
Picnic dishes recipes. Some holiday options from the menu

Fresh air, friendly company and a fire - that's a typical picnic. The main dish on it, of course, is barbecue.

We offer you to diversify the menu. After all, on the coals you can cook a lot delicious meals. Soup, side dishes and even desserts!

Ready to write down recipes? Great! But first, let's repeat the materiel:



This dish oriental cuisine, which has different peoples different, but consonant names: shurpa, chorba, shorpo, sorpa and others. But whatever you call it, it's meat rich soup with vegetables. It is especially delicious when cooked over a fire. The dish is time-consuming, but if you spend the whole day in nature, it will warm and energize.

Traditionally, shurpa is made from lamb (it is better to take fresh). But you can use beef or pork. Let's go back to the classics.

1 kg of lamb (possible with a bone);
100 g fat tail fat;
1 kg of onion;
1 kg of potatoes;
500 g fresh tomatoes;
5 medium carrots;
5 medium bell peppers;
5 liters of water;
salt, peppercorns and other spices;
greens (parsley, basil, cilantro and so on).
For marinade:
500 ml of vinegar;
500 ml of water;
salt and sugar to taste.


Let's pickle the onion first. Take half of the onion (500 g), cut it into rings, salt it and pour it with a mixture of water, vinegar, salt and sugar. Place under pressure and leave for 1-2 hours.

To prepare shurpa, you will need a cauldron or a pan with a thick bottom. Melt in it fat tail fat. Cut the lamb large pieces and fry with spices (it can be cumin, barberry, ground coriander - to your taste). Remove the fried lamb from the cauldron for a while. On the remaining fat, fry the chopped carrots and the second half of the onion. Return the lamb to the cauldron. Add chopped tomatoes and bell pepper. Simmer the meat and vegetables for a few more minutes.

Then fill them with water, cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer for about two hours. When it boils, skim off the foam. At the end, add coarsely chopped potatoes and peppercorns. Salt and add spices to taste.

After another 20 minutes, you can pour the shurpa on plates. It is done like this. The broth is poured into one plate, and the meat and vegetables are put into another. Everyone will add as much lamb and vegetables as they want. Sprinkle the broth with finely chopped herbs and put pickled onions in it (required!).



Sandwiches with meatballs and vegetables are considered fast food. However, cooked with their own hands, and even in nature, they are completely different in taste. Plus, hamburgers are pretty easy to make.

5 hamburger buns;
3 medium onions;
5 slices processed cheese;
lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables;
mayonnaise, sauce or mustard to taste.
For cutlets:
500 g ground beef;
100 g breadcrumbs;
100 g hard cheese;
2 medium onions;
salt and black pepper to taste;
olive oil;
Worcestershire sauce.


The amount of ingredients depends on how many burgers you want to make. IN this case designed for five people.

First we prepare the minced meat. Pork will be too fatty for him, so it is better to use beef or turkey. Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion and fry in olive oil until golden. Rub the cheese on a grater. Mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper, add a little Worcestershire sauce and form into patties. Attention! Cutlets should be proportionate to buns. Also in the middle of each of them you need to make a recess so that when frying they do not lose their shape.

It is more convenient to make cutlets at home, freeze and bring them with you to a picnic. But you can also mold on the spot. The main thing is to prepare minced meat in advance.

Carefully place the cutlets on the barbecue grill and fry on both sides. Cut the buns across and dry on the grill so that they do not soften when they lie on them. juicy cutlets. If desired, in addition to the cutlets, you can fry bacon.


Let's start assembling the burger. Nothing limits your imagination here. Lots of options. For example, put lettuce leaves on the bottom bun (to prevent it from getting soggy), pour them with ketchup, mustard or mayonnaise (any sauce of your choice), put a cutlet, cheese on it. Further fresh or salted cucumbers, tomatoes and onions pickled at home. Top with the other half of the bun. Hamburger is ready!

Lula kebab


Kebabs in the Caucasus and Central Asia name dishes from fried meat. There are many varieties of this dish. Lyulya is a minced meat kebab strung on skewers and fried on the grill. By classic recipe lula is made from lamb, but you can use beef, pork, and even chicken. The peculiarity of minced meat for kebab is that eggs or bread are not added to it. Only meat, onions and spices. However, first things first.

1 kg of lamb pulp;
300 g fat tail fat;
100 g onion;
100 g green onions;
salt, pepper and spices to taste.


Minced meat for kebab can be prepared at home in advance. Then all that remains for you to do at the fire is to string it on skewers.

Rinse the lamb and pass through a meat grinder with a large grate. Skip the tail fat separately. It should be at least a quarter of the amount of meat. Onion cut into small cubes. You should not pass it through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender, as there will be too much juice. Finely chop the green onion too. Combine all these ingredients, salt, pepper and add spices and herbs to your taste.

An important point is kneading minced meat for lula. More precisely, it must be beaten off. To do this, collect the resulting minced meat in a lump and throw it into a bowl with force. Repeat the process for 10 minutes. With each blow, the minced meat will lose juice and become more plastic. So that during kneading it does not stick to your hands, moisten them in salted water. After that, remove the minced meat for an hour in the refrigerator.

