serve them with any side dish, such as mashed potatoes or vegetables. Tasty stories!

Tips on how to cook the most delicious and juicy minced chicken cutlets?

That's all, bake, fry, stew with pleasure! See you soon!

P.S. You can stuff any kind of meatballs with mushrooms or finely chopped eggs, it will probably turn out, I would say already zrazy. It will also be interesting if you make nests.

You can add rice to them and form meatballs. How do you like this idea? What do you fill with?

In fact, there are a lot of options, there are ministerial meatballs, and even in French, in Kiev, in Jewish. You can't cover everything in one post. So wait and subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss something new and interesting.


Looking for a figure? Soon the guests will come and you need to set the table, and the time for chic dishes you do not have? Are you fasting or have stomach problems? Chicken cutlets - your solution! This article will talk about the intricacies of cooking, as well as a recipe for the perfect chicken cutlets.

Choosing minced meat

To make minced chicken cutlets tasty, juicy and tender, you need to choose the right meat. You can take minced meat, but in this case, fat will also be present in the composition, chicken skin, and not the fact that the meat will be the first freshness. There are some secrets to choosing minced chicken.

Properly selected spices are half the battle

We figured out how to choose minced meat, now we need to decide what spices we will add to our cutlets. Chicken cutlet recipes usually include only salt and pepper, but believe me, if you add a few spices, the cutlets will get new taste which will not leave anyone indifferent.

  1. A mixture of peppers. Panacea for everything chicken meat. If you like spicy, just add a mixture of several types of pepper, believe me, you will never regret your decision.
  2. Turmeric. Another spice that should be present in the default chicken dishes. Not only will the cutlets turn out golden, they will acquire unique aroma and thin refined taste.
  3. Rosemary or thyme. These herbs will give an unusual spice to cutlets, you can replace them with Provence herbs, and then the taste of cutlets will be slightly sweet and spicy. Do not be afraid to experiment, most importantly, do not overdo it with these seasonings, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.
  4. Salt. If you choose the right spices, you will be surprised, but salt is a completely optional component! The above seasonings and herbs are in perfect harmony with each other and do not require the addition of salt at all.

Chicken cutlets

Let's start with the recipe classic cutlets. These are pork and chicken cutlets, which are very satisfying, tender, juicy and quite high-calorie. If you follow the figure, then read the next paragraph, there is a diet recipe.


  • minced meat chicken breast- 440 grams;
  • minced pork (thighs or brisket) - 340 grams;
  • lard (if you cook minced meat yourself) - 85 grams;
  • medium-sized egg - 3 pcs.;
  • spices - turmeric, cumin, Provencal herbs, salt - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs - 150 grams;
  • vegetable oil - a few tablespoons.


  1. If you take meat and want to make minced meat yourself, you should cook it like this: the first piece is pork, the second is chicken, the third is lard. Dip them in turn into a meat grinder so that the minced meat is uniform and easier to mix. If you want to add onion and garlic, also mince or chop them finely.
  2. Add turmeric, cumin and Provence herbs to the prepared minced meat, salt, pepper, break the eggs and knead well. Take the minced meat in your hands and lightly toss it into a plate to get rid of air bubbles.
  3. Wet your hands cold water. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat well. Blind small cutlets of medium thickness, roll in breadcrumbs and fry for 5-7 minutes on each side.

A small life hack: to make the cutlets more juicy, put inside each small piece fat. It will melt during frying and will give the cutlets juiciness and an indescribable aroma.

Diet chicken cutlets

This recipe uses minced chicken. Such chicken cutlets are suitable for those who follow their figure and their health. The principle of preparation is similar to the above, but change the ingredients:

  • minced chicken breast - 740 grams;
  • spices - to taste (necessarily a mixture of peppers);
  • egg - 3 medium;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Do not use breadcrumbs, they add quite a lot of calories.

Minced chicken cutlets are one of the main dishes in my family's diet. Everyone loves them, especially children. That is why I collect and try different recipes.

