
Snacks for the new year are simple. Delicious Christmas snacks "Herringbone"

So, 2019 is the year of the Earthy Yellow Pig. According to the eastern calendar, the year of the Pig will come only on February 5th. But, as you know, household magic improves mood well. Therefore, let the simple-hearted, intelligent and calm animal appear a little earlier, and we will meet him with all honors.

If you are not vegetarian, then setting the table is easy. Poultry meat in its various forms: from legs to rolls, cuts, juliennes, salads and whole baked carcasses - all this will take its rightful place on the New Year's table. For beef, lamb, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts and greens, the Pig has no complaints at all. Of the undesirable ingredients - only pork.

Choosing cold appetizers for the festive table is a very exciting experience. So many different recipes. Offer your family and friends salmon rolls, a snack with crab meat and fresh tomatoes. We are sure they will love it!

Snack with champagne

None festive feast not without champagne. This drink goes well with crab meat, cheese, pineapples and red caviar.

To prepare a snack you will need:

  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 150 g of crab meat;
  • 1 handful of coconut flakes;
  • 1 can canned pineapple(circles);
  • red caviar for decoration.

Preparation: 15 min. Serving Calorie: 150 kcal.

  1. Finely grate crab meat, cheese using a grater. Mix.
  2. Form small balls, then roll each in coconut flakes and refrigerate.
  3. Put pineapple circles on a flat plate, chilled balls on them, decorated with caviar on top.

Note to the hostess: it is better to form balls with wet hands.

Tomatoes with cheese

If you correctly combine tomatoes, cheese and mayonnaise sauce, then it will work beautiful appetizer. Choose the cheese of your choice to prepare the dish. Add strong tomatoes and start cooking.

You will need:

  • 4 strong tomatoes of medium size;
  • 300 g of your favorite cheese;
  • mayonnaise to taste;
  • 3-4 sprigs of fresh dill.

Preparation: 15 min. Number of calories: 100.

  1. Wash the tomatoes, dry with paper towels, chop into slices.
  2. Grate a piece of cheese. Combine cheese chips with mayonnaise.
  3. Place a cheese filling on each tomato slice. Sprinkle with chopped dill.

Note to the hostess: in order to make the taste of the snack more saturated, you need to send the tomatoes and cheese for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.

Salmon rolls

An appetizer of slightly salted salmon and cheese is prepared in a few minutes. The main thing is to buy a package of fish and two types of soft cheese in advance.

You will need:

  • 300 g lightly salted salmon or salmon;
  • 100 g each soft cheese and mozzarella;
  • fresh herbs to taste;
  • optionally ground black pepper;
  • salt at your discretion.

Required: 25 minutes. Number of calories: 155.

  1. Cut a piece of salmon into slices, try to make them thin.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix cheeses, add chopped herbs, pepper, salt to taste.
  3. Wrap the stuffing in salmon slices. flat dish line with lettuce leaves, put rolls on it.

Note to the hostess: although you can take any fresh herbs, we recommend adding dill to the salmon.

Another way to cook red fish rolls can be found in this video.

Hot snacks for the New Year's table

Hot appetizers are an indispensable attribute of the festive table. AND New Year's table 2019 would certainly not be without them.

Breaded cheese sticks

Of the most simple ingredients you can cook a real miracle, there would be only a desire.

You will need:

  • 300 g of cheese;
  • 150 g of ground crackers;
  • 150 g wheat flour(highest grade);
  • 250 g roasted sunflower seeds;
  • 1 egg(category one);
  • 30 ml vegetable oil.

Preparation: 35-40 min. Number of calories: 203.

  1. Cut a piece of cheese into even cubes.
  2. Grind the peeled seeds with a blender, pour into a suitable bowl.
  3. Add to them ground crackers, mix thoroughly.
  4. In a bowl, beat the chicken egg, but only slightly. Pour wheat flour into another bowl.
  5. Bread each cheese stick with flour, dip in egg mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs and seeds.
  6. Brown the cheese sticks in hot oil on all sides, then place on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Tip: do not leave the cheese in the pan for a long time so that it does not melt.

chicken julienne

This appetizer has a lot various variations. But we suggest cooking julienne only with chicken meat. It will turn out tasty, appetizing and healthy.


  • 1 regular onion;
  • 150-200 g chicken fillet;
  • 150 g of any cheese durum varieties;
  • olive oil to taste;
  • 200 ml 10% cream.

Preparation: 25 min. Calories: 200 kcal.

  1. Chop the peeled onion into strips, fry in hot oil, 2-3 minutes is enough.
  2. Chop the white chicken meat into pieces across the meat fiber. When the onion is fried a little, send pieces of meat to it, fry everything together with constant stirring for 8-9 minutes.
  3. Pour the cream into a saucepan, heat it up. Grate cheese.
  4. Put a little cheese chips into the warmed cream, mix. Keep on the stove for no more than a minute.
  5. Special forms for julienne, metal cocotte makers, fill with meat and onions, pour cream on top, pour grated cheese in a slide.
  6. Send the cocotte makers to a very hot oven. Cook until golden brown on top (7-8 minutes). Cocotte makers are served immediately from the oven, one per serving.

Tip: put cocotte makers on plates with paper napkins, and put a paper papilot on a metal handle.

Recipes for unusual salads

Search unusual salads before the New Year turns into headache for housewives. The same recipes roam the websites and magazines. Delicious but boring. Therefore, we propose to prepare completely different salads - festive, unusual and beautiful.

"New Year's Eve"

There will be no difficulties with this salad. First, you need to prepare all the ingredients separately. Put in a transparent salad bowl in layers so that the colors do not mix and the color composition looks impressive.

You will need:

  • 150 g cabbage;
  • 100 g spinach;
  • 6 pickled gherkins;
  • 3 pods of sweet pepper;
  • 180 g of raw smoked beef sausage;
  • 180 g of cheese;
  • to taste celery leaves and dill;
  • 50 g of sour cream and mayonnaise;
  • 25-30 ml soy sauce;
  • 3 slices of garlic;
  • 5 ml of lemon juice;
  • 6 quail eggs;
  • season at your discretion.

