
How to close a watermelon with tomatoes. Canned tomatoes with watermelon

A selection of recipes for blanks for the winter

watermelons (you can pink - unripe),

Canned tomatoes with watermelons .. Well, here I am again with a little
an unusual combination. In my opinion, you don’t need to be a conservative in food, you need
try new and new combinations. How else?
It happens - bought
watermelon, but it is unripe and it is a pity to throw it away. So this is right here. IN
The highlight of this recipe is that the tomatoes take on the taste of watermelon and
vice versa.
Place tomatoes and watermelons in rows in a 3-liter bottle. IN
watermelons, you need to remove the peel and cut into small slices (bones along
remove options). Lay tightly. This capacity is approximately
1l 200ml water.
Boil the brine: for 1.2 liters of water - 3 tbsp. sugar, 1.5
st.l. salt, 1 tbsp. vinegar. Pour in boiling brine and sterilize 15
minutes. Roll up, turn over and wrap until completely cool. And in winter
open and enjoy summer in a jar!!!

Canning bell peppers, 5 simple recipes

Sweet and juicy canned peppers can be an excellent base, for example,
for stuffing or preparing sauce for pasta, rice, meat. Benefit,
taste, amazing appearance - all this you get if you cook
several jars of pepper.

1. Pickled pepper
Peppers prepared according to this recipe remain whole and firm, so in winter they can be stuffed with meat or vegetables.

700 gr. pepper,
2 table. tablespoons of vinegar
table. spoon of salt
2/3 cup of water.
Pepper wash, peel, for five minutes. lower into hot water and tightly put in jars, pour marinade.
Prepare the marinade from the specified amount of water, vinegar, salt. Sterilize jars of pepper for 40 minutes.

2. Caviar from sweet pepper
Wonderful vegetable caviar with pepper, which can also serve as a hot sauce!
2.5 kg. pepper,
two pcs. onions and carrots,
15 gr. roots and greenery
100 gr. tomato,
table. spoon of salt
1 table. a spoonful of vinegar
glass grows. oils,
Wash the peppers, rub with oil, then bake in the oven. Immediately hot, remove seeds and skins, then pass into a meat grinder.
Carrots, parsley, onion peel, cut, stew in oil. Cut the greens, skip the tomatoes in the meat grinder.
Combine vegetables, salt, add pepper and vinegar, cook for 10 minutes.
Put the mass in jars, sterilize for an hour.

3. Salted pepper
Another harvesting method, thanks to which peppers can be kept almost fresh until spring.
10 kg. pepper,
200 gr. greenery,
300 gr. salt.
wash, remove the seeds, stack in piles of 3 pieces (one inside the other).
Put in jars, sprinkling with salt and shifting with herbs. Store under
oppression in the cold.
If there is not enough juice, you can add brine (30 g of salt per liter of water).

4. Stuffed Peppers
Ready-to-use product. Just open the jar - and an amazing second dish will decorate your table!
1 kg. pepper,
three pieces of carrots and onions,
15 gr. roots and parsley,
700 gr. tomato,
table. spoon of salt
1 table. a spoonful of vinegar
glass grows. oils,
Rinse and clean peppers. Fry the onion, stew the roots and carrots in oil.
Rub the tomatoes. Combine vegetables (except tomatoes), boil and
cook for a quarter of an hour. Add sugar, pepper, vinegar, salt, boil more
10 minutes.
Boil the oil, cool, pour into jars (2 tbsp.
spoons per litre). Fill peppers with vegetables, put them in prepared
banks. Pour peppers with tomato sauce, sterilize for an hour.

5. Pepper in a tomato
Peppers with sweet tomatoes are an excellent appetizer, as well as a semi-finished product for stuffing.
Ingredients: (calculation per 1 liter)
400 gr. pepper,
tomato juice - 600 ml,
salt - 15 gr.
Gently peel the pepper, blanch for 3 minutes.
Lay the fruits in a pile to the full height of the jar and pour hot juice with salt.
Sterilize 45 minutes.

Eggplant ISTANBUL. Recipe by Katerina Filippova.

eggplant - 1 pc (large)
onion - 1 pc.
tomatoes - 2 pcs
celery root - 50 g
carrots - 1 pc (small)
garlic clove - 2 pcs
herbs - to taste (thyme, Provence herbs)
greens - to taste (cilantro, parsley)
pepper mixture - to taste
sweet pepper - 1 pc.