Many housewives are already convinced of the simplicity of this dish. Indeed, in the evening after work, it will not take even half an hour to cook delicious and juicy cutlets with a side dish for dinner, provided that the minced meat is already defrosted.

But to make the cutlets tasty, you need to choose fresh meat (preferably breasts) of chicken. The meat should be soft, with a natural color and smell. To make the minced meat less greasy, it is worth removing the skin of the bird.

How to cook chicken cutlets in a pan without flour and bread so that they are juicy?

This is a classic recipe for minced meat cutlets, which even a novice cook can handle. In him minimal amount ingredients. But there is one secret, thanks to which they turn out to be very lush and airy. Which? Read on!

We will need:

  • minced chicken - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt pepper;
  • vegetable oil.


This is the secret of tenderness and airiness of our cutlets!

Recipe of chicken fillet with milk and a loaf

I really like this recipe. Cutlets are very juicy thanks to the milk and loaf in the composition, and fresh thanks to the greens. Their scent is just amazing. Great lunch or dinner for the whole family!

We will need:

  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • loaf - 4 slices;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • greenery;
  • salt, pepper, garlic to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Grind the chicken fillet in a meat grinder.
  2. Chop the onion.

If you do not like onions in cutlets, then grind it with a meat grinder or blender. So it will not be felt at all in the dish, but it will make it very juicy!

If the stuffing comes out too thick, then add a little milk or water to it.

How to fry minced meat patties with potatoes?

Adding vegetable toppings to cutlets is very, very popular. And not in vain! After all, in this way it turns out a complete and very hearty meal, after which you will not want to eat soon.

IN given recipes used raw potatoes, which you will not even feel in the finished dish. And you will get much more cutlets themselves than if you cook them only from minced meat.

We will need:

  • minced chicken - 1 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cream 10% - 0.5 cups;


Tender cutlets with boiled potatoes fried in a pan

You can add to minced meat not only raw potatoes, but also boiled ones. Another great way cooking this dish.

Potato, as in previous recipe, is not felt at all, so you don’t even have to tell what you added to the cutlets, because no one will guess.

We will need:

  • minced chicken - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


How to cook tasty minced chicken zrazy in gravy

These meatballs just can not fail! They are sure to come out very juicy, as they languish in gravy.

This excellent second course pairs perfectly with cereals, as the side dish can be poured with gravy and it will not be dry. In general, I definitely recommend cooking!

We will need:

  • minced chicken - 800 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste;
  • salt pepper;
  • vegetable oil.


How to make juicy chicken cutlets with zucchini

This dish is especially relevant in the summer. I love zucchini, they are tasty and inexpensive. I try to use them different dishes, whether or . And chicken cutlets are no exception!

If you, like me, are a fan of this vegetable, then feel free to fry zrazy with zucchini according to this recipe.

We will need:

  • chicken breast or minced meat;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


Minced meat will turn out liquid because of the zucchini, there is nothing to worry about!

Grechaniki in chicken breast gravy with buckwheat

Another great option cutlets are Greeks. This is a direct combination of a side dish and meat in one dish. They help you diversify. daily menu. And they will definitely not leave you indifferent, because they are prepared simply, and due to the gravy they turn out to be very juicy and satisfying.

We will need:


Video cooking lush cutlets with oatmeal and starch

Oatmeal swells during cooking and makes these chicken cutlets incredibly fluffy and airy. Great alternative to replace bread or flour in a dish.

We will need:

  • minced chicken - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • oatmeal - 0.5 cups;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • starch - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste.


The most delicious minced meat zrazy with cheese inside

One of my family's favorite recipes is cheese patties. It's very simple, but at the same time original dish. Children especially like it. When hot, the cheese spreads inside, which looks very appetizing.

We will need:

  • minced chicken - 1 kg;
  • loaf - 4 pieces;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • egg -1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices;
  • vegetable oil.


Cutlets with cottage cheese according to a simple recipe

This lovely dish for people who watch their diet. Cottage cheese is not felt in the composition, but makes the dish juicy and melts in the mouth.

