
How to make tender lamb skewers. How to marinate lamb skewers so that the meat is juicy and soft? Let's take the main components

Lamb shish kebab is rightfully considered pride caucasian cuisine and like any oriental dish hides many secrets. The cooking options are amazing meat delicacy whole set. Sometimes it’s enough just to replace one ingredient in the marinade or choose a different part of the lamb to give the kebab completely new flavors.

Best for lamb skewers suitable meat young lamb. It makes it soft and tender pieces without a specific smell, without spending extra time on soaking and roasting. It is recommended to choose the front shoulder of lamb or ham. Also, when buying meat, it would be nice to get some fat tail fat. This ingredient will make the dish in best traditions Caucasian cuisine.

Before cooking the kebab, it is kept in the marinade for several hours. Taste largely depends on its composition. ready meal. Marinade for lamb skewers can be based on vinegar, wine, mineral water, lemon or pomegranate juice, low fat fermented milk products, tkemali sauce, etc. Tomatoes, onions, fresh herbs and various seasonings are added to the liquid ingredient. Perfect for pickling zira, dried marjoram, mint, barberry, etc.

It is best to fry shish kebab on charcoal, but at home you can use regular frying pan or oven. Also, along with meat, you can immediately cook baked vegetables. Served hot barbecue various sauces and salads.

When trying Caucasian shish kebab, many people think that this dish is prepared according to some secret and very laborious technology. In fact, there is nothing complicated about how to marinate meat in order to get a dish worthy of Caucasian cuisine. The main thing is to choose the right meat and not rush to get it out of the marinade - good barbecue lamb must be marinated for at least 6 hours.


  • 1 kg lamb pulp;
  • 50 ml grape vinegar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 0.5 kg of onion;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled onion into medium rings, mash it with your hands.
  2. Cut lamb into portions, salt and pepper, leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Put the meat in a deep bowl, alternating it with layers of onions.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix water and vinegar, pour the barbecue with the resulting marinade.
  5. Cover the container with the meat and leave in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
  6. Thread the kebab on skewers, fry on coals for 15-20 minutes.
  7. During cooking, turn the kebabs often (about once every 2 minutes).

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This recipe is a little more complicated than most of its "colleagues", but for holiday table or a chic picnic he fit better Total. Fragrant spicy marinade will give the dish a piquancy and an unusual aftertaste. The amount of ingredients is calculated for 1 kg of meat. You can reduce or increase them proportionally.


  • 6 bulbs;
  • ½ cup tkemali sauce;
  • 50 g fat tail fat;
  • 1 st. l. dried barberry;
  • 1 tsp zira;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • Fresh greens;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings, put in a pickling bowl and mash well with your hands.
  2. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, after holding them in boiling water.
  3. Cut the peeled tomatoes into small cubes and send to the onion.
  4. Cut the lamb into portions and lay out to the vegetables.
  5. Pour everything with melted bacon and tkemali sauce, mix well.
  6. Add chopped herbs, all the spices indicated in the recipe, salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Once again, mix everything thoroughly and leave the meat to marinate for 3 hours.

If you want a delicious barbecue, but the weather or pressing matters do not allow you to get out into nature, you can easily make this meat delicacy at home. All you need is a few ingredients and an oven. Together with kebabs, you can immediately bake potatoes by placing them on a baking sheet and placing them under the bottom of the grate. Meat juice and marinade that will be released during cooking will make for an amazingly tasty side dish.


  • 1 kg lamb;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 4 bell peppers;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 2 tsp marjoram;
  • 2 tsp dried mint;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • Olive oil;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel half of the indicated onion and grate on coarse grater, put in a deep bowl.
  2. Squeeze the juice of one lemon on the onion, add marjoram, mint, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Season the onion Not big amount olive oil, sprinkle with chopped herbs, mix.
  4. Put the lamb cut into large cubes into the resulting mixture.
  5. Marinate the skewers for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator.
  6. The remaining bow and bell pepper cut into circles.
  7. Thread the meat onto the skewers, alternating with the onions and sweet peppers.
  8. Put the skewers on the grate, heat the oven to 200 degrees.
  9. When the lamb is reddened, pour it with the juice of the second lemon and bring to readiness.

