
Grape syrup. grape syrup

Grapes cultivated represented by perennial lianas of shrub form. Their berries, due to their rich vitamin composition, have long been consumed raw, dried (raisins), or processed (among the most common drinks are wines, juices, compotes). Bones have also been used in everyday life. Oil is obtained from them. Grape leaves can be used in cooking. In more detail about what grapes have earned such popularity and where it is still used, we will tell in the article.

popular berry

There are a huge number of types of amber berries, which are divided into groups depending on certain characteristics.

So, according to the properties and use of berries, there are:

  • table varieties (used fresh; they have large berries and clusters, very beautiful in appearance and with excellent taste characteristics);
  • technical (for processing into juice, wine; usually berries and clusters are relatively smaller, but contain a lot of juice);
  • seedless (for consumption fresh and dried);
  • universal (can be used both fresh and processed; the size of the fruit is something between table and technical options, quite juicy).

According to the rate of ripening, they distinguish:

  • very early (up to 105 days);
  • very early (105–115 days);
  • early (115–125 days);
  • medium early (125–130 days);
  • medium (130–135 days);
  • medium late (135–140 days);
  • very late (more than 140 days).

According to taste distinguish:

  • ordinary (differs in a different ratio of sweet and sour flavors, there are no other noteworthy characteristics);
  • nutmeg (in taste and aromatic qualities, nutmeg notes of varying severity are observed);
  • nightshade (with a grassy aftertaste close to the taste of nightshade berries);
  • isabelle (distinguished by a special flavor similar to strawberry, pineapple or blackcurrant taste, the degree of severity is completely different).

The most common varieties:

  • Muscat (varieties that have a special "nutmeg" aroma, similar to musky);
  • Riesling (the name of white grapes, as well as the wine drink obtained from it);
  • Feteasca (technical grape variety and wine drink obtained from it);
  • Isabella (an American variety characterized by black berries, in which the flesh is very slimy and has a characteristic aroma; belongs to late varieties).

Amber berry is very useful because of the content: glucose, organic acids, minerals, proteins, pectins and vitamins. Therefore, table grapes and juice from it are very often used to treat kidney, cardiovascular, gastric, and pulmonary ailments. Red table wines have bactericidal and anti-stress properties.

Did you know? The Isabella variety (a hybrid of Vitis labrusca × Vitis vinifera) is banned from commercial winemaking in the US and EU due to the very peculiar aroma of wines made from these berries and the presence of methanol in drinks.

The chemical composition of grapes

The composition of grape berries may vary slightly depending on the variety. The averages are shown below.


  • vitamin C: 10.8 mg;
  • vitamin B1: 0.069 mg;
  • vitamin B2: 0.070 mg;
  • vitamin B3: 0.188 mg;
  • vitamin B5: 0.050 mg;
  • vitamin B6: 0.086 mg;
  • vitamin A: 0.02 mg;
  • vitamin E: 0.19 mcg;
  • vitamin K: 14.6 mcg.


Raw grapes (per 100 g of product) contain:

  • calcium: 10 mg;
  • iron: 0.36 mg;
  • magnesium: 7 mg;
  • phosphorus: 20 mg;
  • potassium: 191 mg;
  • copper: 0.127 mg;
  • sodium: 2 mg;
  • zinc: 0.07 mg.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

Energy value (European grapes, no matter green or red): 69 kcal/288 kJ.

Energy value (unprocessed berries): 69 kcal.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product (red or green):

  • proteins: 0.7 g.
  • fats: 0.2 g
  • carbohydrates: 18.1 g (sugar 15.5 g).

Nutritional value per 100 g of product (unprocessed berries):

  • water: 80.54 g
  • inorganic substances: 0.48 g.
  • dietary fiber: 0.9 g.
  • proteins: 0.72 g
  • lipids: 0.16 g
  • carbs: 18.10 g
  • sugar: 15.48 g

Fatty acid:
  • saturated: 0.054 g.
  • monounsaturated: 0.007 g
  • polyunsaturated: 0.048 g

Did you know?The asteroid (759) Vinifera, whose discovery dates back to 1913, got its name from grapes. The astronomer Franz Kaiser, whose ancestors were winegrowers, discovered the celestial body.

What is useful grapes

The berry itself and the products derived from it are endowed with many medicinal qualities.

