
Oyster sauce recipes with it. How to Use Oyster Sauce: Top Tips! How to use oyster sauce

Where was oyster sauce invented?

Oyster sauce originated in China. The origin of the recipe is almost a myth: the fisherman was cooking oyster soup and fell asleep from fatigue - this is how the sauce appeared. Actually, this is water, according to the myth - just sea water - otherwise they use ordinary clean water, oyster meat and spices. Further corrections for modern reality begin. Today, oyster meat soup is too expensive, and boiling it down to a sauce, then pouring ordinary rice noodles with this jewel is just an outrage on the wallet. Therefore, today it is not the oysters themselves that go into the sauce, but the oyster extract.

How is it received?

Most likely, by simply pressing the oyster meat, it is something like fresh shellfish. The extract is preserved in jars and in this form is distributed around the world. In Moscow, finding one is not a problem; go to any culinary boutique. Initially, oyster sauce began to be produced in the Chinese province of Zhang Qin, then in neighboring Japan and Korea. There are nuances, but the taste is similar everywhere, salty-sweet. Asians love it very much, sometimes even use it instead of salt - which means that the scope of the sauce is unusually wide, like that of soy sauce. Ketchup is resting...

What, besides extract and water, is needed to make oyster sauce?

We use caramelized sugar, corn starch, you can also use potato starch, monosodium glutamate.

Flavor enhancer?

You really are surprised. Asian sauces are very strongly associated with these spices. As for usefulness, glutamate comes in two forms. The most common now is a chemical product, but there is also natural glutamate, a natural extract from plants. Of course, the natural version will be ten times more expensive, and it is hardly appropriate for oyster sauce. Here again, as in the case of oyster meat, the question of price arises.

How do we prepare the sauce?

We boil oyster extract, starch, sugar in water, add a little citric acid - and wait. We need a jam-like consistency. As it came - set aside from the fire. The sauce has a piquant sweet-salty taste, rich in amino acids and proteins. Store it in the refrigerator and use quickly.

The oyster sauce just asks for something fish or a seafood dish...

But no! It is ideal to accompany them not with fish, but with meat dishes, especially pork. In second place is beef, followed by fish dishes and chicken. You will understand a lot about oyster sauce if I call it the Russian word "gravy". Asians cook meat, rice and eat them with this very gravy - it turns out "lack of food", but the main thing is that the rice is juicy and you can eat a lot of it. The sauce is always poured in at the very end of cooking, it is always heat-treated. To eat something somewhere with raw oyster sauce - like barbecue with ketchup, for example - this does not happen. Heat treatment greatly enhances the taste of the sauce, although some of its properties, of course, are irretrievably lost.

It looks like beef noodle soup to me. We take beef tenderloin, soft meat, cut across the fibers into square pieces, slightly wider than azu. Marinate lightly in sesame oil, Chinese rice wine, salt and pepper. “Marinating” is a strong word: in fact, we just mix the meat with the above ingredients with our hands. And then immediately throw it into deep fat for 20 seconds. Outside it turns out a crust, inside - tenderness. Next, we take rice, best flat noodles, fry them in a small amount of oil in a hot frying pan so that it does not stick to the walls. The right frying pan is a wok, the right spatula is wooden. We fried it, added a little chicken broth, turned it off and do not remove it from the stove so that it cools as slowly as possible. Now we prepare the dressing: we throw garlic, ginger into the pan, fry them with the addition of chicken broth, pour in oyster sauce, thick dark soy sauce, Chinese wine and a drop of sesame oil. Here - cornstarch for thickening, and then beef, after which we remove from the stove and spread on the noodles. The plate must be deep.

What do we garnish?

Serve noodles marinated in spices with sugar and rice vinegar red capsicum, which must first be scalded and immediately cooled with frappe ice, because if you leave it to cool on its own, the scalded pepper will continue to cook, and the taste will not be the same.

Interviewed by Anna Karmanova

Oyster sauce is a phrase familiar to anyone who loves Asian cuisine. It is in such dishes that this spicy dressing is often found. Want to know more about her and learn how to cook on your own? Then our review is made especially for you!

What it is

The product is a thick dark liquid - a mixture of oysters and several other components. In the photo you can see the thick, "caramel" texture of the dressing.

It is used in cooking in Asian countries as - dishes with oyster sauce are popular in China, Vietnam, Cambodia.

