
Marinating boletus for the winter without sterilization. Universal marinade recipes for wild mushrooms

Boletus is one of the most popular types mushrooms, often used by housewives for winter stocks. This is not surprising, because the taste of marinated boletus prepared for the winter is excellent. Following the recommendations and following the recipe below, any novice cook can easily cope with this in a delicious way mushroom storage.

Preparing boletus for pickling is a responsible process, since the quality of the harvest and the shelf life of mushrooms depend on it. Before you master the recipes for cooking boletus mushrooms marinated for the winter, let's get acquainted with the harvesting technology:

  1. We use only fresh mushrooms, carefully cleaned and washed in running water, as the quality of the workpiece depends on this.
  2. With any pickling method, boil the mushrooms for about 20 minutes until the broth is clear, and monitor the readiness of the mushrooms by settling to the bottom of the dish.
  3. We fill the jars with blanks to the brim so that mold does not form. Consider recipes for how to properly pickle boletus for the winter.

How to pickle boletus for the winter in a hot way?

Aspen mushrooms pickle the most different ways, one of these pickling methods is hot or boiled. This technique is used in hot weather, when mushrooms quickly deteriorate.


  • mushrooms - 970 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • - 3 pcs.;
  • black pepper - 6 pcs.;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • - 105 ml.


Clean the mushrooms with a soft cloth, if necessary, cut into pieces. Add sugar, spices to boiling water and place the mushrooms. Cook the boletus, stirring, removing the foam. After half an hour, pour vinegar into the marinade and boil for 5-7 minutes. hot marinade pour with mushrooms into sterile jars and roll up. Wrap up the inverted jars, and after cooling, move the workpieces to storage.

Marinated boletus for the winter in jars without sterilization - recipe


  • mushrooms - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 740 ml;
  • vinegar - 15 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - 1 ½ teaspoons; peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml.


Rinse the cleaned mushrooms thoroughly. running water. Place the boletus in salted boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, removing the foam. In a separate container, prepare the marinade: hot water dissolve sugar, salt, add spices and boil for 10 minutes. Add the previously boiled mushrooms to the marinade and sweat the workpiece for no more than 20 minutes. Arrange pickled boletus in sterilized jars, pour hot marinade, adding vinegar. Before rolling, pour boiled vegetable oil into the blanks to increase the shelf life of mushrooms. Cool the wrapped jars and only then send them for storage in a cool place.

When I was little, boletus seemed to me the most the best mushrooms(after fly agarics, of course), because they had such bright orange hats that if you notice one among the fallen foliage, your mood immediately jumps to heaven! Bright, cheerful, with velvet legs, not like nondescript white ones, from which for some reason adults came to indescribable delight. It was a pity to observe how, in the process of cooking, the boletus lost its catchy beauty. But on the other hand, they managed to preserve the magical aroma of the autumn birch forest, no matter whether they were fried in a pan, or twisted into jars for the winter. Pickled boletus mushrooms are especially tasty and piquant. Step by step recipe with pictures traditionally filmed for beginners in business mushroom blanks. I am sure that after carefully studying the recipe, you will cope with the task without hassle, since the recipe is very simple. Along the way, I'll give you a few useful tips how to save mushrooms brought from the forest until the moment you start pickling them.

Ingredients for 2 cans 0.65 liters:

  • Aspen mushrooms - 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Dill with umbrellas - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 0.5 liters
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp with a slide
  • Salt - 1 tbsp with a slide
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Carnation - 7-8 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 cup

How to cook pickled boletus for the winter:

For me, the most difficult thing about marinating mushrooms is cleaning them. How well this is done will depend not only taste qualities prepared mushrooms but also the safety of the product.

Mushrooms need to be selected the strongest. If the mushroom is in doubt, throw it away without hesitation. Aspen mushrooms need to be cleaned of dirt, grass, branches. Scrape the caps with a knife, clean from the ground. The stem of the boletus is usually dark in color. It must be cleaned with special diligence. You can completely clear this upper dark layer, or you can only clear the lower part (which is closer to the ground).

