
Classic Scottish plaid. Scottish cell

In the spring-summer season and the upcoming autumn-winter season, countless designers have included plaid clothes in their collections. We decided to tell you about the most popular types of checkered patterns and - at least in a nutshell - about their history.

Scottish tartan

tartan- an ornament formed by interweaving multi-colored threads, resulting in a checkered pattern consisting of diagonal and horizontal stripes. The tartan is used in a pattern called tartan and can symbolize a specific clan, organization, or locality.

  • The first mention of tartan dates back to the third century AD;
  • Scientists are still arguing about the origin of the word "tartan". Some argue that tartan is the color of the area - tur tan. The second - that by the root of the word it can be concluded that the word "tartan" comes from the French tiretaine- “rough woolen fabric”. Still others are convinced that the etymology of the word is Celtic and that in modern Scottish (Gaelic) tarsainn means nothing more than "cross", "across".
  • By the color of the tartan, it was possible to determine the area where the one who wears it lives, as well as whether the clan of which he is a member is rich.
  • Each clan wove its own special pattern from sheepskin. For this, paints were used from plants growing in the latitudes where this or that clan lived.
  • In the register of tartans Scottish Tartans World Register more than 3300 types of drawing are given, new types are no longer registered. In another register Scottish Register of Tartans- for 2010, over 6,000 types of tartans are listed, and registration of new ones continues.
  • More than 150 new tartan designs are registered each year.

Tartan "Caledoni" (Caledonia)

The most common tartan is called "caledoni". Any Scot could wear such a tartan.

Tartan "Burberry"

Thomas Burberry came up with the eponymous print in 1924. More precisely, Burberry did not so much invent it as slightly changed the colors of the classic Scottish plaid in warm sandy tones.

At first, the print was used only for the lining fabrics of the famous Burberry English raincoats, but then the brand's designers brought it out of the shadows into the light.

The Burberry cage has become one of the symbols of Great Britain. The Burberry brand sews clothes and accessories from fabric with such a pattern, and the prices for original products are constantly rising.

Also printed scarves. well very reminiscent The Burberry print is sold at any Zara or H&M. Which one do you buy original or well, very reminiscent in Ukraine or in Russia - you decide.

Tartan "Royal Stuart"

He is the "Red Royal Stewart". Since 1822 it has been the personal tartan of the Royal Monarch, and today it is the most famous of all. This tartan is worn by everyone who wants to.

Tartan "black watch" or "black guard" (Black watch)

In the 19th century, only military uniforms were sewn from it ...

Dress Gordon tartan

This tartan symbolized belonging to the clan of the same name.

Cage "border tartan" (Border tartan)

"Border tartan" was introduced into fashion by shepherds who wanted to show that they were not related to any of the clans. This print is called so because the shepherds lived in the Border region, near the border with England.

Print "houndstooth", aka "houndstooth"

Modern and oversized print option border tartan. In the 20s of the last century, Coco Chanel had a hand in popularizing it.

Dog tooth print

In fact, this is the same “goose foot”, only even larger. In addition, the cell itself is deformed, its angle is elongated.

Pepita print

It is very similar to the “dog tooth” cage, and therefore these two prints are often confused. At first glance, the difference is not obvious, but this does not mean that it does not exist. From our point of view, pepita looks more like a starfish than a "dog's tooth".

Print "Glencheck" (Glen Check) aka - "Prince of Wales"

The name "glenchek" comes from the word Glenurkhart, which is the name of the valley in Scotland where this print was invented. They say that the Countess of Seafield invented it in order to distinguish her workers from all others. The countess was a New Zealander, and therefore she was forbidden to come up with her own colors for the traditional tartan. She had to come up with her own pattern.

The Glencheck print fell, as they say, to the court - it was popularized by Edward VIII himself, the Duke of Windsor and the Prince of Wales. He was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the “glenchek” was invented for commoners, and he appeared in the world in suits with such a print so often that they began to repeat everything, everything, everything after him.

Vichy cage

It is called so in honor of the French city where it was invented in 1850. Traditionally, one of the colors of the cage is white, the other is red or blue, but now you can find combinations of white and anything else.

