
Calorie content of pork and beef cutlets. Fried cutlets, in the oven and steamed: calories

Cutlets are a rather high-calorie dish and are rarely used in a healthy diet. However, this dish can be dietary and low-calorie. In order to enjoy the taste of cutlets and at the same time maintain a figure, it is advisable to choose lean meat of beef or lamb and not eat pork. Instead of frying, it is recommended to cook the dish in a double boiler, slow cooker or oven. You can add vegetables to meatballs or use them as a side dish.

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The composition of cutlets from different types of meat

In general, the ratio of BJU in cutlets is presented in the following proportions:

BJU in cutlets

Type of meat Composition, benefits and harms of individual elements

Beef contains a large amount of high-grade protein and iron in its composition, due to which the human body is saturated with oxygen, this has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the hematopoietic system.

Vitamin B12 helps to quickly and fully absorb iron. The considered type of meat contains a lot of collagen, which is one of the "building" materials for interarticular ligaments. A high level of zinc helps to improve the functioning of the human immune system and strengthen the defenses.

But beef meat contains cholesterol, which is the cause of the development of cardiovascular pathologies.


Pork contains a large amount of magnesium and zinc, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. A high level of lysine ensures the formation of bone tissue. Thanks to selenium and arachidonic acid, a person gets rid of depression, the cells of the body are renewed.

However, this type of meat, like beef, contains a lot of cholesterol and is characterized by a high level of histamine. It causes various allergic reactions and inflammatory processes of the skin.


Chicken meat has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes cholesterol levels, saturates the body with vitamins and microelements. Chicken helps reduce stomach acid levels


Lamb contains much more iron than other types of meat. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for those who suffer from anemia. In addition, meat contains a large amount of vitamins PP, B1, E, B2, B9, B5, B6. Lamb is rich in macronutrients such as calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus. Lamb's fluoride helps fight cavities and keep teeth healthy


Turkey meat protein is 95% digestible and contains little cholesterol. It contains a lot of potassium and polyunsaturated acids, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. The level of phosphorus is the same as in fish. Therefore, it is indicated for the prevention of joint problems. Zinc helps men eliminate problems in the genital area


The benefit of fish cake is that the fish contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are not found in other products. These substances reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. Fish with a low fat content contributes to the normalization of weight.

But there are frequent cases when salts of heavy metals and toxic substances are found in the tissues and organs of river and sea fish, which are contaminated with the water in which they live.


In order to correctly calculate the calories in cutlets, one must take into account what ingredients they are made from and the method of preparation. The table shows data on the number of kilocalories per 100 g based on the fact that 1 piece in finished form weighs about 60 grams.

Calorie fried meatballs

Cutlets fried in oil are considered the most high-calorie.

Type of cutlet

kcal per 100 g

Calorie per item



From pork and beef

Homemade minced beef

From beef liver

From turkey fillet

Meatballs with rice

Minced meat with zucchini

Chicken meatballs

Pork meatballs

Beef meatballs

Chicken Kiev

From chicken breast

From lamb

Breaded sauerkraut

from cauliflower


From oatmeal

Steamed meatballs calories

The calorie content of a steamed dish is significantly lower than that of fried cutlets.

Principles of preparing a dietary dish

Steamed food brings the greatest benefit to the digestive system and the human body. Products do not come into contact with the surface that is heated, they do not have a crispy crust. In addition, no oil is used for their preparation. All these factors are the key to the preparation of a real dietary dish.

To properly cook low-calorie steam cutlets, you need to listen to simple recommendations:

  1. 1. Pork, fatty lamb and beef should not be used. The meat cutlet should be prepared from chicken meat, lean veal and beef, rabbit, fish.
  2. 2. In order for cutlets to bring maximum benefits to the body and help maintain a figure, they can be cooked with the addition of vegetables and cereals.
  3. 3. For the heat treatment of such dishes, it is necessary to use double boilers, pans with grates (pressure cookers). Modern multicookers are equipped with the function of steaming food.
  4. 4. In the absence of special utensils, an ordinary pan is suitable, into which a small amount of water is poured. A sieve with products should be placed on top of the container, which must be covered with a lid on top.
  5. 5. As a side dish, you need to use vegetables in fresh, boiled or stewed form.

