
Making salads for the holiday table. Beautiful salads

For some people, decorating a salad may seem like an unnecessary chore. But believe it or not, a spectacularly presented dish increases the appetite. Preparing a delicious dish is half the success, and a beautiful presentation can turn an ordinary salad into a special and unique one. And it doesn't require advanced art, but all you need is basic culinary skills and creativity!

We want to offer you interesting ideas for decorating salads so that these dishes look more elegant and appetizing.

1. Salad decoration "Poppies"

The dish should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. To do this, you can use a decoration of tomatoes and olives. On the surface of the lettuce, sprinkled with grated cheese, in the shape of a flower, arrange sliced ​​​​tomatoes. Place olives in the middle of each “poppy”, and make stems and leaves from dill sprigs.

2. Lettuce chamomile

You can lay out a salad in the form of chamomile. Sprinkle the petals with grated egg white, and decorate the middle of the flower with grated yolk. To make the decoration look more impressive, place a “ladybug” made from half a tomato and an olive on top.

3. Salad decoration with olive flowers

This garnish idea is perfect for crab stick salad. Sprinkle the surface with grated cheese, put olives in the form of flowers on top and add parsley leaves. Now everyone can enjoy a really beautiful salad.

4. Salad in glasses

This colorful salad can be served in beautiful serving glasses. Top each serving glass with grated cheese and red caviar. Very simple and beautiful!

5. Decoration of the salad "Nest of hazel grouse"

A spectacular and fun idea for decorating a vegetable salad. Cover the surface with crispy potatoes, and place boiled quail eggs on the green leaves in the center. Your guests will surely appreciate your creativity and efforts.

6. Making a layered salad

Thanks to this beautiful design, a delicious multi-layered salad will look bright and festive. You just need to decorate it with carrot flowers with olives and herbs, placing them along the edges of the salad on a surface covered with grated cheese.

7. Decoration of the bird cherry salad

And this is how you can arrange a fish salad with grated beets. It is very easy to do this. It is necessary to place a branch of fresh parsley on top of the beet layer, and lay bird cherry brushes from grated egg whites.

8. Caprese salad

A spectacular idea for serving the famous Caprese salad. Make a thin longitudinal cut on one side of each tomato for stability. Now cut the tomatoes vertically (not reaching the edge) and alternately insert pieces of cheese and basil leaves between the cuts in each tomato.

9. Composition

Why not make an original composition of salad ingredients. For example, it is nice to arrange chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, paprika, olives, cheese and onions on a serving dish.

10. Salad decoration with shrimp and avocado

An ordinary salad will look more refined and appetizing if served on slices of avocado, garnished with shrimp on top.

Here are some salad dressing ideas.

Try to make your salads bright, combine ingredients of different colors in them - green, red, yellow, orange. This will give not only a beautiful look to the dish, but will also affect the appetite, strengthening it.

The main rule: the decoration of the salad should be in harmony with the taste of the main components of the recipe. Ideally, the decoration should be from the same ingredients that are part of the salad.

The exception is such decoration details that are easily removed from the salad and do not mix with it. For example, "mushrooms" from halves of cucumber and tomato or "flowers" from boiled carrots. Typically, such removable "decorations" are located in the center of the salad and stand out strongly above its surface.

In some photographs posted by hostesses on the Internet, you can see that even meat salads are placed with a central decoration of strawberries or grape seeds. Of course, such decorations look bright and impressive, but their use is far from always appropriate. Therefore, before you decorate the crab salad with your favorite composition of vegetables and fruits, you need to carefully check the ingredients of the decoration and replace those that can give juice and spoil the taste of the salad.

The second rule in the design: "curly" salads in the form of fish, snakes, crabs, etc. obtained only from salads with finely chopped products and a sticky consistency.

How can you decorate salads?

