
Healthy fragrant rye buns without yeast. Recipe for rye buns in the oven at home with a photo

Soft buns with a unique aroma of rye bread. It turns out very fluffy, porous.

Soft buns with a unique aroma of rye bread

It turns out very fluffy, porous.


for 10 buns

  • Sour cream 15%-20% (room temperature) 200 gr.
  • Rye flour 2.5 tbsp. (you may need a little more or less flour)
  • Ghee or vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
  • Soda 1 tsp without a slide
  • Citric acid 0.5 tsp without a slide
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Ground coriander (optional) 0.5 tsp


Pour flour (1.5 cups) into a convenient deep dish. Add citric acid, salt and coriander (if using), mix. Add oil, grind the mixture with your hands. Add sour cream and soda and knead the dough. Add the rest of the flour as needed.

You don’t need to knead for a long time, it’s enough to collect the dough into one ball, then knead it for another 5 minutes. It should turn out soft, but elastic, elastic, obedient, not sticking to your hands. If the dough is too soft, add more flour.

Leave the dough for 30 minutes, covering it with something so that it does not dry out.

While the dough is resting, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with a little oil, or cover with parchment paper.

We divide the finished dough into 10 parts. Roll each into a ball and place on a baking sheet.

You can make cross cuts on top of the buns with a sharp knife. This is for beauty, buns will bake well without them.

We send to bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 15-25 minutes. Check with a wooden toothpick, when dry, the buns are done.

We transfer the finished buns to a dish, let them cool and after that we taste with pleasure!

These buns can be stored in a tightly closed container or bag for about 5 days.

Buns are soft, fragrant, but not for everyone. You can add various nuts or seeds if you like.


400 gr rye flour

60 gr. butter

60 gr. Sahara

2 tsp salt

3/4 cup milk

1 sachet instant yeast


1. We take out the oil in advance, we need it soft, at room temperature. Sift the flour and add salt to it. In warm milk, dilute 2 teaspoons of sugar and a bag of yeast, add a little flour to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Put the dough in a warm place and wait until it bubbles (it happens very quickly).

2. Rub the butter with sugar, add eggs one at a time to get a homogeneous mixture.

3. Add sifted rye flour and dough to this mixture, knead the dough (it sticks a little to your hands). Roll the dough into a ball and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with water and cover with a napkin, put in a warm place for proofing. The dough should rise well, but since it is rye flour, it will take a very long time (about 5 hours).

4. Divide the dough into 10-12 pieces.

5. We roll a ball out of each, slightly flatten it and place it on a baking sheet covered with parchment or sprinkled with flour. Cover with a towel and let rise again. We make notches.

6. We put it in the oven preheated to 170-180 C for 30 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Description: I bring to your attention a recipe for delicious and easy-to-make rye buns. I bake such buns every 3 days, we eat with the whole family instead of bread. Depending on the ingredients, their taste varies from rich for breakfast to spicy for lunch or dinner. I add sesame seeds, poppy seeds, ginger instead of cumin, I play with flour. A very interesting caramel flavor is obtained by adding a little buckwheat flour. Perfect for those who follow the figure. Try it!

Cooking time: 180 minutes

Servings: 14


For children
Competition Recipes:
Competition "Surprise me"

For breakfast
For lunch
For an afternoon snack
For the holiday table
On nature
For dinner

Ingredients for Rye Buns:

  • Wheat flour - 3 stack.
  • Rye flour - 3 stack.
  • Yeast (Dry) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Bran (wheat or rye) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Brown sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cumin - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil (For lubrication)
  • Water (Hot) - 2 stacks.

Recipe "Rye buns":

Sift wheat flour, add yeast, bran, salt, cumin, cocoa. We mix everything.

Pour 2 cups of hot water into a saucepan, add sugar and butter. Mix and cool to t 38-40 degrees.

Pour the sugar-butter mixture into the flour mixture, add the rye flour.

Knead the dough for 10 minutes, periodically beating it on the table. If required, add flour. Depending on the quality of the flour, a different amount is required. Focus on the test. The dough will be sticky at the beginning - this is a feature of rye flour. It should be soft and should not stick to your hands by the end of the kneading.

We form a ball from the dough, grease it on all sides with vegetable oil.

We put the dough in a large container pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. We cover with cling film, in which we make several holes so that the dough breathes. We put in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. Once the dough has risen and doubled in size, punch down and let rise for another 30 minutes.