Ideally, it is better to pickle mushrooms of the same, small size in one jar. In practice, this is difficult to do, only if you purposefully collect small mushrooms. I had boletus different size. I left small mushrooms whole, cut large ones into pieces (not small ones).

IN large saucepan I pour in 1.5-2 liters of water (this water is not the one that will go to the marinade). I lower the prepared boletus into the water. I put the pot on the fire and bring it to a boil. I reduce the heat and cook the boletus for 15 minutes.

During cooking, abundant foam will appear. It must be removed with a spoon.

I throw the boiled boletus into a colander and wash it with a clean cold water. I let the water drain.

In another pot, I start making the marinade. I pour in 0.5 liters of water. I add sugar, salt, peppercorns, Bay leaf, cloves.

Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes. Then I dip the boiled boletus into the boiling marinade. I add vinegar and cook for 20 minutes. I remove the emerging foam again (it will already be a little).

I want to note important point. Do not keep mushrooms brought from the forest in a basket, but immediately clean and boil. Otherwise, there is a risk that the next day the part may begin to deteriorate or worms will appear. Cool boiled mushrooms and put in the refrigerator. The next day, you just have to boil them for a short time in the marinade.

While the boletus is boiling in the marinade, I am preparing the jars. They need to be washed and sterilized in advance (and the lids too). At the bottom of each jar I put a dill umbrella (after washing it in water), pieces of peeled garlic.

I put the finished boletus quite tightly in a jar, and pour the marinade on top. I catch the bay leaf from the marinade and throw it away (I don’t put it in jars).

I roll up the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them until they cool completely. I store in a dark cool place.

Marinated boletus will be fully ready in a month. Bon appetit!

Only 6 comments for the recipe

This is how I cook it too, simple and delicious.

I honestly admit that I have never marinated boletus mushrooms. Your cooking recipe seemed simple and affordable to me. This is how I will go and cook. Thank you

Is it possible to roll mushrooms, without oxygen access, Clostridium botulism can appear there?

How about a heaping tablespoon of salt? Not tea?

I just tried the marinade, almost died from the salt...

To the previous message! I'm sorry. I tried a jar of ready-made ones .. It turned out great for salt with a tablespoon. Mushrooms "took" the salt. Of course, water would be a little more than half a liter. 150 grams were not enough to fill it to the end.

Alexey, Lily's recipes are all very good. I myself make preparations for them. 🙂 I'm glad everything went well.

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His interesting name mushroom boletus owes its place of growth. Its reddish hat resembles autumn red aspen leaves. Boletus is a fairly common and beloved mushroom by many. It can be cooked different ways, one of the most interesting is salting. The recipe for pickling boletus for the winter is quite simple. But before pickling boletus, you need to prepare them. This is done in several stages.

Aspen mushrooms differ in the color of the cap and pulp. These mushrooms, like many others, are quite common (butter mushrooms, mushrooms, porcini, boletus mushrooms) are well obtained when salted in a hot way.

How to pickle boletus for the winter in a hot way - recipe number 1

  1. Before marinating the boletus, they must first be sorted out and the bad and wormy ones removed. For salting in this way, you need to choose mushrooms of approximately the same size and degree of maturity. Overripe boletus during cooking can boil and turn into porridge. Then the mushrooms should be washed well, in plenty of water. It is necessary to wash the boletus at least 3 - 4 times.
  2. Boil the boletus in salted water. To do this, take a pan so that all the mushrooms fit, and you can pour water so that they are completely covered. When boiling mushrooms, it is necessary to periodically remove the resulting foam. As soon as the boletus mushrooms have settled to the bottom of the pan, they are ready.
  3. In order to marinate the boletus, put them in a colander, let the water drain and leave to cool completely. Then put the mushrooms in prepared jars and sprinkle with salt. The amount of salt needed is 4 - 5% of the total number of mushrooms. At this point, add all the other spices to the jar of boletus: a little dill, 2-3 cloves of garlic, black peppercorns, 2-3 bay leaves. For mushrooms prepared in this way, the most best temperature storage - minus 8 degrees.