We will need:

  • chicken fillet - 450 g;
  • cottage cheese - 60 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • protein - 2 pcs;
  • salt, spices.


course basis delicious meatballs is chicken meat, but do not forget about eggs, bread and onions. The taste of the dish also depends on their quality. Let's talk about a couple culinary secrets preparing the perfect minced meat:

  • Eggs in cutlets are a link, without which they will spread when frying, but you should not add too much, as eggs give rigidity ready meal.
  • Bread. IN classic recipe bread is used, or rather its crumb, white, dipped in milk. But you can also add crackers. There is an opinion that crackers absorb moisture and give juiciness to cutlets. But there are chefs who add starch, oatmeal, wheat flour. Here the choice is limitless!
  • Onion minced meat gives a piquancy of taste and, of course, juiciness. Onions can be finely chopped, or grated or smashed in a blender. Onions can also be added raw or lightly fried. From experience I can say that onions are essential in this dish. And despite the fact that many do not like it, in a frayed state, it is not at all felt in the finished dish.
  • Meatballs need to be prepared hot pan in hot oil, then they will fry quickly, forming a golden crust. Thus, our dish will remain juicy. Then you should bring them to readiness over low heat under the lid.

That's all, friends! See you soon and bon appetit!

Those housewives who are tired of sausages with sausages will need information on how to prepare chicken cutlets in advance, freeze, and, if necessary, simply fry in oil or bake in the oven. However, the most delicious dish is made from fresh minced meat just taken from the pan.

How to cook minced chicken cutlets

Meatballs, meatballs and quenelles are popular meat dishes for which you need to buy or make in advance correct stuffing. Such recipes can be safely attributed to the number of classic and easy to implement even inexperienced housewives. However, there is no need to rush to the meat grinder. Learn some first culinary subtleties to decide how to do successful preparation:

  • It is better not to buy an unknown semi-finished product. Who knows what an unscrupulous manufacturer added to the workpiece in addition to fresh meat. If you decide to buy ready-made minced meat, take it on the market from a trusted butcher.
  • Otherwise, stock up on good fresh chicken breast, legs, or thighs. Remove the skin and bones, then run the meat through a meat grinder. At the same time, you can add onions or herbs.
  • How to cook chicken cutlets is up to you, but experts recommend not to overdo it with minced meat scrolling. For meat products the meat must be passed through the meat grinder only once, with a medium-sized grate installed.
  • Cutlets can be prepared from any parts of the chicken, but if you want to add calories to the dish, add a little to the fillet pork tenderloin or ready Ground beef.
  • For dietary option meat snack you can mix fresh herbs or vegetables into the minced meat, for example, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes. Whatever your family loves will do.
  • Juicy and soft cutlets will be tastier if you add a little white bread, previously softened in milk.
  • Fragrances are a matter of taste. If you decide to season well minced meat, look for cumin, paprika, chili or coriander.
  • Try to make a filling, which is suitable for mushrooms, buckwheat, butter, bacon.

When culinary basics studied, read exact recipes. It is better to start with the basic ones, and then try to cook all or at least a few of the proposed options. Experiment with products by choosing new stuffing, seasoning or method of preparation. You can diversify cutlets with ordinary grated cheese mixed with chopped meat.

Recipes for minced chicken cutlets

There are many options for how to make chicken cutlets. Which one to choose depends on your preference. Some chefs like to add semolina to the meat mixture, while others make cutlets from pure meat. Experiment with what your family loves. Remember that some options involve the use of not minced meat, but fillet finely chopped with a knife.

From chicken breast

Any housewife in the culinary records will have one "same" recipe for delicious chicken cutlets, describing the procedure and the accuracy of their execution. The proportions can change depending on what result you want to get. Novice cooks are encouraged to start with the simplest classic dishes.


