
How to cook boletus mushrooms fresh. Cleaning Instructions

Boletus (aspen) is a very tasty, but rare mushroom. Finding him is a real blessing. The mushroom is not only very useful, but also incredibly tasty. By its qualities it is very close to the boletus. Belongs to the genus Leccinum.


The mushroom cap is up to 30 cm in diameter, fleshy, may be red, white, yellow and gray in color.

Young aspen mushrooms have a hemispherical hat, in adults it is flat, slightly convex, slightly velvety.

The leg is easily separated from the cap, thick, fleshy, covered with thick scale fibers, up to 20 cm long, 5 cm wide.

The flesh is white or slightly pinkish, turning blue on the cut until it turns dark purple.

They grow in families, but single mushrooms are also found.

They are harvested from June to the end of autumn, until the first frosts.


Oak (Leccinum quercinum)

The skin of the cap is chestnut brown, sometimes with an orange tinge, and hangs slightly along the edge. Leg scales are reddish-brown. White pulp has gray-brown spots, on the cut it turns almost black. The tubular layer is brownish, narrowly grown, 2-3 cm thick. Grows in small groups under oaks, common in temperate forests.

White (Leccinum percandidum)

The fungus is found in pine forests.

Red (Leccinum aurantiacum)

The skin on the cap darkens with age from orange to brownish-red. Free tubular layer with angular-rounded pores, 1-3 cm thick, darkens when touched. It occurs in mixed and deciduous forests, distributed throughout the forest zone of Eurasia. Also called redhead or redhead.

Painted-footed (Leccinum chromapes)

The stem of the mushroom is whitish-pink. The hat is also pinkish in color, smooth, dry. Tubular layer up to 1.5 cm thick with angular pores.

Yellow-brown (Leccinum versipelle)

The skin of the cap is yellow-brown or orange-yellow. Spore olive brown. Likes damp places, found in birch and mixed forests.

Where does it grow

Can be found throughout Russia, incl. and in northern regions. Prefers mixed forests, most often found under aspens.

Nutritional value and calories

In 100 g fresh mushrooms contains 22 kcal, dried - 315 kcal.

One fresh mushroom contains:

It also contains 1.5% minerals.

Boletus protein is comparable to animal proteins, so the mushroom can successfully replace meat.

Chemical composition

  • amino acids, incl. indispensable;
  • 80-90% is water;
  • phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium;
  • vitamins PP, A, C, B1, B2, E;
  • monosaccharides;
  • disaccharides;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Beneficial features

  • cleanses the blood;
  • removes salts of heavy metals, toxins and radionuclides from the body;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • antitumor;
  • sedative action;
  • restores and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora;
  • regenerating.


  • individual intolerance;
  • childhood up to 7 years;
  • acute diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines;
  • gout.


In cooking

In terms of nutritional value, the boletus broth is not inferior to meat, however, like the mushrooms themselves, meat. Excellent taste qualities. They are boiled, fried, pickled, salted and dried. From them prepare the first, second courses, appetizers, various fillings. Since 80-90% of the fungus is water, it greatly decreases in size. Another drawback is that it darkens, but retains its natural appearance in the marinade. If the mushrooms are soaked before cooking in a 0.5% solution citric acid, then they will darken less and decrease. And another tip: the more mushrooms are crushed, the higher their digestibility.

Lenten borscht

For 200 g of aspen mushrooms: 2-2.5 liters of water, 1-2 potatoes, 1 medium carrot, 1 large beetroot, medium onion, 1 tbsp. tomato paste, 200-300 g white cabbage, 100 g of red beans, spices, salt.

Can be used fresh or dried mushrooms. In advance, it is necessary to boil the beans separately until half cooked. We throw the mushrooms into the water and cook the broth. Finely chop the potatoes and send to the broth. Fry the onions, then pass the carrots and beets. We throw vegetables into the water. When it boils, add beans and shredded cabbage. 10 minutes before done, add tomato paste, salt and spices.