How you can decorate salads, fantasy will tell. Crab salad can be laid out on a dish in the form of a fish with a striped color of "scales" of boiled egg or rice and contrasting yellow corn. Such a salad will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Meat salad, salad with beans and ham can be turned into a cake. For this arrange the ingredients better, without mixing, and each top layer should be slightly smaller in coverage area than the previous one: this way the “cake” does not crumble and keeps its shape. With dressing (usually mayonnaise), the finished salad is covered like a cake with icing. And a walnut, which is part of the salad itself, can become a decoration. When serving, such a cake is cut into pieces and mixed already in a plate.

Shrimp salad can be arranged in the form of a flower and decorated with shrimps, placing each on a separate petal, and place a “rose” of lemon in the center of the flower.

How to decorate a winter salad so that none of the guests recognizes a familiar dish in a culinary masterpiece? The first option - curly design. A winter salad will make a perfect snowman with a carrot nose and pea eyes.

The second option is cake., the surface of which will be completely covered with finely chopped greens, decorated with peas and mayonnaise patterns. In such a cake, there is no need to arrange the ingredients in layers, the main thing is to simply lay it in the form of a high circle on a dish and properly “mask”.


Cucumbers are the most magnificent material for decorating salads, and they use both pickled, salted, and fresh cucumbers. Cucumbers can be cut into slices, slices, cubes, circles, rings, a fan - whatever you like.

Carrots are commonly used to garnish salads due to their bright, persistent color. In this case, you can also take both fresh and boiled carrots. You can cut carrots into bars, circles, stars, tulips, vases.

Tomato is also one of the commonly used vegetables in salad dressing. Tomatoes can be cut in half, remove the ovary from both halves, and then fill them with green peas, mushrooms, cheese and other products suitable for salad.


Salads are decorated with onion rings, cutting the onion into thin slices. On the surface of a large bulb, you can make a cross-cut incision - you get a chrysanthemum flower. Almost all salads are decorated with dill, green onions, parsley. Small green leaves can be put whole.


Lemons, as a rule, decorate salads made from fish. Stripes are made on the peel of a lemon with a carved knife, and then the lemon is cut into thin slices and decorated with a salad. Pomegranate seeds add spice to any salad due to their size.

Meat products

Slices of sausage or ham are twisted into rolls. A cross-shaped incision is made on the sausage, which opens in the form of a rosette after heating it in hot water.


Hard-boiled eggs are cut into slices or finely chopped. Various figurines are made from a whole egg. Separately grated yolk and protein are suitable for small portions of salad; they are sprinkled on top of salads.

Thus, salads should be decorated so that the main composition of the salads is visible, but at the same time, the decoration should be simple and tastefully decorated. We talked about 5 ways to decorate salads, you can also see photos in the article.


Decorative carving of fruits and vegetables - carving, has become popular in recent years. Decorations for salads can be made from different products, for example: cheese, if it is cut with a curly knife into pieces of various shapes - triangles, squares, rhombuses, and so on. On the peel of a lemon, you can make curly cuts, and then cut it into thin slices.

You can make bells from cucumbers, cut them into ribbons and make roses out of them, and water lilies out of cucumbers and eggs. Thick cucumbers can be turned into baskets and filled with sour berries or small radishes.

Tomatoes are useful as fly agarics and roses, and radishes for cones and tulips. Just hold them in cold water so that bitterness comes out. A chrysanthemum made from radish will look just amazing.

And the eggs! What only of them do not. Mushrooms, petals, flowers. They are rubbed, cut, cut. Here's how to decorate flower-shaped potato salad with them.

Or this salad with smoked chicken and pineapple.

Mushrooms are an excellent decoration for salads. Champignons, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, butter mushrooms, boiled and pickled look beautiful. What is the view of mushroom meadow salad worth, from which your guests will definitely be delighted.

Lettuce leaves line a salad bowl or put it in a separate bunch. They not only decorate dishes, but are also very useful themselves.

Photo how to decorate salads

Most salads contain boiled eggs, with which you can decorate any salad in an original way, showing fiction and imagination. As a basis for such a decoration, you can take protein and yolk grated on a fine grater, which are contrasting in color and make an original topping. To do this, the entire surface of the salad must be leveled and smeared with mayonnaise on top, and then sprinkle according to the intended pattern. For example, sprinkle the middle of the salad with yolk, and around the edges - protein. But this is the easiest option, but you want to surprise and please loved ones with something more original. In this case, you can lay out the protein and yolk in the form of flowers, and this will most likely turn out to be chamomile, with dill or parsley stalks.

