
New dishes from chefs. Salad of Uncle Gilyay from the chef of the restaurant "On the Mill" Tatyana Starostina

From the chef of the restaurant Scottish cell» Yuri Lamonov

You will need:

(for one serving)

  • Salmon fillet s / s - 50 g
  • Cocktail shrimp - 50 g
  • Bulgur - 50 g
  • Quail egg- 12 g
  • Chicken egg - 25 g
  • Iceberg lettuce - 15 g
  • Fresh cucumbers - 20 g
  • Mayonnaise - 31 g
  • Soy sauce - 5 g
  • Sockeye caviar - 8 g
  • Salad lola rossa - 3 g

Mixed tomato salad with quinoa

From the chef wine bar Touche`Taras Kiriyenko

You will need:

Vinaigrette with honey and soy sauce

  • Honey - 125 g
  • Soy sauce - 10 g
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • White vinegar- 35 g
  • Balsamic vinegar - 10 g


Mix all the ingredients - the sauce is ready.

Salted cottage cheese

  • Coarse sea salt - 500 g
  • Curd - 230 g


Sprinkle salt on the bottom of the plate, put the cottage cheese and sprinkle salt on top, completely covering the cottage cheese. Place in a warm place for 5-7 days. Get curd from salt.

For one serving you will need:

  • 200 g tomatoes (largely chopped)
  • 30g yellow cherry tomatoes (cut in half)
  • 30 g black quinoa (pre-boil)
  • 10 g red onion (half rings)
  • 10 g fresh radish (thin slices)
  • 5 g pistachios (finely chopped)
  • 20 g vinaigrette with honey and soy
  • 30 g grapes
  • 10 g olive oil
  • Salt pepper
  • 1 g salted curd
  • mini spinach

Cocktail "Blue Light"
Toni Paese / Percorso

  • 150 ml champagne
  • 5 ml liquor
  • 5 ml of fresh juices: cranberry, tangerine, strawberry
  • 5 g dark chocolate
  • 1.8 g sodium alginate per ingredient
  • calcium chloride solution: 2.5 g of calcium chloride per 0.5 l of water

We mix each of the ingredients, except for champagne, with sodium alginate and draw it into a disposable syringe, as if we were going to give an injection. Pour champagne into a frozen martini glass. We release the contents of each syringe into a solution of calcium chloride, catch the resulting colored balls with a spoon with holes and lower them into a glass. You can decorate with a cherry soaked in cognac and sprinkle with gold dust.

Voznesensky pr., 1

Artem Gill and OlesyaDrobrt / E.M.

Boil potatoes with saffron, carrots with coriander, sauté peas in olive oil. Grind potatoes, carrots and dehydrated tomatoes with thyme into cubes, mix everything and put on a plate, covering with a layer of caviar. Saffron aioli, homemade garlic mayonnaise, for refueling we pass through a siphon and nitrogen. Olivier can be served with champagne jelly with food colors(they are grown without chemical fertilizers) and smoked quail egg with flower salt - a mixture of dried flowers and sea salt.

Emb. R. Moiki, 84

Cocktail "Mandarin from vodka and champagne"
Igor Zernov / ZigZag

  • 50 ml vodka
  • 100 ml champagne
  • 20 ml lemon juice
  • 30 g tangerine caviar
  • 10 g tangerine jam
  • 2 drops orange bitter

Shake vodka, jam, lemon juice and bitter with ice in a shaker. Pour into an ice sphere, add sparkling wine through a funnel. Serve with pine smoke. To do this, dissolve in water aroma oils and extracts of pine and juniper, pour dry ice, collect smoke through a hose and place in a vessel. Lay tangerine caviar next to it.

Gorokhovaya st., 64

Mimosa salad"
Yuri Manchuk / GinzaProject

  • mayonnaise with mandarin juice
  • carrot
  • potato
  • boiled egg
  • butter
  • tuna

Grate potatoes, carrots, egg yolks, egg whites and frozen butter separately fine grater, cut the onion into cubes, ruthlessly knead the tuna with a fork. For the sake of the sauce, squeeze the juice from the tangerine and mix with mayonnaise. We spread the salad in layers, lubricating each with sauce: successively potatoes (slightly salted), carrots, onions, tuna, butter, protein, crab and yolk.

Pascal Galette / Grand Hotel Europe

  • strawberry
  • butter
  • chocolate
  • cream

Melt the chocolate in a water bath at a water temperature of 38–40 ° C, beat stubbornly with a mixer for 10 minutes egg yolks with sugar, then turn liquid cream- bring them to medium density. Combine chocolate and cream with each other and beat them until smooth. We coat the cakes with the resulting mousse, cut the strawberries and put on top chocolate cream, lay the cakes on top of each other. Cut the napoleon into rectangular pieces and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

Mikhailovskaya st., 1/7

Cocktail "Tangerine mustache"
Kirill Ulyanov / Barslon network

  • 45 ml tangerine vodka
  • 25 ml Spanish sherry
  • 15 ml liquor
  • 30 ml homemade tangerine cinnamon syrup
  • tangerine foam
  • cinnamon

Mix the ingredients together and with ice and shake vigorously. Put the tangerine foam into the glass and carefully pour the mixture. Serve in a friendly company slices of dried tangerine, sprigs of rosemary and tendrils of tangerine zest. Aromatize the cocktail with essential oil from tangerine zest.