Borscht is very satisfying. It got its name from the Christian fast, when meat was replaced with mushrooms and beans.

Boletus soup with parsley

Peel, cut and fry 1 kg of mushrooms in vegetable oil (30 ml). Finely chopped 20 g fresh ginger and add to the mushrooms along with butter (50 g). Simmer on fire for about 7 minutes. Transfer to a saucepan, add chopped fresh parsley (4-5 sprigs), water, salt and spices to taste and cook for 5-7 minutes. After that, remove from heat and leave to stand for half an hour. Pour the soup into bowls with sour cream.

Aspen mushrooms in creamy sauce

For 1 kg of boletus: 1 tbsp. mushroom broth, 1 medium onion, 1 tbsp. 20% cream, 2 tbsp. l. flour, spices (bay leaf, nutmeg, black pepper), salt to taste.

Mushrooms are cleaned and boiled for 20 minutes (reserve 1 cup of broth). Finely chop the boiled mushrooms and onions. First fry the onion butter before golden color, then add the mushrooms and lightly brown. Pour the cream and broth into the pan. Separately, in another pan, dry the flour to a creamy color and, together with the spices, add to the mushrooms, salt to taste. Simmer covered for 2-3 minutes. It is recommended to serve potatoes as a side dish.

In medicine

  • treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • benign and malignant tumors, incl. their prevention;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • depression;
  • nervous disorders;
  • raising immunity;
  • improvement in the condition of the blood and complexion.

Used as a tincture or powder. Use only mushroom caps.

Alcohol tincture

Insist on vodka or Cahors. Peel the boletus caps, rinse well and dry. Fill them to the top three-liter jar. Fill with vodka or Cahors. Seal and leave in a warm, dark place for 14 days. The infusion needs to be filtered, the mushrooms are squeezed well. Keep refrigerated.

Depending on the disease, take 2-4 times a day half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon, diluting warm water. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months. Can be used for prevention.

Boletus powder

Dry mushroom caps and grind into powder. Take 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals, 1 tsp. Used for treatment and prevention.

How to cook


Before fully prepared mushrooms are boiled for 40 minutes, for cooking semi-finished products - 15-20 minutes, boiled to get rid of debris - 5-10 minutes. If during cooking the boletus sank to the bottom of the pan, then they are completely cooked.


For 1 liter of water you will need: 2 tbsp. sugar and salt (not iodized), 1 cup 6% table vinegar, bay leaf (2-3 pcs), black peppercorns (10 pcs), 3-5 clove buds. You can add 2-3 cloves of garlic or cinnamon to taste. If available vinegar essence, then you can add it without diluting, you will need 3 tsp.

The mushrooms themselves must be cleaned, large aspen mushrooms cut. Pour in water, cook for about 10 minutes, i.e. just boil a little, then drain the water. The next step is preparing the marinade (everything is added except vinegar), the volume is determined based on the number of aspen mushrooms. Mushrooms are lowered into the boiling marinade and boiled for another half hour. Then vinegar or essence and garlic are added, after 10 minutes remove from the stove. Hot mushrooms are laid out in pre-sterilized jars up to the shoulders, the rest of the space is filled with marinade. Roll with a key.


Only fresh boletus are needed, no wormholes. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed and cut into large pieces. Then you need to dry them a little. To do this, you can put them on a clean kitchen towel and leave for a while.

Dry in an electric dryer at a temperature of 50 C. You can use the oven, but the door must be left ajar. During drying, the mushrooms will darken and greatly decrease in size.

Store in a cloth bag or glass jar under the lid. Shelf life 1 year.


Both boiled and fried mushrooms are stored frozen. Cook the mushrooms for 40 minutes until tender. If a semi-finished product is being prepared, it will be enough to boil for 5-10 minutes. Cool the boletus, and then decompose into plastic containers or food bags. Fried mushrooms are frozen in the same way.


