
How to cook lamb ham in the oven. Lamb ham baked in the oven: how to cook juicy meat? How to bake a whole leg of lamb in the oven

As the main dish of a family dinner or celebration, a leg of lamb baked in the oven is perfect. Contrary to the fears of some housewives, choosing and buying a good mutton ham, you can cook it at home quickly and easily. Moreover, the cost of purchasing meat will be fully justified - the food will turn out to be hearty, healthy, and it looks original and non-trivial on the table. Therefore, this time we bring to your attention a recipe for lamb melting in your mouth.

"Free" meat

The main ingredient - the ham is better to buy on the market. The most delicious of course is the meat of a young animal. It is a bright (not dark!) red color, with white fat resembling wax, without an unpleasant odor. Yellow fat, large joints, dark red meat are the main signs of an elderly lamb. Lamb is appreciated by many gourmets not only for its excellent gastronomic and dietary characteristics. Sheep are considered almost the only animals that do not live in a stall, which means that they are fed only on natural pasture - during grazing.

By the way, when buying meat, pay attention to the layer of fat, if it is even, and rather dense, thick, then the animal actually lived its life with dignity - it was properly kept, fed well. You should not buy lamb, which unscrupulous sellers have thawed and frozen again. You can check this by pressing on the pulp. If an ichor appeared in the formed well, then the product was repeatedly frozen. On fresh meat, there will be no deepening and, especially, blood.

Spices for the marinade

So, here is the actual recipe for baked lamb in the oven: a medium-sized leg - 1 piece weighing about one and a half kilograms, 2 small but terribly hot chili peppers, 2-3 large onions, a head of garlic, a teaspoon of cumin, coriander, salt, soy sauce, a little olive oil.

Still need some ginger. According to the recipe, you can plan with a knife 5-6 plates from a fresh (not dried) root. First, wash and cut the "evil" chili peppers, put them in a mortar, add zira, coriander, garlic, ginger. We also pour coarse salt there, which will act as an abrasive. Thoroughly crush everything and add soy sauce to the resulting mixture.

According to our recipe, which should turn out enough to generously spread the entire leg.

"Onion pillow" and other tricks

Before we talk about how to properly in the oven, let's learn how to process it correctly. First, wash the whole ham with warm water. By the way, lamb is perhaps the only type of meat that is shown to have a warm shower. Thus, we wash off unnecessary fat with particles of dirt, dust. Then you need to trim the tendons and films, as well as excess fat. But not all! Fat is very useful, it will make the dish more tender, juicy.

Dry the leg a little, and make a few shallow cuts across it so that the marinade can penetrate into the depths of the meat tissues. So the time has come to spread the leg of lamb. Smear without regret! Since we plan to bake the leg at a low temperature, the marinating process can be significantly reduced - 30 minutes is enough.

For now, leave the lamb ham in some convenient dish, and look at home for something like a duckling or a roomy baking dish. Lightly grease the bottom of the selected dish with vegetable oil.

And on top ... this is where the main highlight of this recipe lies. We clean the bulbs and cut them into fairly wide rings (about a centimeter). We lay a layer of 3-4 centimeters on the bottom of the baking dish. Drizzle with vegetable (preferably olive) oil. So we got such an onion perinka or a pillow on which we will put a leg of lamb.

Now the matter is small, set the temperature in the oven to 150-170 degrees and patiently wait until our wonderful, juicy, melt-in-your-mouth dish is ready. And here the question arises: how long to bake lamb in the oven? For at least 3 hours. And if the guests are late, then the meat can be left in a warm oven for another 2-3 hours. Nothing bad will happen to him. Just keep an eye on the temperature regime and ensure that the appetizing golden crust does not char. Here is a simple recipe that will allow you to quickly create a culinary miracle for a dinner party or family dinner.

By the way, the onion on which we cooked the leg can be used in side dishes. He retained his juice, and even saturated with lamb, so it can be considered a sauce that is perfect for boiled or or rice. Delicious. Try it!