At first, the Vichy check was used mainly in interior design, but during the popularity of the pin-up style, Vichy seemed to be reborn. Then (in fact, when the pin-up was at the peak of popularity) Brigitte Bardot married in a dress with a Vichy print, and ... a week later, all fashionistas wore dresses and skirts with this print.


This is our old friend from the school geometry course - a quadrilateral with the same sides. On his so-called. We will not dwell on the psychedelic and harlequin versions of this print, we will only talk about the print…

Argyle print

The pattern may consist of rhombuses or squares arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Most often, a thin strip of a contrasting color is superimposed on the rhombus. The name of the print comes from the name of the county of Argyll.

The argyle print became popular in the twentieth century thanks to the brand Pringle of Scotland, which produced expensive knitted polo and vests with this ornament. The number of color schemes of this print cannot be counted, but we can say for sure that aristocrats love it very much.

In addition, argyle, if not mandatory, then a very desirable element.

Madras check (Madrasi or Madras check)

The birthplace of the Madras cage is India. In the middle of the 17th century the famous East India Company ( East India Company) was looking for quality textiles in India and found them in the small fishing village of Madraspatnam. The company's management promised the locals tax exemption for thirty years, and within a year 400 families moved to Madras ready to produce textiles.

The desired Madras cage came to America in 1718, when the East India Company donated it to Yale University (then called Collegiate School of Connecticut), and in 1897 the company Sears proposed to include a Madras-checked cotton-tailored shirt in the US Consumer Catalog.

Madras check shirt - a symbol of respectability

That's all for today, as the British say. Now, when buying plaid clothes, you will understand what's what. Wear it! First, because it's beautiful. Secondly, because real wool tartan is warm and comfortable.

The subject of national pride of the Scots is the kilt. It is made of woolen checkered fabric ( tartan) different colors. Kilt It's not just a piece of clothing. According to its drawing, it is determined which of the ancient clans a person belongs to. About the features of tartan on national clothes - later in the review.

The traditional Scottish kilt is made from a special fabric - tartan, woven from natural wool. Its length can reach 7.3 meters. Tartan has a rather ancient history. Translated from the Celtic, this word means "crosswise" or "color of the area." By the color and special pattern of the tartan, it was possible to determine which clan the Scot belonged to and from which area he came from.

The oldest patch of tartan was discovered in the vicinity of the city of Falkirk. Researchers believe that its age is at least 1700 years.

Natural dyes were used to dye tartan threads until the 19th century. From alder they got a black tint, from birch - yellow, heather gave the threads an orange color, blueberries - purple, blackberries - blue.

In 1745, when the British suppressed the Jacobite uprising, who wanted to put representatives of the Stuart dynasty on the throne, they forbade the Scots to wear kilts. Some obeyed the order, but the Scots, who lived high in the mountains, did not take off their kilt, even at the cost of their own lives.

By the end of the 18th century, after the ban was lifted, the Scots realized that many tartan designs had been forgotten. A large-scale campaign to revive the national heritage has begun. Tartans were restored according to paintings and old books of tailors. In 1822, King George IV arrived in Edinburgh. His arrival was marked by the slogan "Let everyone wear their own tartan". Thanks to this, many new designs on woolen fabric appeared in Scotland.

Initially, tartans were owned by 11 Scottish clans. These drawings were created strictly in accordance with the laws of heraldry. They are all registered in Edinburgh. It was forbidden to change pictures.

The most popular tartans today look like this:
1. "Caledonia" - a universal tartan that every Scot can wear;

2. "Black Watch" - military tartan, which became the basis for many clan tartans, such as "Gordon" and "Campbell";

3. "Dress Campbell" - the ceremonial tartan of the Campbell clan;

4. "Burberry" - this tartan was worn by the generals of the British army during the Boer War in 1890;

5. "Dress Gordon" - an elegant version of the Gordon clan tartan;

6. "Royal Stewart" - the most famous tartan in the world;

The most famous piece of clothing made of plaid fabric is undoubtedly the kilt. Perhaps, over the past couple of decades, there has not been a single significant fashion event at which the kilt would not have been presented in one version or another. And it is not surprising, since the famous checkered colors are not just an invention of designers, but literally a historical treasure. The official time of the appearance of the Scottish cage, which is called tartan, is considered the third century AD. It is not customary to doubt the geographical origin of tartan, therefore Scotland remains its homeland, although similar patterns were found during excavations in China, and much more ancient ones. But be that as it may, the cell can now be associated exclusively with Scotland.

