
A special category of dumplings is with steamed strawberries. Recipes for dough, toppings and gravies for steamed strawberry dumplings

In the summer, a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables appear on the table. They can be eaten on their own, made into fresh salads, and used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. So, for example, dumplings, which are a classic dish of Slavic cuisine, can be prepared with a variety of fruit and berry fillings. Today we will talk about such a delicious dish as dumplings with strawberries, discuss their preparation in detail, and also determine the calorie content of such a dish.

Steamed strawberry dumplings can be cooked on unleavened dough (on water), however, if you knead the dough on fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, sour cream) or regular milk, the finished dish will be much tastier and more tender. You can also prepare the dough without eggs and without soda, but it can turn out to be harsh as a result. Consider several options for preparing dough for steamed strawberry dumplings.

unleavened dough

To prepare unleavened dough, you will need two hundred milliliters of water, half a teaspoon of salt, from three hundred and fifty to five hundred grams of flour (depending on quality and gluten).

First of all, heat the water, dilute the salt in it. Next, pour the flour into a large bowl (about half) and gradually pour the liquid into it, stirring the contents of the bowl with a fork. Next, add the remaining flour to the future dough until it acquires a sufficiently dense structure, becomes homogeneous and stops sticking to your hands. Having received a more or less homogeneous mass, dump the contents of the bowl onto a board sprinkled with flour, and knead by hand. You should have a fairly tight, elastic and homogeneous dough.

Preparation of dough on kefir (yogurt, milk, etc.)

Prepare for such a dish a glass of milk (kefir, yogurt), one egg, half a kilogram of flour, half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda.

Dilute salt, soda in a warmed dairy product and beat an egg into it. Mix well with a fork or whisk. Gradually combine such a workpiece with flour, kneading the dough. You should get a fairly tight and elastic, but not too steep mass. Lubricate it with vegetable oil or wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for twenty to thirty minutes.

We prepare the filling

Wash the strawberries thoroughly and peel them from the stalks, you can cut the berries into pieces if they look very large. But it is better to use small fruits, so they definitely will not flow. It is better to add sugar to strawberries directly during cooking.

We make dumplings

Divide the resulting dough volume into four parts. Form a sausage from one of them, wrap the others with polyethylene so as not to wind. From the sausage, cut circles, one and a half to two centimeters wide. They need to be rolled in flour and rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 0.5 cm.

You can also roll out part of the dough into a large thin circle and form dumplings using a glass or cup. But keep in mind that the remaining trimmings will then need to be kneaded and rolled out again, which will take you quite a lot of time.

Put a few berries on the prepared piece of dough, sprinkle them with a little sugar and make a dumpling, pinching the edges of the dough. The filling thus should be in a tight pocket, in which there are absolutely no holes. It is advisable to immediately send cooked dumplings to cook (in small batches of 5-10 pieces), because the berries will release juice, and it can unstick the dough.

Steamed dumplings with strawberries

To prepare steamed dumplings in a slow cooker, you need to take a steaming bowl and grease it with a small amount of butter. Place the sticky dumplings in the prepared container.

Inside the multicooker pan, you need to pour a liter of hot water, fix the bowl with dumplings on it and cover the appliance lid. Dumplings should be cooked in the “Steaming” mode for five to seven minutes.

Also, steamed dumplings can be cooked without a slow cooker - in a regular pot with boiling water. To do this, use a sieve, colander or plain gauze. After five to ten minutes, dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker are ready.

Cooked dumplings should be immediately put into another container, combined with a small amount of vegetable oil and gently mixed. Otherwise, they may stick together.

Serve ready-made dumplings with strawberries with sour cream mixed with sugar. You can also make strawberry sauce for them. To do this, simply turn strawberries with sour cream and sugar in a blender, the ingredients are combined in arbitrary proportions.

Please note that if you eat hot dumplings, you need to be careful, as very hot berry juice can easily splash out of them.

How nutritious are dumplings with strawberries, what are their calorie content?

Vareniki are quite nutritious and high-calorie dish. They contain practically no protein, but there are many carbohydrates and some fat. One hundred grams of steamed strawberry dumplings are a source of about two hundred calories. Therefore, if you do not want to get better, you should not eat them in an immoderate amount.

