
Recipe for marshmallow applesauce. Zephyr from apples with gelatin

Homemade marshmallows are tender, weightless and airy. Just a magical treat. But this magic can be created with your own hands.

The culinary world knows two related types of sweets created by whipping fruit or berry puree with sugar. This is marshmallow and marshmallow. Their connection is rooted in ancient Russian national cuisine. Then in Russia, marshmallows were prepared from apple-honey jam and cut into pieces. It looks like marmalade, doesn't it? But no, it's not marmalade. Another “secret” ingredient was added to the pastille recipe - egg white. He gave the dessert whiteness and a certain lightness.

Five centuries later, this Russian secret became known French confectioners. And they also added to their fruit marmalade protein, but significantly changed the proportions. Thus, a snow-white and airy marshmallow was born.

Since then, more than a century has passed. Zephyr returned to his homeland, but during this time, thanks to innovative culinary inventions, he has changed a lot. airy dessert found new colors, tastes and aromas. They began to cover it with sugar, chocolate icing and waffle crumbs, include nuts, marmalade and candied fruits in the recipe.

Another sweetness is related to marshmallow. Marshmallow - sugar lozenges. This delicacy was invented in America. In terms of consistency and content, it really resembles a marshmallow, but the airy lightness and whiteness of a traditional marshmallow is provided not by protein, but by a combination of grape syrup And cornstarch.

Zephyr has a rich pedigree, but we fell in love with him for the taste of childhood. The modern marshmallow has a beautiful package, but often this is where its advantages end. Little benefit and a lot of calories. Another thing is marshmallows cooked at home. Natural products, delicious recipes and mother's love. Let our children have a tasty and healthy "marshmallow" childhood.

5 recipes how to cook marshmallows

Recipe 1. Marshmallow from apples (with gelatin)

Ingredients for apple marshmallow: 500 g sour apples, 200-gram glass of sugar, 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar, 1 egg white, 25 g gelatin, teaspoon beetroot juice.

  1. Cut the apples together with the skin into two parts, cut out the core and put it cut side down on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Bake for 30 minutes at a temperature not lower than 180 degrees. It is this ratio of time and temperature that will dry out half of the liquid from the apples, which will be superfluous in the finished marshmallow.
  2. Let's start preparing the gelatin. For marshmallows, as a rule, agar-agar is used. But with strict adherence technological process gelatin will perfectly cope with the mission assigned to it.
    IN fresh gelatin Gradually pour in 50 ml of water (in that order) and stir well. Leave to swell for 20 minutes or more.
  3. Transfer the baked apples to a blender and beat, achieving maximum uniformity. You also need to do this with the skin. It contains 10 times more pectin than the pulp.
  4. Put the whipped apple mass into a sieve and grind to separate large pieces from the pulp. into smooth and beautiful puree pour vanilla sugar, stir.
  5. Let's cook sugar syrup. Thanks to him, the marshmallow will get a delicate, shiny core.
    Pour sugar into a saucepan with water (70 ml) and put on fire. Don't interfere! You can only tilt the saucepan in different sides so that the liquid mixes evenly and does not crystallize. Bring the syrup to a boil, and then to 118 degrees. It is this temperature that will ensure the smoothness of the syrup and, accordingly, the marshmallow mass.
    You can determine the readiness of the syrup using cold water- drop a little syrup into it and try the curdled drop to the touch. Soft elasticity indicates readiness.
  6. Send swollen gelatin to steam bath(not water!) And heat it up so that it mixes better with the rest of the blanks.
  7. Beat applesauce with a mixer (half a minute). It will brighten and saturate with air bubbles.
  8. Separate the protein from the yolk and shake lightly with a fork. Pour half of the mass into warm applesauce, beat, and then add the second half. Beat egg whites and puree for a few minutes until smooth.
  9. Pour a thin stream along the sides of the bowl into the apple- protein mass syrup. Don't worry about the protein curdling. At high speed of the mixer, the syrup will simply brew it. The mass will become airier and denser. Beat all ingredients for 5-8 minutes.
  10. At the end of the process, while continuing to beat, slowly add warm gelatin. The mixture will thicken and set quickly.
  11. Cool marshmallow mass. To do this, rearrange the bowl in a container with water and ice and continue to whisk. As soon as the mass begins to thicken and keep the shape of a "cap" - remove from the ice bath.
    At this stage, the marshmallow mass can be divided into 2 parts, and add a teaspoon of beetroot juice to one. Gently and slowly mix everything with a spoon.
  12. Transfer the mixture to pastry bag with a carved nozzle and “land” plump marshmallows on a parchment-lined board or baking sheet.
  13. Marshmallows should harden in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  14. Marshmallows fasten together in "roses". The side with which it was attached to the parchment remained wet and both zippers will stick together easily. Sprinkle apple marshmallows with cornstarch mixed with powdered sugar.