The vinaigrette
Leonid Ivanov / Graf-in

  • beets
  • carrot
  • potato
  • beet leaves
  • cucumber sorbet
  • radish
  • herring
  • young green peas

We bake the beets in the ashes for nine long hours in a cooling oven. We disassemble the herring fillet, throw sea salt on it and leave it for two hours to get acquainted with dill, red onion, garlic, olive oil and soy sauce. We joyfully splash into a bowl of baked beets Orange juice, beat the resulting mixture and wipe. Glaze carrots with thyme and garlic in sugar. Bake potatoes in foil with garlic and bay leaf. Mix the mustard for the sauce vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and roasted beet puree, beat all the ingredients. We decorate the dish with beet leaves, radish slices, peas and cucumber sorbet.

Konnogvardeisky Boulevard, 1

Dmitry Lomonosov / FunkyKitchen

Soak the gelatin in the sheets for half an hour, boil the shrimp. fish broth bring to a boil, say goodbye to carrots, onions, celery, bay leaves and salt, throw them into boiling water and cook for a quarter of an hour. We filter, we add white pepper, gelatin, heat, stirring until it dissolves. We put shrimp on the bottom of the mold, alternating with carrots, eggs, peas. Pour in the broth, let cool, then hide in the refrigerator. We make caviar from lemon, carrots and greens: we cool the olive oil in the freezer until thick, we drip the juice of fruits and greens from the syringe into the oil (50 g and 3 g of gelatin each). Cool the oil again for 5-10 minutes and strain the caviar through a sieve.

Bolshoy pr. P.S., 88

Chicken with artichoke cream
Dmitry Grachenko / VillaZimaleto

  • chick
  • artichokes
  • garlic
  • oyster mushrooms
  • butter and olive oil
  • cream
  • watercress

We boil the farm chicken in sous vide - in a bag from where the air is pumped out. Then fry it on both sides for 1-2 minutes with salt and pepper. We also cook artichokes in sous vide, then grind them with olive oil, rosemary and garlic. Foie gras, truffle cream, cream and chicken bouillon beat into foam, which fill the bird. To complete the picture - oyster mushrooms stewed in butter and watercress.

Krestovsky island, Southern road, 8

Herring under a Fur Coat
Sergey Fokin / PepperMoon

  • earth from Borodino bread
  • potatoes with red onion
  • carrot
  • beet
  • herring

Bake vegetables in foil with olive oil. We interrupt the beets with a blender with a teaspoon of wine vinegar and olive oil. Part of the cream will be the basis of the salad, the second is frozen with liquid nitrogen and broken into highly artistic beet "stones". Marinate potato cubes with vinegar, onion and olive oil for at least two hours. Cut carrots and homemade mayonnaise we fill it into a siphon, in order to then release the contents into liquid nitrogen and intensively break it with a spoon to simulate snow. We decorate the plate beet leaf, quail egg and earth from Borodino bread.

st. Rubinstein, 8

Artem Volchek / Shop "Garland"

  • pork knuckle
  • beef bone
  • beef for broth
  • Bay leaf
  • carrot
  • onion
  • garlic

Bring the washed shank and bone to a boil in large saucepan. Carefully drain the broth and rinse both the pan and the meat. Putting the meat set back, fill it with water and bring to a boil. Cook with low languor for four hours, not forgetting to remove fat and foam. Add beef, peppers and carrots and onions burnt on fire. Then cook for another hour and a half, 10-15 minutes before readiness, throw salt and bay leaf. Having taken out the meat and bones, we filter the broth through a cloth, we press the garlic into it. We disassemble the meat into fibers, put it on the bottom of the mold, pour the broth and put it in the refrigerator to solidify.

- In our family New Year always goes extraordinary: we live in different cities and all get together only on the eve of the holiday. Only on December 31, I find out what we will cook this time, it is always a surprise for me what my mother will choose for the New Year's table. I like to fantasize on the go, so this game is especially pleasant for me. We cook everything together, with six or even eight hands. But all labor-intensive processes, of course, I take upon myself. All family members have their own signature dishes. Grandmother, for example, comes from Far East, so it is excellent at doing slightly salted fish. She does not use pepper and other spices, does not remove bones, just makes a few cuts, generously lubricates the whole fish coarse salt and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. The fish turns out tender, I have not yet been able to repeat this taste. Specialty of the house dads - goose baked in dough. In general, all the dishes of my mother turn out to be excellent, I even sometimes peep some tricks from her and then apply them in my work. We no longer cook traditional herring under a fur coat and Olivier salad, although before everyone loved them very much. In general, the menu should be selected based on the drinks with which you want to celebrate the New Year. Drink strong alcohol and bite him expensive cheeses not worth it, in this case, mushrooms will help perfectly, meat dishes. Best Appetizer to cognac - some kind of fruit, but not lemon or grapes. Good fit hard cheese, olives, pates. For champagne, you can buy pineapple, strawberries, ice cream, make sandwiches with caviar. We also cook desserts with the whole family, but we do it on January 1st.

