
Dietary salad with Beijing. Chinese cabbage diet options

Beijing cabbage is very useful and delicious vegetable. Peking cabbage leaves are very juicy and tender, pale yellow or light green in color. Chinese cabbage leaves form a head, which resembles a cylinder or oval. The leaves of Chinese cabbage in, unlike white cabbage no veins. This is very similar to lettuce leaves.

Therefore, you can often hear people call Chinese cabbage salad. For this reason, Chinese cabbage leaves are used to make sandwiches. Stuffed cabbage, soups and very tasty and healthy salads are prepared from Chinese cabbage. Beijing cabbage has a number of useful properties. This includes antiseptic, nutritional, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and other properties. Chinese cabbage contains ascorbic acid, citric acid, protein, carotene, B vitamins, vitamin A and C.

Recipe 1. Chinese cabbage salad with yogurt


  • Low-fat yogurt - 50 ml;
  • Green apple - 1 piece;
  • Raisins - 1 tablespoon;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage, add salt, sugar and squeeze with your hands.
  2. Raisins need to be steamed with boiling water and after cooling, drain the water.
  3. We wash the apple, dry it and cut it into thin strips, after which the chopped apple must be mixed with lemon juice so that it does not darken.
  4. We spread Chinese cabbage, apple, raisins in a separate bowl, season with yogurt and mix well.

Recipe 2. Chinese cabbage salad with chicken fillet


  • Beijing cabbage - 500 grams;
  • Chicken fillet - 300 grams;
  • Lettuce leaves - 2 bunches;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 200 grams;
  • Parsley greens - 1 bunch;
  • Table vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sesame - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Chicken fillet should be washed well and boiled in salted water.
  2. After that, the meat must be cooled and cut into thin strips.
  3. Finely chop the Chinese cabbage, salt, add sugar and rub with your hands.
  4. Cucumbers need to be washed, dried and cut into strips.
  5. Lettuce leaves and parsley need to be washed, dried paper towel and finely chop the parsley, lettuce cut into thin strips.
  6. Put chicken fillet, cucumbers, lettuce, parsley, cabbage in a separate bowl, add vegetable oil, vinegar, ground black pepper, sesame and mix everything very well.

Recipe 3. Chinese cabbage salad with quail eggs


  • Beijing cabbage - 500 grams;
  • Quail eggs - 10 pieces;
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 1 piece;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Leek - 100 grams;
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Table vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Quail eggs need to be hard-boiled, peeled and cut in half.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage, sprinkle with sugar, salt and squeeze with your hands.
  3. Carrots need to be peeled, washed and grated for Korean carrots.
  4. Bulgarian pepper is cleaned from seeds.
  5. Wash and cut into very thin strips.
  6. Rinse the leek and dill and cut the onion into thin rings, finely dill.
  7. We spread eggs, carrots, cabbage, peppers, leeks, dill in a salad bowl.
  8. Add black ground pepper, salt, vegetable oil, vinegar and mix very well.

WITH Chinese cabbage I first met in the late 90s, when my family and I went on a tour to Prague, in those days we didn’t have such products at all. Standing in front of a vegetable counter in a supermarket, I could not understand what it was, a salad or cabbage, especially since the name was in Czech ... Actually, until the end of the 70s, Beijing cabbage, or, as it is also called , chinese salad, was a rather scarce commodity not only in our country, but throughout Europe and even in America, because it was mainly imported from its homeland - China, where it has been cultivated since about the 6th century. Only relatively recently has it ceased to be a rarity in stores. This is due, first of all, to the breeding of new varieties that allow it to be successfully grown in the conditions of the European climate. The results of the work of breeders are obvious - Beijing cabbage can now be bought in every supermarket at any time of the year.


Why is Beijing cabbage so useful, why is it valued, what is the reason for the dizzying success of Chinese cabbage all over the world? First of all, it is worth noting that there is several times more vitamin C in it than in lettuce leaves. A lot of carotene and B vitamins, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. But there are very few calories (16 kcal per 100 g), so it can be safely recommended to supporters healthy eating. Beijing is included in almost all diets for weight loss.

Beijing cabbage is one of the leaders among green vegetables in terms of vitamin C content - 27 mg per 100 g! In addition, it is very important in the diet of heart patients and hypertensive patients due to the presence a large number potassium.


Chinese cabbage leaves are most often used for cooking variety of salads but there are other recipes. For example, they turn out very tasty and delicate. And in Asia, they like to ferment Beijing.

Strictly speaking, Beijing cabbage is somewhere between ordinary white cabbage and salads. Cabbage is harsh for some, salads may not suit everyone with their price (especially in winter!) - this is where Beijing cabbage comes to the rescue. Tender, crispy, it goes well with other vegetables, as well as with poultry, seafood and cheese.


I have collected perhaps the most popular recipes Chinese cabbage salads. Of course, the fillings for them are varied. But since this cabbage is considered Chinese, it does not hurt to know the classic Chinese dressing sauce for it. So, take note: to emphasize the taste of salads with Beijing cabbage is wonderfully obtained by adding to the dressing soy sauce and a couple of drops apple cider vinegar, and submit ready-made salads best in white or transparent containers. So they look brighter and more appetizing.

I bring to your attention a collection of interesting FROM 20 RECIPES(in texts and photos) that will help diversify your daily and festive menu.