Recipe 2. Classic white marshmallow according to GOST

The proportions and process for making marshmallows according to this recipe are taken from an industrial technological guide. According to GOST, it is prepared exclusively from apples of the Antonovka variety. It is from it that the puree is thick, contains a lot of pectin and is perfectly gelled.

IN industrial production use syrup with molasses or glucose syrup. Thanks to this, marshmallows are stored longer, and the middle does not dry out. Agar-agar enhances the pectin properties of apples, and it is he, and not gelatin, that is added according to the GOST recipe.

Ingredients for classic marshmallow: 250 g applesauce or 4 apples, 250 g of granulated sugar, 1 protein, a bag of vanilla sugar.
For syrup: 475 g sugar, 160 g water, 8 g agar (4 teaspoons without top).

  1. Start the work by soaking the agar in the indicated amount of water.
  2. If there is no ready-made applesauce, then you should start preparing it. To get 250 g of puree, you need about 400 g of apples.
  3. Cut the sour Antonovka in half, remove the middle and place in the microwave or oven for baking.
  4. From ready apples carefully scrape out the baked pulp with a spoon.
  5. Pass the apple pulp through a sieve, or beat with a blender. Puree should be absolutely homogeneous.
  6. IN warm puree pour granulated sugar(250 g), stir and leave for an hour.
  7. Put the agar and the water in which it was soaked on the stove, and boil continuously stirring. After 2-3 minutes, the agar will dissolve and become jelly-like. As soon as this happens, add sugar (475 g). Boil agar syrup, stirring, over medium heat. Bring it to a boiling point of 110 degrees. If there is no thermometer, then you can determine the degree of readiness by a spoon dipped in syrup. When the thread is pulled behind it, remove the syrup from the hob. It is important not to overcook, otherwise the syrup will become sugary and the agar will lose its gelling properties.
  8. On average, this procedure takes 6-7 minutes. Let the syrup cool slightly.
  9. Beat applesauce with half the protein. After the appearance of a dense foam, add the second part of the protein. Beat the mixture until it begins to lighten and increase in volume.
  10. in a thin jet lush mass pour in hot syrup. Beat at this time you need at the highest speed of the mixer. After a few minutes, the mass will increase and become like a meringue in consistency. The marshmallow mass should stand at rest for 5-6 minutes, so that it grabs a little.
  11. Fill a piping bag with a notched nozzle and pipe parchment paper marshmallows.
  12. Marshmallows will harden at room temperature for 24 hours. In a day, it should appear on its surface sugar crust. At this stage, the most difficult thing is to protect the marshmallow from premature tasting.

Recipe 3. Zephyr Marshmallow

The name of this marshmallow dessert comes from "marsh mallow", which translates as "marsh mallow". Such a name american dessert It appeared because initially lozenges were prepared from marshmallow root, and only in the 50s of the twentieth century they began to use starch and gelatin in the recipe. Traditionally, marshmallows are prepared without applesauce and proteins.