Last New Year I cooked for the family light salad and stuffed trout risotto. By the way, fish cooked in this way is one of my favorite dishes, it is also in banquet menu our restaurant.

Trout with risotto

We take an average trout weighing from 1.5 to 2 kg so that there is enough space inside for the filling. Before buying a fish, check the skin: the skin should be fairly even, not damaged. As a rule, such a fish has already been gutted, so it remains for us to cut off the costal bones with a knife, get the spine, free the carcass from all the bones, and get the gills from the head. Filling the head with fresh herbs(thyme, tarragon) and add a whole, slightly cut lemon to them. Cooking from fish bones strong broth. When it is ready, we take out the bones, add a little thyme and cook al dente risotto on this broth, that is, boil the rice until half cooked. It is important that the rice remains slightly damp. In parallel, we are preparing vegetables. I usually take zucchini, celery, bell pepper Anything but tomatoes. We cut the vegetables into cubes and lightly stew in vegetable oil with the minimum amount spices. Then we combine rice, vegetables and shrimp and stuff the fish with this mixture. To prevent the filling from falling out, the abdomen can be sewn up or chopped off with skewers, but I just carefully place the trout on the tummy. Lightly grease the fish with vegetable oil and bake the dish in the oven at 140-150 ° C for about 40 minutes. Before serving, the skin of the fish can be carefully removed.

Light salad

We will need a mix of green salads, shrimp, a little boiled squid and quail eggs. Sometimes, depending on my mood, I also put a fresh cucumber in the salad. We fill everything with a light sour cream and garlic dressing. In order not to get a rich “cold-cough” taste of garlic, for a serving of salad for four people, it is enough to use half of one clove. By the way, to preserve the flavor, garlic should be crushed with a knife blade, take out the middle and just chop finely with a knife, without resorting to a grater. If you pass a clove through the press, essential oils garlic are highly oxidized, lose their taste and smell, and can even spoil the dish.

New Year's menu 2017: dishes from the chef

The New Year is a great occasion to show off your culinary talent. But when festive table is being prepared in a hurry, and guests are expected a large number of, housewives only care about ensuring that there is enough food for everyone, often forgetting about beautiful presentation dishes. But if you have time, then you can thoroughly prepare for the most wonderful night of the year. Treat your loved ones with dishes like in a restaurant!
In fact, it is not so difficult to cook food according to chefs' recipes, it is enough to have the freshest and quality products, good dishes And sharp knives. Also, some skills will not be superfluous, because dishes in restaurants are always different. beautiful cutting products and exquisite presentation.
And one more thing: the restaurant prepares an individual dish for each visitor, which is immediately served on a separate plate, or on a plank, or right in the pan. Therefore, if there are not very many guests expected, you can afford to be a chef and make delicious new year menu. Here are some recipes for the New Year's table with interesting options serving meals.

Salad with beef and roasted pepper

Chefs love bell pepper not only for its taste, but also for its appearance. In addition, a lot can be done with this vegetable - beautifully cut, and fried, and stuffed, and even baked. Just with baked peppers and very tasty and unusual salad with beef. Here is a list of required ingredients:

  • bell pepper (red and yellow)
  • 300 g beef
  • 3 teaspoons sesame
  • leaf salad
  • one bulb
  • a teaspoon of honey
  • a teaspoon of mustard
  • olive oil

for refueling:

  • two teaspoons minced ginger root
  • a tablespoon of honey
  • a tablespoon of soy sauce
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil


The preparation of this salad begins with roasting peppers and onions. The onion needs to be peeled, washed and cut into thick circles so that they do not fall apart into rings. First you need to grease a baking sheet with olive oil, dip the onion in the oil and put it in a mold. Then the onion needs to be baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes on one side, after which the circles are turned over and baked for another 15 minutes. While the onion is baking, you need to mix the mustard with honey, add a couple of tablespoons of water and mix. Pour the onion circles with this mixture and put it back in the oven for 10 minutes. Put the onion out of the mold and cool.
Now you need to rinse the pepper and leave it for a while on a paper towel so that the vegetables dry. Then pepper should be poured with olive oil and also sent to the oven on a greased baking sheet. Bake the pepper at 180 degrees until dark stripes appear on the sides. After that, we take out the pepper, cool, peel the seeds and cut into beautiful slices.
After that you need to cut boiled beef on neat plastics, arrange them on a plate and mix all the ingredients for dressing in a separate bowl. Gently pour over the meat with part of the sauce and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Then wash the lettuce leaves and dry on a paper towel.
Now you can proceed to the formation of the salad. And this is also a kind of art. Peppers, meat and onions need to be laid out in a chaotic manner, but in order for everything to lie beautifully, you need to put a salad torn by hand in the middle of the dish. It remains to pour the salad with the remaining sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Olivier with tongue and quail eggs