When the coals get hot, the minced meat should be strung on skewers in the form of sausages 3–4 cm wide and about 15 cm long. Moisten your hands with water and, pressing the minced meat tightly against the skewer, form sausages on the skewer. Lula-kebab is fried quickly, and served with adjika or other sauce, pita bread and vegetables.

Salmon steak


Also, vegetables are baked on coals in foil. In this recipe, the “vessel” is bell pepper.

6 bell peppers.
For filling:
130 ml of olive oil;
250 g parmesan;
2 tbsp. l. ground walnuts;
4 cloves of garlic;
jar canned corn;
basil leaves.


The amount of ingredients depends on how many people will be at the picnic. In this case, it is designed for eight people: four peppers, cut in half, will give us eight servings.

Part of Parmesan (200 g) rub on coarse grater. Pass the garlic through a press. Combine olive oil, cheese, basil, nuts and garlic. Mix thoroughly.

1 kg of potatoes.
For marinade:
olive oil;
lemon juice;


All the ingredients for the marinade are taken by eye, it all depends on taste preferences. Potatoes are used whole. It must be washed and boiled in uniform. The main thing is not to overcook. Let the potatoes be damp inside - cook on the grill.

Send the potatoes to the marinade for 1-2 hours. Then put on skewers and grill over charcoal until crispy.

banana boats


There are two options for this simple recipe: in peel and without. In the first case, the peel replaces the foil. For more information on how to prepare an unpeeled banana for the grill, read and see. And we will tell you how to cook banana boats without a peel.

bananas (according to the number of people);
cinnamon or coconut to taste.


Peel bananas and cut lengthwise. Chocolate crumble on small pieces; cut the marshmallows if they are large. Stuff the banana with chocolate and marshmallows, as shown in the photo.

You get something like a canoe. If you like cinnamon, sprinkle it on the fruit. Wrap the banana in foil and fry on the grill.


After 5-6 minutes, it will be possible to remove from the grill, open the foil and sprinkle coconut flakes, Enjoy Dessert. You can take more ice cream with you for a picnic and eat baked bananas with it.

orange cupcakes


"Baking in nature" sounds like masochism. In fact, everything is very simple and aesthetically pleasing.

4-5 oranges.
For test:
225 g sugar;
180 g flour;
160 ml whole milk;
60 g butter;
80 g sour cream;
2 chicken eggs;
1.5 tsp baking powder;
0.5 tsp salt;
1 st. l. vanilla extract;
sachet of vanilla sugar.


Make dough and blanks for cupcakes at home.

For the test, mix regular and vanilla sugar. In another bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt. Beat eggs, sour cream and vanilla extract separately. Pour flour and sugar into the resulting mixture. Keep whisking. Add softened butter. Whisk. Then slowly add milk to the dough and continue beating at low speed. As a result, the dough will turn out not steep, but not liquid. You can also make the dough for any cupcake recipe you like.

Wash oranges and cut in half. Scoop out the flesh from each half with a spoon. Do not carefully clean the fruit, let the pulp remain on the walls of the peel. This completes the home cooking.

All that remains to be done in nature is to prepare the coals and arrange the oranges in foil “nests”, or you can use the old metal mold for cupcakes. Three-quarters fill each half with dough and send them to the coals.


The speed of baking cupcakes depends on the heat. This usually takes about 10 minutes. You can check the readiness of cupcakes with a toothpick.

Serve cupcakes directly in orange cups.

Baked apples


Another dessert option for a May picnic is baked apples.

5 large apples;
5 tsp honey;
20 g cranberries;
5 walnuts;
cinnamon (optional).


Wash the apples and remove the core with a knife. But not entirely - about half. In each apple, put one teaspoon of honey, one walnut (can be crushed) and a little bit of berries. If desired, you can add cinnamon.

Wrap each apple in foil and bake on the coals or on the grill until the fruit is soft.

You can serve with ice cream.


Sofia Andreevna/Shutterstock.com

Of course, a picnic is not complete without drinks. Although May pleases with warmth, the weather is often capricious. Therefore, it is important that there is something warming.

Grog is alcoholic drink, invented by English sailors and named after Vice Admiral Edward Vernon, nicknamed Old Grog. It was he who came up with, in order to save money, to give the sailors not pure, but diluted rum. And so the grog recipe was born.

tea (brewing);


The amount of ingredients depends on the size of the pot and the company. Brew first strong tea, and then add cognac and rum to it in the ratio of 1 liter of tea 5 teaspoons of cognac and 5 tablespoons of rum.

When the drink boils, pour it into mugs and enjoy the pleasant warmth.

Camping coffee


You can take a thermos with you, or you can cook flavored drink right on the fire.

5 tsp instant coffee;
1 liter of water;
100 g of chocolate;
sugar to taste.


Turkish coffee can be brewed on the coals. This requires a Turk and skill. An easier option is to make coffee right in a pot or kettle on a campfire.

Pour water into the pot, bring it to a boil and add coffee. After a couple of minutes, add the chopped chocolate. Make sure the drink doesn't run away.

When the chocolate has completely melted, pour the coffee into mugs. Sweetens each to taste.

We hope that we have inspired you to diversify the menu for the May picnic.

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general information

Every time, going to nature, I want to relax as comfortably as possible. That is why picnic food, the recipes of which we will consider a little later, should be prepared quickly and easily, and it will turn out tasty, healthy and nutritious. Of course, one can limit simple cuts fresh vegetables. But what if you need to cover beautiful table in honor of any holiday? For this we recommend using following recipes for a picnic in nature.

