
How many calories in one white-pink marshmallow. Marshmallow for weight loss

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Zephyr - known since antiquity oriental delicacy, which consists of whipped into a strong foam egg whites, powdered sugar and mashed potatoes baked apples. Currently, marshmallows are made from various fruits, adding agar-agar or other gelling components for density. The classic marshmallow has a white or slightly yellowish color, an elastic texture of medium softness, and a smooth surface. The taste and aroma of marshmallow is sweet-sour, delicate and pleasant. Zephyr traditionally consists of two hemispheres connected by flat sides. The relief on the surface of the marshmallow is achieved by using various devices for jigging the marshmallow mass into a mold. Various dyes and flavors, berry and fruit juices, coffee extract, cover the product with chocolate icing.

The calorie content of marshmallow is from 298 to 304 kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on the ingredients and method of preparation.

Composition and useful properties of marshmallow

Marshmallow has a short shelf life because it dries out on outdoors. You need to store marshmallows in a cool dark place, after opening the package, the product should be transferred to a vacuum container or a glass container with a ground lid. The product retains its organoleptic properties for 45 days from the date of production.

Zephyr in cooking

Zephyr is usually consumed as an independent dessert, supplementing it with a cup or. There are several recipes for cakes, pastries and even salads, integral part which stands marshmallow. The sweetness of delicacies can be shaded with citrus fruits, fresh berries, For example, .

To learn more about marshmallows, about its benefits or harms, the video clip “Marshmallow. Eastern sweetness in Russian” TV program “Live healthy”.

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Today delicious treat marshmallow raises a lot of questions among those who want to maintain a beautiful figure. Many consider the calorie content of marshmallows acceptable for weight loss. Sweet in taste, melting in your mouth, snow-white dessert, of course, has a lot of carbohydrates that are dangerous for maintaining a slim figure, but there is information that marshmallows are great for weight loss.

How many calories are in marshmallows? This and other similar questions torment women who dream of putting their body in order, getting rid of annoying fat deposits in the so-called problem areas. What kind of product is this? What are the benefits of marshmallows, the calorie content of which is controversial? Let's figure it out together.

The colorful name of this confection is inspired by the mysterious mythology of antiquity, since Zephyr was the name of the god of the wind, as snow-white and light as his sweet follower. Marshmallow, the calorie content of which we will consider a little later, is an appetizing sweetness not only for children, but also for adults. For the first time such a dish appeared in Russia, but its recipe was greatly simplified. Originally Russian marshmallows consisted only of sugar and applesauce.

Today, our favorite sweet is prepared according to the classic French recipe. The composition of marshmallows presented in stores and supermarkets includes proteins, sugar, thickeners and other components, taste qualities which we appreciate by eating finished product in the form of pasta. Zephyr melts in your mouth. Do marshmallow calories melt in our body? What is the use of eaten marshmallows for a person? How many calories are in marshmallows?

Advantages and disadvantages of delicious marshmallows

Marshmallow benefits for human body obvious. You can safely give marshmallows to children, the teeth will not suffer from this sweetness. In a product made according to modern technology, does not contain sugar. However, the calorie content of marshmallows is not as harmless and insignificant as it seems at first glance.

What is the use of marshmallow? The sweet contains no sugar. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, improves digestion. Regular use This confectionery promotes hair growth, strengthens the nail plates. The presence of pectin in the composition of the product helps to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, perfectly removes toxins and salts from the body.

Marshmallow contains simple carbohydrates, so for those who lose weight, the calorie content of 1 marshmallow is quite insignificant. This air product is useful due to the content of thickeners in its composition. Well, if in the manufacture of marshmallows they adhere to technology using agar-agar syrup, then you can not remember how many calories are in marshmallows. Marshmallow, which contains gelatin, has a "rubber" taste. The product of such of dubious quality and should be avoided by those who are obese and dream of losing weight.