The method of preparing delicious diet cutlets is presented step by step in the recipes below.

Lean veal cutlets

The calorie content of this dish is 170 kilocalories per 100 g.

To prepare cutlets, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 350 g minced veal;
  • 150 g ground beef;
  • 100 g of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g of bread pulp;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, spices, herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Minced meat is thoroughly mixed, after which onions, garlic, eggs, bread pulp soaked in milk, finely chopped herbs and spices are added. Everything is mixed up again.
  2. 2. The baking sheet is covered with foil and greased with oil.
  3. 3. Cutlets are formed with wet hands and laid out on a baking sheet.
  4. 4. Baking time in the oven is 20-25 minutes. The cooking temperature of cutlets is 180 degrees.

Steamed chicken cutlets in a slow cooker

The calorie content of steamed chicken meatballs is 129 kcal per 100 g.


  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 10 g of garlic;
  • 1 egg;
  • 20 g sunflower oil;
  • 20 g of salad;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Using a meat grinder, chop meat, onion, garlic.
  2. 2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the minced meat, mix thoroughly.
  3. 3. Form cutlets and put them in the multicooker container.
  4. 4. For cooking, set the "Cooking" program for 20 minutes.
  5. 5. Before serving, put the cutlets on lettuce leaves.

Diet steamed turkey cutlets

Turkey is the most dietary meat. To add juiciness to cutlets, this recipe uses oatmeal, which successfully replaces a bun or crackers. The calorie content of a dish per 100 g is 95 kilocalories.


  • 600 g of turkey meat;
  • 100 g low-fat sour cream;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. 1. Dilute sour cream with 3 tablespoons of warm water, add hercules and let it swell for 20 minutes.
  2. 2. Grind turkey meat with onions using a meat grinder.
  3. 3. Add grated carrots to the minced meat.
  4. 4. Mix oatmeal with minced meat, salt and pepper.
  5. 5. Form cutlets and place in the multicooker bowl.
  6. 6. Cook the dish in the "Steam" mode. Cooking time is 20 minutes.

Proper preparation of cutlets will allow you to enjoy the taste of this dish even for those who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and watch their figure.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

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Love for meatballs arises in childhood and continues throughout life.

Pieces of tender, melting meat on the tongue give great pleasure. Happy people who do not need to constantly worry about maintaining weight can eat cutlets cooked in any way and from any meat.

Those who constantly monitor the calorie content of food need to know exactly: how many calories are in a cutlet of chicken, pork, beef, minced fish.

How many calories in chicken cutlet

There are several ways to prepare ready-made cutlets: frying, baking and steaming. If the meat is fried in oil, the calorie content of the dish increases by almost 30%. Not only very slender, but also very healthy people can afford unlimited fried cutlets. For those who suffer from high cholesterol, heart and vascular diseases, have problems with the stomach and pancreas, this dish will not work.

Steaming cutlets is the healthiest way, besides, it practically does not change the calorie content of raw minced meat. In turn, cutlets made from any meat or fish can also have different calorie content. It depends on what kind of meat was used (fatty or lean), what additional ingredients the hostess added to the minced meat.

Take, for example, valuable, tasty and low-calorie chicken meat. This is a real gift for people who are losing weight: it is dietary, that is, not at all fatty, easy to digest, and it turns out delicious in almost any form. But if you make cutlets from different parts of chicken meat, then their calorie content initially (that is, before cooking) will be different:

Meat cut from all parts of the carcass (together with the skin) will give 190 kcal;

Cutlet only from chicken breast without skin - 115 kcal.