And it is better to decorate the spring version of the salad with a sprig of mimosa, which is easy to make if you put a dill stalk in the middle of the salad and sprinkle it with grated yolk like mimosa balls. On a white mayonnaise background, it will look very gentle and beautiful.

Vegetable salads are decorated with vegetables, carving flowers, ornaments and other decorations from them. The art of carving out of vegetables even stood out in a separate line of creativity called carving. Of course, like any art, carving requires certain knowledge, skills and special tools, so it is unlikely to suit every housewife, but you can decorate the salad with vegetables in an original way without carving. For example, lay out the top of the salad with slices of tomatoes and cucumbers in the form of a flower, small flowers can be made from small red onion rings, and green onion arrows will be the stems. If there is canned corn in the salad, then you can put the salad on a dish in the form of two or three cobs and stick corn kernels on top of the mayonnaise, and put green onion feathers on the bottom to simulate the stem.

If cheese is included in the salad, then this is a very plastic material for decoration, which can be used both in grated form and in plates rolled up in the form of petals, from which you can make a magnificent flower or several callas.

Small pickled cucumbers, intricately connected with toothpicks, will become a real cactus planted in the center of the salad, and if there are fresh tomatoes or bell peppers in the salad, then the cactus can be made blooming by decorating with figured slices of cherry tomatoes or peppers.

Plot motifs in the decoration of salads look very original, which can be associated with the hobby of the birthday man or. It is clear that one of the New Year's salads must be laid out with a Christmas tree, decorating it with toys made from all the ingredients of the salad, and for Women's Day, a salad with decoration in the form of flowers will be appropriate.

A huge scope for imagination is given by children's holidays, when kids need to be interested in the type of dish, but it is better to make a salad for children in the form of portioned figures so as not to destroy the overall decoration. These can be shortcrust pastry baskets, egg halves filled with lettuce, spread with lettuce, and garnished with crackers.

Figures are best made in the form of muzzles of familiar animals, which delights kids or in the form of their favorite fruits.

Fairy-tale characters such as kolobok or cheburashka would be appropriate. Koloboks can be molded from any dense salad and rolled in grated yolk, protein or crab sticks, and draw eyes and mouth with ketchup or stick peas.

Decoration and decoration of salads.

New Year's salad decoration

Father Frost

New Year's salad decoration in the form of Santa Claus for a winter salad or Russian salad is also suitable for decorating a herring under a fur coat.

Prepare the salad and arrange it in an even layer on a plate.

Grate the boiled carrots on a medium grater and cover the salad with a thin layer, except for the place for the face of Santa Claus.

Cover the face with grated protein. Cut the olive in half and spread on the face.

From half a cherry tomato, make a nose and a mouth. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and spread it around the face, decorate the coat and make a pom-pom on the hat.

Christmas trees

Winter salad sprinkled with egg white and decorated with cucumber Christmas trees.

Salad decoration with chicken breast

Put the salad in a slide on a flat plate covered with Chinese cabbage leaves. Cut the chicken breast into slices and arrange on the salad in a circle.

egg salad dressing

How to decorate a salad with eggs? This is easy and fast to do. Due to their shape and properties, eggs can be cut into flower petals, and the yolk can be used as the center of the flower.

It is desirable that the eggs are combined in taste with the ingredients that make up the salad. This is ideal decoration for salads with eggs, for example, such as Olivier or winter salad.


Arrange the salad in a bowl on a plate. Decorate the salad with egg petals along the edge of the plate. Decorate the middle of the chamomile with grated yolk. Decorate the chamomile with green parsley leaves.

Simple decoration of vegetable salad with eggs

Put the salad on a plate. Egg slices are laid out along the edge of the salad plate and on top.

winter salad decoration

Making a salad slide

Put the salad in a salad bowl. Cut the egg into slices, which are laid out on a salad. Decorate the salad with sausage strips and green peas.