Nevertheless, I wonder how such a pattern could arise in the minds of people? Or was it just a coincidence?

Most likely, the answer lies in the very name of the fabric - tartan. In the Old Italian dialect, it means something like "crosswise". Researchers draw analogies with both Old Galician and Old French. In these languages, the word tartan also has meanings and interpretations that really shed light on the origin of the cell. In Scotland at that time, blankets were woven from the wool of sheep, which are found in abundance there. Plaids are the progenitors of kilts, which were then simply wrapped or thrown over the shoulders. And the color of these rugs was dictated by nothing more than the plant features of the area where people lived. Depending on the region, the flora from which coloring pigments were extracted changed. So, alder bark was processed to get a black coloring pigment. Green dye was obtained from cornflowers, blue from blueberries, and rock lichen gave the fabric a red color. Actually, a series of accidents led to the fact that the fabric of each locality acquired its own color, but approximately the same pattern. The well-known plaid cell became that pattern. Local residents could distinguish "their own" from strangers from afar by the color of their clothes. And as a result, only 11 families owned a certain set of tartans.

Now in the world everything is much simpler. At this point, there are about 6000 colors of "plaid". They continue to be created on the occasion of some events. There is even a "Lermontov tartan" in memory of the poet's Scottish roots. There is a tartan "Madonna", which was created about her union with Guy Ritchie. However, after their divorce, the tartan did not go anywhere, but was renamed "Romantic Scotland".

Classic tartan colors include black, grey, red, blue and green. But, of course, except for blankets and kilts, literally everything is sewn from such a fabric. We can say that only the no less legendary “polka dots” can compete with the legendaryness of the Scottish cage. But if the “peas” give the image sentimentality and romanticism, then the cage is considered a universal and strict pattern.

The Scottish cage or tartan is not just an ornament that characterizes the country, but first of all its wealth and pride. This is a fabric obtained by weaving woolen or cotton threads in a certain sequence.
But in Moscow for several years there has been a restaurant "Scotch cage" with absolutely wild cuisine, today I want to tell you about the Scottish cage, about what shulum is and much more.

The Scottish Cell restaurant is located very close to the Sukharevskaya metro station. In general, there are few restaurants with Scottish cuisine in Moscow, and even more so with hunting cuisine.
But our peoples are so similar. The connection between Scotland and Russia is also explained by the kinship of the national characters of both peoples, this is a phenomenon that can be explained by a similar climate, mentality and even a common love of strong liquor.

It is easy for Russians and Scots to understand each other and this has been proven time and again.
Russians and Scots are very similar, from the way they speak to the tastes in food. If you ask a Scotsman how you are, he is likely to say "OK". The Russian will give the same answer. And if you ask an Englishman about it, he will most likely begin to embellish everything or even show off. And neither the Scots nor the Russians like this boasting.

Our peoples do not immediately become friends with someone, but when a Scot or Russian becomes friends with someone for real, they become open, generous and ready to break apart for you.
The restaurant is famous for the fact that there are more than 101 varieties of whiskey. Whiskey and tartan are the main feature of the interior.

How many details are there? You can walk for hours and look, as if you were in a museum.
In general, there are several variants of the appearance of the word "tartan". Some believe that the word is taken from the French language, denoting coarse woolen fabric. Another opinion leads to a word from the ancient Italian dialect, which can be translated as crosswise, across. The second explanation is more suitable, since the threads in the fabric are intertwined in this way.
Initially, the color of the tartan used in clothing spoke of belonging to a particular genus, of territorial affiliation.

There are registration commissions that count and record emerging patterns of tartans, which are assigned to families, clans, cities, settlements, companies and organizations. The world register counted 3,300 designs, and the Scottish one - more than 6,000. Such a significant difference is due to the fact that the Scottish register continues to follow the new colors. For a nominal fee, anyone can register their own colorway and name it after themselves. One of the recent entries entered into the Scottish Register belongs to a resident of St. Petersburg, who came up with a new name cell.

