
Spring rolls. Spring rolls - step by step recipes with photos

This practically diet snack has nothing to do with rice rolls, as some might think. Externally, the products look like envelopes filled with various different fillings. Try and make rice paper rolls at home.

What are spring rolls

Chinese cuisine is becoming more and more popular with other peoples of the world every day. So, for example, many who love sushi have already appreciated this original dish. Spring rolls are wrapped in a roll rice pancakes stuffed or flatbread. You can eat such a delicacy both cold and fried - it all depends on the filling and dough used.

How to cook spring rolls

The beauty of these products is that they can even be pre-assembled (but not fried) and frozen by wrapping with a film. To prepare spring rolls, you need to prepare and process the ingredients for the filling, soak the thinnest sheets of rice dough in water. After that, spread the filling along the edge of the sheet and twist a tight roll. Rolls can be baked or fried as desired.

Spring roll dough

You can buy rice paper sheets or make your own. If you have already decided, then you need to do rice dough for spring rolls like this: grind the cereal into flour, add water, season, knead the mixture to a consistency thick sour cream. With a brush, smear first one layer of dough on a dry frying pan, and when it dries, immediately spread another one. take out thin pancakes when the edges are dry. You need to spread the blanks on a flat plate with sides, covering the finished ones with a film. Remember that before baking a new pancake, it is recommended to wipe the pan with a napkin.

Spring roll toppings

Often, meat, seafood or vegetables are laid inside the rolls. However, spring roll toppings should also contain hard vegetables or greens: cucumbers, carrots, celery or bean sprouts, thanks to which the products have a characteristic "crunch". All vegetables are cut into thin strips, seafood and meat are stewed. There are also dessert spring rolls with cottage cheese, fruits, berries and fish, which go well with ginger.

Spring roll sauce

IN this dish you need to lay all the products recommended by the recipe. This also applies to spring roll sauce. For example, products will create a unique flavor bouquet in combination with spicy or sweet chili sauce, teriyaki or soy sauce. Good luck to meat rolls there will be a combination of soy sauce with orange and lemon juice, mirin and red pepper flakes.

spring roll recipe

The dish can be made from different products The main thing is that you like their taste. Check out the recipes below, each offering the best combinations for vegetarians and omnivores. Play one of the spring roll recipes, because the food turns out to be very tasty, and it takes a minimum of time to cook it.

Spring rolls with shrimps

  • Cooking time: 8 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 173 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Vietnamese.

The appetizer is popular among seafood lovers due to its ease of preparation. Spring rolls with shrimp go well with teriyaki sauce or hot chili- it's up to you to decide. Observing step by step instructions, you will be able to twist the rolls, even if you do not have special knowledge in cooking and do not know the intricacies of cooking foreign cuisines.


  • mint (or basil) - 1 sprig;
  • rice paper - 1 pack;
  • green beans - 100 g;
  • iceberg lettuce - 1 bunch;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • funchose noodles - 1 pack per 200 g;
  • boiled shrimp - 400 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the rice paper by dipping each sheet into the water one at a time. Put them on a towel
  2. Stepping back from the edge of the leaf, spread the mint, green beans.
  3. boiled shrimp peel, cut in half, put them on the sheet too.
  4. Hold the funchoza for 5 minutes in boiling water, drain, put it on top of the shrimp.
  5. Cut avocado into strips, put next to the noodles.
  6. Cover the ingredients with lettuce leaves.
  7. Twist the blanks tightly, eat, dipping into the sauce.

Spring rolls with chicken

  • Cooking time: 55 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 186 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The beautiful products that you see in the photo are Asian spring rolls - pancakes, symbolizing the onset of spring. Cooking spring rolls with chicken involves the use of a filling consisting of young vegetables and chicken breast that are wrapped in puff pastry filo. Pancakes can be fried, but it is better to bake, as the recipe recommends.


  • filo dough - 250 g;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • ham - 100 g;
  • bean sprouts - 150 g;
  • soy sauce- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sweet and sour sauce- taste;
  • green onion - 100 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • sherry - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken breast - 300 g;
  • oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil chicken fillet, cut. Cut the ham too.
  2. Grate zucchini with carrots green onion chop.
  3. Transfer ingredients to a frying pan with hot oil, add bean sprouts, sherry, soy sauce. Put everything out so that the liquid evaporates. Cool the filling well.
  4. Pour 50 grams of oil into a cup, dip a brush, grease each piece of dough. Put on each piece 1.5 large spoons fillings, start wrapping them one by one, while also smearing all sides.
  5. Lubricate the prepared rolls again, put on a baking sheet, put in the oven for 15 minutes.
  6. File with sweet and sour sauce.

Spring rolls fried

  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 198 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Rolls made according to this recipe will replace pies or pancakes with meat, because they are much faster to cook. Fried spring rolls can be served long or cut into small pieces- so them appearance will be more aesthetic. Remember that before you start wrapping the rolls, the filling must be fried in a pan until cooked.


  • minced meat - 250 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • pepper, salt - to taste;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • rice paper - 10 sheets;
  • cabbage - 100 g;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the ingredients: chop the onion finely, chop the carrots and cabbage, chop the greens with garlic finely sharp knife.
  2. On a preheated brazier, fry the minced meat, put all the vegetables to it, salt, season the mass. Cover the dishes, simmer the contents for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs before removing from heat. Cool the filling.
  3. Put a soaked sheet of edible paper on the fabric, put the filling on the edge, wrap everything with a roll.
  4. Fry the prepared spring rolls until a crust appears, serve.

