
Spaghetti bolognese is the right recipe. Bolognese with minced meat - Italian gravy! Bolognese sauce recipes with minced meat and tomatoes, mushrooms, wine, tomato paste

The simplest combination of products is spaghetti with minced meat. Such a dish can be prepared in minutes and at the same time satisfyingly feed. big family. You can choose any stuffing - both single-component and composite.

Spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste

Ingredients: half a carrot, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 30 g butter, 320 g spaghetti, onion, 240 g of any minced meat, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, spices, a pinch of sugar, garlic to taste, salt.

  1. Pasta is cooked until fully prepared, according to instructions. Then water is drained from them, oil is added.
  2. Vegetables are first fried in a frying pan. Then onions and carrots are cooked together with minced meat. The mass is salted, sprinkled with spices, flour.
  3. When the products are well fried, tomato paste is laid out to them. Approximately 2/3 is poured hot water, a pinch of sand and crushed garlic are added.
  4. The mass is stewed for 8-9 minutes over low heat.
  5. Arranged in portions on plates cooked spaghetti. The resulting sauce with meat is distributed on top.

You can decorate spaghetti with minced meat and tomato paste grated cheese.

Traditional navy style

Ingredients: 240-270 g spaghetti, medium carrot, 2 each large spoons tomato paste and olive oil, garlic to taste, onion, half a kilo of homemade mixed minced meat(from chicken and pork), a pinch of dried basil, salt.

  1. Chopped vegetables are sautéed until golden brown in olive oil. Minced garlic, salt and spices are laid out in a frying pan.
  2. Next, minced meat is added. As a result, the meat should turn out ruddy and crumbly. Then it is poured with half a glass of hot water with tomato paste, and the mixture is stewed under the lid for about 12 minutes.
  3. Cooked until cooked and washed pasta is laid out in a frying pan.

Naval spaghetti is served to the table with chopped greens.

Homemade bolognese recipe

Ingredients: a standard pack of spaghetti, 330 g ground beef, 3 liters of ready-made chicken broth, a mixture of dry thyme, oregano, white pepper, an onion, 270 g of canned tomatoes, garlic to taste, 3 large spoons of tomato paste, 70 g of semi-hard cheese, butter.

  1. Very finely chopped onions and garlic are fried for 3-4 minutes. Minced meat is also laid out here.
  2. After 12-15 minutes, they go to the pan canned tomatoes without peel. They need to be crushed with a fork.
  3. Seasonings, salt, tomato paste, a little broth are added to the pan. With constant stirring, its contents should turn into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Pasta is cooked in chicken broth, butter is added to them. They go to a small pot or saucepan. The contents of the pan and grated cheese are laid out on top. The mass remains on the stove until it is completely melted.

Spaghetti Bolognese is traditionally served with minced meat in one big platter.

Pasta with minced chicken

Ingredients: 270 g paste, 180-220 g minced chicken, 2 garlic cloves, onion, salt, Provence herbs, butter.

  1. Pasta is boiled in boiling water.
  2. Finely chopped onion and garlic are fried in a cauldron with warmed butter. Salt and seasonings are immediately added here.
  3. Next, minced meat is prepared along with vegetable frying.

When the meat is completely cooked, pasta without liquid is laid out on top of it. After mixing the ingredients, the dish can be served at the table.

With the addition of mushrooms

Ingredients: 8 pasta nests of spaghetti, onion, 240 g of any minced meat, 2 sweet bell peppers, 40 g of tomato paste, 180 g of frozen mushrooms, salt, seasonings. How to cook spaghetti with minced meat and mushrooms is described below.

  1. The onion is finely chopped and sautéed in any oil. For this purpose, it is better to choose a creamy or melted product. Then the taste of frying is more saturated.
  2. Minced meat is laid out to the vegetable. First, frying continues for 3-4 minutes, after which tomato paste and mushrooms are sent there. You can add some water to the pan.
  3. The mixture is salted, sprinkled with seasonings, after which it languishes under the lid for 12-14 minutes.
  4. A couple of minutes before being ready for the rest of the ingredients, sweet pepper bars are sent. When the vegetable softens, the filling for the nests is completely ready.
  5. Pasta is boiled and distributed on a baking sheet, greased with oil. The blanks are filled with stuffing.

