
Diet buckwheat cutlets recipe. Cutlets diet

We present to your attention a recipe for delicious cutlets for those who are strenuously watching their figure.

We all know that buckwheat is very healthy and tasty. From it you can cook wonderful cutlets, which are sure to become the favorites of those who are on a diet. They are suitable for both lunch and dinner. Fans of healthy dishes will definitely appreciate these meatballs. Save the recipe.

Required Ingredients

  • 200 gr buckwheat
  • 1 egg
  • 1 onion
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • breadcrumbs to taste
  • fresh herbs for serving

Starting the process

  1. First of all, boil the buckwheat until cooked, while salting it a little.
  2. Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. Then we send it to the finished buckwheat and drive an egg into it. Using a blender, grind everything into minced buckwheat and add breadcrumbs. We mix everything well.
  3. We form cutlets, while wetting our hands with water.
  4. We heat the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and put the prepared cutlets into it to brown on one side. Then we turn them over and continue the process on the other side.
  5. Reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes. You can add some water if necessary.

Bon appetit!

Somehow it happened that people fry cutlets mainly from meat. Last resort from fish. And only those who fast remember that there are such wonderful dishes as, for example, buckwheat cutlets. And yet they are very tasty and healthy. No wonder buckwheat porridge is called a fat killer. And if you want to get all the benefits contained in this cereal, but do not like porridge from it too much, try buckwheat cutlets. How to cook them quickly, tasty and in different ways, we will tell in this article.

The simplest Greeks

They consist, in fact, only of this cereal. It must be cooked not just until fully cooked, but even a little overexposed so that the buckwheat becomes loose. The onion is chopped at this time, and the size of the cut depends on your preference. It usually crumbles finely, but some cooks advise using half rings. Next, the onion should be fried in vegetable oil and hot added to the porridge. While the mixture has not cooled down, it is peppered and tested for salt - buckwheat was boiled in salted water, but it may be necessary to add salt. At the same time, flour is mixed in at the rate of two tablespoons per glass of porridge. When the "mince" has cooled, an egg is added (one for two glasses). If you need lean buckwheat cutlets, starch is introduced instead - a teaspoon. The mass is mixed, cutlets are molded from it - either round or oblong, but not necessarily too large. They are fried as usual, meat - breaded and in vegetable oil. Moreover, they should not be kept in the pan for long, only until they blush - the porridge was already ready.

Mushrooms with buckwheat

The recipe can be varied with additional components. If you avoid meat, try making mushroom and buckwheat cutlets. For them, champignons (they take 300 g per pound of buckwheat) are cut finely and fried with chopped onion in vegetable oil. Moreover, the mushrooms should not turn brown, but boil away all the juice - and let the liquid remain, and the mushrooms will only brown. When the frying cools down a bit, it is added to the boiled porridge and ground together into a paste with a blender. The resulting mass is seasoned with spices; you can add finely chopped greens to it - dill, parsley, cilantro and basil. In principle, the “minced meat” comes out viscous, sticky, but for reliability, you can add a teaspoon of starch to it. Next, buckwheat and mushroom cutlets are processed in the standard way: breaded and fried.

Potatoes with buckwheat

This is also a vegetarian (or lean) dish. To make such buckwheat cutlets, the recipe advises taking three medium potatoes for a glass of cereal (not yet cooked). And more, in fact, nothing is needed! Buckwheat is boiled and cooled. The potatoes are peeled and rubbed on a grater. Choose a medium one, as too much juice will be released on small tubers, and they may not be fried on large ones. The resulting “shavings” must be squeezed out a little so that the stack of excess juice. Porridge is combined with potatoes, salted and flavored with your favorite spices. Then the mass must not only be kneaded, but also kneaded so that it becomes sticky. Cutlets are molded and fried - this time under the lid, three minutes on each side.