Spring rolls with vegetables

  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1500 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you're wondering what to eat, then check this out. vegetarian option dishes Asian cuisine. Spring rolls with vegetables rice balls and tomato-peanut butter - very hearty meal, which can become a full meal. The components included in the composition should not be mixed together - balls, pasta and the rolls themselves must be served separately.


  • cashew nuts - 40 g;
  • mint leaves - 6 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • rice paper - 3 sheets;
  • lime juice - 0.5 tsp;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • round rice - 100 g;
  • champignons - 2 pcs.;
  • coconut milk - 50 ml;
  • peanut paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bean sprouts - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • curry paste - 0.5 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Immediately put a pot of rice on the fire, not forgetting that you need to boil it in salt water.
  2. Finely chop the tomato, fry it in a deep frying pan, where oil is poured and heated. Add curry, coconut milk bought or prepared by yourself peanut butter. Simmer until the tomato pieces dissolve in the liquid. Finally, add lime juice, soy sauce and sugar.
  3. Rub the carrots with a thin straw, pour the sprouts with boiling water for a couple of seconds. Fry cashews, break each in half. Moisten matte sheets of rice paper alternately, place on a towel. On the edge along the sheet, lay out the carrots (distribute so that it is enough for three sheets and leave for frying), bean sprouts, put mint, cashews on top. Roll up the rolls.
  4. Grind champignons, fry them together with carrots in oil. Mix the carrot-mushroom mass with the rice that has had time to cool down. Form several pieces of balls from the products.
  5. Ready meal can be hired or submitted. Rolls, like balls, can be dipped in sauce.

Spring rolls sweet

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 146 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Chinese.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The option described below will be appreciated by those who cannot imagine their table without a dish for dessert. It is very easy to cook sweet spring rolls at home, and the process takes about 30 minutes at most. Check out the recipe, and you can start making a treat for dessert, because with step by step recommendations you will quickly figure out how to make crunchy sweet products.


  • ripe bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • Sesame oil- 50 ml;
  • rice paper - 1 pack;
  • white or black chocolate - 1 bar per 100 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • lime juice - 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the peel from bananas, cut each into three equal parts.
  2. Take a deep plate, squeeze lime juice into it, add honey, sesame oil. Mix liquid well. Dip the pieces of bananas in the marinade, leave them inside the plate for 30 minutes, so that each piece is soaked with dressing - this way they will have an indescribable taste.
  3. Soak sheets of rice paper by dipping them in cold water for a few seconds.
  4. Twist sweet envelopes, and then send the rolls to fry in heated vegetable oil. Each side of the product must have golden crust.
  5. Melt the chocolate, pour over the products laid out on the plate.

Spring rolls - cooking features

The following tips are worth considering for those who want to get perfect products Asian cuisine. So, the features of cooking spring rolls:

  1. It is better to cut the vegetables used according to the recipe into thin strips or use a grater for this. Korean carrots. Peppers, carrots, cabbage, etc. can be fried a little or put raw.
  2. Before forming the rolls, it is necessary to prepare rice paper by lowering the sheets into hot water. You need to get the paper as soon as it softens, and it is better to spread it on a towel, and not on a board.
  3. Rice paper rolls are served with sauce, so the filling is not salty. Sauces are used different: soy, sour cream, teriyaki, sweet and sour. However, if you think you can do without additives, then the filling must be salted and peppered.

Video: Fruit spring rolls

WomanJournal.ru offers 10 recipes spring rolls- with shrimp, pork, mango, papaya, bananas, chocolate and berries.

The love of Russian people for rolls and sushi cannot be explained and it can only be compared with our attachment to Italian cuisine- Pizza and pasta have firmly entered our lives. But roll roll strife: loved by us japanese snacks with eel, salmon and tuna in a shell of seaweed, it turns out, have nothing to do with Asian spring rolls with shrimp, pork and all kinds of fruits, vegetables, herbs in tender rice paper. And yet, spring rolls, incredibly popular in China, Vietnam and Tunisia, won the love of conservative Japanese, picky Europeans, and omnivorous Americans.

You can also enjoy spring rolls in Russia, and you can enjoy them all year round and not just in the spring. This the perfect dish for picnics with friends, children and hit romantic trips out of town. Great Alternative bored hamburgers and sandwiches, they are just as easy to prepare and have a delicate taste.

Crispy and light, spring rolls can rightfully be considered diet dish, and therefore suitable for all fans of a healthy diet and even vegetarians: there is an incredible number of recipes for spring rolls, in which the main ingredients are vegetables, fruits and all kinds of spicy greens.

Spring rolls, by and large, are of two types - cold and hot. The technology of their preparation is slightly different. And the appearance of such rolls can also vary.

Any spring roll recipe consists of three main components: dough (rice paper or puff pastry), filling (vegetables, fruits, root vegetables, seafood, noodles, fish, poultry, herbs, sprouted soy sprouts) and the obligatory spicy saucereal zest this dish.

The main difference between spring Asian rolls from traditional Japanese - in a whole palette of colors and tastes, unexpected duets, quartets and orchestras of different ingredients.