The range of application of this type of marshmallow is very wide. It is baked under the grill on a biscuit, added to coffee and hot chocolate to form foam on their surface. More delicious dessert obtained from Marshmallow open fire. Toasted lozenges become caramel-crunchy on the outside, and viscous on the inside. They can be eaten right away, or you can put them between cookies together with chocolate. This dessert is called Smors.

Ingredients for marshmallow marshmallow: 400 g sugar, 100 ml water, 30 g gelatin, 2 egg whites(possible without proteins), 100 g frozen blueberries, 50 g corn starch, 150 g powdered sugar.

  1. Defrost blueberries. To speed up the process, the berries can be thrown into a saucepan and put on fire for 5 minutes. Pass through a sieve to make juice.
  2. Prepare sugar syrup. Pour water into a saucepan, pour sugar and cook over medium heat, NOT stirring. When the syrup heats up to 118 degrees (check with cold water), turn off the stove.
  3. Soak fresh gelatin in water and let it swell for 15-20 minutes. Then melt it into steam bath being careful not to overheat. Gelatin should not be brought to a boil!
  4. Egg whites, introducing one at a time, beat until white, until a light but dense foam appears.
  5. Pour hot sugar syrup slowly and in a thin stream into the protein mass, without stopping the whipping process at high power of the mixer. Whisk until the bowl is almost completely cooled.
  6. Add warm gelatin and everything is good, but carefully (so as not to damage the fluffiness of the proteins) stir. The mass will turn out to be less airy than marshmallow, but viscous and smooth. Divide it into 2 parts and pour 2 tbsp into one. spoons blueberry juice, stir.
  7. Line a baking sheet with parchment and sprinkle with a mixture of corn starch and powdered sugar. It will keep the marshmallow pieces from sticking to the parchment and to each other.
  8. Fill a bag with a cylindrical nozzle with the mass and squeeze out thin “sausages” onto a baking sheet. On top of the sweets, also sprinkle with powdered starch.
  9. After two hours, tie some of the "sausages" into knots, and cut some into small sticks.
  10. Serve homemade marshmallow with coffee and hot chocolate.

Recipe 4. Chocolate marshmallow

Chocolate Marshmallow Ingredients: 2/3 tbsp. drinking water, 2 teaspoons of gelatin in granules or sheet (1 sheet), 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey, 100 g of milk or dark chocolate, 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder, a pinch of vanilla.

  1. Prepare two large bowls. Put gelatin in one and pour it over warm water. After 3-5 minutes, add sugar to the bowl. Put the sugar-gelatin mixture in a steam bath. Heat, stirring, until gelatin and sugar are melted. Make sure the mixture does not boil! Otherwise, the marshmallow will not freeze.
  2. Break the chocolate into the second bowl and place it in a steam bath, where there was a bowl with gelatin and sugar. Melt the chocolate, stirring with a wooden spoon. Do not heat it above 60 degrees.
  3. Cool both bowls, but they must remain warm.
  4. sweet gelatin mass beat. As soon as bubbles appear, while stirring, put in it a tablespoon of melted chocolate. Add vanilla sugar.
  5. Continuing to stir the mixture with a whisk, pour in honey. If it is candied, melt it in a bath like chocolate and gelatin.
  6. Well-mixed masses must also be whipped with a blender. After 7-10 minutes, the mixture will fill with air bubbles, which is what was required from the blender.
  7. Pour the chocolate mass into molds or pour into one large tray in a thin layer and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  8. When chocolate marshmallow harden, cut it sharp knife into squares or diamonds.
  9. Roll marshmallows in cocoa powder and serve with tea, coffee or compote.

Recipe 5. Marshmallow with raspberries and chili peppers without sugar

To compensate for the lack of sugar, spices and spices will help, due to which the taste is enhanced. natural products. Don't be afraid of chili peppers. It will not spoil the dessert, but will leave only a light, spicy and very pleasant aftertaste.

Spicy Ingredients raspberry marshmallow: 250 g applesauce, 300 g raspberries, half a chili pepper, 4 teaspoons of agar-agar, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of honey, 4 proteins.