Lamb "in the sleeve"

And here is another interesting recipe for baked lamb in the oven. It is just useful for those who do not have a suitable container for roasting meat at home, for example, a roaster or a heat-resistant tray. It is much easier to buy a package of baking bags in the store.

The sleeve recipe is one of the easiest and most convenient. Firstly, the oven remains clean, the fat does not splatter on the walls. Secondly, the juice and aroma of products are miraculously accumulated and preserved in the bag. Thirdly, from the point of view of medicine, this is also welcome, because we do not use excess fats. In addition, if a crust is formed, it is tender, soft, delicate, golden, and not the one that is considered carcinogenic and dangerous.

We will need: 3-4 carrots, 4-5 medium-sized potatoes, 3 onions, pepper, salt and, of course, about a kilogram of lamb. Suitable shoulder blade, loin, brisket, ham. Also prepare the sleeve for baking, trying not to save money, it is better if you cut off a little more, otherwise it will not be convenient to fix its edges.

So, in our menu for today "lamb pieces baked in the oven."


First, let's take on vegetables, if there is a grater for Korean carrots at home, then use it to chop this root crop. It does not matter if there is none, cut the carrot into strips or rub it on a coarse grater. Then peel and chop the onion. It must be squeezed out a little so that the juice stands out more quickly. Pepper. Salt. You can add other seasonings to taste.

With lamb, according to recognized culinary masters, parsley, marjoram, saffron, mint, juniper, rosemary, cilantro and barberry go well.

Cooks do not skimp on seasonings, sometimes because they are trying to get rid of the specific smell inherent in this type of meat. But it is known that fat smells, and the older the animal (or it is not a castrated ram), the more unpleasant the “aroma”. Therefore, use the tips for choosing good quality meat from the previous recipe.

My meat, cut, just as described in the above recipe. We cut into portioned pieces, weighing 100-150 grams. And marinate in our own juice with vegetables that are already cut.

A few words about the marinade

A few words about the marinade. It is thanks to him that lamb will reveal the fullness of its taste. Sometimes it also allows you to soften the meat, make it more juicy and tender.

And the older the age of the carcass, the longer the portioned pieces of meat should be kept in the marinade. Sometimes this process can take 12-15 hours. But in our case, 4-5 hours is enough.

In addition to taste, marinade, as scientists have recently found out, is very good for health. In particular, it prevents the formation of blood clots and prevents the development of obesity.

For information, the healthiest marinades are those that contain onion, ginger, black and red peppers, and cloves.

Paired with potatoes

After the indicated time (according to the recipe, at least 4 hours), we clean the potatoes, cut them into rings 1-1.5 centimeters wide. Lightly salt.

How to bake lamb in the oven in the sleeve? First, cut off enough "sleeves", put there, onions, carrots. And then . Let's mix everything. Pour in the rest of the sauce. We fix the ends of the sleeve with paper clips or special holders (usually sold in a set with a sleeve). From above we will make a couple of cuts so that the film does not bubble, and our dish is a little browned.

It remains only to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place our sleeve with the future culinary masterpiece on a baking sheet. How long to bake lamb in the oven in the sleeve? Much depends on the quality of the meat and the marinating time, but according to our recipe, it is just over an hour. We carefully take out the sleeve and put it in a convenient deep container, carefully remove the clamps and now the wonderful, fragrant, soft meat with juicy potatoes for garnish is ready! Bon appetit!

Of the entire carcass, the leg of lamb has the least amount of fat, so for the first acquaintance with this meat, you can confidently choose it. When buying, you should pay attention to the color of the product: the fat should be as light as possible! If it is yellow, cook a lamb dish even in a slow cooker, even in the oven, but as a result, you are unlikely to be able to enjoy it because of the specific pungent smell. You can also pre-marinate the lamb before baking, you can use any marinade to your liking. Perhaps every housewife has her own proven method of marinating.