Lamb kebab at first glance seems to be a very simple dish to prepare, but if you want to observe all the subtleties of its preparation, you will have to work hard. The result will more than justify the time spent. Especially if you use the detailed video instruction on how to marinate and fry the kebab:

Now you know how to cook lamb skewers according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Lamb kebab is one of those dishes that creates a sense of celebration in itself. His appearance on the table will cause sincere delight among all those present. To make the first impression only intensify during the meal, before you cook lamb skewers, you need to take note of the following recommendations:
  • The meat with the marinade should be mixed until you are sure that each piece is evenly covered with sauce and spices;
  • If you smell a specific smell from lamb, hold it for several hours in cool water. To avoid this problem, it is better to take meat young lamb;
  • The easiest way to check the readiness of the kebab is to pierce it with a knife or skewer. If the ichor is not released, then the meat is already ready;
  • It is best to cut the lamb into medium pieces so that they are well marinated and it is convenient to string them on a skewer.

At the mere mention of the word "shish kebab", the aroma of delicious, generously flavored exquisite spices meat cooked on a fire in a cheerful company of friends! Among the barbecue lovers, there are many who, out of the many types of this dish, prefer lamb barbecue, thereby paying a fair tribute to its appetizing juiciness and sophistication of taste. Indeed, with all the simplicity of preparation, properly marinated lamb skewers with their own palatability able to "conquer the stomach" of the most capricious gourmet!

The main condition for the preparation of delicious lamb skewers is the right choice of pulp. For this dish, the meat of a young lamb is best, preferably a three-month-old lamb, since it is leaner and without hard tendons. When buying, pay attention to the smell of the product - it should be fresh and not cause you discomfort. If there is still excess fat on the meat, cut them off the pulp and proceed to cutting, cutting into medium-sized pieces (about 4 by 5 cm) and not forgetting to remove the tendons. Is the meat ready? Time for the marinade!

Lamb kebab marinade recipes
The number of marinade recipes for lamb skewers is, perhaps, directly proportional to the number of masters of its preparation. After all, every master tries to bring something of his own into the recipe, successfully combining the wealth of imagination with culinary skills. That is why each barbecue has its own, individual, taste and aroma!

Classic lamb marinade recipe
For 1 kg fillet you will need:

  • large bulbs - 5 pcs.;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • finely chopped green cilantro - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon (heaped);
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 20 peas;
  • coriander - 10 grains
Cut the onion into rings, then mix it with salt and sugar, lightly pressing the flesh of the onion so that it releases the juice. Place the meat in an enameled pot and toss with the onion, cilantro and spices. Squeeze in the lemon juice and mix thoroughly again. Evenly distribute the meat in the pan, put a support under the weight on top. A 3-liter jar filled with water can serve as a load. Set it on a stand and place the pot with meat in a cool place for 5-6 hours. When putting meat on skewers, alternate fillet pieces with pickled onion rings.

Georgian lamb barbecue marinade
To prepare such a barbecue, you will need not only fillets, but also offal: liver, kidneys, heart and lung. Thanks to the mixture of such ingredients, the kebab is obtained with an unusually rich taste And bright aroma. Offal should be cut into pieces of the same size as the fillet.
Additional Ingredients:

  • large bulbs - 6 pcs.;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • finely chopped hot pepper, peeled from seeds - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.
Put the meat in a pan, the surface of which is not subject to oxidation. Add the chopped onion and the rest of the ingredients. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the fillet with spices, then mix thoroughly and place under the load for 5-6 hours, leaving the pan in cool place. When stringing meat, alternate fillet pieces with offal, onion rings and circles fresh tomatoes. This kebab is served with tkemali sauce and lots of greens.