The dish is brought in the oven until fully cooked for 8-9 minutes.

Spaghetti casserole with minced meat

Ingredients: 320 g spaghetti, carrots, 5 large eggs, white onion, salt, 230 g minced chicken, 60 g butter, 130 g semi-hard or hard cheese.

  1. Spaghetti is boiled until fully cooked, water is drained from them and butter is added.
  2. Randomly chopped vegetables are fried in a pan until golden.
  3. Minced meat is salted and combined with the cooled roast.
  4. Eggs are salted separately and lightly beaten. The cheese rubs coarsely.
  5. Either pasta or meat filling is laid out in layers in the form.
  6. From above, products are poured with beaten eggs and sprinkled with cheese.

The casserole is cooked for half an hour at 180-190 degrees.

Pasta carbonara with minced meat

Ingredients: a pack of spaghetti, fine salt, 170 g ham, onion, 170 g cheese, big egg, 270 g minced meat, 3 tbsp. spoons heavy cream, a pinch of oregano.

  1. The onion is finely chopped and fried.
  2. Minced meat and ham sticks are laid out to it. Together, the ingredients are simmered until tender. The mass is salted and flavored with oregano.
  3. Cream and grated cheese are sent to the frying pan.
  4. Pasta is boiled, after which they are mixed with a beaten salted egg. You need to warm up the spaghetti a little so that the filling grabs.
  5. The contents of the pan are transferred to the pan.

After mixing, the pasta with minced meat is completely ready.

Cooking in creamy sauce

Ingredients: 330 g spaghetti, a full glass of heavy cream and the same amount of white wine, bell pepper, 1 stalk of celery, onion, half a kilo of minced chicken, chili pod, 1-2 cloves of garlic, dry thyme, olive oil.

  1. Chopped onion, sweet and hot peppers sautéed in olive oil.
  2. Minced meat, chopped garlic and celery are introduced.
  3. After 6-7 minutes, you can pour in wine, salt and pour spices. Under the lid, the resulting mass will languish for about half an hour.
  4. When the liquid has evaporated, cream is added.
  5. After another 8-9 minutes, boiled pasta is laid out in the sauce.

The dish is served hot.

Spaghetti with minced meat and cheese

Ingredients: Kilo minced pork, 420 g spaghetti, 2 onions, liter fat milk, half a pack of butter, 310 g semi-hard cheese, 90 g flour, salt, a pinch of nutmeg.

  1. The onion is minced and fried until golden brown. Minced meat is laid out to him. Together, the ingredients are fried until the meat is cooked.
  2. Oil is melted in a saucepan. Flour is fried in it until golden brown.
  3. Spaghetti is cooked until half cooked.
  4. Next, milk is poured, salt is added and nutmeg. Grated cheese pours in. The ingredients are mixed.
  5. Spaghetti and meat are laid out in layers in the form. Each of them is poured with sauce.

Many world-famous chefs do not consider Italian cuisine to be exquisite, calling it food for the poor. Yes, perhaps this is so, but it was precisely with its simplicity and accessibility, but at the same time with its amazing taste, that it conquered the whole world. One of the unofficial symbols of Italy is pasta, because Italians are the most famous pasta lovers all over the world.

They know a lot about their preparation, and each hostess has her own unique recipe and secret. Russia has its own variation of this recipe - naval pasta, but it has nothing to do with the classic recipe, except for the meat in the composition.

A bit of history

Bolognese pasta is combination of pasta with bolognese sauce. Bolognese is a meat sauce originally from Bologna, an Italian province. It is often called the gastronomic capital of Italy, because it was there that parmesan, balsamic vinegar, Parma ham. The first mention of it dates back to 1891.

Exists officially recommended recipe from the delegation from Bologna. It consists of: pancetta (a type of bacon), beef, pork, olive oil, onions, carrots, celery, tomatoes, meat stock, red wine. And also among the ingredients may be milk or cream.