Required: 40 min. Serving Calorie: 198 kcal.

  1. Make sauce: combine sour cream with mayonnaise, add chopped garlic, fresh dill, juice, soy sauce, pepper, mix.
  2. Chop the cabbage into strips, chop the spinach, celery, dill arbitrarily. Transfer all ingredients into a deep bowl.
  3. sweet pepper pods, canned gherkins chop straws, send to the greens.
  4. boiled quail eggs in the usual way, cool, then peel.
  5. Cut cheese, sausage into strips, do not mix the ingredients together.
  6. Take glass portioned bowls, lay out all the products in layers: greens with vegetables, sauce, cheese sticks, greens with vegetables, sauce, sausage, vegetables with greens, sauce.
  7. Top the salad with quail egg halves.

Note to the hostess: instead of sausage, you can take boiled beef tongue.

snack sushi salad

Absolutely a win-win for all seafood lovers.


  • 250 g lightly salted salmon;
  • 100 g of red caviar;
  • 3 chilled crab sticks;
  • 7 boiled shrimp;
  • 1 glass of rice;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 1 nori (dried seaweed)
  • 45 g of fine sugar;
  • 8 g of table salt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 100 ml rice vinegar.

Cooking: 1 hour. Calorie content: 205 kcal.

How to do:

  1. Boil the rice according to the instructions on the package. Cool, mix with dressing. For dressing: combine rice vinegar with 30 grams of sugar, salt, mix well.
  2. With the remaining sugar, beat the chicken egg, adding salt to taste, and prepare an omelet.
  3. Grind crab sticks, finely cut dried seaweed with scissors.
  4. Divide rice into three equal parts. Combine one with crab sticks, the other with algae, and leave the third without additives.
  5. Peel the avocado, chop into half rings, fish into pieces. Fry shrimp.
  6. Line a round shape with cling film. Lay out the salad in layers: crab sticks with rice, fish, rice, avocado, rice with seaweed. Press down lightly upper layer. Cover the plate with a plate, then carefully turn it over and remove it.
  7. Roll up the omelet with a tube, then chop into thin strips.
  8. Top the salad with omelet straws, fried shrimp and red caviar.

Note: you can take any red fish.

Salad "Duck with oranges"

The whole focus here is in the gas station from olive oil, port wine, orange and lemon juice. That's when all the ingredients are on the fork, you can feel how rich the taste of the salad turned out, sweet and fresh at the same time.


  • 250 g duck breast pulp;
  • 1 large orange;
  • 140 g of salad greens;
  • 1 g freshly ground black pepper;
  • salt to taste;
  • 60 ml orange juice;
  • 40 ml of lemon juice;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 150 g fennel;
  • 2 heads of shallots;
  • 30 ml of port.

Preparation: 1 hour. Each serving: 200 kcal.

  1. notch duck breast on each side at an angle. Grate with ground pepper, salt.
  2. Fry in a preheated pan without oil on all sides (2-3 minutes). Transfer to a mold, cook in hot oven until meat is ready.
  3. Prepare dressing: squeeze juice from orange, add lemon juice, olive oil and port wine.
  4. Finely chop shallots, put in dressing.
  5. Chop the fennel into half rings, place in a salad bowl. Add salad greens, dressing to it.
  6. Peel the oranges, cut into slices and remove the film from them. Arrange lettuce seasoned with dressing on a serving platter. Above orange slices and pieces of duck meat.

Tip: the salad turns out to be bright not only in color, but also in taste, so do not abuse the salt.

Original snacks for the New Year 2019

In our tradition, the New Year is not only a meeting of friends and relatives, but also a plentiful table. This is a review culinary masterpieces housewives, so cook what others can't and win the unspoken competition that always goes on between women.

Avocado with shrimp

Serve the appetizer on the table in avocado halves, garnished with shrimp - it looks impressive and your guests will definitely like it.

For 2 persons you will need:

  • 1 avocado;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 6 boiled shrimp;
  • 20 ml cream;
  • mayonnaise to taste;
  • favorite greens to taste.

Preparation: 40 min. Each serving: 257 kcal.

Cooking avocado with shrimp:

  1. Boil the chicken egg, cool, remove the shell. Grate a peeled egg, a piece of cheese. Divide the grated cheese into three equal piles.
  2. Cut the avocado fruit into two halves, remove the stone, and carefully remove the pulp with a spoon so as not to damage the peel, as the peeled avocado halves will be filled with a snack.
  3. Mash the pulp into a homogeneous mass.
  4. In a salad bowl, mix the grated egg, avocado pulp, 2 parts of cheese, pour in a little cream and add mayonnaise. Mix well.
  5. Heat a frying pan with oil and a clove of garlic, put the shrimp, fry.
  6. Fill the boats with the mixture, sprinkle with cheese, chopped herbs and put the fried shrimp on top.

Note: what larger than a shrimp, especially rich taste will have a salad.

Appetizer of salmon and avocado

The original salmon appetizer will give your guests an unforgettable taste feast.


  • 160 g lightly salted salmon;
  • 160 g curd cheese;
  • 2 eggs of the first category;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 8-10 ml of olive oil;
  • 1 slice of bread;
  • lemon juice to taste;
  • spices to taste.

Required: 20 min. Calories: 269 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Slice a piece of salmon. Take a salad bowl (250 ml) made of transparent glass and put the fish in it. They should fit snugly against the walls of the salad bowl and its bottom, that is, completely cover the surface.
  2. Cover the dishes with cling film, grease it with oil and beat in a chicken egg. Pull the edges of the film and tie. Add salt to heated water and lower the egg directly in the film, cook for four minutes.
  3. Divide the avocado into two parts, cut the pit, peel. Place the pulp in a bowl, season with lemon juice, put curd cheese. Stir the mixture until smooth. Season to taste with black pepper, salt.
  4. Cut out a circle from a piece of bread, its diameter should match the diameter of the salad bowl in which the salmon was laid out. Drizzle bread with oil on each side and toast on both sides.
  5. Take the egg out of the film and send it to the fish. Put the mixture of cheese and avocado on the egg, and also fill the voids in the salad bowl with the mixture. Top with toasted bread, press lightly. Cover the salad bowl with a plate, turn over.