Secrets of Roasting a Lamb

  1. Delicate milk lamb meat has an ideal taste without a characteristic smell. But it is difficult to buy it (deficit), but it costs more than ordinary lamb. Therefore, your attention should be attracted to the meat of an animal up to 18 months old. You can determine it both by the light color of the fat, and by the gentle tone of the muscle fibers themselves. If they are saturated red, brown - the animal is old.
  2. Before cooking a leg of lamb in the oven, the recipe always calls for rinsing it in hot water.(this will wash off the dirt adhering to the surface layer of fat) and remove the maximum fat from the meat, leaving a thin, even layer of it throughout the piece. So you protect the dish from dryness. A good solution for how to cook a leg of lamb in the oven is to use a cooking sleeve or foil. So the lamb shank in the oven in foil will evenly fry in its own juice, while fat will flow out from an uncovered piece.
  3. If you want to keep the maximum juices in the dish, do not make punctures for stuffing meat. Through these cuts, the piece will lose more of the delicious juice than required.
  4. The time it takes to cook a leg depends on its weight. You can calculate it like this: for every kilogram of carcass, it takes 40 minutes in the oven and another plus 20 minutes in addition. If you have a cooking thermometer, it's even easier - set it to the thickest part of the piece. The temperature inside at 65 degrees is an indicator of the readiness of the dish.
  5. Rosemary will allow you to improve each recipe for cooking a leg of lamb in the oven. It is this spicy herb that blends perfectly with this meat. Be sure to add it when cooking lamb in a fresh piece (twigs) or dry.
  6. When the cooking time has passed, do not rush to cut the meat. The piece needs to stand for 20 minutes so that the juices inside it are evenly distributed. So you get a dish of perfect tenderness and high taste.

Recipe with aromatic herbs

This dish can be cooked in a sleeve or on a wire rack. A leg of lamb baked in the oven in a sleeve will turn out to be more juicy (as in the photo). And along with the meat on the grill, you can bake tasty potatoes at the same time.

So, you will need:

  • lamb leg - weighing 2 kg;
  • rosemary sprigs - 5 pcs.;
  • dried juniper berries, Provence herbs, peppercorns;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.


  1. Grind dry spices into crumbs, mix with finely chopped garlic, rosemary and oil.
  2. Clean the leg from excess fat, rub with a fragrant mixture, sprinkle with salt.
  3. Wrap in a bag, refrigerate for 4-12 hours.
  4. A few hours before cooking, remove the leg from the refrigerator and let stand at room temperature.
  5. Lay on a wire rack, put in an oven preheated to 230 °. Place a baking sheet below where the fat will drain. Pour some hot water into it, as well as a glass of white wine, which will give the dish a luxurious aroma.
  6. How long to bake a roll? Bake 10 minutes, turn over. Hold for another 10 minutes and lower the temperature to 180°.
  7. If you plan to serve the dish with potatoes, cut them into thin circles and place them in a baking dish under the wire rack, with a sprig of rosemary. It is baked in lamb fat and becomes amazingly tasty.
  8. After 1.5 hours, remove the leg from the oven, wrap it in foil and leave for 20 minutes. When the meat rests, it can be served at the table.

Recipe with vegetables

For a leg of lamb with vegetables baked in the oven, you can use various combinations of side dishes: eggplant, bell pepper, tomato. We offer a simple and tasty option with small potatoes (if young, you can leave them in their uniforms) and carrots.

You will need:

  • lamb leg - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • rosemary - needles from 5 branches;
  • salt - Art. spoon;
  • black pepper - 2 teaspoons;
  • potatoes - 900 g;
  • carrots - 500 g;
  • olive oil.


  1. Rinse and dry the leg, rub it with pepper and salt. Stuff with garlic and rosemary. Leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  2. Remove from the cold at least 1 hour before placing in the oven. In the form, put the potatoes with tubers, large pieces of carrots, grease them with olive oil, salt. Lay a leg of lamb on top.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 °, bake for 25 minutes. Then you should lower the temperature to 160 °, and simmer the meat for a little over an hour.

During the cooking of the meat, a delicious juice is released, which you can use as an ideal sauce for a vegetable side dish. Cut the leg into thin slices and serve with vegetables.

As the main dish of a family dinner or celebration, a leg of lamb baked in the oven is perfect. Contrary to the fears of some housewives, choosing and buying a good mutton ham, you can cook it at home quickly and easily. Moreover, the cost of purchasing meat will be fully justified - the food will turn out to be hearty, healthy, and it looks original and non-trivial on the table. Therefore, this time we bring to your attention a recipe for lamb melting in your mouth.

