
Fried chicken wings in the oven. Chicken wings in yogurt with tandoori masala

A chicken is made up of many parts (body parts) that almost all people consume in their diet. These are chicken breasts, thighs, legs, wings, neck and back. Inside, these are the ventricles (or navels), liver, hearts - also useful and tasty by-products.

Today we will talk about chicken wings, about the methods of their preparation, about choosing a quality product and much more.

So let's start with a question. Do you like chicken wings in general? If yes, then you have definitely come to the right place. Well, if not, do not worry, you will definitely fall in love with them with us.

We will cook as many as six different recipes for chicken wings in the oven. All of them will be tasty, juicy and unsurpassed. You, most importantly, follow all the tips that you read in this article, and then everything will definitely work out.

Are you still in doubt? Then we strongly recommend that you go over our article at least with your eyes. You won't be able to resist.

What you need to know to prepare

What is important to know first? First of all, you need to remember that the products for the preparation of a particular dish must be of high quality and fresh. How to choose the right fresh ingredient, we will tell you right now.

  1. Meat can be frozen and chilled. Give preference to the second option. In the first case, the meat already loses most of its useful components;
  2. The meat must be clean, no blood or stains;
  3. The skin color is light, the meat is pale pink;
  4. If the meat is fresh, it will be firm. When pressed, it will return to its original form. If the meat has lost its elasticity, it is no longer fresh;
  5. The bones of the wings must be intact, and there must be no traces of feathers on the skin;
  6. Choose a product of normal size - approximately 120 mm. If the wing is larger, the hen has probably been fed a fast growth diet;
  7. The meat is not sticky and smells good.

You also need to know that chicken meat, like pork, must be fried / stewed until fully cooked. Cooking levels can only be for beef and veal. Raw or even raw meat of chickens and pigs can be poisonous.

Chicken wings in the oven "Regular"

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

Such a hot dish will be delicious as an appetizer, snack or a hearty lunch. They are fragrant, juicy and unforgettable.

How to cook:

Tip: to diversify your menu, we can give you advice on one delicious sauce that is perfect here. It's a Greek yogurt sauce. It will turn out really elegant and very unusual. Combine minced garlic, grated cucumber with peel, and a bunch of chopped dill with Greek yogurt. Let the dressing brew for at least half an hour and season your favorite dishes.

Italian chicken wings

Italians are true fans of various herbs, spices and spices. Therefore, the following recipe will be colorful, and while cooking, your house will smell like a restaurant kitchen somewhere in Milan.

It will take 1 hour to cook.

How many calories - 278 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the wings, dry with napkins;
  2. Combine thyme, paprika, cayenne and black pepper, garlic, onion and oregano;
  3. Roll the wings in the spice mixture;
  4. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees;
  5. Put the wings on a baking sheet, it is possible with paper, as the meat will release juice;
  6. Bake until cooked - about fifty minutes;
  7. During this time, rinse the parsley and finely chop;
  8. Parmesan grind with a grater milking citrus;
  9. Heat the sauce on the stove;
  10. Dip the finished lids into the sauce, remove and put on a dish;
  11. Sprinkle with parmesan, herbs and you can eat.

Tip: Instead of Parmesan, you can use any other hard cheese available. We used Parmesan only because the recipe is Italian, after all.

Spicy wings with mustard-tomato sauce

An incredibly simple recipe, both in terms of the set and quantity of products, and the cooking process. But the taste is unsurpassed.

It will take 1 hour and 5 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 242 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Combine tomato sauce with your favorite spices, add mustard;
  2. Mix the mass until smooth;
  3. Rinse chicken wings, dry them;
  4. Put the meat in the sauce, roll and leave for forty minutes;
  5. Next, put the wings in a mold and put them in the oven for about an hour;
  6. The oven must be preheated to 175 degrees;
  7. Check the meat with a toothpick. Juice should flow out of it when it is ready.

Tip: you can buy ready-made tomato sauce, or you can cook it yourself from homemade tomatoes.

Bake the wings in the sleeve

The advantage of this particular recipe is that after preparing such wings, you do not have to wash either the baking dishes or the baking sheets J. All the spices soak the chicken inside the sleeve and it turns out even tastier, even juicier.

