
How much to cook pork after boiling. How long to cook pork tongue? How long to cook pork tongue until tender

Pork tongue is a real meat delicacy. This part consists exclusively of muscle tissue, so it will cook a little longer than other parts. At the same time, it practically does not contain carbohydrates, which means it is a dietary product. In addition, this part contains lecithin, which improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as a lot of protein. Pork tongues are ideal for meat salad, this part is taken for making cold cuts, and they also prepare aspic. It remains only to figure out how to cook pork tongue deliciously.

    The average cooking time in a pot is 2-3 hours.

    In a slow cooker, the tongue will be ready in 2.5-3.5 hours.

    In a pressure cooker, the meat will be cooked in 40-45 minutes.

How to cook pork tongue

Many are interested in the question of how long to cook the pork tongue so that it is soft. It all depends on the age of the meat, as well as on the size of this part. So a small tongue is cooked quickly enough for 1.5-2 hours. But a large one is boiled for about 2.5-3 hours.

There are a few more tricks to know:

  • to make the meat more juicy and tender, it is soaked in cold water before cooking;
  • the tongue does not need to be salted during cooking, it is already salted ready-made;
  • if you are going to cook aspic, you need to take a little water for cooking - so that it only slightly covers the meat, and the fire should be minimal to prevent active boiling;
  • do not forget to regularly remove the foam with a slotted spoon;
  • the dishes should be filled to a maximum of 2/3.

It is strictly forbidden to clean the tongue in its raw form! Together with the film, part of the meat will be removed; when finished, the product will look just awful.

How to cook pork tongue in a pan


Rinse the meat in running cold water.


Soak in cold water for 30-40 minutes.


Move the meat to the pan, add the peeled carrots and onions, 2 bay leaves and a few allspice peas. Fill with cold water and send to the fire.


When the water boils, cook for 2-3 hours until cooked, periodically removing the foam. To check readiness, just pierce the meat with a fork. She should be free to enter.

How to cook pork tongue in a slow cooker

In this smart pan, any meat dishes will turn out especially soft and juicy. The cooking time of pork tongue in a slow cooker-pressure cooker is 40-45 minutes.


Rinse the meat under running water.


Soak for 30-40 minutes in cold water.


Pour water, add peeled carrots and onions, bay leaves and peppercorns.


Drop your tongue.


set the Stew / Meat mode for 2.5-3 hours.

How to cook pork tongue in a double boiler

The most dietary way to cook any meat is to boil it for a couple. And pig tongue is no exception. The only negative is that it takes a long time to cook, and most timers in double boilers are designed for 60 minutes. Therefore, you will have to set the timer several times.

The step-by-step algorithm for this process looks like this:


Rinse with running water.


Soak for 20-30 minutes.


Pour water into the appropriate compartment of the steamer.

Pork tongue is an ancient Russian delicacy. Properly cooked and served with horseradish or mustard, pork tongue is a favorite delicacy on the table.

It's pretty easy to buy these days. Therefore, each housewife has her own recipe for salad or aspic with tongue.

Properties of the pig tongue

Pork tongue is classified as an offal. In terms of nutritional properties and the value of the nutrients contained in it, the tongue is second only to meat of the 1st grade. Calorie content of 100 grams of pork tongue - 208 kcal. It contains vitamins of the following groups: B, E and PP, as well as sodium, potassium and phosphorus useful to the body.

Cooking preparation

If you purchased pork tongue fresh or chilled, then rinse well in warm water before cooking. Then, with a table brush, clean its surface, cut off the salivary glands and excess fat. In stores you can find salted tongue. Then it must be soaked in cold water for 8-10 hours before cooking. It is advisable to change the water every 2.5 hours.

Pour cold water into a saucepan. Add spices. Spices such as black peas, onion, celery root, bay leaf are best suited for pork tongue. Bring to a boil and then, put the tongue in the pan. When the water boils again, salt it.
If you cook a salted tongue after soaking, then the water should not be salted.

The tongue should be cooked depending on the age of the pig. The tongue of a young animal is boiled for about 2 hours, and an adult for about 3 hours under a closed lid. You can check the readiness of the tongue by piercing it with a fork. If the fork easily enters the tongue, then it is ready.

After cooking, lower the tongue into cold water. This will make it easier to remove the skin from the pig's tongue.