Making a winter salad or Olivier as an appetizer

Cut cucumber strips with a special knife.

Twist a ring from a cucumber strip.

Lay lettuce leaves at the bottom of each ringlet.

Arrange the winter salad or Olivier and sprinkle grated egg yolk on top.

Salad decoration with mushrooms


Cut the mushrooms lengthwise and fry in vegetable oil until fully cooked. Chilled mushrooms are placed on the cap of our salad mushroom.

We lay out the strips of fresh cucumber at the bottom of the mushroom.


You can beautifully and simply arrange champignon mushrooms in the form of a cone. Mushrooms can be taken fresh and fried, or pickled. Each subsequent layer of champignons covers the previous one in a checkerboard pattern. Finish the salad with a sprig of dill.

Salad decoration Herring under a fur coat

Decorate the top of the salad with grated potatoes, strips of egg white, for the eye of the fish - a circle of eggs.

Salad decoration "Monomakh's Cap"

Decoration of vegetable salad with olives, tomatoes and cucumbers "Berry"

A vegetable salad dressing with simple ingredients can be made easily and simply from olives and cherry tomatoes, and a delicious salad will look like a delicious berry.

salad ingredients

  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • 200 gr green peas
  • 1/3 small fresh cabbage
  • 5-9 pitted olives
  • 2-3 eggs
  • mayonnaise or vegetable oil

Ingredients for decorating salad "Berry"

  • 5-6 olives
  • 12-15 cherry tomatoes
  • some fresh cucumber

To prepare the salad itself, cut the olives into four parts, chop the cabbage, chop the eggs not coarsely. Add green peas and mix everything. Dress the salad with mayonnaise. You can also dress the salad with vegetable oil. And then the eggs can be excluded from the salad. Both salads are delicious.

Put the salad in a salad bowl. To decorate the salad, cut the tomatoes and olives in half, cut the cucumber into small slices. Spread the berry halves of cherry tomatoes, alternating them with halves of olives. On top of the berries we lay the slices of cucumbers in a row.

Decoration for vegetable salads "Basket"

How to make a vegetable salad decoration with your own hands. We offer to make a beautiful vegetable salad "Basket with berries".

Actually, the salad itself is easy and quick to prepare from fresh vegetables (cabbage and cucumber) with the addition of grated cheese. You can decorate such a salad even faster and effectively with the help of cherry tomatoes and pitted olives.


  • 1/2 small fresh cabbage
  • 100 gr hard cheese
  • 1 cucumber

To decorate a salad

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • 1 small can of pitted olives

Shred the cabbage. Cut fresh cucumber into thin strips. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Mix cheese, cabbage and cucumber, season with vegetable oil.

We spread the salad in a salad bowl and level the surface with a spoon, compacting slightly from the sides.

We make a basket of olives. To do this, cut the pitted olives in half.

Arrange the olive halves on half of the lettuce. And also lay out the handle of the basket of olives as in the photo.

Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Put the tomato halves in the basket. A beautiful basket of berries is ready.

Simple salad dressing with cucumbers

Lay the lettuce in a salad bowl. Cut the cucumbers in half and arrange the salads along the edge, make a flower in the center of the salad. Finish the salad with sweet corn.

Salad decoration for March 8

To lay the salad you will need a flat plate, two narrow glasses. We put the salad on a plate around the glasses, compacting and leveling it along the edges of the salad with a spoon. That is, we form the number 8. Carefully remove the glasses. Using a damp cloth, we remove the excess lettuce that protrudes beyond the contour of our figure eight. Sprinkle the eight with grated egg or cheese. Spread out the parsley leaves.

Decoration for salad Olivier "Butterfly"

Mix all salad ingredients and season with mayonnaise. We spread the salad on a flat plate and form a round shape at the same time, lightly compact with a spoon. The salad turns out viscous and easily retains its shape.

Cut the egg into slices lengthwise. Spread four egg circles on the surface of the salad - these are butterfly wings. Spread the sweet corn around the edge of the egg circles.