How many calories in a cutlet will depend on the composition of the minced meat. If we add additional ingredients to the meat (white bread, semolina, onion, flour), then the calorie content will change. Moreover, sometimes it can be changed both upwards (for example, by adding high-calorie semolina) and downwards. In the latter case, minced meat can be diluted with low-calorie vegetables, such as onions and carrots, and water or milk can also be added.

The highest calorie content in meat fried in oil. To somehow reduce it, you can fry the cutlets over low heat, under a tightly closed lid, adding literally a teaspoon of oil to the pan. Of course, if the frying is normal, then the cutlet should sizzle deliciously on a generous portion of oil. Very tasty, but high in calories.

Steam cooking is the ideal solution for people who care about their health and weight. Formed cutlets will remain sent to a double boiler or slow cooker. No oil or flour is required for frying. Of course, a crispy crust will not work, but there will be no blow to the liver and blood vessels either.

So how many calories are in a chicken patty? Depending on the composition of minced meat and the method of preparation, the data will vary slightly:

A fried cutlet contains from 120 to 250 kcal per 100 g;

Steamed cutlet contains from 85 to 130 kcal per 100 g.

Dietary chicken meat is very good for the heart and nervous system. It gives the body strength, normalizes cholesterol levels, provides essential amino acids, trace elements and vitamins, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, alleviating the condition of patients with gastritis and ulcers.

Irreplaceable chicken meat for losing weight people. It gives the body a complete protein without overloading with calories. Steamed chicken cutlets are good for babies and debilitated or elderly people. For best results, serve them with fresh or grilled vegetables. For those who are not afraid of extra calories, mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat can become a side dish for a fried chicken cutlet.

How many calories in pork cutlet

Pork is one of the most controversial types of meat of all that are included in the constant diet of a modern person. Some consider it tasty and healthy, despite the fat content, others try in every possible way to avoid eating pork meat.

It is absolutely unwise to refuse it. Pork meat and lard contain a lot of useful substances, the most valuable of which are arachidonic acid and selenium. The first regulates hormonal balance, has a beneficial effect on the brain, and has a positive effect on blood clotting. As for selenium, it is a powerful substance in its healing properties. It prolongs the youth of the body, renewing cells, increases efficiency, relieves depression, strengthens nerves.

In addition, pork meat, like chicken, contains many vitamins (the presence of all B vitamins is especially valuable) and a powerful mineral complex. Pork is very good for pregnant and lactating women, as it helps to saturate the body with proteins and nutrients, and also enhances lactation.

Most nutritionists do not see anything wrong with eating pork, if its amount does not exceed 200 grams per day. Contrary to popular belief, pork meat is perfectly absorbed by the body, especially if you eat it not in the form of a barbecue paired with strong drinks, but in the form of a tender cutlet.

Another question is that you can cook pork in different ways. If, in addition to the calorie content (quite high) that a piece of brisket has, add the calorie content of oil when frying in a pan, then under the guise of a fried cutlet flowing with juices, you can get a real calorie bomb.

How many calories are in a pork cutlet also depends on three factors: what part of the carcass the minced meat is made of, what additional ingredients it contains, and what method of cooking cutlets. Average calorie values ​​are as follows:

A cutlet fried in oil “weighs” in calories from 345 to 360 kcal;

A steamed cutlet has approximately 290 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish.

Considering that more than 200 g of pork meat is not recommended, then one cutlet weighing 80 g is enough to get the right amount of zinc, magnesium, selenium, arachidonic acid, vitamins PP, B and other useful substances.

How many calories in beef patty

It is believed that beef is healthier and safer than pork meat, as it has less fat, and therefore calories. This is partly true: beef is actually a leaner product compared to pink and white fatty pork. Before finding out how many calories are in a beef patty, you need to make sure that this product is useful.