It will take 1 hour to cook.

How many calories - 221 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the garlic, cut off the dry tip and chop the cloves in any convenient way;
  2. Narsharab (thick pomegranate juice) combined with olive oil. Stir so that both liquids are combined without dividing the layers;
  3. Add mustard, paprika and garlic to the liquid mass, mix everything well;
  4. Wash the wings well, dry them and dip them into the finished marinade;
  5. Punch the meat well in the sauce and leave for forty minutes to marinate;
  6. During this time, thoroughly heat the oven to 190 degrees;
  7. At the end of the pickling period, place the wings in a baking sleeve;
  8. It is good to fasten the open side of the sleeve so that the juice does not flow out;
  9. The sleeve, in turn, is placed in the mold, and the mold, respectively, in the oven;
  10. Bake the dish for 40 minutes, then serve hot.

Tip: you can try replacing narsharab with pomegranate syrup. It won't be the same, but at least you get close to the original. To do this, just boil a little pomegranate juice with sugar and the syrup is ready!

Recipe with prunes

Dried fruits are very good and closely friends with meat. Prunes, dried apricots, raisins - all this is often added to meat dishes and get something completely crazy.

It will take 1 hour to cook.

How many calories - 184 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the wings, dry with napkins;
  2. Rub the meat with salt and chili pepper;
  3. Rinse the prunes and pour boiling water over them, leave to steam for twenty minutes;
  4. After the time has elapsed, rinse the dried fruits, dry with napkins;
  5. Combine prunes with mayonnaise;
  6. Turn on the oven at 220 Celsius;
  7. Put the foil in the form, on which to place all the meat pieces;
  8. Pour mayonnaise with prunes on top and knead the wings so that the sauce is everywhere;
  9. Remove the form for 35 minutes in the oven;
  10. Pull out a dish that already has a golden crust.

Tip: if the prunes are with pits, then it would be wiser to get rid of them, at the same time chopping the dried fruits.

Crispy wings in beer batter

You haven't eaten wings like this yet. In some ways, they look like chops - ruddy, crispy and incredibly juicy inside. Try it and you won't regret it.

It will take 35 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 295 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the wings and dry with napkins;
  2. Season the wings with salt and pepper;
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 Celsius;
  4. Put the wings in a mold and bake for about twenty minutes;
  5. For batter combine beer, eggs and flour. The dough should be like for pancakes, maybe even a little thicker;
  6. Heat the oil in a large, deep bowl;
  7. Dip all wings in batter and toss in deep fat. Fry until golden brown;
  8. Put the finished wings on napkins.

Tip: Add flour gradually, as gluten levels can fluctuate, directly affecting the flour's gluten.

  1. We recommend cutting off the sharp tips of the wings. This part does not contain meat, and spices and oils go to it. In addition, these ends often burn;
  2. Be sure to marinate the meat. The longer, the tastier it will be. If not possible, then let the wings rest for at least thirty minutes;
  3. Add not only those spices that we use. Use your favorites too, because then the dish will be even tastier;
  4. Be sure to rinse raw wings and check the skin for feathers.

Chicken wings - either an appetizer or a whole dish. Either way, it's delicious, it's satisfying, it's always different, and it smells divine. Why not cook such a yummy once a week or every two? Be sure to create such a tradition in your home to enjoy the wonders of cooking more often.

Cooking baked wings in the oven is not difficult, it is important to choose the right marinade or sauce. The finished dish has a low calorie content, but it all depends on the additional ingredients. The recipe for chicken wings in the oven will definitely become a favorite for connoisseurs of quick cooking.

with crispy crust

  • Time: 1.5 hours.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 270 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: world.
  • Difficulty: medium.


  • wings - 500 g;
  • soy sauce - 50 g;
  • ginger - 10g;
  • mustard - 40 g;
  • garlic - 2 teeth.

For batter:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l;
  • breadcrumbs - 70 g;
  • chips - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the chicken pieces into two halves along the joint, rinse.
  2. Grind the sauce, mustard, garlic and ginger with a blender.
  3. Pour the mixture over the wings, leave to marinate for an hour or an hour and a half.
  4. Crumble the chips with your hands, combine with breadcrumbs.
  5. Whisk the eggs.
  6. Roll meat pieces in starch, then in batter and breading. Flour can be used instead of starch.
  7. Put the pieces in batter on a baking sheet previously lined with parchment. Allow the product to dry slightly.
  8. Place the tray in the oven at 180°C for 40 minutes.