As a favorite filling, the Chinese and Vietnamese use shrimp with pork. The unusual taste effect of this combination is enhanced exotic fruits mango, papaya and avocado. Add to this union the exquisite bitterness of juicy daikon and ginger, the spice of cilantro, basil and mint, the sourness of germinated soybean sprouts, the sharpness of chili peppers and garlic - and an amazing cocktail of tastes and aromas is ready: what you need to wake up after hibernation.

If everything is more or less clear with the filling (we take what we have, improvise and add / change at our discretion), then an unprepared cook may have difficulties with the test for spring rolls. The fact is that rice paper, which is 80% mandatory in recipes for spring rolls (they say “Rice paper for spring rolls” on the package), is not sold everywhere.

However, the Russian people will find workarounds. For example, it will replace hard-to-reach rice paper with cabbage leaves - especially since spring rolls for the most part resemble our favorite cabbage rolls. Or on lettuce leaves (you can use lettuce, batavia, radicchio, witloof, fries, iceberg, etc.), spinach and even sorrel. Or, alternatively, wrap the rolls in ham, cheese, tortillas or pita bread, a thin strip of zucchini or cucumber.

And hot spring rolls are completely similar to national spring rolls, which they, in essence, are: they are simply not made from wheat flour, but from rice.

It just so happened historically: in Asia, the main dish is rice. And therefore, do not be surprised if you come across a recipe for a spring roll with rice noodles in rice paper, and even with sauce from rice vinegar. And as a compliment from the chef, they will bring you a stack of rice vodka. We, of course, cannot understand such “rice” splendor, our everything is bread and potatoes.

Spring rolls are a real Klondike for housewives. Meat, fish, vegetarian, sweet - everyone! - these Asian snacks will appeal to girls at a bachelorette party, and a group of men at a picnic, and children at an outdoor holiday.

WomanJournal.ru offers 10 best recipes spring rolls - with shrimp, pork, turkey, mango, papaya, bananas, chocolate and berries. Spring is here, summer is coming!

Spring rolls in ham

This, of course, is not classic recipe Asian spring rolls, and its European version with ham instead of rice paper.

What you need (for 4 servings):
1 ripe fruit mango
1 large carrot
1 glass of arugula
1 large cucumber, peeled and seeded
2-3 chives
200 g ham

For cream sauce:
250 g natural yogurt
cilantro, basil, arugula
Juice of 1/2 lemon

How to cook spring rolls in ham:

  • Carrot, cucumber and mango cut into bars, add chives and arugula.
  • cut ham thin slices, put vegetables on the edge of the ham and roll the slice with ham and vegetables into a roll. Tie the roll with chives or secure with a toothpick.
  • Serve with a sauce made from natural yoghurt and finely chopped herbs.
  • Drizzle with lemon juice before serving.
  • Can be served with lemon ginger sauce: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice, vinaigrette sauce, soy sauce and grated fresh ginger and lemon zest.
  • Spring rolls in ham are ready!

The recipe for spring rolls in ham is based on materials from Myfrenchkitchen.wordpress.com.

Spring pasta rolls with asparagus

It is good to decorate these rolls with fresh chives: onion feathers should be about 25 cm long. To do this, dip the onion feathers in freshly boiled water, then rinse cold water and dry gently with paper towels.

1/4 st. spoons of salt
8 large tubes of cannelloni pasta
400 g asparagus sprouts
30 g low-calorie cream cheese
2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped chives
2 tbsp. spoons of milk
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill
1 minced garlic clove
1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice
1/2 st. a spoonful of freshly ground pepper
170-200 g thinly sliced ​​smoked salmon
8 fresh chives

How to cook spring pasta rolls with asparagus:

  • Boil the tubes of cannelloni pasta in salted water.
  • Clean the asparagus and, if necessary, trim to 15 cm. Add the asparagus to the pasta water and cook for a little more than 3 minutes. Remove asparagus and pasta, rinse under cold water, drain and pat dry with paper towels.
  • For the filling: mix cream cheese, chopped onion, milk, dill, garlic, lemon juice and pepper in a small bowl.
  • Stuff each tube of cannelloni with cream cheese (about 2 tablespoons each).
  • Add chopped salmon (1 slice per cannelloni tube).
  • Insert 3 asparagus sticks into each tube.
  • Tie tubules fresh onion. Place rolls upright.
  • Spring pasta rolls with asparagus are ready.

Recipe for spring pasta rolls with asparagus compiled from Edining.ca

Chinese spring rolls

What you need (for 15-18 pieces):
1 pack of rice paper
25 g shiitake mushrooms
100 g raw shrimp, peeled and finely chopped
100 g chopped pork
1 st. tablespoon light soy sauce
1 st. a spoonful of rice wine or dry sherry
1 1/2 tbsp. spoons of salt
1/2 st. spoons of cornmeal
1/2 st. tablespoons of sesame oil
1 1/4 st. tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
1 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons of peanut butter
2 tbsp. tablespoons minced garlic
1 st. a spoonful of minced ginger
3 art. tablespoons minced leeks
250 g finely chopped soy sprouts
1 beaten egg
1.2 liters peanut butter for deep frying

How to cook Chinese spring rolls:

  • Soak mushrooms in water for 20 minutes. Then let the water drain and press the mushrooms until smooth.
  • Clean and chop the shrimp.
  • In a small bowl, mix shrimp and meat with soy sauce, rice wine, cornmeal, sesame oil, salt and pepper.
  • Heat up the pan, pour peanut butter without allowing it to smoke, add garlic, ginger and fry for about 20 seconds. Then add the rest of the ingredients, shrimp-meat mix, soy sprouts, mushrooms and fry for about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into a colander and rinse with cold water.
  • Put 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting mixture on the edge of rice paper (pre-soaked in warm water for 15-20 seconds and dried on a paper towel). Tamp tightly and wrap around to the middle. Then roll the roll into an envelope like spring rolls. Tie the rolls with leeks.
  • Rinse the pan thoroughly, heat it over a fire, add oil and heat until the oil does not start to smoke, and fry the rolls for about 3-4 minutes on each side.
  • Put the rolls on a plate and serve immediately with any sweet and sour sauce.
  • Chinese spring rolls are ready.

Recipe for Chinese spring rolls based on Channel4.com.

Indian spring rolls

What you need (for 6 servings):
1 st. tablespoon finely chopped fresh peeled ginger
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1/2 teaspoon chopped turmeric
350 g peeled medium sized shrimp
2 minced garlic cloves
250 g fat-free yogurt
2 teaspoons olive oil
2 cups thinly shredded Chinese lettuce
1.5 cups fresh sprouted soy sprouts
30 g thin rice noodles
1/4 cup chopped green onions
2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 st. a spoonful of cornmeal
1 st. a spoonful of water
6 20 cm round sheets of rice paper

For sauce:
1/3 cup pineapple jam
1/4 cup orange juice
1 st. spoonful of red wine vinegar
1 st. tablespoon lightly salted soy sauce
2 teaspoons grated horseradish
1 teaspoon dark sesame oil
Green onion feathers (optional)

How to cook Indian spring rolls:

  • Mix ginger, pepper, turmeric, shrimp, garlic and yogurt in a large plastic container. Close tightly and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Then drain the marinade and remove the shrimp from the container.
  • Heat olive oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add shrimp, fry them for 4 minutes (or until cooked). Add the cabbage, then the onion, noodles, cilantro, and optional soy sprouts. Season with salt and cook for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then mix cornmeal and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water in a small bowl. Add corn mixture to shrimp mass; cook 1 minute.
  • Pour hot water into a large shallow dish. Place 1 sheet of rice paper in water and leave for 30 seconds (or until softened). Remove from water, lay rice paper on a flat surface. Spoon about 1/2 cup of the shrimp mixture over half of the rice leaf, leaving a 1cm thick border.
  • Fold the edges of the cake into an envelope and twist the roll, starting from the side with the filling. Carefully squeeze the joints of the cake to secure; turn the roll over with the resulting seam down and put on a dish (so that the roll does not dry out, you need to close the dish). Do the same with the rest of the rice paper sheets and shrimp mixture. Cut the rolls crosswise.
  • For sauce: Combine pineapple jam and other ingredients in a small bowl, stirring with a whisk. Serve with spring rolls. You can garnish with green onions if you like.
  • Indian spring rolls are ready.

Recipe for Indian spring rolls based on Myrecipes.com

Vietnamese spring rolls with grilled pork

What you need (for 4 servings):
10 sheets of rice paper
Lettuce (you can take Chinese salad)
1 cucumber cut into sticks
fresh greens: mint, cilantro, basil, coriander
Sprouted beans (optional)

For grilled pork:
350g pork cut into thin slices
2 minced garlic cloves
2 chopped shallots
1 st. a spoonful of fish sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons freshly ground pepper
3 art. tablespoons of peanut or vegetable oil

For peanut sauce:
1 glass spicy sweet sauce Hoizin (or barbecue sauce)
1/4 st. a spoonful of vinegar
1/4 cup peanut butter
1 st. a spoonful of rice vinegar
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 crushed chili pepper

How to cook Vietnamese spring rolls with grilled pork:

  • In a plastic container, combine all the ingredients for the grilled pork. Leave for 20 minutes. Remove the pork slices from the marinade and grill for 2-3 minutes per side.
  • In a blender, mix all the ingredients for the peanut sauce until smooth. If the sauce is too thick, you can add warm water until the desired consistency is reached.
  • In a bowl with warm water soak the rice paper for 15-20 seconds so that it does not soften at all. Take out, dry with paper towels.
  • Put lettuce on the edge of rice paper, add pork cut into cubes, herbs and other vegetables. Twist the roll 1/3 inward, and then fold it into an envelope like spring rolls.
  • Serve with peanut sauce.
  • Vietnamese spring rolls with grilled pork are ready.