Grechaniki in the oven with cheese

Even if you are preparing the simplest buckwheat cutlets, the recipe can be improved and the process accelerated. For example, start as standard, that is, cook porridge and make onion frying. But then go in an unconventional way: again use a blender, but put buckwheat, onions, and greens there. From the pate, stick small cutlets, put a piece of cheese inside each of them. This is where your flight of fancy comes into play: if you take a hard variety, it will not melt completely, and you will get the opportunity to savor both cutlets and cheese. And if you put soft or melted, then your whole product will be saturated with it through and through, which has its own charm. Cutlets are laid out on parchment and put in a hot oven for twenty minutes. It turns out very tender and juicy, and at the same time there is no need to stand at the stove.

Meat plus buckwheat

If you are not attracted to this dish only from porridge (albeit with vegetables), you will surely like buckwheat and minced meat cutlets. Note that the meat component can be anything - chicken, pork, beef or mixed. However, the dish will turn out tastier and juicier if the minced meat is fatty. Buckwheat, of course, is cooked, and its volume should be slightly less than half the meat. When it cools, it is mixed with minced meat, grated carrots and onions. Here the latter can be added both raw (for example, ground with meat), and fried. You can also add crushed garlic - but this is not for everyone. Plus salt, spices, eggs (two per kilogram of the mixture). Mix everything well and fry as usual.

Buckwheat-liver cutlets

This is also not a vegetarian dish. To get delicious liver cutlets with buckwheat, you need to take an incomplete glass of porridge for four hundred grams of liver. The latter can be pork, chicken, and beef - whichever you prefer. It must be ground in a meat grinder along with the onion, then add buckwheat, two tablespoons (with a slide) of flour, seasonings and two eggs. You will get a semi-liquid mass, similar to the dough for pancakes (of course, a different color, but the consistency is the same). Accordingly, cutlets are prepared similarly - they are placed with a spoon on a heated frying pan with oil and fried on both sides.

What is more delicious to bread

Like any other, buckwheat cutlets are usually rolled in either flour or breadcrumbs. The only exceptions are those with liver, or those that are cooked in the oven - they do without breading at all. However, people who have repeatedly fried buckwheat cutlets are advised to spend a little time and make a "powder" that is ideal for this dish. You can take ordinary breadcrumbs, you can dry them yourself and grind them in a coffee grinder - this is not so important. The main thing is to mix them with ground pepper (black or a mixture), basil powder and grated lemon zest. The taste of the cutlets will be extraordinary! The only thing is not to overdo it with seasonings, take into account those that are already put in minced meat.

Greeks in a multicooker

People who have mastered the functions of their kitchen assistant probably already know how ordinary buckwheat with cutlets is prepared in a slow cooker. However, they may not yet know the recipe of the Greeks. And now we will fill this gap in knowledge. Let it be cutlets with meat, for example, with chicken. Anyone can boil 120 g of cereal in their wonderful unit without advice. Frying the onion, I think, will also not cause difficulties. Making minced meat from 700 g of chicken fillet and a piece of white loaf is also easy. The only advice: grind red bell pepper with meat and bread - it will be tastier. Now minced meat, fried onions and porridge are combined in one bowl, salted, peppered, mixed. Water is poured into the multicooker bowl and a tray for steam cooking is placed. Cutlets are molded, slightly flattened on top, placed in one layer in the tray. The steam cooking mode is selected and the time is set to 20 minutes. After the signal, this portion is taken out and the next one is laid - and so on until all the buckwheat cutlets are ready. There are no difficulties, and no worries - just cook minced meat. And the taste is unforgettable! After the first test, buckwheat with cutlets will surely be forgotten - now only Greek people are preparing in the slow cooker!

What do Greeks eat with?

First of all, what they are flavored with. The most common and popular option is to pour buckwheat cutlets with sour cream or mayonnaise. But if you want something a little more romantic, make one of the sauces. The simplest: fry finely chopped onion in oil, pour a tablespoon of flour into it and continue the process (all the time stirring) until it acquires a pleasant golden hue. Pour a glass (maybe incomplete) of water, and when it boils - half a glass of sour cream. Simple and delicious!

A little more difficult to prepare mushroom sauce. The beginning is similar: the onion is fried in vegetable oil. However, when it becomes translucent, chopped mushrooms are poured into it. As soon as the juice is released and they are almost ready, flour is used. The sauce is stewed to the condition; broth is added as needed.

