
Recipes for sauces for gooseberry meat for the winter. Easy recipe for spicy gooseberry sauce

Many gourmets say no. the best supplement to a meat dish than sweet and sour sauce. Often this type of liquid seasoning is prepared from fruits and berries, giving preference to those that are more acidic. The culinary specialists and gooseberries did not bypass. Gooseberry sauce for meat can be served not only in summer, when the main ingredient ripens, but also at other times of the year, since this seasoning can be harvested for the winter. Both normal and canned sauce may be spicy or tender, depending on the recipe.

Cooking features

There are several recipes for making gooseberry sauce. Some suggest using ripe berries, others are green. Some recipes call for preservation of the sauce, while seasoning prepared according to other recipes is not subject to long-term storage. However, with all the variety of gooseberry sauce recipes for meat, there are some general rules that must be followed.

  • The gooseberries collected for the sauce must be carefully sorted out to weed out spoiled berries, then rinsed in running water and dried, spread out on a towel.
  • Gooseberry sauce can have a different consistency. Some recipes call for the presence of whole berries in it, others require them to be crushed. Most smooth texture you can get it if you rub the gooseberries crushed with a blender through a sieve: in this case, even small grains will not get into the sauce.
  • When preparing gooseberry sauce for the winter, it is most often subjected to a long heat treatment or include natural preservatives such as sugar, salt, vinegar, hot pepper. This important ingredients, which during conservation should be put exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. But if you plan to eat the sauce right away, the amount additional ingredients you can vary to get the best, from your point of view, taste.
  • Regardless of where you plan to store the sauce over the winter, only place it in sterilized glass containers that can be sealed tightly. Lids must be boiled before being used.
  • Aluminum utensils for making gooseberry sauce are not suitable, as they oxidize under the action of its constituent acids, releasing harmful substances. Experienced housewives cook sauces in enameled containers.

Gooseberry sauce is served cold with meat. However, it can also be used as a gravy, in which case the seasoning should be heated.

Easy recipe for spicy gooseberry sauce

Cooking method:

  • Peel the garlic. You need to work with gloves to protect the skin, otherwise burns may appear on it.
  • Prepare gooseberries.
  • Put garlic and gooseberries in a blender, chop them. With the same success, you can use a meat grinder.
  • Finely chop the dill and add it to the mass of garlic and gooseberries.
  • Add salt and sugar to taste, mix well.
  • Divide into jars and refrigerate.

The sauce will be ready to use in 3 hours. Store in the refrigerator, provided that the jars were sterilized, you can up to 35 days. Otherwise, you need to eat the sauce within a week. Keep in mind that this seasoning is very spicy.

Sweet and sour gooseberry sauce with wine

  • ripe gooseberries- 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • table mustard - 5 ml;
  • dry wine (both white and red can be) - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 160 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • raisins - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the raisins and gooseberries, put them in a saucepan. Add water and sugar. Put on low fire.
  • Mix the garlic passed through the press with salt and mustard.
  • When the mixture in the pan boils, boil it for 20 minutes, then add the mustard-garlic paste, stir and pour in the wine.
  • Continue to cook for half an hour.
  • Grind the resulting mass with a blender and wipe through a sieve.
  • ready sauce cool and serve.

Sauce according to this recipe can be made for the winter. In this case, the mass ground through a sieve must be boiled for 5 minutes, then decomposed into sterilized jars and sealed tightly. Store this seasoning in the refrigerator.

Spicy green gooseberry sauce for the winter

Composition (per 0.5 l):

  • green gooseberries - 0.65 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • bitter Bell pepper(preferably green) - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • Apple vinegar(6 percent) - 45 ml;
  • salt, grated ginger - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the gooseberries, put them in a saucepan.
  • Peel, finely chop the onion, send to the gooseberries.
  • Sprinkle with sugar, pour in vinegar and put on low heat.
  • Clean the pepper by removing the seeds. Finely chop. Add to the main mass when it boils.
  • At the same time, add grated ginger.
  • Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes.
  • Salt and, if desired, grind with a blender. However, according to this recipe, the sauce is most often prepared with whole berries.
  • Continue cooking until the sauce is thick enough.

Distribute the hot sauce into sterilized jars, seal them tightly, turn over and wrap. When they have cooled, they can be put away in the pantry and stored at room temperature.