Recipe for Vietnamese spring rolls with grilled pork based on Rasamalaysia.com

Crispy spring rolls with shrimps

What do you need:
8 30cm rice paper sheets
3 cups shrimp salad lemon sauce"The vinaigrette"
2 glasses spring greenery(spring green mix)
1/2 cup spicy sprouted green soy shoots (optional)
Sweet and sour chili sauce

For the shrimp salad:
2 liters of water
3 bay leaves
2 tbsp. tablespoons white wine or wine vinegar
500 g unpeeled king prawns
1 pod white pepper, chopped into strips
3 green onions, cut lengthwise into thin 4cm strips
3 carrots, peeled and cut into strips
1 cucumber, peeled and cut into strips
150g frozen sweet peas, lightly boiled beforehand
3/4 cup lemon vinaigrette sauce
Sea salt to taste
Freshly ground black pepper to taste

For the vinaigrette sauce:
3 art. spoons of sugar
1/2 cup rice vinegar
2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice
2 tbsp. tablespoons grated cucumber with cucumber juice
1 st. a spoonful of grated ginger
1 teaspoon ground red pepper
Salt to taste

How to cook crispy spring shrimp rolls:

  • For the shrimp salad: mix water, Bay leaf and vinegar, bring to a boil. Dip the shrimp into this mixture and cook for 3 minutes or until they turn pink. Drain the liquid, rinse the shrimp with cold water, remove the shell, leave the tails. Mix pepper, carrot, cucumber, onion and sweet peas in a large bowl, add vinaigrette, shrimp, salt and pepper. Mix again.
  • For Vinaigrette Sauce: Combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir until sugar dissolves. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.
  • Soak 1 sheet of rice paper in a shallow bowl of water for 15-20 seconds so that it does not soften at all. Take out, dry with paper towels.
  • Add 1/2 cup shrimp salad up to 5 cm from the edge of the dough. Top with 1/4 greens and, if desired, soy sprouts.
  • Wrap the edges of the dough to make a kind of spring roll, tightly twisting the roll away from you.
  • Prepare 3 other rolls in the same way.
  • Cut the rolls diagonally, put on a dish, serve with sweet and sour chili sauce.
  • Crispy spring shrimp rolls are ready.

Crispy spring shrimp rolls recipe based on Myrecipes.com

Spring rolls with turkey with berry sauce

What you need (for 24 pieces):
12 sheets of rice paper
450 g smoked turkey(can be substituted with smoked chicken)
2 cucumbers, peeled and seeded and cut into strips
Green onions, cut into small strips
1.5 cups strawberries (can be frozen), peeled and chopped
1 ripe mango, peeled and cut into strips
1 cup fresh mint leaves
2/3 cup chopped peanuts

For sauce:
1/2 cup raspberries (can be frozen)
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
1 teaspoon minced ginger
1/4 teaspoon chopped red capsicum

How to cook spring rolls with turkey under berry sauce:

  • For the sauce: Lightly mash the thawed raspberries with a fork in a small bowl. Add vinegar, sugar, water, ginger and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Soak rice paper in warm water for 15-20 seconds so that it does not soften completely. Then remove from water and dry with paper towels.
  • Cut the turkey into cubes, put a few cubes on the edge of a sheet of rice paper. Add cucumber, mango, strawberries, mint and peanuts (to make about 1 tablespoon of stuffing) and wrap the roll inward until the middle to make an envelope. Do the same with the rest of the rolls.
  • Serve with raspberry-ginger sauce.
  • Spring rolls with turkey with berry sauce are ready.

Recipe for Turkey Spring Rolls with Berry Sauce based on Stanford.wellsphere.com

Spring banana rolls with white chocolate

What do you need:
2 thinly sliced ​​large bananas
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/3 cup white chocolate(shredded into pieces)
1 cup shredded coconut
2 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
8 sheets of puff pastry
1 lightly beaten egg white
25g melted unsalted butter
Powdered sugar for decoration
Vanilla ice cream for garnish before serving

For caramel sauce:
200 g crushed caramels
1/2 cup thick sour cream

How to make spring banana rolls with white chocolate:

  • Place bananas, vanilla essence, chocolate, coconut flakes and sugar in a medium bowl. Mix.
  • Place 1 sheet of puff pastry on a flat surface with one edge facing you (cover the rest of the sheets with a damp cloth). Lightly coat the edges of the sheet with egg white.
  • Spread the banana mixture over the edges of the sheet. Twist the sheet from the edges inward with a roll like a spring roll. Do the same with the rest of the dough sheets and banana mixture.
  • Put the resulting rolls on a baking tray, previously covered with baking paper.
  • Lightly coat rolls with melted butter.
  • Cook in the oven at 220 C for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
  • For the caramel sauce: Combine all ingredients in a medium skillet. Cook over low heat, stirring, until the caramel has melted or until the mixture is smooth. Let cool 10 minutes before serving.
  • Sprinkle spring rolls with sifted powdered sugar. Serve with caramel sauce and ice cream.
  • Tip: you can use ready sauce- caramel or chocolate. It is best to cook banana rolls just before serving.
  • Spring banana rolls with white chocolate are ready.