Chinese cabbage salad with apple

very interesting and healthy salad, which can be cooked all year round.

canned corn 250g
chinese cabbage 1 pc
apple 3pcs
salad cucumber 1pc
hard cheese 200g

for refueling:
French mustard 1 tsp
olive oil 1 tbsp
vinegar 1 tbsp
light mayonnaise 5 tbsp

We cut clean leaves of Chinese cabbage into strips, add chopped apples, cucumber, strained corn and finely grated cheese. Let's mix everything.
Mix dressing: combine mustard with vinegar, oil and mayonnaise.
Pour dressing over salad and season to taste.
Leave in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

There are two options for serving: alone, or with a side dish. Cooked rice is great.

Salad with Beijing, squid, walnuts, orange, there is balsamic vinegar in the dressing.

Chinese cabbage salad with crab sticks

A practical recipe for a family dinner.

chinese cabbage 1pc
crab sticks 100g
2 boiled eggs
cucumber 1pc

Finely chop the Beijing cabbage, cut the cucumber and eggs into cubes, chilled crab sticks into thin slices.
We mix the ingredients in a salad bowl, seasoning with mayonnaise.
Let's add to taste.
As a decoration, put a sprig of any fresh herbs on top.

The dish can be varied by adding canned corn.

Ingredients: Beijing, tomatoes, croutons, shrimp.

Chinese cabbage salad with corn

A salad of common ingredients, simple, juicy, rich in vitamins and very tasty.

Chinese cabbage 1pc
2 boiled eggs
cucumbers 2pcs
corn 150g
green onion
pepper, salt
olive oil 2 tbsp

Peel the eggs and cut into cubes, cucumbers into half rings, chop Chinese cabbage.
finely chopped green onion.
Mix everything in a suitable bowl, adding corn.
Season with olive oil, season with pepper.
Salt to taste. Easy vitamin salad ready!

A simple salad of 2 types of cabbage and celery, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.

Salad with Chinese cabbage, chicken breast and pineapple

Outstanding in both taste and appearance salad. Easily becomes the main dish on the menu.

chicken breasts 2pcs
olive oil

fresh pineapple

Chinese cabbage 100g
iceberg lettuce 100g
oak leaf lettuce 100g

mayonnaise light 100g
sour cream 50g
Dijon mustard 1 tbsp
fresh dill
Red pepper

Sprinkle the chicken breast with salt and fry in olive oil on both sides until tender. When cool, cut into slices.
Peel the pineapple and also cut into slices.
Mix mayonnaise with mustard, sour cream, finely chopped dill. Add red ground pepper and salt to taste. Salad dressing is ready.
We chop the Beijing and the iceberg, tear the oak-leaved lettuce with our hands. Pour dressing over and mix.
Serve in portions: first, put a mixture of salads on a white plate, and slices of fried chicken breast and fresh pineapple on top.
Decorate the edge of the plate with drops balsamic vinegar.

Ingredients: cabbage, thinly sliced ​​boiled meat, cucumbers, cheese.

Quick salad with Chinese cabbage and pineapple

An exceptionally light salad with a refreshing summer flavor that is also very quick to prepare.

Chinese cabbage 1 head
pineapple in own juice 1 PC

Chop the Peking and transfer to a salad dish.
Let's add pineapple. If necessary, cut it into smaller pieces.
Season with juice from a jar and mix.
Serve chilled.

This salad tastes great with grilled meats.

Chinese cabbage salad with sausage

An amazingly simple recipe, but the taste, despite this, is on top.

Chinese cabbage 1pc
smoked sausage 200g
green peas 200g
garlic 1-2 cloves

Cabbage cut or tear by hand into large pieces.
Sausage (preferably smoked or dried) cut into strips thinner.
Let's chop up the greens. Any that is found will do - dill, parsley, green onions.
We put all the ingredients in a suitable bowl, add peas and crush a couple of cloves of garlic with a spadefoot.
It remains only to season the salad with mayonnaise, mix well and, if necessary, add salt to taste. All is ready!

Among the ingredients - smoked fish and red pepper.

Chinese cabbage salad with smoked chicken

Smoked chicken is good on its own, but in combination with Chinese cabbage - just delicious!

chinese cabbage 1/2pc
smoked chicken (breast or drumstick) 200g
tomatoes 2pcs
croutons white 40g
olive oil 2 tbsp
lemon 1/2pc
Dijon or French mustard 1 tsp

Let's start preparing the Beijing salad by preparing the ingredients.
Coarsely chop the cabbage.
Cut the chicken breast or leg into oblong pieces.
Cut the tomatoes into cubes. You need to choose strong ones for the salad, and if possible, it is even better to buy cherry tomatoes, it is enough to cut them in half.
Mix the ingredients in a suitable bowl. The base for the salad is ready, without loss of quality it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.
Now it's the turn of the salad dressing: with a fork or a whisk, beat the mustard with olive oil and juice from half a lemon.
It remains only to add dressing to the base, mix and salt.
We add croutons to the dish just before serving, so that they do not become damp ahead of time.

refill based olive oil can be replaced regular mayonnaise or its mixture with sour cream. great salad With smoked chicken and crackers ready!