Royal Stewart (Royal Stewart) - red royal Stewart, since 1822 the personal tartan of the British monarch, the most famous tartan in the world (in our time, its use only theoretically requires permission);

Nova (Nova) - became a symbol of the Burberry brand, created for the company in 1920 and entered into the register in 1985.
Even in the menu and cuisine, the similarity of our peoples is manifested. There is also a traditional dish from the British Isles "Haggis", made from lamb offal, but there is also a lot of Russian cuisine, northern and, as they say, "wild" here.

The Scottish Cell restaurant is divided into two zones. The first floor has the similarity and character of a beautiful Scottish lady, the mistress of the house. Soft colors, rounded shapes, frames with children's drawings, household utensils prevail here. Immediately there are associations of comfort, a warm fireplace, I want to take a woolen blanket (necessarily in a box) and drink 58-year-old whiskey.

But the lower floor is more masculine, brutal forged lamps, aircraft models, books, old photographic equipment. The stairs to the grandfather's property lead along the cupboard with a traditional Scottish drink, which will impress all "grandfather's guests".

Well, let's move on to the menu. The menu of the restaurant, as I wrote above, corresponds to this mood, including Scottish and northern dishes, which are harmoniously intertwined with Russian ones based on Siberian delicacies - fish, game, mushrooms, wild herbs and berries.
And in general, wild cuisine is, first of all, what? Proper meat and fish dishes. In the menu you can easily find dishes prepared from game, try venison, wild boar, red deer, roe deer, guinea fowl - wild chicken, I would also add a bear.
The average check is 2000-3000 rubles.
What do I recommend to you?
Well, for example, deer stroganina (450 rubles).

This is a mega energetically charged and somewhat exotic dish, in order to try it you will need to get the deer yourself. I must say right away that it is not easy, you need to purchase a ticket and a license, get to the hunting place, search and get a trophy. Or come to the Scottish cage restaurant, which is much easier) Why is a deer good?

Deer is an environmentally friendly meat, since the deer lives in the tundra, mountains, taiga and eats reindeer moss, so this meat has a high content of trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, having consumed literally 200 grams, I mean venison sliced, your squaw will literally run from you through the plague, tent, clearing, winter hut, you will have so much energy and enthusiasm! Yes, don't smile, that's exactly what will happen.
Stroganina is served with 3 sauces and salt.
DEFINITELY try Shulyum from quails and ducks (590 rubles).

It is believed that SHULYUM is the original Cossack camping dish. Often seen on the hunt.
Moreover, as hunters say, without shulum, but without 50 grams for it, hunting is not the same at all, like fishing without fish soup. It is these two dishes that are an integral part of men's relaxation. Rest from the hustle and bustle of the city, and cook on a fire and eat outdoors overlooking the river or forest.

Whoever thinks that this is just food is just as mistaken as I was in my youth when I thought that marriage was once and for all.
The presentation is simply amazing, the smell of herbs and a glass of tincture take you to the forest, as if you had just returned from hunting. It's just the BOMB!
I also recommend eating venison with porcini mushrooms in a creamy sauce. Served here in such a basket of dough, baked potatoes and cucumbers for a snack, the recommendation is to take 50g of alcohol.

After a hearty lunch / dinner, of course, whiskey, but it’s better to take a novelty - delicious lemonades,

Fortunately, the choice here is not small or taiga tea. It is prepared from Indian Assam tea with the addition of thyme, currant leaf and heather. It is heather that gives it a slightly sweet and completely unexpected taste. The tea is very rich and unusual!

The Scottish cage, called tartan, is not only an ornament that characterizes the country, but also its wealth and pride. This is a fabric obtained by weaving woolen or cotton threads in a certain sequence.