If the marshmallow melts easily in the mouth and contains some sourness, then it contains a large amount of pectin. This trace element is very important for the body, as it helps to reduce cholesterol in the bloodstream, increases defensive forces organism. Eating one of these sweet product, the feeling of hunger will leave you for a long time, and the calorie content of 1 marshmallow will not harm your figure.

Except useful properties, marshmallow has some disadvantages. No matter how low the calorie content of marshmallows, it great content carbon at excessive frequent use a product in food causes an increase in blood glucose levels, thereby putting aside calories in the body "in reserve". Therefore, marshmallows should be eaten in moderation, without abusing this sweetness.

How many calories in white marshmallows

Marshmallows are made completely without the addition of fats. In addition to thickeners, fruit purees and proteins are present in the composition. Therefore, if you count the calories of marshmallows, then their number is 326 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. The calorie content of 1 marshmallow will be about 4 times less.

In addition to all the listed useful properties, you will not be able to find vitamins in the composition of sweets, since they are completely destroyed during the production process. And yet, the marshmallow is not deprived of microelements, for example, it is rich in iron, phosphorus and other assets.

Today there are different kinds marshmallow. IN classic product marmalade, chocolate and dried fruits are added. This light dessert"Heavier" due to additives in the form of marmalade and their calories. Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, then limit the use of 1-2 pieces per day without high-calorie dried fruits and other goodies. From marshmallows in chocolate, the calorie content of which is considerable, should be abandoned.

The most common delicacy is marshmallows packaged in "Sharmel" packaging, the calorie content of which is 335 kilocalories per 100 g. The energy value of the vanilla type of this product is somewhat lower - 263 kcal. But who does not know the French marshmallow?! Its calorie content is neither more nor less - 320 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

If you do not know what color to choose marshmallows in the store, choose natural productwhite marshmallow, the calorie content of which is acceptable for weight loss. It certainly does not contain preservatives and dyes. Therefore, in order to improve your body and get rid of extra calories it is a white product that is not covered with chocolate icing that will help. It is also recommended for children to give white, not dyed pink, natural marshmallows.

Marshmallows in chocolate: calories and the ability to lose weight

Nutritionists strongly recommend eating pectin-rich marshmallows instead of sweets. If we talk about marshmallows covered with chocolate icing, then nothing bad will happen if you eat one little thing a day. The calorie content of marshmallows in chocolate is 400 kilocalories per hundred grams. Due to the presence of simple carbohydrates and a large amount of pectin, marshmallow gives energy to the body - especially athletes need it.

It is pectin that contributes to the intensive breakdown of fats in the body. Therefore, by eating one marshmallow, you will receive not only a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day, but also enrich your body with priceless pectin. This microelement also reduces the level of glucose in the bloodstream, removes salts and radionuclides. Eat marshmallows in your diet, the calorie content of which does not count compared to the amount of pectin and other beneficial substances. It is with this sweetness that you pass good course prevention of peptic ulcers and viral diseases.

Eat marshmallows wisely. About what this delicious product able to saturate your body, you already know. But do not replace the main meals with one marshmallow. Let the body get enough vitamins and minerals from other foods diet food. Sweetness, rich in pectin, it is better to eat between meals when there is a feeling of hunger.

If you are “drawn” to bring a fragrant marshmallow in chocolate to your mouth, the calorie content of which is slightly higher than ordinary white, you can afford it, but within a reasonable limit. Lose weight deliciously by eating the most low calorie sweet- delicate marshmallow.

4.1 out of 5 (11 Votes)

Zephyr is air treat, which has a delicious elastic texture and just melts in your mouth. This product is rated by nutritionists as a healthy treat because its base is fruit puree. Zephyr is one of the confectionery, which are recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in all kindergartens and secondary schools.

Even in those days in ancient Egypt, a delicacy made from juice was created. different berries combined with nuts and sweeteners, it was very similar to our today's marshmallow.