Tip: you can decorate the salad with a sprig of dill and olives.

fish cakes

We assure you, there are definitely not many such cutlets. This is the fastest and most original New Year's fish appetizer.


  • 1 can of canned saury;
  • 2 potatoes + 2 eggs;
  • 1 beet;
  • 100 g boiled rice;
  • 25 ml of refined vegetable oil;
  • 100 g of premium flour;
  • 100 g of ground crackers;
  • add black pepper to taste.

Required: 25 min. Serving Calorie: 150 kcal.

How to do:

  1. Boil beets, potatoes, cool. Boil rice. Put the saury in a bowl, mash.
  2. Grate the beets with potatoes and add to the fish, mix. Add boiled rice, season with salt and pepper. Stir the egg into the mixture.
  3. For breading, beat the chicken egg separately, pour breadcrumbs and flour into different bowls.
  4. Form small round patties. Bread each in flour, then in egg and breadcrumbs.
  5. Heat a frying pan with oil and fry the meatballs until golden color. Do not fry for a long time, as an appetizer from ready ingredients. Serve with greens.

Tip: it is better to bake beets for the dish in the oven, it will take longer, but the root crop will turn out bright and not at all watery.

More delicious recipes festive snacks can be found in this video.

It is not difficult to make friends with the hostess of 2019, the Yellow Earth Pig. It is clear that it is better not to cook pork, and aspic from pork tongue or jelly from the legs is not recommended. Well, the Pig has no complaints about other products.

The celebration of the New Year in our country is always held on a grand scale. It just so happened that the tables on this day are simply bursting with all sorts of treats and goodies. The festivities continue until the morning, so treats should be enough for the whole holiday. As a rule, the New Year's table differs from the usual festive table in more wide variety dishes, various snacks, as well as the decoration of the table itself. In this article, we will talk about all the features of the festive New Year's table, as well as some amazing recipes for salads, appetizers and hot dishes for your New Year's table.

New Year's table - features

New Year is a special holiday. And we also celebrate it in a special way: the house is decorated, each family member puts on a beautiful outfit, and of course a festive table is served. New Year's banquet usually consists of many various dishes. It must include:

  • cuts;
  • snacks;
  • salads;
  • meat and fish hot dishes;
  • Dessert;
  • beverages.

What kind of dish to cook for the New Year is decided by the hostess of the house.

Depending on the symbol of the New Year, one or another dish may be present on the table in abundance, or, on the contrary, absent altogether.

For example, in the year of the Pig, many people exclude pork from the New Year's menu so as not to offend the symbol of the year. However, not everyone does this. It all depends on whether people believe in omens or not.

It is important that the New Year's menu is not only tasty, but also balanced. Therefore, in the presence of heavy meat dishes, always pair it with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfrom fresh vegetables.

Don't forget about table setting! IN new year's eve everything should be beautiful and festive. Help decorate the table fresh fruits, vegetables. You can install beautiful candlesticks, be sure to add napkins and do not forget about an elegant tablecloth.

Well, now let's go directly to New Year's menu. Next, we present the most delicious recipes New Year's snacks, salads and hot dishes. All these dishes are very easy to prepare. And they taste just amazing!

New Year's snacks

Snacks on the New Year's table must be present without fail. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the feast, as a rule, lasts quite a long time (sometimes until the morning), and guests periodically sit down at the table. Secondly, on the New Year's table there are alcoholic drinks, which should also be accompanied by appetizers. In this article, we have collected three of the brightest representatives of snacks that all your guests will definitely like.

Snack "Olivier-roll"

This dish is especially for those who are tired of preparing Olivier salad for the New Year, but want to keep the tradition. Appetizer "Olivier - roll" will fit perfectly on the New Year's table.

Required Ingredients:

  • Potato - 2 jokes;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Boiled sausage - 100 grams;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • Thin pita bread - 1 piece;
  • Melted cheese - 2 tablespoons;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel vegetables and boil until tender. Eggs are also boiled and peeled. Gently spread the pita bread and let it lie down for a while.
  2. Lubricate pita bread generously with melted cheese.
  3. Grate the sausage and put it on top of the pita bread smeared with cheese.
  4. Boiled carrots also grate and put on top of the sausage.
  5. Following the carrots, a layer of grated boiled potatoes is sent to the pita bread.
  6. Next, a layer of grated pickled cucumbers is laid out on the pita bread and a very thin mesh of mayonnaise is applied.
  7. A layer of boiled grated egg is laid out on a mayonnaise net.
  8. Lavash is neatly rolled up and cut into small portions.
  9. Roll slices are laid out on a serving dish and decorated with herbs.

Cheese balls

An amazing crispy snack that will not leave anyone indifferent. On holiday table disintegrates in minutes.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cheese - 200 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Wheat flour 1 grade - 4 tablespoons (for dough);
  • Wheat flour 1 grade - 3 tablespoons (for breading);
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Beat egg whites until stiff and add some salt.
  3. Then add 4 tablespoons of flour to the proteins and mix.
  4. Grate cheese on fine grater and add to the bowl with the egg whites and flour. Mix well again.
  5. Pour flour onto a plate, roll the balls from the resulting dough with wet balls and roll in flour.
  6. Deep fry the balls so that they float in oil.
  7. As soon as the balls have acquired a golden hue, they must be pulled out and put on a dish with napkins so that the excess oil is absorbed.
  8. Next, we post our cheese balls on a serving platter and decorate with herbs. Balloons can be served upon request. different kind sauces.