  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 280 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for a picnic.
  • Cuisine: Spanish.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Spicy chicken wings in the oven are suitable for outdoor recreation, beer lovers, connoisseurs of the combination of chicken semi-finished products with Tobasco. For a side dish, you can cook french fries, baked vegetables or rice.


  • wings - 1.5 kg;
  • vinegar - 4 tsp;
  • Tobasco sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ketchup - 50 g;
  • sunflower oil - 70 g;
  • ground black pepper, cayenne, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the wings, rub with salt.
  2. Combine all ingredients for the marinade.
  3. Pour the mixture over the meat, let stand for half an hour.
  4. Preheat oven to 220°C.
  5. Arrange the chicken meat in a single layer.
  6. Put in the oven for 25 minutes.
  7. Can be served with cheese sauce.

Fragrant wings with garlic and mustard


  • Time: 1.5 hours.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 190 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: world.
  • Difficulty: medium.

A feature of the recipe is the preliminary boiling of the wings. This can be done in the evening and cooked the next day. The dish is combined with maple syrup - an unusual spicy-sweet taste is obtained.


  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken wings - 800 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - ½ tsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the chicken parts, remove the thin part of the phalanx.
  2. Boil until half cooked, cool in the broth.
  3. Combine chopped garlic with mustard, sugar, butter and lemon juice.
  4. Cover a baking sheet with paper, put the meat pieces.
  5. With a silicone brush, apply a thick marinade to the top of the meat.
  6. Bake for 8-10 minutes until crusty at 250°C.
  7. Turn the meat pieces over, coat with the remaining marinade dressing, bake until tender (brown).

In honey-soy marinade

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Indian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The original sweet and sour marinade goes well with chicken meat.


  • honey - 80 g;
  • wings - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce - 150 ml;
  • curry - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • paprika - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, sesame - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Turn on the oven at 200°C.
  2. Mix soy seasoning with curry, honey and paprika. Add salt.
  3. Rinse the chicken pieces, pour over the marinade, put under oppression for an hour.
  4. Put the marinated product in a baking bag, put it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven to bake for half an hour.
  5. Take out the form with chicken meat, cut the bag in the middle, sprinkle the wings with sesame seeds.
  6. Remove the baking sheet to the oven until the product is ready.




  • 3 tablespoons of butter;
  • 4 tablespoons;
  • 1 tablespoon of paprika;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper;
  • 10-12 chicken wings;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 100 g blue cheese;
  • 100 g of mayonnaise;
  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar;
  • 1 clove of garlic.


Mix melted butter, chili sauce and seasonings. Pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting marinade into another container. Cut off the tips of the wings, put the chicken in the marinade, mix and leave for half an hour at room temperature.

Wing tips may burn. Therefore, they are either wrapped in foil or cut off.

Place the wings on the oven rack and place a baking sheet under it. Grill the chicken for 10-15 minutes on each side at 200°C.

Meanwhile, mix sour cream, cheese, mayonnaise, vinegar and garlic in a blender. Pour the finished wings with the remaining marinade and serve with Blue Cheese sauce.



  • 3 teaspoons of olive oil;
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 8-10 chicken wings;
  • 4 tablespoons;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • ½ teaspoon paprika.


Mix olive oil, pepper and salt and rub the wings with this mixture. Lay them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake in a preheated oven at 210°C for 25-30 minutes, turning the wings halfway through cooking.

Place the saucepan over low heat and bring the honey, butter, minced garlic and paprika to a boil. Cook for 1-2 more minutes, stirring occasionally. The sauce should thicken a little. Pour them over the wings and bake them for another 5 minutes until they are browned.



  • 15 chicken wings;
  • 120 g cornstarch;
  • 3 eggs;
  • vegetable or olive oil for deep frying;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 ml of white vinegar;
  • 100 g blackcurrant jelly;
  • 3 tablespoons of ketchup;
  • a little butter.