It was in Russia that they first began to make marshmallow from applesauce and sugar. Over time, proteins and other useful material. Then the marshmallow was renamed and began to be called "marshmallow", this word came to us from France. French confectioners they modified the marshmallow, gave it a round shape and called it “light wind”.

How many calories are in one marshmallow?

Today, marshmallows can be bought differently, which differ in composition, size, color and shape. As a rule, marshmallows are sold in stores prepared on gelatin, and not on the powder of crushed marshmallow root.

This is a confectionery product that is made from egg whites, gelatin or agar-agar, sugar and apple marshmallow. All the ingredients in marshmallows are high in calories. Marshmallows are often served with tea, coffee, or added in sliced ​​form - cubes in hot chocolate.

I wonder if you can lose weight if you add marshmallows to your diet? Now let's talk about the calorie content of this airy treat.

Nutritional value and calorie content of marshmallows based on 100 g:

  1. Sodium - 8 mg;
  2. Potassium - 9 mg;
  3. Carbohydrates - 67.8 g;
  4. Proteins - 0.87 g;
  5. Calcium - 2 mg;
  6. Iron - 0.3 mg;
  7. Magnesium - 3 mg;
  8. Dietary fiber - 0.3 g;
  9. Vitamin B6 - 0 mg;
  10. Vitamin C - 0 mg;
  11. Calorie content - 394 kcal.

In general, one marshmallow weighs about 34-36 g, approximately it contains from 90 to 113 kcal, it all depends on the ingredients included in its composition. Therefore, those wishing to get rid of extra pounds, it is better not to consume more than one marshmallow per day.

The most popular white marshmallow

Traditional snow-white marshmallow is a favorite dessert of all adults and children. It is of the greatest value for people who love dietary products.

The magical delicacy contains absolutely no dyes, and one marshmallow contains 104 calories. It is in white marshmallow that the calorie content is very low. It also contains: proteins - 0.28 g, carbohydrates - 24.87 g and fats - 0.03 g. In addition, this product contains vitamin B2 and vitamin PP. Instead of gelatin, agar-agar is placed in white marshmallows, which contains a lot of calcium, iodine and iron. These beneficial substances help improve liver function.

This confectionery product is much more useful than cakes, pastries and buns. The "Royal" marshmallow contains a polysaccharide that has a positive effect on human health:

  • helps lower cholesterol;
  • improves brain activity;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves the work of the stomach;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

"Royal" marshmallow is a delicious delicacy, very sweet in taste and has a pleasant aroma.

Light pink

Pale pink light treat very tender, fragrant and tasty. This product is low-calorie and healthy, as marshmallows are made from natural ingredients. People who want to lose weight will love the pink dessert. But do not get carried away with them, in your diet menu, should not be more than one marshmallow 2-3 times a week.

Nowadays, people have learned to fake and replace healthy ingredients with artificial ones. Therefore, when buying marshmallows, carefully study the composition on the package.

For the manufacture of pink natural marshmallows use applesauce, eggs, agar-agar and beetroot juice. There are absolutely no different chemicals and dyes in this dessert. It contains: carbohydrates - 24.2 g, proteins - 0.39 g and fats - 0.09 g. This airy sweetness has absorbed useful vitamins and micronutrients.

Pink marshmallow has the most low calorie, one piece contains only 90 calories. Overweight people can treat themselves to this weightless and moderately sweet dessert.


In terms of aesthetics, a white and pink marshmallow will become worthy decoration holiday table. This type of delicacy looks very elegant, one air marshmallow consists of 2 halves: white and pink. This color combination gives the dessert a certain zest.

Marshmallow mass is made from agar syrup and whipped on egg yolk. The pink shade is created from the color berry puree. Also in the composition of marshmallows are useful components that stimulate the brain and increase immune system. One marshmallow contains:

  • proteins - 0.18 g;
  • fats - 0.01 g;
  • carbohydrates - 26.34 g;
  • energy value - 104.89 kcal (442 kJ).