How to pickle boletus for the winter in a hot way - recipe number 2

  1. There is another way to pickle boletus, in which all the useful and taste qualities of mushrooms are preserved as much as possible. After the boiled boletus has cooled, cut them into slices and put them in a deep bowl.
  2. Leave the boletus, preferably in the sun, so that they wilt a little. After that, mix with salt, at the rate of 150 - 200 grams per 1 kilogram of boletus. Mix very well so that all the mushrooms are mixed with salt.
  3. Then, salted boletus mushrooms are packed very tightly into jars. We must try so that there is no empty space.
  4. Close jars with boletus lids. For the winter, you can tighten with a double layer of cellophane.

Harvesting mushrooms for the winter has become very popular. This issue becomes especially acute in the fall, when the mushroom season begins and the golden time for mushroom pickers. But in order for the boletus mushrooms to have good quality and did not lose their original taste, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology for preparing boletus for the winter and withstand all conditions and recipes. Therefore, further we will talk about how to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter.

How to pickle boletus for the winter - recipe number 3

  1. In order to pickle boletus, young ones are taken, not large sizes mushrooms. They, unlike large and old aspen mushrooms, can very rarely come across wormy. From boletus mushrooms, in order to pickle, you need to carefully peel off the top film and cut off the tips of the legs that were underground. Then the mushrooms are washed several times in cold water and boiled in a small amount of water for ten minutes. Ready boletus mushrooms should be thrown into a colander, or put on a towel so that the water is glassed and the mushrooms dry.
  2. To prepare the marinade, in order to marinate boletus mushrooms, you need to take 0.5 liters for each kilogram of boletus mushrooms. water, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 0.5 tsp. sugar, a few bay leaves, black peppercorns, and cloves. Marinade for boletus mushrooms, in order to marinate them, boils for about ten minutes, and then boletus mushrooms are laid out in it. Boletus mushrooms should be kept in the marinade over medium heat for another ten minutes, and then add 3 tbsp. l. table vinegar.
  3. Ready boletus mushrooms are laid out in sterile glass jars, are filled with marinade to the top, rolled up with lids for the winter. Pickled boletus is stored in a cool and dark place.

The ingredients for the marinade can be changed depending on your taste.

How to pickle boletus for the winter - recipe number 4

Here is another way to pickle boletus mushrooms at home:

  1. In order to pickle the boletus, you need to boil 0.5 tbsp. water, and the same amount of table vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. salt. Dip the mushrooms into the marinade and remove the foam with a slotted spoon. As soon as the marinade begins to boil again, remove the pan from the heat and put 1 tbsp. l. sugar, bay leaf, allspice and 10 gr. citric acid.
  2. When the marinade for boletus mushrooms has completely cooled down, place the boletus mushrooms in jars, pour over the marinade and roll up the lids for the winter. Store boletus prepared according to this recipe for the winter in the refrigerator.
  3. Pickled boletus mushrooms are not only great snack for the winter. Aspen mushrooms go well with any side dish, they can be served with fish or meat, and also added to salads.

I dedicate this post again to mushrooms, more precisely, how to make preparations for the winter and dishes from relatives white fungus- boletus and boletus mushrooms, these mushrooms belong to the genus obabok. The photo shows that outwardly they differ only in color, structure, recipes for cooking, salting and pickling boletus and boletus are similar. During heat treatment, the boletus on the cut darkens, so this mushroom is called black. But the boletus is called the red mushroom because of its beautiful hat. It is believed that the use of boletus is that they lower blood cholesterol levels and cleanse the blood, but boletus is useful for kidney diseases. These mushrooms contain a large number of squirrel and dietary fiber, working in our body as a vacuum cleaner and sorbent. Therefore, it should be remembered that you need to collect any mushrooms away from highways and industrial areas. Old, overripe and worm mushrooms it is better not to collect in your basket.

This recipe is very simple, although it refers to blanks for future use. Mushrooms - mushrooms, boletus and boletus are simply boiled, at the end of cooking, vinegar and seasonings are added to them. I will describe in detail how and how much to cook a boletus or boletus and show it in the photo in this recipe.