Tartlets on the festive table

Another wonderful snack on the New Year's table will be tartlets. Tartlets can be filled with almost anything. Our New Year's tartlets will be stuffed with chicken and pineapple with walnuts. A light and at the same time hearty snack.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet- 2 pieces (about 300 grams);
  • Tartlets - 10 pieces;
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Canned pineapple rings - from 5 to 7 pieces;
  • Walnuts - 50 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • greens and a few walnuts For decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Thoroughly wash the chicken fillet, boil and cool in the broth, cut into small cubes.
  2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and put in one bowl with chicken fillet.
  3. Finely chop the walnuts and pineapple as well.
  4. Combine all chopped ingredients, add mayonnaise and mix well.
  5. Put the resulting mass into tartlets and decorate with greens and half walnut.

In addition to walnuts, tartlets can be decorated with a few pomegranate seeds. So the appetizer will look more bright and spectacular on the New Year's table.

New Year's salads

Salads are a traditional dish of the New Year's table. They are present in abundance in holiday menu. Every year, hostesses try to surprise their households and guests with some new gourmet salad. In our article, we have collected three, in our opinion, the most happy salad, which will become a real decoration of your New Year's table.

Salad "Royal"

An ideal salad, which was created especially for those who want to celebrate the New Year in a truly royal way. It has all the ingredients to make this salad the center of attention on your New Year's table.

Required Ingredients:

  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Eggs - 3 jokes;
  • Potato - 3 jokes;
  • Red slightly salted fish(salmon, trout) - 200 grams;
  • Red caviar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Dill greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil carrots, eggs and potatoes, peel and let cool.
  2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and put on a pre-prepared foil, grease with mayonnaise.
  3. Next, rub the potatoes on a fine grater, put on top of the carrots, grease with mayonnaise and salt a little.
  4. Following the potatoes, a layer of grated eggs is sent, and again lightly smeared with mayonnaise.
  5. Finely chop the dill greens and cut the red fish fillet into strips.
  6. Place chopped dill and chopped fish on one edge of the foil.
  7. We wrap our salad in a roll, starting with the fish edge. We wrap it entirely in foil and send it to soak in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  8. After the time has passed, we take out our salad roll, cut it into portions, put it on a serving dish with herbs and decorate a small amount red caviar.

This salad can be prepared not only in the form of a roll, but also as a regular puff. To do this, put chopped salmon and dill at the very bottom, and lay out the rest of the ingredients in the reverse order.

Salad "Lady's Caprice"

The perfect salad to please the lovely ladies on New Year's Eve. It is light, very beautiful and at the same time satisfying. Try to cook such a salad - and your guests will not remain indifferent.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken thighs - from 2 to 3 pieces;
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Prunes - 50 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Kiwi - 2 pieces;
  • Pomegranate - 1 piece;
  • Mayonnaise - 4 to 5 tablespoons;
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs and carrots until tender and peel.
  2. Boil the chicken thighs until cooked and cool in the broth. Separate the meat from the bone. and cut into small pieces
  3. We put a glass on a large flat plate and put the chopped fillet around the glass. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  4. Spread finely chopped prunes on top of the meat.
  5. After the prunes, finely chopped boiled eggs are sent to the plate and a mayonnaise net is applied.
  6. Three boiled carrots on a fine grater and spread on top of the eggs. Lubricate again with mayonnaise and salt to taste.
  7. Behind the carrots is a layer of grated cheese and mayonnaise again.
  8. Kiwi cut into thin slices and put on top of the cheese.
  9. We cover the uncovered part of the salad with pomegranate seeds. Remove the glass and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

In decoration this salad not only kiwi and pomegranate may be present. You can add a few slices of pineapple, or lay out any pattern with chopped prunes.

Salad "Blizzard"

Very rich and bright New Year's salad. It will perfectly complement the New Year's table and will not leave guests hungry.

Required Ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • Champignon mushrooms - 6 pieces;
  • Canned green peas - 100 grams;
  • Ham - 100 grams;
  • Cheese - 50 grams;
  • Green onion - a small bunch;
  • Vegetable oil for frying potatoes;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into strips;
  2. Sliced ​​potatoes are sent to a preheated pan and fry until golden brown. Put on a separate plate and let cool.
  3. My mushrooms, cut into slices and also fry with a small amount of vegetable oil in a pan.
  4. Eggs and pickled cucumbers cut into small cubes. Cut the ham into strips. Three cheese on a grater.
  5. Add the fried mushrooms to the bowl green pea and shredded products.
  6. Season everything with mayonnaise, mix well and salt to taste.
  7. We spread our salad in a salad bowl, sprinkle with fried potatoes and green onions on top.

IMPORTANT! Unlike Olivier salad, Blizzard salad is not recommended to be left on the second day. It must be eaten on the day of preparation so that it does not lose its taste qualities and did not deteriorate.

New Year's hot dishes

Hot dishes are always in the center of the New Year's table. They attract guests not only with their aroma, but also with their amazing appearance. Of course, hot dishes for the New Year's table should be mostly meat. However, the fish should not be bypassed. Below we have three amazing recipes for a hot dish, including meat and fish options. Each hostess can choose for herself suitable option, and perhaps cook all three types of hot dishes. Especially given that their preparation time is relatively short.

Stewed beef with mushrooms and prunes

A great dish to welcome the new year. It turns out very satisfying and just incredibly tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • Beef - 800 grams;
  • Champignon mushrooms - 400 grams;
  • Prunes - 100 grams;
  • Cream with a fat content of 15 to 20% - 180 milliliters;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak prunes in a little water.
  2. Rinse the beef well, cut into small pieces and put in a saucepan (deep frying pan) on a small fire.
  3. Rinse the mushrooms well, cut into slices and send to the meat.
  4. Cut the previously soaked prunes into small pieces and send to the pan with the meat.
  5. All this is languishing in a saucepan for about 15-20 minutes, then salt and spices are added to taste. Cover with a lid and stew for about 40-50 minutes.
  6. After the time has elapsed, add cream to the pan, mix and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  7. Next, we look at the meat for readiness, if it is still hard, then add a little water and simmer for another 15-20 minutes.
  8. For lovers of richer creamy taste, you can add grated melted cheese or pieces of mozzarella along with cream.