Ingredients: Beijing cabbage, chicken fillet, tangerines

Salad with Chinese cabbage and pepper

This light, vitamin-rich salad is very popular in the homeland of Beijing cabbage - in China.

chinese cabbage 1/2pc
Bell pepper 2 pcs
apples 2pcs
olive oil 3 tbsp
Apple vinegar
spices, salt

We chop Chinese cabbage, sweet pepper and hard, juicy apples, cut into strips.
From oil and apple cider vinegar, by mixing them, we will make a salad dressing.
Mix all the components of the salad, adding the filling.
Spices, exactly like salt, are added according to your own taste and desire.

Pekinka, chicken fillet, quail eggs, persimmon, seasoned with balsamic and French mustard.

Salad of salmon and Chinese cabbage

An amazing salad for the festive table, as a rule, ends first ...

chilled salmon 2 steaks
chinese cabbage 1/2pc
pitted olives 100g
tomatoes 1-2pcs
1 white or red onion
little olive
lemon 1/2pc
salt pepper
Provencal herbs or oregano

Fry salmon steaks in a pan with a small amount vegetable oil until tender, but not overdrying, remove the bones and cut into small slices.
Cut the olives into rings, onions into half rings, dice the tomatoes, and coarsely chop the cabbage.
Mix fish and vegetables.
Now dressing: squeeze the juice of half a lemon into olive oil, add Provence herbs or oregano.
Add the dressing to the mixture of salmon and vegetables. Salt and add pepper to your taste.

Optional salad dressing You can make it spicier by adding a little soy sauce.

Serve on wide dish, decorating the rim with balsamic vinegar.

Chinese cabbage salad with squid

squid (canned) 200g
Chinese cabbage 200g
salad cucumber 2pcs
tomato 2pcs
half a lemon for juice
olive oil 2-3 tbsp

We cut the initial products: tomatoes into cubes, cucumbers into half rings, finely chop the Beijing.
We combine everything by adding chopped dill and pieces of squid.
Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with olive oil - the filling is ready, we will season our salad with it.
If necessary, we will add.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and avocado

Chinese cabbage 200g
avocado 1pc
apple 1pc
olive oil 2 tbsp
lemon juice 1-2 tbsp
white salad onion 1pc

Cut Chinese cabbage into thin strips.
Peel the avocado and cut the flesh into small pieces. Sprinkle with lemon juice immediately to prevent browning.
Onion cut into half rings.
Strong juicy apple(preferably with sourness) cut into small strips.
Mix everything, season with oil and the remaining lemon juice.

Serve on a platter lined with lettuce leaves.

As you can see, Chinese cabbage goes well with the most different products. For me, she is like a philosopher's stone for an alchemist, any recipe with her participation turns into a culinary masterpiece. I love! Having shown a little imagination and using the recipes presented here, you can easily come up with something of your own, and make a hundred new salads from ten of your favorite salads, just changing the ingredients a little.

For festive feasts, they are usually served multi-layered with a lot of mayonnaise. salads. And it's not always justified! In addition to meat dishes and potatoes, they make the festive table too heavy for a normal stomach. As a result, overeating and a feeling of heaviness quickly set in.

In addition, some of the guests simply do not eat such hearty meal due to certain circumstances, but they do not always dare to say it out loud. So it turns out that not everyone will be satisfied with your holiday. To avoid such situations, I propose to diversify the festive table with light Chinese cabbage diet salad no mayonnaise.

  • Chinese cabbage - 200-250 grams
  • Carrots - one root vegetable
  • apple is one
  • Kiwi is one fruit
  • Freshly frozen corn - 3-4 tablespoons

For refueling:

  • Soy sauce - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • Natural honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon

Diet Chinese cabbage salad - recipe

This seemingly so simple has big advantages: firstly, it is light and therefore dietary, which means it will suit everyone, and secondly, the salad is simply saturated with the life-giving energy of vitamins and minerals, since all products in it are used fresh.

Yes, and refueling this salad corresponds to it in all respects: natural honey, freshly squeezed lemon juice and vegetable oil - than not a gift to lovers of naturalness. Not to mention one more plus - fast cooking lettuce.

After this preface, I think it's time to get down to business. First, as usual, prepare all the ingredients. Rinse thoroughly under running water fresh sheets Chinese cabbage. Pour boiling water over the kiwi before removing the skin from it. Wash the apple and carrot and then peel (remove upper layer). Pour boiling water over frozen corn.

After all these procedures, we proceed directly to the grinding of the components. Grate an apple on coarse grater. The choice of apple variety, of course, depends on your taste, but I recommend using sweet and sour juicy fruit, it will fit better than others in our dietary salad.

Now let's move on to cabbage. My choice fell on Beijing, because it is the most tender. You, if you wish, can replace it with white cabbage or Savoy, and both have at least useful properties. Shred the cabbage into thin strips.

During the cooking process, I decided to supplement my dietary light salad with an overseas guest - kiwi. In it, according to nutritionists, a whole vitamin-mineral complex is hidden, and only this fruit alone can saturate our body with a daily dose of essential vitamins. So feel free to add it to the salad, cut into strips. I advise you to leave one circle for decoration.

With thawed, by this time, corn, drain the water. If you don't have fresh frozen corn and you're using canned corn, get rid of the liquid as well. Pour all the prepared salad ingredients into one deep container.

We taste it, and if it suits you, we season our salad with it. If, in your opinion, something is missing, you can simply add it. Accordingly: salt is soy sauce, sweetness is honey and acid is lemon juice.