The main ingredient - the ham is better to buy on the market. The most delicious of course is the meat of a young animal. It is a bright (not dark!) red color, with white fat resembling wax, without an unpleasant odor. Yellow fat, large joints, dark red meat are the main signs of an elderly lamb. Lamb is appreciated by many gourmets not only for its excellent gastronomic and dietary characteristics. Sheep are considered almost the only animals that do not live in a stall, which means that they are fed only on natural pasture - during grazing.

By the way, when buying meat, pay attention to the layer of fat, if it is even, and rather dense, thick, then the animal actually lived its life with dignity - it was properly kept, fed well. You should not buy lamb, which unscrupulous sellers have thawed and frozen again. You can check this by pressing on the pulp. If an ichor appeared in the formed well, then the product was repeatedly frozen. On fresh meat, there will be no deepening and, especially, blood.

So, here is the actual recipe for baked lamb in the oven: a medium-sized leg - 1 piece weighing about one and a half kilograms, 2 small but terribly hot chili peppers, 2-3 large onions, a head of garlic, a teaspoon of cumin, coriander, salt, soy sauce, a little olive oil.

Still need some ginger. According to the recipe, you can plan with a knife 5-6 plates from a fresh (not dried) root. First, wash and cut the "evil" chili peppers, put them in a mortar, add zira, coriander, garlic, ginger. We also pour coarse salt there, which will act as an abrasive. Thoroughly crush everything and add soy sauce to the resulting mixture.

According to our recipe, this will be the marinade. which should turn out so much that it is enough to generously spread the entire leg.

Before we talk about how to properly bake lamb in the oven, let's learn how to process it correctly. First, wash the whole ham with warm water. By the way, lamb is perhaps the only type of meat that is shown to have a warm shower. Thus, we wash off unnecessary fat with particles of dirt, dust. Then you need to trim the tendons and films, as well as excess fat. But only

not all! Fat is very useful, it will make the dish more tender, juicy.

Dry the leg a little, and make a few shallow cuts across it so that the marinade can penetrate into the depths of the meat tissues. So the turn has come to spread the lamb leg with marinade sauce. Smear without regret! Since we plan to bake the leg at a low temperature, the marinating process can be significantly reduced - 30 minutes is enough.

For now, leave the lamb ham in some convenient dish, and look at home for something like a duckling or a roomy baking dish. Lightly grease the bottom of the selected dish with vegetable oil.

And on top ... this is where the main highlight of this recipe lies. We clean the bulbs and cut them into fairly wide rings (about a centimeter). We lay a layer of 3-4 centimeters on the bottom of the baking dish. Drizzle with vegetable (preferably olive) oil. So we got such an onion perinka or a pillow on which we will put a leg of lamb.

Now the matter is small, set the temperature in the oven to 150-170 degrees and patiently wait until our wonderful, juicy, melt-in-your-mouth dish is ready. And here the question arises: how long to bake lamb in the oven? For at least 3 hours. And if the guests are late, then the meat can be left in a warm oven for another 2-3 hours. Nothing bad will happen to him. Just keep an eye on the temperature regime and ensure that the appetizing golden crust does not char. Here is a simple recipe that will allow you to quickly create a culinary miracle for a dinner party or family dinner.

By the way, the onion on which we cooked the leg can be used in side dishes. It retained its juice, and was also fed with lamb, so it can be considered a sauce that is perfect for boiled or fried potatoes or rice. Delicious. Try it!

And here is another interesting recipe for baked lamb in the oven. It is just useful for those who do not have a suitable container for roasting meat at home, for example, a roaster or a heat-resistant tray. It is much easier to buy a package of baking bags in the store.

The sleeve recipe is one of the easiest and most convenient. Firstly, the oven remains clean, the fat does not splatter on the walls. Secondly, the juice and aroma of products are miraculously accumulated and preserved in the bag. Thirdly, from the point of view of medicine, this is also welcome, because we do not use excess fats. In addition, if a crust is formed, it is tender, soft, delicate, golden, and not the one that is considered carcinogenic and dangerous.