Salmon in cream sauce

The most tender gourmet dish, which definitely will not remain on the second day. The fish turns out surprisingly juicy and amazingly tasty. What else do you need for a New Year's dish?!

Required Ingredients:

  • Red fish (for example, salmon) - 1.5 kilograms;
  • Cream with very high fat content- 500 milliliters;
  • Hard cheese - 400 grams;
  • Onion- 2 pieces;
  • Lemon, olives and herbs - for decoration;
  • Salt and spices to taste;
  • Vegetable oil for greasing the pan.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the fish well, put in a colander and let the excess water drain.
  2. Separate the fish fillet from the bones and cut into portioned pieces.
  3. To prepare the sauce, add salt and spices to the cream to taste.
  4. Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with a little vegetable oil.
  5. We spread the fish in a mold, pour the prepared sauce and send it to the oven preheated to 180 ° C.
  6. A few minutes before readiness, remove the fish from the oven, sprinkle with grated cheese and put it back in the oven.
  7. You can decorate the finished fish with herbs, lemon slices and halves of olives.

In addition to salmon, other seafood, such as shrimp, can be cooked in the same way. The sequence of actions and ingredients are the same, only shrimp should be used instead of salmon.

Chicken rolls with mushrooms and cheese

This hot dish can please absolutely everyone. On the New Year's table, it will be very handy. chicken rolls with mushrooms and cheese universal dish for any holiday. And preparing such a masterpiece is very simple and fast. And the taste is just licking your fingers!

Required Ingredients:

  • Onions - 1 piece;
  • Chicken fillet - 1 kilogram;
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Champignon mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • Cream with a fat content of 10% - 200 milliliters;
  • Wheat flour 1 grade - 2 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Greenery for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion very finely. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and cut into slices.
  2. Fry the onion and mushrooms together in a small amount of vegetable oil for about 6-7 minutes.
  3. We wash the chicken fillet well, beat off, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Grate the cheese and put on each beaten fillet. Roll the fillet with cheese into a roll, fasten the edge with toothpicks.
  5. Send the chicken rolls to the pan and fry on each side until golden brown(approximately 3 minutes).
  6. Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add flour to them, mix well and add mushrooms fried with onions.
  7. Put the fried rolls in a baking dish and pour over the prepared creamy mushroom sauce.
  8. Send the form to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20 minutes.
  9. Put the finished rolls on a serving dish and decorate with herbs.

Mushrooms fried in sour cream, appetizing fish and meat dishes, casseroles, kulebyaki, snack pies ... It was Russian cuisine that was traditionally distinguished by their abundance and diversity. Usually, in the role of appetizers as a “prelude” before serving the main course, we traditionally serve all kinds of puff salads, and hot snacks take a back seat a bit. Meanwhile, hot snacks for the New Year, selected and cooked interestingly, can become nice addition To holiday abundance. They are satisfying, high-calorie, very tasty and good because they can replace the main course of the New Year's table. hot appetizer, in fact, can be almost any dish, collection culinary delights replenishes year by year. Boiled, fried or baked vegetables, hot sandwiches, sandwiches and toasts, battered fish or poultry, croutons and julienne - each of these treats can serve as a great start to the main New Year's meal.

Hot snacks are served for the New Year, usually in small quantities and without a side dish, but often with sauce. At the same time, these treats can be put on the table in the same dishes in which they were cooked. However, remember that the main goal of these dishes is not to quench your appetite, but to awaken it, which is why snacks usually differ quite a bit. spicy taste and an abundance of spices and spices. Be sure to serve hot snacks on the table before they start to cool so that their taste is not lost. Use nuts, olives, slices of boiled and fresh vegetables, greens as a decoration for cooked dishes. Hot appetizers for the New Year offered by our site will help all your relatives and guests to visit the world of New Year's culinary fantasies and make your feast unforgettably delicious.

hot eggplant snack with chicken fillet

5 eggplants,
350 g chicken fillet,
2 bulbs
100 g cheese
100 g butter,
1 stack sour cream
1 bunch of greens
salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the eggplant into small sticks, sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes to release the bitterness, then wash and dry them. Combine finely chopped onion with eggplant and fry in 50 g of butter. 5 minutes before the end of frying, add finely chopped greens to the pan. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes, salt, pepper and fry in the remaining butter. In oiled butter lay the eggplant and meat in a baking dish, sprinkling each layer with cheese and pouring sour cream. Sprinkle cheese on top of the dish and bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C until golden brown. Cut into pieces when serving.

750 g minced beef,
2 eggs,
150 g cottage cheese,
30 g butter,
½ tsp seasonings hops-suneli,
herbs, salt, pepper.

Add to Ground beef 1 egg, salt, season with spices and mix well. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add the egg, salt and mix. Shape the minced meat into balls and place them on a greased baking sheet. Push the middle of each ball with the bottom of a glass to make cheesecakes, put in each curd filling. Place the tray in the oven preheated to 180°C and bake for an hour. Serve hot, garnished with herbs.

200 g smoked chicken fillet,
1 egg
200 g thick sour cream
30 g butter,
1 tsp flour,
salt - to taste.

Cut the fillet into strips and fry. Fry flour in butter, add sour cream and beaten egg. Put the meat in a baking dish, pour the sour cream mixture and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C until cooked.

500 g champignons,
½ stack white wine,
2 tbsp sour cream
50 g hard cheese
1 tbsp butter,
½ head of garlic
salt pepper.

cut the mushrooms thin slices, salt and fry for 5 minutes in butter, then add wine to the pan and simmer for 1 hour over low heat. Add minced garlic, pepper and stir. Put the mixture in a baking dish, pour sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C until cooked.

600 g doctor's sausage,
3 potatoes
1 egg
2 tbsp sour cream
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
herbs, salt, spices - to taste.

Grate sausage and potatoes and mix thoroughly. Add egg and sour cream to minced meat, salt and season with spices to taste. Form small balls from this mass and fry on both sides in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then transfer the balls to a baking sheet and simmer in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 120 ° C.

