
Chicken broth with garlic recipe. How to cook broth - features, recipes and recommendations

When it is cooked, its aroma knocks you down and whets your wild appetite. Even if you are not at all hungry, you can hardly resist such a gastronomic temptation. This dish is worth serving to any table, although the recipe is very simple and does not require a large number of ingredients. Are you salivating already? Then get acquainted - a recipe that has earned popularity almost all over the world, chicken broth. How to cook chicken broth correctly, we will learn today, so as to get the maximum benefit and pleasure.

Briefly about the benefits of chicken broth

Meat broth is a rich yushka in which meat with a bone boiled for a long time. The meat ingredient gives all the substances contained in it into the water and makes it fragrant, rich and tasty. In our case, the chicken plays the role of the meat component.

Chicken broth is not only tasty, but also healthy. Some of its advantages are successfully used even in medicine:

  1. It has long been used to feed sick and debilitated people, as well as children who need to strengthen their body, for example, after a long illness or operation, or simply during a period of intensive consumption of vitamins.
  2. In case of poisoning and other disorders of the gastrointestinal system, the broth is an indispensable dish, as it is very easily digested, without giving a feeling of heaviness and at the same time nourishing the body.
  3. The amino acid cysteine, found in chicken meat and remaining in the broth, has a property that helps fight diseases of the bronchi and lungs - it dilutes sputum and facilitates its easy discharge from the respiratory tract.
  4. Chicken is low-calorie, therefore, it occupies one of the first places in dietary nutrition. In other words, you can eat broth as much as you want - the figure will improve, while you will not experience brutal hunger and its consequences.

These are just some of the advantages of chicken broth that distinguish it from the rest. In addition, the taste qualities of chicken broth are very high - it is not in vain that people are used to preparing dishes on its basis in the best restaurants in the world.

What chicken do you need?

In order for the chicken broth to turn out noble, great attention should be paid to the choice of the main component - chicken. It is not true that you can cook a good broth from any bird. Store chicken was fed inexplicably during its lifetime, and the broth from it turns out to be more like water, has no smell or color. Some poultry farms even use prohibited feed additives - steroids, from which boys and men can even enlarge the mammary glands. Therefore, the choice of chicken for broth is far from the last thing.

Ideally, it is better to purchase a bird from friends, and even better relatives from the village. But you can find a suitable product in the city market in the department of agricultural products. Contrary to popular belief, chicken doesn't have to be super-nourished. On the contrary, domestic chickens raised on natural feed are much thinner than their broiler counterparts. But their relative thinness does not reflect badly on the taste. Home thin women give the most odorous and appetizing fat with a beautiful color.

How old should a bird be? It does not matter, because in any case, a chicken grown in the village using natural feed has tougher meat and strong bones. Accordingly, it will take quite a long time to prepare it. But no matter how much time it takes, it's worth it, because this is the only way to cook real chicken broth.

The process of making broth

So, you managed to find a chicken and can't wait to cook a yushka out of it. After preparing the chicken broth, you can simply drink it as an independent liquid dish or cook a delicious soup or gravy on its basis. It is also possible to freeze the broth in reserve, in case you need to quickly prepare something nutritious. Whatever you choose, make it smart with our basic recipe.

Required time - 2.5-3 hours.

The output of the finished dish is 3 liters.

The recipe involves the use of ingredients:

  • domestic chicken weighing about 1 kg (can be cooked from half a large carcass);
  • water - 5 liters;
  • 2-3 medium-sized onions in the husk;
  • 1-2 sweet carrots;
  • black peppercorns - 5-10 pieces;
  • 3-4 leaves of laurel;
  • egg white;
  • salt;
  • greens of your choice.
And now sequentially on how to cook a simple chicken broth.
  1. The chicken must be washed well, removing all unnecessary from it. We will also remove the giblets (liver, heart, lungs) - the taste is richer from them, but the broth will be cloudy. Fill the bird with hot water and immediately drain it. Then fill with cold and put on fire. At first, the fire can be turned on and more, but as soon as it boils, we screw it up to a slow one. We cook our bird for 2.5-3 hours, not forgetting to remove the foam. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to cook the broth for so long. Focus on the meat - when it starts to lag behind the bones, you can round off.
  2. Vegetables need to be prepared in a special way. Cut the unpeeled onion in half (remove only the husk, which does not hold well), peel the carrots and cut them into arbitrarily large pieces. To begin with, you need to hold the vegetables in a hot frying pan for as long as necessary so that they are baked (but not charred). Add them to the chicken broth when it is already cleared of excess fat and foam. We leave the husk on the onion so that it gives the broth its golden color.
  3. At the same time, you can throw spices. It would be better to wrap the selected spices in a piece of gauze or in a special bag, so that later they can be removed from the broth.
  4. When the yushka is cooked, we take out the meat with a slotted spoon, and throw the whipped protein into the broth so that it absorbs all the excess. After that, strain the broth through a gauze filter and only then sprinkle with herbs. Chicken broth is ready, you can taste it.

As you can see, the recipe is simple and straightforward. Each time your chicken broth will get tastier. It is permissible to experiment with vegetables and spices as much as you like, because every person wants variety - so why not?

Secrets to Remember

The recipe for the right chicken broth is simple, but it still requires knowledge of some nuances. We decided to collect them separately in this subtitle so that you master the art of cooking broth to perfection. Here are the recommendations:

  1. Hurry up and make people laugh. Remember that beautiful and tasty chicken broth is obtained only on low heat. It should languish, but not boil.
  2. Pour the chicken only with cold water - this is how the maximum of collagen is extracted - a protein that is useful for the skin and tendons. In hot water, it can only be blanched before cooking.
  3. Do not use strong-smelling seasonings and vegetables to prepare the broth, otherwise the real flavor of the dish will be lost.
  4. If it becomes necessary to add cold water during cooking, do not pour it in mugs, but add a little, a couple of tablespoons.
  5. An important point - the broth can only be cooked without a lid. In a covered pan, it will boil, but we don’t need it.
  6. Since the recipe is designed to get a delicious broth, you need to salt it first, as soon as the water boils.

These are important points to keep in mind when preparing to cook the broth according to our recipe. The most important thing is to have patience, because only a patient person can do everything consistently and correctly.

In contact with

Almost every housewife knows how to make chicken broth. But if you do not know how to cook such a dish, then we will tell you in detail about this in the presented article.

General information about the first course

Chicken broth is a very tasty and simple first course that does not require many ingredients and time to prepare. This lunch can be made at least every day. After all, chicken soup is not only very tasty, but also a hearty and nutritious dish. It saturates the body well and is absolutely beneficial for all family members.

Choice of main ingredient (chicken)

Before telling you how to cook chicken broth, you should tell you how to choose the mentioned product. It must be as fresh as possible. It is recommended to buy only soup birds. After all, if you take a broiler chicken, then the broth will turn out not as fragrant and tasty as we would like.

You can also purchase a special soup set. As a rule, it consists of bones and a small amount of meat. From such a set, the broth also turns out to be very strong and rich.

Chicken broth recipe step by step

There are many ways to make chicken broth. Someone makes it only from the pulp, someone adds bones, and someone even uses such additional dressing ingredients as carrots, potatoes, onions, and so on.

Today we will tell you about how to cook chicken broth in different ways.

So, we need the following products:

Poultry processing

Before cooking chicken broth, the acquired bird should be carefully processed. To do this, it must be completely thawed (if it was frozen), and then washed thoroughly and remove unwanted elements. If hairs were seen on the skin of the chicken, then it is recommended to remove them by holding the bird over a lit gas stove. After that, the carcass needs to be washed again and cut into portions.