Tender and tasty chicken breast skewers

What kind of trip to nature without the usual barbecue? However, for such a dish it is not at all necessary to use pork. After all, much tastier and more tender is barbecue from white meat birds. For this we need:

  • chicken breasts as fresh as possible - 3-5 kg ​​(depending on the number of people);
  • fragrant spices, any, including pepper and salt - use at your discretion;
  • low-fat mayonnaise - 4-5 large spoons;
  • drinking water - 3-5 glasses;
  • fresh greens, including onion arrows - add to the finished dish.

Meat preparation

Recipes for a picnic in nature should be simple and easy to prepare. That is why we decided to use tender poultry meat instead of pork for barbecue. It should be thoroughly washed, carefully cleaned of skin, bones and cut into not very small pieces. Next, you need to take a new bag, put chicken breasts in it and pour salt water over it. In this state, it is desirable to withstand the meat for about half an hour. After that, the pieces need to be removed, dried paper towels, lubricate low-fat mayonnaise and season with aromatic spices.

Heat treatment

The presented recipe for a picnic (you can find a photo of this dish in this article) differs from traditional way cooking shish kebab by the fact that thanks to him the meat dish turns out to be very tender, juicy and tasty.

For heat treatment chicken breasts in natural conditions, you should light a fire in the barbecue and wait for the appearance of hot embers. Next, meat pieces must be planted on skewers and evenly fried over coals for 25-35 minutes.

Proper serving

It is not enough to know about what recipes you can use for a picnic in nature. After all, for a successful birthday celebration on fresh air service is also important. It should be noted that on summer table it is strongly not recommended to exhibit those products that require constant cooling (butter, confectionery, ice cream, dairy ingredients, sausages, mayonnaise, etc.). If you neglect this advice, then you can quite easily get poisoned not only yourself, but also harm loved ones.

So, after it is fully cooked, it must be carefully removed from the skewers, put on a large plate, and sprinkled abundantly with finely chopped green onion, parsley and dill.

Easy Picnic Salad: Cooking Recipe

If in nature you decide to serve meat barbecue as a hot dish, then it is by no means recommended to boil or bake potatoes with it. Indeed, from the combination of such ingredients, you and your guests will feel an unprecedented heaviness in the stomach almost immediately after eating, which will undoubtedly ruin the whole vacation. In this regard, it is recommended to serve meat light, but delicious salad. For a picnic, the recipe for such a dish should contain only fresh vegetables, namely:

  • ripe tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • large cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs and green onion- in a bundle;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves - a few pieces;
  • olives or pitted olives - a standard jar;
  • Feta cheese - 100 g (you can immediately take it in cubes);
  • sunflower or olive oil - 2 large spoons;
  • flower honey - a dessert spoon;
  • mustard - ½ small spoon.

Processing vegetables and preparing the sauce

You can prepare such a salad right in nature. To do this, wash all vegetables and herbs. Cucumbers, bell peppers and tomatoes should be cut into large cubes, finely chopped greens, and randomly tear lettuce leaves with your hands. Next, you need to start preparing the sauce. To do this, mix sunflower or olive oil, honey and mustard.

lettuce formation process

After the vegetables and sauce are ready, you can start shaping summer salad. To do this, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers and herbs must be put in a large plate. Next, they should be filled fragrant sauce and mix. In conclusion, you need to lay out cubes of Feta cheese and whole olives (or olives) on the salad. After that, the dish should not be stirred, it must be immediately served to the table along with the finished barbecue.

Delicious and light sandwiches

Picnics are always very popular with those who like to relax in nature. After all, before you sit down at the table and enjoy the most delicious barbecue (which you have to wait) with a light vegetable salad I really want to have a quick bite to eat. To do this, we recommend making small sandwiches that contain the following ingredients:

  • unsweetened loaf (you can take regular bread) - 2-3 pieces;
  • boiled chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • ripe tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • canned tuna - 2 jars;
  • leaves fresh lettuce- several pieces;
  • sprigs of parsley and dill - a few pcs.

Preparation of the main components

To prepare such sandwiches, boil in advance chicken eggs and thoroughly wash vegetables and herbs. Next, you need to cut the tomatoes and bell pepper into circles, and canned tuna mash with a fork along with own juice. It is also necessary to divide the unsweetened loaf into pieces 1-2 centimeters thick.

The process of forming sandwiches

On a loaf (for each piece) you should lay a fresh leaf of lettuce, lay out a mashed one and place a circle of eggs, a tomato, a ring of bell pepper and sprigs of parsley and dill on top.

Canape for a picnic

For a picnic, they are no less popular than sandwiches. After all, this is convenient in that it can be consumed, even if you did not have time to wash your hands, but you really want to have a bite.

So, to prepare canapes, we need:

  • skewers - 20-30 pieces;
  • Mozzarella cheese - 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 2-3 pcs.;
  • olives with any filling - a jar;
  • cherry tomatoes - 20-30 pcs.