Curd cakes with filling

For cakes:
400 g flour
400 g 15% cottage cheese,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
a pinch of salt.
For filling:
200 g minced pork
200 g feta cheese,
2 tomatoes
1 sweet pepper
1 onion
1 bunch of green onions
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, spices - to taste.

Mix cottage cheese with flour and vegetable oil, add salt and knead the dough. Divide into 8 equal parts, roll them into small cakes and leave for 30 minutes. finely chop green onion and feta. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in vegetable oil, then add the minced meat and fry, breaking up the lumps, for 5 minutes. Cut the pepper into strips, tomatoes into slices. Put feta on one cake with green onions, and on others - minced meat, peppers and tomatoes. Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes.

200 g perch fillet,
200 g cream cheese,
6 boiled quail eggs,
50 g spinach
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
lettuce, salt, spices - to taste.

cut into fish fillet into pieces, sprinkle with salt and spices and fry on both sides until cooked. Scald the spinach, chop it, add cream cheese and stir. Arrange each serving separately: put a few pieces of fish on a lettuce leaf, pour over creamy spinach sauce and top with half a quail egg.

8 tomatoes,
400 g shrimp
½ stack boiled rice,
100 g hard cheese,
1 egg
50 g butter,
2 tbsp breadcrumbs,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Dip the shrimp in boiling salted water for 1 minute, drain in a colander and peel. Leave a few pieces for decoration, cut the rest. Cut off the tops of the tomatoes and scoop out the pulp. Combine the shrimp with rice, egg, breadcrumbs, half of the cheese, mix and fill the tomatoes with this mass. Arrange the stuffed tomatoes on a baking sheet, drizzle with melted butter, sprinkle with cheese and place the shrimp on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 10-15 minutes. Serve on lettuce leaves, garnished with greens.

Brynza "Snack Bar"

500 g cheese,
2 eggs,
2-4 tablespoons flour,
¼ stack. vegetable oil,
salt pepper.

Beat eggs with salt, pepper, add flour, stir to make batter. Cut the cheese into rectangles or squares. Dip each piece in batter and fry in hot oil until golden brown. Then lay it out on paper towel. Serve hot sprinkled ground pepper, serve mustard and leaf lettuce separately.

500 g chicken fillet,
2 tbsp grated cheese
100 g Adyghe cheese,
10 small pickled onions,
1 stack kefir,
5 pieces. dried apricots,
1 tbsp 3% vinegar,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Mix kefir, vinegar, salt, pepper and pour over the chicken cut into cubes. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then put on a baking sheet, put dried apricots on each piece of chicken, grease with a small amount of marinade, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes. First, string chicken, dried apricots, fried pieces of Adyghe cheese on skewers and garnish with onions.

Snack "Christmas Exotic"


250 g minced meat,
150 g hard cheese
herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Peel the pineapple and cut into equal circles. Chopped meat mix with pepper and salt, fry in oil, cool and put on pineapple pieces. Grate the cheese on coarse grater. Put pineapple circles with minced meat on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with cheese on top and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes. Cool slightly and serve with spicy sauce.

5 buns,
400 g chicken fillet,
1 onion
100 g mozzarella,
200 ml cream
1 tbsp flour,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tsp hops-suneli,
salt - to taste.

Cut off the tops of the buns and scoop out the crumbs. Finely chop the chicken fillet and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown, then add the onion cut into half rings and fry for another 5 minutes. Add cream and bring the mixture to a boil. Add suneli hops to the fillet, salt, sprinkle with flour and mix thoroughly. Remove the filling from the heat and spread it over the buns. Cut the mozzarella balls in half, arrange the halves on the buns. Place the julienne buns on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes.

pies from puff pastry with potatoes and meat

500 g puff pastry,
1 kg potatoes
400 g of meat,
1 egg
50 g hard cheese
1 onion
3-4 pickles,
herbs, salt, pepper.

Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender and mash them. Cut the meat into small pieces, chop the onion. Fry the meat in a pan for 3 minutes, add onion to it, salt, pepper, cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then remove the lid and let it simmer for another 3-4 minutes. Salted cucumbers cut into small cubes. Puff pastry divide into many small balls and roll them into cakes. Put a few spoonfuls on each cake of dough. mashed potatoes, some meat with onions and pickles. Pinch the pies, but not completely, so that a hole remains in the middle. Put the boats with the filling on a baking sheet, greased with oil, and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C until cooked.

Snack eclairs with shrimp and cheese

1 stack flour,
4 eggs,
250 ml of water
120 g butter,
1 tbsp sesame seed,
a pinch of salt.
For filling:
300 g small shrimps
100 g curd cheese,
2 tbsp fat cream,
1 bunch dill,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil salted water with 100 g of butter in a saucepan. Reduce the heat, add the flour and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon until the dough starts to easily separate from the sides of the pan. Then remove the mass from the heat and beat in one egg at a time, mixing thoroughly each time. The dough should be elastic. Grease the baking sheet with the remaining butter. Transfer the resulting dough to a culinary bag without nozzles, place small eclairs on a baking sheet at a distance of 5 cm from each other and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes. Cut the finished eclairs on the side so that steam comes out, sprinkle with sesame seeds and leave on the table to cool slightly. For the filling, finely chop the shrimp, dill, mix with soft cheese, salt and pepper. Cut the eclairs in half, put the filling on one half, cover the second and serve immediately to the festive table.

Chicken sticks on carrots

300 g chicken fillet,
1 green sweet pepper
1 red bell pepper,
2 carrots
2 tbsp soy sauce,
2 tsp 6% vinegar,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt pepper.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater, salt, pepper, sprinkle with vinegar, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and stir. Cut the chicken fillet into long sticks and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, pour in soy sauce and simmer for 5 minutes. Cut the pepper into thin strips and fry it in the same sauce on which the meat was fried. Fry the carrots separately until golden brown. Ready carrots put on a dish covered with lettuce leaves, top with strips of pepper and chicken sticks.

Hot appetizer "Fairy bonfire"

1 layer of puff pastry,
200-300 g brisket,
1 egg
2 tbsp sesame seeds,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.