Grate boiled carrots on a coarse grater. Arrange the strips of carrots on the wings, and with the help of strips of carrots, you can decorate the salad from the sides. Put the raisins in place of the body and antennae of the butterfly.

Making and decorating salads for children


Salad is laid out on a flat plate in the form of a body with a head and tail. Sprinkle the salad with grated egg. Decorate the head, ears, paws with prunes. From egg white and prunes make eyes, mouth.

Decorating salads is a reason to write a separate article, because beautiful salads are an integral part of the festive feast, when each hostess comes up with something original to make the holiday special.

Beautiful salads are especially relevant when there are small children in the house - it is interesting for children to watch how their mother makes salad decorations, and then they gobble it all up together.

Read also:Examples of decorating salads for the New Year, birthday, anniversary, wedding. How to decorate salads for any celebration. Beautiful salads with descriptions and photos

Also, beautiful salads are relevant for children's matinees, and birthdays. Beautiful decoration of salads is not at all as difficult as it might seem, and it is enough to show a little imagination and your beautiful salads will surprise all guests.

Especially for the readers of the Home Restaurant, I made a photo selection of how to beautifully decorate salads, which I hope will come in handy.

Most of the salads in this article are layered, and to keep their shape, they are best done in a split baking dish, waiting for the salads to harden in the refrigerator, and then remove the ring, and only then proceed to decorate the salads.

Festive salad "Butterfly"

How to cook Butterfly salad with step by step photos you can see

New Year's Salad "Horse"


  • Chicken leg: 1 pc. (or chicken breast: 1 pc.)
  • Fresh cucumbers: 2 pcs. (or sweet bell pepper: 2 pcs.)
  • Mushrooms: 200-300 g
  • Onion: 1 pc
  • Vegetable oil: for frying
  • Chicken eggs: 4 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise: to taste
  • Salt: to taste


Hard boil eggs. Cool down.

Boil the chicken leg (or breast) until tender in salted water (about 30 minutes after boiling). Cool down.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into small cubes.

Wash mushrooms and cut into small cubes.

Heat up a frying pan, add some oil. Place mushrooms and onion in skillet. Cook over medium heat, stirring, for about 10 minutes.

Separate the chicken meat from the bones and cut into pieces.

Wash cucumbers (or bell peppers) and cut into cubes.

Separate whites from yolks. Grate the protein on a fine grater.

Grate the yolk on a fine grater.

Cool mushrooms.

In a bowl, combine the prepared meat and cucumbers.

Salt to taste, season with mayonnaise.

Mix well until smooth.

Combine the yolks with mayonnaise, mix well. (Bring to the consistency of thick sour cream.)

Put the salad on a flat dish (black or burgundy will look more spectacular), forming a horse's head with a knife. You can prepare a pattern in advance.

Lubricate the silhouette of the horse with the yolk mixture. Lay out the mane from the mushrooms.

The last layer is proteins. Finally form the head and ears.

Make eyes and nostrils (for example, from olives), decorate the New Year's salad as you wish. Let the salad rest in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours. New Year's fat t "Horse" is ready.

Salad of crab sticks "Mouse"


  • 150 gr hard cheese (can be processed)
  • 240 gr crab sticks
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 250 gr mayonnaise
  • 1 carrot
  • parsley
  • peppercorns


1. Grate cheese, crab sticks and garlic on a fine grater.

2. Cut carrots into circles.

3. Combine cheese and garlic with mayonnaise, mix well.

4. Put the finished mass in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

5. Form oval molds from the cheese mass.

6. Then roll them in grated crab sticks on all sides.

7. Make ears from carrots, tails from crab sticks, eyes from black pepper.

sakura branch«

Ingredientsfor salad:

300 grams of smoked chicken or pork, cut into strips;

2 small table beets, chopped on a grater;

Bank of pickled champignons;

Egg yolks 4-5 eggs;

Grated cheese 200 grams;

Grated squirrels.

You can add fried or pickled onions after the beets.