Gently mix the dressed salad and it is ready to serve. It is not recommended to insist it for a long time, because excess liquid will appear and the salad will simply drain.

Chinese cabbage in diet food can be a substitute for two products at once - lettuce or white cabbage. So, based on the ingredient in question, you can cook various diet meals.

There are especially many salads based on cabbage, although it can also be used for making soups and side dishes.

Cook diet cabbage salad very easy. The main thing is to choose the right components that will not negate all the efforts of losing weight.

Important! Peking cabbage should not be combined in dishes with dairy products or cream-based sauces. This combination can cause indigestion.

The basics of cooking a dietary dish → Slimming with Chinese cabbage

0.1 kg fennel 0.1 kg onion 20 ml. grows. oils, salt

Wash the fennel and cabbage, finely chop the products. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Mix the ingredients and season with salt. Season with a small amount of vegetable oil (it is recommended to take unrefined olive oil, grape seed oil).

Salad with apple and raisins

0.5 kg Chinese cabbage

One green apple 1 st. l. raisins (pre-soak in water) 50 ml. natural low-fat yogurt 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice 0.5 tbsp. l. Sahara

Finely chop the cabbage and add salt and sugar to it, squeeze it with your hands. Wash the apple and cut into thin strips, mix with lemon juice (this is required so that the apple in the salad does not turn dark). Mix the ingredients, add raisins and pour everything over with natural yogurt, mix well.

Salad with oranges

0.3 kg Chinese cabbage

0.1 kg orange pulp 0.1 kg green onions 0.2 kg canned corn 1 teaspoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon rast. oils

Finely chop the cabbage. Cut the orange pulp into small cubes. Finely chop the onion and mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add canned corn. For dressing, use soy sauce mixed with oil. You can add your favorite spices to this dish.

Salad with chicken fillet

0.5 kg Chinese cabbage

0.3 kg chicken fillet Two bunches of lettuce leaves 0.2 kg of fresh cucumbers A bunch of parsley 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil One and a half tablespoons of vinegar 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds, 0.5 tablespoons of sugar Ground black pepper, salt

Wash the fillet and boil until fully prepared in salt water with spices. When the meat has cooled, it must be cut into thin strips. Chop the cabbage and rub it with your hands with the addition of sugar and salt. Cut cucumbers into strips, chop lettuce and parsley. Mix the fillet with cucumbers, lettuce and parsley, cabbage. For dressing, use vegetable oil with vinegar and spices. Garnish the salad with toasted sesame seeds.

Salad with mushrooms

0.3 kg Chinese cabbage

One onion 0.2 kg of mushrooms Two red tomatoes For the marinade: 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little salt Rust. oil

Wash mushrooms and finely chop. Make a marinade and put in them fresh mushrooms. Finely chop the onion, cabbage and tomatoes. Put them in a salad bowl in layers, and put mushrooms on top, which are covered with cabbage. The marinade is then used as the main salad dressing: you just need to pour the vegetables over them.

Soup with cabbage and tomatoes

0.5 kg Chinese cabbage

Liter of broth or water 8 pcs. dried tomatoes Garlic, turmeric, lemon juice and vegetable oil

Wash and shred the cabbage traditional way. Peel and chop the garlic, fry in a saucepan with the addition of vegetable oil. Then add cabbage to the pan, simmer for about five minutes. Cut the tomatoes into strips and also add to the pan, cook everything for another five minutes. Add spices, lemon juice. Add broth or water, cook the soup for a couple of minutes after boiling, at the very end, pour a tablespoon of lemon juice into the soup.

Soup with Chinese cabbage and potatoes

One chicken fillet

A kilogram of Beijing cabbage One carrot and onion 0.5 kg of potatoes Oil, tomato juice, garlic, spices

Boil chicken. Cut the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots on a medium grater. If you need a strict dietary soup, then these vegetables can not be fried first. Otherwise, onions and carrots can be fried a little in vegetable oil in a pan.

When the broth is cooked, remove the meat from the pan and chop. Add onions, carrots and tomato juice to the broth. After another 10 minutes, add the peeled potatoes, cut into cubes. After another ten minutes, add chopped Chinese cabbage to the soup. Add your favorite spices and salt, cook everything on low heat for another 15 minutes.

Garnish with egg

To prepare such light side dish, you will just need to chop the Chinese cabbage and put it in a frying pan in water with the addition of a small amount of oil. At the very end, add a few quail eggs and mix quickly. Cook for a couple more minutes with the lid closed. It is important that the water is completely evaporated by the end of the cooking process.

Garnish with ginger

0.4 kg Chinese cabbage

One bell pepper 1 tablespoon soy sauce and wine vinegar 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons rast. oil and minced ginger root Half of 1 teaspoon ground pepper chili, salt to taste

Cabbage needs to be shredded. Remove the seeds from the pepper and also cut it into thin strips. Separately, mix soy sauce, sugar, wine vinegar, hot vegetable oil, chili pepper and salt.

Now pour the oil into the pan and heat it, put the ginger and fry everything for about half a minute. Then add cabbage and pepper. Simmer the vegetables for two minutes, and then pour the prepared sauce into the pan. Mix the ingredients and the dish can be eaten as a side dish.

Ask Oolga1983

Expert + Warehouse Manager + Amateur Culinary + Consultant Nutritionist

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Most people do not deserve to deprive Beijing (Chinese) cabbage of their attention, preferring the usual domestic vegetable, but, as it turns out, in vain. Beijing cabbage contains a lot beneficial trace elements, organic acids and almost the entire list of B vitamins.