Cooking process

Preparing such an appetizer is quite easy. To do this, wash all the vegetables. Cucumbers must be peeled, and then chopped into even cubes (2 x 2 cm in size). Similarly, it is recommended to cut the cheese. Next, you need to start forming canapes. To do this, the following ingredients should be alternately planted on a skewer: cherry tomato, cheese cube, olive and cube fresh cucumber. The entire formed appetizer must be placed on a flat plate and served to guests along with pre-prepared sandwiches.

Summing up

As you can see, it is not difficult to prepare a beautiful and delicious table for outdoor recreation. If you cannot do without dessert, then we recommend that you purchase in advance not a cake or any pastries, but sweet watermelon or juicy melon. Bon appetit!

Menu for a picnic in nature for a birthday

A trip to nature is always a long-awaited event for residents of large and stuffy cities, and if there is also a significant reason for this, for example, the birthday of a friend or loved one, then there is no limit to joy.
In nature, each person relaxes, becomes more alive and mobile, and what is also very important, everyone in the fresh air wakes up a good appetite. This is what should be remembered by those who organize a birthday celebration in the form of a picnic.
It is very important to carefully consider the menu and take everything you need so that guests can enjoy freshly prepared dishes with pleasure. The organizers of the holiday can choose two options: either cook all the food at home and just take it with them in containers, or take a barbecue, prepare food and cook all the dishes in front of the guests. So the cooking process will be even more fun, and it may even become part of the entertainment program. But no matter how the food is prepared, it is important that it is convenient to eat it in nature, because often only a bedspread or tablecloth, laid out in a clearing, serves as a table. Here are some ideas for those looking for a birthday picnic menu:


After the guests have arrived for the holiday, they should immediately be treated to something. And the best for it simple snacks. It is advisable to make them at home before leaving, because in nature it is not so easy to cut meat and vegetables beautifully. You can make meat, cheese or vegetable plates with various sauces. Preferably cut meat nut, carbonate, smoked lard and several kinds of sausages.

You can put it on another plate regular cheese solid and soft varieties, pigtail cheese, as well as processed and curd cheese. Vegetable mix should also be as diverse as possible. In addition to cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers, you can cut carrots and onion rings. Also, many people love greens, olives, beans, so you should stock up on these products.

In addition to bread and sandwich buns, take pita bread with you, and as soon as the grill is ready, cook it in a few minutes delicious snack with tomatoes and cheese. In this way, guests will satisfy their hunger a little and will be able to wait for the main festive dishes. For more details, see the link on our website.

Salad with tomatoes and champignons

You can also make a salad as an appetizer. cut it too better at home in advance. This salad is just right for standing for a while before being eaten. As an idea: it’s better to immediately spread the salad, for example, into plastic glasses with lids, then guests can easily eat it, and at the same time they won’t overturn anything or stain their clothes while they lay out the dish on disposable plates. In order to prepare such a salad with mushrooms and tomatoes, you will need:

  • 400 grams of cherry tomatoes
  • 200 grams of fresh champignons
  • basil and green onion to taste

for refueling:

  • four tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • four tablespoons of olive oil
  • ground pepper and salt to taste
  • one and a half teaspoons of sugar

First you need to wash the tomatoes and greens, dry them on a napkin and cut them. Basil and onion are cut as small as possible, and tomatoes are cut in half. After that, you need to clean the mushrooms and cut them into several pieces along.
Then the filling is ready. To do this, vinegar is mixed with oil and spices. Then the tomatoes are mixed with herbs, mushrooms, poured with dressing and everything is mixed well. After that, the salad can be divided into portions and left in the refrigerator for at least three hours. You can make this dish before going out into nature and put glasses with salad in a cooler bag.

Main course

Not one trip to nature is complete without barbecue, and meat cooked on fire is certainly the highlight of any holiday. Everyone has their own recipe. delicious barbecue, and the most important thing in this matter is to properly marinate the meat. Moreover, it does not always take a lot of time, if you use, for example, mayonnaise, spices and kiwi, then it will take a little more than an hour for the meat to be ready for frying - and during this time you can just get to the place of celebration. It remains only to light the grill. step by step photos how, see the link on our website.

Wings on the fire

By the way, you can fry on fire not only pork, but also chicken wings. They are very tasty and crispy. By the way, you can also marinate chicken in mayonnaise sauce. Or do soy honey sauce. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of honey and mustard to the soy sauce. If the honey has thickened, heat it up a little. Salt and seasonings to taste.

Mushrooms on the grill

As a side dish for meat dishes, you can bake vegetables, or, for example, champignons. By the way, the cooked ones are very similar in taste to meat, so this dish can be made when there are those who don’t eat meat as guests, or when there are a lot of people, and there is a chance that not everyone will eat barbecue.

The best companion meat dishes definitely is the potato. It can also be baked on the grill, but it will be faster to feed the guests if you prepare this side dish in advance. At home, you can boil potatoes, drain the water, add butter, herbs, onions, close the pan, wrap it in paper, then wrap it tightly with a large towel and put it in the trunk. So the potatoes will retain their heat, and it can be served with freshly cooked kebabs. If simple potato if you don’t like it, you can mash it, or stew potatoes with vegetables.