Recipe for spring white chocolate banana rolls based on Herdaily.com

Spring apple cigar rolls

What you need (for 12 pieces):
1 large sour apple(for example, varieties Granny Smith or Antonovka)
1 st. a spoonful of brown sugar
1/4 st. tablespoons of cinnamon powder
A pinch of nutmeg
A pinch of salt
12 small sheets of puff pastry
1/4 cup olive oil (or melted)

For creamy brandy sauce:
1/2 cup boiled condensed milk
1/4 cup milk
3 art. spoons of brandy

How to make spring apple cigar rolls:

  • Peel the apple, remove the core. Cut the apple into thin slices. Roll apple slices in sugar, cinnamon powder and salt.
  • To make dough for rolls, you need to take 4 sheets of puff pastry. Place 1 sheet on a cutting board, cut into 4 equal pieces (squares). Take 1 square, drizzle with oil from the top side, put 2 squares of dough on top, sprinkle it with oil too and repeat the procedure with all other squares.
  • Cut the resulting volume stack (of 4 layers) into 4 equal parts. Place the apple filling in the middle of each. Roll the dough with the filling into a thin "cigar". Do the same with the remaining dough and filling, so that in the end you get 12 cigar rolls.
  • Heat a frying pan, add oil and fry the rolls until golden brown.
  • For the sauce: mix all ingredients and heat in microwave oven for 30 seconds (until the consistency of liquid sour cream). Take out, let cool slightly. If the sauce is still too thick, add a little more milk and reheat in the microwave.
  • Serve rolls with sauce.
  • Spring apple cigar rolls are ready.

Recipe for spring apple cigar rolls based on Veggiebelly.com

1/4 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup water
1 st. tablespoon hot Tabasco sauce
1 st. 1 tablespoon Hoizin Sauce (or Barbecue Sauce)
1 st. a spoonful of crushed peanuts

How to cook spring rolls with green papaya:

  • For the papaya filling: Combine the sauce, oil and honey in a bowl. Peel the papaya from the skin, cut into strips, put in a bowl. Add tomato, chives, cilantro, sprouted beans (optional), chili and basil. Mix well, salt, pepper, add crushed peanuts. Place in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • soak rice vermicelli in hot water for 10 minutes until done.
  • Soak rice paper in warm water for 10-15 seconds so that it does not dissolve. Dry with a paper towel.
  • Place a handful of carrot sticks, papaya filling, rice vermicelli, herbs, shredded lettuce on the edge of each sheet of rice paper and roll into a roll like a spring roll.
  • For the Spicy Peanut Sauce: Blend all ingredients together until smooth.
  • Serve rolls with spicy peanut sauce, garnish with mint leaves.
  • Spring rolls with green papaya are ready!

Green papaya spring roll recipe based on Joycius.net.com

4 years ago


I bring to your attention wonderful recipe - spring rolls co fresh vegetables, greens, turkey or chicken. We brought this recipe from Thailand. Spring rolls (spring rolls) in translation - spring rolls. This dish is common in Southeast Asia, and now the popularity of this dish is growing in our country. This recipe will be especially interesting for lovers healthy eating. Spring rolls can be made from different test and with different fillings. Fresh herbs are a must, and minced meat can be added to it, fried minced meat, vegetables, seafood, more often.

I will cook spring rolls in rice paper and show everything in detail. Rice paper can be purchased at All for Sushi stores, ordered online, or purchased at large supermarkets. Rice paper is edible without heat treatment, but if desired, such spring rolls can be fried in vegetable oil. Still, it is preferable to eat rice paper spring rolls freshly prepared with sauce, twisted and eaten without unnecessary heat treatment. The sauce can be different at your discretion - sweet and sour or spicy. We also prepare the sauce ourselves. So let's get ready and try!

Necessary ingredients for making spring rolls

Required products:

  • rice paper for rolls
  • turkey or chicken fillet
  • Sweet pepper
  • fresh cucumber
  • lettuce
  • basil
  • parsley or cilantro
  • rice or glass noodles (or funchose)

For sauce:

  • soy sauce 2 tbsp
  • oyster sauce 1 tsp
  • garlic 1 clove
  • chili pepper 1 piece
  • sugar 1 tsp
  • water to taste
  • sesame oil 1 tsp

Rice paper spring rolls

Cooking rice rolls

For stuffing, turkey or chicken fillets can be boiled or fried until golden brown. Cut into strips. In our recipe we use boiled fillet turkeys.

Boil turkey or chicken fillet and cut into thin strips

Cucumber cut into thin strips. If desired, you can peel the cucumber before cutting.

Cucumber can be pre-peeled and cut into thin strips

Sweet pepper should also be cut into thin strips.

Sweet peppers are also cut into thin strips.

Rinse lettuce, parsley or cilantro, basil and dry with a paper towel. Rice or glass noodles pre-boil 3 minutes. You can buy funchose in the store ready in the department where there is a sharp Korean carrot.

Rice or glass noodles (funchose)

In order for the work on making spring rolls with vegetables to go faster, you need to cook all the products, put them on plates, arrange them side by side. Prepare a dish or a large cutting board for ready-made rolls. Choose a dish that fits the size of the rice paper. Pour it cold drinking water. I use the right size pan for this. Take a separate plate in which you will stuff and fold the spring rolls. If all this is ready, you can bring to this pleasant occupation your children, husband or other household members. I assure you that everyone will enjoy it!

Get everything ready and ready to go

So, we take one sheet of rice paper for rolls.

Dip one sheet of rice paper into the water for a few seconds.

We lower each sheet into the water, first on one side, then on the other. We hold in water for 20 seconds, let the water drain and put the rice paper on a plate. While we are laying out the filling, the rice paper will become soft and can be easily wrapped in rolls. Rice paper does not need to be soaked for future use, it becomes soft very quickly. But if this does happen, don't worry! While the sheet is wet, it is quite possible to straighten it on a plate, stuff it and roll it up.

Overdone in water? Rice paper will be like this! But it's not scary!