  • brisket - 500 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • yesterday's bread - 2-3 slices;
  • milk - ½ tbsp.;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. To make delicious chicken breast cutlets, you need to pass the fillet with onions and garlic through a meat grinder.
  2. Crusts are removed from slices of bread, and the crumb is soaked in warm milk for 10 minutes.
  3. Then the liquid is squeezed out, and the crumbs are added to the minced meat.
  4. received chicken mix it is necessary to salt a little, season with pepper and spices, then mix.
  5. Cutlets of the desired size are formed with wet hands and laid out on a heated frying pan. Previously, they can be rolled in flour or semolina.
  6. As soon as the bottom side is browned, the meatballs need to be turned over.
  7. Ready cutlets are laid out in a saucepan, where they are slightly steamed together with 20 ml boiled water under the lid.

In the oven

This step by step recipe suitable for gourmets who do not spare time for cooking hearty lunch. Gentle, incredible juicy meatballs getting ready long time in the oven, where they have time to soak in the aromas of all the spices. To implement your plan, you will not need any super-expensive ingredients, all products can be found in the refrigerator at any time of the year.


  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sour cream - ½ tbsp.;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Add chopped greens, onions, bell peppers, spices to the minced meat.
  2. Lightly dilute the sour cream with boiled water. Pour into meat mixture, mixing well.
  3. Season the minced meat with your favorite spices and form meatballs.
  4. Lay the blanks on parchment paper at a short distance from each other.
  5. Bake minced chicken cutlets in the oven at 200 ° C for 40 minutes. The finished dish is ideally combined with a creamy garlic sauce.

In a slow cooker

Using all the advantages of a multicooker, you can cook full lunch For big family without applying special efforts. Even minced chicken cutlets are very tasty in this miracle machine, tender and not too dry (as in the photo). If you want to do diet dish, refrain from using breadcrumbs.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • minced chicken - 600 g;
  • bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • breading.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the onion with a blender.
  2. Add the vegetable to the minced meat, salt and mix.
  3. Beat the egg into the mixture, mix again and form small patties.
  4. We roll the breaded blanks from all sides.
  5. Put the meatballs on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, add a little vegetable oil.
  6. Turn on the “Baking” mode, set the time on the timer for 10-15 minutes.
  7. After the beep, open the lid, turn the minced chicken cutlets in a slow cooker and fry on the other side.


We all know about the rules healthy eating but rarely follow them. How can you refuse juicy cutlets, soft meatballs or fragrant meatballs? You don’t need to limit yourself to such goodies, because most of these dishes are very easy to steam, especially when there is a double boiler at hand. This step-by-step recipe with photos will help you realize your plan.


  • chicken - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. To start from boiled potatoes let's make a puree. This will provide tenderness to the finished dish.
  2. Beat the egg with spices and gradually introduce into the potato mass.
  3. Let's skip the chicken fillet along with the onion through the middle attachment in the meat grinder. Salt.
  4. Combine the minced meat with mashed potatoes. Let's mix.
  5. We blind small neat blanks.
  6. Cooking steamed chicken cutlets in a double boiler for 20 minutes.


You can reduce the calorie content of the dish if you add some pureed vegetables to the minced meat: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant. This recipe is about making low-calorie cutlets with carrots. If desired, vegetables can be boiled in advance, but remember that this way you will lose a large dose of vitamins and nutrients. It is best to use a slow cooker or a double boiler for cooking.


  • chicken - 600 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • olive oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the chicken, remove from the fillet excess fat, skin and bones.
  2. Grind the meat with a blender into a puree.
  3. Treat the peeled carrots in the same way.
  4. Mix the vegetable and meat mixture, adding the egg, salt, spices to them.
  5. Form with your hands small blanks lubricated palms olive oil.
  6. Put the meatballs on the bottom of the double boiler, close the lid.
  7. cook diet cutlets from chicken breast over moderate heat 9 minutes.

With cheese

After the feast you have left small piece unused cheese? Try adding it to minced meat and make cutlets with a spicy stretchy filling that everyone in the household will definitely like. Serve ready-made cutlets with rice or pasta garnish, and for those who are on a diet, vegetable salad or sote.