Lightly defrost the dough, roll it out, cut into strips and twist each into a spiral. Brush the strips with a beaten egg, salt, place on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake in the oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes. Cool the finished sticks slightly, wrap each one with a slice of brisket at one end and put it on a platter with lettuce in the form of a fire.

With our advice and own culinary fantasy your hot appetizers for the New Year will not only impress all guests, but also make the New Year's table a masterpiece of your culinary art!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Hello hostesses!

Today we will have big selection– a whole collection of mind-blowing recipes delicious snacks to the holiday table.

They will be different, both simple and more complicated and with an interesting design!

To move faster through the article, use the links in the frame, they will take you to the desired recipe in one click:

She is so unusual that guests do not immediately distinguish her from real tangerines!

But when they try it, they ask for the recipe. Moderately spicy, richly cheesy and stunningly beautiful - a real decoration of the feast.


  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Processed cheese - 100 g
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise - 50-70 g
  • Parsley - a few sprigs


Grate hard cheese and melted cheese on a fine grater. boiled eggs peel off the shell and also finely grate.

Mix all this in one container and add mayonnaise and crushed garlic. Mix into a homogeneous mass. This will be our filling.

With wet hands, form into small balls.

Place our future tangerines on a saucer, make a dimple on top to give an even greater resemblance to fruit blanks.

Send them to the freezer for 15-20 minutes to harden. This will make it easier to keep working with them.

When the cheese rounds are sufficiently frozen, we begin to mask them in an orange skin.

To do this, chop the boiled carrots on a fine grater.

Lubricate your hands with vegetable oil. Spread the carrot gruel evenly in the palm of your hand and place the filling in the center.

Gently close the filling on all sides, stroking movements.

If gaps form, add some more carrots.

Thus, our workpiece should be completely covered with a "skin".

Place it on a platter and garnish with parsley sprigs. Simply unbelievable!

It looks like a tangerine, but inside is a creamy cheese surprise!

The delight of the guests is guaranteed!

Appetizer with red fish and cucumber

Very light in execution, beautiful, with a delicate taste - it will become a worthy highlight of your table.


  • Lightly salted salmon (or other red fish) - 100 g
  • Cream cheese - 200 g
  • Dill - bunch
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs


Preparing everything is quite simple: place the cream cheese in a bowl.

Cut salmon or other red fish into small pieces. Chop the dill there and squeeze the garlic.

Garlic will give a spicy point and aroma, but if you don’t like it, you can do without it, it will be no less tasty.

Stir the contents of the bowl to obtain a homogeneous mass.

In the absence of cream cheese, you can replace it with processed cheese.

By the way, we have a recipe on how to make delicious creamy yourself, at home, from available products.

Choose long-fruited cucumbers so that you can cut them into thin strips in which we will wrap the filling.

Spread it evenly along the entire length and roll into a roll.

It should be such a neat roll. Due to the viscosity of the cheese, it will keep well.

Similarly, make another arbitrary amount to completely fill the dish.

It remains only to decorate with herbs and serve.

Beauty! These rolls just melt in your mouth!

Snack Christmas balls

Here is such a magical New Year's beauty. Delicious Christmas balls! Both children and adults will love them.

And it is done very simply and quickly.


  • Chicken breast (fillet) boiled - 300 gr.
  • Soft cheese - 200 gr.
  • Walnuts - 50 gr
  • Greens (onions, dill) - a bunch
  • Salad - 1 head
  • Olives - a handful
  • mayonnaise for dressing


Boiled fillet cut into small pieces the smaller, the better.

Three cheese on a medium grater. Mix these ingredients in a bowl, add mayonnaise to them. Add greens if you like. Stir.

Grind walnuts in a blender or crush with a spoon until fine crumbs.

Roll the balls from the chicken-cheese mass in the palm of your hand and roll them in the nut crumbs.

Cover the dish with lettuce leaves, decorate with dill, like spruce branches.

Lay the finished balls on top. Place half an olive on each of them.

Insert a bent onion feather into each of them, which will imitate a rope.

Snack is ready! Her delicate taste will give you the most pleasant emotions.

How cute and playful she is! Lovely for those who love olives.

And, without a doubt, such canapes will greatly enliven and decorate the festive table!


  • Pitted olives (large and small)
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Cream cheese
  • Toothpicks or skewers


Peel the carrots and cut into slices about 0.5 cm thick.

To assemble one penguin, you will need: 1 circle of carrots, 1 large olive, 1 small and 1 toothpick.

On a carrot mug, you need to make a triangular cut.

Most of it will be the paws of the penguin, and the cut out triangle will be the beak.

Insert the "beak" into the smaller olive. Since we took pitted, there is already a hole in which the carrot will fit.

Cut a large olive on one side and put cream cheese inside. Cheese will do Philadelphia.

It remains only to collect the penguin. We put the body on the paws, put the head on top, fasten everything together with a toothpick.

This is how cute it turns out.

In the same way, we make a few more of these wonderful canapes. Quantity to your taste.

Beautiful and delicious!

Herring Appetizer Strawberry

This beauty can be prepared from herring. We can say that this is a miniature herring under a fur coat.

Everyone knows how delicious it is. And such a bright decoration will suit the festive table!

To learn how to do it, we suggest you watch this video recipe, there will be no questions about cooking after watching:

Elegant frosts will please kids and adults! The recipe is for 3 pieces.


  • Medium tomatoes - 3 pcs
  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves (to taste)
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l
  • Black peppercorns - 6 pcs
  • Red peppercorns (or pomegranate seeds) - 3 pcs


Wash the tomatoes, cut off the "caps" and remove the pulp.

Grate cheese, mix with garlic and mayonnaise.

Please note that if a treat is planned for children, then garlic can be discarded.

Fill empty tomatoes with the resulting mass, cover with a “hat” on top.

We make a mayonnaise beard, eyes from peppercorns, a nose from red pepper (can be replaced with a pomegranate seed).

Bon appetit.

Christmas appetizer with egg and shrimp

An incomparable dish, interestingly designed and melting in your mouth!


