
Recipe: Tomato sauce - with cilantro. Condiments and sauces

True gourmets know that barbecue should be served with a delicious sauce. Of course, it is easy to buy ketchup and mayonnaise, mix and present the resulting mixture to a barbecue, but such a sauce is unlikely to emphasize the taste of meat, making it even more perfect.

Sauce for shish kebab

If you want to cook a truly delicious sauce that will make the barbecue even tastier, use our recipes. It would seem that preparing a branded sauce is difficult and time consuming, but these are all prejudices. Professional barbecue sauces are prepared quite simply and quickly. Here is a list of sauces that are ideal for any barbecue, both meat and fish.

Tomato sauce for barbecue

For him, you should take only a rich red paste.

In addition to pasta, you will need basil, 1 onion, 5 small cloves of garlic and some greens.


  1. We take a saucepan, pour 1 liter of pasta and 1 glass of warm water into it, then stir and put on medium heat. We stir constantly.
  2. After the mixture boils, add finely chopped onion to it, salt and pepper. We also add greens.
  3. Next, let it boil for 4 minutes, after which we remove it from the heat, throw in the garlic and wait until the sauce cools down to 20 degrees.

White barbecue sauce

To prepare this sauce, you need 1 standard package of mayonnaise, garlic - 3 cloves, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 130 ml of white wine (dry), 1 tbsp. sugar, 4 teaspoons of lemon juice, a little black pepper, mustard and 1 onion.


  1. It is advisable to chop the garlic and onion as much as possible in a blender. But if it is not, you can grind it manually. Next, heat the pan, put the oil there and fry a little, while constantly stirring.
  2. Next, add the wine, mix well and simmer the sauce on a small fire until everything is reduced by exactly half.
  3. After that, add lemon juice, all the sugar, mayonnaise and high-quality mustard. We pepper and salt. This meat sauce is best served cold.

Barbecue sauce with soy sauce

It is very simple, but nevertheless quite tasty. To prepare it, you will need mayonnaise, soy sauce, garlic and a little black pepper.


  1. We take the sauce and mix it with mayonnaise in a ratio of one to three.
  2. Next, add garlic and pepper. The sauce has a very spicy taste.

Armenian barbecue sauce

To prepare it, you need half a can of tomato paste, 1 glass of water, 1 head of garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh finely chopped cilantro, herbs, salt, pepper.


  1. We dilute the tomato paste with water and over medium heat and wait until the mixture boils.
  2. Next, add finely chopped onions, herbs, spices and garlic. Let the sauce simmer for up to 5 minutes, after which you need to let it cool well.

Georgian barbecue sauce

You will need: tomatoes 1.5 kg, 1 garlic, a bunch of cilantro, greens, a sprig of oregano and basil, half a spoonful of adjika and a bit of ground pepper.


  1. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut them into halves. Then you need to remove all the seeds, and grind the pulp in a blender.
  2. Next, take the resulting thick juice and cook after boiling over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. 5 minutes before readiness, we throw all the above ingredients into the sauce. The sauce should be served very cold.

Pomegranate barbecue sauce

Very spicy and quite original sauce. What do we need for it? 2 cups of sweet wine, 1.5 cups of pomegranate juice, 4 cloves of garlic, 3 tablespoons of chopped basil, a pinch of starch, 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt, a little ground black and hot pepper.


  1. We take a saucepan and pour juice and wine into it. Next, add spices - sugar, salt, herbs and garlic.
  2. After the sauce has boiled over low heat, cover it with a lid and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. 5 minutes before the end, throw starch into the resulting sauce, which should be diluted with a small amount of wine, and heat until thickened.

The resulting delicious sauce is served cold.

Sour cream sauce for barbecue

To prepare this sauce you will need: 300 gr. sour cream, half a glass of meat broth, 4 teaspoons of butter, more chopped dill with parsley, 1 tbsp. flour, salt and pepper.


  1. Throw butter into the pan. Add flour to it and fry until golden brown. Next, add the broth and cook until thick.
  2. After the sauce has thickened, add the right amount of sour cream, herbs, salt and pepper and cook for another 3 minutes. Sauce should be served chilled.

Mustard sauce for barbecue

To fully reveal the meat flavor, especially pork, you should use mustard sauce. For him you will need: 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 stack. mustard, ½ stack. balsamic vinegar, a spoonful of lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce, 1/3 stack. brown sugar, a spoonful of ground pepper.


The components should be mixed and stewed in a saucepan for about half an hour, stirring constantly.