Cut the eggplant lengthwise, make small cuts along the core (so that later
it was convenient to remove the pulp) and soak for 30 minutes so that bitterness comes out;
Boil carrots and celery until half cooked and cut into small cubes;
bake in the oven or hold in boiling water in order to remove from it
peel, finely chop and sauté until translucent;
Add to
pepper onion, carrot, celery, one tomato, garlic (everything is small
chopped), fry a little (almost until done);
Remove some pulp from eggplants (make “boats”). Cut the pulp, add to vegetables;
Add salt, pepper, thyme/Provencal herbs.
Grease the form with oil, lay out the boats, fill them with vegetables. Top with a slice of tomato;
Bake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees;
Serve chilled with herbs.

Marinated green beans in Korean - immediately becomes a favorite!

Pickled beans in Korean are surprised by many. We are already accustomed to carrots, but
beans - a curiosity. The taste of the dish is excellent. A with
traditionally fried chicken or meat - just lick your fingers!
Green beans - 500 grams
Bulb - 1 Piece
Carrot - 1 piece
Vegetable oil - 100 grams
Garlic (cloves) - 3 pieces
Salt - to taste
Ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon
Ground hot pepper - 1/2 teaspoon
Ground coriander - 1 teaspoon
Bay leaf - 2-3 Pieces

I tell you how to pickle beans in Korean:
1. Rinse the beans, remove the tips, cut into 3-centimeter
pieces and blanch in boiling salted water with bay leaf in
within a few minutes (2-3). Then drain it in a colander and leave it for
cooling down.
2. Peel carrots and onions. Cut carrots into strips, onions into half rings.
3. Place beans, chopped carrots and onions in a bowl. Add the crushed garlic to them and mix gently.

4. Pour oil into the pan, add vinegar, salt, spicy and black
pepper, coriander. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. How
just boil, turn it off.
5. Pour hot marinade over vegetables and
mix thoroughly. Then transfer to a jar, cool at
room temperature, close the lid and refrigerate for 12
hours. Ready!

Tell me honestly, which of us does not like to eat delicious food. Now there are quite a few culinary sites on the Internet that offer an abundance of recipes for various dishes. I recommend that you pay attention to the site www.kuharik.com. Recipes from the cook - you can easily cook the best dishes using culinary secrets. A wide selection of recipes awaits you - first, second courses, snacks, drinks, preservation, confectionery. Bon appetit!

To begin, select small or medium-sized tomatoes for preservation, rinse with water and tear off the stalks. Tomatoes should be firm, even slightly unripe. Pierce them at the points of attachment of the stalks with a toothpick or needle. The procedure is necessary so that the vegetable crop does not crack during the heat treatment process. Whole fruits in a jar look more beautiful, do not fall apart when pulled out with a spoon.

Prepare watermelons. Use for such a preparation a watermelon with dense pulp, or a little greenish. Otherwise, after pouring boiling water, its tender flesh will delaminate, fall apart, and the consistency will turn out like cotton wool, without a crunch. For preservation, cut the berry into slices 1.8 - 2 cm thick, 5-6 cm long. Cut off the green part of its peel in a thin layer. Remember to remove all the seeds using the sharp end of a knife.

Wash the liter jars in advance with soda and boil them in a pot of water. They can also be steam sterilized or in an oven at a low temperature (100 degrees) for 15 minutes. Soak lids in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Put spices (bay leaf, pepper mixture and cloves) on the bottom of the jars.

Alternating tomatoes with watermelon slices, put pieces of fruit in jars.

Fill filled jars with boiling water. Cover the jars with a lid and leave for 10 minutes to warm up.

Now drain the cooled water from each jar into a bowl (it is convenient to do this with a plastic lid with holes) and add salt and sugar to it. Let the marinade boil on the stove for 2-3 minutes.

The amount of marinade should be prepared with a small margin. In the process of boiling, part of the liquid evaporates, part can be accidentally spilled when filling cans.

In the meantime, add an aspirin tablet to each liter jar. It has an antibacterial effect, inhibits fermentation processes, contributing to the long-term preservation of canned food.

Pour 35 ml of 9% vinegar into each jar. It is better to use apple cider vinegar, it is tastier and healthier.

Pour the boiling marinade into containers with tomatoes and watermelon and tightly close the lids. Cover the jars with a thick towel and a blanket and leave to cool completely. For storage, place blanks in the basement or pantry.

When serving, we recommend combining pickled fruits with french fries.

