
How to remove the smell of stale chicken meat. How to remove bad smell from chicken

When buying a chicken, sometimes you can not smell the foreign smell emanating from the carcass. And if the chicken, or chicken parts, are frozen, then there is generally no confidence in the quality and freshness of the product.

I can imagine what disappointment will befall everyone when at home, having thawed the carcass and having very specific plans for cooking chicken, you suddenly realize that the bird is something with a “smell”. This “darling” could have arisen for several reasons, for example, from improper processing and storage of the bird, from poorly removed feathers, etc. Whatever the reason, the question arises: "What to do?".

Fortunately, our grandmothers were so savvy that they knew how not only to cook soup, and roast, and pies for the whole village from one chicken, but also, if necessary, to “put in order” such technical problems as the chicken’s “darling”.

Here is one way.

Defrost the chicken carcass, wash it thoroughly, be sure to remove all the insides. I hope I don't need to mention that the chicken is washed under cold water? Also, you should remove all the old fat. You can easily recognize it by its yellow-gray color.

Pour water into a saucepan and dissolve 2-3 tablespoons in this water. soda, ordinary food. Now place the chicken in this solution so that it is all under water. After 20 minutes, remove the carcass and rinse again.

The next step is another soak of the chicken in the solution, but this time in salt. Again, draw water into the pan, add 1-2 tablespoons to it. iodized salt and put the chicken in this solution. This time, the chicken should be in the water for at least an hour, or even all night, and it is advisable to put it in the refrigerator for this time, covering the pan with a lid.

That's all you need to do to get your chicken back to great taste. After such a procedure, all the unpleasant "odor" will disappear.

Chicken meat to taste for both adults and children. But often chicken meat begins to smell unpleasant: with prolonged storage in the refrigerator, with improper storage. In the kitchen, a situation can occur when the chicken burns, which can cause a lot of trouble. To enjoy a delicious dish, you need to get rid of the smell of chicken quickly and effectively.

Getting rid of the smell of spoiled chicken

If chicken meat has acquired an unpleasant aroma after being stored in the refrigerator for a long time, then do not rush to throw it away. In some cases, simply removing the bad odor is enough.

You can spoil the chicken a little not only in the refrigerator, but also during cooking. You need to act according to the situation.

Signs of spoiled meat:

  • After you have taken the chicken out of the refrigerator, you need to carefully examine its external condition. Fresh chicken meat has a pink color, the texture is dense, the fat layer is white, without yellow patches. If the chicken has acquired a gray color, then you can not eat it.
  • Chicken meat, suitable for human consumption, has a subtle pleasant aroma. A pungent odor is a sign that the product is not in proper condition. Another sign of the unsuitability of meat is its sticking to the palms.

Such meat cannot be eaten even after the most thorough processing. You run the risk of getting poisoned even if you manage to mask the unpleasant smell of rotten chicken. You can take a chance if the stale smell is barely noticeable, although in this case the danger of unpleasant health consequences remains.

Only after you determine the suitability of the meat for eating, you can eliminate the smell:

  • You can use improvised materials: take a convenient dish, fill it with water, add a spoonful of salt. Salt will help kill bacteria and bad odor. If there is no salt, then potassium permanganate will perfectly replace it. Now you need to carefully remove the fat layer, only then immerse the meat in the prepared composition. After 4 hours, the meat can be cooked.
  • An equally effective remedy for removing the smell of spoiled chicken is lemon. If during cooking you smell the smell of spoiled meat, it is recommended to squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the dish.
  • Experienced culinary masters recommend using a simple tip: if chicken meat has spoiled in the refrigerator or during cooking, then soy sauce and white wine will help remove the unpleasant odor.