General Benefit

Useful properties of grapes:

  • general strengthening, invigorating (due to the content of glucose, iron and vitamins);
  • antiviral, antibacterial, anti-cold (due to phytoncides);
  • able to reduce the likelihood of oncological diseases (resveratrol, anthocyanins, flavonoids, antioxidants are responsible for this);
  • responsible for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, for its strengthening (due to potassium, magnesium, antioxidants);
  • prevents blockage of blood vessels, varicose veins, cholesterol deposition, normalizes blood pressure (antioxidants contribute to this);
  • normalizes the process of digestion, metabolism, eliminates constipation (such changes are affected by enzymes that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice);
  • improves memory, cleanses the liver, kidneys, normalizes their work (thanks to antioxidants);
  • prevents vision loss (due to the content of flavonoids, antioxidants and vitamins);
  • normalizes the nervous system, relieves depression and insomnia, improves mood (due to the content of vitamins and minerals);
  • slows down the aging process, improves the structure of hair, nails (thanks to antioxidants, calcium, potassium, iron).

For men

For the male body, the berry is a natural medicine. to maintain normal sexual function. The polyphenol contained in the plant activates metabolic processes, which means that the delivery of nutrients to organs through the bloodstream improves.

According to Indian experts, a number of studies have found that grapes are also able to overcome infertility. Regular intake of berries improves the quality of seminal fluid, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of a larger number of viable spermatozoa.

For women

Useful properties of berries for the female body:

  • essential oils maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin;
  • the phytoestrogen contained in the bones is very close to estrogen, therefore, with regular use of the product with bones, the hormonal background returns to normal;
  • glucose worries about the health of the nervous system, protects the body from stress, improves mood, drives away depression;
  • prontocyanides prevent the development of breast cancer, and are also able to fight it;
  • grape berries can reduce the harmful effects of UV radiation on the body, and therefore prevent the development of skin cancer.

For children

What is useful berry for children:

  • vitamin C, as a powerful antioxidant, supports the immune system, preventing viruses and bacteria from entering the body;
  • vitamin D and calcium are indispensable at the time of skeletal formation;
  • B vitamins can prevent the development of anemia;
  • magnesium and potassium ensure the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • a number of minerals improve the body's resistance to various infections;
  • increases appetite, stimulates brain activity, restores strength.

Important!Grapes can be a good aphrodisiac and tonic.

Is it possible to eat

Grapes are among those products that are not only possible, but also necessary to eat during pregnancy and lactation, of course, within reasonable limits.

During pregnancy

Useful properties of berries for pregnant women:

  • a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the fetus and mother;
  • normalization of hemoglobin levels;
  • the presence of a slight diuretic effect, which will help to avoid swelling of the limbs;
  • the presence of a mild laxative effect due to the fiber contained in it.

It is advisable to use berries without the skin, as it can cause strong gas formation.

When breastfeeding

Before eating grapes, a nursing mother should consult a doctor, as the berry is an allergen. It also has a high content of glucose, which the children's stomach is not yet ready to cope with. Therefore, if the doctor has allowed grapes to be included in your menu, then it is better to use it in doses, preferably homemade. If it is not possible to eat “your” berry, then you can drink juice from the purchased one.

How to choose and properly store the product

From places of growth to store shelves, grapes travel a long way, so when choosing a berry First of all, you need to evaluate its type, not variety. If the bunch is ripe and fresh, then all the berries on it will be densely packed. If you shake it, no more than five berries will crumble.

All fruits must be whole, dense, elastic, without other defects. The presence of brownish dots is acceptable, which indicates the maturity of the product. The darker they are, the fresher the berries are considered. It is also possible to have a light matte coating on the skin. There should be no signs of rot on the bunch. If it was cut recently, then its branch is green. A dried branch speaks of a stale product.

Important!When choosing grapes on the market, pay attention to wasps. They will always sit down on the sweetest and juiciest product.

In order for the grapes to retain their useful qualities longer, you need to know some subtleties of its storage:

  • for storing berries indoors, conditions should be created with a temperature of 0 to +7 ° C and a humidity of 80%, and the room should be dark;
  • in order for the berry to be stored indoors longer, the bunches should be placed in a box with sawdust with the tail up, although you can hang it on a rope by the tail;
  • in the refrigerator, the product is stored for about four months (if the temperature is not higher than two degrees Celsius), and if the humidity is 90%, then the shelf life increases to 7 months.

How to prepare grapes

Some useful tips about harvesting a vitamin product.


