
Pistachio chicken with pomegranate sauce. Chicken in pomegranate sauce: cooking in the oven and in a pan

You can cook a lot of different dishes from chicken or chicken meat, and each will be very different from the other! Today we want to talk about how to cook delicious chicken in pomegranate sauce. Incredibly tasty, delicate and fragrant dish will certainly appeal to all eaters. The taste is quite interesting, the meat just melts in your mouth!

Chicken in pomegranate sauce in the oven

Pomegranate juice has a strong taste, it impregnates chicken meat, filling it with a wide variety of notes: sweet, spicy, bitter, sour. Therefore, we do not recommend using many different seasonings, because among them it will then be difficult to catch the chicken taste at all! We use a minimum of ingredients to prepare such a chicken in pomegranate sauce:

  • the chicken itself;
  • a tablespoon of pomegranate sauce;
  • a tablespoon of maple syrup;
  • sunflower oil - half a tablespoon;
  • salt.

You can use red lettuce onions or a pinch of ground black pepper.

For baking, you will need a glass beer bottle, or a tin can.

Cooking in the oven

despite the fact that absolutely no culinary skills are required to bake according to this recipe (even a novice in the kitchen can handle cooking), the dish turns out to be a real masterpiece! The meat is very tender, juicy, the taste is delicate, it seems that the chef of the most expensive restaurant was engaged in cooking!

The chicken needs to be washed and dried. Rub it with salt on all sides - inside and out. If you use pepper, then pepper it.

Mix pomegranate juice and maple syrup, sunflower oil. If you use onions, then you need to chop half in a blender to a gruel state, add to the sauce.

Place the chicken on a bottle or jar that has been previously filled with a third of water.

Using a pastry brush, brush the chicken with the sauce using only half of it!

Put the carcass to bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Next, spread the carcass with the rest of the sauce, bake for another half hour.

There are absolutely no difficulties with cooking! The only thing, be sure to check the bottle for chips and cracks. If there are any, then in no case do not use it, because it can burst during baking, and fragments will remain in the meat, which can be injured!

Serve baked chicken in pomegranate sauce with your favorite side dish - just boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, cereals, pasta, fresh vegetable salads! Before serving, remove from the bottle and cut into portions.

Chicken in pomegranate sauce in a pan

Cooking such a chicken is even easier than the previous recipe. If you want to treat your family to something tasty, but new and elegant, then pay attention to this recipe. The dish will turn out not only very tasty, but also beautiful, it will attract the attention of eaters and cause appetite even for children who are difficult to seat at the table.


  • chicken carcass, it is better to use a chicken;
  • pomegranate;
  • a glass of pomegranate juice;
  • salt;
  • a mixture of ground allspice;
  • two tea spoons of sugar;
  • three tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • wheat flour - for breading.

If you prefer to use crackers as a breading, then take them instead of flour.

Sugar can be omitted, but thanks to it, a beautiful crust is obtained on the chicken.

Pan cooking

Divide the pomegranate into two halves. Grains from one will go to the sauce, and from the other - to decorate the dish.

Mix pomegranate juice with sugar, salt, sunflower oil. Grind the grains from one half of the pomegranate in a blender, add to the sauce.

The chicken can be fried in pieces or whole. if you chose the second option, then cut the carcass along the breast, open it. Soak the chicken in the marinade for several hours - the longer the better. You can soak for a day if you cook for dinner, or you can soak for the night if you need to cook for dinner. But a couple of hours is enough.

Roll the chicken marinated in pomegranate sauce in flour, fry in sunflower oil under the lid on both sides. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds when serving. Bon appetit!

Chicken pieces in pomegranate sauce Narsharab (or lemon)

Delicious braised chicken marinated in sweet and sour pomegranate sauce.

If you bought a whole chicken and want to cook it quickly, tasty, with the least amount of time and ingredients, here is an easy recipe for you. This is a simple chicken stew in pieces, pre-marinated in sweet and sour pomegranate sauce.

This Azerbaijani pomegranate sauce is called Narsharab and is sold in the Vegetables-Fruits or Dried Fruits section). If there is no narsharab, it does not matter - take a lemon. He also marinates the chicken well.

For a delicious chicken recipe, you only need:

  • whole chicken;
  • narsharab (3 tablespoons or 1 lemon);
  • suneli hops or black pepper - to taste;
  • salt and a frying pan (or saucepan).

No oil is required, the chicken is cooked in its own juices and marinated with spices. Makes 8 servings.

How to stew chicken pieces in narsharab sauce

  • Rinse the chicken and Pour narsharab with sauce, sprinkle with spices (I took suneli hops, but you can use Provence herbs or basil + oregano or black pepper). Salt. You can mix a little so that the sauce and spices are evenly distributed over the chicken pieces. Cover and let stand for about 1 hour (or less).
  • Put in a roasting pan (deep frying pan or stewpan). Cover and simmer for 1.5-2 hours until juices thicken (evaporation of excess liquid). If the chicken juices evaporated much earlier (you forgot to cover the broiler with a lid, for example), and the chicken has not yet reached, add some water.