Grandma's methods of dealing with the smell of spoiled chicken

Our grandmothers used the following methods to remove the smell of spoiled chicken:

  • You can quickly get rid of the annoying aroma with the help of flour and salt. The meat must be treated with salt and flour. After 5-7 minutes, rinse thoroughly under running cold water.
  • The classic combination of onion and garlic will help mask the smell. It is enough to finely grate the onion and garlic, then grate the product with the resulting composition, refrigerate for 40 minutes, after which you can start cooking. Another option is to use a variety of spices and herbs.

Eliminate the smell of rotten chicken in the refrigerator

The smell of rotten chicken appears in the refrigerator if the electricity was cut off during our absence, or the product was stored incorrectly. Getting rid of the smell will not be as difficult as it might seem:

  1. First you need to turn off the refrigerator, free it.
  2. Wash the refrigerator with a soda or vinegar solution.
  3. After washing, it is necessary to fill the containers with a lump of newspapers.
  4. It is important to ventilate the refrigerator. To do this, you need to keep it open for several hours.
  5. To effectively eliminate the smell, you need to put activated charcoal or citrus fruits inside.
  6. You can use professional odor absorbers.
  7. After the procedure, it is necessary to wash the refrigerator again, after which it must be turned on.

In order for the unpleasant smell to disappear, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner: wash the refrigerator regularly, monitor the condition of the products and their shelf life.

Eliminate the smell of burnt chicken

If for some reason the chicken is burnt, then there is no reason for frustration, it is necessary to eliminate the smell.

Removing the smell of burnt chicken from a pan or other dish is simple:

  1. Residues of soot must be removed with a brush or soda solution.
  2. It is enough to use a professional tool to remove the smell of burning from dishes and other surfaces.
  3. If it is not possible to buy a professional product, then you can use improvised materials: soak the dishes in a solution of vinegar and water for a quarter of an hour, then use dishwashing detergent and wash the containers.
  4. After washing the dishes, it is enough to put orange peels or coffee beans inside. These products will absorb the remnants of an unpleasant odor.

So that the smell of spoiled, rotten or burnt chicken does not bother you, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the refrigerator, the expiration date of the products and not be distracted while cooking.

    Several times I encountered such a problem that the chilled chicken began to smell very unpleasant. The very first thing I do in this situation is to remove the skin from the chicken. It quickly begins to deteriorate and exude a fetid odor. If the smell has significantly decreased, then you can rub the chicken with salt or mustard and let it stand for a while. But if the smell remains, then it’s better not to risk it, but to throw away the spoiled product.

    The use of a spoiled product can satisfy hunger, but cause such an upset stomach, for which you will then have to pay a substantial amount in a pharmacy, and normal working capacity will not return very soon.

    An unpleasant smell of meat may indicate that the meat has gone bad. But not necessarily - perhaps it just suffocated a little in the bag. Just in case, you can wash the meat in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then marinate in a sauce with seasonings, garlic and onions. As a result, harmful microorganisms die and the smell should also go away. But it’s better not to use it for broth - an unpleasant smell and taste can break through again (unless it’s drained a couple of times and poured again with clean water, and then boiled with seasonings - then the broth can still turn out good).

    If the chicken smells bad, then it is better not to eat or cook it at all so as not to get poisoned. But on the other hand, given the high price of meat, it would be foolish to throw it away...

    So here's what you can try.

    Immerse raw chicken in cold water and hold there for 2-3 hours. As a rule, the unpleasant smell goes away. Also, very often in stores, sellers wash chicken with potassium permanganate. Alternatively, you can try, only after washing it thoroughly under cold water.

    If you see that there is no smell, this chicken can be rubbed with various herbs. For the most part, do not use dry types of herbs, but a mixture in a liquid or thick form. Usually these are made just for chicken, rub the mass for a long time, and sprinkle with fragrant parsley and dill on top. You can add chopped garlic to the mixture - it also neutralizes well and masks an unpleasant odor or odor that could remain after washing the meat.

    You can also try marinating the chicken in wine or soy sauce with lemon juice, which will also remove the unpleasant odor. In addition, the chicken can be rubbed with flour or salt (your choice). Alternatively, the carcass can be smoked.