Mushrooms can be fried fresh. But it is often recommended to pre-weld them slightly (about 10 minutes). Then the boletus is laid out on a heated frying pan and fried for a little more than half an hour. Can be used for frying vegetable oil, but on creamy mushrooms are softer and tastier. Onions must be added to the mushrooms. You can add mushrooms towards the end of cooking or fry separately so that it has a beautiful golden color, and does not burn in mushrooms. Salt to taste.

Alternatively, you can add at the end of 1-2 tbsp. l. sour cream and simmer for a couple of minutes under the lid. Mushrooms are delicious on their own and do not require any spices.


Aspen mushrooms can be successfully grown at home. This requires a mycelium dug out in the forest (preferably under an aspen) and a grain mycelium.

Grain mycelium is prepared as follows: 10 kg of purified grain is poured into 15 liters of water and simmered for 1-1.5 hours until cooked. The grains should be soft, but not boiled. Then the mycelium is laid out on flat surface and dry up.

Earth with mycelium is poured into the garden for mushrooms, and grain mycelium is evenly layered on top. Aspen mushrooms love moisture, so in hot weather watering is required. If everything is done correctly, the first harvest should be expected in 2-3 months. The bed itself can produce a crop of up to 5 years, and then it is necessary to do all the work again.

When I was little, boletus seemed to me the most the best mushrooms(after fly agarics, of course), because they had such bright orange hats that if you notice one among the fallen foliage, your mood immediately jumps to heaven! Bright, cheerful, with velvet legs, not like nondescript white ones, from which for some reason adults came to indescribable delight. It was a pity to observe how, in the process of cooking, the boletus lost its catchy beauty. But on the other hand, they managed to preserve the magical aroma of the autumn birch forest, no matter whether they were fried in a pan, or twisted into jars for the winter. Pickled boletus mushrooms are especially tasty and piquant. Step by step recipe with pictures traditionally filmed for beginners in business mushroom blanks. I am sure that after carefully studying the recipe, you will cope with the task without hassle, since the recipe is very simple. Along the way, I'll give you a few useful tips how to save mushrooms brought from the forest until the moment you start pickling them.

Ingredients for 2 cans 0.65 liters:

  • Aspen mushrooms - 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Dill with umbrellas - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 0.5 liters
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp with a slide
  • Salt - 1 tbsp with a slide
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Carnation - 7-8 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 cup

How to cook pickled boletus for the winter:

For me, the most difficult thing about marinating mushrooms is cleaning them. Not only taste qualities will depend on how well this is done. prepared mushrooms but also the safety of the product.

Mushrooms need to be selected the strongest. If the mushroom is in doubt, throw it away without hesitation. Aspen mushrooms need to be cleaned of dirt, grass, branches. Scrape the caps with a knife, clean from the ground. The stem of the boletus is usually dark in color. It must be cleaned with special diligence. You can completely clear this upper dark layer, or you can only clear the lower part (which is closer to the ground).

Ideally, it is better to pickle mushrooms of the same, small size in one jar. In practice, this is difficult to do, only if you purposefully collect small mushrooms. I had boletus different sizes. I left small mushrooms whole, cut large ones into pieces (not small ones).

IN large saucepan I pour in 1.5-2 liters of water (this water is not the one that will go to the marinade). I lower the prepared boletus into the water. I put the pot on the fire and bring it to a boil. I reduce the heat and cook the boletus for 15 minutes.

During cooking, abundant foam will appear. It must be removed with a spoon.

I throw the boiled boletus into a colander and wash it with a clean cold water. I let the water drain.

In another pot, I start making the marinade. I pour in 0.5 liters of water. I add sugar, salt, peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves.

Put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes. Then I dip the boiled boletus into the boiling marinade. I add vinegar and cook for 20 minutes. I remove the emerging foam again (it will already be a little).

I want to note important point. Do not keep mushrooms brought from the forest in a basket, but immediately clean and boil. Otherwise, there is a risk that the next day the part may begin to deteriorate or worms will appear. Cool boiled mushrooms and put in the refrigerator. The next day, you just have to boil them for a short time in the marinade.