Beijing cabbage is used to prepare many dishes: salads, cabbage rolls, soups, etc. In addition, this vegetable does not require such a long heat treatment like its domestic counterpart. Salads with the addition of Beijing are more tender and airy and load the stomach less.

Soup with Chinese cabbage and potatoes

You will need:

Chicken fillet 300 -400 g;

Beijing cabbage - 1/2 head;

Carrots - 1 pc;

Onion - 1 pc;

Potatoes 3-4 pcs;

Salt, spices - to taste;

Tomato juice - 100 ml;

Sunflower oil.

Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, remove from the broth, let it cool slightly and cut into strips.

While the chicken is cooking, clean the vegetables. We cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes, rub the carrots on a medium grater, finely chop the onion.

If the soup is not strictly dietary, then carrots and onions are lightly fried in a small amount of vegetable oil.

IN ready broth we shift the carrots and onions, pour in the tomato juice and leave to cook for 7-10 minutes, then lay out the potato cubes, cook until the vegetables are ready. Add chicken fillet.

Cut the cabbage into strips, pour into the soup, bring to a boil, add salt and spices to taste and simmer over low heat for another 10-15 minutes. It can be served with fat-free sour cream, or sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Scrambled eggs with Chinese cabbage

You will need:

Cabbage - 100 g;

Eggs - 1-2 pcs;

Salt - according to vksu;

Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.

Finely chop the cabbage, beat the eggs into a bowl and mix with a little salt.

Pour some water into the pan vegetable oil, heat up and spread the chopped Chinese cabbage, sauté under the lid for 5-7 minutes, then pour in the eggs, mix quickly and leave to languish for another couple of minutes.

How to cook diet dishes from Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage salad with cucumber and tomato

Ingredients: Beijing cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, olive oil, salt, sugar
Calories / 100g: 51.99

Easy vegetable salad will not spoil the figure, but will only benefit your body. It is prepared quickly and, in order not to gain weight, it is enough to eat a serving or two of such vegetable salad for dinner, and drink a glass of kefir an hour before bedtime.

For the recipe you will need:

400 gr Chinese cabbage,
- two tomatoes,
- two cucumbers,
- bunch of greenery
- 30 ml of olive oil,
- salt - to taste,
- a pinch of sugar. Greek salad with Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: cabbage, cucumber, tomato, pepper, feta cheese, olive, paprika, thyme, lemon, oil, salt
Calories / 100g: 80

I bring to your attention that Greek salad is dietary. Today we will cook it classic recipe with Beijing cabbage.


250 grams of Beijing cabbage;

200 grams of fresh cucumber;
- 200 grams of cherry tomatoes;
- 1 chili pepper;
- 150 grams of feta cheese;
- 80 grams of pitted olives;
- 5 grams ground paprika;
- 5 grams of dried thyme;
- half a lemon;
- 10 ml. olive oil;
- salt to taste.

Salad of mussels, Chinese cabbage and tomato

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, mussels, mayonnaise
Calories / 100g: 49.22

We prepare a tasty, light and very attractive salad from fresh vegetables and seafood. It contains Beijing cabbage, tomatoes and mussels, everything is simple and very tasty.


Beijing cabbage - a third of a head of cabbage,
- pickled mussels - 150 g,
- tomatoes - 200 g,
- mayonnaise - 40 g. Salad with squid, Chinese cabbage and sausage cheese

Ingredients: fresh squid, sausage cheese, egg, fresh cucumber, Chinese cabbage, lemon, soy sauce, ground black pepper, salt
Calories / 100g: 95.59

Salad with squid, Chinese cabbage and sausage cheese combines a set of products that allows you to eat plenty and at the same time not gain extra kilos. The main ingredient, of course, is boiled seafood. Crispy ingredients are perfectly combined with them - fresh cucumbers and tender leaves Chinese cabbage. This trio is perfectly complemented by spicy sausage cheese and boiled eggs.

Products for the recipe:

Half a kilo of squid
- 150 g sausage cheese,
- two eggs,
- two cucumbers,
- 200 g Chinese cabbage,
- half a lemon
- 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce,
- ground black pepper - a pinch,
- salt - to taste. Salad with Chinese cabbage and crab sticks

Ingredients: Beijing cabbage, crab sticks, chicken egg, green onion, dill, lemon juice, ground black pepper, vegetable oil
Calories / 100g: 115.79

The easiest salad option crab sticks in front of you. It contains a minimum of products, but still the dish turns out very tasty. It can be supplemented upon request. fresh cucumber, green peas or corn.

Products for the recipe:

200 g Beijing cabbage,

130 g crab sticks,
- 4 chicken eggs,
- bunch of green onions
- bunch of parsley
- bunch of dill
- salt - to taste,
- ground black pepper - to taste,
- lemon juice - to taste,
- sunflower oil - 30 ml. Salad "For the figure"

Ingredients: cabbage, pepper, cheese, lemon, tomato, breadcrumbs, butter
Calories / 100g: 106

I call this tasty and healthy salad “For the figure”, because it is very satisfying, but at the same time it is low in calories. I add feta cheese and round pepper to the salad - the taste is amazing.