  1. Agar-agar pour half a glass of water. Leave to swell for 15 minutes.
  2. Place raspberries in a blender and puree until smooth. Pass the raspberry mass through a fine sieve so that not a single grain gets into the puree.
  3. Put applesauce in a saucepan and add chili pepper (without grains) to it, raspberry puree and agar-agar.
  4. Put the raspberry-apple mixture on a small fire and cook for 3 minutes.
    Unlike gelatin, agar-agar acquires its gelling abilities under the influence of high temperature. Gelatin, on the contrary, loses them.
  5. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks and beat in thick foam, add honey and continue the whipping process. Without ceasing to beat, add hot raspberry-apple puree with agar-agar into the marshmallow mass in a thin stream. In time, the mass should be whipped until it cools down and until it triples in size.
  6. Pipe the chili-flavoured raspberry marshmallow onto parchment paper using a pastry bag fitted with a marshmallow tip.
  7. Dessert needs to cool for at least 12 hours.
  8. Serve marshmallows with raspberries and peppers, garnished with fresh raspberries and mint leaves.

Delicate, light, airy and weightless like a cloud... In order for homemade marshmallows to match these beautiful epithets, you need to heed the advice of the best confectioners.

  1. Pectin is perhaps the main component, without which marshmallows will not get the desired structure. Therefore, apples must be taken sour varieties. Sweet apples will make the marshmallows too wet and won't hold their shape.
  2. Egg white will beat easier and become more magnificent if it is cooled and a gram of salt is added before this procedure.
  3. secret perfect shape and marshmallow density is a long process of beating the components.
  4. Marshmallows should be planted on paper very quickly, otherwise the mass in the bag will cool and thicken, since agar-agar seizes at a temperature of 40 degrees.
  5. Virtually any kind homemade marshmallow can be glazed. To do this, combine sugar with water and cocoa, boil. Dip the marshmallows into the resulting glaze and leave them to cool in the refrigerator.
  6. Marshmallow mass can be used as a cream base for cakes and pastries.
  7. A well-made marshmallow has an even, crack-free layer of powder or glaze. When pressed with a finger, it should quickly restore its shape.

Zephyr ... After the birth of this extraordinary delicate dessert, the expression "melts in your mouth" appeared. And home-cooked marshmallows, velvety and moist in taste, will also become legendary if you add a pinch of skill and a drop of culinary magic to its recipe. Nobody will forget such a treat!

Hi all! I am very glad to see you again on the pages of this best culinary site of Runet! Today I propose to cook a wonderful, incredible delicious recipe apple marshmallow at home, photos are attached to make it more convenient for you.

This dessert has a lot of advantages: firstly, it has unforgettable taste and gentle, secondly, the marshmallow turns out to be airy and soft, it seems to melt in your mouth. Another plus is that this delicacy is easy and simple to make even for a beginner, moreover. Be sure to try and please yourself and your loved ones with a real oriental dessert according to GOST, which is many times better than the purchased one!


1. Chicken egg - 1 pc.

2. Water - about 1/2 cup

3. Gelatin - 1.5 tbsp. (about 25 gr.)

4. Sugar sand - 8 tbsp.

5. Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

6. Apples - 4 pcs.

Marshmallows will turn out very tasty if you use chicken instead quail egg. In addition, they contain a large number of essential vitamins and minerals for our body. As for apples, it is preferable to cook from sour varieties, for example, Antonovka. Although this is a matter of taste.

Cooking method:

1. We clean apples from everything superfluous - seeds (they can be fed to birds), peel. Put in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

2. Soak 25 gr. gelatin 50 ml. water and stir to remove lumps. We leave for 20 minutes.

3. We take out the apples from the oven, cool slightly. You can also make a good one from apples, who have never tried it, I advise you to go in and see the recipe.

4. Grind in a blender.

5. Then through a sieve, but not all at once, but in small parts - smoothly and accurately. It will require patience, a little and strength, but it will pay off in full with a brilliant result!