The sauce is traditionally served with tagliatelle. Italian noodles . Bolognese is also used to make lasagna and is even seasoned with it. mashed potatoes. But spaghetti bolognese is more famous all over the world. However Italian chefs claim that this dish has nothing to do with spaghetti, and in its homeland, which is the south of Italy, it is always cooked with tagliatelle.

If you want to try this dish in Italy, look for it under the name "tagliatelle al ragu" or "Ragù alla bolognese".

How to choose food for cooking?

Pancetta is used for the original sauce recipe.. This is bacon cured in spices or bacon pork brisket. The meat is quite fatty, you can replace it smoked bacon. And also there are used two types of meat.

Better if it will pork and beef in equal proportions. Pork will add tenderness to the gravy, and beef will give satiety and flavor. IN original recipe take red wine, but you can replace it with white. If there is no wine at home, then you can do without it, but the gravy will lose its flavor a little.

Bolognese sauce is a meal that takes a long time to cook. In common recipes, this takes about two hours. But you can simmer it for up to 4 hours, as Italian chefs do.

In a recipe registered in 1982 by the Italian Academy of Cuisine, no spices at all. But no one will forbid you to add some Italian or Provence herbs. In the United States, where Italian emigrants brought many of their recipes at the beginning of the 20th century, the sale of this meat sauce in banks.

To prepare pasta, you can choose any kind of pasta. Traditional are tagliatelle, but you can use horns, spaghetti or any other type of pasta. For cooking, you will need a saucepan and a deep frying pan.

If you need a quick recipe, then it is better to choose something else, this masterpiece of Italian cooking loves to languish on the stove for a long time.

cooking recipes

Every chef or any Italian grandma will surely have her own secrets for making this wonderful dish. But there is classic recipe cooking pasta with bolognese sauce, which will allow you to get a little closer to the traditions of Italian cuisine even at home.

traditional sauce

Ingredients for Pasta Bolognese Classic Style:

  • 250 g pork;
  • 250 g of beef;
  • 8 medium tomatoes;
  • 80 g pancetta (bacon);
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 100 g celery;
  • 200 g of meat broth;
  • 150 ml of red wine;
  • 50 g olive oil;
  • 500 g pasta.

What do we have to do:

  • Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan. Cut the onion into thin strips, throw it into the pan, and then fry for about 3 minutes until golden.
  • Carrots rubbed on fine grater celery cut into small pieces. All this is added to the pan to the onion, and then fried for 5 minutes.
  • After the vegetables are browned, pancetta (or any other quality bacon) is added to them. It must be finely chopped, and then fried until the fat is rendered.
  • Minced meat is needed to prepare the sauce. You can make it yourself from pork with beef, or you can buy it ready-made.
  • Ready stuffing is laid out in a pan. Its necessary stir constantly to break up lumps, until light brown. Then you need to add red wine.
  • After all the liquid has evaporated, add the meat broth. It can be replaced with vegetable broth or water.
  • The traditional composition of the gravy contains tomato paste. It is best to cook it yourself. To do this, the tomatoes need to be peeled off the skin, finely chopped.
  • Add finely chopped tomatoes to the minced meat.
  • Sauce needs to be simmered at least two hours. It will be ready when the vegetables are boiled and the meat is tender.
  • 15 minutes before the gravy is ready, put a pot of salted water on the fire. Once it boils, add pasta. Boil them two minutes less than indicated on the package. Ready pasta throw it in a colander.
  • Once the sauce is ready, add pasta to it, and then simmer for 2 minutes over low heat.
  • Garnish with grated Parmesan cheese and basil.

The best will allow you to constantly surprise family and guests with new variations of this wonderful Italian dish.

How to make mascarpone cheese at home? Find out from this article:

And you will find healthy recipe cooking Italian pasta(pasta) with photo. Cook with pleasure!