Recipe for tomato marinade
For 1 kg of lamb you will need:

  • lard - 200 g;
  • hard tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • bulbs - 5 large pieces;
  • chopped cilantro - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sliced green onion- 50 g.;
  • black pepper - 20 peas;
  • salt - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons.
Cut the lamb into 3 x 4 cm pieces, and the bacon into 1.5 by 2 cm pieces. Mix the bacon and fillet in an enameled saucepan. Add finely chopped garlic, onion rings, chopped herbs, salt, sugar and spices. Mix everything thoroughly. Cut the tomatoes into circles 1 cm thick and mix gently with the rest of the mass, being careful not to damage the circles. Press down with a small load and put in a cool place for 3-4 hours. When cooking, alternately string fillets, bacon, onion rings and tomatoes onto skewers.

mustard marinade
For 1 kg fillet, prepare the following products:

  • sweet mustard - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 3 large cloves;
  • black pepper - 20 peas;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.
Mix mustard, sauce, lemon juice, chopped parsley and garlic with salt and spices and rub thoroughly in a mortar. Put the meat in a saucepan and pour the marinade into it. Mix thoroughly and leave to marinate for 2 hours.

Spicy Lamb Marinade Recipe
The meat for this recipe should be soft (from the neck or thigh of a young lamb) and lean. For 1 kg of lamb you will need:

  1. dry red wine - 1 tbsp.;
  2. bulbs - 3 pcs. (medium size);
  3. tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  4. cilantro or parsley - 1 bunch;
  5. salt and spices - to taste.
Cut the onion into rings 3-4 mm thick. Sprinkle the bottom enamel pan thin layer of salt and spices. Lay the fillet cut into portions in an even layer. Lay onion rings on top and sprinkle with chopped herbs, then salt again. Alternate layers of meat and onion with herbs until the fillet is finished. The layer of greenery should end up being the top. Now pour in the wine and press down on the meat so that the marinade covers it 1-2mm from the top. Add wine if necessary. Put the pan in a cool place for 10-12 hours. Put the meat on skewers along with onion slices and tomato slices. Meat cooked in wine marinade, you can also treat children, because in the process of marinating and cooking barbecue on fire, alcohol evaporates from the product.

Ahead is a day off, and have you already chosen a recipe for your Sunday barbecue? In this case, feel free to go to the market - and good luck in choosing the "right" fillet!

One of the most fragrant and delicious species kebab, lamb kebab, probably not by hearsay familiar to many. When properly cooked, this kebab is incredibly juicy, and the appetizing aroma of fresh, well-roasted lamb on the coals cannot be compared or confused with any other kind. meat kebab. Today we will try to figure out how to cook lamb skewers.

As with any other type of kebab, there are an endless number of options and ways to prepare lamb kebab. Starting the simplest a fresh piece lamb neck, only lightly sprinkled with coarse salt, and fried over coals, and ending with kebabs with the most extraordinary marinades, complex sauces and exquisite spices. Classic Recipes offer us to marinate meat in onion and lemon juice, others insist on the indispensable use of dry wine and mint in the marinade, exotic recipes It is advised not to forget about tandoori and tiriyaki. And spices that are perfectly suitable and perfectly shading the taste of lamb can not be counted at all. One way or another, but do not forget that the preparation of the marinade is one of the most important preparatory processes in the preparation of lamb skewers. It is on how and from what your marinade is prepared that the final taste largely depends. ready barbecue, and the softness of the meat, and its juiciness, and aroma.

Of course, like any other truly folk dish, lamb kebab loves and appreciates the manifestation of your culinary fantasy. And yet, cooking shish kebab has its own peculiarities, its secrets and mysteries, the knowledge of which will not only help you cook delicious lamb kebab, but also tell you the right direction for applying your imagination, experience and abilities.

Today "Culinary Eden" has collected and recorded for you the most important tips and secrets that are sure to help even those who take up cooking this dish for the first time. Recipes and little tricks that will easily explain even novice cooks how to cook lamb skewers.