Got a quick tour? Now it's time to talk about what oyster sauce is eaten with, where to add aromatic dressing.

Where to add

To begin with, we note how to use oyster sauce - there are certain rules for consuming the product:

  • At the end of cooking in a small amount - a tablespoon per pot / pan is enough;
  • Reduce the amount of salt when preparing such dishes;
  • Cook at a low temperature - too high a figure will “kill” all the flavors.

Figured out how to use oyster sauce with meat or other ingredients. Now let's talk about what oyster sauce is eaten with. The list is quite wide:

  • Thai oyster sauce good for chicken or noodles as well as teriyaki;
  • Creamy oyster sauce perfectly harmonizes with vegetables and potatoes;
  • Pepper-oyster sauce suitable for rice, sushi and sashimi, rolls.

What else is combined with this unique oyster component?

  • Beef and pork dishes;
  • Stews;
  • As a base for other sauces and marinades;
  • boiled fish;
  • Grilled dishes;
  • Mushroom snacks;
  • Salads from vegetables and meat ingredients.

Surely you will be interested to know what the gas station consists of? Then read on!


It is very important to study the composition of oyster sauce - in order to get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product and find the right ingredients for making it yourself. To begin with, let's talk about the components that make up the composition - so, let's figure out what oyster sauce is made of:

  • oysters;
  • Water;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar;
  • Corn starch;
  • Wheat flour;
  • Caramel color;
  • Monosodium glutamate.

There is also a vegetarian version - for those who do not consume animal products:

  • Mushrooms;
  • Soy sauce;
  • glucose syrup;
  • Water, salt and sugar, starch.

Now it's time to discuss the chemical composition of oyster dressing - it includes a large number of useful elements:

  • Iodine and potassium;
  • Phosphorus and zinc;
  • calcium and selenium;
  • Magnesium and copper;
  • Iron and fluorine;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamin PP, A and C;
  • Glucose;
  • Folic and ascorbic acids.

The calorie content is quite small due to the low fat content, but it contains a lot of proteins and carbohydrates (high in sugar and salt).

Let's now talk about what the dressing tastes like and what you can substitute for oyster sauce.

Features of taste than to replace

To begin with, let's discuss what oyster sauce tastes like - it is important to study the taste characteristics of the product even before using it.

  • It has a delicate, sweet-salty flavor;
  • The taste of salt is not pronounced;
  • The smell is not like the aromas of fish products;
  • Somehow it tastes like umami.

Now you know what an oyster product looks like - it's time to figure out if there are available analogues.

  • Worcestershire sauce with soy sauce;
  • Fish sauce.

We learned how to replace oyster sauce - there is always a choice! If you don’t want to look for analogues or go to the store for a cherished bottle, try making it yourself - read below how to make oyster sauce at home.


Not everyone can buy Chinese oyster sauce or any other type of product - but you can try to push your culinary boundaries and make your own dressing.

The recipe for cooking at home is quite simple - and the result will surprise you with incredible taste and aroma! We figure out how to make the perfect dressing at home:

Learned a simple oyster sauce recipe? It's time to move on - before use, it is important to study the features of the storage of the product.

  • A self-prepared product is stored in the refrigerator for a month;
  • Factory refueling is stored according to the rules indicated on the package;
  • The product of industrial production, on average, costs about 3-6 months without loss of quality and taste in a cold place, the packaging must be airtight.

Pay attention, if you notice a change in color and loss of smell, then it's time to throw the product away.

You know how to make and where to add oyster sauce. The next important part of the article is the useful properties and possible contraindications of the product.

Benefit and harm

The benefits and harms of the oyster product come from its composition, which we discussed in detail above. Let's start by talking about the beneficial qualities of dressing - with regular moderate consumption, you can extract the following positive properties:

  • Conclusion of harmful cholesterol;
  • Increased immunity;
  • Normalization of metabolism;
  • Improved appetite;
  • Stress relief and help in getting rid of depression;
  • Normalization of the digestive system;
  • Stimulation of the brain;
  • Improving the functioning of the liver and blood vessels;
  • Gives a charge of vivacity and energy.

However, there are some contraindications for use - you should carefully study them before buying or preparing a dressing:

  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Allergy to seafood.

We call for moderation in the consumption of any product - this also applies to spicy dressing. If you have any questions, please contact a specialist!