Making dumplings with strawberries is not at all a difficult task. At the same time, you will get a very tasty and nutritious dish that you can easily cook on your own.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

I always look forward to summer, and especially strawberry season. My childhood is strongly associated with such a picture - my grandmother prepares lush, delicious dumplings with strawberries and sprinkles them with sugar. Then this dish seemed to me the most delicious in the world. Grandmother taught me how to cook different types of dough for dumplings with strawberries - on kefir, custard and the most common, on water.

Recipe for dumplings with strawberries from dough on the water

Scales, bowl, sieve, colander, spoon, board, rolling pin, saucepan, knife.


How to choose the right products

Strawberries should be dry, with bright red berries, with green tails and in no case rotten. If the berries are too dark and spotted, they are likely treated with chemicals.

If you have to store strawberries in the refrigerator for some time, do not wash them, otherwise they will release the juice and turn into "porridge".

Step by step cooking

  1. For the dough, sift 3 cups of flour into a bowl, add ½ teaspoon of salt, an egg and half a cup of water.
  2. Knead the dough. At first it may seem to you that there is too little liquid, but in the process of kneading the dough will become homogeneous. Ideally, in softness, it should be like your earlobe. If the dough is too tight, add a little more water to it.

  3. We shift the dough into a bag and leave it for half an hour. During this time, the gluten will swell, and it will become softer and more elastic.

  4. While the dough is resting, prepare the strawberry filling for the dumplings. To do this, wash 300 grams of strawberries well under running water and dry with napkins. Cut it into slices, but not very finely.

  5. We divide the dough into several parts. The dough with which we are not working yet is put back into the bag.

  6. We form a roller from a part of the dough and cut it into pieces about 1.5-2 centimeters thick.

  7. Each piece is lightly pressed against the table and rolled out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2-3 millimeters. Do not make strawberry dumplings too thin, otherwise they may tear during the cooking process.

  8. Put a little strawberry in the center on the test piece, sprinkle with sugar (0.5 teaspoon).

  9. We pinch the edges of the dumpling.

  10. We put the formed dumplings on a kitchen board covered with a film. You can also dust the board with flour.

  11. Cook dumplings in salted water (0.5 tsp. salt). We put them in boiling water, mix with the back of a spoon so as not to tear them, and cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat after the dumplings float to the top. There should be enough water so that they do not stick together.

  12. We take out the finished dumplings with a slotted spoon and put them in a bowl.


Vareniki are served as a main course or as a dessert after a light lunch. They can be drizzled with oil or sprinkled with sugar. Sour cream is served separately in a gravy boat. Dumplings in a plate can be decorated with mint leaves and fresh strawberries.

Video recipe for making dumplings with strawberries

If you want to learn how to make beautiful strawberry dumplings, watch this video. Also from it you will learn some of the secrets of cooking this dish.

  • Strawberries need to be cut just before making dumplings, as they quickly release juice. For the same reason, you should not sprinkle it with sugar - sugar should be put together with strawberries on the dough before forming dumplings.
  • Dumplings can be prepared for the future by freezing them in the freezer. To do this, they need to be laid out in one row, and after freezing they can be folded into a bag.
  • Dumplings will be even tastier and retain more vitamins if you steam them. To do this, you can use a double boiler or a slow cooker.

Recipe for dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker

I cook the dough according to this recipe on kefir with soda. Vareniki are very fluffy, juicy and extremely soft.

Cooking time: 50 min.
Servings: 8.
Calories: 136 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and inventory: multicooker, scales, bowl, sieve, spoon, board, rolling pin, knife.


Step by step cooking

  1. Sift flour (500 g) into a bowl.

  2. Add 1/3 teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda to it and mix well.

  3. Pour in 300 ml of kefir and knead the dough.

  4. Cover it with foil and leave for half an hour.

  5. For the filling, cut the washed and dried strawberries (400 g) into large pieces. The sweeter the strawberries, the better.

  6. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 2-3 mm.

  7. Cut out circles with a glass.

  8. We spread strawberries and a little sugar in the center of each blank.

  9. We pinch the edges, forming dumplings in the shape of a boat.

  10. Pour a glass of water into the multicooker bowl, put the double boiler bowl and put the dumplings on it with the seam up. We put them at a small distance from each other.