While the boletus is boiling in the marinade, I am preparing the jars. They need to be washed and sterilized in advance (and the lids too). At the bottom of each jar I put a dill umbrella (after washing it in water), pieces of peeled garlic.

I put the finished boletus quite tightly in a jar, and pour the marinade on top. I catch the bay leaf from the marinade and throw it away (I don’t put it in jars).

I roll up the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them until they cool completely. I store in the dark cool place.

Marinated boletus will be fully ready in a month. Bon appetit!

You still do not know how to cook boletus mushrooms? Then this unfortunate omission needs to be corrected urgently! Such forest products have a wonderful aroma and unique taste. Proper preparation boletus mushrooms allows you to keep their juiciness and fleshiness, but mushroom pickers love these products not only for this. They are rich useful substances and trace elements that improve immunity. Boletus dishes are recommended for people who are on a diet after surgery or during recovery from infectious diseases.

Aspen mushrooms are distinguished by a voluminous cap and a snow-white leg, which clearly indicate the edibility of such mushrooms. They contain carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and other valuable substances. You can talk about the merits of the product for a very long time, but it’s better to figure out how to cook boletus.

Now you know what to do with aspen mushrooms, so you can start culinary creativity. We have selected for you simple and delicious recipes that will certainly diversify your daily diet:

Mushrooms with sour cream in a slow cooker


  • fresh boletus - 0.5 kg .;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 0.1 l .;
  • sunflower oil for frying;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Dishes from boletus in a slow cooker can be cooked very tasty without special efforts. Fresh mushrooms with sour cream and onions will fill the whole kitchen with their delicate aroma, but first they need to be washed and, if necessary, cleaned.
  2. Cut peeled boletus small pieces, and wash the onion and try to make thin half rings out of it. Pour a little sunflower oil into the bottom of the multicooker bowl, heat it up and pour in the mixture of onions and mushrooms. At the same time, it is better to add salt.
  3. During heat treatment aspen mushrooms will definitely let the juice go, so you should not add any additional liquid. Cover the mushrooms with a lid, turn on the baking mode and cook for 40 minutes.
  4. After that, you will need to open the slow cooker, add sour cream to it and mix. Switch the technique to the frying mode and simmer for another 10 minutes until the dish is fully cooked. Ready mushrooms can be laid out on plates and served. Bon appetit!

Salad with boletus and potatoes


  • fresh boletus - 0.2 kg .;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • green onions - 1 small bunch;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • apple cider vinegar to taste;
  • sunflower oil to taste;
  • salt, sugar and pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Wild mushrooms must be thoroughly washed and peeled, and then boiled in lightly salted water. This should take about half an hour. Ready boletus can be dried with paper towel, cool and cut into cubes or strips.
  2. In a separate bowl, boil the potatoes in their skins. It also needs to be cooled, and then peeled and cut into small cubes. Onion free from the husk, wash and chop. green onion chop sharp knife, A pickle better to turn into cubes. Mix onions, potatoes and cucumbers with mushrooms.
  3. You need to fill such a salad of boletus with a special dressing. Mix vinegar, oil, spices, sugar, salt and pepper until smooth. Pour the sauce over all the ingredients, mix thoroughly and refrigerate for several hours. Before serving, this dish can be garnished with parsley sprigs. Ready!

Wild mushroom julienne


  • fresh boletus - 0.4 kg .;
  • hard cheese - 0.1 kg .;
  • sour cream - 0.15 kg;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 0.05 l.;
  • butter - 0.05 kg;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Julienne will never cease to be a favorite snack for men, but girls also like it. So simple but gourmet dish it will be very tasty if instead of champignons put in its base Forest mushrooms. If you have a basket of fresh boletus, you need to start processing them as soon as possible. Wash them and cut into thin slices or cubes.
  2. Wash the onion thoroughly and cut into thin half rings. For frying products, you can use a deep saucepan or saucepan. Add a little sunflower and butter there, and then send the bowl to the fire. When the onion is softened and browned enough, add mushrooms to it, mix and simmer for another 8 minutes.
  3. Add salt and spices, as well as sunflower oil, cover and simmer for another ten minutes. Then pour sour cream into the boletus with onions, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.