How to choose where to buy?

You can buy an oyster product in any large store - you will find it on the shelves with spices and other sauces, as well as in the Asian cuisine departments.

When choosing, pay attention to the composition - it is better to look for labels that indicate the least amount of artificial components. It is also important to look at these words:

  • Oyster Sauce - speaks of the naturalness of the composition;
  • Oyster Flavored is a label for products that are flavored like oysters.

Now you know what oyster sauce is used for, what features it has and to whom it is contraindicated - finally, read the reviews of those who were able to prepare the dressing on their own!

Oyster sauce is not at all like some kind of fish food, as it is prepared exclusively from delicacy mollusks from tropical seas. The specific and appetizing aroma, sour-sweet-salty taste, thick syrupy texture and a hint of dark chocolate attracted the attention of culinary experts from all over the world.

historical ode

Oyster sauce is an invention of enterprising representatives of China, who are accustomed to invent another Chinese masterpiece from the smallest set of products.

People who actively eat rice and fish have willingly devoured all kinds of marine reptiles for centuries, diversifying their meager protein diet. Not only mussels, octopus, shrimp and squid were used, but also rarer oysters. Soups and noodles were especially popular in coastal restaurants.

Legend has it that at the end of the 19th century, the cook of one of the establishments in the south of the country cooked oyster stew. Several times, adding spices and seasonings, spinning with numerous orders and forgetting about the soup, he came to his senses when he acquired an unsightly “burnt” look. Frightened, looking around, he stuck his nose into the pan and was surprised at the aroma emitted by the thick liquid. Rejoiced, he wrote down the recipe for a new dish.

A wonderful addition to the familiar dishes was to the taste of the guests of the institution. Word of the sauce spread from the port city far beyond its borders. A nimble Chinese registered a brand and, with the help of influential acquaintances, opened production.

Oyster sauce gained fame in Europe primarily in France and England. But, here the delicacy was prepared as in combination with oysters.

Nowadays, oyster sauce is produced not only in the Asian region, but also in the USA. The assortment of the line of such sauces is increasing every year, numbering more than a hundred types.

In the CIS countries, oyster sauce appeared due to close trade contacts with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. And it is clear why - after all, their cuisine is very different from the Slavic one, causing a healthy interest among curious inhabitants.

Secrets of cooking oyster sauce

What is this exotic product made of? Everything is rather difficult here. The basis for cooking are fresh bivalves that live in the southern warm seas. The most famous for their quality are oysters caught in the mouths of large rivers, in places of high and low tides, where the waters contain the least amount of salt and high temperature. The most purchased edible breed for Europeans is Norwegian wild, then Japanese, grown in artificial conditions. But, the dominance in the production of oysters has long been established by the United States of America.

Fortunately, for cooking at home, we do not have to boil expensive clams. It is enough to use ready-made oyster essence. We want to warn you that you need to choose it with great care. Essence containing less than 30 percent of the extract is reputed to be of poor quality. It contains food chemical "Eshki", for example: the notorious flavor enhancer beloved by the Chinese - monosodium glutamate, as well as potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate. But it only takes a few minutes to prepare.

To get closer to the original taste, you can add rice vodka (sake) or white wine, sugar (honey) to homemade oyster sauce, ground pepper or pickled garlic (onion) for spiciness. Salt better with sea salt, purchased.

What to eat with and how to replace oyster sauce

It is considered correct to eat oysters fresh and raw. Oyster sauce has become an alternative to an expensive delicacy. Its use in various meat, fish, vegetable dishes, as well as dressings in salads, pasta, etc. enriched them. And in the form of a marinade for meat and fish, it has no price!

In native penates with sauce goes well with:

  • traditional noodles;
  • first seafood dishes;
  • salads;
  • mushroom delights;
  • baked and boiled fish;
  • pork, beef and grilled poultry.

If adapted to our cuisine, it works well with buckwheat, rice and stewed eggplant.

Some gourmets replace the sauce with a mixture of soybean oil, vegetable broth, starch and spices. But having tried the classic oyster sauce at least once, you will never forget its peculiar taste.

What is the value of the dish

Of course, the question of benefit is not the last. Why is such an exotic needed? It turns out that this product has many useful properties. It contains:

  • selenium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, fluorine;
  • vitamins of group B, A, C, PP, nicotinic acid;
  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • ceramides.