Sweet and sour gooseberry sauce for the winter

  • red gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • horseradish leaf - 1 pc.;
  • basil - 20 g;
  • celery greens - 20 g;
  • cilantro - 20 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • water - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • washed berries with a small amount sweat water for 10 minutes over low heat, wipe them through a sieve.
  • Melt the gooseberry puree on the fire for 30-40 minutes.
  • Clean and finely chop the pepper.
  • Pass the garlic through a press.
  • Chop the greens, including the horseradish leaf.
  • After the specified time, add salt, sugar, herbs, garlic and pepper to the gooseberries. Stir and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Arrange the finished sauce in prepared jars, close them tightly and turn them over. Wrap up and wait to cool. After that, put away in the place where you usually store supplies for the winter.

Gooseberry sauce is suitable for any type of meat. His sweet and sour taste Perfectly complements poultry dishes. Lovers of hot spices will especially like the sauce.

Most gourmets love aromatic meat served with berry sauce. Of course, such a gravy with an incredible spicy or sweet and sour flavor will make a barbecue, steak or other meat dish even tastier.

Such seasonings and sauces are prepared on the basis of cherry plum, plum, currant, but gooseberry gravy is also popular. This sauce has lovely fragrance, color and spicy taste.

In this article, we will share recipes for making gooseberry sauces and seasonings for the winter. Choose what you like the most.

Gooseberry sauce for the winter: recipes for every day and for the winter

Everyone loves barbecue. It is important not only that you cook meat for him, but also the preparation of the sauce for this dish.

If it is cooked from gooseberries, then it must first rinse and dry, then grind in a blender. For half a liter ready mix from gooseberries you need to add a teaspoon of coriander seeds, ground in a mortar. Three large cloves of garlic are also added there, previously passed through a press and a medium spoonful of vinegar. All salt and pepper to your taste. You can add some finely chopped basil if you like. Mix everything again and serve the resulting sauce to a barbecue or other meat dish.

spicy meat recipe

Such a seasoning can be served every day or stored for the winter. To make it according to this recipe, take 0.5 kg of gooseberries and scroll through a meat grinder along with 300 g garlic, 50 g herbs and 200 g of red hot pepper. Then add 50 grams of salt and the same walnuts, pre-pounded. Mix everything.

Spicy meat seasoning is ready. It goes well with various hot dishes and fresh bread. Sometimes dill is added to them. For this recipe it is better to choose slightly unripe berries with a characteristic sourness.

Zvenigorod seasoning recipe

For this sauce, you need to prepare a kilogram of gooseberries, 200 g fragrant dill and 300 g of garlic.

Gooseberries and dill are washed, then, together with garlic, they are passed through a meat grinder and poured into small jars. On top of them cover with parchment and leave to be stored in the refrigerator. Such a gravy for the winter will give incredible taste your New Year's dishes. For harvesting, it is recommended to take green gooseberries so that it has a beautiful appearance.

And if you want to make a sauce for something sweet, then to prepare it you will need:

  • gooseberry juice - 0.5 l;
  • starch - 40 g;
  • red currant - 150 g;
  • sugar.

Mix sugar and starch, dilute them with strained gooseberry juice and put on a small fire, stir constantly so that lumps do not appear. Bring to a high boil and remove the sauce from the stove, add currants to it. Taste and add sugar if needed.

Gooseberry sauce recipes for the winter

In the first recipe, you need to take a kilogram of washed berries, pour a small amount of water, boil and pass through a large sieve. Add the following ingredients to the resulting puree:

  • salt - 1 medium spoon;
  • apple cider vinegar - 100 ml;
  • allspice peas - a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 cup.

We put everything on the fire and boil for 4 minutes. The finished sauce should turn out sweet and sour, for the winter it is laid out in sterilized jars and hermetically sealed.

The following gooseberry sauce recipe for the winter will also help you cook sweet and sour sauce for hot dishes. For cooking you will need:

Seasoning is prepared according to this recipe as follows:

  • wash the berries and process them. Remove the tails, grind through a sieve so that no seeds and skins remain in the sauce. For this purpose, gooseberries are placed in a saucepan, poured with water and stewed for 10 minutes;
  • the resulting mass is again poured into a saucepan and simmered for about 40 minutes and constantly stirred with a wooden spoon;
  • Rinse all the greens, peel the garlic from the husk and remove the seeds from the pepper. Dry everything and grind in a blender;
  • add the resulting slurry to hot sauce, put sugar, salt to taste, mix and cook for half an hour;
  • for the winter, the sauce is laid out in small jars and tightly closed with lids.