White-pink marshmallow in in large numbers overweight people should not eat, but occasionally pamper yourself and enjoy dessert - you can!


The ideas of confectioners have no boundaries, they are not at all interested in knowing how many calories are in marshmallows! Colored jam filling inside, coconut or waffle powder on marshmallows strongly attract lovers of sweets. Marshmallows in chocolate are very high in calories, approximately 387 g per 100 g of product. Naturally, such a dessert is contraindicated. fat people who struggle with extra pounds.

If you couldn't resist and bought chocolate treat, eat one thing, but before that, do not forget to look at the product packaging to calculate the calorie content. This means that you will have to deny yourself something else so that your weight loss process does not move to zero.

Chocolate marshmallows contain proteins - 0.72 g, fats - 2.27 g and carbohydrates - 27.20 g. Chocolate is considered a hormone of joy, it is very useful in small portions.

"Sharmel" - marshmallows in chocolate glaze

"Sharmel" - unusually fragrant and delicious marshmallow, which at the sight you just want to eat! It is released in classical form and in chocolate icing. This delicacy is loved by everyone since childhood, consists of natural ingredients and nutrients. The energy value of this product per 100 g is 380 kcal. Accordingly, one dessert weighing 35-37 g has 125-130 kcal. For people who are on a diet and want to lose weight, it is better to refrain from glazed marshmallows.

But as an exception, sweet lovers can eat 1 marshmallow. Despite the fact that the dessert is very high in calories, it contains a lot of useful components, which improve brain function, stabilize blood pressure and increase immunity.

The use of synthetic additives, according to GOST, in the process of making marshmallows is strictly prohibited. There is no doubt about the Sharmel marshmallow, it is made from natural ingredients: applesauce, agar and egg white.

Classic Vanilla

Vanilla marshmallow is light and fragrant delicacy which is to everyone's liking. Very often this product is used for the preparation of various complex desserts. Try to resist such a temptation as marshmallows. For its manufacture, agar-agar is used, these are real seaweeds that have absorbed many useful substances.

Vanilla sweetness is quite high in calories, one marshmallow has as much as 150 kcal. People who are trying to lose weight and exhaust themselves with various physical exercises should not add marshmallows to their diet.

If you really want to eat, well, at least one marshmallow, it is better to cook it yourself at home. Homemade marshmallows can be made low in sugar (or replaced with fructose) and then you can afford this little airy treat!

Homemade vanilla marshmallows will be low in calories and contain simple carbohydrates.

Fruit and berry marshmallow cream

Marshmallow cream with fruits and berries is part of most desserts, thus reducing the calorie content of products. Most often, confectioners add strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, cherries, bananas or peaches to white marshmallows, so this cream contains many vitamins.

The main advantage of this cream - small amount calories when compared with custard or oil cream. For losing weight people, fruit marshmallow cream will become the perfect dish in the diet. However, they can't get carried away.

The energy value per 100 g of creamy marshmallow has 420 kcal, and the calorie content marshmallow cream cooked at home at times less, only 160 kcal.

How to cook a treat at home?

The benefits and harms of marshmallows do not depend on the calorie content, but a do-it-yourself delicacy will always be tastier, healthier and with fewer calories.

To create your diet air masterpiece, you will need good mood and the following ingredients:

Cooking process:

  1. Take a small bowl and pour about 150 ml of water into it.
  2. Open the gelatin and pour the entire contents of the sachet into a container of water.
  3. Leave the soaked gelatin for an hour.
  4. Now let's move on to the preparation of sugar syrup.
  5. Pour 500 ml of water into a deep saucepan and add fructose to it.
  6. Put her on slow fire and periodically stir the syrup with a spoon until the fructose dissolves.
  7. After that, put the finished syrup in cool place, it should cool down.
  8. Next, in a container with syrup, you need to add soda, citric acid and gelatin.
  9. All ingredients should be thoroughly beaten with a blender.
  10. The prepared mass for marshmallows must be beaten until it turns into a thick foam, without lumps.
  11. Now we give our marshmallow a beautiful round or oval shape. This can be done with a large spoon.
  12. Put round marshmallows on paper and leave for 2 hours.
  13. Homemade marshmallow is ready.