Greek tender sauce. You will need: 400 ml of yogurt, a spoonful of paprika, 2 cucumbers, a spoonful of lemon juice, 4 garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, parsley and dill, lettuce, ground pepper and salt (to taste).


Peel and grate cucumbers, salt. Leave a little in a colander to drain. Drain the liquid. Grind the garlic with a press, finely chop the greens. Mix all ingredients. Season and sprinkle with paprika.


Great option for pork. It is prepared from a glass of beer (light), 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a spoonful of balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, a spoonful of sugar, 2 garlic cloves, onions, peppers and ginger.


Fry onion with garlic until translucent. Transfer the mixture to a thick saucepan, pour over the beer and simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat. Mix soy sauce, grated ginger, vinegar, sugar and add to beer. Boil the sauce for another 10 minutes, add pepper to taste at the end. If the sauce turns out to be liquid, put a little starch.

Now you can easily become real chefs for your family. Enjoy your meal! What barbecue sauces do you cook?

A picnic and going out into nature is not complete without barbecue. To make the dish tastier, it is important to serve a delicious kebab sauce that will set off the taste of the meat and add piquancy or spiciness to it.

You can make barbecue sauce with the addition of herbs, tomatoes, sour cream or kefir.

This is a delicious tomato sauce for barbecue made from tomato paste, onions and fresh herbs. The calorie content of the sauce is 384 kcal. Cooking time - 25 minutes. Makes 10 servings.


  • 270 g. tomato paste;
  • bulb;
  • clove of garlic;
  • spoon st. apple cider vinegar;
  • 20 g each of dill, basil and parsley;
  • one and a half stack. water;
  • two grams of salt and ground pepper.


  1. Finely chop the onion and pour over the vinegar. Salt to taste. Leave to marinate for 10 minutes.
  2. Chop fresh herbs and garlic.
  3. Drain the resulting juice from the onion and combine with herbs.
  4. Add water, pasta, pepper and salt. Stir.

It makes a very tasty barbecue sauce. You can add lemon juice or sugar if you like a sweet sauce.

Armenian barbecue sauce with cilantro

An excellent Armenian barbecue sauce with, which emphasizes the aroma and juiciness of the barbecue. The sauce is prepared quickly - 20 minutes. Makes 20 servings. The calorie content of the sauce is 147 kcal.

Required Ingredients:

  • 250 ml. tomato sauce;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • a bunch of fresh cilantro;
  • salt and sugar;
  • a pinch of ground pepper;
  • water.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Peel the garlic, wash and squeeze.
  2. Put the tomato sauce in a bowl, add garlic, salt and sugar to taste and ground pepper.
  3. Pour boiling water into the bowl with the ingredients, mix until smooth.
  4. Rinse and dry the greens, finely chop. Add to sauce.

Serve the red barbecue sauce chilled.

This is an appetizing homemade white barbecue sauce with sour cream, herbs and fresh cucumbers, calorie content 280 kcal. Prepare the sauce for 30 minutes. Makes 20 servings.


  • stack sour cream;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs;
  • two stack. kefir;
  • two ;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • a pinch of rosemary, thyme and basil;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper - 0.5 l.h.

Cooking steps:

  1. Chop the greens very finely. Cut the garlic into small cubes.
  2. Combine half of the greens with garlic, salt a little and mash until juice is formed.
  3. Grate the cucumbers on a fine grater and put in a colander for 10 minutes to drain the juice.
  4. Mix sour cream with kefir and add cucumbers. Add greens with garlic and the rest of the greens.
  5. Add salt to taste and mix well.
  6. Add spices for flavor and richness. Put in refrigerator.

Suitable white sauce for chicken or turkey skewers. Take any greens: it can be parsley, cilantro or dill.


  • one and a half stack. pomegranate juice;
  • two stack. sweet red wine;
  • three teaspoons of basil;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • 1 l.h. salt and sugar;
  • a pinch of starch;
  • ground black and hot pepper.


  1. Pour wine and juice into a small saucepan, add salt and sugar, minced garlic, pepper and basil.
  2. Put the dishes on a small fire, cover with a lid.
  3. After boiling, keep on fire for another 20 minutes.
  4. Dilute starch in hot water and add to the sauce five minutes before readiness.
  5. Stir sauce until thickened, remove from heat and let cool.

Calorie content - 660 kcal. The sauce takes about an hour to cook. Makes 15 servings.