1. Cooking lamb skewers begins, of course, with the choice of meat. by the most the best choice Not without reason, tender meat of dairy lamb is considered to be up to 2 months old. However, it will be possible to enjoy such meat only in early spring. The rest of the time, you should pay attention to the meat of young lambs up to one year old. Such meat is distinguished by a red tint and white, elastic fat. The meat of older animals, which is darker in color, yellow fat, stiff and sinewy, is not very well suited for barbecue. Don't forget to smell the lamb meat when choosing. Good fresh meat has a sweetish, pleasant smell. Any unpleasant shades of smell, and even more so the smell stale meat and fat, they will tell you that it is better to refuse such a purchase. Do not forget about the specific smell lamb fat. If you are not a big fan of this flavor, try to choose a leaner part of the carcass or cut off the excess fat with a knife.

2. Charcoal from cherry, linden or birch firewood is best suited for lamb skewers. You can buy ready-made coals in the store or burn them yourself in a separate fire. Whatever coals you use, be sure to get them all hot before you start browning the meat. Properly hot coals burn evenly over their entire surface with an even reddish heat and are only slightly covered with a thin layer of white ash. In no case do not start frying the kebab until all the tongues of the open flame go out! If an open flame breaks out already during frying, extinguish it by sprinkling a little water or wine.

3. During frying, do not forget to regularly turn the skewers with your kebab over the coals. This will allow the meat to brown evenly, creating appetizing crust over the entire surface of the kebab pieces and will not let your kebab burn. If, contrary to expectations, in some places the meat began to burn or dried out too much, just grease the damaged places with a small amount of marinade or sauce. Regular sprinkling of marinade or dry wine on roasting shish kebab will surely protect your dish from drying out, keep the meat tender and juicy inside, and also prevent open flames from appearing on your coals.

4. Let's try to cook the simplest lamb skewers. One kilogram of meat of the dorsal part of the lamb carcass chop into pieces 4 by 4 cm. Cut four large onions into thin rings, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon coarse salt and lightly knead with your fingers until the juice appears. Put the pieces of meat in a marinating bowl, add the prepared onion, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds or 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped green cilantro. Mix everything thoroughly, sprinkle with the juice of ½ lemon, mix again and carefully remember with your hands, trying to make the lemon and onion juice spread over the meat as evenly as possible. Press down your kebab on top with a small weight, such as a plate with a jar of water placed on it, and leave to marinate in a cool place for six hours. Put a well-marinated kebab on skewers, alternating pieces of meat with circles onion and grill over charcoal for 20 minutes until cooked through.

5. Just as easy to cook delicious barbecue Karski. Chop one kilo of lamb portioned pieces. 150 gr. cut tail fat thin slices. Put the meat and fat in a marinating bowl, add 3 finely chopped onions, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of green cilantro, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mint greens, salt and red pepper to taste. Then add the juice of ½ lemon and 50 ml. cognac. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate in a cool place for 6-8 hours. String the finished pieces of meat on skewers, alternating with slices of tail fat, and fry over coals until tender. Serve with hot sauce and fresh vegetables.

6. Shish kebab marinated with yogurt turns out to be very tender and juicy. Cut two kilos of lamb into portioned pieces and place in a marinating bowl. Add 4 sliced ​​onions, 1 teaspoon of coarse salt and knead thoroughly with your hands until the onions give juice. Add 50 gr. to meat with onions. finely chopped mint and basil and 1 teaspoon black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly, then add 200 ml. natural yogurt and 100 ml. dry white wine. Stir again and leave to marinate in a cool place for 6 to 8 hours. Thread the pieces of meat on skewers, alternating with slices of onion, and fry over coals until tender.