Olivier is considered obligatory dish on New Year's table, and it would seem that this salad does not surprise anyone. But chefs are very fond of inventing variations on the theme of this salad. You can make Olivier with smoked salmon, duck, quail and even lobster. And at home, you can easily cook Olivier with beef tongue. And so that the symbol of 2017, the Rooster, does not get angry, it is better to use not chicken, but quail eggs. Here is the list of ingredients:

  • boiled beef tongue
  • gherkins
  • four boiled quail eggs
  • boiled potatoes
  • boiled carrots
  • canned peas
  • vegetable oil
  • some flour
  • capers
  • onion
  • dill
  • homemade mayonnaise for dressing

for filing:

  • cucumber strip
  • beef tongue
  • dill sprigs
  • quail egg
  • Red caviar


First you need to peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Then the onion pieces must be lightly rolled in flour and fried in a frying pan with oil. Once the onion is golden brown, remove the pan from the heat. After that, you need to peel the potatoes and carrots and cut them into small cubes. Grind the gherkins, tongue, dill, four quail eggs and cut off a thin long strip of the tongue to serve the salad. Open the jar of peas and drain the excess liquid. Mix all the ingredients in a separate bowl, season with homemade mayonnaise.
It remains only to serve the salad beautifully. To do this, put it in the middle of the plate in a small circle or oval, and then wrap it with a strip of beef tongue. Quail egg cut in half and put a little caviar on top. You can also use a strip of fresh cucumber and dill sprigs.

And here is another option for serving Olivier salad, it can also be adopted. Patterns on the plate can be drawn with some kind of sauce.

warm salad with veal

It is rare that people cook warm salads at home, but they are served quite often in restaurants, so you can surprise guests with just such a dish. Warm salad with veal can be made in a few minutes, you will need the following products for it:

  • half a kilo of veal (better tenderloin)
  • head of red onion
  • tomatoes or cherry tomatoes
  • avocado
  • bell pepper
  • sprig of basil
  • olive oil
  • half a lemon
  • a teaspoon of mustard
  • a teaspoon of honey
  • greens - arugula
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste
  • rice sheets for decoration


To make the salad warm, you must first cut and put on the dish all the products that do not require heat treatment. Rinse the arugula, dry it, tear it with your hands and put it on a dish for serving. Then you need to cut the tomatoes - you can cut into large pieces. After that, you need to peel and cut into slices of avocado. Then you need to wash, peel and cut the bell pepper into large pieces. It is better to take yellow so that the dish looks more beautiful. We put everything on top of the greens.
Let's move on to making the dressing. We mix mustard, honey, add a few tablespoons of olive oil and juice from half a lemon. Now let's get to the meat. We cut the veal small pieces, pepper, salt and set aside for a few minutes. Then we heat the pan and fry the meat in olive oil for 7-10 minutes, do not forget to mix. We spread the hot meat on top of the salad and pour it abundantly with the previously prepared dressing. You can decorate the salad rice paper or a sprig of basil.

Whole baked fish

If you need a dish to put in the center of the table, then just bake a whole fish. Of course, for this you need to first find one. It can be pike, and pike perch, and carp, and bream - the main thing is that the fish is large and beautiful. Here's what chefs use to make delicious fish:

  • whole fish weighing about 2 kilograms
  • lemon
  • head of garlic
  • thyme sprigs
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper


First you need to clean the fish, gut it, remove the gills and try to make sure that the head remains connected to the body. This is not a very easy task, but you need to try to make the dish look beautiful later. Grate the fish with salt, sprinkle with pepper, pour over with olive oil, overlay with lemon slices, thyme and garlic cloves. Inside the fish you also need to put thyme, garlic and lemon. After that, the fish must be wrapped in foil and baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes. After cooking, the fish must be removed from the foil on a dish, make cuts and put lemon slices into them. It remains to overlay the beauty with baked or fresh vegetables, berries, bowls with sauces and herbs.
But if you want the fish not to lie, but to stand on a dish, then you need to stuff it with something. You can make stuffing from mushrooms, or take the second same fish, make minced meat, fry it and put it inside whole fish. There are a lot of options here, chefs love to surprise!

Delicate veal medallions

Every restaurant prides itself on chefs who cook meat well. However, at home you can cook the most delicious and tender, you just need to find fresh veal. And it is best to make medallions from it. Here is what is required for this French cuisine dish:

  • veal tenderloin
  • black pepper
  • butter and olive oil
  • thyme or rosemary
  • salt, spices to taste

The secret of this dish is very simple - it requires the best and freshest meat. You can find it in the market or in butcher shops with a good reputation, if there are always a lot of visitors, then there is a chance to buy good piece meat. If this succeeds, then this is already ninety percent success. It remains only to properly fry the medallions.


