
Chicken cutlets with zucchini in the oven. Chicken cutlets with zucchini

The recipe for zucchini cutlets is to help every housewife who has these zucchinis a dime a dozen. Juicy thanks to zucchini, but spicy and fragrant thanks to dill and garlic, cutlets - great dish for dinner.

This dish is very light and tender, it will appeal to everyone who follows the figure and likes to go on diets. For cooking zucchini cutlets, I advise you to definitely use baking powder- it will make them more airy and not too flat. You can also cook them for breakfast or lunch. The dish is self-sufficient, I rarely cook an additional side dish for it. I just serve it with sour cream. So, the zucchini recipe is in the studio!

Servings: 3-4

Easy zucchini cutlet recipe home cooking step by step with photo. Easy to cook at home in 30 minutes. Contains only 43 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 min
  • Amount of calories: 43 kilocalories
  • Servings: 7 servings
  • Reason: For lunch
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Hot dishes, Meatballs

Ingredients for ten servings

  • Zucchini - 2 Pieces
  • Egg - 1 Piece
  • Dill - 50 Grams
  • Garlic - 2-3 Cloves
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Flour - 0.5 cups
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon

Step by step cooking

  1. Prepare the ingredients.
  2. Grate the zucchini, salt, pepper and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the resulting liquid, add finely chopped dill, chopped garlic and an egg.
  4. Mix well while adding flour and powder.
  5. Shape into patties and fry in oil on both sides.
  6. Serve ready-made zucchini cutlets hot, you can decorate with herbs or sour cream. Bon appetit)

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 80 min

Chickpeas are a substitute for flour in this recipe, as the consistency of the mashed chickpeas allows for this. Lenten cutlets chickpeas with zucchini are prepared without adding oil - instead of frying, we bake them in an air grill. Useful lean meatballs with a crispy crust but soft inside that can be served warm as an appetizer, side dish or main course. The same cutlets, but larger, can be prepared for vegetarian burgers.

- 1 tbsp. chickpeas
- 3 zucchini,
- 1 clove of garlic,
- a piece of onion
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

It is better to soak the chickpeas in advance in water overnight, so its cooking time will be halved. In the morning, change the water and boil the chickpeas until soft (about 35 minutes), adding salt towards the end.

Cut the zucchini randomly. The skin may not be removed. Chop the onion and garlic.

We spread the chopped zucchini, onion and garlic in a pan, add a little decoction from under the chickpeas and simmer under the lid for five minutes. Chickpea decoction allows you to stew zucchini without adding oil.

Simmer until the zucchini is soft and the excess moisture has evaporated. Add salt depending on whether the chickpea broth was salty at the time it was added to the zucchini. You can also season the vegetables with your favorite spices.

From the finished chickpeas, pour the rest of the broth into a glass, add stewed vegetables to the chickpeas.

Start pureeing the chickpeas and vegetables with an immersion blender. The mass will be too steep, so gradually pour the chickpea decoction into it to make a soft, elastic puree.

Minced chickpeas are more dense if kept for several hours in the refrigerator. You can even leave it overnight. From such minced meat it is more convenient and easier to sculpt cutlets. Although if you do not have time, you can immediately begin to form cutlets.

Wetting our hands cold water, separate larger pieces from minced meat walnut, we sculpt a ball. Then lightly flatten with your fingers.

We spread the cutlets on a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. 10 on each side. If you have an air grill function, then the cutlets will turn out perfect - they will quickly fry on the outside, but remain soft on the inside. IN conventional oven more time will be needed.

Serve ready cutlets served warm as a main dish, side dish or appetizer.

For lovers light food - delicious chicken cutlets with zucchini! Cutlets from minced chicken they always turn out very tender and fluffy if you use zucchini or zucchini instead of an egg. I categorize them as low-calorie, as well as children's food. And of course, it’s very good if the minced meat is homemade.


1.2 kg chicken fillet,
half zucchini,
1 large onion
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp. l. bread crumbs,
1 st. l. oyster sauce,
bunch of parsley,
cornmeal for breading
white pepper.


Grinding chicken fillet in a grinder.

Coarsely chop the onion, half the zucchini, peel the garlic.

We send all this into a meat grinder, plus a bunch of parsley there; mix well minced meat and scrolled vegetables. Add to minced meat 2 tbsp. l. bread crumbs.

A tablespoon of oyster sauce.

Salt and pepper, mix well.

With a cookie cutter (I took the smallest), we make cutlets. It is very convenient to make a neat cutlet shape with such a mold.

From this amount of ingredients, 15 cutlets were obtained.

Heat up a frying pan, melt a tablespoon ghee. Gently roll the patties in cornmeal from all sides. I like to roll cutlets in cornmeal, as it gives a beautiful, moderately crispy, golden crust.

Put the patties in a frying pan and fry over medium heat until golden brown.

Turn over, fry until golden brown on the other side.

We heat the oven to 200 degrees. Transfer the patties to a baking sheet and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Do not overcook, otherwise the cutlets will become hard and not juicy. My cutlets rested in the oven for 10 minutes.

All! This is my favorite version of chicken cutlets, as they always turn out lush, thanks to 10 minutes in the oven, tender, thanks to zucchini, spicy due to oyster sauce, and of course light and dietary. You can eat them just like that, with vegetable side dish, For example.

Bon appetit!

Easy zucchini cutlet recipe step by step with photo.

The recipe for zucchini cutlets is to help every housewife who has these zucchinis a dime a dozen. Juicy thanks to zucchini, but savory and fragrant thanks to dill and garlic, cutlets are a great dinner dish.

This dish is very light and tender, it will appeal to everyone who follows the figure and likes to go on diets. To prepare zucchini cutlets, I advise you to definitely use baking powder - it will make them more airy and not very flat. You can also cook them for breakfast or lunch. The dish is self-sufficient, I rarely cook an additional side dish for it. I just serve it with sour cream. So, the zucchini recipe is in the studio!

Servings: 3-4

  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Hot dishes, Meatballs
  • Recipe Difficulty: simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 15 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 min
  • Servings: 3 servings
  • Amount of calories: 83 kilocalories
  • Reason: For lunch

Ingredients for 3 servings

  • Zucchini - 2 Pieces
  • Egg - 1 Piece
  • Dill - 50 Grams
  • Garlic - 2-3 Cloves
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Flour - 0.5 cups
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon

step by step

  1. Prepare the ingredients.
  2. Grate the zucchini, salt, pepper and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the resulting liquid, add finely chopped dill, chopped garlic and an egg.
  4. Mix well while adding flour and powder.
  5. Shape into patties and fry in oil on both sides.
  6. Serve ready-made zucchini cutlets hot, you can decorate with herbs or sour cream. Bon appetit)