Secrets of cooking pork tongue

Leaving the cooked tongue under a load for a while after cooking will change the texture of the tongue. It will become denser, less porous. This is necessary when serving a sliced ​​\u200b\u200btongue on the table. The pieces look neat and appetizing. Or when using the tongue in a salad.
The most difficult process when cooking a tongue is removing the skin. If you have difficulty even after lowering your tongue into cold water, then make cuts along the pork tongue. And take the skin off.

Another secret of soft tongue cooking is pre-soaking in water. Put the tongue in water for 3 hours before cooking. This will make it softer.
If you cook the tongue of an adult animal or a boar, then specific odors are possible. To avoid this, cooking in 2 broths is necessary. To do this, bring the broth with the tongue to a boil, drain the water and add fresh. The second time, boil the tongue in the broth until fully cooked. The first broth will absorb unpleasant odors and preserve the taste of the tongue.

Recipes with boiled pork tongue

The language itself is already an independent dish. The tongue with horseradish or mustard is especially tasty. But the tongue is no less tasty in salads or soups.
Tongue and pineapple salad: boiled tongue - 300 grams, hard cheese - 150 grams, pineapple - 150 grams, 1 bell pepper, peeled grains of half a pomegranate, garlic, pepper, salt to taste, mayonnaise. Cut the tongue, cheese, pineapple and pepper into strips. Combine pomegranate seeds with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfood, and add spices to taste. Fill with mayonnaise. Serve in bowls or small salad bowls.

Tongue in sour cream. Boiled pork tongues cut into cubes or strips and put in a warm sour cream sauce. Warm the mixture over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Serve the dish warm.

To prepare sour cream sauce, you will need 500 grams of sour cream and 100 grams of butter. Melt butter and mix with sour cream. Add finely chopped greens.

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The cooking process of most offal is simple, and the result is delicious delicacies. For example, to understand how to cook beef tongue, you need to learn just a few rules and take into account a couple of nuances.

The scheme according to which the pork tongue will be boiled is somewhat different, but there is nothing complicated in it either. The main thing is to properly prepare the components, choose the best option for exposure and suitable additional components. An important role is played by maintaining the terms of product processing. Offal from beef will reach readiness in about 2.5-4 hours, from pork - in 1.5-2 hours.

How to prepare an offal for cooking?

The meat will turn out tender, juicy and fragrant only if it is properly pre-treated. Regardless of whether it is planned to boil the pork tongue or beef, you need to take into account the following points:

  • If you clean the component before cooking, there is a risk of ruining it hopelessly. Firstly, cleaning will take a lot of time, because. the skin will be reluctant to leave. Secondly, along with it, a significant amount of the edible part will definitely be removed. Finally, such a protective film retains moisture, which makes the dish juicy.
  • But all excess meat and fat should be cut off. Their presence increases the calorie content of the broth, especially if it is pork tongue. Because of this, the dish turns out to be too rich and even greasy.

Tip: If you want to boil a beef delicacy according to all the rules, you should not salt it. Adding salt at the beginning or middle of cooking will lengthen the cooking time. By adding it at the end, you can deprive the dish of its juicy texture. It is better to salt a ready-made and cleaned product, using not dry salt, but a solution prepared from it.

  • Even if the by-product is bought in a good store and obviously pre-treated, it should be washed and rubbed with a brush.
  • It is worth considering that the tongue is cooked for several hours, so in the process you will have to add water. To do this, stock up on boiled water; you should not use tap liquid or drinking water.

When planning to boil pork tongue, it is worth considering the option of using a slow cooker. In it, the by-product turns out to be especially tasty. But for beef billet, the traditional option is better - in a saucepan.

Options and rules for cooking pork tongue

When buying pork offal for cooking, you need to take into account that as a result of heat treatment it will decrease by about half. To cook the delicacy correctly, you can use the traditional approach.

  • Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. Its volume must be selected so that the liquid covers the tongue by 5-6 cm.
  • We lower the cleaned and washed offal into the boiling composition, free from all unnecessary parts.
  • After boiling the liquid again, add salt, spices and seasonings, black peppercorns, bay leaf to it.
  • Cook the product until cooked for 1.5-2 hours.

If you want to try cooking pork tongue in a slow cooker, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • For 3 medium-sized pork tongues, we take a carrot, an onion, a couple of bay leaves, a few black peppercorns, a tablespoon of chopped parsley root and salt to taste.
  • We put the prepared tongue in a bowl and fill it with cold water, it should exceed the level of meat by 2 cm. We also send carrots and onions peeled and cut into large pieces there.
  • We set the “Extinguishing” mode on the device, set the timer to 1 hour. After the specified time, add all other components to the broth and cook the product in the same mode for another 30 minutes.