In order for the frozen product to please you with its taste, you should give preference to dark varieties and those that can lie for a long time. The bunch should be fresh, the berries should be whole, dense. Before freezing, they are washed and dried thoroughly. It is better to dry in a stream of air.

Prepared bunches are placed in a cold place for cooling (you can use a refrigerator). After a couple of hours, they are transferred to the freezer, laying out in one layer on a pallet. When the berries are frozen, it will be possible to pack them in two or three bunches per bag.


For making jam, the variety and color of the berries are not important. Everyone chooses a product at their discretion, and it is prepared quite simply. Whole berries are boiled in sugar syrup, or they are passed through a meat grinder, pasteurized and mixed with sugar.

For the simplest jam recipe you will need:

  • kilogram of grapes;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • glass of water.


  • we separate the berries from the twig and wash thoroughly;
  • mix sugar with water until completely dissolved, bring to a boil and remove from heat;
  • pour the berries with syrup and insist an hour;
  • bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 40 minutes (remove the foam periodically);
  • add vanilla and citric acid, cook for another 15 minutes;
  • meanwhile, sterilize jars and lids;
  • pour the jam with a ladle, close it and hide it where we will store it in the future.


It can be obtained in several ways:

  • grandfather's (by placing berries in gauze and under the press);
  • pass through a juicer;
  • chop in a blender and strain.
The resulting liquid, if desired, can be sweetened or diluted with water. Such a product is stored for a very long time due to the large amount of acid and does not lose its beneficial properties.

Simple recipe. We take 3.5 kilograms of dark and the same amount of green grapes. The berries are separated from the twig, washed, sorted, passed through a juicer. We defend the resulting juice until the foam becomes dense (about an hour). We remove the foam. Cake pour 500 milliliters of water and add a pound of sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for five minutes. We cool down, we express. The remaining thick is squeezed out in cheesecloth. Mix the juice and syrup in a saucepan and put it on fire. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. We sterilize jars and lids and pour juice into them. Banks are rolling up.

Important!If the juice is very acidic, dilute it with drinking water.

Grapes as a way to lose weight

If you decide to start the fight against extra pounds with the help of grapes, then do it better using homemade berries, or go to the places of their natural growth. This is necessary in order to protect your body from the pesticides that the bunches are treated with before transportation.

As for the diet itself, there is no special menu here. The main and only dish in your diet for this period is grapes in any quantities. It is best to alternate between dark and light varieties, and be sure to drink about two liters of water a day to avoid dehydration.

The subtleties of the grape diet:

  • the diet lasts four days, so be prepared to eat only grapes these days;
  • before starting a diet, it is better to consult a nutritionist so as not to harm your body;
  • it is better to sit on such a diet on vacation, and start it during the berry ripening season;
  • three days before the diet to prepare the body, eat small portions of food, and the day before - switch to fruits (we also leave the diet);
  • give up cigarettes and alcohol.

Cosmetic properties

In cosmetology, both the pulp of the berry and its bones are widely used.

For face

Pulp mask for all skin types. We clean the berry from the skin, knead the pulp and apply it on the face and neck. This will nourish the skin with the beneficial components of grapes, get rid of wrinkles and even out the tone of the face.

Universal mask. Grape juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes. We wash ourselves with water at room temperature and apply the cream on the face.

For hair

Mask from grape seed oil. We warm the oil a little in a water bath and rub it into the roots of wet hair with massage movements. Distribute along the entire length. Hide your hair under a shower cap and wrap your head in a towel. I'm waiting for an hour. Rinse your hair thoroughly.

Hair mask for dry hair. Grind 75 grams of raisins in a blender and mix with two egg yolks. Apply a homogeneous consistency to the hair roots, then distribute along the entire length. We wait 15-20 minutes and rinse the hair with warm water.

About the benefits of a particular type

Each grape variety, in addition to the main useful properties, has some features.

Beneficial features:

  • vitamin A takes care of vision;
  • iron normalizes hemoglobin;
  • fiber is responsible for the normal functioning of the digestive tract;
  • phytoncides and antioxidants give the berry anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
It is forbidden to eat red grapes for diabetics and allergy sufferers.

The main feature of this variety is ability to kill bacteria. This property is provided by the phytoncides and esters contained in it. Thanks to their action, putrefactive processes in the intestine stop. Also, these components are able to destroy Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae. It is not recommended to use it for ulcers, diabetics and allergy sufferers.