With their help, the body stabilizes the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the gastrointestinal tract, improves immunity and resistance to oncological diseases, and increases potency.

Excessive passion for seafood threatens only those suffering from gout, because they have a lot of protein compounds that turn into uric acid, and this is bad for the joints.

Oyster sauce is suitable for a diet, because it has practically no calories (does not contain fat), but it has a lot of protein and carbohydrates (due to the sugar content).

Now let's try to cook something close to the original at home with our own hands!

Oyster Sauce "Golden Dragon"

For 0.5 kilo of fresh oysters we need:

  • dry white wine 1 glass;
  • soy sauce 300 ml;
  • starch 1.5 tbsp;
  • onion 1 large head;
  • natural honey 1 tbsp;
  • vinegar 20 ml;
  • ground black pepper to taste;
  • water for cooking about half a liter.

Cooking method:

  • We will wash the oysters brought from the store. Take a napkin and lay out the sink in it. With a special thin knife (medical scalpel) at the place where the valves close, we make an incision in depth and draw it from the flat side in the middle, cutting the muscle that locks the valves. To make sure that the mollusk is alive, let's touch the dark line of the cilia. Body twitching will convince you of freshness.
  • Peel and wash the onion, finely chop, pour vinegar for 5-7 minutes, i.e. pickle. Drain the marinade.
  • We put the oyster meat and pickled onions into the bowl of the multicooker-pressure cooker and add water so that it completely covers the prepared foods. We put the cook on the stewing program for 2 hours. Strain the resulting liquid.
  • The broth should acquire a dark shade and a sour smell. The meat will no longer be useful to us, and the essence will be set aside to cool.
  • Pour wine, soy sauce into a saucepan, add honey. While stirring, heat up to 45-50 ° C (until the honey dissolves).
  • Mix wine-soy liquid over low heat with 2/3 parts of oyster extract. In the remaining third that has cooled to room temperature, stir the starch (without the formation of lumps). Stirring constantly, boil until thick jelly. At the end, we will pepper. Let's mix everything.
  • We put the finished sauce in jars with tight lids. We store in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

The recipe can be simplified by using store-bought oyster sauce.

Oyster Sauce "Yellow Sea"


  • 200 ml - oyster essence;
  • 1 teaspoon - apple cider vinegar (you can table 9%);
  • 4 tablespoons without top - granulated sugar;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 50 grams (heaped tablespoon) potato starch;
  • salt of your choice.
  • First, we cook caramel: pour sugar into a stainless steel, pour half a glass of water and vinegar. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until thickened and golden brown. If you overdo it, you risk getting bitterness.
  • Pour in the extractive essence there, add salt and heat over low heat.
  • In the remaining cool water, dissolve the starch. We cook just enough to get the density of fat sour cream.
  • We transfer the finished sauce to a clean container and use it chilled.

oyster sauce- This is a fairly popular food supplement. The idea of ​​its preparation and use came to us from Asia, where this product is often added to various dishes.

The history of the appearance of oyster sauce dates back to the 19th century. This product first appeared in a Chinese cafe. In the establishment, one could taste various oyster treats prepared by one of the chefs. On one of his working days, he discovered that as a result of the heat treatment of oysters, an appetizing-smelling liquid is obtained that could be used as a sauce, adding spices to it. This is exactly what the man did, resulting in a delicious and unique oyster sauce.

A few years later, this chef founded his own company, the hallmark of which was the same oyster sauce. Today, this product is very popular not only in Asia, but also in Europe.

Oyster sauce is used for cooking seafood dishes, as well as for side dishes and snacks. You can learn more about this in our article.

How to use oyster sauce?

Oyster sauce is used in cooking to prepare delicious and fragrant dishes, the recipes of which you can find in large quantities on the Internet. Best of all, this product emphasizes the taste of seafood dishes, namely from:

  • shrimp;
  • fish (especially salmon);
  • squid;
  • crab meat;
  • mussels;
  • pickled octopus, etc.

Oyster sauce is used to dress salads, which include the above ingredients. Also, the product is suitable for meat, especially chicken, beef and pork. Many hostesses prepare turkey or chicken wings by adding oyster sauce to the marinade, resulting in a delicious meal!