  11. We turn on the “Steam cooking” mode and cook for 5-7 minutes from the moment the water boils. Varenichki are ready, it remains to serve and eat!

Video recipe for making dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker

See how quickly and easily dumplings are prepared in a slow cooker. You will definitely want to repeat this recipe! Dumplings with cottage cheese.

Each hostess has her own recipe for dumplings, and not just one. This dish can be prepared for a holiday, and for every day. What is your favorite dumpling recipe? What filling do you prefer? Write about it in the comments. I will be very happy if my recipes are useful to you. I'm sure you will definitely succeed!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Frankly, I did not like and cooked them extremely rarely. Until I tried steaming them. How delicious they are! Delicate, soft dough, and inside juicy strawberries with sweet syrup! Just a meal! The first portion I made a small one, for testing, and I had to repeat it again and again. Now, until the strawberry season is over, this strawberry dumpling recipe is one of my favorites. Highly recommend!

Due to the addition of starch, strawberry juice and sugar do not flow out of the dumplings, and when heated, a very tasty syrup is obtained, thick, slightly viscous. The berries do not boil soft, remain whole, and due to the syrup they become sweet, almost without sourness.

Cooking steamed dumplings with strawberries.

Dough Ingredients:
- thick kefir - 150 ml;
- flour - 2.5 cups;
- egg (small) - 1 pc;
- sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- salt - a pinch;
- soda - 0.5 tsp;
- vinegar - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.

For the filling you will need:

- strawberries - 300-350 gr;
- sugar - 3 tbsp. l. with a small slide;
- potato starch - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Let's take a look at the strawberries first. We will select strong berries for dumplings, small or medium in size. If the berries are large, then you do not need to cut them, put 1 berry per 1 dumpling. Wash the berries thoroughly under cold water, remove the stalks. Leave in a colander to drain the water and dry the berries.

Let's start the test. Mix thick kefir with beaten egg, salt and sugar. Whisk with a whisk until the sugar dissolves.

Sift flour in advance, add parts to the dough. Together with flour, add soda quenched with vinegar.

Knead the dough with your hands until it becomes soft and no longer sticky to your hands. The amount of flour in the recipe for dumplings with strawberries is approximate - kefir varies in density, due to this, more or less flour can be used. We need to achieve that the dough is tender, not steep, but not sticky. Cover the dough, let rest for 10 minutes.

To prevent strawberry juice from flowing out, we prepare a mixture of potato starch and sugar. Mix both components thoroughly with a spoon, kneading all lumps of starch.

We divide the dough into several parts. Sprinkle the table with flour. We roll out one part of the dough into a circle not very thin. Cut out circles with a cup or glass. We collect the rest of the dough, roll it into a ball and roll it out again.

Pour half a teaspoon of the prepared mixture of sugar and starch onto each circle. We put 1-2 strawberries each (the spouts look at the edge of the dumpling, and not inside).

We cover the filling and pinch the dumplings as you like. You can press the edges with a fork or make a pigtail - at your discretion.

It is more convenient to cook dumplings with strawberries in an electric double boiler or in a mantle, but if there are no such devices, then a metal colander placed on a pot of boiling water will do. Lubricate the surface of the colander with oil, spread the dumplings (not close to one another) and tightly cover with a lid.

Steamed strawberry dumplings will be ready in 5-7 minutes, you don't need to keep them longer. Lubricate the finished dumplings with butter so that they do not stick together, and immediately serve to the table with sour cream, berry sauce or just like that - they are very tasty in any form! Bon appetit!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
Recall that last time we prepared

Vareniki with strawberries in a slow cooker- This is an option for cooking your favorite dish, which allows you to save a huge amount of time.

Steamed dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker.

Sweep the dough out of 1.5 cups of flour, ½ teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of sunflower oil, 0.5 tbsp. boiled cold water. Cover it with a towel and leave for twenty minutes. Knead a few more times to make it elastic, soft, pleasant and pliable to work with. Add a little more flour if necessary. Roll up the "sausage", divide it into several pieces with a width of about two centimeters. Remove the frozen strawberries from the refrigerator in advance so that they have time to defrost and release excess juice. Roll out the dough pieces into individual pieces. For each cake, put a teaspoon of granulated sugar, a third of a spoonful of starch. Lay the strawberries on top, pinch the edges. Sculpt products, lay out in the form. Pour 2 cups of water into the bowl. Turn on the “Steam Cooking” mode, cover the lid, cook the dish for fifteen minutes. Eat dumplings while still hot.