Put the mushroom sauce in cocotte makers and sprinkle their contents with grated hard cheese. It remains only to send the molds to the oven, heated to 220 degrees, for 5 minutes until the cheese is completely melted. Boletus julienne is ready! Serve hot.

In this material, we will talk about how to cook boletus mushrooms and boletus mushrooms. From the fungus, even a young housewife understands this, you can cook a large number of most different dishes. But do not forget that mushrooms are heavy food, which is important to properly heat-treat before serving.

Choosing the right mushrooms

Even forest mushrooms such as boletus or aspen mushrooms today can not only be collected independently in the forest, but also found in markets and even in stores. fresh mushrooms you need to actively process after collection or purchase and know exactly what you will do with them next - freezing, canning, frying.

It doesn't matter which option further preparation and the use of mushrooms is selected, this product will still need to be boiled additionally. Such a heat treatment cleans the mushrooms, removes all unnecessary from the composition. Cooking delicious.

Aspen mushrooms

These mushrooms do not grow only under aspens in the forest, as you might think because of their name. They will also be in in large numbers delight in coniferous and mixed forests. But, it is believed that one step before this mushroom, aspen will definitely grow. It is easy to recognize this mushroom - it has a dark leg and a wide scarlet hat. When you touch the leg of the boletus, this place will turn blue. Too old mushrooms should not be taken - they are no longer tasty.


These mushrooms are common in a wide variety of forests, they are easily recognizable by the stem, on which there are brown scales. From top to bottom, the leg is always expanded, but the hat has the shape of a sphere and the color of its top is muted. Prepare fragrant.

About proper cooking

It doesn’t matter whether the method is chosen how to cook boletus mushrooms and boletus mushrooms before frying or for another dish, the preparation steps here will be the same. Mushrooms are different and the process of their heat treatment is a little, but still different.

How to cook boletus so that they do not turn black:
1. First, each mushroom must be cleaned of debris, additionally clean the leg and hat (you can use a toothbrush). Be sure to remove the film that is on the surface of the hat.
2. Chopped mushrooms can be soaked for an hour in cold water, this is a nice optional process, but not required.
3. Put the chopped mushrooms in a saucepan, pour cold water over and send to the stove. When the water becomes warm, add salt to it, bring to a boil. Cook, stirring constantly and removing the foam that forms on the surface.
4. From the moment of boiling, cook the mushrooms for another quarter of an hour on minimum heat. After this time, drain the water and fill the mushrooms with new water. Bring to a boil again and cook for five minutes.
5. If you add a little vinegar to the water, this will protect the mushrooms from blackening.

How to cook boletus properly:
1. Boletus mushrooms, we will warn you right away, you need to cook longer. But it all starts with a simple cleaning.
2. Then put the peeled and chopped mushrooms in a pot of water, boil over medium heat. After that, add salt to taste and cook over low heat for about forty minutes.
3. After this time, drain the water and, filling it with new water, boil the mushrooms until they sink to the bottom.

About cooking time

The process of how to cook boletus mushrooms and boletus mushrooms for freezing will not differ from other recipes. Remember that prolonged heat treatment negatively affects the taste of any mushroom.

Important! Experts point out that pre-cooking mushrooms can be refused only if there is 100% certainty that the mushrooms were collected in a place that is ideally clean in terms of ecology.

Separately, it must be emphasized that cooking is carried out so that all harmful substances and the product is now safe to consume. To make the mushrooms tasty and crispy, it is enough to cook them for 10 minutes for boletus and 20 minutes for boletus before frying.

Other ways to harvest mushrooms

Separately, it should be noted that frozen mushrooms can only be properly stored for six months. At the same time, mushrooms cannot be re-frozen if they have already been thawed once. It is better to immediately pack everything in such packages, the amount of mushrooms in which is suitable for one meal.