There are several variants of the appearance of the word "tartan". Some believe that the word is taken from the French language, which means rough. Another opinion leads to a word from the ancient Italian dialect, which can be translated as crosswise, across. The second explanation is more suitable, since the threads in the fabric are intertwined in this way.
Plaid is a word known to all. This warm blanket, loved by everyone, appeared in Scotland and was the progenitor of the current kilt - the traditional men's skirt. Initially, warriors wrapped themselves in a plaid, like in a toga, then they began to vary the ways of tying it. To make a Scottish cage, the fabric is woven from pre-dyed threads in the following sequence: one thread is taken and pulled first over two longitudinal threads, and then under them.

Modern color choice

It is now that the Scottish cage has lost a certain semantic load, becoming a fashion trend in almost every season. Modern men and women choose the right color according to the occasion - for a suit, shoes, eye and hair color. The red Scottish cage was especially loved by the most daring and stylish girls who are not afraid to focus on themselves. Older or more modest men and women prefer tartan in discreet browns and dark greens.

Show me your kilt and I'll tell you who you are

Initially, the color of the tartan used in clothing spoke of belonging to a particular genus, of territorial affiliation.

The fact is that natural dyes obtained from plants growing in the clan's habitat were used to dye the threads. By the color of the kilt, it was possible to understand from afar who was approaching: one's own or a stranger. During the battles, the warriors identified their enemies and allies by the shade of the Scottish cage in their clothes.

Checkered fabric color palette

In the 19th century, artificial dyes appeared, and the inexorable fantasy of the Scots to create a checkered fabric of different colors and pattern sizes immediately broke out. Wealthy families had several themed outfits, one Scottish cage was for everyday wear, and the other for special occasions. The Scots are still proud of their invention and are happy to wear it not only on special occasions, but also on weekdays. The reason for the creation of a new cell can be any event that occurred in life.

How many colors does a Scottish plaid have?

There are registration commissions that count and record the emerging patterns of tartans, which are assigned to families, clans, cities, settlements, companies and organizations. The world register counted 3,300 designs, and the Scottish one - more than 6,000. Such a significant difference is due to the fact that the Scottish register continues to follow the new colors. For a nominal fee, anyone can register their own colorway and name it after themselves. One of the recent entries entered into the Scottish Register belongs to a resident of St. Petersburg, who came up with a new name cell.

Why did the Scottish cage in clothes fall in love so much

Alex Begg has been making checkered shawls, scarves and stoles since 1902. Until now, he uses manual labor to create things, so products made of wool, cashmere, silk and angora are rightfully considered luxurious and enjoy enduring popularity all over the world. Begg's own fabrics are commissioned by many fashion houses to create their own collections.
The Scottish fashion house Eribe, founded by Rosemary Eribe, considers it its main task to give the national plaid knitwear a fashionable modern cut and shape. Bright colors and bold design solutions have become their hallmark.

In the small Scottish town of Hawick, 250 craftsmen have been working for more than a century. They create luxurious full knit sweaters and pullovers. The bottom line is that each part and detail of the product is knitted separately on the machine, and then the finished product is assembled by hand. The quality of such things is beyond competition and time.
Towards the end of the first half of the 20th century, Maurice Buchan opened a small weaving factory in the small mountain village of Lochcarron, where he began to produce plaid. Now in his collection there are more than 700 colors, and his fabrics are bought and

Kilt fashion

The kilt is in fashion and will never go out of it! This piece of clothing has ceased to be a traditional garment for Scottish warriors and is worn by men and women all over the world. Almost every fashion collection is complete without a kilt, as it is an inspiration for many famous couturiers.

It is presented at shows in a classic version, as well as in a mini version, in dresses, or in daring combinations with other clothes. Stars and public people are invited to demonstrate the kilt, thus they designate themselves as an outstanding personality. They say with their outfit: "If you want to be bright and successful, like me, a Scottish cage will help you!" The photos show that they are really right, because it is impossible to pass by a man in a kilt.
Every year New York hosts the show "Dressed in a Kilt", which is completely dedicated and imbued with the spirit of freedom of this wonderful country. This event gathers many fans and like-minded people under one roof, including many actors, athletes, models, TV presenters and other public people. The show takes place in an uncharacteristic manner. Strong men with balls come out on the podium, depicting actions on the sports ground.

They run, throw the ball, all this happens in a kilt and to cheerful music. A unique celebration of Scottish style, which is simply impossible to get bored.