7. Unusually tasty and refined is the kebab from lamb loin. Chop one kilogram of loin into portioned pieces so that each piece has a rib. In a mortar or blender, grind 2 cloves of garlic, 2 sprigs of rosemary and salt to taste. Put the meat in a marinating bowl, add the garlic-rosemary paste and 5 tbsp. tablespoons of unrefined olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly, set a small weight and leave in a cool place for 12 hours to marinate. Do not add any acids to your marinade! Good unrefined olive oil contains enough enzymes to tenderize meat. Put the prepared pieces of meat on skewers and fry over coals until tender. But before serving, you can sprinkle your kebab with a small amount of fresh lemon juice and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. And do not forget about a glass of good dry wine, oddly enough, but white wine is perfect for this barbecue.

8. Avar barbecue should be prepared only from the meat of young lambs up to two months old. The beauty of this kebab is in the amazing combination of tender hot meat with fragrant garlic sauce. Prepare the sauce ahead of time. Combine five cloves of garlic with 10 almond kernels and grind in a mortar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fresh crumbs wheat bread and one raw yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and gradually add ½ cup of olive oil, constantly rubbing and stirring. IN ready sauce add the juice of ½ lemon, salt and pepper to taste, mix again gently. Keep the sauce in the refrigerator for up to a day! One kilo of fresh lamb chopped in small pieces and string on skewers, alternating with circles of fresh onions. Grill over charcoal until tender, remove from skewer to a plate, drizzle with pre-prepared sauce and serve immediately.

9. Original Georgian recipe lamb kebab involves the use of not only meat, but also offal (liver, kidney, lung). This allows you to convey to your barbecue the fullness of the taste and aroma of lamb. For 800 gr. meat take 200 - 300 gr. any offal. Chop the meat and offal into portions and place in a marinating bowl. Add five diced onions, one finely chopped hot peppers without seeds, 50 gr. finely chopped parsley and cilantro, juice of ½ lemon, salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate for 6 hours in a cool place. Then thread the pieces of meat on skewers, alternating them with pieces of offal, slices of onion and tomatoes. Grill over coals until cooked through. Serve with tkemali sauce and lots of fresh herbs.

10. If you failed to get the meat of a young lamb, this is not a reason to deny yourself lamb barbecue. Try the barbecue from minced lamb with eggplant. Pass one kilogram of lamb through a meat grinder, adding 150 gr. fat tail. Add salt and pepper to taste and knead your minced meat thoroughly. Cut five medium eggplants into slices 3-4 cm thick, sprinkle with salt, wait until the eggplant releases bitter juice, and then rinse cold water and dry. String eggplant slices on skewers, alternating them with pieces of minced meat of equal thickness and diameter. Sprinkle the strung shish kebab with finely chopped onions and green cilantro. Grill over coals until cooked through. Serve with hot sauce and fresh vegetables.

More tried and tested original recipes you can always find lamb shish kebab on the pages of Culinary Eden. We will be happy to teach you how to cook lamb skewers.

Zhalnin Dmitry

Choose younger lamb for barbecue. It is better if it is lamb meat, not older than a year. Young lamb has a light scarlet hue. In addition, lamb meat does not have a special “lamb” flavor that not everyone likes. The best barbecue is obtained from lamb ham, shoulder blades or from entrecote on the bone.

How to marinate lamb

It is not necessary to cut the lamb too finely to avoid its dryness during cooking. Pieces of lamb should be about 3.5-4 cm in size.

Young lamb meat does not require long soaking in marinade. There is such armenian recipe magnificent mutton shish kebab, when the meat of a young lamb is simply salted and peppered. Separately chop the onion and squeeze it lightly to extract the juice. Meat is covered with onions for two hours and you can already fry lamb on hot coals.

Another way of pickling meat from tkemali, more complex, comes from the East. For a kilogram of cut lamb, you will need a lot of onions (5-6 pieces), chopped and squeezed by hand, so that it releases juice. I put the onion to the lamb. Pour tomatoes (four pieces) with boiling water or lightly blanch in water, remove the skin from them, finely chop the pulp, add to the meat. Pour half a glass of tkemali sauce to the mass, fat tail fat(melt 50 grams), any spices (zira, a teaspoon fits well here), pepper, salt. Be sure to add chopped greens. We recommend cilantro, dill or oregano. We mix everything thoroughly. You need to hold the meat in such a marinade for three hours and you can put the meat on skewers.