Beneficial features:

  • vitamin B supports the nervous system;
  • ascorbic acid makes the body more resistant to viruses and infections;
  • vitamin PP is an anti-pellagric substance (prevents the development of dermatitis);
  • pectins remove toxins from the body;
  • Antioxidants prevent the development of cancer cells.


  • hypertensive patients;
  • diabetics;
  • ulcers;
  • people with gastritis, anemia, obesity, high acidity.

Beneficial features:

  • vitamin B supports the nervous system;
  • antioxidants are a prophylactic against cancer;
  • pterostilbene - an excellent antioxidant (breaks down cholesterol, prevents cells from breaking down);
  • flavonoids remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  • amino acids normalize metabolism, normalize hormonal levels.
Excessive consumption of dark berries adversely affects the condition of the teeth. It is better for pregnant women in the last stages to turn out to be from dark grapes. It is advisable not to use the product for ulcers, allergies, diabetics, people with low hemoglobin.

Beneficial features:

  • vitamin B takes care of the normal functioning of the kidneys;
  • flavonoids remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body, prevent aging;
  • enzymes normalize digestion;
  • iron, quercetins increase hemoglobin;
  • chlorophyll takes part in metabolism, strengthens the immune system, regenerates tissues.
Kishmish is a very high-calorie berry, therefore it is not recommended to use it in large quantities. It is also "heavy" for the stomach. When overeating, heaviness is felt, nausea appears. It contains a lot of sugar, so it is not recommended for diabetics.

Which is more useful

The most useful are dark varieties, especially black grapes. Their bones and pulp contain the greatest number of useful substances. Very rich in iron. The next most useful is green grapes. Behind him is sultanas, in which there are no less vitamins and microelements than in green, but it is bred artificially (due to the lack of seeds in the berries, a number of important substances are lost).

Harm and contraindications

It is undesirable to use berries with milk, cucumbers, melons, fatty foods, mineral waters, fish, beer. This combination can cause indigestion. A large amount of acids contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel, especially if there is already caries. Therefore, after eating grapes, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with soda.

Contraindications for use:

  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • obesity;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hypertension;
  • teeth problems.

Did you know?The Guinness Book of Records notes that the oldest vine (more than 400 years old) grows in the city of Maribor (Slovenia) on the banks of the Drava River. The vine is still bearing fruit.

As you can see, grapes a huge number of useful properties. However, positive changes from the use of berries will be noticeable only in case of moderate use.

It is very profitable to prepare such a syrup if you grow your own grapes and you have quite a lot of it. The syrup itself is very tasty and rich, it can be diluted with water or added to cottage cheese.

Servings: 3-4

Recipe characteristics

  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Dessert, Syrup
  • Recipe Difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: 19 h
  • Servings: 3 servings
  • Amount of calories: 266 kilocalories
  • Occasion: For kids

Ingredients for 3 servings

  • Grapes - 1.5-2 Kilograms
  • Sugar - 1.5 Kilograms (per 1 liter of grape juice)
  • Citric acid - 6 grams

step by step

  1. Grapes have been growing on our site for as long as I can remember, and there were always so many of them that we didn’t even know what to do with all this wealth. Of course, they prepared compotes, jams, aromatic wines and made such grape syrup at home. In principle, the process of its preparation is not at all complicated, but how pleasant it is to open a jar of syrup in autumn or winter and pour it over cottage cheese or ice cream. And if you dilute the syrup with water, then we get a very tasty compote, so this simple recipe for grape syrup is an incredibly useful thing in everyday life.
  2. 1) Let's start by thoroughly washing the grapes under running water, dry it and carefully separate the berries from the branches.
  3. 2) Next, we need to extract the juice from the grapes, this can be done in two ways. The first is to grind the grapes in any convenient way and leave the resulting mass for several hours in a cool place. In the second option, we heat the grapes, stirring constantly, in a water bath to 75 degrees, and then pass the resulting mass through the squeeze nozzle of a meat grinder or simply grind it in a blender or food processor.
  4. 3) Next, we put the grape mass in cheesecloth, folded several times, and hang this bag over the pan until all the juice has drained.
  5. 4) We measure the amount of juice obtained and pour it into a clean saucepan, add sugar at the rate of 1.5 kilograms of sugar per liter of grape juice, and also pour in citric acid.
  6. 5) We put the pan on a slow fire and heat the syrup, stirring it, to 85 degrees, after which we pour the mass into sterilized hot and dry jars. We cork them with cork plugs, if possible, turn them upside down or put the jars on their side, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool completely.
  7. We shift the ready-cooled syrup to a cool, dry place and store it there until the right moment.