Recipe for gooseberry and vegetable sauce for the winter

The ingredients for this recipe are as follows:

Gooseberries and prepared vegetables are washed, dried, garlic and onions are peeled. Cut vegetables, garlic and onion large pieces, then passed along with gooseberries through a meat grinder or in a blender. Transfer to a bowl, add spices, sugar and salt, leave for 10 minutes. Then, if you like the taste, add oil and pour the sauce into sterilized jars. Transfer them to a pot of water and sterilize for 20 minutes after boiling.

Then they are covered with sterilized lids and cooled. The finished sauce can be stored for the winter and used as a marinade or gravy for barbecue. It can not be boiled, but chopped even smaller and served to cold cuts like a snack.

Gooseberry seasoning Tkemali according to different recipes

Many people love this aromatic oriental seasoning. At the same time, there are many recipes for Tkemali sauce, below we present only two of them.

So, according to the traditional recipe, Tkemali sauce needs to be made from a special type of plum, if you take the usual one, then it will come out too sweet. However experienced chefs for this seasoning, garden gooseberries are used.

In the first recipe for a kilogram of red gooseberries, you will need:

Rinse the gooseberries and heat in a saucepan. When ready, grind through a sieve and discard the cake. Add salt and sugar, boil for 7 minutes. We pass garlic, coriander, herbs and pepper through the press. Bring everything to a boil, add vinegar essence, take out the pepper and herbs and boil for a minute. Then for the winter we lay out the sauce in sterile jars and roll it up.

In the second recipe for Tkemali seasoning, you need to take a kilo sour red gooseberry puree, add a small jar of adjika and 600 g of sugar to it. Put on fire, stir, boil for 15 minutes and cool. Then we add 400 g of garlic, passed through a crush. Mix everything and put it in jars for the winter, store in the cold, salt when serving.

Recipes for hot meat and gooseberry dishes

We looked at how to make gooseberry sauces for the winter, and now we will learn how to make meat dishes with gooseberry gravy.

So, to cook a roast, you need take a kilo of beef or veal. Rub the meat with salt, make shallow cuts on the surface. Pour 2 large spoons of melted vegetable oil into the bottom of the saucepan, put the meat and a glass of gooseberries. Then we put it in a preheated oven, brown the meat and periodically pour over the resulting juice.

After an hour, mix 100 ml of semi-dry white wine, a glass meat broth and the juice of one lemon. Pour everything into a saucepan and simmer for 20 minutes. Put the roast on a dish and pour over the sauce, garnish with fresh gooseberries.

To make duck with gooseberries, fill two-thirds of the glass with berries, pour red currants or cranberries to the top. Grind the berries with a spoonful of sugar. Rub the carcass inside and out with salt and pepper, fill with berries and slices sour apples. We put the carcass in a deep baking sheet, sprinkle with water and bake until golden brown, pouring broth with fat. Serve with buckwheat or mashed potatoes.

As you can see, gooseberry-based sauces go well with various meat dishes. Depending on your own tastes, choose the recipe you like.

Well, in his youth, already somehow not very much. Maybe it just didn't work for me. Study, the army, what kind of jams are there.

Many years passed and one day, when I was visiting, drinking tea with the hosts, I did not recognize the jam, or rather the jam that the hostess served. Of course, I asked what kind of berry the jam was made from. Well, then I felt ashamed. I did not recognize the gooseberry that I loved so much as a child.

Since then, I have become interested in gooseberries again. We began to cook jams, jams, compotes from it, in various options. Well, as they say, the old love is back. I want to show you some recipes various jams and gooseberry jam.

Delicious recipes for the winter. Royal gooseberry jam and other goodies

It is believed that one of the main gooseberry jams is royal or emerald jam. They prepare it differently. Someone puts nuts inside the berries, someone just takes out the seeds from the gooseberries, but we will do the classic.

Gooseberry jam with oranges is also very common. We will also consider it. We also have original jam with additives. And, of course, jam. Let's get started.

Gooseberry jam menu:

  1. Gooseberry jam royal or emerald jam

We will need:

  • Gooseberries - 500 g.
  • Sugar - 600 g.
  • Cherry leaves - 30 pcs.
  • Water - 2-3 cups


1. Gooseberries for this recipe should be Green colour, unripe, elastic and dense. Gooseberries must be washed and cleaned from the stalks.

2. Cook an infusion of cherry leaves. We leave 6-7 leaves, they will still be useful to us, and send the rest to the pan and fill it with water. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil. The water will turn a light emerald color. Boil the leaves for 2-3 minutes.