300 grams of Chinese cabbage;

100 grams of round pepper;
- 100 grams of chechil or cheese;
- lemon - half;
- 2 tomatoes;
- a handful of crackers;
- 3-4 tablespoons olive oil. Light salad from Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: salad pepper, arugula, tomato, cabbage, sauce
Calories / 100g: 22

Such a salad can be eaten both on a diet and on proper nutrition. Preparing such a salad is not difficult. Season the salad with soy sauce, which will give it a spicy aftertaste.


1 bell pepper

bunch of arugula,
- 1-2 tomatoes,
- 250 grams of Beijing cabbage,
- 1-2 tablespoons soy sauce. Salad with Chinese cabbage, cottage cheese and poached egg

Ingredients: Beijing cabbage, chili pepper, green onion, low-fat grained cottage cheese, lemon, olive oil, table mustard, ground paprika, sea salt, chicken egg, table vinegar, cherry tomatoes, dill
Calories / 100g: 63.93

Easy delicious salad from Beijing cabbage and cottage cheese has spicy taste and is great for stages 2 and 4 of the Dukan diet. He prepares quickly. In just 20-25 minutes, we can make an amazing dish.)

For the recipe you will need:

300 g of Beijing cabbage;
- a pod of chili pepper;
- a bunch of green onions;
- 170 g of grain cottage cheese;
- half a lemon;
- olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- table mustard - 1 teaspoon;
- ground paprika - a pinch;
- sea salt - to taste;
- two chicken eggs;
- table vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- Cherry tomatoes;
- dill - for serving. Vegetable salad with Beijing cabbage and sesame seeds according to Dukan

Ingredients: tomato, Beijing cabbage, fresh cucumber, carrot, mint, green onion, ground red pepper, hot red pepper, balsamic vinegar, sea salt, sugar substitute
Calories / 100g: 20.03

We offer a simple recipe delicious lung vegetable salad with balsamic vinegar dressing. The taste of the dish will please everyone who prefers healthy food.


300 g Beijing cabbage,
- 200 g of tomatoes,
- 50 g carrots,
- 90 g fresh cucumbers,
- 15 g mint,
- 30 green onions,
- 3 g ground red pepper,
- 10 g balsamic vinegar,
- 3 g of sea salt,
- 1 sugar substitute tablet
- 2 g of hot red pepper. Light Chinese cabbage and green pea salad

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, green peas, onion, herbs, vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt, sugar
Calories / 100g: 40.58

Salads with Beijing cabbage always turn out more tender and softer than with white cabbage. And there is direct evidence of this. Check out the recipe for Chinese cabbage salad with green peas. Such a dish can be prepared at least every day.

For the recipe you will need:

600 g of Chinese cabbage;
- a glass of green peas;
- one bulb;
- 3-4 sprigs of parsley;
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
- a pinch of salt;
- a pinch of sugar. Salad with Beijing cabbage, cucumber and celery in oriental style(Ducan's diet)

Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, cucumber, salad celery, onion, green chili pepper, ginger root, pomegranate sauce, sesame oil, seasoning for vegetable salads, black sesame, sea ​​salt, sugar
Calories / 100g: 51.72

Beijing cabbage is popular with professional chefs, and among housewives, especially those who dream of losing weight, since the vegetable contributes well to this. Include Chinese cabbage salad in your menu and you will not notice how you will part with excess weight.

For the recipe you will need:

350 g of Chinese cabbage;
- one or two cucumbers;
- 120 g of celery;
- head of onion;
- a pod of green chili peppers;
- 20 g of ginger root;
- 15 g pomegranate sauce;
- 1 tbsp. spoon sesame oil;
- seasoning for vegetable salads - to taste;
- black sesame - to taste;
- sea salt - to taste;
- sugar - to taste. Chinese cabbage salad with apple and carrots (3rd and 4th stage of the Dukan diet)

Ingredients: Beijing cabbage, carrots, apples, onion, lemon, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, olive oil, cherry tomatoes
Calories / 100g: 79.69

A wonderful Chinese cabbage salad with vegetables, apples and seeds can be prepared at least daily, since it contains only the most best products, which can be used in fasting and diets.

For the recipe you will need:

Beijing cabbage - 150 g;
- carrots - 100 g;
- apples - 210 g;
- onion - 50 g;
- lemon - 1 pc.;
- sunflower seeds - 25 g;
- sesame - 20 g;
- olive oil - 20 g;
- cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs. Salad with Beijing cabbage and chicken "Lightness"

Ingredients: Beijing cabbage, carrots, chicken fillet, lemon juice, canned corn, salt, greens, yogurt, cream, kefir, sour cream
Calories / 100g: 56.98

A light Beijing cabbage salad will be useful for those who, for some reason, eat little or are purposefully on diets. Salad turns out hearty, but not very high-calorie.

For the recipe you will need:

- ½ head of Beijing cabbage,
- small carrot,
- 100 g boiled chicken fillet,
- 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice
- 200 g of corn,
- salt - to taste,
- fresh herbs,
- unsweetened yogurt for dressing. Salad "Tenderness" with chicken and Chinese cabbage (stage 2 - Dukan's diet)

Ingredients: chicken breast, Chinese cabbage, eggs, yogurt, parsley, salt, ground black pepper
Calories / 100g: 81.35

We invite you to complete the list of dishes for the Dukan system with another delicious and light salad. It is prepared simply from available products.