Heat treatment

How to make chicken broth? To do this, take a large saucepan and put all the processed pieces of meat into it. Next, the product must be filled with water. After that, the filled dishes must be put on a strong fire and quickly bring the contents to a boil. At the same time, all the foam should be removed from the surface of the broth (as it forms). After that, the pan with boiling liquid must be covered with a lid, and the fire must be reduced to a minimum.

Cooking process

Chicken broth should be cooked for about 65-85 minutes (depending on the stiffness of the bird). At the same time, it is necessary to add laurel, peppercorns and salt to the pan to taste and desire. It is recommended to do this half an hour before the meat is completely cooked. Indeed, during the heat treatment process, water can evaporate in large quantities, making your broth too spicy and salty.

Proper serving to the table

Now you know how to make chicken broth. After the poultry meat becomes as soft as possible, the dish should be tasted, then the missing spices should be added to it. Next, you need to remove the pan from the heat, pour the broth into deep plates. You can use it with bread or a lot of fresh herbs.

How to cook broth from chicken and vegetables?

If you need to get a more satisfying dish, then we suggest making a broth not only based on poultry meat, but also using various vegetables.

So, we need the following ingredients:

  • soup set (a small amount of fillet + brisket bones) - about 400 g;
  • juicy carrot and spicy onion - 1 pc.;
  • green onion and dill - serve;
  • potatoes - 3 medium tubers;
  • lavrushka - a couple of leaves.

Ingredient Processing

Chicken and vegetable broth is very rich and tasty. Such a dish can be served to your children and husband as a hearty and nutritious lunch. But to prepare it, you must pre-process all the ingredients. First you need to rinse the soup set, while removing all unwanted elements. Next, you need to wash all the vegetables and peel them. Potatoes and onions must be cut into cubes, and juicy carrots must be grated. As for the greens, it should be finely chopped.

Cooking on the stove

To make a delicious chicken broth, it should be prepared in stages, slowly. To do this, the soup set should be put in a saucepan, and then pour it with water. Having boiled the ingredients, it is required to carefully remove the formed foam from the broth and cook it for half an hour. Next, pour salt, pepper in a pot into the dishes, and also put lavrushka, carrots and bitter onions. In this composition, the ingredients should be cooked for another ¼ hour, then add potatoes to them and boil for another 25 minutes.

Final stage

After all the ingredients are soft, the bones should be removed and cooled. Next, you need to remove all the pulp from them and put it back into the broth. After stirring the soup with a large spoon, it needs to be laid out on plates and seasoned with plenty of greens in the form of chopped leeks and dill. It is recommended to serve such a dish to the dinner table along with a katyk and a piece of gray bread. Enjoy your meal!

Making noodle soup at home

Noodle soup is a very satisfying and tasty first course that can be served at the dinner table at least every day. It is done quite quickly, but it turns out incredibly satisfying and nutritious.

So, to make homemade chicken broth, we need:

  • homemade soup chicken - about 400 g (wings, drumsticks and back);
  • fine sea salt - a dessert spoon (use to taste);
  • peppercorns - a few pieces;
  • juicy carrot and spicy onion - 2 pcs.;
  • green onion, chopped black pepper and dill - serve;
  • homemade noodles - about 100 g;
  • lavrushka - a couple of leaves.

Preparation of ingredients

Before you make a hearty dinner in the form of noodle soup, you should process all the ingredients. Domestic chicken must be seared over a gas stove, and then washed in water, while removing all unnecessary elements. As for vegetables, they should also be rinsed. Carrots need to be peeled and grated. It is better not to peel the onion and not to chop. Why? We will talk about this below.

Making noodles

Of course, for making homemade chicken broth soup, you can easily purchase noodles at the nearest store. But to get a really very tasty dish, it is recommended to make it yourself. To do this, beat two eggs, and then add a large pinch of salt to them and add flour. Knead such a dough should be until a steep state (as for dumplings). After that, the base needs to be rolled out into a very thin layer and left to dry for several hours. Next, all the egg dough must be sprinkled with flour, folded several times and cut into short (or long) noodles. Then the semi-finished product should be shaken in a sieve and, if possible, dried again, scattering it on a cutting board.