The homemade product will not harm you, will not hit extra pounds on your weight and will cheer you up!

During weight loss, is it possible to eat marshmallows: all the pros and cons

If you are on a diet and active physical activity, then your menu should not contain high-calorie foods. Even if you cook it tender delicacy at home, this dessert is very high-calorie for people who dream of losing weight overweight. But, on the other hand, this product is many times healthier than sweets with synthetic dyes.

If you are on a diet, you can eat marshmallows no more than 3 times a week, preferably in the morning. This product will compensate for the lack of glucose, but at the same time your kilograms will not grow. Of all the existing sweets, marshmallows are the most dietary:

When choosing a light dessert, pay attention to its energy value. Count how many kilocalories are in one marshmallow. If you don't want to poison your health, look what this airy sweetness is made of.

All ingredients must be natural, and even dyes. As a rule, white marshmallows do not contain dyes, and pink has the lowest calorie content. Marshmallows in coconut flakes or in chocolate icing are definitely not suitable for people striving for slim figure, such products have the highest calorie content.

If you can't resist a delicious weightless dessert, you can cook homemade marshmallow without sugar and with fewer carbohydrates. With the help of a natural thickener, you will not harm your body.

ABOUT dietary properties marshmallows can be found in the following short video:

But you can’t get carried away with this delicacy, otherwise all your work will come down to zero. You can afford to eat marshmallows 1-3 times a week!

In contact with

Zephyr is a delicacy familiar from childhood, made by whipping fruit puree, sugar and egg whites. Agar-agar, pectin or gelatin can be used as a thickener. Thanks to whipped proteins, the product acquires a porous and airy structure. Zephyr is a favorite sweet for children and adults. It is especially useful during diets, as it is used as an alternative to harmful and high-calorie confectionery. We invite you to find out how many calories are in marshmallows and learn how to cook an exquisite delicacy on your own.

Composition and nutritional value

At heat treatment product all vitamins are destroyed. Therefore, only riboflavin (B2) and niacin equivalent (PP) are present in marshmallow. 100 grams of sweet dessert contains 1.4 milligrams of iron (8% of daily requirement), 25 milligrams calcium (2.5%), 27 mg sodium (2.1%), 46 mg potassium (1.8%), 12 mg phosphorus (1.5%), and 6 mg magnesium (1.5% ). The protein content is estimated at 0.8%, carbohydrates - 78.5%, fats are virtually absent.

Marshmallow calories per 100 grams

The average energy value of natural marshmallow is 300 kcal per 100 grams. But it can fluctuate in one direction or another, depending on the ingredients used. The popular marshmallow Jaco has a calorie content of 305 kcal. Most of all, the thickener affects the nutritional value of the product. If it is agar, the calorie content of the product is 290 kcal, it is gentle and not sugary taste. If pectin, the delicacy acquires sourness and contains 304 kilocalories. Most calories in a product based on gelatin - 325 kcal per 100 grams.


There are no flavorings in white marshmallows, nor chemical dyes. It is traditionally prepared on the basis of agar-agar, which enriches the composition of the product with useful iodine. This delicacy can be given to children from two to three years old. However, choose a product that does not contain additives - powdered sugar sprinkles or marmalade filling.

If you care about healthy diet, exclude marshmallows in which dyes are present from the diet. Visually evaluate the quality of the treat before buying. It should not have a gray tint, indicating the use in the production process of components such as vinegar or dried cream. Consumption of such a product can cause digestive disorders.