For the recipe you will need:

One large chicken breast;
- 300-400 g of Chinese cabbage;
- three eggs;
- 250 g natural yogurt;
- parsley;
- salt - to taste;
- ground black pepper - to taste. Chinese cabbage cocktail salad, sweet peppers, olives and shrimp

Ingredients: chinese cabbage, bell pepper, pitted olives, shrimps, lemon
Calories / 100g: 88.73

We offer you a low-calorie recipe healthy salad from Beijing cabbage and shrimp meat. By the way, such a salad can be served on the festive table for those who are on a diet.

For the dish you will need:

Beijing cabbage - 2 leaves;
- sweet red pepper - 1/2 pc.;
- pitted olives - a handful;
- shrimp - 20 pcs.;
- half a lemon Salad of chicken and Chinese cabbage with bell pepper

Ingredients: chicken fillet, Beijing cabbage, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, red onion, green onion, garlic, mustard, sour cream, salt, ground black pepper
Calories / 100g: 51.3

All good for salad chicken meat and Chinese cabbage. Light, satisfying, low-calorie ... such a salad can easily be prepared and served with festive table, just put the plate closer to you.

For the dish you will need:

200 g of chicken meat;
- half a head of Beijing cabbage;
- red sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
- yellow sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
- red onion - 2 pcs.;
- fresh green onions.
For sauce:
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- Ready mustard - 1/2 teaspoon;
- sour cream - 50 g;
- salt - to taste;
- ground black pepper - to taste. Chinese cabbage salad with cheese

Ingredients: Beijing cabbage, kefir, dill, spices, hard cheese, viburnum, red currant
Calories / 100g: 88.57

To not think about extra calories, cook for dinner or as a snack a fresh and light Chinese cabbage salad with hard cheese and gentle dressing from kefir and greens. Simply the perfect diet meal!

For cooking you will need:

Hard cheese;

Chinese cabbage;
- spices;
- kefir;
- fresh dill;
- red currant or viburnum. Chinese cabbage salad with cheese, pepper and onion

Ingredients: Purple or red onion, lettuce, sweet paprika (red), Chinese cabbage, feta cheese, hard cheese low-fat varieties, olive oil, lemon juice
Calories / 100g: 87.81

Prepare a vitamin "bomb" from very simple and all available ingredients. This delicious salad will bring its bright accent to your daily diet and, without loading the stomach, will satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.

To prepare the salad, you will need:

1 red or purple onion;

bundle lettuce;
- 1 pod sweet paprika;
- 300 g of Beijing cabbage;
- 100 g of cheese or hard cheese;
- 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
- a little lemon juice;
- a little salt;
- a little ground black pepper.


The native sister of our white cabbage - Beijing, originally from the East, has long taken root in our area and enjoys well-deserved popularity. How useful is Beijing cabbage for a figure, and what dietary dishes can be prepared from it? Consider popular salads from Beijing cabbage - recipes and recommendations for cooking.

Diet salads for weight loss

In order to get rid of extra pounds or just support ideal weight, you need to fill the diet with super foods. Their list has long been voiced by nutritionists, but one of the first places belongs to the cabbage family. The uniqueness of cabbage lies in the successful combination of a whole range of properties. All cabbages have almost zero calorie, at the same time, are a source of B, C, PP, E, A vitamins. They are rich in organic amino acids, micro macronutrients and many others. useful substances. They contain natural fiber, which cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins, normalizes digestive processes and optimizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The cabbage family is called natural antioxidants.

As for Beijing cabbage, it can be called a champion among its “sisters” in terms of vitamin C content. And the leaves of this cabbage are rich in lysine, a substance that purifies the blood by neutralizing foreign proteins, improves immunity. also in Chinese cabbage a lot of lactucin, which normalizes sleep, pressure, stimulates metabolic processes. In cooking, the neutral taste of this cabbage is appreciated, so it can be easily combined with a wide variety of products. Therefore, even crab salad from Beijing cabbage will be incredibly tasty. At the same time, preparing Beijing cabbage salad is a real pleasure for both the body, the figure and the wallet.

Diet salads - recipes for the most popular dishes

Experts recommend eating Beijing cabbage raw, so you can get more vitamins. But there are also recipes for making cabbage rolls from this cabbage, which will also be very healthy, nutritious and dietary. It can be baked with meat, combined with other vegetables in the process of stewing, and yet it is better to cook Chinese cabbage salads. Photos of these culinary masterpieces can be found in a variety of sources. One of the most favorite mixes with the participation of Beijing women is a salad of Beijing cabbage, crackers, chicken fillet and tomatoes. To fill this healthy dish There are several types of sauces available.

  1. Home diet sauce, which can be prepared from yogurt, garlic and lots of greens.
  2. Restaurant-style dressing, it consists of apple (wine) cider vinegar, olive oil (or any vegetable) and soy sauce.
  3. Either cook light gas station, spicy, which consists of lemon juice, a mix of spices and a couple of cloves of garlic.

These sauces are low calorie, very tasty and well emphasize the taste of Chinese cabbage salad, chicken, tomato and croutons, as well as others vegetable dishes. You can also just cut fresh vegetables, combine with cabbage and pour over vegetable oil, but it is much more interesting to make warm salad from Beijing cabbage, corn and assorted vegetables. To prepare it you will need:

  • fresh Beijing cabbage;
  • a can of canned corn;
  • a mix of frozen vegetables;
  • garlic;
  • mayonnaise or diet yogurt sauce.