Divide the risen dough into 14-15 pieces. For convenience, I first make the sausage.

From each part, we first form a ball, then an oval, flattened at the top and bottom. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. We spread the buns at a distance of 2-3 cm. In each bun we make a longitudinal, shallow incision, sprinkle with rye flour on top. Leave for 30 minutes for proofing. We bake in a preheated oven at t 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. If you have the same hot oven as mine, and the bottom of the products burns, then I advise you to put a container of water in the bottom of the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, then remove the container so that the buns are browned.

Buns are ready! Bon appetit!

Bun in a cut.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

Recently, I can not find bread in shops and bakeries that I would like. So I bake my own at home. Sometimes bread, and sometimes these buns are immediately portioned for convenient serving.

Today I'm making bread rolls from rye flour with yeast. Wheat is also used in the preparation of dough. As additives I take onions, sunflower seeds and thyme. They turn ordinary bread into a gourmet dish. Rye buns can be served for lunch with first and second courses, as well as for breakfast as sandwiches with butter, cheese, and vegetables. Hot, not yet cooled buns are delicious on their own. From this amount of ingredients, an average of 7-11 buns is obtained, depending on which size of products you choose.

Sift the rye and wheat flour into a bowl. We add yeast. Mix until smooth.

Onion cut into small cubes.

Put in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil and fry until golden brown. You can salt the onion a little, as well as add your favorite spices. I used thyme.

Dissolve salt and sugar in warm water. Make a well in the flour and pour in the liquid.

We begin to knead the dough with a spoon. Add fried onions and seeds.

We continue to knead with a spoon, after which we switch to manual kneading. Knead until smooth. The dough will be pliable, not sticky to your hands. We form a ball and leave in a bowl under a towel for 1 hour in a warm place.

During this time, the dough has grown.

We crush it with our hands, divide it into equal parts and form buns.

We spread the products on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, make cuts with a cross, sprinkle with thyme and leave for another 15 minutes under a towel. Then put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, and bake until cooked.

Rye buns are ready. Cool, remove from pan and serve. Bon appetit!

These buns are a great addition to hot soup. Absolutely any soup that you serve with fresh buns, your family will eat with great pleasure!

At the same time, preparing them is quite simple. Such buns with onions are usually served with borscht. They are tasty and quite airy. Thanks to the simplicity of the dish, you do not need to spend a lot of time in your kitchen. You can cook buns from two types of flour - rye, as well as premium flour. In addition, if you want, you can add some sesame seeds to the dough - it will be very interesting.

The dish is great for breakfast or lunch, besides, buns can be eaten simply with tea. At your choice. In general, carefully read the proposed recipe, prepare the necessary products and start cooking, you will see for yourself that it is easy!

Ingredients for the recipe:

By video -
125g rye flour
250g wheat flour
1 tbsp sugar
4g dry yeast
a small amount of salt
250ml warm water
any filler in the dough

By author -
1/2 pack of pressed yeast
1 onion
1 tsp Sahara
20 tablespoons wheat flour
Glass of water - 250ml
18 tablespoons rye flour (you can take peeled)
1 yolk (optional)
half tsp salt
Flax seeds or sesame
13 cups (50 gr.) vegetable oil
Cooking rye buns with onions
Add 0.5 cups of water to the yeast. Stir. Next, add salt, sugar, and 2 tbsp. l. premium flour (can be sifted). Stir well to remove lumps.

Peel the onion and mix in a chopper (you can also pass through a meat grinder or chop finely). Add it to the dough. Stir.

Add 0.5 cups of water with vegetable oil. Stir again. Add flour. Initially add 8 tbsp. premium flour and 8 tbsp. rye, then knead and gradually add the rest of the flour. Knead the dough with your hands until it is firm. Cover and let it rest for half an hour.

Now set the oven temperature to 200C. Separate the yolks. And lay parchment on a baking sheet.

After half an hour, start making buns. Divide the dough into 15 parts and shape each into a round bun. Then put them on a baking sheet. Make the distance between the buns about 4 cm, because. they will expand as they bake. You may even need a second baking sheet.

All buns can be greased with yolk, then they will acquire a golden color. Then sprinkle them with sesame seeds. Put in the oven for half an hour. And then serve it hot!

Video recipe for rye buns
And here is also a video recipe for making rye buns, but without onions. We advise you to watch, as the video is prepared by experts.