    In any case, whichever method you choose, initially hold the carcass for 2-3 hours in cold water.

    First, rinse the chicken in cold water, then put it in water to which vinegar and citric acid have been added. The water should be slightly acidic. Then rinse again. You can repeat the procedure. It is better to skin the chicken and cut off the fat. Prepare the marinade. For chicken, a good marinade is obtained from soy sauce, sour orange juice and grated ginger root, you can add chili or black pepper. It is better to cut the chicken into pieces and leave it in such a marinade overnight. Then you can fry it in the oven or in a pan. Still, it’s not worth cooking broth from such a chicken, and it’s not worth it for those who have a weak stomach.

    The chicken can wind up even if it has lain for several hours in the open air. And you can get rid of the smell in a very unusual way, you need to take half a glass of coarse (or fine) salt and the same amount of flour. Mix salt with flour and rub the chicken well inside and out, rub for about five minutes, as if making a scrub. Then thoroughly rinse the chicken from salt and flour under running water and then use for cooking.

    You can make a solution of potassium permanganate and put the chicken in it for a while

    Can be marinated in vinegar with the addition of some strong-smelling spices

    Before carrying out any manipulations with the chicken, make sure that it has not spoiled and is suitable for eating.

    Signs of fresh chicken

    In a quality chicken, the meat is pink, in a stale chicken it is gray with a bluish tint. A fresh chicken carcass has a neutral smell, and a spoiled one has a sour, sometimes decomposing meat smells like ammonia. The fat on a sezhey chicken is white, and on a spoiled one it has a pronounced yellow color.

    How to get rid of bad smell in chicken

    If the chicken is edible but slightly weathered, it can be salvaged by soaking. Submerge it in a strong saline solution for several hours. Then grate with lemon, add spices, ginger, garlic, rosemary, thyme, pepper, cardamom, basil, tarragon and other seasonings are great. They will kill the remaining unpleasant odor and improve the taste of the meat.

    In general, stale meat is dangerous to eat.

    But the situations are different, so the meat is washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, in diluted vinegar, soaked in a filling of herbs, garlic, white wine and honey. Everything that is detrimental to microorganisms: pickling, salting and smoking, or further baking in the oven with rosemary, parsley, mushrooms, vegetables, garlic, ginger, nutmeg - whatever is available can somehow help. The broth from such a chicken will be tasteless, but if the broth is drained 2 times after boiling and poured with fresh water, and then boiled with white roots (parsley, celery) and all the components relying on the broth, then the chicken can be saved.

    First you need to check the chicken, is it possible to eat it at all, because health is more important, but you don’t want to get poisoned. If the chicken is only a little stale and windy, or maybe suffocated in the bag, then it has an unpleasant smell.

    In order to get rid of the smell, the chicken must rinse in water with the addition of potassium permanganate, or soak in salted water a couple of hours. After soaking the chicken need to marinate, for example, in soy sauce or vinegar, you can also add chopped garlic, herbs (thyme, rosemary), black pepper - all this will help neutralize the unpleasant odor. Only after all these manipulations, the chicken can begin to cook.

    Why would you want to get rid of bad breath? throw the chicken in the trash - that's the best solution for you. an unpleasant smell is the first sign of poor quality chicken. well, if you really want to, then you can rinse with water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    There are several options and ways to resuscitate a suffocated chicken meat.The first option is to rinse it well in a solution with weak manganese. And then prepare the marinade, as for a barbecue - more spices and spices and cut a lot of onions, add soy sauce and marinate the meat for several hours, the smell should disappear.

    And you can clean it of all films and skins, rinse it in a weak vinegar solution and marinate in lemon juice, garlic and spices. The main thing is that all microbes die, otherwise you can get health problems if you eat spoiled chicken meat. Then there is more money for medicines It would take more than to throw away such meat.