Chicken in pomegranate sauce. Very tasty food.

Serve kuru in narsharab warm, standing for 15-20 minutes. So much tastier. Because, having cooled down a little, the sauce from under the chicken thickens and envelops the pieces from all sides. At the same time, the meat is still pleasantly fresh and warm, and the sauce is already properly viscous.

Therefore, slightly cooled chicken pieces feel juicy, smoothly slipping inside and savory ... in the right combination of saltiness, sweetness and a little sourness.

Usually dry with this method of preparation, it also becomes juicy, soft and surprisingly tasty. Tastier than dark chicken meat. Simple narsharab sauce is a great marinade for chicken.

In an ordinary deep frying pan, a whole chicken, cut into pieces, is placed. And when you cook..uuuu..you will lick your fingers!

Pomegranate sauce is a very unusual dressing, and few people know where it is used. Let's see what dishes this sauce is suitable for, and how to cook them.

Pomegranate sauce is made from ripe pomegranate seeds. They are squeezed, and the resulting juice is boiled several times and seasoned with various spices.

Of course, like any unusual product, "Narsharab" arouses genuine interest among housewives. And first of all, I want to understand what pomegranate sauce is eaten with.
It goes best with meat. They are poured over a ready-made meat dish or make a marinade. This pomegranate sauce softens even the toughest fibers very well and at the same time gives the dish a special piquant taste.
In addition, the dressing goes well with vegetables, such as beans.
Even stews are seasoned with sauce.
Some simply dip slices of bread into it and enjoy the taste.

Classic homemade pomegranate sauce

Required products:

Salt and other spices to your taste;
three kilograms of ripe pomegranates.

Cooking process:

1. First, free the grains from the peel and white streaks. You should be left with only "ruby tears" in their pure form, everything else can be thrown away.
2. Transfer them to some deep container and crush with a spoon or crush to release the juice.
3. Then put it on the stove and heat until the grains turn white. At the same time, they need to be mixed all the time.
4. Pass the resulting mass through a sieve to separate the juice and pulp.
5. Return the container to the stove again and simmer the pure juice over low heat until it thickens. After that, season the composition with spices and the sauce is ready.

Turkish sauce recipe

Pomegranate sauce from Turkey is prepared very simply and practically does not differ from the classic version. It is great for marinating fish and meat.

Required products:

Three kilograms of pomegranates.

Cooking process:

1. Peel the fruits from the peel, separate the grains and smash them in a juicer to make juice. If this device is not available, then use a pusher or the most ordinary spoon.
2. Strain the juice through a sieve or cheesecloth, remove the pulp and grains, leaving only the juice. This is where the sauce is made from.
3. Pour it into a saucepan, make a slow fire and keep it on the stove until the liquid becomes thick enough, about the same as ryazhenka in consistency.
4. Divide the prepared dressing into glass jars or bottles and use as needed.

Chicken with pomegranate sauce

Chicken in pomegranate sauce is just an incredible dish. The dressing makes the meat tender, juicy, and the crust is simply delicious.

It only requires a few ingredients.

Required products:

A spoonful of vegetable oil;
one chicken carcass;
spices to your taste;
two tablespoons of pomegranate sauce.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse the meat well and let it dry or speed up the process with paper towels.
2. Rub the chicken with seasonings (such as salt and pepper), you can use other spices that are combined with chicken.
3. Mix pomegranate sauce with vegetable oil, and spread chicken with half of the total mixture. Then bake it for about 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
4. After this time, take out the dish, brush it again with the sauce that remains, and put it in the oven for another half an hour at the same temperature.

Use for marinating meat for barbecue

Of course, pomegranate sauce is very good for making barbecue marinade. But before you lower the pieces of meat into this sauce, you need to know how much it will take, and after what period of time the kebab can begin to fry.
It is necessary to keep the meat in a solution using pomegranate sauce for at least 10 hours. Ideally - about 15 - 20 hours.
The total amount of marinade should be such that the pieces of meat do not float in it, but simply cover well and evenly.

Basic marinade recipe

Required products:

Half a glass of sauce;
several bulbs;
spices for barbecue to taste.

Cooking process:

1. We interrupt a little onion through a blender or grind it, and cut what is left into rings. Mix everything with pomegranate sauce.
2. Put the selected seasonings there and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
3. Portionally cover the meat with the dressing made and leave for 10 - 12 hours.

Perfect marinade for beef

Required products:

a tablespoon of pomegranate sauce;
four tablespoons of lemon juice;
three bulbs;
one and a half tablespoons of mustard;
other seasonings to taste.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the onion and mix with meat. We combine the rest of the ingredients from the list and fill the meat with them. Don't forget to add spices.
2. Mix everything well and leave the kebab for about a day, after which it can be fried.