We cook the broth

Do you know how clear chicken broth is made? No? Then we will reveal this secret right now. To do this, put the parsley, peppercorns and processed pieces of meat in a large saucepan, and then pour them with water, salt and add the unpeeled onion heads. In this composition, the ingredients should be brought to a boil, remove the resulting foam, put the fire on a minimum, cover with a lid and cook for an hour. At the same time, half an hour after the start of cooking, it is necessary to put the grated carrots into the broth.

After the meat becomes soft, you need to remove the unpeeled onions from the pan and discard them. They did their job. The broth became as transparent and fragrant as possible.

Five minutes before removing the soup from the stove, you need to put the dried homemade noodles into the pan. By the way, putting it in large quantities is highly discouraged. This is due to the fact that during heat treatment it can increase, transforming the first dish into an incomprehensible porridge.

How should it be served at the family table?

After the tasty and rich first course is ready, it should be immediately laid out on plates. It is recommended to serve such a dinner to the table along with chopped black pepper, chopped green onions and dill, as well as a piece of white or gray bread. Enjoy your meal!

Summing up

Now you know how to make chicken broth at home. It should be noted that it can be cooked not only with noodles, onions, carrots or potatoes, but also using ingredients such as green peas, corn, white cabbage, broccoli and so on. With them, your chicken broth-based soup will turn out even more rich, satisfying and very tasty. To make sure of this, we recommend making such a dish yourself.

This is a product that fully complies with the well-known adage that food should be medicine and medicine should be food. He is the first assistant in the restoration of strength after illnesses and operations. Especially useful for colds and viral diseases, because. improves bronchial patency. Contains easily digestible protein, B vitamins, a large number of iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, selenium. Chicken broth is very easy to prepare and is the base of many soups.

You will need:

  • onion 1 pc
  • Bay leaf

This is the one minimum products which will make a delicious broth. You can also add carrots and parsley root. Chicken is better to take home. If this is not possible, cook from a poultry farm, but then at the first boil, drain the water, refill the chicken with water and then cook until tender. This is necessary in order to remove hormones and antibiotics from the factory chicken.

Usually I cook the broth from half the chicken - this is about 1 kg. You can cut the chicken into small pieces. Use the meatier parts for stewing, cook or, and cook the broth from the remaining parts.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making chicken broth:

Put the chicken in the pot and fill with cold water (3 liters). It is convenient to put the chicken in a five-liter saucepan and pour three liters of water, and at the end of cooking, take out the chicken and pour the broth into a three-liter saucepan. Place the saucepan with the contents on strong fire, bring to a boil. Do not miss the moment when the surface begins to form foam. It must be collected with a spoon or slotted spoon and discarded.

When the foam is removed turn down the fire and add the cleaned bulb, Bay leaf And salt. Cover with a lid, leaving a gap for steam to escape and cook for 1.5 hours. Make sure that the broth does not boil too much, let gurgles slightly then it will be transparent.

After an hour and a half, turn off the heat, discard the onion and bay leaf, remove the chicken from the pan. You can strain the broth if you like, but I don't think it's necessary in a home kitchen.

The broth can be drunk as an independent dish, you can drink sandwiches with it, or use strength with a hard-boiled egg. This is an excellent and necessary basis for various soups. Most often, it is prepared or

Advice: if you use chicken meat for salads, cool the chicken in the broth so it will be juicier.

Chicken broth. Short recipe.

You will need:

  • onion 1 pc
  • Bay leaf

Place the chicken in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Put on high heat, bring to a boil. Do not miss the moment when foam begins to form on the surface. It must be collected with a spoon or slotted spoon and discarded. When the foam is removed, reduce the heat and add the peeled onion, bay leaf and salt to the pan. Cover with a lid, leaving a gap for steam to escape and cook for 1.5 hours. Make sure that the broth does not boil too much, let it gurgle slightly, then it will turn out transparent. After an hour and a half, turn off the heat, discard the onion and bay leaf, remove the chicken from the pan.