Place the wings and starch in a plastic bag, tie off and shake vigorously to completely coat the chicken. Lightly beat, dip the wings in them, and then send in batches to the deep fryer or pan with very hot oil (it should completely cover the chicken). Fry the wings for 8 minutes, turning occasionally. Then place on paper towel to drain excess oil.

Combine sugar, vinegar, currant jelly, soy sauce, ketchup and lemon juice in a clean saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for another 10 minutes.

Place the wings in a buttered baking dish and pour over half of the sauce. Bake for 15 minutes at 180°C. Flip, drizzle with remaining sauce and bake for 10-15 more minutes.



  • 3 oranges;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar;
  • 1 ½ teaspoons salt;
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 18-20 chicken wings.


Mix the juice of two oranges, the zest of all three oranges, crushed, soy sauce, sugar, salt and pepper. Add chicken to mixture and mix thoroughly.

Arrange the wings in one row on a baking sheet. Pour over almost all the sauce and bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes. Flip the wings, drizzle with the remaining sauce and cook for another 10-15 minutes.



  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon ground black pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon paprika;
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano;
  • 12 chicken wings (without tips);
  • 12 slices of bacon.


Mix seasonings and rub over chicken. Wrap each wing tightly with bacon and secure with skewers if necessary. Place on a wire rack, place a baking sheet underneath and bake at 180°C for about an hour, turning the wings halfway through.



  • 130 g of spicy mustard;
  • 170 g of honey;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • ¼ teaspoon turmeric;
  • 18-20 chicken wings.


Combine mustard, honey, oil, lemon juice and turmeric in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Arrange the wings in a row on a lined baking sheet and pour over the sauce. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20-30 minutes on each side.



  • 120 g butter;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • 100 g breadcrumbs;
  • 50 g of grated parmesan;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • 10-12 chicken wings.


Mix melted butter and minced garlic. In another bowl, combine chopped parsley, breadcrumbs, cheese, salt and pepper. First dip the wings in the oil, then roll in the breadcrumbs. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake for about an hour at 180°C.



  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper;
  • ½ teaspoon paprika;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 10 chicken wings;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • ¹⁄₂ l of any beer;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of cornstarch;
  • 4 tablespoons of honey.


Combine pepper, paprika and salt and rub over the wings. Put them in a pan with hot oil and fry until they are browned on all sides. Remove from heat and pour in some beer so that the chicken is lightly coated. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20-25 minutes.

In a saucepan over low heat, bring the remaining beer to a boil, stirring occasionally. Add starch and honey and cook, stirring, until sauce thickens. Remove from the heat and toss the cooked wings into the sauce.



  • 4-5 large potatoes;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 teaspoons of paprika;
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper;
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano;
  • 1 teaspoon of water;
  • 10-12 chicken wings.


Clean and cut lengthwise into quarters. Place on a baking sheet, season with salt and drizzle with a tablespoon of oil. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 200°C.

Mix minced garlic, paprika, pepper, oregano, salt and water. Cover the wings with this mixture and put it on the potatoes. Bake for another 35-40 minutes until the chicken is browned.



  • 10-12 chicken wings;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 180 ml Coca-Cola;
  • a few green onions.


Wings in soy sauce for half an hour. Then put them in a frying pan with hot oil and fry over high heat until they are golden brown on all sides.

Pour in the cola and remaining marinade. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes covered and 5 minutes uncovered. The sauce should thicken slightly. Sprinkle the finished wings with chopped onions.

Just imagine: baked chicken wings with a golden crust and spicy sauce. Yummy, and more! You can prepare such an affordable and inexpensive product in various ways. The main thing is to choose the right sauce and seasoning. Sour cream and garlic, spicy creamy, cheese and even honey sauces go well with chicken wings. Herbs include dried parsley, dill, fennel, basil, mint, and more. As you already understood, the topic of our conversation today is chicken wings in the oven.

Let's go to the kitchen and prepare a delicious treat for our household.

Calorie content of the dish and features of its preparation

Chicken wings are by no means a dietary product. 100 g of baked poultry meat contains 329 kcal. And this is only an approximate figure, since the calorie content of the dish depends on the ingredients used for the sauce. You can cook chicken wings with a minimum number of calories only in honey mustard sauce.