Put the filling in the order you like. I spread the lettuce leaf first, then Bell pepper, cucumber, a piece of turkey fillet, a leaf of basil or parsley (cilantro). If you have funchose, put a little funchose on top.

We form the filling from all the ingredients

Now we start rolling the spring roll.

Roll up the spring rolls, folding the edges

It turns out a very beautiful transparent roll.

It turns out beautiful!

Don't stack cooked spring rolls close to each other.

spicy thai sauce

When all the rolls are ready, we start preparing the sauce.

Required ingredients for the sauce

The chili must be de-seeded and finely chopped. Pass the garlic through a press. Mix all the ingredients, add some water at the end. The amount of water depends on the resulting sharpness and astringency of the soy and oyster sauce. In general, try and dilute to your liking. Sesame oil is great for enhancing the flavor of this sauce. But, if you don't have sesame oil on hand, take any that you like or that you have. Vegetable oil not only flavors the sauce, but also softens it. Mix everything until the sugar is completely dissolved. The sauce is ready.

ready sauce

We spread the spring rolls on a dish, put the sauce in the middle and serve.

We spread the finished spring rolls on a dish, put the sauce in the middle

Everyone can pour the sauce into rosettes. Dip the rice rolls in the sauce and enjoy delicious and healthy food!

We eat and enjoy!


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Many of us are very fond of rolls, we eat them for lunch in a work team, enjoy them at home romance with a loved one. But our today's spring rolls have nothing to do with our favorite nori and rice "balls". Spring rolls are a tasty and quite dietary snack that looks like an envelope with stuffing inside. Let's not talk in vain and immediately move on to how spring rolls are prepared at home. We have more than one in store for you. delicious recipe this Asian dish.

Four variations of spring rolls

Yes, this dish came to us from Asian cuisine. People in the east just love this appetizer, we are sure that you will like it and you will love it with the same gastronomic love as Asians. We have more than one recipe for spring rolls for you, there will be four of them, each will be interesting and tasty in its own way. We will start with the most dietary version, a dish in this version will be very popular with adherents of vegan cuisine or people who strictly follow a low-calorie diet.

Thai spring rolls

Light, low-calorie and crunchy Thai "stuffed cabbage" the perfect snack for breakfast, lunch or a spring-summer picnic in nature. This recipe will only take 15-20 minutes to prepare. So that you get the right, neat envelopes with delicious stuffing follow our culinary recommendations step by step. Instructions for self-cooking are as follows:

  1. First, we prepare all the necessary ingredients, and this is: 100 gr. cabbage, 1 carrot, 100 gr. bean sprouts, 8 sheets of rice paper, 50 gr. glass rice noodles, 3 garlic cloves, 50 ml. soy sauce, 75 ml. sunflower oil.
  2. The products are collected, now we are starting to cook our spring rolls with vegetables, first of all we put the glass noodles in a bowl and fill it with water, always warm. We wait 5 minutes, and after that we throw the noodles into a colander so that the water is glass, dry the noodles and cut them in half.
  3. We start cutting pre-washed vegetables. We cut all vegetables into thin and neat straws. But the peeled garlic is passed through a garlic press.
  4. We take a wok pan, if you don’t have such a pan, then you’ll get by with what you have. Pour into the pan sunflower oil and spread the garlic “minced meat”, fry it for 30 seconds. Put carrots, cabbage and bean sprouts in the pan, stir and fry for 1 minute.
  5. A few seconds before the end of frying vegetable mix you need to throw the noodles, mix everything gently, and then pour in the soy sauce and remove the wok from the stove.
  6. Pour cold water into a wide and deep bowl and place a sheet of rice paper there, keep the sheet in the bowl for no more than 30 seconds. We repeat this manipulation with each leaf.
  7. We put the soaked rice leaf on a cutting board and spread a tablespoon of the noodle-vegetable filling right in the center. We wrap, you should get an envelope.
  8. Pour the vegetable oil into the pan, heat it up, as the oil warms up, we begin laying the spring rolls. Frying the envelope on each side takes 2 minutes.
  9. Frying is over, now on wide dish a paper napkin is laid out and fried Thai "stuffed cabbage" are laid on it. We dry each stuffed cabbage and put it on a beautiful plate, from which you will actually enjoy your vegan masterpiece. The chili sauce pairs perfectly with this dish.

Well, that's all, we have prepared spring rolls with vegetables according to Thai recipe, eat them with gusto!

Spring rolls for sweet tooth

The second recipe we have is sweet spring rolls, this dish is suitable for those with a sweet tooth who cannot imagine their life without eating something tasty and sweet. Treating yourself with a new dessert is a good thing, and if this dessert is also prepared in just some 30 minutes, it's just a fairy tale! Our step-by-step scheme will help you master this dish on your own at home:

  1. We start cooking with preparation right products, and the products are as follows: rice paper-1 pack, 3 ripe banana, 50 ml. sesame oil, 50 gr. honey, 50 ml, freshly squeezed lime juice, 50 ml. vegetable oil, a bar of white or dark chocolate.
  2. Everything is clear with the products, you can start cooking and first wash and peel all the bananas. Cleaned and cut appetizing fruit into three identical pieces.
  3. We take a bowl and pour lime juice, sesame oil and honey into it, mix all the ingredients together. We lower the pieces of banana into the prepared marinade, the pieces should lie in the marinade for at least 30 minutes. Tasty dressing saturate each piece and give it a unique taste.
  4. Now we are engaged in rice sheets, the sheets need to be soaked in a bowl of cold water for a few seconds.
  5. We begin to twist our sweet banana envelopes, twisted, poured frying oil into the pan, warmed it up and put our spring roll dessert to fry. Fry the dish until golden color on each side.
  6. We put water bath and we drown the whole bar of chocolate on it, the chocolate has melted, we pour our fragrant golden envelopes on it.