Preparing the salad:

Spread all layers with mayonnaise.

Sakura flowers are made from protein, colored with beet juice, branches from black and green olives grated on a fine grater, leek leaves.

Stamens are from the yolk.

The design depends on your taste.

flower pot«

The salad is made in a drop-down form for baking. If there is none, you can use a simple cardboard tape, fastening it in the form of a ring, and wrap it with foil. We lay out in this ring in layers, spreading each with mayonnaise:

1. grilled or smoked chicken, cut into pieces;

2. prunes, cut into strips;

3. champignon mushrooms fried with onions;

4. cucumbers, cut into strips (let them stand before laying out and drain excess liquid),

5. Korean carrots.

For decoration: radish is used, which is soaked in beetroot juice.

If you want lilac flowers - in the juice of red cabbage.

Release the salad from the contour, put unsweetened crackers around the “pot”, decorate with green leaves, which will be at hand. In the photo, the salad is decorated with sorrel.

Lay out the flowers, decorate the middle with yolk, and spread the protein grated on a fine grater between.

Keep in refrigerator until serving.

Salad "Pansies"

Salad "New Year cracker"

The recipe for the New Year's cracker salad with step-by-step photos can be viewed

Salad "Snake" for the New Year 2013

Recipes for the New Year's salad "Snake" (7 pcs) with a photo can be viewed

Salad "Crab"

The recipe for the salad "Crab" can be viewed

Salad "Goldfish"

The recipe for the preparation of the salad "Goldfish" and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Pearl"

The recipe for the salad "Pearl" can be viewed

Salad "White birch"

The recipe for the White Birch salad and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Royal"

Preparation of the Tsarsky salad and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Cornucopia" №1

The recipe for the Horn of Plenty salad No. 1 can be viewed

Salad "Violet"

salad ingredients: smoked legs, prunes, champignons fried with onions, fresh cucumber, Korean carrot, mayonnaise.

cooking : Lay out all the ingredients for the salad in layers, smearing with mayonnaise in a salad bowl, or a detachable form. Cut the radishes into slices, and soak in red cabbage juice so that the violet petals turn lilac. Put spinach leaves on the salad, and then make flowers from radish circles. Make violets from egg yolks. Lay out the sides of the lettuce with crackers.

Salad "Fox coat"

Salad preparation and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Spider line"

salad ingredients: sprats, butter, onions, hard cheese, boiled eggs, mayonnaise. Fresh cucumber, black olives, ketchup, herbs for decoration.

cooking : Mash sprats with a fork and put on a plate, then put finely chopped onion with mayonnaise. The next layer is grated cheese with mayonnaise, then three creamy little, and at the end of the egg.

To decorate, mix 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise with ketchup, and draw a cobweb. Make a spider out of a black olive. Decorate the sides of the salad with cucumbers and herbs.

Eggplant appetizer "Peacock's tail"

Cooking snacks with step by step photos can be viewed

Salad "Fireworks"

salad ingredients: ham, boiled eggs, yellow, red and green bell pepper, tomato, mayonnaise, onion

cooking : Cut all salad ingredients into thin slices. On a plate, lay out the first layer of ham, with strips of onion. Next, bell peppers of three colors, alternating them with egg whites. Top with tomatoes and mayonnaise, which we hide under grated egg yolks. Mayonnaise can be served separately in a gravy boat.

Salad "Lady's Hat"

salad ingredients: is based

ingredients for decoration : suluguni rope cheese, tomato, black olives

Salad "April Olivier"

salad ingredients: boiled eggs, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, pickles, fresh cucumbers, boiled sausage, green onions, smoked sausage, parsley, dill, mayonnaise.

ingredients for decoration : radish, fresh cucumbers, lettuce, curly parsley, salami sausage for rosette, olives, egg white.

cooking : Cut the salad ingredients into cubes and season with mayonnaise. Arrange the lettuce leaves on a plate to garnish the salad. Lay the lettuce on top of the leaves. Cucumber cut in half and cut into slices. Cut the radish in half. Arrange radish and cucumber alternately on the sides. Put curly parsley on top around the edges. Before preparing the salad, cut off a piece of boiled eggs and cut it in half. Lay the halves around. Put the salami rose in the middle. It turns out it's very easy to do. Cut 7 thin pieces of salami, wrap the first piece in a tube, and put the rest on top of each other and secure with toothpicks.