  • minced meat - 600 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the cheese through fine grater, finely chop the greens.
  2. Remove from onion peel, cut the vegetable into small cubes.
  3. Mix all prepared ingredients with minced meat.
  4. Drive an egg into the same container, add a few grams of flour, add sour cream.
  5. Mix the minced meat well, flavoring it fragrant spices.
  6. Fry chicken cutlets with cheese in a saucepan for 2 minutes on each side.

With cottage cheese

For building muscle mass you need to eat a lot of protein. All sports fans know about this, but sometimes they get bored with all the classic protein meals. If you need to meet daily standards, try diversifying your menu with chicken and cottage cheese cutlets. Unusual combination components will amaze you with expressive taste.


  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • bulb - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Peeled chicken meat, along with onions and garlic, grind with a blender.
  2. Add flour, egg, cottage cheese to the mixture, fragrant herbs and knead.
  3. We form small blanks with our hands, which we roll in breading.
  4. We spread the chicken cutlet with cottage cheese in a pan, fry until golden brown.
  5. You can serve this dish with any side dish, and make the sauce from sour cream with herbs.

With zucchini

Any mother knows how difficult it is sometimes to get her child to eat something really healthy and vitamin. Cabbage, carrots, eggplants in children's taste preferences are usually absent. However, you won’t be full of sweets alone, and your teeth will deteriorate. Try to feed your naughty child meat cutlets with the addition of zucchini.


  • minced chicken - 600 g;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. With a vegetable cutter, remove thin upper layer. Cut vegetables into cubes and grind in a blender.
  2. We mix the grated squash mass with minced meat, semolina, egg, spices.
  3. If the stuffing is too liquid, add another 2-3 tablespoons of flour to the container.
  4. We form small cutlets with our hands, fry in a saucepan with olive oil.
  5. We transfer the finished meatballs to paper so that the excess fat stacks.
  6. Serve homemade tender meatballs from zucchini and minced chicken with any side dish.

without eggs

Eggs in chicken cutlets act as a thickener, but if it is not there, you can replace this product with wheat savory pastries. Bakery products it is better to take already lain down, yesterday's. They are pre-soaked in warm milk or cream, and then mixed with minced meat.


  • minced meat - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • loaf - 3 small slices.

Cooking method:

  1. We remove the crispy crust from the loaf, and soak the middle in warm milk.
  2. After 10 minutes, squeeze out excess liquid from the bread and combine it with minced meat, finely chopped onion and spices.
  3. We form small blanks, put them on a baking sheet, put them in the oven. Before putting cutlets on it, grease a sheet of parchment or foil sunflower oil.
  4. Minced chicken cutlets without eggs should be baked at 200 degrees for about half an hour.

with cabbage

In the summer season, when vegetables can be found in abundance on store shelves, it’s a sin not to seize the moment and cook cabbage zrazy from minced chicken. It turns out very unusual, tasty, juicy. The main thing is healthy dish, which does not require large financial costs. Can be served with creamy gravy with greens, any cereals, potatoes, vegetables or just eat with bread.


  • white cabbage - 500 g;
  • chicken - 0.5 kg;
  • bulb - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. miss raw leaves cabbage through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  2. mix minced cabbage with meat, add finely chopped onion to the mixture.
  3. Season the resulting mass with spices, salt and pepper.
  4. Make small blanks, roll in flour. If you want to get a crispy breading, grind oatmeal in a blender and roll minced chicken cutlets with cabbage in them.
  5. Fry in a saucepan, and then add a little water there and simmer under the lid.

With semolina

Some inexperienced cooks believe that semolina and chicken do not go well together, however experienced chefs refute this opinion. These two components make very juicy chicken cutlets that keep their shape perfectly, turn out lush and compact, delicate in taste, ruddy (as in the photo).


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • semolina - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. WITH chicken fillet remove the top film, remove, if necessary, bones or tendons.
  2. We skip the chicken through a meat grinder with a medium nozzle.
  3. Add to the resulting meat mixture, small cubes of onion, eggs, sour cream, garlic.
  4. Knead all the ingredients of the dish with a plastic spatula until smooth and leave for half an hour.
  5. We form minced meat into small blanks, roll in flour and fry in a saucepan.
  6. Pour the prepared meatballs from minced chicken and semolina with water and simmer under the lid for 5-7 minutes.