As an addition to all meals, or at the end of the holiday, when everyone is hungry again, you can make fresh cutlet sandwiches that can be served hot. Here is what it takes to make hamburgers in nature, for example, for five people:

  • 5 cutlets: 500 grams of ground beef, one large onion, 100 grams of any hard cheese, 100 grams of breadcrumbs, olive oil, pepper and salt
  • 5 buns
  • bulb
  • 5 slices of processed cheese
  • leaf salad
  • big tomato
  • sauces to taste

First you need to make meatballs. You can form them at home on the eve of the holiday, then freeze them and take them to the place of celebration in a cooler bag. First you need to grate the cheese and finely chop the onion. Then the onion must be fried in olive oil, cool slightly and mixed with minced meat and grated cheese. You can salt, pepper, mix the mixture well, form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. In the middle of each hamburger blank, you need to make a small indentation so that the patties do not lose their shape.

Ready cutlets must be fried on a wire rack on both sides until a dark crust appears. It remains only to cut the buns into two parts, dry them and lay out the lettuce leaves. Then you can put cutlets, pour your favorite sauce, add cheese, onion rings, tomatoes and close the hamburgers with the top of the buns.

Stuffed pepper

You can cook vegetables very tasty on a real fire, and it will be very convenient to eat stuffed halves bell pepper. Here's what you need for this dish:

  • six peppers
  • 300 grams of parmesan
  • four cloves of garlic
  • 100 milliliters olive oil
  • 50 grams chopped walnuts
  • canned corn
  • fresh basil

In this case, it is better to make the stuffing for peppers at home, and fill the vegetables and bake them in nature. First you need to grate the cheese. It is better to immediately put 100 grams into a container, as the cheese will be needed for sprinkling already stuffed peppers. After that, peel the garlic and finely chop the cloves. Then you need to mix the oil with garlic, walnuts and finely chopped basil leaves.
Then you need to remove all the seeds from the peppers and cut them in half lengthwise. Eight halves must also be sent to the container, and four cut into small cubes.
After that, we finish preparing the filling. Fry the chopped pepper until soft, add the resulting mixture of cheese and corn. After five minutes, remove the pan from the stove. Ready stuffing cool and put in the refrigerator.
In nature, all that remains is to put the halves of the peppers on the grill, bake them for several minutes on the inside, then stuff them, sprinkle with cheese and put on the grill for some more time until the peel darkens and becomes soft.

banana boats

You can even cook dessert on the grill. Bananas are the best for this. delicious treat can be arranged in the form of boats, this will require foil. Here are the required ingredients:


Of course, a picnic is not complete without alcohol, but refreshing drinks are also needed. And it is not necessary to buy them, because you can cook real delicious lemonade. For this you need:

  • five lemons
  • 800 grams of sugar
  • one and a half liters of water

First you need to peel the lemons. Then the skin must be finely chopped, put in a deep container, covered with all the sugar and set aside for one hour. After that, you need to boil water, pour it into a container with lemon zest and wait about thirty minutes. At this time, you can squeeze the juice of all the lemons, strain it and add it to the water with lemon peel. If desired, the peel can be immediately laid out, or you can leave and pour the lemonade into transparent bottles.

Here is one example of a birthday menu that is celebrated in nature, but, of course, you should always proceed from the wishes of the birthday man himself and the taste preferences of the guests.

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One of the most beloved and popular entertainments of the summer time without a shadow of a doubt can be called a picnic trip. A sunny day and a pleasant company will certainly raise your mood to unattainable heights, and delicious food will help make your outdoor recreation truly complete, give you strength and add pleasure. And this is where the most important question arises, forcing many housewives to rack their brains. What to cook for a picnic? What dishes to prepare in advance or what products to stock up to treat your friends and loved ones delicious food without spending too much effort on its preparation? Let's try to figure this out together!

Try to limit your choice of picnic foods and foods to foods that do not spoil in hot weather. Any fresh vegetables and fruits, pre-marinated kebabs, meat and fish products. Perfect for picnics different kinds ready-made smoked meats, fish and poultry, will not spoil your vacation and most types of cheese. But from various ready-made salads, especially from salads seasoned with mayonnaise, it is better to refrain. It is too likely that such salads simply will not reach the picnic venue, but will turn sour on the road, spoiling your rest and mood. If for some reason you are not ready to give up your usual dishes with mayonnaise, then season them immediately before serving. The same applies to the popular picnic sandwiches, sandwiches and canapes. You should not prepare them in advance, it is better to collect your sandwiches right before eating, it will not take much time, but such sandwiches will delight you with their freshness and taste.

Going on a picnic, do not forget to take care of the necessary cutlery. Take a thick blanket with you to help organize your impromptu table, and cover it with a waterproof tablecloth. Do not take heavy porcelain or ceramic dishes, modern disposable plates and cups weigh much less, save space in your luggage, and a wide range of such dishes in our supermarkets will allow you to choose cutlery that fully matches your aesthetic taste. Oh yes, disposable dishes do not need to be washed! Don't forget to stock up big amount napkins and be sure to take a thick garbage bag with you, because you will want to visit the once chosen place more than once, and you will be very pleased to see that this corner of nature has been kept clean thanks to your efforts.

Today, Culinary Eden brings you a selection of tips and recipes that are sure to help even those who are about to organize their first outdoor trip and tell you what to cook for a picnic.