First of all, we cut off all the films from the meat. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the meat itself and the fingers on the hands. After that, you need to cut the meat into medallions. The thickness of the pieces should be about 2-3 centimeters. Then we take the culinary thread and gently, but firmly, we tie each piece in the middle. That is, as if we are putting bracelets on the meat. Salt and pepper the medallions on both sides, put them on flat surface, put a sprig of rosemary and leave for 10-15 minutes.
Then we heat the pan, pour olive oil, or put a piece of butter - here, as you like. Fry the medallions on each side for at least two minutes. If you want a strong roast, you can increase the time. Then you need to put the medallions on the edge and gradually rolling over the pan, fry for another two minutes. After that, put on the medallions piece by piece butter, fry for a minute, turn over, put another piece and fry again, pouring the medallions with melted butter. We leave the medallions for a few minutes, untie the threads and serve.

What can medallions be served with? This dish goes well with mashed potatoes, will also fit vegetable side dishes. Restaurants often sprinkle medallions with blue cheese. And you can make wine sauce for the medallions. To do this, bring 100 milliliters of wine to a boil, add red onion, chopped into rings, and mix well. After that, you need to slightly reduce the heat and gradually introduce 60 grams of sugar into the future sauce. Don't forget to stir the sauce. After the mixture has become like jam, add one cinnamon stick and a little mint. After a minute, remove the container from the fire. With this sauce, you can beautifully pour medallions and even draw patterns on the plate. And here's another way to serve medallions: thin plastics of carrots are in perfect harmony with herbs and red sauce!

Delicious tubes for dessert

And of course, no party is complete without dessert. If you are already tired of cakes, you can cook delicious and tender tubes. Store-bought cakes are never the same as homemade cakes. Therefore, there is no need to be lazy and afraid, but it is better to buy necessary products and start creating dessert. Here's what's required:

  • 350 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of margarine
  • 150+80 milliliters of water
  • two chicken proteins
  • glass of sugar
  • a teaspoon of citric acid
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • whipped cream, strawberries and mint for garnish

Many housewives are afraid to start cooking puff pastry. But the main thing in this matter is to follow the sequence, and then everything will work out.


First, the flour is sifted into a deep container. Then 150 ml of water and salt are mixed in another container. Salty water poured into a bowl with flour, everything is mixed well to make a dough. We take it out, pack it in cling film for ten minutes. Then we take it out, knead well and again wrap the dough in a film. This time you need to leave for twenty minutes.
While the dough is kneading, you need to get the margarine and let it thaw. Then it must be mixed with two tablespoons of the previously sifted flour. We form something like a rectangle from the resulting mass and set aside for ten minutes.
Then you need to roll out the resulting dough. You need to try to make the edges thicker and the middle of the sheet thinner. A rectangle of margarine and flour is laid out in the middle. The corners of the dough are wrapped inward towards the middle, then roll out, wrap the corners again, and repeat these steps two more times.
The resulting envelope should be put in the refrigerator for ten minutes, or on the windowsill, and then rolled out again and folded into an envelope. This is how layers of dough are made, so you need to repeat the procedure at least two more times.
Then we make a thin layer of dough with a rolling pin and cut into long strips, the width of which should be about two centimeters. Now you can form the tubes themselves. But it is worth mentioning that metal cones are used to bake these delicious cakes, but if they are not available, you can simply make cardboard molds and wrap them in baking paper. You need to wrap the strips of dough so that they overlap. We put the tubes on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, open seam down, so as not to turn around. Then grease the cakes with a beaten egg, sprinkle with sugar and bake for about 15 minutes. The temperature is 180-200 degrees.
While the tubes are cooling, cook protein cream. We heat 80 milliliters of water, add sugar, then citric acid stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then we leave everything on low heat until the mixture turns into caramel. At this time, beat the whites with a mixer and carefully pour in sugar syrup. Whip for about ten minutes. The cream is added to the tubes using a confectionery syringe.
Tubes can be served with chocolate chips, chopped nuts or powdered sugar. It looks very nice when next to the tubules on the plate there is fresh berry with whipped cream and mint. Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen!

March 11, 2017 No comments

The French are very fond of delicious food. They have a special concept for a person who understands cooking and truly appreciates delicious dishes- gourmet. But this word refers to mid-level cooks, but this does not apply to real chefs. Because they are true masters culinary masterpieces and their work is very difficult and highly respected. Authentic chefs are not only well versed in food and ingredients, but also have excellent skills in sciences such as chemistry as well as biology. Therefore, the French treat chefs with great respect, because they believe that cooking is a true art and science, which requires an extremely long and diligent study to master.
In this article, you will get to know recipes salads from chefs. This article discusses not only salads from French chefs, but also chefs of other nationalities representing cuisines various countries peace. Salad recipes from the chef are distinguished by their diversity, sophistication and sophistication, beautiful appearance and creative approach to cooking. A feature of the selected recipes is that it is not necessary to be a real chef to cook them. So be sure to try cooking one or more of them.