Cooking is over, you can safely enjoy crispy and sweet spring rolls.

Spring roll with shrimps

Our third recipe is spring rolls with shrimp, cooking according to this recipe at home takes only about 8 minutes maximum. Instructions for cooking are as follows, go with us step by step:

  1. We prepare everything necessary products? is: 1 pack of rice paper, 300-400 gr. boiled shrimp, 1 sprig of mint, 1 pack of Iceberg lettuce leaves, pack of Funchoza rice noodles.
  2. Rice paper is the first to go into business, we soak it in cold water somewhere around 30 seconds. We carry out the procedure with each leaf and then lay the sheets on a dry surface of the kitchen table.
  3. Stepping back a little from the edge of the leaf, we lay a couple of sheets of mint, by the way mint leaves can be replaced with basil, cilantro or arugula.
  4. We clean the boiled shrimp from the shell and cut into halves, put the shrimp near the mint leaves or other greens of your choice. Lay on top of the shrimp lettuce leaves and cooked noodles "Funchoza".
  5. We twist our delicious preparations like doves.

Appetizing spring rolls with shrimp are cooked, you have easily mastered the traditional vietnamese recipe. You just have to choose the sauce for the dish, we advise you to stop at or spicy sauce Chile.

Chicken spring roll

The latest final recipe from the site is chicken spring roll, a dish that comes from the cuisine of Vietnam. We will also consider this recipe step by step, we act as our scheme “orders”:

  1. Stocking up with a list necessary ingredients: 350 minced chicken, 50 gr. cooked noodles "Funchoza", a bunch of green onions, 1 carrot, 75 ml. vegetable oil, a package of rice paper, ginger sauce to taste, a mixture of peppers and salt at your discretion.
  2. Let's move on to cooking delicious dish at home and first of all we prepare the filling for our twisted meatballs. We put the minced meat in a deep bowl, salt and pepper at our discretion.
  3. Finely-finely chop a bunch of green onions and pour it into minced chicken. Finely grate the washed and peeled carrots, add them to the minced meat and onions. We stir the resulting mixture until a homogeneous mass. Funchoza is added as the last ingredient.
  4. As you may have guessed, the next step is soaking the leaves in cold water. We performed this manipulation, everything, you can fill the leaves with stuffing.
  5. On each rice "base" we lay out a minced oblong cutlet. We start seaming, when all the blanks are tightly and neatly rolled, it will be necessary to fry all this “beauty”.
  6. The oil should already be warm in the pan, we proceed to laying the "stuffed cabbage". Fry the “twist” on each side for seven minutes.

Everyone was fried, they stopped cooking! We serve our Vietnamese meatballs with minced chicken and vegetables to the table in addition to ginger sauce. Bon appetit everyone!! The photo for this recipe will show you the perfect serving of the dish if you serve it for the company of relatives and friends.

Who thought that spring rolls are envelopes from thin dough stuffed inside with various fillings, they now know that this is not the case at all. Spring roll dough is not required, it was ideally replaced by rice diet sheets. Feel free to experiment with toppings as you see fit. Be a creative culinary personality!

1. Preheat the oven to 190°C.
2. In a small bowl, mix soy sauce, garlic and honey. Mix well until smooth.
3. Prepare an ovenproof dish. Cover it with foil (the foil should be enough to completely wrap a piece of pork).
4. Put the pork in a mold, pour over the sauce that you prepared in step 2. Wrap with foil and put in the oven for 35-40 minutes or until cooked (depending on the quality of the meat). Then take out and let cool.
5. Cut the meat into strips of 3.5 - 4 cm. Set aside.
6. Boil water in a small saucepan and cook the shrimp in it (about 5 minutes). Peel off the skin. Set aside.
7. In a medium saucepan, heat water to a boil and cook the rice vermicelli.
8. Drain the cooked vermicelli in a colander and let the excess water drain. Rinse with cold water. Throw it back in a colander. Leave it like this for about 10-15 minutes.
9. Divide the lettuce heads into individual leaves, remove rough parts, rinse and dry with paper towels.
10. Prepare the filling: In a large bowl, combine the pork strips, rice vermicelli, carrots, mint, and cilantro.
11. Pour hot water into a medium-height frying pan.
12. Take a square of rice paper and dip into hot water. Then carefully lay out paper towel like a rhombus (one corner towards you).
13. Starting from the corner, spread lettuce leaves on a third of the sheet.
14. Then, on top of the salad, lay out 2 tbsp. fillings.
15. Wrap the corner of the rice leaf over the filling. Put in two shrimp. Now roll into a tight cylinder. Prepare the rest of the rolls in the same way.
16. Arrange the finished rolls on big platter. Can be served immediately.

If you do not immediately serve the rolls on the table, then cover them with a damp towel to protect them from drying out.