How to cook delicious pork

Required products:

A piece of pork pulp;
any spices to your liking;
three tablespoons of pomegranate sauce.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse the pork, let it dry and cut into medium portions, but not more than one and a half centimeters thick.
2. Sprinkle them with your chosen spices (such as salt and pepper), pour over the pomegranate sauce, spread it evenly and leave the meat for about 60 minutes to soften it.
3. Put the prepared meat in a heated pan and fry it on medium heat on both sides until a golden crust appears.

Unusual salad with pomegranate sauce

Required products:

One sweet pepper;
15 cherry tomatoes;
pomegranate sauce - a spoon;
pine nuts to taste;
100 grams of arugula;
130 grams of Mozzarella;
salt and pepper;
one avocado;
slice of lemon.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse the arugula, wait until it dries, and put it in a salad bowl.
2. Send halved tomatoes and diced peppers there.
3. Mozzarella and avocado, also chop into squares, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
4. Sprinkle food with spices and sprinkle with a little lemon juice.
5. It remains only to fill the dish with sauce and mix it well to evenly distribute the latter. Put some toasted pine nuts in the salad.
Yes, dishes with such a sauce are certainly unusual, but they are really tasty and worth trying at least once.

This is another delicious dinner option. Pomegranate sauce "Narsharab" is an excellent marinade for chicken. And chicken legs, pre-marinated in this sweet and sour pomegranate sauce and then stewed in it, turn out to be very tasty. With this method of cooking, chicken meat becomes juicy, soft, tender and spicy. And the cooking process will not take much time, and the result will please. I recommend!


7-8 chicken drumsticks,

2-3 tbsp pomegranate sauce "Narsharab",

2-3 garlic cloves,

suneli hops, or Provence herbs, or basil with oregano,

salt, black pepper - to taste.


1. To cook chicken legs in pomegranate sauce, you need:

- Wash and dry the chicken legs, put in a deep bowl

- add spices, salt, pepper and garlic passed through a press to the chicken

- then pour the Narsharab sauce and mix the drumsticks so that the sauce and spices are evenly distributed.

2. Cover the bowl and leave for an hour so that the chicken is saturated with spices.

If the liquid has evaporated during frying, add a little water.

4. Serve chicken in pomegranate sauce warm with a side dish of potatoes, rice, vegetables, etc.

Bon appetit!

Chicken loves sweet additives like no other meat - this has become a real culinary axiom, which is simply impossible to argue with. It is worth remembering at least the popular recipe for chicken in sweet and sour sauce or. Tender, juicy meat that has time to cook perfectly, while the sweet marinade sauce works on an appetizing crust, making it breathtakingly ruddy, shiny, slightly glossy - it attracts all eyes to itself! This is exactly what the chicken baked in Narsharab pomegranate sauce will turn out to be.

Narsharab sauce is an Azerbaijani sauce made from pomegranate and widely used in many dishes. This sauce has a very pleasant fruity sweet taste with a slight sourness. It is very thick, reminiscent of caramel, and therefore perfectly envelops the meat, creating a sweet fragrant film on its surface, which caramelizes during cooking.

The second highlight of the dish is the preparation of meat along with bread. Agree, many people like to soak delicious sauces and dressings, juices released during cooking, or gravy with bread. In the same dish, you will get a 2-in-1 effect, as the chicken will be laid on the so-called bread pillow, and all the juices will flow straight onto the bread, soaking it and making it tender and soft. This bread is so delicious!


  • 5 chicken drumsticks
  • 200 grams of bread
  • 2 onions
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of Narsharab sauce
  • 1 teaspoon dry oregano
  • salt, pepper to taste

Output of the finished product: 2-3 servings

How to cook chicken in pomegranate sauce in the oven

Peel the garlic from the husk and crush in a mortar or grind with a knife.

Add salt, pepper, oregano to the garlic.

Then pour Narsharab sauce and vegetable oil into this mixture. Stir until smooth.

Wash chicken thighs and pat dry. Place the meat in a deep bowl and pour over the marinade.

Peel and cut the onion into slices. Send the onion to the chicken, cover the meat with a film and leave at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Now cut the bread into large pieces. Place the bread on a deep baking sheet lined with parchment or foil. Sprinkle the bread lightly with the chicken marinade, and lay the meat itself on top, without the onions.

Bake the chicken in pomegranate sauce in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes, then place the onions in a baking sheet and bake for another 15-20 minutes.

Serve the meat along with slices of bread and onions, which will play the role of a side dish in the dish. Top with fresh herbs of your choice if desired.

By the way, what do you think about cooking? It sounds unusual, but if you love culinary experiments, you should definitely try it!