This salad is very bright and full of different tastes, however, at the same time, he collects a culinary composition that is amazing in terms of compatibility. oily juicy avocado, honey persimmon, rich tomatoes, crunchy radishes, and slightly sour spinach - you will want to cook this dish more than once.

Required Ingredients:
juice from 0.5 lime
100 g spinach
75 g watercress
200 g cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
50 ml nut butter
50 ml wine white vinegar
1 PC. mature persimmon
a pinch of salt
1 avocado

Peel one avocado and one persimmon. Cut the persimmon into thin strips, and free the avocado from the stone, cut into cubes and sprinkle with the juice of half a lime.

Clean the bulb. Wash cherry tomatoes, spinach, and watercress well. Cut the spinach into strips, the onion into small cubes, and cut the tomatoes in half.

Next, you need to make salad dressing. Peanut butter and whisk wine vinegar in a small bowl, add a pinch of salt and black pepper to taste. Then, in a salad bowl, combine the avocado, watercress, and tomatoes and spinach. Add persimmon, mix thoroughly again. The salad is ready, it remains only to pour dressing over it and leave it to brew for about 20 minutes. Bon appetit!

Required Ingredients:
fillet of large pink salmon hot / smoked - ½ pc.
Very small potatoes– 0.5 kg
large red onion - 1 pc.
chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
capers - 3 tbsp.
red caviar - 1 tbsp.
olive oil - 1 tbsp.
mustard - 1 tbsp.
mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.
salt - a pinch
ground black pepper - to taste
sprig of dill for garnish

Wash small potatoes with a brush, do not peel. Boil it until soft, dry the potatoes and lightly crush.

Hard boil chicken eggs, cool and peel. Disassemble the fish into small pieces, carefully check for bones.

Peel the onion, cut it in half crosswise, cut into medium-sized feathers, salt, drizzle with olive oil and lightly shake hands. Mix with capers.

Mix a tablespoon of mayonnaise with mustard and a little olive oil (see to taste). Season hot potatoes, add fish, mix well. After 15 minutes, add the onion mixed with capers, pepper.

Cut chicken eggs into quarters. Put the salad in a salad bowl, sprinkle with dill for decoration. Place egg quarters and red caviar on top of the salad. The salad is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Salad "Pomegranate bracelet" with bacon

Required Ingredients:
chicken breast fillet - 400 g
bacon - 5-6 thin strips
chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
pomegranate - 1 pc.
beets - 300 g
potatoes - 300 g
carrots - 300 g
red sweet onion - 1 pc. avg. size
a bunch of dill - 1 pc.
garlic clove - 2 pcs.
thyme - 4 sprigs
mayonnaise - 200 g
lemon juice
olive oil - 1 tsp
salt - a pinch
ground black pepper

Boil carrots, potatoes and beets separately in lightly salted water until tender. fully prepared(or cook for a couple). Cool, clean. Grate the vegetables on the smallest grater. Hard boil chicken eggs, cool, peel and finely chop. Peel the red onion, cut into small cubes and drizzle with lemon juice. Cut dill. Clear the pomegranate.

Cut the breast fillet into small cubes. Crush two garlic cloves flat with a knife and peel. Heat a frying pan, brush with olive oil and fry the bacon until golden brown on both sides. Shift to paper towels in order to take off excess fat. After the bacon has cooled, cut it into small pieces.

Leave about 1 tbsp in the skillet. l. fat, the rest must be drained. Add garlic and sauté for 1 minute, until fragrant. Put the chicken fillet and thyme sprigs into the pan and fry on big fire, stirring occasionally, until cooked through, about 7 minutes. Remove from heat and cool, remove garlic and thyme. Place a round glass in the center of the dish. Spread the salad in layers in a circle, while all the layers are a little salted, peppered and smeared with mayonnaise.

The first layer is potatoes. Put the second layer of carrots. The third layer is chicken meat and small pieces bacon, put onions and dill on them. Then a layer of eggs. The next layer is laid out beets, which close the salad in a circle.

Pack the salad well, cover cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Then carefully remove the glass. Cover the entire salad tightly with the pomegranate and refrigerate again for 2 hours.

This salad is an example of how to use a small amount baked or boiled meat is tasty and satisfying to feed several people. Prepare this salad according to the recipe of Asian chefs. Use healthy dressing and fresh green vegetables often instead of mayonnaise, you will definitely love it!