3. Pour gooseberry berries into another pan and pour decoction of leaves filtered through a sieve.

4. The broth should cover the berries completely. Cover with a lid and put away in a relatively cool place for 12 hours (not in the refrigerator).

5. After 12 hours, again through a sieve, drain the broth from the berries. Pour one glass of broth into another pan. We don't need the rest.

6. Pour sugar into a saucepan with a glass of broth. Let's make syrup. Put on fire, stir and bring to a boil.

7. The syrup is boiling. Add gooseberries to it. Close the lid, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

8. After 5 minutes, after we closed the lid, remove it and check how it boils. And since you can’t interfere with the berries, just gently shake the pan from side to side. After a while, you can even lift the pan off the heat and shake it gently.

Be especially careful. Boiling sugar is worse than a hot stove.

9. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add the cherry leaves that we left and did not cook. They should boil with the berry. Dip the leaves into the water with a spoon. They must give us their color.

10. The jam was removed from the stove. We remove leaves from it.

Once again I want to remind you - you can’t interfere with the jam, just shake the pan, gently shaking it.

11. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars.

12. Roll up with sterilized lids.

The jam is ready. We put it in storage.

Happy tea drinking in winter!

  1. Gooseberry jam, a simple but very tasty recipe


  • Gooseberries - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.
  • Water - 1/2 cup


1. Gooseberries must be sorted out, remove excess debris, remove the tails from the berries on both sides, wash.

2. Pour water into the gooseberries and pour out all the sugar.

Gooseberry jam can be boiled in enamelware.

3. We do not interfere. Shake in a saucepan so that the berries are mixed with sugar and the sugar sinks to the bottom of the saucepan. Just shake the pan from side to side and from bottom to top.

4. We put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and continue to cook, stirring occasionally.

5. Somewhere in 30 minutes we try to see if it is already ready. We put a drop on the plate, if it does not spread, then the jam is ready. We weren't ready. We try every 10 minutes.

Remember to stir every 3-5 minutes.

6. Finally, 50 minutes after the start of the boil, our jam is ready.

7. While the jam is hot, pour into jars. Pour full jars of jam, because when it cools it will settle a little. We do not close the lids, we are waiting for it to cool down.

8. After cooling, close the lids. Jars and lids must be sterilized.

From this amount, 2.5 liters of gooseberry jam were obtained.

You can not wait for winter, but already enjoy a little.

Bon appetit!

  1. Raw gooseberry jam with oranges

I don’t know if it’s possible to call this goodies that we will cook now, but for some reason everyone calls it raw jam. Although jam from the word cook.


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Oranges - 2 pcs.


1. The gooseberries were sorted out, washed, the tails were removed from both sides.

2. Washed oranges. got cut large slices. We removed the peel from half of the slices, the second half was left as is. They were just afraid that if there were a lot of crusts, bitterness might appear.

3. We begin to grind gooseberries and oranges. We will grind in a blender. You can pass through a meat grinder.

4. We chopped gooseberries. We remove all the seeds from the orange, put the oranges both with the crust and without the crust into the blender bowl and chop.

5. Add crushed oranges to ground gooseberries. We mix everything.

6. Pour sugar into the berry. We pour it out little by little, constantly stirring, so it dissolves more easily. Of course, you can pour sugar and mix everything with a blender.

Whenever you work with a berry, use wooden spoons, spatulas.

7. Thoroughly mix everything. We tried it, bitterness is not felt, but we won’t add orange peels anymore, although there are a lot of vitamins there.

8. Leave the jam for 5 hours alone so that the sugar dissolves completely. After five hours, check to see if the sugar has dissolved. If not, mix thoroughly and let stand for more.

9. Sugar has dissolved, pour into jars.

10. raw jam gooseberries can be prepared in two versions, poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator,

or freeze in containers and make it like ice cream. Also very tasty.


Happy tea!

  1. Gooseberry jam for the winter with delicious additives


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Citric acid - 2 tsp without a slide
  • Seedless raisins - 1 cup
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp
  • Ground ginger - 1/2 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp


In order to prevent the berries from bursting, we will first do the following:

1. Pour 150 g of sugar into one and a half liters of boiling water and immediately add citric acid. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. We prick each gooseberry with a needle. Our sugar has dissolved, the water has boiled again, pour the chopped gooseberries into our lemon-sugar mixture. Turn off the heat and keep the berry in this hot syrup for 2 minutes.

3. Two minutes have passed, our berries have become like olives. With a slotted spoon, we shift the berries into a container with cold water. If there is ice, you can add it. Shock chilling prevents the fruit from bursting.