- tomato paste - 150 g,
- garlic - 2 cloves,
- coriander - 1 tsp,
- cilantro - 1 bunch,
- salt - ½ tsp,
- sugar - 1 tsp,
- ground paprika - 1 tsp,
- ground hot pepper - to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Everything is so simple here that there is nowhere else to go. One moment - I am a lover and an ardent fan of homemade, and this applies to almost everything, I have my own pasta, personally prepared from juicy ripe tomatoes. But if you buy pasta, it should be of high quality - thick and tasty. Such a paste should be slightly diluted with clean filtered water. Place the tomato base in the skillet.

Add spices - sugar and salt, the amount may be slightly different from mine, depending on the "sourness" of your pasta. Add ground coriander, paprika and a dash of hot ground pepper. Warm up the pasta with spices for a couple of minutes.

Peel the garlic and skip on the press. Transfer the garlic to the tomato base. You can also use dry garlic.

Heat the tomato paste with garlic for another minute. Rinse fragrant cilantro and chop finely. Add cilantro directly to the pan.

Stir and sample, add salt/sugar of your choice.

Arrange the sauce in jars and go to barbecue, guests will certainly appreciate your efforts!

Bon appetit and good rest!

We also recommend cooking with meat

Cilantro sauce is a great addition to fish, meat dishes or dumplings. The base for the sauce can be sour cream, tomato paste or any vegetable oil.

Sauce with cilantro can be prepared from tomatoes or mayonnaise


Sour cream 20% fat 100 milliliters Mayonnaise 100 milliliters cilantro 2 bundles Garlic 4 cloves Dill 1 bunch Salt and pepper 1 pinch

  • Servings: 8
  • Cooking time: 40 minutes

Cilantro Sauce Recipes

A white sauce based on sour cream and mayonnaise has a mild taste and goes well with poultry, meat or fish. The taste of cilantro is almost not felt in it, so even children who do not like this green can cook it. Only in this case it is better to reduce the amount of garlic.

How to make white cilantro sauce:

  1. Mix mayonnaise and sour cream in a bowl.
  2. Add crushed garlic.
  3. Finely chop the cilantro and dill, add to the sauce.
  4. Salt to taste and leave for a couple of hours in the cold to reveal the aroma of herbs and garlic.

To make this sauce more dietary, use low-fat sour cream and mayonnaise, or make a sauce based on natural yogurt.

The next sauce comes from the Caucasus, it is known under the name "Satsebeli". For cooking you will need:

  • Tomato paste - 1 stack.
  • Cilantro - 2 bunch.
  • Water - 1 stack.
  • Seasoning "Hmeli-suneli" - 1 tbsp.
  • Adjika - 2 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - 1 pinch

To prepare tomato sauce with cilantro, first chop it, add crushed garlic, adjika, seasonings, vinegar and salt. Remember this whole mixture with a pusher.

Add the tomato paste, stir and let stand 15 minutes to bring out the cilantro and spice flavors. Dilute with boiled water to the desired consistency and mix thoroughly. After 2 hours you can taste. It is ideal for barbecue and other hot meat dishes.

This sauce is very bright and flavorful. It can be put in a jar with a lid and stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. Although, most likely, you will eat it much faster.

Hot oil-based sauce is prepared from the following products:

  • Extra virgin olive oil - 100 ml.
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch.
  • Natural liquid honey - 2 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 50 ml.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Chili sauce - 1 tbsp
  • Zest of 1 lemon.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Mix finely chopped cilantro, crushed garlic and honey in a bowl. Add chili sauce. If it is not available, you can use any other by adding a pinch of red ground pepper. Salt and pepper, mash well with a spoon or wooden masher.

Pour the mixture with oil, stir and let it brew for an hour, after which you can try.

Sauces with cilantro will enrich the taste and, if necessary, "save" a dish that is too dry.

- tomato sauce (or paste) - 250 ml,
- garlic (young) - 3-4 cloves,
- cilantro greens - 1 bunch,
- fine-grained sea or table salt - to taste,
- granulated sugar - to taste,
- ground black pepper - 1 pinch,
- water (boiling water) - at your discretion.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We shift the tomato paste or sauce from the jar into the container.
We clean the garlic from dry scales, cut off the bottom and rinse with cold water. Then we chop it finely or pass it through a press.

Add salt, sugar and ground black pepper to taste.

Next, pour in boiling water so that we get the consistency of the sauce we need, and mix well.

We sort through the greens of cilantro, if it comes across withered or rotten, then we immediately throw it away. Next, rinse the cilantro in running cold water several times to remove all grains of sand and dirt. Be sure to dry the greens with a towel, and then only finely chop.

Add greens and stir.

Cool the sauce and serve with barbecue, sausages or chicken. I also advise you to pay attention to the recipe for preparing another delicious