Many of you are still preserving vegetables and fruits for the winter. This time I propose to make marinated tomatoes with watermelon for the winter. A recipe with a photo will help you understand the main points of preparation. Tomatoes are sweetish in taste in a fragrant, and very edible marinade.
Preparation time: 15 minutes. Cooking time: 50 minutes.

(per liter jar):
- dense tomatoes how much will fit;
- watermelon to taste;
- garlic 1 clove;
- parsley 2 sprigs;
- allspice and black pepper, 4 pcs.;
- carnation 2 pcs.;
- sugar 3 tbsp. l.;
- rock salt 2 tsp;
- water 600 ml;
- apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp. l.

For the preparation of tomatoes marinated with watermelon slices, I recommend using jars of at least 750 ml in volume. A small jar will only fit a few ingredients. Sterilize jars in the usual way for you. This time I used the microwave to sterilize the jars. To do this, the washed jars of soda were placed in the oven for 3 minutes. To prevent the jars from bursting, pour quite a bit of water on the bottom. Boil jar lids in a saucepan for 2-3 minutes.
At the bottom of the jars, put a few sprigs of parsley and a clove of garlic. You can also prepare this preservation without parsley and garlic, you get no less tasty tomatoes and watermelons.

Tomatoes must be taken for such preservation medium or small in size, with a dense skin. To make the jar with the workpiece look bright and pleasing to the eye, use tomatoes of different shades. Pierce tomatoes near the stem with a needle and put them halfway into jars.

Cut a ripe and not loose watermelon into slices, remove the green part of the peel. Gently, without pressing down, place the watermelons in jars with the tomatoes. By the way, you can just prepare for the winter.

If there is room left in the jar, add more tomatoes. For flavor, if desired, place strips of bell pepper in the empty spaces in the jar. From spicy spices, throw 4 peas of allspice and black pepper, cloves (1-2 pcs.) into filled jars.

Fill jars with tomatoes and watermelon slices with boiling water, cover with lids on top. Now leave the jars alone for 10 minutes to warm up the ingredients inside.

Pour warm water into a ladle and then send it to the fire, adding salt and sugar to it.

Pour apple cider vinegar into jars of tomatoes and watermelon, then fill with simmering brine. You can replace apple cider vinegar with citric acid or essence. Immediately roll up the jars with lids and turn them over. Place jars under blankets to cool, then store these pickled tomatoes with watermelon in the pantry for the winter.

Preserving vegetables and fruits is a common thing for us, and it is also a great opportunity to preserve the gifts of nature for as long as possible.

If you haven't tried making tomatoes with watermelon for the winter, this is your chance to get a new snack and diversify your winter diet. One has only to see such beauty in jars, and you immediately want to feast on juicy vegetables.

Preservation of these two components is very popular, as tomatoes and watermelon are perfectly combined and complement each other. Many scientists share the opinion that tomatoes are berries, as in the case of watermelon, maybe there is some truth in this, because together they are very tasty.

We will give the most successful salting recipes, and which one you like best at a family dinner, but without a doubt, each of them will find its admirers!

Canned tomatoes with watermelons


  • Watermelon - 3 kg + -
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg + -
  • Purified water - 2.5 l + -
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. + —
  • White granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. + —
  • Table vinegar - 2 tbsp. + —
  • Garlic - 4 cloves + -
  • Horseradish - 4 slices + -

How to salt tomatoes with watermelons in a jar

The most important thing is that in cooking such a preparation does not differ from the traditional one, and you do not have to make a lot of effort for cooking. All that is required is to stock up on quality products: tomatoes are best taken in small sizes, and watermelon can be ripe or slightly unripe.

  1. First of all, wash the tomatoes and watermelon, peel the watermelon, remove the seeds and cut into pieces as you wish (you can cut into small pieces or cut into long pieces), as long as they are conveniently placed in a jar. Peel the horseradish root and cut into slices, remove the husk from the garlic.
  2. Prepare the jars: wash them well, steam or in another way that suits you (many experienced housewives pour boiling water over the jars and wash them with nettle, it destroys all microbes in the jars and makes them mirror-clean).
  3. Put the garlic and horseradish in the prepared jars at the bottom, then put the tomatoes and slices of watermelon.
  4. Now boil the brine: pour water into the pan, bring to a boil and add salt, sugar and vinegar, boil for 2 minutes.
  5. Fill jars with blanks with brine and sterilize for 15 minutes. Then roll up the jars, put them upside down and wrap them in a thick cloth.
  6. Once completely cool, turn the jars over and place in a cool place.