We will need: 3-4 carrots, 4-5 medium-sized potatoes, 3 onions, pepper, salt and, of course, about a kilogram of lamb. Suitable shoulder blade, loin, brisket, ham. Also prepare the sleeve for baking, trying not to save money, it is better if you cut off a little more, otherwise it will not be convenient to fix its edges.

First, let's take on vegetables, if there is a grater for Korean carrots at home, then use it to chop this root crop. It does not matter if there is none, cut the carrot into strips or rub it on a coarse grater. Then peel and chop the onion. It must be squeezed out a little so that the juice stands out more quickly. Pepper. Salt. You can add other seasonings to taste.

With lamb, according to recognized culinary masters, parsley, marjoram, saffron, mint, juniper, rosemary, cilantro and barberry go well.

Cooking lamb. chefs do not skimp on seasonings, sometimes because they are trying to get rid of the specific smell inherent in this type of meat. But it is known that fat smells, and the older the animal (or it is not a castrated ram), the more unpleasant the “aroma”. Therefore, use the tips for choosing good quality meat from the previous recipe.

My meat, cut, just as described in the above recipe. We cut into portioned pieces, weighing 100-150 grams. And marinate in our own juice with vegetables that are already cut.

A few words about the marinade. It is thanks to him that lamb will reveal the fullness of its taste. Sometimes it also allows you to soften the meat, make it more juicy and tender.

And the older the age of the carcass, the longer the portioned pieces of meat should be kept in the marinade. Sometimes this process can take 12-15 hours. But in our case, 4-5 hours is enough.

In addition to taste, marinade, as scientists have recently found out, is very good for health. In particular, it prevents the formation of blood clots and prevents the development of obesity.

For information, the healthiest marinades are those that contain onion, ginger, black and red peppers, and cloves.

After the indicated time (according to the recipe, at least 4 hours), we clean the potatoes, cut them into rings 1-1.5 centimeters wide. Lightly salt.

How to bake lamb in the oven in the sleeve? First, cut off enough “sleeves”, put the pickled meat there. onions, carrots. And then add potatoes. Let's mix everything. Pour in the rest of the sauce. We fix the ends of the sleeve with paper clips or special holders (usually sold in a set with a sleeve). From above we will make a couple of cuts so that the film does not bubble, and our dish is a little browned.

It remains only to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place our sleeve with the future culinary masterpiece on a baking sheet. How long to bake lamb in the oven in the sleeve? Much depends on the quality of the meat and the marinating time, but according to our recipe, it is just over an hour. We carefully take out the sleeve and put it in a convenient deep container, carefully remove the clamps and now the wonderful, fragrant, soft meat with juicy potatoes for garnish is ready! Bon appetit!

As the main dish of a family dinner or celebration, a leg of lamb baked in the oven is perfect. Contrary to the fears of some housewives, choosing and buying a good mutton ham, you can cook it at home quickly and easily. Moreover, the cost of purchasing meat will be fully justified - the food will turn out to be hearty, healthy, and it looks original and non-trivial on the table. Therefore, this time we bring to your attention a recipe for lamb melting in your mouth.

The main ingredient - the ham is better to buy on the market. The most delicious of course is the meat of a young animal. It is a bright (not dark!) red color, with white fat resembling wax, without an unpleasant odor. Yellow fat, large joints, dark red meat are the main signs of an elderly lamb. Lamb is appreciated by many gourmets not only for its excellent gastronomic and dietary characteristics. Sheep are considered almost the only animals that do not live in a stall, which means that they are fed only on natural pasture - during grazing.

By the way, when buying meat, pay attention to the layer of fat, if it is even, and rather dense, thick, then the animal actually lived its life with dignity - it was properly kept, fed well. You should not buy lamb, which unscrupulous sellers have thawed and frozen again. You can check this by pressing on the pulp. If an ichor appeared in the formed well, then the product was repeatedly frozen. On fresh meat, there will be no deepening and, especially, blood.