1. Going on a picnic, most of us can not do without some types of perishable foods, and even more so without cold drinks. To save optimal temperature A portable refrigerator is perfect, but what about those who have not yet acquired such a device? Do not despair and be smart! Freeze a few juice bags and plastic bottles ahead of time. mineral water in the freezer. Before you start packing your picnic food, place frozen drinks at the very bottom of the basket or box, wrapping them in pieces of lightweight cloth. And already on top of your drinks, lay the products prepared for packaging. This simple technique will help you perfectly keep the freshness of any quickly spoiling products, and by the time it's time to call everyone to the table, your drinks will have thawed, keeping their cool and freshness.

2. Snack sandwiches are prepared very quickly and simply with garlic oil. All you need is to prepare the butter for this snack in advance. Place 200 gr. in a blender bowl. butter room temperature, add four crushed garlic cloves and 50 gr. chopped green dill. Scroll everything together in a blender for one minute, transfer to Plastic container and refrigerate. Before starting a meal, brush pieces of rye or wheat bread, lay a thin slice of smoked meat or fish on top, garnish with slices of any fresh vegetables and dill sprigs. Your sandwiches are ready!

3. Delicious French country sandwiches can be prepared in advance, or you can cook right in nature, replacing the ham with slices of freshly grilled meat or poultry. Cut off the top of one French baguette. Carefully remove a portion of the pulp so that a cavity forms in the baguette along its entire length. Drizzle the baguette with a dressing of one tablespoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of good wine or balsamic vinegar. Prepare the filling separately. To do this, finely chop, mix and season with olive oil one large tomato, one cucumber, one Bell pepper, half a red onion and two tablespoons of chopped parsley and basil, salt to taste. Put the finished filling into the baguette recess, and spread the ham slices on top. Lubricate the top of the baguette with a mixture of 3 tbsp. tablespoons of softened butter and 1 teaspoon of mustard. Cover your filled baguette with the top half, press down gently and cut crosswise into portions.

4. Classic Greek salad perfect for picnics. It is very easy to prepare such a salad, and its refreshing taste will perfectly save you from summer heat. Wash thoroughly and coarsely chop three ripe tomatoes and one cucumber. Cut one large red onion and two small sweet peppers into circles. Prepare the dressing separately. To do this, mix 6 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 2 tbsp. spoons wine vinegar, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix the prepared vegetables and put in a salad bowl, pour over the dressing, put 150 gr on top. diced feta cheese and sprinkle your salad with 2 tablespoons chopped parsley and oregano. Before serving, decorate the salad with large pitted olives.

5. No American BBQ is complete without a warm potato salad. Preparing such a salad is not at all difficult. Prepare your salad dressing the night before your trip to nature. To do this, put in a blender bowl ½ cup of peeled hazelnuts (hazelnuts), 100 gr. parsley without sprigs, two cloves of garlic, 5 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste. Grind it all together until you get thick green mass, transfer to a plastic container and refrigerate. While your kebabs are cooking, bake 10 small potatoes, washed and wrapped in foil, in the ashes. Ready potatoes peel off the skin, cut into large pieces and transfer to a salad bowl. Add 4 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped green onions and your dressing. Mix thoroughly and serve immediately.

6. Of course, no trip out of town is complete without barbecue, barbecue or grill. Try to cook delicious pork ribs. Prepare the passata sauce ahead of time. In a deep saucepan, heat 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, add one finely chopped onion and two minced garlic cloves. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes until the onion is soft. Then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried herbs oregano, 800 gr. canned tomatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons tomato paste and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar. Simmer, stirring frequently, for 20 minutes. Add 4 crushed fresh tomatoes without skin and seeds, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly and simmer for a couple more minutes. Remove from heat and refrigerate. For marinating ribs, you will need 500 gr. this sauce. The rest of the sauce can be stored in the refrigerator and used to make pasta. Pour 500 gr. passata sauce, add 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey, 3 tbsp. spoons soy sauce and 6 st. spoons of sherry Mix thoroughly and bring to a boil. One kilogram pork ribs rinse thoroughly, cut portioned pieces and place in a saucepan with marinade. Stew the ribs in the marinade for 15 minutes, remove from heat, cool and transfer to a glass or plastic utensils. Leave in cool place for 6 - 10 hours. Grill over charcoal as usual. Serve with hot sauce and fresh vegetables.

7. It's easy to cook spicy chicken wings on the grill. One kilogram chicken wings rinse and place in a marinating bowl. Prepare the marinade separately. To do this, mix 180 ml. vegetable oil, 2 minced garlic cloves, 2 minced hot peppers chili, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cumin, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of turmeric, 1 tbsp. spoon ground coriander, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated lemon zest, 2 teaspoons of curry, salt to taste. Pour the wings with the finished marinade, mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for 3-6 hours to marinate. Grill over coals.

8. Love fish dishes? There is nothing easier cooking delicious salmon grilled with lemon oil. All you need is to prepare the oil in advance. To do this, scroll in a blender until smooth 180 gr. softened butter, 2 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped green cilantro without twigs, juice of ½ lemon, salt to taste. Cool the finished butter in the refrigerator, or rather freeze it. Already in nature lay out on a sheet parchment paper 2 kg. salmon steaks, drizzle with a mixture of 3 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, juice of ½ lemon and a pinch white pepper. Leave the steaks to marinate for 10 minutes and then grill on the grill over the coals. Place a small cube of lemon oil on each cooked steak and serve immediately.