A magnificent preparation of tomato and watermelon is ready, at any time you can enjoy a delicacy prepared by yourself.

Pickled watermelons with tomatoes in jars

For those who love pickled vegetables and cook them regularly for the winter, this recipe will be a real find. Without the use of sterilization, you can preserve amazing watermelons with tomatoes, they turn out juicy and sweet.


  • Tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • Watermelon - 3.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 8 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 6 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 7 cloves;
  • Spices - to taste.

How to cook marinated watermelons with tomatoes in jars

  1. Wash the watermelon and tomatoes well: dry the tomatoes, peel the watermelon and separate the seeds and cut into small pieces. Clean the garlic from the husk.
  2. Put the watermelon and tomatoes in prepared jars as follows: on the bottom - tomatoes, then a layer of watermelon, and on top a layer of tomatoes.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then pour the prepared jars with boiled water, cover with iron lids and soak for 15 minutes. Drain the water back into the pot and add salt, sugar, spices and boil.
  4. Pour jars with boiling marinade and roll up. Also put the jars upside down to cool and place in a cool place for long-term storage.

Pickled watermelons with tomatoes are ready, and if seaming is your hobby, then such jars will complement seasonal preparations very harmoniously.

Recipe for salted tomatoes with watermelons for the winter

Salting a tomato occupies a special place in the life of every housewife and you always want to surprise your loved ones with something new. Salted tomatoes with watermelons will perfectly fit into your cookbook and will delight even the most inveterate gourmets with their taste.

In order not to doubt whether you will like such a blank or not, you can first prepare one jar, try it and draw conclusions.


  • Cream tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Watermelon - 1 kg;
  • Dill - 2 sprigs;
  • Currant leaves - 3 pcs;
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Basil sprigs - 2 pcs;
  • Water - 1.2 liters.

How to make salted tomatoes with watermelons in a jar for the winter

  1. Wash the tomatoes several times in cool water, wash the watermelon with a sponge (if the skin is thin, then you do not need to peel it, if it is thick, remove half) and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the garlic, wash the currant leaves and basil.
  3. Put the garlic, basil and currant leaves in clean jars, put half the tomatoes after the spices (shake the jar lightly to fit more tomatoes). Then lay out the pieces of watermelon and again the tomatoes.
  4. Dissolve salt, sugar in cool water and pour watermelon with tomatoes with ready-made brine. Cover with a nylon lid and leave at room temperature for one week. After - open the jar, remove the white foam that has arisen during fermentation, and add a couple of tablespoons of fresh water.
  5. Cover the jar of pickles with a lid and send to a cool place. A month later, salted tomatoes with watermelon are ready to eat.

As you can see, it is very easy to cook tomatoes with watermelon for the winter, in the end you will get a great snack for daily meals. Salted watermelons and tomatoes are perfect for meat treats and can act as an independent dish.

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An unusual recipe for harvesting tomatoes. Pieces of watermelons are placed in a jar of tomatoes. Tomatoes acquire the fragrant smell of watermelons. Watermelons become canned. Those who have tried salted watermelons will understand me. And the marinade can be drunk, just like a drink.

Prepare tomatoes with watermelons for the winter.

Calculation for 1 three-liter jar.

It will take:

  • Tomatoes,
  • watermelon,
  • garlic - 6 cloves,
  • celery sprigs - 5 or 6 pieces,
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • salt - 1 tbsp. top spoon,
  • vinegar essence 70% - 1 dessert spoon (or dry citric acid - 1 teaspoon).


Sterilize jars. At the bottom of a three-liter jar put garlic and celery

Peel the watermelons, leaving only the red pulp, cut into large triangular pieces. Put tomatoes and watermelons in layers in a jar.

Boil water and carefully pour into a jar. Leave for 10 minutes, covered with a lid. After 10 minutes, pour water into a saucepan, boil and re-pour into a jar for 10 minutes.

For the third time, add salt and sugar to the water poured out of the jar. Boil, pour into a jar, pour vinegar on top or add citric acid of your choice. And immediately roll up. Turn over and wrap until completely cool.

Billet " Tomatoes with watermelons for the winter "Ready for storage.

Bon appetit!

Source - website "Woman's happiness"- read the whole recipe
All articles by the author Scarlett in the group "My Favorite Recipes"