Experienced chefs are very fond of cooking chicken wings, because such a familiar and almost ordinary product can be made into a real culinary masterpiece. Let's learn how to cook delicious chicken wings with a crust in the oven:

  • the wings must be thoroughly washed;
  • the wings can be pre-marinated using sour cream, mayonnaise or soy sauce;
  • the wings need to be rubbed with various seasonings and be sure to add chopped garlic;
  • to make the wings juicy, they can be baked in the sleeve in the oven;
  • wings with a golden crust will be obtained when baking in the oven at a high temperature threshold;
  • in order not to overdry the wings, be sure to add sauce or sprinkle them with warm water mixed with seasonings;
  • baked chicken wings go well with various vegetable and cereal side dishes;
  • the dish can be decorated with fresh herbs and make it the king of your festive or everyday table.

Crispy chicken wings in the oven

To cook chicken wings with a crispy golden crust, you must use liquid honey and soy sauce. They will give not only a characteristic color to the wings, but also make the crust really crispy and at the same time soft. Chicken wings in soy sauce in the oven should be cooked after pre-marinating.


  • chicken wings;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid honey - 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • ketchup or tomato sauce - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic cloves;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • cinnamon and paprika - 0.25 tsp each;
  • soy sauce - 0.2 l.


Baked wings with potatoes

If you want to cook chicken wings with a side dish, then add potatoes to them. Wings baked on a potato pillow will turn out very tasty and juicy.


  • chicken wings;
  • onion;
  • sunflower oil;
  • carrot;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • potato;
  • pepper mixture.


  1. Wash chicken wings well and pat dry. Remove excess skin and fat.
  2. Put the wings in a separate container, add salt, pepper mixture and other seasonings. Mix everything well and leave the wings to marinate for 1-2 hours.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Chop carrots and potatoes into rings.
  4. Line a baking sheet or other heat-resistant dish with foil. Lay out the chopped vegetables. Add sunflower oil and some salt. Mix all ingredients well and spread evenly over the baking sheet.
  5. Arrange the marinated chicken wings on top of the vegetables.
  6. Cover the chicken wings with potatoes with another layer of foil.
  7. Bake wings with potatoes in the oven at a temperature threshold of 200 ° for 1 hour.

Wings baked in the oven attract gourmets with their pleasant aroma and amazing taste. Experienced chefs will teach you how to choose the right poultry, reveal some of the secrets of baking the product, share interesting recipes, and give useful tips on marinating chicken meat.

How to choose wings?

You need to choose chilled chicken wings that have not been frozen. Look for fresh chicken. It should not stick to your hands and have a yellowish tint. Fresh birds are pinkish in color, without spots, blood and musty smell.

Too large wings indicate feeding the chicken with chemical additives. A normal winglet cannot reach a length of more than 12 cm.

General cooking rules

The baking time of the product directly depends on the chosen marinade and the duration of marination. When soaking chicken with it for more than two hours, the period of its stay in the oven is reduced by 12 minutes. The dish can be cooked from 20 to 50 minutes at temperatures from 150 to the maximum mark.

If the meat is fried in a pan, then it attracts with its fragrant crispy golden crust. But still, this is a fatty and too high-calorie dish. It is better to bake the wings in the oven. You can cook them tasty and appetizing.

To achieve the desired result, the following conditions must be met:

  • make a suitable marinade;
  • choose the right baking time and set the temperature;
  • you will not get a golden crisp if the meat is wrapped in foil or packed in a sleeve

First, the chicken wings are carefully washed in cold water, all accidentally remaining feathers are removed. Then the product is thoroughly wiped with paper towels or napkins. Some chefs recommend removing the final thin phalanx, which turns out to be dry during the baking process and not everyone likes it.

To get fried wings with a crispy crust, they are first immersed for some time in the marinade. It will give chicken meat a special flavor and juiciness. The gravy and spices should cover the surface of the pieces evenly. The meat is left to marinate for about two hours in a container covered with a lid or cling film. Marinating takes place in the room. Sometimes wings in gravy are sent to cool in the refrigerator.

A golden crispy crust is obtained if, before baking, the wings are immersed in batter, and then carefully sprinkled with breading. In addition to breadcrumbs, crackers, cornflakes, and oatmeal are sometimes used.