Pasta a la bolognese

Ingredients for simple recipe pasta with bolognese sauce with minced meat:

  • 450 g minced meat (pork, beef);
  • 300 g spaghetti;
  • 700 g of tomatoes;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • Parmesan cheese;
  • parsley, salt, pepper.

What do we have to do:

  • Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan, add finely chopped onion. Fry for about three minutes until golden brown.
  • Add minced meat and finely chopped garlic cloves. Mix well to break up lumps of minced meat.
  • Peel the tomatoes from the skin, finely chop and put with the liquid to the minced meat. Add finely chopped herbs to it.
  • While the gravy is cooking, boil the pasta. For this in a large number of salted boiling water throw 300 g of spaghetti or any other pasta.
  • Cook pasta 1 minute less than directed on package. Drain cooked pasta into a colander.
  • Mix pasta with ready-made gravy and simmer over low heat for a few minutes.
  • You can sprinkle Parmesan cheese, chopped herbs on the finished pasta.

Video recipes

How to cook pasta bolognese according to the recipe of an Italian chef:

How else can you cook bolognese pasta at home - see the recipe in the video:

How to make pasta bolognese fast and vegetarian:

How and with what to serve?

In Italy, pasta is traditionally served on the table. not in portions, but on a large platter. The only thing that Italians advise seasoning Bolognese sauce with is Parmesan cheese. It must be grated and put in a separate plate next to the main dish.

Since this dish is quite satisfying, then to it perfect for salads fresh vegetables . They can be seasoned with spices and unrefined olive oil. From drinks to the dish, dry red wine is perfect.

Love rice and admire Italian cuisine th? Then you should find out if you are purchasing minced meat while the meat is better opt for chilled rather than frozen. When choosing beef, take the one that is intended for soups, but not the tenderloin or edge.

The sauce goes well not only with pasta but with potatoes and vegetables.

For cutting vegetables, you can use a food processor, all the same, all the vegetables will boil during cooking. You can not throw the sauce for a long time, it is necessary keep stirring it every 15 minutes. Garlic can not be cut, but passed through a garlic press.

Pasta should be cooked to al dente, that is, slightly undercooked. In Italian cuisine, there is a rule 1110. It says that on 100 g of pasta when cooking, 1 liter of water and 10 g of salt are taken.

Italian chefs do not advise add oil when cooking pasta. If they are made from durum varieties wheat and cooked properly - they will never stick together. But if you are afraid of this, then you can add a little vegetable oil to a pot of water.

Pasta must be purchased only from durum wheat. The quality of the product depends on its class. Don't break spaghetti while cooking. They need to be put in boiling water, after a minute they will soften and fit perfectly in the pan.

In order for the tomatoes to be easily peeled off the skin, they must be cut crosswise, and then placed in boiling water for a minute, after that the skin will easily come off the tomatoes. Tomatoes are a very important part of the gravy, so if you can't buy delicious tomatoes Better use tomato paste.

In Italy, all dishes are cooked only in unrefined olive oil ( extra virgin), if it is not at hand, then you can use vegetable, or, in extreme cases, creamy.

The kitchen is a huge field for creativity. Experiment, and every time you will get unique and inimitable dishes! Bon appetit!

In contact with

Bolognese cannot be categorized quick recipes, it requires a long languor, but the result is worth it. Classic bolognese can surprise guests. It's also perfect for a romantic dinner.

classic bolognese recipe

Traditionally, the recipe for homemade bolognese sauce includes beef. Apparently, for this reason it is often called meat sauce or stew. Wide types of pasta go well with this sauce. For example, penne, fettuccine. We often use spaghetti, but the Italians consider this a bad idea, because spaghetti does not “hold” the sauce well.

Subtleties and tricks

It is important to observe step by step recipe bolognese sauce with minced meat, because if you change the sequence of adding the ingredients, the taste will already differ significantly from the original. For example, in no case should you add milk and wine at the same time.
What other subtleties of preparation are there?