When buying a chicken, sometimes you can not smell the foreign smell emanating from the carcass. And if the chicken, or chicken parts, are frozen, then there is generally no confidence in the quality and freshness of the product.

I can imagine what disappointment will befall everyone when at home, having thawed the carcass and having very specific plans for cooking chicken, you suddenly realize that the bird is something with a “smell”. This “darling” could have arisen for several reasons, for example, from improper processing and storage of the bird, from poorly removed feathers, etc. Whatever the reason, the question arises: "What to do?".

Fortunately, our grandmothers were so savvy that they knew how not only to cook soup, and roast, and pies for the whole village from one chicken, but also, if necessary, to “put in order” such technical problems as the chicken’s “darling”.

Here is one way.

Defrost the chicken carcass, wash it thoroughly, be sure to remove all the insides. I hope I don't need to mention that the chicken is washed under cold water? Also, you should remove all the old fat. You can easily recognize it by its yellow-gray color.

Pour water into a saucepan and dissolve 2-3 tablespoons in this water. soda, ordinary food. Now place the chicken in this solution so that it is all under water. After 20 minutes, remove the carcass and rinse again.

The next step is another soak of the chicken in the solution, but this time in salt. Again, draw water into the pan, add 1-2 tablespoons to it. iodized salt and put the chicken in this solution. This time, the chicken should be in the water for at least an hour, or even all night, and it is advisable to put it in the refrigerator for this time, covering the pan with a lid.

That's all you need to do to get your chicken back to great taste. After such a procedure, all the unpleasant "odor" will disappear.

Meat fillet is a product that spoils quickly, and improper storage can lead to a repulsive stench.

The disgusting "smell" is a sign that the active formation of rot, provoked by microorganisms, has begun.

Before starting cooking, you should get rid of the unpleasant odor by resorting to folk methods and simple recipes, and in order to avoid possible food poisoning, determine the cause of the unwanted odor.

The problem is storage in cellophane

Polyethylene bags contain recycled cellulose, which gives the products a sharp "chemical" smell.

It is not recommended to store lamb, beef and pork in cellophane due to the fact that the product begins to become damp and moldy. Before putting the meat in a plastic bag, it must be wrapped with thin paper.

To eliminate extraneous odors, you should use the tips for soaking meat:

  • Soak any meat in a mixture made from salt and birch charcoal for 3-4 hours. After such a procedure, the unpleasant "odor" will disappear.
  • Grate the beef with spicy spices (basil, oregano, cardamom) and leave for 60 minutes.
  • Soak the chicken in lemon juice or chamomile decoction (add 1 tablespoon of dried flowers to 1 liter of water).

Why does meat have a "smell"?

The loss of the natural flavor of meat products occurs in several cases. "Dushok" appears due to spoiled food lying next to the meat, as well as due to improper feeding and slaughter of the animal.

Storing in plastic bags leads to oxygen deficiency, causing the meat to "suffocate".

Pieces of uncastrated boar or ram meat initially have a distinctive smell, but this does not mean that they are unfit for consumption.

You just need to soak the product in the marinade or roll in herbs.

If the chicken has an unpleasant sour aroma, and mucus is noticed on its surface, it is necessary to cut off the skin exuding the smell with a knife. If it was not possible to eliminate the stench, then it is strictly forbidden to eat meat.

Meat odor removal options

Improper storage of the product leads to the fact that even freshly purchased meat begins to exude a repulsive stench. At the initial stage, it is still possible to eat such products, but only after the stench has been eliminated.

Any meat is undesirable to store for a very long time. Leaving the refrigerator for a long time leads to the appearance of a musty smell. To eliminate it, potassium permanganate, dried chamomile flowers, salt and wine are used.


You can eliminate unwanted aroma with the help of basil, tarragon and red wine.


  1. Pour wine into an aluminum container, add tarragon and basil, and then put pieces of meat in the container.
  2. Keep the product in wine for 60 minutes, then start cooking meat dishes.