Wings laid out on a sheet should not be covered with a lid or foil, otherwise a crispy crust will not form.

The oven must be preheated to 200 degrees. And only after that the chicken meat is sent to the oven. 40 minutes is enough to get tender meat with a crispy golden crust. The readiness of the dish is checked with a skewer or the tip of a knife. A sharp end easily stuck into the meat and the appearance of clear juice indicates the complete readiness of the wings.

The most difficult thing is to fry a bird in the oven on a wire rack. It must be lubricated with vegetable oil. Under the grate there should be a baking sheet for dripping fat into it. First, it is advisable to shake off the wings from the marinade. They are not laid out too tightly on the grate.

In order to avoid burning - periodically turn over.

Suitable marinade

Without pre-marinating the wings, a bland dish is obtained. When preparing the marinade, it is necessary to focus on the taste of personal preferences. The taste of chicken depends on the choice of ingredients: spicy, sour, spicy, sweetish aftertaste.

Fans of spicy dishes are recommended to use pepper, garlic, mustard and adjika. Those with a sweet tooth will be pleased with the gravy, in which honey or some kind of syrup is added. At the same time, a marinade will turn out spicy and sweet if you add honey, blackberries and jalapenos to it. There are sauces with vinegar added. It is not recommended to keep the chicken in it for a long time, otherwise the wings will completely dry out. Marinating time should not exceed 3 hours.

If there is no vinegar in the gravy, but there is soy sauce, juice, yogurt, then the chicken can be marinated all night to soak the product well and get juicy, tender meat.

To prepare the kefir marinade, grate 5 cloves of garlic on a fine grater. Pour 2 cups of kefir into the container, add grated garlic, pepper, salt. The mass is thoroughly mixed. Chicken is marinated in it. Soy sauce marinade is made with the addition of two medium onions and 170 g of tomato paste. 170 g of soy sauce is poured into finely chopped onions, tomato paste or ketchup is added, then the mixture is peppered and salted. The process of marinating chicken lasts 4 hours.

Some chefs prefer Chinese hot sauce. To do this, first cut a small bunch of green onions, and then rub 4 cloves of garlic on a fine grater. Onion and garlic are added to the prepared mixture of different sauces: hot chili (2 tablespoons), sweet chili (3 tablespoons), oyster sauce (3.5 tablespoons). 4 tablespoons of sesame oil and 100 ml of honey are added to the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly, lower the meat. After 2 hours, chicken wings can be fried.

The original marinade is made from beer. Light beer (500 g) is poured into a saucepan, peppered, 2 tablespoons of chopped coriander, Adyghe salt (4 tsp) are poured into it. The chicken is marinated for 2 hours. For frying the wings on the grill, the most suitable marinade is made from liquid honey (3 tablespoons) and soy sauce (5 tablespoons). Marinate the meat for an hour. Bake for 40 minutes. Before serving, the finished dish is sprinkled with sesame seeds.


There are many wonderful recipes for baking chicken wings in the oven using a variety of marinades.

Consider step by step the recipe for making wings in adjika:

  • wings are thoroughly washed (0.5 kg), dried with disposable towels;
  • dried basil and curry (1 tsp each) are poured into adjika (4 tablespoons), then the mixture is salted and peppered;
  • chicken meat is dipped into the resulting sauce, kept for 3 hours;
  • lay out on a sheet covered with foil or a silicone mat;
  • put in a heated oven for half an hour at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Ginger is also great for preparing a delicious fragrant dish:

  • first mix vegetable oil (50 g) and soy sauce (50 g), add 3 pressed garlic cloves, a spoonful of grated ginger, salt, pour half a teaspoon of hot red pepper;
  • pre-treated poultry is folded into the prepared gravy;
  • after 2 hours, the wings are laid out on a baking sheet;
  • send the meat to the oven for 45 minutes;
  • occasionally the product is removed from the oven and poured over with the resulting juice;
  • fried fragrant wings put on the table with vegetables.