For the recipe for pickled boletus and boletus you will need:

  • Actually forest mushrooms themselves,


  • per 1 liter of water
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons (heaped) salt
  • 3 teaspoons of vinegar essence (or 1 cup of 6% table vinegar),
  • 2-3 bay leaves,
  • 10 black peppercorns,
  • 3-5 cloves,
  • Cinnamon - up to you.

Recently I tried to add 2-3 cloves of garlic when pickling boletus and boletus, I really liked the taste of mushrooms!

  • If you use vinegar in the marinade, and not vinegar essence, the amount of water must be reduced by a glass.
  • Attention: when pickling and salting mushrooms, do not use iodized salt!

How to pickle boletus and boletus mushrooms:

How to clean boletus and boletus?
Usually strong, young mushrooms are selected, without wormholes.

Someone thinks that it is necessary to remove the skin from the cap and scales from the stem from the boletus and boletus. Personally, I clean the mushrooms from small twigs and leaves, cut off and clean the dirty, damaged parts with a knife, fill them with water so that the dirt lags behind faster (you can use a small brush to clean the mushrooms). And then I wash the mushrooms several times in running water.

How to freeze mushrooms

frozen recipe forest mushrooms very simple and most useful,

any forest mushrooms or a mixture of them will go into freezing:

  • White mushrooms,
  • butterflies,
  • Champignon,
  • chanterelles,
  • mushrooms,
  • milk mushrooms,
  • honey mushrooms,
  • boletus,
  • boletus,
  • russula,
  • waves,
  • Dunki,
  • sandboxes (frosts),

How to prepare and cook mushrooms for freezing:

I described the process of cleaning and cooking above in the recipe for pickling mushrooms.

  1. Frozen boiled mushrooms

When I was preparing pickled boletus and boletus, part of their mixture (without vinegar yet) was thrown into a colander, cooled and transferred to a container for freezing. You can cook mushrooms until half cooked (5-10 minutes) or until fully prepared(40 minutes), depending on the purpose for which you will use them in the future (just warm up with onion and butter or cook soup or roast with them). If you plan to prepare a lot of frozen mushrooms, you can arrange them in portions according to plastic bags or containers, be sure to indicate with a marker the time of preparation and the date of preparation.

2. Frozen fried mushrooms

  1. Select mushrooms that are suitable for frying, sort them out, rinse and cut. For insurance, I advise you to boil for 5-10 minutes in water with an onion. Then recline in a colander and fry until tender on a creamy or vegetable oil. Divide into freezer containers or bags.

Of course, one can object and say that fresh-frozen mushrooms are sold in supermarkets, and that there is more smell from such mushrooms. Yes, savory and mushroom flavor after boiling, they are partially lost, but this way the use of wild mushrooms is much safer, one cannot but reckon with the current ecology. And those frozen in fresh the mushrooms that we see in stores are industrially grown, so it is not necessary to pre-boil them.

Store frozen mushrooms should be no more than six months. In winter, frozen mushrooms should be immersed in boiling water or in a pan without defrosting!

  • Well, in winter, cook delicious mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms or pizza () . And as an option, stick homemade dumplings with mushrooms and fried onions!
  • Frozen boiled boletus and boletus can be fried with sour cream (like mushrooms) or potatoes.
  • And it will also turn out very tasty salad of chicken and mushrooms with pickles ().

Here I invite you to watch my video slideshow from step by step photo recipe for pickled boletus and boletus, as well as freezing these mushrooms

How to dry boletus and boletus mushrooms

It used to be that our grandmothers used to dry mushrooms by stringing them on a string. Now for these purposes, you can use an oven or an electric dryer.

for the recipe you will need:

  • strong and always fresh mushrooms.

When an oven or electric dryer is used to dry mushrooms

  1. Boletus or boletus are cleaned, washed and slightly dried.
  2. The baking sheet is lined with baking paper, mushrooms are placed on it.
  3. Small mushrooms are put whole, large ones are cut into pieces.
  4. You need to dry the mushrooms in the oven with the door ajar, the drying temperature is not more than 50 degrees Celsius.