Cut the olives into thin slices and decorate the salad with them in the area of ​​​​the eggs.

Salad "Green Rose"

salad ingredients: boiled chicken fillet, processed cheese, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, pitted olives, red Crimean onion, mayonnaise.

cooking : Cut the salad ingredients into cubes and season with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with plates or slices of fresh cucumber in the form of a rose.

Salad "Mexican"

salad ingredients: boiled chicken fillet, radish, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, green onions, boiled potatoes, chili peppers, lettuce, pickled cucumbers, lemon juice and vegetable oil

cooking : Cut the salad ingredients into cubes and season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate and top with lettuce. Using toothpicks, collect a cactus from pickled cucumbers.

Salad "White crocuses"

salad ingredients: boiled eggs, Beijing cabbage, canned corn, pickled champignons, green onions, fresh cucumbers, mayonnaise.

preparation: Beijing cabbage, pickled champignons, green onions, fresh cucumbers cut into cubes, add corn and season with mayonnaise. Put the salad on a plate, and sprinkle with finely chopped eggs on top.

For decoration, we take 7-8 small seedling bulbs (they are sold at grandmothers in the bazaar), a bunch of green onions and 1/4 carrots. We clean small bulbs. Now take a sharp knife and cut the cloves along the top of the onion. We take out the "insides" of the onion and, using a toothpick and green onions, insert the stalks into the "onion cups" and put a small piece of carrot in each onion.

Liver cake "Chamomile"

preparation: Cooking liver cake according to the recipe. We decorate with chopped dill, spread chamomile from egg white and yolk.

Salad "Championship"

salad ingredients : green peas (young or frozen), canned. corn, boiled potatoes and carrots, salmon, eggs, green onions, dill, mayonnaise, quail eggs.

cooking : cut all the ingredients into cubes and spread the layers on a square plate with mayonnaise in the following sequence: potatoes, green onions, eggs, salmon, corn, carrots, potatoes. Decorate the salad with green peas and dill. Mark the field with mayonnaise, and make a soccer ball from a quail egg.

Salad "Snowdrops"

salad ingredients : boiled beef, onion marinated in lemon juice and sugar, eggs, mayonnaise, hard cheese

cooking : the salad is laid out in layers in the following order: pickled onions, boiled meat, boiled eggs. Spread each layer not too thickly with mayonnaise, including the top one. Take it lightly. Sprinkle the salad with grated cheese, make snowdrop stems from green onion feathers, and cut the petals from thinly sliced ​​daikon radish slices.

salad ingredients : unsweetened round crackers, canned salmon, saury or tuna, boiled eggs, garlic, green onions, mayonnaise

cooking : arrange crackers on a plate in a circle in the shape of a flower. Next, a layer of eggs with mayonnaise, then a layer of crackers, then canned food with mayonnaise and green onions, and grease the last top layer of crackers with mayonnaise and sprinkle with finely grated eggs. Decorate the salad with tomato slices, olive halves and sprigs of herbs.

Salad "Vegetable with garlic"

salad ingredients : tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, vegetable oil, herbs

cooking : cut vegetables into slices, and arrange in rows on a round dish. Sprinkle with crushed garlic, herbs, and pour over vegetable oil.

Salad "Crab Spring"

salad ingredients : crab sticks, or crab meat, fresh cucumbers, eggs, grated hard cheese, Beijing cabbage, olives. Sauce: mix equal parts mayonnaise and sour cream, seasoning with a little mustard.

cooking : cut crab sticks, cucumbers, eggs, and olives into cubes, tear Chinese cabbage into small pieces. Add cheese, and season with sauce, put in a mold, and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Take out the salad, transfer to a dish, and garnish with green onions and crab stick flowers.