Wings with cream are prepared quickly and easily:

  • you need to lay out already processed wings (500 g) on ​​a sheet;
  • then you should put the baking sheet in the oven;
  • it is necessary to turn on the temperature regime at 200 degrees;
  • bake for 50 minutes;
  • from time to time, chicken should be watered with the resulting fat;
  • mustard (4 tablespoons), honey (2 tablespoons), curry (1.5 teaspoons), salt and ground pepper (to taste) are added to heavy cream (150 ml);
  • each baked wing is carefully smeared with gravy;
  • sent to the oven for another half hour.

Among housewives, a recipe for baked wings in mayonnaise is common:

  • soy sauce (3 tablespoons) is mixed with mayonnaise (100 g), 3 cloves of pressed garlic are added, salted, poured in half a small spoonful of ground pepper, chopped paprika;
  • pre-processed wings (10 pieces) are folded into the marinade, left for 30 minutes;
  • spread on a sheet, bake in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees;
  • a few minutes before the end of baking, the temperature should be switched to 220 degrees.

An unusual taste is obtained when preparing a dish with salted crackers:

  • processed wings are divided into pieces, immersed in a saucepan;
  • sprinkle them with curry (1 teaspoon), salt and pepper, add tomato paste (4 tablespoons);
  • cover the pan with a lid and refrigerate for 60 minutes;
  • the chilled product is dipped into a batter made from two raw eggs;
  • then each wing is rolled in crumbled salted crackers (150 g);
  • place the products on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil;
  • baked in the oven at a maximum temperature of about 20 minutes;
  • reduce the temperature regime to 160;
  • cook the dish until a golden crispy crust forms.

A savory dish can be prepared with honey:

  • pour soy sauce (1 cup) into the pan, add natural honey (1 tablespoon) and a pod of chopped hot pepper;
  • dipped pre-treated chicken wings (1 kg) into the gravy for 30 minutes;
  • prepare a breading of two egg yolks, butter (2 tablespoons) and hard cheese (100 g);
  • pickled chicken pieces are alternately dipped into the prepared breading;
  • deboned products in breadcrumbs are placed on a sheet;
  • the oven is heated to 200 degrees;
  • a baking sheet with chicken meat is placed in the oven for a 20-minute baking;
  • all types of garnish are suitable for the finished product.

With the addition of lemon juice, an amazing dish is obtained:

  • wings (0.5 kg) are laid out on a pre-lubricated sheet;
  • squeeze the juice from two lemons, pour soy sauce (3 tablespoons), natural honey (1.5 tablespoons), a spoonful of dried oregano into it;
  • pour the pieces on the sheet with the resulting gravy;
  • put in a heated oven;
  • cook for 30 minutes at 200 degrees;
  • to keep the juiciness of the wings, they are poured with gravy every five minutes.

Similarly, prepare a bird with mustard. To do this, you need 8 wings, 30 g of honey, mustard (4 tablespoons) and a pinch of salt. Honey is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The processed and lightly salted wings are rolled in it. Bake for 25 minutes.

The magical taste of cooked wings with potatoes can be experienced very simply:

  • potatoes (500 g) peeled and cut into strips;
  • to prepare the marinade, you will need a spoonful of mustard, a tablespoon of mayonnaise and garlic sauce, a pinch of salt and pepper;
  • ten pre-processed wings and potatoes are left to marinate for 2 hours;
  • the product is baked in the oven for 50 minutes at a temperature of 220.

You can use the grill function. To do this, melt a pack of butter, add 400 ml of tomato sauce, onion and garlic powder in equal proportions (one tablespoon each). Then pour 60 ml of hot sauce. Boil the mass for 2 hours. Dip the wings into the cooled mixture, marinate for half an hour. The grill element is adjusted to 230 degrees. Immerse the chicken in a grill pan. The dish takes 30 minutes to prepare.

With what to combine?

Crispy wings cooked in the oven are suitable for almost all herbs. Chopped paprika, fennel, coriander, rosemary, basil, dill, curry are better than other seasonings combined with chicken wings. Provencal herbs, mint, thyme, garlic, ginger are suitable. Most often, spices are added directly to the marinade.

Sometimes they are mixed with vegetable oil and fermented milk products. Often sprinkled with wings themselves.

The product goes well with many sauces, marinades, lemon juice, mustard, breadcrumbs. You can serve the dish to the table with any vegetables and herbs.

For how to cook wings in a crispy oven, see the following video.