Oyster sauce can be used to make delicious side dishes such as rice, noodles, potatoes with mushrooms, fried eggplant, buckwheat porridge, and more. Also, the product is suitable for vegetable side dishes.

Often the ingredient is added to first courses, it is especially good for seafood soup. In addition, oyster sauce pairs wonderfully with other aromatic herbs and spices, complementing their subtle flavors rather than overpowering them.

An interesting fact is that the product can be an independent sauce, or it can become an additional ingredient for other sauces. So, it is often added to Caesar, Bechamel and others sauces. The taste of dishes seasoned with these sauces will conquer you and your family!

Sometimes it happens that one or another ingredient is not enough for cooking, which is immediately replaced with an identical one in composition or properties. Oyster sauce is no exception. In our article, we will tell you about how and with what you can replace it at home.

What to replace?

It is quite possible to replace oyster sauce in Chinese or Thai national dishes. To do this, you just need to buy regular soy sauce and add 0.5 tablespoons of sugar and one or two drops of Worcestershire sauce to it. Mix it all well, resulting in a sauce close to oyster.

Another way to replace this ingredient: mix soy sauce and fish sauce in equal proportions, then pour the resulting mixture into a glass container.

For vegetarians, there is another way to replace oyster sauce:

  1. Take two tablespoons of soybean oil, the same amount of flour, add 500 milliliters of vegetable broth and mix it all well.
  2. Add a tablespoon of sour cream and one bay leaf, as well as pepper and salt to taste. You can also add some spices.
  3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and put on fire. While stirring, cook the sauce until it boils. After that, without stopping stirring the liquid, boil it until it becomes thicker.
  4. At the end of cooking, add a little cornstarch mixed with water and leave the mixture to cool.
  5. Add a tablespoon of sugar and you're done with a vegan oyster sauce substitute!

You can add other additives to your dishes, but don't overdo it, as oyster sauce is already a good way to enhance the taste of food. Do not add too much, so as not to spoil the finished dish.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, oyster sauce is very popular. And thanks to the development of tourism, this product has gained many fans in our country. The sauce has a thick consistency and, oddly enough, does not have a specific “fishy” smell and taste. This sauce is not eaten with spoons, it is used as a seasoning, adding a few drops to the dish being prepared.

Outwardly, oyster sauce looks like a thick dark brown liquid. The sauce is used as a flavor enhancer, it can be used alone or together with other seasonings, in particular, with soy sauce.

Traditional oyster sauce has a simple composition. Its base is caramelized syrup, which is a by-product of cooking oysters. Mollusks are boiled in water for a long time. At the same time, they secrete juices, which, when heated for a long time, caramelize and turn into a thick and very fragrant syrup.

Interesting! In fact, the basis of the sauce is a heavily boiled down concentrated oyster broth. Additional ingredients are salt, sugar, cornstarch.

However, modern seasoning manufacturers take a simpler path, creating a product from artificial components. Therefore, the composition of the sauce, as a rule, includes an extract or essence of oysters, as well as seasonings and starch. Often soy sauce is also included in the composition. Cheap versions of the sauce use artificial flavors.

In most cases, in the industrial production of oyster sauce, sodium glucomate is included in its composition. This additive is widely used in Asian cuisine, it acts as a flavor enhancer.

What do you eat oyster sauce with?

Let's figure out what oyster sauce is eaten with, and how it should be served. It may seem that this sauce should be served with fish dishes. Of course, this will not be a big mistake, but nevertheless, the sauce is more harmoniously combined with meat dishes.

  • Especially with grilled or skewered meat. So feel free to serve it to barbecues and barbecues.
  • You can also serve the sauce with poultry dishes, both for ordinary chicken and for various types of game.
  • Add a few drops of sauce to rice, noodles or vegetables. Seasoning is added before the end of cooking.
  • You can add a few drops of sauce to a soup cooked in fish broth, the taste of the dish will be brighter.
  • Seafood goes well with the sauce, shrimp in oyster sauce can be called a particularly successful dish.

In a word, you can serve oyster sauce with any dish, with the exception of desserts.

Read also: How to Make Cream Sauce - 8 Recipes

What to replace?

If it was not possible to purchase the necessary seasoning, and there is no time to cook it, then the question may arise, how to replace the oyster sauce. We offer several options that are not quite equal, but quite worthy replacements.