Red beef meat contains a complete protein, it has a lot of iron, so beef cutlets should be included in the diet of people with reduced hemoglobin. In addition, beef contains a lot of collagen, which is most valuable for the human body, which prolongs the health of ligaments, as well as zinc, a trace element that is very useful for the immune system. Young beef is easily absorbed by the body. Beef cutlet contains amino acids, B vitamins, as well as pork meat, it perfectly satisfies hunger and gives long-term saturation.

We must not forget that any fried meat contains carcinogens, therefore it has a potential oncological hazard. The high content of cholesterol in beef threatens the development of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, frying increases the calorie content of beef patties, despite their undeniable dietary benefits.

It is no coincidence that in order to prepare minced meat that is ideal in taste and calorie content, most often pork and beef are mixed in the proportion that seems most delicious.

How many calories are in a pure beef patty? If we take the average figures without taking into account additional ingredients, the approximate numbers are as follows:

beef cutlet fried in oil - 240-250 kcal;

steamed cutlet - from 140 to 170 kcal.

Quite short compared to pork and quite comparable to chicken. This means that beef patties are preferred when dieting, especially steam ones. One cutlet will not harm the figure, but will saturate for a long time. You can serve beef with a salad of fresh vegetables (this is the most healthy option for the body) or any other side dish.

How many calories in a fish cake

Fish meat is a valuable food product. It contains a lot of complete, and most importantly, easily digestible protein, as well as trace elements (phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc), vitamins (D, B12, B6), unsaturated omega acids. Eating fish cakes, you can saturate the body with useful substances, strengthen bones, improve the functioning of the nervous system. Fish meat can lower cholesterol levels, and most importantly, prevent aging of the body.

How many calories in a fish cutlet depends on its (fish) variety. The calorie content of different varieties varies from 68 (navaga) to 150 (salmon, salmon) calories. An egg, bread soaked in milk, onions and other components are added to the fish fillet, which changes the calorie content up or down.

It is clear that cutlets made from pollock will be less fat and high-calorie than pink salmon cutlets, for example. And yet they will remain an easy, well-digested, healthy dish.

How many calories are in a cutlet fried in vegetable oil? From 110 to 190 kcal on average:

Pollock - 105-110 kcal;

Cod - 115 kcal;

Pike - 275 kcal;

Hake - 145 kcal;

Pink salmon - 188 kcal.

A steamed fish cutlet will compare favorably with a fried one in terms of calories: it will contain only 90 to 130 kcal.

Of course, a fried cutlet is tastier (mainly due to the fried crust). But if we take into account the great benefits of steam dishes, you can also enjoy the taste of a steam cutlet.

Thus, it is necessary to include meat cutlets in the diet; it is unreasonable to refuse them. However, it should be borne in mind that the method of processing and the composition of minced meat significantly affect the calorie content of the finished dish.

For those people who are forced to constantly monitor their weight and control the energy value of each product, it is important to know how many calories are in a cutlet. After all, sometimes you really want to give yourself the opportunity to deviate from the principles of the diet.

Meatball calorie content

It is no secret that the content of fats in it will depend on the type of meat. You can cook them from pork, veal, chicken, etc. So, pork is a rather heavy meat for the body, and therefore cutlets from it will be more high-calorie than from veal. One hundred grams of pork cutlets contains 335 kcal. the product is: fat - 28.4 g, proteins - 14.52, carbohydrates - 8.4 g. But veal will be somewhat "lighter" and its indicator is equal to 234 kilocalories. At the same time, fats in cutlets will be 22.38 g, and proteins - 18.11 g.

Many people prefer to treat themselves to liver cutlets, which have a special taste and do not contain as much fat. If you use the recipe without adding fat, then liver cutlets have a calorie content of no more than 199 kcal per hundred grams of the finished dish. The energy value of the product: fats - 7.39 g, proteins - 16.76 g, and carbohydrates - 7.56 g. It is worth paying attention to the fact that using a minimum amount of oil or fat for frying will significantly reduce these figures.