Check out other recipes.


Today we will cook delicious chicken cutlets. You will learn how to cook from chicken meat juicy cutlets. We will cook in a pan, in the oven, steamed at home. Simply, in an apartment, in.

Suitable for cooking recipes: chickens, broilers, turkeys. Due to the fact that poultry meat contains little connective tissue, unlike cutlets, they are tender and soft.

And these are not all the subtleties of ideal and gourmet dishes this topic - you will learn the rest of the secrets in the article itself.

Chicken cutlets with zucchini - tasty and juicy


  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Young zucchini - 2 pcs. (approx. 400 g)
  • Greens: green onion, dill, parsley
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - a few tablespoons


From the chicken fillet we will prepare minced meat in a meat grinder.

We rub the zucchini on a coarse grater directly with the skin, because it is young.

Grated zucchini with a little salt.

Mix the zucchini with salt and put in a colander so that the glass has excess excess liquid for 15 minutes. Then we wring them out with our hands and put them on the minced chicken. That's how much liquid we got from zucchini.

Add a fresh egg to the meat and zucchini.

Finely chop the green onion feathers and put in the cutlet mass.

And be sure to chop the greens finely and also send them to the prepared mass.

Salt, pepper and stir until smooth.

You can again mix the cutlet mass well with your hands.

For greater viscosity of minced meat, add 1 - 2 tablespoons of flour.

And mix everything again.

We heat the pan, pour vegetable oil and start frying the chicken cutlets.

We make small cutlets and lower them carefully into the pan. First, fry over moderate heat on one side.

Then turn over and fry on the other side.

In total, we got 14 small cutlets of minced chicken and zucchini.

And this is how they look in the context - juicy and appetizing!

Bon appetit!

Chicken breast cutlets - delicious and tender video recipe

Chicken cutlets with interesting fillings decorate any holiday table.

Minced chicken cutlets - dietary, without eggs, in the oven


  • 450 g minced meat (chicken + turkey)
  • 150 g onion
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal (60 g)
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons green cilantro (can be 1/2 teaspoon coriander)
  • 75 ml ice water
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • salt, pepper, oregano, basil, spices for poultry - to taste


We cut the onion into pieces, put it in the processor, pour a tablespoon of ice water.

Chop the onion and add to the minced chicken.

Grind fresh cilantro.

Squeeze two cloves of garlic and salt a little.

Pour the remaining ice water into the minced meat.

Add crushed oatmeal and half a teaspoon of chicken spice.

Add oregano and basil to taste. We mix everything well.

Now the minced meat needs to be beaten well for 1 - 2 minutes. Then close the cup with minced meat cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 25 - 30 minutes so that the oatmeal swells well. During this time, gluten is created, which is necessary for chicken cutlets to keep their shape well.

We cover the baking dish with foil and lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil.

We wet our hands in water and take a portion of minced meat with a special measuring spoon. We form a cutlet between the palms and put in a mold on the foil.

One cutlet is obtained with a weight of 70 g. We got 10 cutlets.

We send the cutlets to the oven for 20 - 25 minutes. You don't need to close the top.

When pressed on the cutlet, juice is released, which means they are juicy and tender.

  • 400 g skinless chicken meat
  • 100 g wheat bread
  • 130 g milk
  • 20 g butter
  • 50 g crackers
  • 100 g vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt pepper


  1. Remove the skin from all chicken meat and separate the meat from the bones.
  2. We pass the chicken meat 2 times through a meat grinder and combine it with stale white bread soaked in milk without a crust, salt and mix thoroughly.
  3. Then we again pass the entire cutlet mass through a meat grinder, add mashed butter and mix everything again.
  4. From cutlet mass we form chicken cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry in a preheated pan with vegetable oil.

Many housewives know how to cook delicious lunches, so include in the diet and these delicious recipes. Chicken cutlets will bring a worthy variety to homemade dinners and