Now about what is tastier with buckwheat cutlets. In principle, they are an independent dish, they do not need a side dish or meat delicacies. However, if you are not interested in eating only Greeks, make a vegetable salad for them. They are also very good with different pickles - sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers or tomatoes. In the end, you can serve mashed potatoes with them if you like traditionalism. Joy to your stomach!

Buckwheat is a versatile cereal, it can be used to make delicious milk porridge, a side dish with gravy, and even cutlets or zrazy.

Buckwheat cutlets - the basic principles of cooking

Buckwheat cutlets are cooked with cheese, minced meat, meat, cottage cheese, liver, etc. Buckwheat is boiled until cooked, following the instructions on the package. You can also use porridge left over from dinner.

Buckwheat can be used to make delicious meatballs. In addition to buckwheat, you will need vegetable oil, onions, spices, garlic and salt.

For a change, vegetables, minced meat or other ingredients are added to buckwheat.

Onions are peeled, chopped and fried in oil until golden brown. Buckwheat porridge, along with onions, is passed through a meat grinder. If you add mushrooms or meat, then they are also twisted in a meat grinder. Minced meat is kneaded with hands until smooth and cutlets are formed from it. Then they are breaded in flour or breadcrumbs and fried until lightly browned.

For cutlets, you can prepare a sauce based on tomato paste or sour cream.

If you are afraid that the cutlets may fall apart, you can add flour or an egg to the minced meat.

Recipe 1. Buckwheat cutlets with mushrooms and sauce


two thirds of a glass of buckwheat;


800 g boiled mushrooms;

kitchen salt;

large bulb.


half a glass of canned eggplant with adjika;

vegetable oil;

30 ml chili sauce;

25 ml pomegranate sauce;

30 ml red Tkemali sauce.

Cooking method

1. Rinse buckwheat to clean water. Pour buckwheat with water at a ratio of 1: 2, salt and cook until the groats absorb all the water. Turn off the flame and cool completely.

2. Peel the onion, finely chop it, fry until golden brown in oil.

3. Pass buckwheat porridge with boiled mushrooms and fried onions through a meat grinder. Taste, if necessary, add salt.

4. Mix the minced meat with your hands until smooth and form cutlets. Dip them in flour and fry on both sides until a delicious crust. Then twist the fire, cover with a lid and cook for another ten minutes.

5. Mix all the ingredients for the sauce until smooth. Put the cutlets on a dish and pour over the resulting sauce.

Recipe 2. Buckwheat cutlets with cheese


buckwheat - 125 g;

kitchen salt;

two eggs;

ground black pepper;

large onion;

butter - 60 g;

hard cheese - 50 g;

breadcrumbs - 70 g.

Cooking method

1. Pour buckwheat into a sieve and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Pour the cereal into a saucepan with boiling salted water and cook for about half an hour over low heat. We throw back buckwheat porridge on a sieve and leave it to glass all the water.

2. We shift the porridge into a blender container and grind until smooth. We clean the onion from the peel and finely chop. Heat two tablespoons of butter in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown.

3. We shift the onion frying into a warm buckwheat mass. Coarsely rub the cheese and add it to the buckwheat. When the mass has completely cooled, add eggs to it and season everything with pepper, salt and spices. Mix well with your hands.

4. Pour breadcrumbs into a flat plate. In a frying pan, heat up the vegetable oil. We form small cutlets from minced buckwheat, bread them in breadcrumbs and put them in a frying pan with heated oil.

5. Fry the cutlets over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. We shift the finished cutlets to a serving dish and serve with tomato sauce.

Recipe 3. Buckwheat cutlets with minced meat


half a kilogram of minced meat;

sea ​​salt;

incomplete glass of buckwheat;

black pepper;

medium bulb;

vegetable oil;


flour for breading;

three eggs.

Cooking method

1. Sort the buckwheat, wash and cook in lightly salted water, following the recommendations on the package. If you have leftover porridge from dinner, you can use it. Cool the boiled buckwheat and pass it through a meat grinder twice.