When the mushrooms are boiled according to the main schemes given in this material, you will need to put them in a colander and wait for all the water to glass. Then you can put the mushrooms on the board and send them to the freezer, when they grab, put them in a bag.

How to cook boletus and boletus mushrooms, the recipe before salting will be slightly different. In particular, mushrooms need to be cooked one and a half times longer than indicated in the upper diagrams of our material.

Advice! To marinate mushrooms deliciously, per kilogram of mushrooms you need to take half a glass of water, 40 grams of salt, five peppercorns and the same number of pieces. bay leaf, a branch of dill and a couple of cloves.

About cooking dried mushrooms

When fresh mushrooms are no longer available, stocks have to be used. give the dish taste and aroma, but you need to be able to use them correctly. Before you start boiling dried mushrooms, they need to be poured with cold water and left for five hours. After that, drain the old water, pour the mushrooms with warm water and, putting on a minimum fire, cook for another 120 minutes.

This is all you need to know on the topic of how to cook boletus and boletus mushrooms. You need to remember that boletus boils twice as fast as boletus. Depending on the chosen method of further cooking the fungus, the cooking time may vary slightly.

Aspen mushrooms are one of the most nutritious forest mushrooms with unique taste and special aroma. They have a balanced ratio of vitamins, microelements and retain their juiciness and fleshy structure even after heat treatment. Aspen mushrooms can be cooked in different ways and, unlike most mushrooms, they can not be pre-boiled, which is very convenient if there is little time for cooking. These mushrooms are low-calorie, only 22 kcal, but at the same time satisfying, nutritious and saturate the body for a long time. And they have more protein than meat. However, it should be remembered that aspen mushrooms begin to deteriorate immediately after they are cut, so you need to start processing and cooking as soon as possible.

Aspen dishes

Thanks to their palatability And useful properties Aspen mushrooms have become very popular, many dishes are prepared from them. It is easy to get lost in a variety of recipes, so that this does not happen, you can distribute them into separate groups.

Fried mushrooms

Fried mushrooms - very simple and tasty dish. You can just fry the boletus with onions and herbs, or add some vegetables to the mushrooms - carrots, peppers, garlic, celery.

But mushrooms are best combined with potatoes. They are fried in one pan or separately, and at the end they are combined for a couple of minutes to soak in the aromas of each other. Roast both raw and pre-boiled mushrooms.

The main rule when frying is not to close the lid, otherwise the mushrooms will be stewed in their juice and you will not get a beautiful crispy crust. In addition, you can fry healthy and very tasty mushroom cutlets.

Boletus soup

Another classic dishmushroom soup. To prepare it, you will need boletus, potatoes, onions, carrots, oil and herbs.

Washed and chopped mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes, then potatoes are added, roasted carrots and onions are cooked for another 10-15 minutes. The soup is served hot big amount greenery.

Also, boletus soup is prepared from boletus, borscht, mushroom soup, cheese soup.

Pate (caviar)

Boletus pate - great option for a breakfast sandwich hearty snack or a buffet meal. Such a dish can be eaten immediately or prepared for the winter.

The cooking process is extremely simple. Peel and wash the mushrooms, fry the onion and garlic in oil, send finely chopped mushrooms to them and fry with spices and seasonings. You can add some dry wine. After the wine has evaporated, grind the mass in a blender or meat grinder and cool. You can also use other vegetables and mushrooms in the cooking process.

You can cook with boletus great amount salads. They are added in fried, boiled and pickled form.

Mushrooms are combined with potatoes, onions, carrots, cucumbers, rice, eggs, herbs, olives, boiled chicken, cheese, ham and other ingredients. Mayonnaise, sour cream, olive oil, vinegar, spices are used as dressings, the flight of fancy is not limited.

Aspen mushrooms are often used as a filling for pies, pies, pancakes, tartlets, pancakes, puffs and other baked goods. To do this, they are finely chopped and fried with onions or stewed in sour cream or cream.