Immediately after cooking, place the component in cold water and peel it. The sooner the dish is cut and served with sauce, the better. You can also use this preparation as a component for a salad.

How to cook beef tongue?

As for the beef tongue, here the procedure is slightly different from the one described above. If you want to get a truly tasty and healthy dish, you should act according to this scheme:

  • We put the washed and cleaned component in a saucepan and fill it with water, covering it by 5-6 cm. We wait until the composition boils and reduce the heat to medium.
  • After 15 minutes of boiling, the water must be drained and replaced with fresh, cold water. Bring the mixture to a boil again and reduce the heat, this time to a minimum.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and cook the mass for 2 hours, adding hot boiled water if necessary.
  • We clean the onions and carrots, cut them into 4 parts and lower them into the broth. There we add black peppercorns, bay leaf and parsley root.
  • Cook the mixture for another half an hour under a closed lid, then drain the broth, and cool the product in a colander under running cold water.
  • We clean the workpiece from the skin, cut into pieces half a centimeter thick. Drizzle or brush with brine and serve while still warm.
  • If during the cleaning process it turns out that the product is not yet ready, it must be placed again in cold water, brought to a boil and boiled for another 20 minutes. If necessary, the processing time is further increased. An undercooked tongue already cut into pieces is best fried in a small amount of oil.

To check the readiness of the product, you need to try to pierce it with a fork or a toothpick. The tool must easily enter, otherwise processing must be continued. You can also try to remove the skin from the meat part. If it comes off easily, the component is ready and can be removed from the broth.

A good housewife knows how long to cook the pork tongue until cooked, so that it becomes soft. In our latitudes, pork is a common food product, as well as all its derivatives. Among pork products, a special place is occupied by an exquisite delicacy - tongue. Of course, in order for it to strike on the spot with its delicious taste, you need to be able to boil and cook it properly. Do not know? I will teach.

Yaik is a great salad ingredient, good fried, baked, stewed. Inimitable product in aspic. It goes well with any side dish, herbs, mushrooms and vegetables.

Properly boiled, it is soft and delicate in taste. Many, having boiled the offal with spices, prefer to serve it as cold cuts - it turns out a wonderful gourmet snack.

How much to cook pork tongue

In stores, they usually sell a product that is ready for boiling. Bought a tongue in the market - first clean it of excess muscle tissue, blood, fat and other things.

Usually, the pork delicacy is boiled until tender in a saucepan. According to Russian tradition, they put various spices, herbs, onions and bay leaves. Then it becomes tasty and soft, fragrant and juicy.

With dressing of horseradish with vinegar, or just with horseradish, it turns into an unimaginably tasty snack. It's even more wonderful!

Method number 1.

  1. At the first stage, the tongue must be soaked so that it is tender when finished. Soak in cold water, then drain and simmer.
  2. Wait for the water to boil and drop the product into the water.
  3. Immediately add the necessary seasonings, traditionally in Rus' they put an onion, you can whole, parsley root and lavrushka. You don't need to salt at first. Salt already ready, soft, removing the skin.
  4. Cooking time largely depends on the age of the piglet. Young, perfectly cooked until cooked and becomes soft, after an hour in time. The older one will be ready in 2-3 hours.
  5. Do not let the product boil too much, make sure that the broth only boils slightly.
  6. You can determine the readiness as follows: pierce the tongue with a toothpick, no effort is needed - it is ready.
  7. After cooking, be sure to briefly dip in cold water, and then you can easily remove the skin.

How to cook the tongue so that it is soft and tasty

There are a couple of additional ways to cook the tongue, thanks to which it will be incredibly soft and unusually tasty.

Method number 2. You can cook the product in two broths. Using this technology, put the tongue in boiling water, after boiling, cook for 15 minutes and drain the water.

Rinse the product in running water, pour boiling water again and add the necessary spices and cook the tongue until fully cooked. A specific smell that not everyone likes will be removed, excess cholesterol and other harmful substances will go away.

Method number 3. Boil the pork delicacy as in method No. 1, but without spices (and salt). After peel it from the skin and put it back into the broth. And now put the spices, salt and cook for about 20 minutes. The dish will turn out much tastier and more tender.

Many housewives have adapted to cook pork tongue not in an ordinary pan, but in more modern kitchen helpers. Very fast and convenient to cook in a slow cooker and pressure cooker. You can bake the tongue immediately in the oven.