6. Cool our puree to room temperature.

7. In the meantime, let's make syrup: 70 ml. pour water into a saucepan, add 200 gr. sugar and put on medium heat.

8. Gelatin should already swell by this moment, we heat it in a water bath. Don't forget to stir constantly!

9. Separate (you can make a lot of delicious treats from it), it’s convenient to do this with a special strainer or just lightly hit the egg with a fork or knife and pour from one shell to another, it’s easy.

10. Gradually introduce the protein into the puree - at first only half, gently whisk.

11. After a minute, add the other half and beat further.

12. Then we put vanilla sugar and gelatin to the mixture with apples, without stopping mixing thoroughly.

13. Now add hot syrup - so that the protein is brewed. Remember to stir!

14. Beat for another 10-15 minutes until thick.

15. We shift the mass to silicone mold and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then we take out and sprinkle with powdered sugar, substituting a strainer. Cut into nice pieces. That's it, now you know how to make homemade marshmallows! Bon appetit!

You can always remake this recipe, focusing on your taste and quantity of products. If you want something unusual, add a little to the marshmallow lemon peel, dried cranberries or other berries.

You can sprinkle with nuts or cover with chocolate icing. Those with a sweet tooth will surely appreciate a dessert that has a little pear or strawberry added to it.

To make it bright, make it with dyes. It is not necessary to take purchased chemical ones; they can be successfully replaced with fruit, vegetable and berry juices. And what will be the taste and aroma!

By the way, you can decorate with this sweetness! For example, marshmallow mastic is well suited to a cake.

Video recipe for makaron cakes

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There are among us big sweet teeth who will not resist any sweetness. Due to the huge assortment in stores, many hostesses do not even try to cook at home, but in vain. At home, you can cook very delicious marshmallow, which will be much tastier, more tender and healthier than the factory version. Once I tried to make marshmallows at home, since then I have been making marshmallows with agar-agar at home all the time.

To prepare marshmallows, we need the following products: chicken protein, sugar, agar-agar, water, apples, powdered sugar.

Let's start by making applesauce. If you already have a blank, use it, or you can buy something from the store baby food. Take a variety of apples from sweet and sour taste. Remove skin and seeds, cut into small pieces. Drop into a saucepan. Pour quite a bit of water and send to a small fire. Cook until apple slices will not become completely soft.

Grind the apple mass with an immersion blender.

Take the indicated amount of applesauce (125 g), place in a saucepan. Pour in the sugar. Send to fire. Stirring with a wooden spatula, hold on fire until the grains are completely dissolved. Cool applesauce to room temperature, then refrigerate for 10-20 minutes.

Place chilled apple puree in a tall bowl or mixing bowl. Add cold protein. Start whipping at low speed, gradually increasing the speed.

Beat the contents to stable peaks.

Pour water into a saucepan, add agar-agar and sugar. Send to fire. Bring to a boil, stirring vigorously with a wooden spatula. Stir constantly while boiling.

Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. The syrup is ready when the sugar threads slowly slide off the spatula.

Pour the prepared syrup to the whipped protein. In this case, the mixer should constantly beat the marshmallow mass.

The finished mass is dense and stable.

Transfer to a prepared piping bag fitted with a star tip.

Put on parchment. Leave to dry for 3-6 hours.

Dust the frozen marshmallows with powder. Carefully lift the halves and connect them together. Roll in powder again.

Marshmallow with agar-agar at home is simply magical! Try it!

Marshmallow on agar-agar from applesauce is very tasty and healthy. Agar-agar is not always possible to buy, but if you want, you can look in the shops healthy eating or order online. It costs not much more than gelatin, it will take 3 times less, and the benefits are much greater.


To prepare marshmallows on agar-agar from applesauce, we need:

egg white - 1 pc. (I used 2 egg whites).

For applesauce:

apples (I have pinova, Antonovka is better or hard green ones, for example, Renet Simirenko) - 4-6 pcs. large (weight of peeled apples 400 g);

sugar - 200-250 g.