How about you?

Recipe for dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker.

Wash ½ kg of berries thoroughly. Cut them into halves or quarters so that the filling is convenient to spread in a bowl. Set aside the fruits and do the dough. In a large bowl, add 2 tbsp. flour, add a teaspoon of soda, stir. Warm up the kefir, stir. It needs to be warmed up to room temperature. Watch it carefully so that the mass does not become curdled. Pour warm kefir into the dough, knead thoroughly, divide into two parts. From each of this part, roll up a “sausage”, cut into circles, roll each one. Blind the dumplings as follows: take a piece in the palm of your hand, put a few strawberry slices and ½ teaspoon of sugar in the center. Connect the edges, carefully pinch, immediately start cooking. Pour water into a multi-cooker saucepan, cover with a hinged double boiler, coat it with butter so that the products do not stick to each other. Lay them out in a circle, set the Steam program for five minutes. Once you have cooked 2-3 batches, check the water level. If necessary, add liquid. Put the finished dumplings on a plate, pour with butter, syrup or jam.

Lazy dumplings.

Mash 270 g of cottage cheese with a fork, add two tablespoons of sugar, 0.25 teaspoons of salt, an egg. Using an immersion blender, grind the resulting mass. Sift 4 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, mix thoroughly. The consistency of the dough will be quite sticky. Grease silicone molds. Defrost 70 g strawberries. Fill the molds halfway with the curd mass. Put the berries in the center, add the rest of the curd mass. Place the molds in the bowl to steam the dish. Fill the multi-cooker bowl with water, set it for steaming, turn on the “Steam Cooking” mode, the time is twenty minutes.

Today I want to talk about how to cook steamed strawberry dumplings in a slow cooker. Only fresh fragrant strawberries make excellent summer dumplings. They can be boiled in water or steamed, which is convenient to do in a slow cooker. The steam grate must be lubricated with vegetable oil.

The dough for dumplings is kneaded on kefir at room temperature. Soda must be added to it so that it extinguishes itself. The egg does not need to be added to the dough, because of it it will turn out denser. Wheat flour of the highest grade must be sifted before adding to the dough.
It is better to take small strawberries for the filling, then it can be cut into 4 parts. If the berries are large, then you can crumble them into small cubes. And to make the filling sweet, you need to sprinkle pieces of berries with sugar.

Vareniki with strawberry filling should be served hot with tea or milk. In addition to dumplings, you can serve sugar, sour cream, condensed cream or fruit jam. These dumplings are great for breakfast. They cook quickly, are soft and very tasty.

Ingredients for Steamed Strawberry Dumplings

  1. Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  2. Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  3. Baking soda - 1 tsp
  4. Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  5. Dry yeast - 0.25 tsp
  6. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  7. Fresh strawberries - to taste.
  8. Salt - a pinch.

How to cook steamed dumplings with strawberries in a slow cooker

Warm yogurt shake with a spoon. Pour in baking soda, stir until smooth. Leave the mixture for a couple of minutes.

Pour sugar and salt to taste into the dough, mix the liquid.

Add wheat flour and dry yeast, stir until smooth. Knead a thick dough. Because of the yeast, the dumplings will turn out tender and soft.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3 mm, cut out circles with a glass. Rinse strawberries with water, remove leaves. Berries cut into pieces. Sprinkle a small amount of sugar on each circle and spread the strawberries.

Pinch the dumplings, place on a grate greased with oil. Pour water into the multicooker, put the grate with dumplings and turn on the “Steam cooking” function. One batch of dumplings takes 3-4 minutes to cook. Vareniki should be carefully removed with a spatula and served.

It turns out summer dumplings with juicy berry filling. If there is not enough sweetness, then each dumpling can be dipped in sugar. In addition to strawberries, you can put strawberries and raspberries in the filling, you get a berry platter. Bon appetit!