2. Peel the potatoes and onions and chop in the same way in a meat grinder. Combine vegetables with buckwheat, add minced meat and beat in two eggs. Knead the minced meat with your hands until smooth. Salt and season with spices.

3. From the minced meat, form oval-shaped cutlets, bread them in flour, dip them in a beaten egg and immediately put them in a frying pan with heated oil. Fry on both sides until a delicious crust. Put the finished cutlets in a fireproof dish, cover and put in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Serve cutlets with tomato sauce and sour cream. You can serve steamed vegetables as a side dish.

Recipe 4. Buckwheat cutlets with liver


600 g of pork liver;


vegetable oil;

two eggs;

30 g butter;


50 ml of drinking water;

a glass of buckwheat.

Cooking method

1. Thoroughly rinse the buckwheat, put it in a saucepan and pour two glasses of filtered water. Salt and cook over low heat until the cereal absorbs all the water. Then add a piece of butter to the porridge, mix and cool.

2. Wash the liver, peel off the films and cut into small pieces. Peel the onion, wash and cut into several pieces. Pass the liver with onions through a meat grinder. Add eggs to the resulting mass and season it with spices. Stir the minced liver and combine it with the cooled buckwheat porridge. Stir again and leave for a couple of hours.

3. Put a frying pan on the fire and heat vegetable oil in it. Spread buckwheat-liver minced meat with a tablespoon, cover the pan with a lid and fry the cutlets on both sides until golden brown.

4. Serve the cutlets hot with vegetable salad or mashed potatoes.

Recipe 5. Buckwheat cutlets with nuts


four glasses of boiled buckwheat;

soy mayonnaise;

two bulbs;

a glass of chopped nuts;

30 ml of vegetable oil;

120 g flour.

Cooking method

1. Rinse buckwheat until clear water. Put it in a saucepan and pour two glasses of water per glass of cereal with filtered water. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat, salt and cook, covered with a lid, until tender. Remove saucepan from heat and cool completely.

2. Chop the peeled onions on a medium grater. Add onions, chopped nuts and flour to buckwheat porridge. Mix well. You should get a fairly thick stuffing.

3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Form cutlets from minced meat and place them on a greased baking sheet. Send the cutlets to the oven for forty minutes. Remove the baking sheet, grease the finished cutlets with mayonnaise and transfer to a serving dish. Serve the cutlets with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 6. Lean buckwheat cutlets


50 g sunflower oil;

a glass of buckwheat;

100 g of ground crackers;

five potatoes;

20 g ground coriander;

kitchen salt.

Cooking method

1. Boil water in a kettle. Sort the buckwheat and rinse thoroughly. Pour boiling water over the cereal and put on fire. Cover the pot with a lid and cook over low heat for half an hour. Then let the porridge cool completely.

2. Wash the potato tubers and put in a cast-iron cauldron. Boil potatoes until soft without peeling. Then drain the water, cool the potatoes, and remove a thin peel from it.

3. Pass potatoes and buckwheat through a meat grinder. Salt and season everything with coriander. Mix well.

4. Pour the crackers onto the board and lightly crush them with a rolling pin. With wet hands, shape the minced meat into patties and roll them in breadcrumbs.

5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the cutlets in it on both sides until a delicious crust. Serve the cutlets with a salad of fresh vegetables or seaweed.

Recipe 7. Buckwheat cutlets


half a glass of buckwheat;

black pepper;

a glass of drinking water;

kitchen salt;

three glasses of flour;

vegetable oil;


Cooking method

1. Boil the washed buckwheat until cooked, following the recommendations on the package. Then we throw the porridge on a sieve and leave it to get rid of excess moisture.

2. We chop the peeled onion with feathers and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add fried onion to buckwheat. Add black pepper and flour to the same mixture. Mix everything well and let it cool completely.

3. Add an egg to the chilled minced meat, knead again and form oval-shaped cutlets with wet hands. Bread cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry them in heated vegetable oil until golden brown. Serve the cutlets with a vegetable side dish or salad.