Lemon marinade for lamb is a classic. To prepare it for a kilo or one and a half meat, you will need chopped onions (4 pieces), crushed garlic(five prongs), squeezed juice from a lemon, three to four tablespoons of oil, preferably olive, pepper, salt, a mixture of dry herbs by a teaspoon. It’s good if you find thyme, oregano, basil for this mixture. Mix the meat in the marinade. They let it sit on the table for a couple of hours. And you still need to keep the meat in the refrigerator for two hours. You can keep the meat in this marinade all night.

I would like to remind you that the best firewood for frying lamb is birch, cherry, linden. Asia and the East the best firewood for frying barbecue, giving the required heat and giving a wonderful aroma for barbecue - this is saxaul. For lack of a better one, you can use purchased firewood and coals for lighting a barbecue.

Don't forget to serve this dish. vegetable garnish, fresh herbs, or

Meat such as lamb marinates quickly enough and requires very few ingredients. Below are recipes for how to make lamb skewers soft and juicy. I note right away that the use of the proposed marinade allows you to get the same effect as cooking pork skewers or in a pan. If you need photos and videos, write in the comments.

The ingredients for the marinade are designed for two to two and a half kilograms of lamb

    1. We take five or six onions (it can be at least red, at least white), cut them into rings, salt and knead with our hands so that the juice stands out.
    2. For this marinade recipe, you will need a blender or meat grinder. With their help, chop four onions and add 100 milliliters of olive or sunflower oil to them. In a glass warm water three tablespoons of honey (liquid) and a teaspoon are added ground pepper(black, or a mixture of several). All this is mixed up.
    3. We take three small lemon(lemons must be ripe). Cut them with peel and mix with either fresh mint or a mixture of dried aromatic herbs.
    4. You need to cook pasta. To do this, take four cloves of garlic, four sprigs of rosemary, ten tablespoons of olive oil (the oil must be of the first pressing). To this is added ground nutmeg(half a teaspoon).

  1. One and a half kilograms of tomatoes are peeled and mashed to make a puree. Add two finely chopped onions and a head of garlic. We mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Finely cut the medium onion, add two hundred grams of tail fat. All this must be poured with 50 milliliters of cognac and the juice of half a lemon and mixed.
  3. We take four tablespoons of adjika (sharpness of any taste) and mix with two glasses of dry white wine. Add finely chopped onion, garlic head and ground pepper.
  4. We take five tablespoons of pomegranate juice or sauce, three tablespoons of mustard and the same vegetable oil, one peeled lemon, a few sprigs of cilantro, half a head of garlic. Grind lemon, cilantro and garlic. We mix all the ingredients.
  5. The ingredients are the same as in recipe 8, only pomegranate juice need to replace soy sauce in the same amount.
  6. There is one more interesting way marinade. Kiwi is cut into pieces or mashed.

Having prepared the marinade according to one of the above listed recipes, distribute it evenly over the lamb cut into small, identical pieces. The dishes in which the meat will be marinated must be taken in such a size that the lamb fits completely there, and there is still free space.

Meat should not be heavily packed.

After the meat is covered with marinade, you need to add mineral sparkling water, yogurt, kefir, diluted dry wine, cherry or tomato juice or you can use strong brew. What you fill with lamb depends on your taste and preferences. The filling should completely cover the meat. We cover the container with a lid or a plate and press down with a light weight. We put it in the refrigerator or in any cool place.

Soft meats and light marinades using butter and dairy products are marinated for six hours, while spicy marinade using adjika and mustard is marinated for only two hours. Special attention kiwi marinade should be given. Marinate meat using this marinade for 30-60 minutes no more. If left longer, the kebab will be loose and slip off the skewer.