So, here is the actual recipe for baked lamb in the oven: a medium-sized leg - 1 piece weighing about one and a half kilograms, 2 small but terribly hot chili peppers, 2-3 large onions, a head of garlic, a teaspoon of cumin, coriander, salt, soy sauce, a little olive oil.

Still need some ginger. According to the recipe, you can plan with a knife 5-6 plates from a fresh (not dried) root. First, wash and cut the "evil" chili peppers, put them in a mortar, add zira, coriander, garlic, ginger. We also pour coarse salt there, which will act as an abrasive. Thoroughly crush everything and add soy sauce to the resulting mixture.

According to our recipe, this will be the marinade. which should turn out so much that it is enough to generously spread the entire leg.

Before we talk about how to properly bake lamb in the oven, let's learn how to process it correctly. First, wash the whole ham with warm water. By the way, lamb is perhaps the only type of meat that is shown to have a warm shower. Thus, we wash off unnecessary fat with particles of dirt, dust. Then you need to trim the tendons and films, as well as excess fat. But only

not all! Fat is very useful, it will make the dish more tender, juicy.

Dry the leg a little, and make a few shallow cuts across it so that the marinade can penetrate into the depths of the meat tissues. So the turn has come to spread the lamb leg with marinade sauce. Smear without regret! Since we plan to bake the leg at a low temperature, the marinating process can be significantly reduced - 30 minutes is enough.

For now, leave the lamb ham in some convenient dish, and look at home for something like a duckling or a roomy baking dish. Lightly grease the bottom of the selected dish with vegetable oil.

And on top ... this is where the main highlight of this recipe lies. We clean the bulbs and cut them into fairly wide rings (about a centimeter). We lay a layer of 3-4 centimeters on the bottom of the baking dish. Drizzle with vegetable (preferably olive) oil. So we got such an onion perinka or a pillow on which we will put a leg of lamb.

Now the matter is small, set the temperature in the oven to 150-170 degrees and patiently wait until our wonderful, juicy, melt-in-your-mouth dish is ready. And here the question arises: how long to bake lamb in the oven? For at least 3 hours. And if the guests are late, then the meat can be left in a warm oven for another 2-3 hours. Nothing bad will happen to him. Just keep an eye on the temperature regime and ensure that the appetizing golden crust does not char. Here is a simple recipe that will allow you to quickly create a culinary miracle for a dinner party or family dinner.

By the way, the onion on which we cooked the leg can be used in side dishes. It retained its juice, and was also fed with lamb, so it can be considered a sauce that is perfect for boiled or fried potatoes or rice. Delicious. Try it!

And here is another interesting recipe for baked lamb in the oven. It is just useful for those who do not have a suitable container for roasting meat at home, for example, a roaster or a heat-resistant tray. It is much easier to buy a package of baking bags in the store.

The sleeve recipe is one of the easiest and most convenient. Firstly, the oven remains clean, the fat does not splatter on the walls. Secondly, the juice and aroma of products are miraculously accumulated and preserved in the bag. Thirdly, from the point of view of medicine, this is also welcome, because we do not use excess fats. In addition, if a crust is formed, it is tender, soft, delicate, golden, and not the one that is considered carcinogenic and dangerous.

We will need: 3-4 carrots, 4-5 medium-sized potatoes, 3 onions, pepper, salt and, of course, about a kilogram of lamb. Suitable shoulder blade, loin, brisket, ham. Also prepare the sleeve for baking, trying not to save money, it is better if you cut off a little more, otherwise it will not be convenient to fix its edges.

First, let's take on vegetables, if there is a grater for Korean carrots at home, then use it to chop this root crop. It does not matter if there is none, cut the carrot into strips or rub it on a coarse grater. Then peel and chop the onion. It must be squeezed out a little so that the juice stands out more quickly. Pepper. Salt. You can add other seasonings to taste.

With lamb, according to recognized culinary masters, parsley, marjoram, saffron, mint, juniper, rosemary, cilantro and barberry go well.