Potassium permanganate

With the help of manganese, they fight any stench.

Potassium permanganate is popular among unscrupulous traders who sell spoiled beef or pork. This tool helps to improve the appearance, aroma and color of the product.

To eliminate the unpleasant "darling" you must do the following:

  1. Dissolve 5 g of potassium permanganate in 2 liters of water; the solution should be pale pink.
  2. Soak the spoiled pieces of pulp in the liquid for 2 hours.
  3. Remove the beef from the solution and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

The unpleasant stench after such a procedure will disappear. The product can be safely consumed.

Chamomile decoction

To get rid of the smell of meat with chamomile, you must:

  1. Brew a decoction of dried inflorescences of the plant and cool it.
  2. Strain the chamomile broth through a fine sieve or gauze, place pieces of meat in it.
  3. Add 2 tsp. sugar and leave in this form for half an hour.
  4. Rinse the product in salted water.

It is advisable to fry the pieces with the addition of herbs to enhance the taste and aroma.

saline solution

Every housewife has salt at hand, so this method is also quite simple.

Soaking steps:

  1. Take a pot of water and dissolve 100 g of salt in it.
  2. Soak the meat pulp in the prepared solution for 2 hours.
  3. Wash the product thoroughly in running water.

To quickly give a pleasant aroma, as well as in order to immediately start cooking, the product must be rubbed with sugar and then sprinkled with salt. After 30 minutes, wash everything off with water.

Causes of bad pork odor

. In adult pigs, the hormone testosterone accumulates, which causes the meat to have an unpleasant flavor.

Also, castrated males with anomalies in the development of the reproductive system can have a pungent odor: the third testicle, the descent of the testicle into the scrotum, etc.

Uncastrated boar meat: how to get rid of the smell?

The stench of boar meat that has not been castrated can be eliminated by soaking and freezing.

For soaking you need:

  1. Take a pot of warm salted boiled water and add 5 tbsp. l. vinegar essence (per 1 liter of water).
  2. Soak pork for 6 hours in milk, changing it every 2 hours.

The method of freezing unwanted "darling" is effective due to the effect of low temperature. Boar pulp should be frozen for 3 days at a temperature not lower than -25 degrees Celsius.

Before freezing, the product is soaked in milk or vinegar solution.

How to remove bad smell from chicken

Before you get rid of the fetid odor, you need to make sure that the chicken is fresh and ready to eat. High-quality chicken flesh has a pink structure, a white shade of fat.

To get rid of an unpleasant odor, resort to the use of simple and affordable techniques:

  1. You can “mask” the stench with chopped onions and garlic cloves. Peeled garlic is crushed in a garlic press, and onions are chopped on a grater. The chicken is rubbed with the prepared mixture and left for 30 minutes in a cool room.
  2. In the absence of time for soaking chicken, it is prepared using improvised means - salt and wheat flour. The two components are mixed and the meat pieces are rubbed with the mixture. The flour absorbs an unpleasant odor, and the salt cleanses the skin of the chicken carcass.

They fight with the "smell" by pickling chicken. You need to take vegetable oil, wine or vinegar, add basil and place the product in such a solution for 30 minutes. Wash with cold water and start cooking.

How to get rid of the smell of lamb?

In order not to spoil the dish with stench, the meat is properly processed. Excess fat is removed from lamb, exuding aroma. Using the available seasonings, the pulp is rubbed and placed in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Marinating can be replaced by boiling lamb in broth, adding spices, carrots and onions to it. For 2 hours, you need to soak the meat in water with the addition of garlic, salt, mustard and pepper.

Meat pieces are poured with water, boiled, then the whole broth is drained. The procedure is repeated 3 times. Along with hot water, the aroma will also disappear.


If you find a fetid aroma of meat, do not immediately get rid of the product. If the fillet itself has not deteriorated, then you can eliminate the "darling" by resorting to various means.