How much does grape syrup cost (average price per 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Grape syrup is a non-alcoholic product, which is usually obtained by dissolving sugar in natural grape juice without adding additional water. As a rule, natural grape juice, freshly squeezed, sterilized or frozen, is used for the industrial production of grape syrup, but this is typical for conscientious manufacturers. The rest resort to a variety of tricks, adding all kinds of dyes, flavors, stabilizers and flavor and taste enhancers to this product.

Meanwhile, high-quality grape syrup implies a clear liquid without sediment, in which a sweet or sour-sweet taste is pronounced, the aroma of grapes, as well as a color close to the natural color of the juice from which the syrup is prepared. The nutritional value of grape syrup can be determined by the high content of sugar, natural coloring and aromatic substances in its composition. The calorie content of grape syrup averages about 256 kcal per 100 grams of product, but again this depends on the amount of sugar used.

For the preparation of grape syrup, white grape varieties such as Muscat, Chardonnay or Rkatsiteli are great, while when using black varieties (Merlot, Cabernet, Isabella), the output is a syrup of rich dark color. Natural grape syrup can be used not only in the preparation of all kinds of non-alcoholic and carbonated drinks, but also for direct consumption, as well as as a filler for fermented milk products (especially syrup from dark-colored varieties of this berry).

At home, grape syrup is prepared as follows: first of all, juice is extracted from grapes in any improvised way, which is then mixed with sugar or sugar syrup. Ultimately, the resulting liquid is heated or even boiled down if necessary to achieve a thick, viscous consistency. Ready grape syrup can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

In addition to excellent taste qualities, the beneficial properties of grape syrup are especially appreciated. Grapes are rightfully recognized as an excellent tonic and restorative natural remedy. In addition, grape fruits, as well as grape syrup, contain fiber, organic acids, vitamin B, ascorbic acid, and many macro- and microelements. It has been proven that the use of grape syrup has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the bone marrow, thereby improving blood formation.

Grape syrup, as well as the berries themselves and products from it, are recommended for acute inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchial asthma and various ailments of the cardiovascular system.

Caloric content of grape syrup 256 kcal

The energy value of grape syrup (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu).

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

The end of summer is exactly the time when the counters of shops and markets are bursting with a variety of grape varieties, and it is very difficult to pass by the heavy bunches of this sweet temptation. But the grape season is short - its taste cannot be enjoyed forever. And it would seem that in an endlessly long winter, all that remains is to remember that wonderful feeling when, biting through the smooth and dense peel of a berry, you feel on your tongue both the sweetness and astringency of the grape taste. But it is not necessary to be satisfied with memories alone, even on the frostiest day you can return to summer and fully experience your favorite taste by opening a jar of grape syrup. And the best part is that only three ingredients are needed to prepare this blank: grapes, water and sugar.
Preparing grape syrup for the winter.

- white grapes (with a stone) - 2 kg.;
- water - 800 ml;
- sugar - 1 kg.

Grapes for making syrup, it is desirable to take small, slightly unripe, with a dense skin and seeds inside. By itself, you won’t eat such a berry much, but the syrup based on it turns out to be amazing. For a more saturated color of the syrup, a bunch of blue can be added to the indicated amount of white grapes.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. Carefully, without injuring, separate the grapes from the bunch branches and rinse thoroughly under running cold water.

2. Transfer them to an enameled pan and pour purified water.

Note: the proportions of the grape syrup recipe are such that 400 ml of water is needed for 1 kg of berries, that is, in this case, 800 ml.
3. Put the pot on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes.

4. Drain all liquid into a separate container.

5. Add to it juice squeezed out with a metal sieve and a rolling pin from boiled grapes.

Advice: in order not to lose precious drops, the resulting grape cake should be transferred to gauze folded in several layers and, squeezing the resulting bundle with your hands, squeeze out the juice remaining in the cake.
5. As a result of all the efforts described, about 1800 ml of grape juice should be obtained.

6. Pour it back into the pan, bring to a boil and, adding sugar in small portions (about 600 grams of sugar is needed per 1 liter of juice), cook until the volume of juice decreases by 2 times.

7. Pour thick boiling syrup into sterilized jars and, properly wrapped, leave for a day without turning over.

Grape syrup is fragrant, sweet and viscous, in winter it will become a worthy competitor to even the most delicious honey or