Do not pour out the syrup from which we took the berry. On its basis, you can cook any compote. Yes, and we will need a glass for the base of our jam.

4. Pour the syrup into another container. Pour a glass of syrup separately. Pour a separately poured glass (200 ml) of syrup into the vacated pan and pour 1.2 kg into it. Sahara.

5. Mix sugar with a glass of syrup very carefully with a slotted spoon or spatula and turn on the fire. We turn on the fire small so that the sugar dissolves. As the sugar dissolves, we can add a little fire.

6. The syrup boiled with us, reduce the heat to the very minimum and add a glass of raisins. We took half a glass of dark and half a glass light raisins. But this is not particularly important. Take what is. We stir.

7. As soon as the syrup with raisins begins to boil again, and this will happen very quickly, almost immediately after you stop stirring, we will add spices. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and half a teaspoon ground ginger. Mix the spices well into the syrup. They must be completely dissolved.

Let's start cooking gooseberries

8. After stirring, our spice syrup will quickly begin to boil again, add the gooseberries there, removing it from cold water a couple of minutes before. And then turn off the stove. Raise the pan with jam and gently shake it so that the berry is distributed more evenly.

9. Set aside the jam from the stove. Do not close the lid, otherwise it may become steamy. You can put some sticks or skewers on the pan, and on them parchment paper or a newspaper so that some midges and dust do not fly in. We leave for 5 hours.

10. After five hours, we send the pot of jam to the refrigerator overnight.

11. In the morning, bring the jam to a boil again and immediately turn off the fire again and let the berries soak in juice for another 5 hours. Until it cools down completely.

If you have an electric stove, do not just turn off the stove, but remove the pan from the burner.

12. Now we need to boil the jam for the third time, but right before that, add a teaspoon of vanilla sugar to the jam.

13. For the third time, bring the jam to a boil, but continue to cook the third time for 8-10 minutes after boiling, and do not immediately turn off the stove.

14. Completely cool the jam and pour it cold into sterilized jars. Close with sterilized lids.

Our berries turned out whole and transparent. Without triple jam and complete cooling, you will not get such berries.

The jam is beautiful, fragrant and of course very tasty.

Bon appetit!

  1. Gooseberry jam is very thick and tasty


  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 cup (200 ml)
  • Sugar - 1 kg.


1. We clean the gooseberries from the tails and wash them. Of course, the work is boring, but what can you do. We fall asleep in a thick-walled pan or cast iron and add a glass of water. Cook until tender over medium heat. Once it boils, cook for another 10-15 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

2. The berry boiled well in 10 minutes. Do not think that we have a cherry, this is a kind of gooseberry. We have two varieties here.

3. Pour sugar into the berry. Mix everything and cook for another 15-25 minutes. We check the readiness by dripping jam on a saucer. If the droplet does not spread, then it is ready. They tried to drip after 15 minutes, the drop spread. After 20 too. And finally, after 25 minutes, the drop no longer spreads, the jam is ready.

4. Grind the berry with a blender.

5. It turned out a jam of good density.

6. Pour hot into sterilized jars. Let the jars cool down in the refrigerator.

7. Like this thick jam we got it. The spoon stands, but stands in the refrigerator, it will be even thicker.

Jam is ready. Smear on bread for the kids, they will be very pleased. I remember myself.

Very delicious jam gooseberry is ready.

Bon appetit!

Gooseberry sauce for the winter - unusual sauce from sweet berry with an unusual sweet and sour aroma, spices and spices set the main tone here. And despite the fact that gooseberries are especially popular in recipes for sweet blanks for the winter, you can make excellent sauces from it. salty dishes and just appetizers and spreads on bread.

Fragrant gooseberry sauce with garlic for the winter, a healthy and tasty preparation

This sauce has a rather specific taste and may not be suitable for everyone. But garlic gooseberry sauce for the winter needs to be prepared at least in order to determine whether you will cook this amazing seasoning again. This sauce goes well with meat dishes. At the same time, it can be prepared in advance. The following products are required for the recipe:

  • Gooseberries - 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 0.5-1 head;
  • Dill - to taste.

Gooseberries are sorted and washed under running water. The preparation is incredibly simple - you need to chop the berries in a meat grinder or use a blender, beating it together with herbs and garlic. That's all, the sauce can be stored in the refrigerator. Please note that for the preparation of seasoning it is recommended to take green berries to add sourness to the dish.