Recipe 8. Buckwheat cutlets with cottage cheese


280 g of buckwheat;

40 g sour cream;

250 g low-fat cottage cheese;

kitchen salt;

two eggs;

40 g butter;

50 g of sugar;

two glasses of milk.

Cooking method

1. Boil the washed buckwheat over low heat until half cooked. Then pour hot milk into the porridge, add butter and continue cooking. The result should be a porridge with a viscous consistency. Remove from heat and cool completely.

2. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add an egg, salt and a spoonful of sugar to it. Stir.

3. Add the remaining sugar and egg to the cooled buckwheat porridge. Stir until smooth.

4. Make a cake from the buckwheat mass, put the cottage cheese filling in the center and connect the edges. Give the cutlet an oval shape. Put the cutlets on a baking sheet, brushing it with oil, and send it to the oven for forty minutes. Bake at 180 C.

5. Put the finished cutlets on a plate and pour them with sour cream.

  • Fry the cutlets first on intense heat, then twist the fire and sweat them, covered with a lid, for about ten minutes.
  • Before boiling buckwheat, you can calcine it in a dry frying pan.
  • If you are preparing lean buckwheat cutlets, add flour to the minced meat instead of eggs.
  • To make the cutlets juicy, put a piece of butter in the middle.
  • Serve cutlets with ketchup, sour cream or sauce.

Diet cutlets are a great choice for those who decide to add tasty and healthy dishes to their menu. In this article, you will learn how to easily prepare a delicious dinner for yourself and your loved ones.

Dietary chicken breast cutlets

Diet fish cakes

This dish is perfect not only for those who decide to lose weight, but also for those who decide to add a tasty and healthy dish to their menu. We will cook diet without butter, bread and eggs, thereby reducing their calorie content and the amount of fat.

  • Put 700 grams of fillet into the blender bowl. For example, hake, pollock or haddock. Add 100 grams of oily fish fillet to it (salmon or salmon will do). Grind the products, season the resulting minced meat with salt and ground pepper.
  • Chop the peeled onions and carrots with a knife or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Combine the ingredients and add five tablespoons of oatmeal to them and wait until they swell.
  • Form into balls with wet hands and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Cook the cutlets in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes, and then serve with rice and stewed vegetables.


Although this dish contains neither milk, nor eggs, nor meat products, it will please even the most strict gourmet in taste. Read how to cook cabbage diet cutlets. The recipe is the following:

  • Chop one small head of cabbage as thinly as possible, and then pour boiling water over the cut. Steamed cabbage should stand under the lid for at least one hour.
  • Peel two medium onions from the husk, cut them into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  • Combine well-squeezed cabbage, onion, three tablespoons of semolina, salt and pepper to taste in a large bowl. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  • After a quarter of an hour, when the minced meat settles, form balls out of it. Roll the blanks in flour, and then fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Diet cutlets can be served with homemade tomato sauce, rice or buckwheat.

Turkey cutlets

Indulge your loved ones with a delicious dish and a low-calorie minced turkey dish. And we will cook diet cutlets in the oven as follows:

  • Scroll 600 grams of poultry fillet through a meat grinder along with one medium onion and three cloves of garlic.
  • Soak 300 grams of stale white bread in milk.
  • Combine foods with raw egg, salt and ground pepper.
  • Stir the minced meat thoroughly and, if desired, add chopped parsley or dill to it.

Place the patties on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake until cooked through, about 20 minutes. You can make any side dish for this dish, but vegetables or a light salad are best.

Buckwheat porridge cutlets

This dish can be consumed during fasting if you exclude eggs from the recipe. It will also help diversify the menu for those who decide to go on a diet for a while. We will cook diet cutlets from buckwheat porridge as follows:

  • Boil a glass of buckwheat in water, and then let the porridge cool slightly.
  • Grind it, add it to buckwheat along with two raw eggs.
  • Season the mince with salt, pepper and mix well.
  • Form neat balls, roll them in flour and send them to fry in vegetable oil.

As soon as a crispy crust appears on the cutlets, they should be turned over, and then removed and cooled slightly. If desired, you can cook this dish in a double boiler or oven.