Spaghetti with boletus

This dish can be attributed to special category, since spaghetti and others pasta with various sauces are becoming increasingly popular. Mushroom sauce It goes perfectly with pasta, while everyone can cook such a dish.

While the pasta is cooking, you can prepare the sauce. To do this, finely chopped mushrooms are fried in olive oil with onions, tomatoes, garlic, cream and cheese. ready sauce spread on boiled pasta and serve.

Julienne, casseroles with potatoes and vegetable puree, pasta and rice can be cooked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker. Baked pre-fried, stewed or boiled mushrooms on a baking sheet, in special forms and pots. To give appetizing crust dishes are sprinkled with grated cheese.

boiled mushrooms

Boiled mushrooms are served as a separate dish or added to salads, casseroles and soups. mushroom broth not poured out, but used for cooking first courses or various sauces.

Before sending the mushrooms to the stove, they are thoroughly washed and cleaned, poured clean water and cook for 20-25 minutes after boiling. During cooking, foam will form, which must be skimmed off. In a slow cooker, mushrooms will be ready in 30 minutes in the “Extinguishing” mode.

Ready mushrooms are thrown into a colander so that the liquid is completely glass. To prevent the mushrooms from turning black during cooking, add a little vinegar to the water.

stewed mushrooms

Boletuses are stewed in cream, sour cream, wine. To begin with, the mushrooms are fried in butter with onions, then liquid is added and simmered under the lid for 10-15 minutes.

Mushrooms can be pre-boiled, this shortens the stewing process. To thicken the sauce, add a little fried flour to the pan. In a slow cooker, boletus will be stewed for 40-50 minutes in the "Baking" mode.

Harvesting methods

So, boletus can be cooked different ways- fry, boil, stew and bake, for this they use not only a stove and an oven, but also a slow cooker, an air grill and a microwave oven. But that's not all available ways. There are many ways to harvest boletus for the winter.


In order to marinate the boletus, you need to wash them, peel them, remove the roots and wash them again. Then boil for 20-30 minutes, the finished boletus should sink to the bottom. Add spices, seasonings, vinegar and lemon juice to the water with mushrooms.

Arrange in jars along with the marinade and tighten the lid. Store in a cool place, the mushrooms will reach the required condition in a month.

You can freeze fresh, boiled and fried mushrooms. Frozen aspen mushrooms are stored for up to six months, they are not subject to re-defrosting.

This method does not involve the use of vinegar, therefore it is considered more useful than pickling. Mushrooms are boiled for 20 minutes, seasonings and salt are added and rolled into jars with brine. They will be ready in 50 days.

Food preparation

Fresh boletus darkens and deteriorates very quickly, so they need to be processed immediately after harvest:

  1. Clean with a dry cloth from dust and dirt, cut off the roots. If the skin on the cap is very dense, you need to remove the film.
  2. Rinse in cold water, you can soak briefly in water.
  3. Cut large mushrooms into pieces.

Subtleties of cooking

Aspen mushrooms have some features in cooking, which you definitely need to know about:

  • they quickly darken and become bluish when processed. To prevent this process, they are soaked in a weak solution of citric acid;
  • boiled mushrooms should be thrown into a colander so that excess moisture is completely gone;
  • there are no toxic substances in the boletus, which means that the broth after cooking can be used to prepare other dishes.

A simple and delicious recipe: fried boletus with potatoes

Fried potatoes with mushrooms will not leave anyone indifferent, so any culinary specialist must know the recipe for its preparation. You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of boletus;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • butter or vegetable oil for frying;
  • spices.
  1. Peel the mushrooms, wash and cook for 5 minutes in boiling water.
  2. Throw away in a colander.
  3. Fry in hot oil for 30-40 minutes until golden brown, salt at the end of frying.
  4. Separately fry potatoes and onions.
  5. Mix mushrooms with potatoes and hold them together under a lid over a very quiet fire for 5-7 minutes.