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Happy mushroom harvesting and delicious preparations!

Picking mushrooms is a fascinating and useful business, because with these tasty gifts forests can make wonderful preparations for the winter. Among huge variety mushrooms in a place of honor settled down. These beautiful mushrooms have excellent taste qualities, not inferior to white mushrooms. In addition, eating reduces cholesterol levels. You can use them immediately after collection, or you can do with them different blanks. Over the years, a large number of a variety of recipes allowing them to prepare for the winter.

Freezing mushrooms for the winter

Among the different options for harvesting boletus, freezing will be the easiest and fastest. This preparation of mushrooms can, of course, be carried out only if there is enough space in the freezer.

Aspen mushrooms that you are going to freeze for the winter should be sorted out, all garbage removed, spoiled mushrooms removed. If you have clean mushrooms that do not have debris, then it is better not to process them with water. Places with dirt are best simply wiped with a dry cloth, and then put the boletus in a bag and place in the freezer.

Salt boletus for the winter

Aspen mushrooms can be cooked immediately by stewing them or frying them, cooking delicious and fragrant soup. But at the same time, it will not be superfluous to close several jars of salted mushrooms for the winter. There are many different options salting, so you need to choose your favorite option and use it.

Salt boletus

Product composition:

  • 2 kg 200 g fresh boletus;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 110 g table salt(without iodine);
  • dry dill;
  • five leaves of blackcurrant;
  • seven cloves;
  • five bay leaves;
  • ten black peppercorns.

Cooking progress:

  1. For cooking, it is necessary to select whole aspen mushrooms without rotten places or wormholes. Mushrooms should be washed, the caps and legs should be separated, and they should be divided into medium-sized pieces. Pour water into a container of the desired size, wait for the moment of boiling, and then pour chopped mushrooms into it. When the boletus boils, you need to reduce the flame and cook them for another thirty minutes. The foam that will form during cooking should be removed.
  2. Twenty minutes after boiling, add dill, currant leaves, cloves, black peppercorns and lavrushka to the mushrooms, salt.
  3. After the boletus sinks to the bottom, and the brine becomes transparent enough, you need to remove the container from the fire. Put the mushrooms in sterilized jars, then pour them with the brine in which they were cooked. The amount of brine should be such that it is a couple of centimeters higher than the boletus. Next, close the jars with lids and give time to cool. The blank is placed for a month and a half in cool place so that the mushrooms ripen, and they can be eaten.

Aspen mushrooms marinated for the winter

Another way to harvest boletus for the winter is to pickle them.

Product composition:

  • 2 kg 200 g mushrooms;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 120 g of table salt (without iodine);
  • 55 g of granulated sugar;
  • 140 ml of 9% vinegar;
  • seven peas allspice;
  • nine pieces of garlic cloves;
  • 190 ml vegetable oil;
  • five cloves;
  • seven leaves of laurel.

Cooking progress:

  1. For pickling, you need to choose the strongest, whole and fresh boletus. Remove any mushrooms that have wormholes or rot. Rinse the selected boletus, cut into big chunks and place in a saucepan where you need to pour a small amount of lightly salted water.
  2. From the moment of boiling, we leave the mushrooms to cook for another fifteen minutes, then drain the liquid through a sieve. We leave the mushrooms in a sieve so that all the liquid is completely drained from them.
  3. In the meantime, prepare the marinade. Pour salt into a liter of water and granulated sugar, throw lavrushka, allspice peas, cloves. Peel and chop the garlic, add to the rest of the ingredients in the marinade.
  4. When the marinade boils, cooled mushrooms should be placed in it and wait for it to boil again. From this point on, the mushrooms should be boiled for twenty minutes, after which they should be decomposed into sterile containers. Pour vinegar into the marinade without mushrooms, then pour jars with mushrooms with the prepared liquid so that it completely covers them. We cork the mushrooms with sterile lids, put the jars on the neck, wrap them well with a warm blanket and leave to cool completely.