  • Dishes. Cookware for bolognese should be taken with a thick bottom and a good non-stick coating. It doesn't have to be a frying pan, a saucepan will do. Bolognese can also be made in a slow cooker.
  • Cooking time. The sauce should cook for at least two hours, ideally three. It is in this case that it desired consistency sauce.
  • Storage. How much to store ready sauce in the fridge - it's up to you. Of course, it can be warmed up and used as needed, but freshly made is much tastier. Optimal time- up to five days.
  • The amount of liquid. Throughout the cooking process, it is important to ensure that the liquid is present in the container, otherwise the meat will dry out.
  • Constant stirring. Don't stray far from the stove, Bolognese loves attention. Stir it so that it does not burn, otherwise the whole dish will spoil.
  • Silent fire. The sauce should boil slightly, that is, it is not advisable to allow huge bubbles.
  • Consistency. Ready bolognese, proper cooking, will not be liquid. homemade sauce Bolognese has a dense texture, but it should not be too thick.
  • Color. Ready meal if you followed the recipe correctly Italian sauce bolognese, it should turn out rich red.

Cooking instructions

What you need:

  • beef - 300 g;
  • onions, carrots - one each;
  • celery - two or three petioles;
  • parsley greens - five or six branches;
  • tomatoes - four pieces;
  • bacon or brisket - 50 g;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • dry white and red wine - 100 ml each;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • spices (pepper, salt, nutmeg, Provencal herbs) - taste.

What to do

  1. Chop the peeled onions and carrots as finely as possible (carrots can be chopped with a fine grater).
  2. Pass the beef through a meat grinder, preferably twice.
  3. Remove skin and seeds from tomatoes. Grind thoroughly.
  4. Cut the brisket or bacon into very small cubes.
  5. IN high pan heat the bacon, remove the rinds. We will prepare the sauce on the remaining fat.
  6. Saute the onion in the melted bacon fat until soft. It is very important not to overcook the onion, otherwise the taste will be completely different. Light golden hue - excellent condition.
  7. Add chopped celery stalks and carrots. Fry the vegetables for six minutes, stirring them constantly.
  8. Now you can add to vegetables Ground beef. After it gets into the pan, you need to mix it well (using a spatula or other convenient utensils) with vegetables, as if chopping. Meat and vegetable mass should be homogeneous. Fry for another eight minutes while stirring constantly.
  9. Add finely chopped garlic cloves, salt and add spices to taste.
  10. According to the recipe, meat bolognese sauce should be poured with a mixture of wines.
  11. Simmer over low heat under a lid. Time - 15 minutes.
  12. Add finely chopped parsley, tomatoes and a glass of water.
  13. Simmer over the lowest possible heat, stirring occasionally. The sauce should simmer, but not burn. The longer the sauce simmers, the tastier it will be in the end. If the liquid evaporates, you can add water or broth.
  14. About half an hour before the end of cooking, pour milk into the sauce. Mix well and simmer until done.

If there is no home fresh tomatoes, you can use canned own juice. If the option of cooking with rendered fat does not suit you, then take two tablespoons of butter and olive oil, and cook with this mixture.

diet option

Bolognese, like most recipes, has undergone many changes in cuisines. And really, how to cook pasta bolognese sauce if you are on a diet or a vegetarian? It is precisely such non-standard situations that usually lead to the creation various variations dishes.

The diet version of the sauce is not much different from the original. All you need to do is lower your calories. Instead of fatty beef use tender veal instead of fat - olive oil. Chili peppers can be added to spice up the dish. In addition, spicy spices help speed up metabolism. And this is exactly what a losing weight person needs.

You can use your favorite seasonings according to your preference. For example, basil bolognese complements well. Fans of Provencal seasonings are advised to add a pinch ten minutes before the end of cooking. dried herbs. Do the same with greens.

Replacing Ingredients

Everything is not always at hand the right ingredients. So you have to improvise.

  • instead of tomatoes. In the absence of tomatoes, you can make bolognese sauce with tomato paste. Although, pasta is sometimes used instead of milk.
  • Instead of milk. Lovers are more creamy taste Suitable option for preparing sauce with cream. Just replace milk with cream in the recipe. For a richer taste, you can add grated cheese at the end of cooking. Or sprinkle cheese on the dish when serving.
  • Instead of meat. Vegetarians need a meatless bolognese recipe. In this case, you can cook a dish with mushrooms.