Mimosa salad with mice

salad ingredients : boiled eggs, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, onions, canned fish (sardines in oil), mayonnaise, greens

ingredients for decoration : pieces of cheese (for the ears and tail of mice), black peppercorns (use as eyes for mice)

Salad "Aquarium"

salad ingredients : sea cocktail, onion, canned red beans, pickled champignons, pickles, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : seaweed, red bell pepper (to make fish and star), mayonnaise, a few mussels to make crabs

Salad "Sunflower"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken fillet, onion, fried champignons, boiled eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : Pringls chips and olives

Salad "Gate"

salad ingredients : avocado, shrimps, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, onions, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : green onion feathers, salty straws, a piece of black bread to make the bottom

Salad "Corn"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken breast, pickled cucumbers, onions, fried mushrooms, boiled eggs, parsley and dill, mayonnaise, canned corn

ingredients for decoration : leek leaves and canned corn

Salad "Hedgehog"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken breast, pickles, boiled carrots, green onions, dill, parsley, canned corn, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : Put the salad on a dish in the shape of a hedgehog.

Rub the eggs on a fine grater, mix with mayonnaise, and coat the hedgehog. For needles, use potato chips, and for the eyes and nose, squeeze circles from the skin of a pickled cucumber.

Salad "Crab Paradise"

salad ingredients : crab sticks, pickled mushrooms, processed cheese, canned corn, garlic, mayonnaise, greens

ingredients for decoration : red caviar, olives, curly parsley

Salad "Watermelon slice"

salad ingredients : smoked chicken fillet, fried champignons, boiled carrots, boiled eggs, grated cheese, garlic, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : red bell pepper (watermelon pulp), olives (stones), fresh cucumber (peel)

Salad "Gift"

salad ingredients : boiled veal, boiled carrots, boiled beets, steamed prunes, walnuts, boiled eggs, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise, parsley

ingredients for decoration : cut ribbons from boiled carrots and garnish with parsley.

Salad "Capercaillie Nest"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken fillet, ham, marinated champignons, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : julienned potatoes fried in vegetable oil, lettuce, for bird eggs: processed cheese, egg yolks, dill, mayonnaise, garlic.

Salad "Starfish"

salad ingredients : crab meat, or crab sticks, canned corn, boiled eggs, slightly salted salmon, grated hard cheese, garlic, dill, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : shrimps, red caviar, lettuce is laid out in layers.

Salad "Hares in the garden"

salad ingredients : smoked fish fillet, such as butter, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, boiled carrots, pickles, herbs

ingredients for decoration : in the middle make a "bed" of carrots, put egg bunnies on the sides

Salad "Orange slice"

salad ingredients : boiled eggs, boiled carrots, onions, chicken fillet, marinated champignons, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : lay the salad in layers, shape into orange slices, garnish with grated carrots and egg white.

Salad "Cornucopia" No. 2

salad ingredients : boiled chicken fillet, boiled potatoes, pickles, canned corn, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : lettuce, vegetables, slightly salted salmon, herbs, and cheese

Salad "Pineapple"

salad ingredients : smoked chicken, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, grated hard cheese, pickles, onions, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : walnut halves, green onion feathers

Salad "Tiger"

salad ingredients : smoked or fried pork, onions, boiled carrots, eggs, grated cheese, prunes, fresh cucumbers, paprika, garlic, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : salad is laid out in layers, garnish with grated carrots, olives, olives, and egg white

Salad "Grapes"

salad ingredients : canned fish (cod liver, for example), green onions, boiled potatoes, eggs, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : blue seedless grapes

Salad "Male caprice"

salad ingredients : smoked chicken fillet, boiled beef, eggs, Crimean onion, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : Sandwich cheese for the calla flowers, green onions for the stems, and yellow bell peppers to make the pestle

Salad "Lovers"

salad ingredients : boiled shrimp, Korean-style carrot, grated hard cheese, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : olives and red caviar

You can see some more beautiful ideas for decorating salads in this video.

Salad decoration: original ideas for a festive table

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