For syrup:

water - 150 g;
agar-agar - 4 tsp (8 g);
sugar - 450 g.

Cooking steps

I divided the products into 2 parts and prepared 2 types of homemade marshmallows. She made one type of marshmallow only from applesauce, and in the second she added a handful of frozen blackcurrants (heated the currants in the microwave for 2 minutes at full power in a sealed container, then rubbed through a sieve and added to one half of the puree). I give the recipe for a full serving: soak 4 teaspoons of agar-agar in 150 grams of water for 10-30 minutes.

Apples (Antonovka - the best option for marshmallows, it contains a lot of pectin - a natural gelling agent) peel, remove the core and cut into quarters.

Baked apples (without juice released during baking) to kill with a blender,

add 200-250 grams of sugar and beat again with a blender. Leave until cool.

Pour 450 grams of sugar into agar with water, heat to a boil (the properties of agar appear when heated) while stirring and cook for 7-10 minutes for small fire(up to a temperature of 110 degrees), without covering with a lid, until the syrup begins to stretch with a thin thread from a spoon. Take the pot higher, when boiling, the syrup foams strongly.

Add the remaining half of the protein and continue to beat for 5 minutes, until the mass increases in volume, brightens and becomes fluffy.

In this photo, a whipped mass of mashed potatoes with grated currants.

Add hot syrup with agar in a thin stream to the puree, whisking continuously for 5-7 minutes, or longer - 10-15 minutes, until the mass becomes very dense and keeps its shape. It is important!!!

And a photo of whipped puree with grated currants.

We do everything quickly, because agar seizes immediately, much faster than gelatin.

Yield - 60 pieces of marshmallow halves. We do not touch the marshmallow for a day - we give it to stabilize and dry. After a day, sprinkle with powdered sugar (optional) and combine in pairs.

Our delicious and healthy marshmallow ready! This is what a marshmallow looks like only from applesauce.

And this is how marshmallows made from applesauce with the addition of grated currants look like.

We liked marshmallows with the addition of currants more, because the apples were sweet, and the currants added a pleasant sourness. You can add grated raspberries, cranberries, cherries to applesauce, each time it will be new taste. I hope you enjoy and pleasantly surprise the recipe for marshmallows on agar-agar from applesauce.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

At the present time, many housewives began to cook different kinds sweets at home. Firstly, it is much cheaper, and secondly, at least you know what you feed your household. I cook very often, but in small quantities, because there are so many sweets and I want to try as many as possible. Not so long ago, my daughter asked me to buy marshmallows for her, and I promised to cook it myself. I've made quite a few a variety of recipes this delicacy, but all of them were not very tasty, and some were almost inedible. I was about to give up, but then I came across a simple recipe for apple marshmallows at home and decided to cook it. The process was not difficult and did not take much of my time. And an hour later we were sitting at the table and enjoying amazing taste marshmallow according to GOST, the taste of which reminded me of my childhood. Now this deliciousness will often stand on our table. By the way, I want to say that the consistency of marshmallows prepared with the addition of gelatin or agar-agar is different. In the second case, the marshmallow is more successful and tasty. Below I post a recipe for marshmallows with gelatin, because I know that not everyone has the opportunity to purchase agar-agar.
- 1 tbsp. applesauce,
- 1 tbsp. Sahara,
- 1 protein,
- 1 tsp vanilla,
- 475 g of sugar,
- 160 ml. water,
- a pack of gelatin.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Wash apples under the tap running water. Cut the peel thinly, cut the flesh and boil until tender.

Put the apples in a saucepan and beat them with a blender.

Add sugar and egg white to it.

Pour sugar into a ladle, add water and boil the syrup until tender. Then, while the syrup is still hot, dissolve the gelatin in it.

Combine applesauce with syrup.

Whisk everything, pour the mass into the mold.
When the marshmallow has hardened, remove it from the mold and cut it.

As you can see, cooking