Required Ingredients:
baked pork - 300 g
Beijing cabbage - 0.5 heads
cucumber - 1 pc. big size
celery stalks - 5 pcs.
green onion- 3 feathers
hot red pepper - ½ pc.
Brown sugar- 1 tbsp.
rice vinegar– 40 ml
lemon - 1 pc.
hot red pepper - 1 pc.
cilantro - 10 sprigs
sesame - 30 g
sesame oil - 1 tbsp.
soy sauce- 1 tbsp.
fish sauce- 1 tbsp. (optional)

Using a sharp fine grater, remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze out the juice. Separate the cilantro leaves from the twigs, and chop the twigs into small pieces. Wash up hot peppers, free it from seeds and partitions and finely chop.

Prepare the dressing. Put sugar in a small saucepan, add vinegar, as well as lemon juice and 1 tablespoon. water. Boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat, add hot pepper and cilantro stalks, cool. Pour the resulting mixture into a blender and grind. Add to gas station lemon peel, 1 tbsp. fragrant sesame oil, soy sauce and stir.

Cut pork meat into thin strips, remove excess fat. Mix with a small amount of dressing, leave to marinate for half an hour.

Cut a large cucumber and celery stalks into matchstick-thick strips. Salad Chinese cabbage chop, hot red pepper cut into thin rings. Transfer all ingredients to a bowl; top with remaining dressing. Transfer the salad to wide dish, spread the meat on top, sprinkle with cilantro leaves and sesame seeds.

Required Ingredients:
beef tongue - 1 pc. small size
cucumber - 1 pc. large
apple - 1 pc.
beets - 5-6 small
capers - 3 tbsp. l.
lettuce - 1 head
mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
lemon juice - 1 tsp
black pepper

Wash the beef tongue well, put it in a deep saucepan, pour boiling water over it and cook for about 1.5 hours (or more if the tongue is large). Immediately lower the prepared tongue for a couple of minutes in cold water. Then remove the skin from the tongue as from a "stocking". Dry. Cut off excess meat in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the tongue, and cut the stumbled flesh into narrow strips.

Wash the beets with a brush, bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Then cool and peel.
cut into strips large cucumber. Put it in a colander, which is set over a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. Peel and core apples, cut into strips, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Mix cucumber with sliced ​​tongue, apple and capers.

In a separate bowl, mix 2 tbsp. mayonnaise and 1 tbsp. mustard, salt, and pepper. Pour over salad mixture and mix thoroughly. Serve on lettuce leaves with baked beets.

Required Ingredients:
200 g lettuce mix
150 g sliced parma ham
100 g cherry tomatoes
1 large orange
For refueling:
50 ml olive oil
1 st. l balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp. l. pumpkin seed oil
½ sweet bell pepper
salt - a pinch
a few drops of Worcestershire sauce

1. Wash and dry lettuce leaves. Cut cherry tomatoes in half.

2. Peel the orange and carefully cut the pulp from the films.

3. For dressing, whisk in 3 tbsp. olive and 2 tbsp. pumpkin oil, balsamic vinegar, a few drops of Worcestershire sauce, adding salt and pepper. Lay the lettuce mixture on serving platters. Arrange orange slices on top of them, as well as sliced ​​ham and cherry tomatoes. Pour over the dressing. You can also sprinkle with grated hard cheese (like parmesan) and pumpkin seeds.

Required Ingredients:
whole champignons - 400 g (canned)
sweet corn - 400 g (canned)
white sweet onion - 1 pc. a little size
chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
vegetable oil - 40 ml
mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.

1. sweet corn together with whole mushrooms, separate separately in a colander, dry. Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in a pan in vegetable oil over moderate heat with mushrooms until browned for about 10 minutes.
2. Hard boil chicken eggs, cool under running water cold water; remove the shells and chop finely.
3. Mix corn, chopped eggs, and mushrooms with onions in a bowl. Salt, season with mayonnaise. Serve immediately or after some time. Such a salad is well worth a couple of days in the refrigerator, and the next day it becomes even tastier.

In addition, for the taste this salad can add:
sweet bell pepper, baked canned; olives, with a stone removed from them in advance, crushed with the back of a knife; salmon, canned own juice, with bones removed in advance and crumbled pulp.

Required Ingredients:
green beans - 300 g
canned white beans - 350 g
canned tuna in own juice - 300 g
cherry tomatoes - 200 g
green leaf lettuce - 1 head
bunch of corn lettuce leaves
red onion - 1 pc.
red wine vinegar - 50 ml
canned capers- 2 tbsp. l.
sugar - 5 g
coarse mustard - 1 tsp
olive oil - 70 ml
white bread - 2 slices
garlic - 2 cloves

WITH white bread cut off the crust, and cut the pulp into 2 cm cubes. Peel and chop the garlic.
In a frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, add cubes of sliced ​​bread, sprinkle with minced garlic and sauté, stirring, until golden brown. Remove from fire and set aside.

Rinse green beans, cut off the ends. Then boil water in a saucepan, put the beans to cook on low heat for 8 minutes until they are soft. Drain and rinse the beans under cold running water.

Prepare your dressing. Why take capers, discard in a colander, chop finely. Whisk vinegar, mustard, pepper, sugar, and remaining olive oil in a saucepan. Add capers.