How many calories are in white marshmallows based on agar-agar? 290 kcal per 100 gr. Considering that one piece weighs 70-80 grams, we can conclude that its calorie content is from 213 to 237 kcal. In half a marshmallow - from 106 to 118 kilocalories. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, it is not recommended to consume more than 1 piece per day. Do not forget that a product based on pectin and gelatin will contain more calories: 304 and 325 kcal per 100 grams, respectively.


White-pink marshmallow consists of two multi-colored halves. IN industrial production to give color to one of them, an artificial dye is used. What are marshmallows made of? pink tint at home? You can color the product by mixing applesauce with raspberry, strawberry or cherry during the cooking process. Note that the composition of white-pink marshmallows can include both agar-agar and gelatin. Pectin is used less often.

When choosing a white and pink marshmallow, be sure to check the freshness of the treat. To do this, lightly press your finger on the surface of the dessert. If, after pressing, it quickly acquires its initial shape, then the marshmallow is fresh. The energy value of the product is 305 kilocalories per 100 grams. In 1 piece (2 halves) - from 210 to 240 kcal.

Since we are talking about multi-colored delicacies, we will consider in this section a product called Marshmallow. This is a chewy marshmallow that does not really have original product nothing in common. Its composition includes granulated sugar(less often corn syrup), softened in warm water gelatin, dextrose, colors and flavors. All ingredients are thoroughly whipped, thanks to which Marshmallow acquires an air-spongy structure.

Calorie content of 100 grams of this product is 318 kcal.


Traditionally used to make vanilla marshmallows. citrus pectin. Pleasant aroma vanilla is attached to the product with the help of flavoring. The carbohydrate content in this type of treat reaches 79.73%. Therefore, 115 grams of dessert (3 halves) will provide the body with a third of daily requirement in this substance.

The calorie content of vanilla marshmallow is 321 kcal per 100 grams.

Marshmallow in chocolate

It's time to find out how many calories are in marshmallows in chocolate. The product is made from a whipped mixture of proteins and fruit puree, after which it is covered with chocolate icing. The role of the thickener in classic recipe assigned to agar-agar. Chocolate marshmallow is airy and the most delicate taste. The sweetness of the delicacy goes well with the bitter taste of chocolate.

If you don't want to gain weight, eat dessert at moderate amounts. pay attention appearance product. Chocolate icing should shine like in the advertising photo. If this is not the case, it means that harmful substances were used for the production of marshmallows. confectionery glaze based on soy and fat. 1 marshmallow in chocolate contains 135 kilocalories.

Calorie content of 100 grams of the product - 396 kcal

The benefits of marshmallow

Zephyr at times healthier than buns, cakes and other confectionery products. The composition of the product includes polysaccharides that improve human brain activity, increase immunity and reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, they help reduce blood pressure and normalize the work of the stomach. Iron, phosphorus and other components of marshmallows have a beneficial effect on the condition blood vessels, nails, hair. During the diet natural delicacy(without additives, chocolate glaze and coconut flakes) can sometimes be consumed as an alternative to high-calorie confectionery.

A commonly used component of natural marshmallows is agar-agar. This product is high in iodine, calcium and iron - elements that improve liver function and cleanse this organ of toxins. Agar-agar is obtained from seaweed. Mineral composition thickener is useful for both children and adults. Note that marshmallows based on agar-agar have a denser consistency.

Slightly less often, pectin acts as a thickener. This product has a beneficial effect on the human body. Pectin reduces the level of cholesterol, cleanses the body of salts and toxins. It helps to better resist all kinds of infections. Zephyr, prepared on the basis of pectin, is considered light and airy, the characteristic pleasant sourness is felt in the taste.

In addition to the thickeners listed above, for this role on food enterprises gelatin is used. Marshmallow, which includes this substance, is more high-calorie, has a "rubber" consistency. However, thanks to high content glucose product based on gelatin quickly improves brain activity. Sweetness is recommended to be consumed in the period from 4 to 6 pm - during this time interval, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases.