Cooking lamb. chefs do not skimp on seasonings, sometimes because they are trying to get rid of the specific smell inherent in this type of meat. But it is known that fat smells, and the older the animal (or it is not a castrated ram), the more unpleasant the “aroma”. Therefore, use the tips for choosing good quality meat from the previous recipe.

My meat, cut, just as described in the above recipe. We cut into portioned pieces, weighing 100-150 grams. And marinate in our own juice with vegetables that are already cut.

A few words about the marinade. It is thanks to him that lamb will reveal the fullness of its taste. Sometimes it also allows you to soften the meat, make it more juicy and tender.

And the older the age of the carcass, the longer the portioned pieces of meat should be kept in the marinade. Sometimes this process can take 12-15 hours. But in our case, 4-5 hours is enough.

In addition to taste, marinade, as scientists have recently found out, is very good for health. In particular, it prevents the formation of blood clots and prevents the development of obesity.

For information, the healthiest marinades are those that contain onion, ginger, black and red peppers, and cloves.

After the indicated time (according to the recipe, at least 4 hours), we clean the potatoes, cut them into rings 1-1.5 centimeters wide. Lightly salt.

How to bake lamb in the oven in the sleeve? First, cut off enough “sleeves”, put the pickled meat there. onions, carrots. And then add potatoes. Let's mix everything. Pour in the rest of the sauce. We fix the ends of the sleeve with paper clips or special holders (usually sold in a set with a sleeve). From above we will make a couple of cuts so that the film does not bubble, and our dish is a little browned.

It remains only to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place our sleeve with the future culinary masterpiece on a baking sheet. How long to bake lamb in the oven in the sleeve? Much depends on the quality of the meat and the marinating time, but according to our recipe, it is just over an hour. We carefully take out the sleeve and put it in a convenient deep container, carefully remove the clamps and now the wonderful, fragrant, soft meat with juicy potatoes for garnish is ready! Bon appetit!

Sheep meat is considered more difficult to digest than, for example, beef. However, in terms of its nutritional qualities, it is in no way inferior to either pork or beef. The carcass of a sheep is quite large and it is often simply not physically possible to cook it whole. However, lamb can be cooked in parts - for example, lamb ham has excellent taste. You can cook lamb ham in the oven or cook a roast recipe, you can also make kebab or lamb cutlets.

Lamb ham recipe

How to cook lamb ham? There are different recipes for this dish, but the main essence of this recipe is as follows:


  • lamb ham;
  • Garlic;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Rosemary;
  • Various dried herbs;
  • Salt;
  • Chilli.

How to cook lamb ham in the oven:

  1. Cooking lamb ham should begin with the preparation of stuffing. For this purpose, you need to finely chop the chili pepper, garlic, rosemary leaves into strips - with this mixture we will stuff our lamb ham.
  2. To cook the mutton ham, with a very sharp knife, or if your household has a long double meat fork, pierce the meat in many places and put the chili, garlic and rosemary into the holes. The more often you pierce the meat and put the filling in it, the tastier it will be as a result. But don't overdo it.
  3. Then, to prepare the mutton ham, mix salt and black pepper with herbs - rub the mutton ham with this mixture on the outside.
  4. Now the mutton ham should be left in this state in the refrigerator overnight - let it marinate well.
  5. If you do not have such an opportunity and you are attacked by hungry guests, you can bake the ham right away, but the result is much tastier after a long pickling.
  6. To cook the mutton ham, preheat the oven to 200 degrees, and in the meantime carefully wrap the mutton ham in foil. Be careful that there are no gaps in the foil - otherwise the precious mutton juice resulting from baking will flow out. Then place the ham in a roasting pan or on a baking sheet and send it to the oven. The baking time depends on the size of the ham. You can roughly calculate it like this: for every half a kilogram of lamb ham weight, about half an hour of baking is required.
  7. When the roasting time of the lamb ham comes to an end, remove the meat from the oven and carefully unfold the foil to the sides. Do not throw out the fat formed during cooking, mixed with lamb fat - it can be frozen to be used later in the preparation of roasts or soups. Now brush the mutton ham with vegetable oil and put it back in the oven for 5-10 minutes to cook - now the ham will be browned with a golden crust.