Beet cutlets with meat

Despite the unusual combination of ingredients, this dish has a pleasant taste and aroma. How to cook diet cutlets from beets and meat, read below:

  • Boil one medium-sized beetroot and one potato until tender, without removing the peel.
  • Cool the vegetables, peel and chop with a grater.
  • Scroll 500 grams of meat fillet through a meat grinder.
  • Combine the ingredients, add one egg, chopped garlic to taste, ground pepper and salt to them.
  • Stir the minced meat, make cutlets out of it and fry them in a preheated pan until cooked.

Serve hot with mashed potatoes, fried onions and pickles.

Cereals, of course, are more customary to use as an independent dish - porridge, or a side dish for meat ingredients. But dietary steamed buckwheat cutlets are especially popular among such cereal delights, although the process of shaping them requires knowledge of some secrets.

Since it is not easy to cook steamed cutlets from such friable cereals as buckwheat, astringent ingredients should be added to minced cereals. Raw eggs, grated cheese, raw vegetables have this property. From vegetables, potatoes or carrots are usually used.

In fact, the diet menu can be very diverse if you treat it creatively. Even a dish like buckwheat cutlets has many variations. In addition to the main component - buckwheat, you can add mushrooms, in the summer - any greens: onions, dill, parsley.

The first step is to boil the buckwheat. From how many cutlets it is planned to cook, the volume of cereals is taken. As a rule, most recipes indicate the rate of cooked boiled buckwheat - 2 cups.

To make the cutlet mass more sticky and pliable, you can increase the amount of water when cooking buckwheat. But too liquid consistency is also not desirable. For 2 cups of buckwheat, you need 2 chicken eggs.

Steamed buckwheat cutlets, the recipe of which is considered the lowest calorie, are cooked with vegetables. To do this, buckwheat is mixed with grated raw potatoes or carrots on a coarse grater. It is not forbidden to use a mixture of vegetables.

Since the potato itself has a viscosity due to its high starch content, one egg will suffice. Salt and pepper are added to taste. If desired, you can fry onions in vegetable oil. Small meatballs are formed from such minced meat.

For steaming, you can use a pressure cooker, double boiler or slow cooker. For a small amount, a special insert for a regular pan with holes is quite suitable. Cutlets are prepared no more than 30 minutes. Since buckwheat is already boiled, the cooking time will depend on other components of minced meat.

Having mastered one of the recipes for buckwheat cutlets, you can safely turn on your imagination to find your "signature" recipe. Minced buckwheat goes well with fried mushrooms, which are pre-fried with onions.

Since mushrooms will not be able to add stickiness to minced buckwheat, either grated cheese or 2-3 tablespoons of flour is added to it. Moreover, not only wheat flour is put, but also oatmeal or buckwheat. But it should be noted that premium white flour will increase the calories in the dish.

Whoever cannot accept meatless meatballs in any way can try adding some dietary meat there: chicken, turkey, rabbit. A couple of tablespoons of milk or cream will not be superfluous. Especially if the cutlets are buckwheat-vegetable and there is not enough protein in them.

In order to saturate the dish with protein, lean fish and legumes are used instead of meat. Only beans or peas will require preliminary long cooking and you can’t cook such cutlets in a quick way. However, if you boil all the ingredients in advance, then the already formed cutlets will quickly reach the steam.

Thus, dietary steamed buckwheat cutlets never get bored. Each option is delicious and healthy in its own way. Someone likes fried in a pan or baked in an oven, but then buckwheat cutlets are dipped in flour or breadcrumbs. True, when steaming, crackers can be added to minced meat.

If, nevertheless, we are talking about a dietary option, then the option of steaming buckwheat cutlets is the most suitable. Among the low-calorie buckwheat cutlets include a recipe with zucchini or pumpkin. These vegetables will add juiciness to the dish. And pumpkin is also sweet.

To date, there are a lot of recipes for buckwheat cutlets, called dessert cutlets. In this case, butter, sugar or honey is added to the minced meat. Sometimes you can treat yourself to this option. In any case, it will be more useful than a piece of cake.