Marshmallow Harm

Despite the low sugar content, the calorie content of the product is high. They should not get too carried away, if only for the reason that it is fraught with obesity. Natural marshmallows are harmful for diabetics. However, they can pick up a product that contains fructose instead of glucose. The use of marshmallows should be limited to people suffering from carbohydrate metabolism disorders. The fact is that the product contains too many simple carbohydrates.

When buying marshmallows, pay attention to the colors. If you do not want to use supplements along with the sweetness and artificial dyes, buy only the product white color. A pink or yellow delicacy is guaranteed to contain far from the most beneficial for the body. chemical components. Some ingredients of the product may cause allergic reactions. Excessive consumption this sweetness leads to the development of caries and metabolic disorders.

Real marshmallow recipe at home

Nutritionists advise and consider it necessary to add natural marshmallows to daily diet. This useful product reduce the desire to consume others, more harmful sweets. In addition, it will fill the calorie deficit without harm to your figure. cook apple marshmallow easy at home. We bring to your attention a simple dessert of a mouth-watering treat.

You will need:

  • Apples - 300 grams;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Egg white - 2 pcs;
  • Agar-agar - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. Peel the fruit from the peel, remove the seeds and the middle, bake in the oven.
  2. Use a blender to puree the baked apples.
  3. Add sugar and 1 beaten protein to the puree. Whisk the mixture.
  4. In a saucepan, mix 80 milliliters of water with agar-agar, cook for five minutes.
  5. Pour another protein into applesauce, beat again with a mixer.
  6. Immediately after this, pour the resulting mixture into the warm syrup in a thin stream. Stir it all the time.
  7. Wait until the resulting mass acquires desired consistency and stop falling off the spoon.
  8. Now collect the mixture with a culinary syringe and squeeze it onto a base covered with parchment or food paper, forming a marshmallow of the desired size.
  9. The blanks will be ready for consumption in a day.
  10. If you like, you can put the halves together and roll them in powdered sugar. That's all, marshmallow according to GOST is ready!

The taste of marshmallow is familiar from childhood. This delicate delicacy was invented in Russia and improved by French confectioners. His name French descent which means " breakfast is light". The name itself suggests that this type of marshmallow is dietary product. It is made from various fruit puree when adding sugar egg white, thickener (pectin, gelatin or agar). It's delicious and, more importantly, healthy treat loved by both children and their parents. There are many varieties of it that differ in color and taste. There are also many, so you need to choose the most conscientious ones who make a truly high-quality delicacy.

An interesting fact is that there are practically no fats in it.

The calorie content of the product is about 323 kcal per 100 g.

100 grams is approximately 3 pieces. Through mathematical operations, we find out that calorie content 1 pc. white marshmallow is about 107 kcal. In comparison (132 kcal per 1 pc), its calorie content is significantly lower. So, morning cup tea, flavored with just one piece of this delicacy, will provide the body with useful substances and give the morning and all day the taste of your favorite sweetness.


Due to the presence of beneficial nutrients in thickeners and purees, nutritionists recommend including it in the diet even for children. Well, for many women, in addition to usefulness, it will also be important the nutritional value white marshmallow 1 pc. to include it in your diet.

Marshmallow contains such useful substances as gelatin, pectin, glucose, which will be useful for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for improving well-being. Another advantage is the very low fat content.

Such a delicacy is useful for mental work due to the high content of glucose, so it can be consumed even by children.


Do not include a treat in the diet if you have health problems such as diabetes, obesity, as well as if you are allergic to its components.

Zephyr while on a diet

When losing weight, eat it in large quantities Not recommended. Maximum daily portion- 1 piece, which contains approximately 100 kcal.

It is worth noting that while dieting, it is best to eat plain white marshmallows without additives and dyes, as it has lowest calorie content from all sorts and types.

Energy value per 100 g of product:

  • calories - 323 kcal
  • proteins - 1.7 g
  • fats - 0.3 g
  • carbohydrates - 80 g