Put frozen vegetables on hot pan with oil, fry until excess moisture comes out, and the vegetables themselves begin to fry. Then we add garlic, its amount should be calculated based on the volume of vegetables. So, for a pack of 400 g, two cloves are required. We cut the cabbage into strips, remove excess moisture from a can of corn. We put the fried vegetables down the dishes, put the corn on top, then Chinese cabbage. Season with sauce, mix gently and serve immediately.

Light Chinese cabbage salads

With low-carbohydrate diets, such as the Kremlin or Dukan and some other healthy eating schemes, experts advise eating low-starchy vegetables in the form fresh salads. So, you can make a salad of Beijing cabbage, tomatoes and bell pepper. Fill this mix with lemon juice and a little oil. This salad will saturate the body with vitamins B, A, E, C, as well as fiber, folic acid, antioxidants. But completely green salad from Beijing cabbage, cucumber, green beans and greens will increase the level of organic acids, saturate with potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and vegetable protein from beans. Improve work gastrointestinal tract, will help in the fight against gastritis.

Also, "Peking" goes well with fruits in salads. For example, if you combine a green apple, orange, Chinese cabbage, greens and season sweet and sour sauce, you can get a real "atomic bomb" to combat body fat. Include chinese cabbage in daily diet a must if you want to lose weight, become healthier and more attractive. After all, it was not for nothing that in ancient China they called it a cure for a hundred diseases.

The native sister of our white cabbage - Beijing, originally from the East, has long taken root in our area and enjoys well-deserved popularity. How useful is Beijing cabbage for a figure, and what dietary dishes can be prepared from it? Consider the popular Beijing cabbage salads - recipes and cooking recommendations.

Diet salads for weight loss

In order to get rid of extra pounds or just maintain an ideal weight, you need to fill the diet with super foods. Their list has long been voiced by nutritionists, but one of the first places belongs to the cabbage family. The uniqueness of cabbage lies in the successful combination of a whole range of properties. All cabbages have almost zero calorie content, at the same time, they are a source of B, C, PP, E, A vitamins. They are rich in organic amino acids, micro macronutrients and many other useful substances. They contain natural fiber, which cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins, normalizes digestive processes and optimizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The cabbage family is called natural antioxidants.

As for Beijing cabbage, it can be called a champion among its “sisters” in terms of vitamin C content. And the leaves of this cabbage are rich in lysine, a substance that purifies the blood by neutralizing foreign proteins, improves immunity. Also in Chinese cabbage there is a lot of lactucin, which normalizes sleep, pressure, stimulates metabolic processes. In cooking, the neutral taste of this cabbage is appreciated, so it can be easily combined with a wide variety of products. Therefore, even crab salad from Beijing cabbage will be incredibly tasty. At the same time, preparing Beijing cabbage salad is a real pleasure for both the body, the figure and the wallet.

Diet salads - recipes for the most popular dishes

Experts recommend eating Beijing cabbage raw, so you can get more vitamins. But there are also recipes for making cabbage rolls from this cabbage, which will also be very healthy, nutritious and dietary. It can be baked with meat, combined with other vegetables in the process of stewing, and yet it is better to cook Chinese cabbage salads. Photos of these culinary masterpieces can be found in a variety of sources. One of the most favorite mixes with the participation of Beijing women is a salad of Beijing cabbage, crackers, chicken fillet and tomatoes. There are several types of sauces you can choose to season this healthy dish.

  1. Homemade diet sauce that can be made with yogurt, garlic and lots of greens.
  2. Restaurant-style dressing, it consists of apple (wine) cider vinegar, olive oil (or any vegetable) and soy sauce.
  3. Or prepare a light, spicy dressing, which consists of lemon juice, a mix of spices and a couple of garlic cloves.

These sauces have a low calorie content, are very tasty and well emphasize the taste of Beijing cabbage salad, chicken, tomato and croutons, as well as other vegetables. You can also simply chop fresh vegetables, combine with cabbage and pour over vegetable oil, but it is much more interesting to make a warm salad of Beijing cabbage, corn and mixed vegetables. To prepare it you will need:

  • fresh Beijing cabbage;
  • a can of canned corn;
  • a mix of frozen vegetables;
  • garlic;
  • mayonnaise or diet yogurt sauce.

We spread the frozen vegetables in a hot frying pan with oil, fry until excess moisture comes out, and the vegetables themselves begin to fry. Then we add garlic, its amount should be calculated based on the volume of vegetables. So, for a pack of 400 g, two cloves are required. We cut the cabbage into strips, remove excess moisture from a can of corn. We put the fried vegetables down the dishes, put the corn on top, then Chinese cabbage. Season with sauce, mix gently and serve immediately.

Light Chinese cabbage salads

In low-carb diets, such as or some other healthy eating patterns, experts advise eating low-starchy vegetables in the form of fresh salads. So, you can make a salad of Chinese cabbage, tomatoes and bell peppers. Fill this mix with lemon juice and a little oil. This salad will saturate the body with vitamins B, A, E, C, as well as fiber, folic acid, and antioxidants. But a completely green salad of Beijing cabbage, cucumber, green beans and greens will increase the level of organic acids, saturate with potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and vegetable protein from beans. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps in the fight against gastritis.