Calorie cabbage cutlets

Those girls who are very scrupulous about their figure should pay attention to diet cutlets from white cabbage. They contain a minimum amount of kilocalories, but at the same time they have excellent taste. 100 grams of cutlet contains 130 kcal. Fats are reduced in them to 8.54 g per hundred grams of product, proteins - 3.94 g, and carbohydrates - 12.34 g.

Cooking method

I must say that not only the type of meat depends on its calorie content, but also on the method of preparation. Steam cooking is the best. This will significantly reduce the fat content in the product, and also not affect the waist too much. steamed cutlets is approximately 189 kcal. And if you use minced chicken, then in 100 grams of the dish there will be no more than 119 kcal. If we talk about how many calories are in a fried cutlet, then here the fat content is already significantly increased due to an additional ingredient - the oil on which they are fried. In this form, cutlets become “heavier” and 100 grams account for 245 - 335 kcal. Again, all indicators are affected by the type of meat.


Grandma's pies and cutlets are what we love so much from early childhood, what we could eat in unlimited quantities and require supplements again and again. But in childhood, none of us thought about the dangers and benefits of our favorite foods, and even more so about how high-calorie a snack it is.

But today, many of us are asking this question. If you want to stay active and healthy, as well as stay slim and attractive, you will have to choose the least fat and low-calorie foods. But what about meatballs? Everyone knows that steamed cutlets are great for diet food, but our grandmothers fried them in a pan. What then is the way out, is it possible to eat them? Let's figure it out.

How many calories in a fried pork cutlet

Cutlets are good and loved by us because they can be prepared from any meat, chicken, fish and even vegetables. You can use several types of meat at once, or you can make a filling from cheese, mushrooms, ham, and anything that comes to your mind. But the most popular, perhaps, are pork cutlets. Let's compare the calorie content of fried cutlets made from different types of meat and vegetables and find out which ones are healthier.

Calorie table

Obviously, the least calories in dishes made from vegetables. But, of course, it is impossible to consider them as a full-fledged main dish, but this is a good and tasty side dish. In second place are chicken cutlets, but many do not consider chicken meat at all. The most high-calorie are pork cutlets, but as a rule, they are also the most beloved. If you really love these cutlets and cannot deny yourself the pleasure of eating them, do not do it every day, eat no more than two pieces at a time, and choose foods low in fat, carbohydrates and calories as a side dish. For example, vegetables are perfect for you: fresh or stewed in a pan without using oil.

Calorie fried pork cutlets

Let's take a closer look at the energy and nutritional value of fried pork cutlets.

The daily amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the healthy functioning of the body is calculated for each person individually and primarily depends on body weight and whether you want to lose, gain or keep weight in its current state. But if we talk about the average woman, then she needs to consume every day about 112 grams of protein, 50 grams of fat, 100 carbohydrates and just under 2000 calories.

Thus, it is easy to calculate that 100 grams of fried pork cutlets contains almost half of the daily fat intake, which is quite a lot. Therefore, if you do decide to cook them, make sure that at other meals you will have dishes containing a fairly low amount of fat. In terms of calories, this dish contains the average number of calories suitable for the main course of your lunch.

pork cutlet recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • Pork (better than neck) - 600 g
  • Long loaf - 70 g
  • Onion - 100 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Breadcrumbs - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt pepper

Cooking steps:

  1. We strongly recommend that you do not buy ready-made minced pork, but make it yourself using a meat grinder or, in a pinch, a blender.
  2. Peel the loaf from the crust, break it into small pieces. Pour the milk into a deep plate and soak the loaf in it.
  3. After the loaf softens, properly knead it with your hands or a fork.
  4. Peel and grate the onion.
  5. Mix minced meat, loaf and onion. Break the egg into the resulting mixture, add salt and pepper, mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it well.
  7. From the resulting minced meat, mold ovals, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides.
  8. We recommend frying them over low heat so that they are properly cooked inside, without having time to burn the outside.