  • Boiled eggs - 7 pcs.
  • Boiled shrimp - 14 pcs.
  • Cream cheese (can be processed) - 70 g
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp
  • Dijon mustard in grains - 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice -1 tbsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Dill - bunch
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp
  • Salt, cayenne pepper and paprika (to taste)
  • Lime - 1 pc.


Boil the shrimp in salted water for five minutes, we need them to remain juicy.

To do this, lightly sprinkle them cayenne pepper, salt and squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lime on them and drip a little olive oil.

Shrimps will shine beautifully from it. Now let's prepare the filling for our egg "boats".

Eggs must be boiled for 10 minutes and peeled. Then cut them in half, taking out the yolk in a separate bowl.

Finely chop the dill and add to the yolks. Pour mayonnaise there, add mustard, paprika, garlic clove and cream cheese.

All this must be kneaded with a fork, stirring until smooth.

When the filler is ready, place it in pastry bag or simple plastic bag with a cut end.

Fill the eggs with stuffing, place a shrimp on top of each "boat". Garnish with a lime slice and its zest.

Sprinkle with paprika or cayenne pepper to taste if you like it spicy.

Exquisite and sharp little thing turned out!

Vegetable appetizer with cucumber and cherry tomatoes

It is very simple, but at the same time elegant and festive option treats for the New Year's table.

It is done in just a couple of minutes, and the guests will be satisfied!


  • Large cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • cherry tomatoes - optional
  • Cream cheese - 200 g
  • Dill
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Salt and black pepper (to taste)
  • Paprika


First, let's prepare the buttercream spread.

For this take soft cream cheese, mash it with a fork, mix with finely chopped dill and crushed garlic clove.

Transfer the resulting mass to a pastry bag.

Cucumbers cut into circles. Squeeze a "spread" onto the surface of each cucumber.

Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Top each cucumber with these halves.

Garnish with paprika and dill. Simple and very cool!

Snack from zucchini on the festive table

Another quick and wonderful option for the New Year.

Many people love zucchini, but have not yet tried to make an appetizer out of them. This recipe is for you!


  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs
  • Flour - 100 g (for rolling)
  • Salt - to taste

For sauce:

  • Garlic - 1 tooth
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp
  • Mustard - 1/2 tsp
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp


Clean the zucchini from the skin. Cut into 1 cm thick slices.

Take some flour, salt it and roll the squash mugs in it. And in a frying pan.

Fry on both sides until golden brown. When they are ready, place them on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

At this time, we cut the tomato in circles, only a little thinner. And we make the sauce: just mix all the ingredients indicated in the ingredients.

And we collect everything together: coat a circle of zucchini with sauce and put a tomato on top. Garnish with a sprig of dill. Delicious and fast!

We also offer to prepare for the celebration such wonderful rolls from egg pancakes with stuffing.

They are so awesome that they are swept off the table right at the beginning of the feast!

We invite you to look detailed video recipe for this dish:

Appetizer of crab sticks Raffaello

Another option that pleases the eye and stomach! Flies off the table in the first place!


  • Crab sticks- 200 g
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Salt to taste
  • Olives
  • Mayonnaise


Grate the cheese and eggs into one large bowl, squeeze out the garlic. Salt, add mayonnaise, but not very much.

The mass should be sufficiently viscous so that it can be formed. We advise you to introduce mayonnaise in portions in order to achieve desired consistency and don't overdo it.

Mix everything until smooth.

Crab sticks also need to be finely ground separately.

Form "Rafaelki" from the resulting cheese mass, put an olive in the center of each of them and roll them in shavings from crab sticks. Overeating!

Delicious cod liver tartlets

Bright, original, amazing!


  • Tartlets - 12 pcs
  • Cod liver - 1 can
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Pickled (or pickled) cucumbers - 100 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp
  • Dill, parsley
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp


Transfer the cod liver to a plate and mash thoroughly with a fork.

Finely chop the onion, place in a separate container and squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto it.

Thus, we marinate it, it will be softer. We leave it like that for five minutes.

We chop the cucumbers into small pieces, grind the eggs on a coarse grater.

Add all of the above to the cod liver, along with chopped dill and mayonnaise.

We fill our tartlets with filling and decorate with parsley leaves.

We eat with pleasure!

Bush with cream cheese and red caviar

This gourmet treat that will brighten up any holiday!

To learn how to cook it wonderful dish, we suggest you watch a detailed video recipe that will reveal all the subtleties!

Smart appetizer Calla from melted cheese

Flowers on the festive table will come in handy, and if they are also delicious, this is doubly good!


  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Mayonnaise
  • Processed cheese - 1 pack
  • Onion feather for decoration


First, let's prepare the filling for our flower rolls: finely grate potatoes and eggs, mix with crushed garlic and mayonnaise.

Cut the carrots into strips so that it looks like pistils of calla flowers.

We carefully remove the cheese from the package so as not to break it, we need it whole.

We lay a slice diagonally, in the center of each we put the filling and a carrot straw, wrap it in the shape of a bud.

We lay them out in a herringbone pattern on a flat plate, for greater resemblance to the original, decorate with green onion feathers.

Fantastic! And the taste too!

Curly sandwiches with cottage cheese

Wonderful, spectacular and attractive sandwiches on the festive table.


  • Baton (baguette) - 1 pc.
  • Curd - 200 g
  • Butter ( room temperature) - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l
  • Tomato - 2-3 pieces
  • Ground paprika - 3 tsp
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt to taste


We cut the loaf not thickly, obliquely. Brush each piece thinly with butter.

Cottage cheese, if you have it at home, granular, with 2-3 tbsp. Immerse l mayonnaise in a blender and grind to a pasty consistency.

If you already have a fine structure of cottage cheese, then you don’t need to do this, just mix it with mayonnaise and add salt to taste.

Divide all curd mass into three parts, all of them will be with us with different tastes.

Mix one part with chopped dill, it will acquire a greenish color.

Mix the second part with paprika - it will turn red.

And the third part with garlic, it will remain white with us.