If you need a lean bolognese, then you just need to replace the prohibited foods with the permitted ones. For example, instead of meat, use mushrooms, instead of bacon - vegetable oil or even abandon it altogether. You will also have to replace wine and milk with water.

A simple recipe for bolognese sauce can help out the hostess both when receiving guests and when home dinner. With tomatoes juicy minced meat, prepared with your own hands, the sauce will become one of your favorite dishes on your table. And you, as a hostess, will receive the most rave reviews.

Reviews: "Tastes better than navy pasta"

I also make this sauce. And in winter, by the way, I often add tomato paste, dilute it with water (about 70 g of paste, 3 tablespoons of water) and add all sorts of different spices. And you can also sprinkle on top. grated cheese. Om-Nom-nom!

dOlia, http://forum.say7.info/topic2965-25.html

In the USSR, there was naval-style pasta ... For them, minced meat with onions was fried and added to pasta. Minced meat was usually boiled meat) and it was also delicious! And now Bolognese sauce =) With it, pasta turns out juicy and even tastier!!!

1 Svetlana, http://life-good.com.ua/blog/sous_boloneze/2015-04-12-945

But I had an Italian acquaintance on the courses, just from Bologna, and the conversation turned to this sauce. I ask, does spaghetti (!!) bolognese come from Bologna? to which she began to laugh ... it turns out that only tourists call spaghetti bolognese, but in fact it's just a sauce that can be served with any pasta and is called just pasta bolognese ..

Jenya_Berlin, http://forum.say7.info/topic25770.html

Bolognese sauce is meat stew with vegetables, which is typical for Italian cuisine. There are many recipes for this dish, and I offer you my version, adapted to local products and tastes of our family. Bolognese is served with pasta, and is also used in the preparation of lasagna.

I want to note right away that this is not a classic Bolognese sauce recipe, but a variation on a theme. Some of the products included in original dish, my family does not like it, so I chose the ingredients in such a way that everyone would be satisfied and satisfied. Read more about this below...


(500 grams) (500 milliliters) (100 grams) (50 grams) (50 grams) (2 tablespoons ) (2 tablespoons ) (0.5 teaspoon) (0.5 teaspoon) (1 pinch) (1 piece )

Cooking step by step with photos:

For stewing, we need a wide and deep frying pan (I have a diameter of 26 centimeters) or some kind of thick-walled dish, into which we pour a couple of tablespoons of refined vegetable oil (I use sunflower oil). Put the dishes on slow fire and while the oil is warming up, quickly prepare the vegetables (the weight is indicated in the already peeled form). carrots and onion clean, then cut into small-small cubes and send to the already hot oil. Then cut (do not forget to wash, of course) in the same small cube succulent stem celery and add to the rest of the vegetables.

Fry the vegetables over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until nicely browned and half cooked. You don't need to blush too hard.

At the next stage of the preparation of the Bolognese sauce, we put it to the semi-finished vegetables chopped meat. Regarding the choice of product: you can use the one you like best. For example, from one type of meat or a mixture - in my case it is pork and chicken in equal proportions. In addition, beef, veal, rabbit are perfect (definitely not my option). We spread the minced meat in a pan and on a fire above medium (with constant stirring with a spoon or spatula), lightly brown it.

Next comes the time for the tomato component of the future Bolognese sauce. Here you can safely experiment: I use homemade tomato paste, but in general, chopped canned tomatoes without skin (250-300 grams) are perfect, my favorite tomato sauce(about 100 grams) or just fresh tomatoes(5-6 pieces of medium size). In the latter case, they need to be kept for a couple of minutes in boiling water (after making a cross-shaped incision on the side opposite the stalk), then remove the skin and finely chop the flesh. Do not forget to flavor meat with vegetables with bay leaf.