  • Soy sauce. This is perhaps the most affordable replacement option. However, soy sauce contains much more salt than oyster sauce. To get a similar taste, you need to add half a teaspoon of granulated sugar to a tablespoon of soy sauce.
  • fish sauce. This version of the sauce is already more similar to oyster, but we have a more pronounced “fishy” smell. To replace oyster sauce, we recommend mixing fish and soy sauces in equal volumes.

Interesting facts: there is a legend that a poor Chinese fisherman was the first to cook oyster sauce. Returning home, the fisherman decided to cook oyster soup. But he was so tired that he fell asleep without waiting for dinner. And waking up a few hours later, I saw that instead of soup, a thick brown mass was gurgling on the stove. The poor man did not throw away food. And having tried the brew, I was convinced that it was not only edible, but also very tasty.

Oyster Sauce: Basic Recipe

Let's try to cook oyster sauce according to the basic recipe.

  • 250 gr. fresh oysters;
  • 650 ml soy sauce.

Thoroughly wash the oysters, boil them for a couple of minutes. Open shells are a sign of readiness.

Advice! If, after boiling, unopened shells come across, then they should be thrown away, these oysters are spoiled.

Remove clams from shells and chop finely. Pour the chopped oysters with soy sauce, add about half a glass of water in which the seafood was cooked. We put the sauce on the fire and boil until its volume decreases by 30%.

For cooking, you can use not only fresh, but also canned oysters. In this case, you do not need to boil them, you need to immediately chop finely. Instead of oyster broth, add liquid from a can to soy sauce.

A simple cooking recipe

We offer a simple recipe for making homemade oyster sauce, it can be made in just a couple of minutes.

  • 40 ml soy sauce;
  • 25 ml of liquid from a can of canned oysters;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of sugar.

Canned oysters are required to make the condiment. But we only need liquid (marinade) from a jar, the oysters themselves can be used to prepare other dishes.

Advice! If you do not plan to use the oysters immediately after opening the jar, they should be transferred to a glass or plastic container with a tight lid, pour over the rest of the marinade and store in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Pour the right amount of marinade for the sauce, mix it with soy sauce. It is advisable to use a mixture of light and dark soy sauce. Mix both varieties in equal proportions, but you can take only dark soy sauce.

Dissolve the sugar in the prepared sauce. First, put one teaspoon. We try, if it seems that there is not enough sugar, add another spoonful. Our sauce is ready.

Read also: Sauce for dolma - 9 recipes

More difficult option

It tastes like a traditional sauce. Although the cooking technology is different.

  • 450 gr. fresh oysters;
  • 40 gr. onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 80 gr. butter;
  • 35 gr. wheat flour;
  • 20 gr. grated ginger root;
  • 5 gr. thyme;
  • 5 gr. dry basil;
  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • 180 ml of oyster broth;
  • 120 ml cream.

Thoroughly wash the oysters, boil them in lightly salted water. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer the oysters under the lid for about 3 hours. Then drain the broth, and cool the shells. Remove clams from shells and chop finely.

Chop the onion and garlic very finely. Fry the vegetables in butter for 6-7 minutes, then add the grated ginger root to the vegetables and fry for another couple of minutes. Add finely chopped oysters, thyme and basil.

We continue to fry everything together for another five minutes on low heat. Then, through a sieve, sprinkle the products in the pan with flour and mix everything.

Separately, mix the oyster broth with soy sauce and cream. Pour the resulting mixture into the pan to the oysters. Pour in a thin stream, stirring vigorously. Cook for another five minutes, without ceasing to interfere.

Remove sauce from heat, cool slightly, and puree with an immersion blender. You can additionally grind through a sieve. Pour the sauce into a saucepan and simmer over low heat until the sauce thickens.

Sauce with oyster extract

If you have oyster extract, you can use it to make a kind of oyster sauce very quickly.

  • 200 ml of extract;
  • 100 ml of vinegar, preferably rice, but you can also take apple;
  • 700 ml of water;
  • 100 ml sake. If sake is not available, you can take the same amount of semi-dry white wine;
  • 250 gr. radishes;
  • 600 gr. onion.

First of all, let's take care of the vegetables, they need to be washed and cleaned. Then grind to a pulp. You can use any convenient method - a grater, a combine, a blender. We shift the vegetable gruel into a saucepan with a thick bottom.