9. Most the best dessert at the end of the meal in nature will serve fresh fruits. If regular apple, pear or peach will seem too boring for a picnic, try cooking fruit salad. Refreshing and juicy, this salad will appeal to both adults and children. Remove the skin and seeds, and then cut into small cubes of 100 gr. apples, pears, bananas and oranges. Add a handful of white and black grapes. Stir gently and top with a mixture of 120 ml. orange juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey. Ready salad sprinkle with crushed kernels walnut and serve to the table.

10. Tired of purchased drinks? Make your own lemonade! Pour one glass of water into a small saucepan, add one glass of sugar and heat over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup, add the juice of 5 lemons, mix thoroughly and strain through cheesecloth. Ready lemon syrup pour into a bottle and refrigerate. During a picnic, you only need to dilute your syrup with cold mineral water to taste, pour into glasses, garnishing each with a slice of lemon and a mint leaf.

More proven recipes and interesting ideas you can find on the pages of "Culinary Eden", who is always happy to tell you what to cook for a picnic.

Summer is the time for nature trips and picnics. Such a holiday is associated not only with fresh air, trees, a river, but also with delicious food.

However, summer is also the time when the risk of poisoning is highest. The scorching sun can quickly ruin even freshly prepared meals. They need to be selected with special care for a picnic.

The choice of dishes for a picnic is huge. What to cook - depends on individual preferences, as well as whether you plan to build a fire and cook something on the spot, such as barbecue or ribs.

Don't take it for a summer picnic. perishable products- pâtés soft cheeses, curds, cakes, raw eggs, salads with mayonnaise and chocolate. Owners of portable refrigerators can skip this rule, but only if the food will not be exposed to air for a long time.

If you plan to cook barbecue outdoors, then a bowl of meatballs, cabbage rolls and other dishes will be out of place. Appetizers and sandwiches will be very useful to you, they will allow you not to die of hunger while waiting for the main course. It is desirable that the picnic food is not too greasy and heavy. Consider the most popular products that are suitable for outdoor recreation.

  1. Meat

Meat is at the top of the list. It can be prepared at home. For a picnic, fried chops are suitable, chicken legs, which can be cooked in crackers or batter, and baked chicken.

A good option would be lazy chops. Cooking them is simple: take 1 kg of any minced meat, break 3 eggs into it, add spices to taste, salt and pepper. Stir and put the minced meat with a spoon on a frying pan heated with oil, forming small "chops" and fry them on both sides. If the stuffing comes out thick, add another one to it. From minced meat, you can form chops with your hands, and dip in flour, then in an egg and fry.

For nature the best option there will be meat on the coals. Both for grilling and barbecue, it is worth picking up meat with fatty streaks. From pork, loin, rump, brisket and neck are recommended. For grilling - tenderloin, brisket and loin on the bone and ribs. From beef - the inner region of the hind leg, rump, sirloin and clipping. From lamb - shoulder blade, ribs and hind leg. From chicken - wings and legs.

It is better to marinate the meat at home - this will prevent it from spoiling and allow it to marinate. Traditional marinade considered a mixture of oil, acid and onion. You can use any oil, without a pronounced aroma, it will cover the meat with a film that will not allow it to dry out during frying, so it will remain juicy. Used as an acid dry wine, vinegar or . The onions will enhance the taste. You can use spices.

  1. Sausages, sausages

Sausages are useful for making sandwiches and as a snack. And if they are cooked on coals, they will serve as the main dish.

If you do not plan to build a fire and fry on it, give up boiled sausage, because in the open air it quickly becomes weathered and becomes unattractive. For sandwiches, it is worth buying ready-made cuts.

Sausages and wieners are ideal for charcoal cooking. They can be cut and fried, laid out on a grill or put on a skewer.

  1. Fish

Fish can be cooked at home. Better take the fillet - this will save you from fussing with the bones. It can be made in batter or breading.

Grilled fish comes out delicious. Catfish, cod, carp, mackerel, catfish, sturgeon, trout, salmon and salmon are suitable for grilling.

It is better to marinate fish at home. No fat is needed for marinating - just enough lemon juice, soy sauce or white wine, and spices.

  1. Vegetables and fruits

Ideal foods for nature are vegetables. They can be eaten raw, used in salads, or grilled over charcoal. Wash them well before taking them on a picnic.

Potatoes can be taken raw and then baked in coals, cooked on a skewer, or boiled in their jackets at home.

Cabbage, onions, herbs, cucumbers, radishes and bell peppers are suitable for making salads. On the coals are obtained delicious mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes. They can be cooked on the grill or in the form of kebabs.

  1. Grilled or grilled vegetables

Grilling vegetables is easy. Make a marinade at home by combining olive oil with a little wine vinegar, salt and black pepper. For a picnic, chop the vegetables, toss them with the marinade, and let sit for 1/4 hour. Oil the grate and fry the vegetables. 7 minutes is enough for each side.

Vegetables may or may not be pickled. If you are cooking eggplants, they should be chopped, salted and left for 20 minutes to get rid of bitterness. Sprinkle pieces of vegetables, fry, put in a dish and season with sauce. You can choose the sauce according to your taste. A mixture of balsamic vinegar, sugar, salt, garlic and olive oil is combined with vegetables.