Remove the tuna from the canning brine, divide into medium pieces. White beans rinse and dry. Wash tomatoes and lettuce cold water, tear the leaves coarsely with your hands. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

In a salad bowl, mix white and green beans, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, slices of white bread and onion. Add tuna chunks and drizzle with dressing, then serve immediately.

The Greek name for this salad is horiatiki, and it is prepared only with feta cheese (it is quite fatty and oily, but not salty, like feta cheese, and quite dense in texture). However, many chefs in other countries prepare such Greek salad and feta cheese, as well as cheese and feta cheese. Important nuance cooking - take for him only ripe tomatoes otherwise the taste changes.

Required Ingredients:
cucumbers - 2 pcs. medium size
red bell pepper - 1 pc.
yellow bell pepper - 1 pc.
cherry tomatoes - 200 g
red onion - ½ pc.
feta - 220 g
Kalamata olives - 100 g
garlic - 2 cloves
dry oregano - 1 tsp
mustard - 1/2 tsp
red wine vinegar - 50 ml
sea ​​salt- 1 tsp
coarse black pepper - 1/2 tsp
olive oil - 120 ml

Cut the cucumbers in half, cut out the seeds and cut into strips about 5-6 mm thick. Cut the pepper into squares about 1.5 cm in size.
Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, cut the half of the onion into thin half-rings. Mix everything in a deep bowl.
Prepare the dressing. To do this, finely chop the garlic, whisk with oregano, mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper in a small bowl. While continuing to mix, gradually pour in the olive oil. Pour dressing over salad and mix.
Cut the feta into cubes also about 1.5 cm in size. Remove the pits from the olives. Arrange the feta and olives on top of the salad, mix. Leave at room temperature for an hour, then serve.

Required Ingredients:
Tiger chrimp(raw) - 23 pcs.
lettuce leaves- 1 bunch
cilantro - a small bunch
coriander seeds - 1 tsp
curry powder - 1 tsp
vegetable oil - 40 ml
salt, black pepper
For refueling:
lemongrass - 1 stalk
hot pepper chili - ½ pc.
fish sauce - 50 ml
light soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
peanut butter- 3 tbsp.
juice from 1 lime

1. Peel the shrimp from the shells, make an incision on the back and remove the black intestinal wreaths. Crush coriander seeds with a pestle, mix with curry powder and oil. Pour the resulting mixture over the tiger prawns, mix and leave for about 30 minutes.
2. Prepare the dressing: first remove the top leaves from the lemongrass and chop it fairly finely. Remove seeds from chili pepper and chop. Then grind all the ingredients for dressing in a blender into one mass.
Heat a wok or deep frying pan to high heat and sauté the shrimp until they turn pink, about 4 to 5 minutes. Add dressing to the pan, mix it with shrimp, remove from heat.
Wash and dry the lettuce leaves, put them on a wide plate, put the shrimps on them and pour over the sauce formed on the wok. Top with fresh cilantro leaves.

Dry lemongrass can be used for cooking, but it must first be soaked in warm water for 2 hours. It is desirable to remove sorghum from cooked lettuce, as it is too tough.

Required Ingredients:
1 PC. green apple
2 fresh cucumber
1 st. l. lemon juice
1 avocado
2 chicken eggs
200 g crab meat
50 g red caviar
80 g mayonnaise
garlic clove

Remove chitinous plates from pieces of crab meat. Spread the meat on paper towels and let dry a little.
Wash cucumbers and cut into thin strips. Sprinkle with a little salt, leave for 10 minutes. After the cucumbers release their juice, squeeze them.

Peel the apple, cut into quarters, remove the core. Cut the pulp of an apple into strips, sprinkle with lemon juice. Peel the eggs from the shell and mash with a fork into small crumbs. Then mix cucumbers, eggs, apple and 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise.

Peel and chop the garlic clove. Wash the avocado, cut into two parts, remove the stone. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon and crush it. Mix avocado with garlic and 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise.

Layer the mixed cucumbers, apple, and eggs into the glasses, as well as the avocado and crabmeat. On this mixture, put 1.5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and garnish with red caviar.

Required Ingredients:
200 g fillet salted herring
200 g seaweed
200-250 g daikon
150 g soy pickled asparagus
1 lemon
1 tbsp olive oil
ground paprika
Step 1
Cut salted herring and asparagus into small pieces. Place in a salad bowl.
Step 2
Grate the daikon. Add to salad.
Step 3
Add seaweed to salad.
Step 4
Make a dressing with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and ground paprika. Water the salad. Enjoy your meal!

Required Ingredients:

350 g chicken breast
2 cucumbers
canned green peas
1 Bell pepper
100 g cheese
dill greens
3 tbsp olive oil
Boil the breast, cool, cut into cubes. Cucumbers cut into strips, sweet pepper - slices. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, finely chop the dill. Combine everything, salt, pepper, pour olive oil, mix. Drain the liquid from the peas, decorate the salad.