Spaghetti bolognese is one of the most famous Italian dishes, which gained popularity due to the bright combination of tastes, satiety and ease of preparation. Pasta with meat bolognese sauce can decorate any table - both festive and everyday.

List of recipes in the article:

Spaghetti with bolognese sauce

Despite the variety of ways to prepare this meat sauce, there are two main approaches that differ in the presence of cream or milk in the composition. These ingredients make the taste more tender, softer. Cream sauces tend to have fewer spices and hot spices so it is more suitable for diet table and nutrition of children.

Classic Italian bolognese recipe

A finished serving of spaghetti with bolognese sauce without cream will contain about 490 kcal.

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 g beef
  • 250 g pork
  • 80 g pancetta or bacon
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 80 g celery
  • 200 ml beef broth
  • 800 g tomato paste, fresh or canned tomatoes
  • 150 ml red wine

Onions, garlic, celery should be cut into small slices, carrots should be grated or chopped into cubes. During cooking, the vegetables will have to be completely boiled, so the method of chopping is not critical, you can even chop them in a food processor.

Next, you need to heat the butter and vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the onion and garlic, sauté until lightly transparent. Then add celery and carrots, mix and fry over low heat for 5 minutes. It is better to use fresh extra virgin olive oil for the sauce so that the taste is rich and bright. Butter adds some sweetness and tenderness to the sauce.

The pan should be high enough, with a double bottom and thick walls.

When the components begin to brown, you need to add finely chopped pancetta or other quality bacon, mix and wait until the fat is rendered.

For classic sauce bolognese it is better to use a mixture of ground beef and pork - the first gives flavor and bright taste, and the second adds a delicate texture and sweetness. If spaghetti bolognese will be eaten by children, it is better to use a softer and lean minced meat from veal. The meat should be cleaned of films and tendons, rinsed and passed through a meat grinder twice.

The minced meat should be put in the pan to the fried mixture and stewed, breaking the lumps of minced meat with a spatula. It is necessary to stir until the meat becomes light brown, then pour in 100 ml of red semi-sweet wine. When the liquid evaporates, it's the turn of the broth - you can use meat, vegetable or, in extreme cases, ordinary water.

For the bolognese sauce, you can use fresh or canned tomatoes or tomato paste

If the decision is made in favor of tomatoes, they should be peeled and finely chopped. Tomatoes are perfectly peeled if you dip them in boiling water for a minute.

Chopped tomatoes or tomato paste must be added to the sauce and simmer covered for an hour, stirring constantly. The sauce is ready when the meat is very tender and the vegetables are completely cooked through.

Sauce for spaghetti bolognese with cream

Cream sauce has a more delicate and rich taste, it is perfect even for children, its calorie content is 475 kcal per 100 g.

The following products are required:

  • 750 g minced veal
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 medium sized carrot
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 50 g dry red wine
  • 800 g tomato paste or tomatoes
  • 150 ml cream with 32-33% fat
  • 100 g Parmesan cheese
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg, herbs to taste

Heat the olive oil in a heavy bottomed pot or frying pan. Put finely chopped onions, carrots, celery into it and sauté until soft, stirring with a spatula.

Then minced calf meat minced twice should be added to the vegetables. Fry until he loses pink shade breaking up lumps with a spoon or spatula. Without stopping stirring, in a thin stream, pour in red wine in several passes and, adding fire, bring to a boil. By the way, instead of wine, you can use balsamic vinegar.

Peel the skin off the tomatoes, chop finely. Juice should not be poured, on the contrary, you can add a little natural tomato juice. When the wine has evaporated, add the tomatoes and juice to the sauce. Immediately salt, pepper, flavor the mixture with nutmeg.

Bring the mixture to a boil and leave on low heat for an hour, remembering to stir. It is necessary to stew the sauce for a long time, at least two hours, in some Italian restaurants bolognese sauce is cooked for 3-4 hours. When the meat becomes completely soft, it is necessary to pour in the cream and mix, warm for 5-10 minutes. Can be sprinkled before serving hot sauce grated cheese.

Bolognese sauce keeps well in freezer, for several months without losing delicate taste and flavor