Tricky cooking tricks:

You can’t do without knowing some of the intricacies of cooking the tongue, so keep:

  • When the boiled tongue is cooked and soft, pour over it with cold water and let it cool down a bit so as not to burn your hands. Start peeling off the skin by prying with a knife at the base. Grab and pull a little.
  • The peel will not come off well - make small cuts along it, it will be more convenient.
  • If after that it is poorly removed, it means that you have not cooked the tongue. Fix it - cook more.
  • Sometimes a salted product is sold. Soak the product for 8-10 hours before cooking, and cook without salt.

To make the boiled tongue look beautiful after boiling and peeling, put it back in a small amount of broth, press down with a load and leave to cool. Then the cutting will turn out perfectly beautiful - the secret of chefs.

Choose a product

Take seriously the choice of product when buying, the taste of the future dish depends on freshness and other indicators.

  1. There is an opportunity - give preference to a fresh and chilled product.
  2. The weight of a normal tongue is 240 - 400 gr., If you see large sizes - do not take it, this indicates an illness of the animal, or the product was pumped up with something.
  3. The color of the product is pink, it must be covered with a film, the cut of the tongue is light pink. A different color of the cut will tell you that the animal was sick or died a natural death.

Product calorie content

For adherents of counting the calorie content of dishes, I can say: the calorie content of the pork tongue is completely low. Because of this, it is perfect for diet food.

Judge for yourself: the calorie content of fresh, that is, raw, is only 208 kcal. per 100 grams of product.

In addition, we eat boiled tongue, and during cooking, part of the fat goes into the broth. And this significantly reduces the calorie content, in our case by as much as 20%. Boiled pork tongue contains 165 kcal.

The benefits and harms of pork delicacy

The product is well absorbed by the body, it is useful to eat it for everyone who has problems with low hemoglobin, diseases of the kidneys and the nervous system, after recent illnesses it is a proper diet. To everyone who watches weight, this is a product that will not harm the body.

The product contains vitamins E. group B, a lot of biologically active substances: magnesium, phosphorus, copper and potassium. The tongue contains iron - it is useful for pregnant and lactating mothers to cook dishes from the tongue.

The product boasts a wonderful substance: it contains lecithin. And it is necessary for the good functioning of the nervous system and brain cells, it is the main material for building the liver. Lecithin is an excellent building material for the body, a vehicle that delivers vitamins and other nutrients to cells. You can read about other properties in the article.

The use of pork tongue can only bring harm to people with high cholesterol, in this case pork products are excluded from the diet.


I wish you a good mood, and I hope that advice on how and how much to cook the pork tongue until cooked, so that it turns out soft and tasty, will help you. Your family members will really enjoy! With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Pork tongue (boiled)

If you have returned from the market and are thinking what to do with the pork tongue that you bought in a fit of greed and memories of the delicious dishes of the Soviet era ... but you don’t feel like cooking something complicated, I suggest just cooking the pork tongue. And then cut A eat it like a delicious sausage and enjoy its delicate and juicy taste.

This is a very simple pork tongue recipe that will not require you to work hard at the stove.

What you need for boiled pork tongue

  • pig tongue;

For broth spices and roots

  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Carrots - 1 small;
  • Bay leaf - 1 leaf for every liter of water (if there are several languages, then there will be more than 1 liter of water);
  • Greens (dill, basil, parsley) - a few branches;
  • Allspice peas - 4-5 pieces.

How to cook pork tongue

Cook pork tongue

  • Rinse the tongue well and put it in a pot of boiling water. The water level should be 2 cm above the meat.
  • Boil. Turn down the fire. Add the peeled onion head, carrots, bay leaf, allspice and herbs to the broth. Cook on low heat for 2 hours.

Remove skin from tongue

  • You can clean the pork tongue from the skin like this - remove it from the boiling broth and immerse it in cold water (or pour over with cold water). Then, pull off the skin. It is very easy. From a sharp change in temperature, the skin moves away from the meat and is removed without problems.

Bring the tongue to readiness

  • Salt the broth to taste. Dip the cleaned tongue into it and boil for another 7-10 minutes. This is necessary so that it is better stored after you lower it into raw water (to kill possible microbes by boiling).

Boiled tongue can be eaten both cold and hot.

Pork tongue with garnish. Very tasty and simple food))

The broth from the tongue can be strained and used to make soups.

It is delicious to serve pork tongue with horseradish sauce with lemon. According to the same recipe, you can, only the cooking time should be increased to 3-4 hours. Because the pig is a small animal and its tongue is tiny, and the cow is large, and its tongue is much longer and thicker than a pig's.

You can still do a lot.