In contact with

Chicken broth is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, as familiar as pancakes or porridge, although in other countries they cook it with pleasure. You can make it from different parts of the chicken, depending on what kind of dish you want to end up with. So, from the bones, neck, wings or breast, a very tender broth is obtained, moreover, it is economical in price. A rich and fatty broth comes out of a whole chicken or its thighs with legs, which is great for restoring strength, helps with colds, as it perfectly heals the throat and saturates the body even with serious illnesses.

Bouillon. Watch the chef's video recipes!

No wonder it is believed that it is chicken broth that best helps with illness and colds. The patient does not have to chew anything, which can be very difficult with a sore throat or flu. In addition, it is chicken broth that stimulates taste buds better than other products, forcing even those who constantly refuse food because of poor health to eat. A warm and rich dish has a great beneficial effect on the body, gives it the strength to fight viruses and bacteria.

Before cooking, choose what kind of broth you need.

If you want to receive fatty And rich- choose a whole bird carcass or put two legs with thighs in the pan. It is better to refuse to cook broiler broth because of its fat content - this breed of chickens is mainly intended for frying and baking.

If you want the dish to turn out easy And satisfying, put the bones from the legs, the back with the remnants of meat, the bones of the breast and wings into the pan.

Skinless breast meat will come out good diet dish, although it will be devoid of all the variety of taste.

How to make broth:

    After you have taken out the parts of the chicken or the whole bird, wash them, put them in cold water.

    Put on a strong fire and wait until it boils, after which the temperature must be immediately reduced.

    The first water from under the chicken can be drained. If you don't do this, skim off the resulting foam, it may appear immediately after heating the chicken, otherwise the broth will not be clear.

    Next, they put a few carrots cut lengthwise, a whole onion and spices - peppercorns, bay leaf, sage. Some housewives prefer to put the onion in the husk, as it gives the water a rich color. After adding the roots, the broth is immediately salted.

    Now cook the chicken over low heat, not allowing it to boil too much, otherwise the dish will turn out cloudy and the meat is too tough.

    When the carrots become soft, they can be immediately removed and thrown away, because they absorb the most harmful substances from the chicken.

    Cook the broth from 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the amount of meat and bones in the pan.

    All other ingredients must be removed after cooking, when the broth is filtered and finely chopped greens and half an egg are added to each plate, if desired.

    The broth can also be used as a base for many other dishes: noodles, soups, goulash.

Bouillon - everyone knows this word. But what is the right way to cook it? By the ability to cook it fragrant, transparent and rich - you can evaluate the skill of the cook.

If we want to cook any soup, first of all we cook it - this is the basis of the basics of home cooking. And then we add vegetables, cereals to it. But it can also be used in a variety of sauces, porridges, stews and many other dishes.

To cook it delicious, you must first choose the right meat.

For chicken - it is better to take a young chicken that has not been frozen. From such a chicken, it will turn out transparent and saturated. It will not be possible to cook it tasty from an old chicken or chicken. Almost all parts of the carcass are suitable for cooking. There is no consensus on which part is tastier to cook from.

For a rich meat option, it is better to use fresh or chilled back, brisket or shoulder, preferably meat from young bulls. It is more tender, juicy and non-greasy. In addition, it cooks much faster. For borsch, sauerkraut soup and kharcho soup, you can use fatter meat.

If you cook it from veal, it turns out to be tender and pleasant in taste, but not transparent enough. If you cook soups based on it, which are seasoned with tomato paste or various dressings, then the soup will turn out delicious.

It is also good to use lamb for cooking. Many soups of oriental cuisine are prepared on their basis. There is an opinion that lamb has a certain "specific" smell, maybe it does, it's hard to argue with the opinion. But you can’t argue with the fact that the broth invariably turns out to be tasty, rich and very healthy. In addition, spices are always used in oriental cuisine.