The sauce can be served at the table, or you can prepare a couple of jars for the winter, to festive dishes. Berry-garlic puree can be rolled up in sterilized containers. True, in this case, the sauce will lose a little piquancy. Or you can freeze the ingredients and make a fresh sauce in winter.

Spicy green tkemali

Tkemali sauce is known to almost every self-respecting housewife and true connoisseurs gourmet cuisine. Have you tried to cook gooseberry tkemali for the winter? It is not always possible to cook it according to the original recipe, since the plum variety that is needed for this does not grow nearby. Unripe sour gooseberries will come to the rescue. For cooking you need:

  • Gooseberry puree - 915 g;
  • Greens - 65 g;
  • 25 g of garlic;
  • 5 g red hot pepper powder or 1-2 pcs. whole;
  • 10 g salt.

From greens we take basil, cilantro or more familiar parsley and dill. We sort out all the products, remove damaged and rotten berries, yellow branches of greenery, and so on. Then we wash everything and fill the gooseberries with water in a saucepan. For 1 kg of berries you will need about 400 ml of water. We send the pan to the stove and cook the berries until we get a puree.

Then the boiled mass must be rubbed through a sieve with a wooden pestle or spatula. In the puree, periodically add water (no more than a glass). Having received berry puree, how in original recipe, pepper is added to the mass. If you take fresh, then it needs to be finely chopped. Now it's the turn of greens and garlic. The latter, as well as pepper, is finely chopped, and the sprigs of greens are finely chopped.

We mix all the ingredients, add salt and send to low heat. Bringing to a boil, boil for about 15 minutes. Another hot sauce needs to be poured into pre-prepared sterilized jars or even bottles are more convenient. Immediately, the workpiece is corked and set aside for cooling. Everything, the sauce is ready and will wait in the wings in the winter.

Gooseberry Adjika "New Ideas"

Adjika is on almost every table today. Someone buys it, caring grandmothers give it to someone, and someone cooks it on their own. However, for sure, not everyone tried gooseberry adjika for the winter. This is a dish made from gooseberries in such a interesting interpretation traditional recipe. It is also suitable for meat dishes or as a marinade. For cooking you will need:

  • Gooseberries -3 tbsp.;
  • Pepper - 1 pc. (sweet);
  • Chili pepper - ½ pcs.;
  • Greens - basil 5-7 leaves, the rest to taste;
  • Garlic - 1 pc.;
  • Oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste.

We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the stalks, leaves and small rubbish. We also clean and wash the greens and peppers, after which we cut them into pieces. We clean the garlic. Now the simplest thing remains - all the ingredients need to be chopped. To do this, you can use a blender or twist in a meat grinder.

Cooking gooseberry seasoning: fast, simple, tasty

Even more easy recipe making gooseberry sauce spicy seasoning. Gooseberry seasoning for the winter is excellent fragrant addition to a meat dish and any side dish with a specific taste. To do this, you need to take products in such quantities:

  • Gooseberries (mashed potatoes) - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Salt - 15 g;
  • Garlic - 1 clove.

Let's prepare the gooseberries - we will wash and sort out the berries, getting rid of the spoiled ones and removing the leaves and other small rubbish. Then gooseberries need to be turned into berry puree. This can be done in a meat grinder or blender. For uniformity, you can then also grind through a sieve. Now the mass can be mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

Before this, grind the garlic, and finely chop the greens. We send all the ingredients already mixed to the stove and warm them up well. After that, we pour into bottles or jars. It is recommended to take small ones - 0.5 liters each. We sterilize jars with seasoning for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 100 ° C. Everything, the preparation is ready for wintering. Bon appetit!

Gooseberry ketchup for the winter "Piquant taste"

From gooseberries, you can also cook very tasty ketchup with a spicy, slightly spicy taste. Gooseberry ketchup for the winter will be in perfect harmony with any meat dish, bird or even with fish. The components for the recipe will require the following:

  • Gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Dill - 100 g.

Blanch the prepared, sorted and washed gooseberries for about 2 minutes in a pot of boiling water. After that, the berries are ground through a sieve to a puree mass. Now peel and finely chop the garlic. It can also be crushed in a press. We also finely chop the greens with a knife, then mix with the rest of the ingredients, salt and add sugar to your taste.

We send the already mixed mass back to the stove and cook for half an hour over low heat. Then we cool the ketchup and put it in jars, which we store in the refrigerator. It is worth noting that for the preparation of gooseberry ketchup, naturally, you need to take ripe red berries to give the dish the appropriate color. But we can mix them with green ones to add sourness.