  1. Shish kebab from vegetables

For cooking, you can use any vegetables - zucchini, bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplant and onions. Tomatoes should be taken small, they can be left whole or cut in half. The remaining vegetables can be cut into rings, for example, eggplant and zucchini, or into cubes - bell peppers. Put them on a skewer and pour over the sauce. To prepare it, combine 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1 tbsp. olive oil, the same amount of lemon juice and Italian herbs. Drizzle the sauce over the strung vegetables - do this over a clean container to use the sauce that has dripped off the vegetables. Arrange vegetable kebab on the grill and bring to readiness. Turn vegetables over and baste with sauce.

  1. canned food

Canned food is not a mandatory option for nature, but you can use it if you are not going to cook over a fire. You can take with you canned fish, seafood and peas.

Homemade preparations will fit into the picnic - salads, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and mushrooms. In the fresh air, such food quickly disperses.

Do not take processed and semi-hard cheeses for a picnic, as they quickly lose their appeal. For a trip to nature, hard, soft brine and smoked cheeses. They can be used to make sandwiches and salads, as well as independent snack. Cheeses are best grated or cut at home.

  1. Bread and pastries

Many cannot do without bread, so it must be taken. Take at the rate of 1/2 loaf for 1 person. Flat cakes and pita bread are suitable for a picnic. You can take hamburger buns, hot dogs and stuff them on the spot.

Closed meat or cheese pies. Kids will love it sweet pastries- cookies, biscuits without creams and rolls.

  1. Water and drinks

Water is useful not only for quenching thirst, but also for washing hands. You can take a thermos with coffee or tea, juice and compote for a picnic.

Other products

In nature, you need salt. Not prevent vegetable oil and sauces - you can cook yourself or buy ready-made, and spices.

To protect yourself and loved ones, get a thermal bag or make one like it. To do this, freeze plastic bottles water, mineral water or other drinks that you plan to take to the picnic. Before collecting a bag for nature, line its bottom and sides with a thick cloth or towel, place bottles of frozen liquid, and lay food on top. When it's time to sit down at the table, you will get not only fresh food, but also nice cool drinks.

Picnic salads

Most picnic salads are best dressed on site. Some of them are worth cooking in nature, for example, tomato salad. This will preserve the freshness, taste and appearance. hearty salads with the addition of mayonnaise for picnics are not suitable, because they quickly deteriorate and become weathered. The same can be said about dishes seasoned with sour-milk products.

Consider salads suitable for a picnic.

A great salad for a picnic in nature - Greek. Its main ingredients are feta, tomatoes, onions, oregano and olive oil. Other products can be added at will.

Required products:

  • 3 ripe tomatoes;
  • 1/2 bell pepper;
  • medium cucumber;
  • medium red onion;
  • 3 tbsp olive oil;
  • 120 gr. feta;
  • 20 pitted olives;
  • 1 tbsp a spoonful of oregano;
  • salt and black pepper.

Chop all the vegetables, except for the tomatoes - it's best to chop them and add them to a salad at a picnic. Onions and cucumbers - half rings, peppers - straws.

Mix vegetables, put olives to them and place the salad in a container. Cut the feta into cubes and pack separately. Prepare a dressing of salt, oregano, pepper and oil, pour it into suitable container. Arriving at a picnic, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes to the salad. Season, stir and sprinkle with feta on top.

At home, cut the cabbage, cucumbers into half rings, dill and green onions. Mix and put in a container. Separately, prepare the dressing from sunflower oil, a small amount vinegar and salt, pour it into a container. At the picnic, it remains to add dressing to the container with vegetables and mix.

Caprese salad

The salad is prepared quickly, so it can be made at a picnic. Cut into rings four tomatoes and 1/2 kg of Mozzarella cheese. Arrange them and the basil leaves nicely on a platter, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil.

Similarly, you can prepare other salads, such as Caesar or regular salad with radishes, tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers.


Prepare sandwiches for a picnic in nature. If you stocked up on cutting, then quickly make them on the spot. They will turn out tastier if slices of bread are fried on a fire. Cheese, meat, sausage and vegetables can be put between slices of bread. Put them on the grill and hold them over the fire, then you will get excellent hot sandwiches.

Fast simple sandwiches can be made from French loaf. Cut it lengthwise, scoop out some of the pulp to make a small indentation, then add your favorite toppings and cut the bread into pieces.

avocado sandwiches

Sandwiches with original taste will delight you. You will need a French loaf, goat cheese, arugula, pesto sauce, onion rings, avocado, fried or boiled breast.

Cut the loaf lengthwise, brush the bottom with cheese and layer the remaining ingredients, brushing with sauce. Cover with the top and cut the bread into portions.

Ham sandwiches

Prepare the filling. cut thin slices cucumber, tomato, bell pepper half rings and 1/2 red onion. Combine chopped parsley and basil, a little olive oil and salt. Pour dressing over vegetables.

Cut the loaf lengthwise, remove some pulp, sprinkle the inside with a mixture of 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tbsp. balsamic vinegar. Arrange lettuce leaves, toppings and ham slices. Brush the top slice of bread with the butter and mustard mixture. Cover their sandwich.

If you have the patience, try making canapé sandwiches. The dish looks spectacular and is easy to eat.