1. Choose the right meat. You don’t need to cut it, it should release its juices gradually, slowly. If you cook it from chicken, it is advisable to remove the skin from it - because of it, the dish may turn out to be too fatty.

2. Pour enough water so that you don't have to refill later. The ratio is approximately the same - for 3 liters of water 500-600 grams of meat. If the meat is sinewy and old, then more water should be poured, taking into account the fact that the water will boil away.

3. During the cooking process, do not add water. This degrades the taste. And also do not cook for too long, from this it darkens.

4. The meat is placed in a pan only in cold water. It is brought to a boil over moderate heat, so the meat heats up gradually. It is already cooked on low heat without a lid so that the evaporating water does not drip back into the pan and does not spoil the taste. He doesn’t even boil, but languishes. If you cook over high heat, it will become cloudy, and its taste is also lost.

5. During the cooking process, foam should be removed. We begin to remove the foam when the contents of the pan have not yet begun to boil. We remove both when it boils and during the entire cooking process. If this is not done in a timely manner, the foam will soon settle to the bottom of the pan in the form of flakes, which will spoil the appearance of the dish. Remove the foam adhering to the walls of the pan with a damp cloth.

6. Also, throughout the entire cooking, we remove excess fat if we are preparing it for soup. And all the fat, if we cook it transparent. It must be removed with a paper towel, as it gives the dish an unpleasant greasy taste.

7. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add vegetables - with them it will be more aromatic. Vegetables and herbs are designed to enrich the taste and aroma of the dish. Onions, carrots and celery are best suited - this is a classic "vegetable composition" for meat broth. For a two to three liter saucepan, one medium onion, a small carrot and celery root is enough. But spices (bay leaf, allspice, dried thyme) are best added 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking, otherwise it will be bitter.

8. Salt about half an hour before readiness.

9. Cooking time on very low heat after boiling depends on the size of the piece, the rigidity of the meat, the age of the animal and the desired strength of the broth that you want to achieve. So, for example, it will reach readiness in 1-1.5 hours if you use 1 kilogram of meat from young bulls, and in 2.5-3 hours if the meat is from adult beef. From pork - after boiling, cook for 1.5-2.5 hours, from lamb - 1.5-2 hours, from chicken - 1-2 hours.

10. After cooking, you need to remove the meat and vegetables from it and strain it through a fine sieve or a linen napkin soaked in water and wrung out dry so that it is transparent and to prevent small fragments of bones from falling into the dish. Vegetables and bones can be thrown away, because they have already given the dish all their taste and aroma, and there is no longer any value in them.

Secrets of cooking delicious and light broth

If you are forced to use frozen meat, then you need to be able to defrost it correctly. The best way is to wash the meat with cold water and place in a sealed container for 2-3 hours. Do not use a microwave oven or hot water for this.

To cook a delicious broth, use a pot with a thick bottom and, if possible, thick walls for cooking. This will ensure gradual and even heating. And the meat will most fully give all its useful substances.

It should not boil much - the movement of the liquid should be barely noticeable. If your stove is difficult to adjust in such a way that the desired temperature is maintained, try putting the pan in the oven, heated to a temperature of 100-110 degrees.

It is better to add no more than a pinch of salt to it or not salt at all: during cooking, more liquid may evaporate from it than you expected, so it risks being oversalted. It is better to salt the dish that you plan to cook based on it.

How to cook diet chicken or turkey broth

Diet broth is cooked from chicken or turkey meat. It is useful for sick people or people on a diet.

It needs to be cooked in a special way. It is necessary to remove the skin from the bird, remove all subcutaneous fat, pour cold water over high heat, bring to a boil. Then remove the bird from the pan, drain the water. Wash the pan, wipe dry, put the bird in it, pour fresh water and cook in the usual way. With the first water, the remnants of fat are almost completely removed along with the cholesterol contained in it, while the beneficial protein is completely preserved.

Bon appetit!
