
Diet sweets. Low-calorie sweets: recipes

We all know from childhood that sweets are harmful to the body. It's hard to argue with this statement, especially when it comes to cakes and chocolates from the store. It is often difficult for people to refuse food of this kind, despite the awareness of all the harm that it can bring to the body. The time of holidays comes and most of us "breaks down" on sweet confectionery, and then works in the sweat of his brow to bring his body back to normal.

Store-bought sweets contain so many harmful components that the body needs a serious “cleansing” after eating them. But how can you leave your loved ones without a tasty treat, especially when holidays and there are many children in the house? The answer is: learn how to cook healthy sweets yourself! This article will focus on five healthy and delicious desserts which, moreover, are very easy to prepare yourself.

Number one on our list banana or avocado chocolate spread

(suitable for Lenten table on holidays)

  1. Avocado paste. The pulp of these fruits is just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that our body needs every day. Try to choose fruits that, with light pressure, form a dent that gradually disappears. Too hard fruits have not yet ripened, and soft ones, respectively, have overripe. So, to prepare this dish, you need two medium avocados, peeled and peeled, at least one teaspoon of lemon juice (to taste), two tablespoons of cocoa powder. For sweetness, add two tablespoons of honey. Combine all ingredients and blend with a blender until uniform consistency. Optionally, you can add nuts or, for example, sesame seeds. Ready!
  2. Banana based paste. The disadvantage of avocados is the high price. Not everyone can afford to buy this fruit. You can easily replace the avocado paste with a more affordable banana-based one. Bananas also contain a lot useful minerals and vitamins. In particular, potassium is well absorbed from a banana, which is necessary for correct operation hearts. For cooking let's take 3 bananas of medium size. It is necessary to mash them to a state of puree. Add about 50 ml orange juice, 3 tablespoons of sugar. To put on medium fire. Bringing to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. To the mass add 100 gr. chopped dark chocolate or 2 tablespoons cocoa powder After cooling, you can serve.

Number two - homemade yogurt

Store-bought yogurts will never be as healthy and tasty as home-made yogurts. To make this yogurt, you will need milk and bacterial starter. The proportions are usually indicated in the instructions that come with it. Such starter cultures are best purchased at a pharmacy. The sourdough must be combined with milk (if the milk is not ultra-pasteurized, it must be boiled in advance and cooled to about 40 degrees). Next, cover, wrap with a towel for thermal insulation and leave in a warm place for the time indicated on the sourdough. It usually takes 6-8 hours, so it's best to make the yogurt in the evening. In the morning you will receive a live product to which you can add berries, honey, jam and everything your heart desires.

Number three - cottage cheese dessert with berries

To date, the stores offer a wide selection cottage cheese desserts, but almost all of them contain various harmful additives from dyes and flavors to modified starch. Such a product, of course, will not bring benefits to the body, no matter what the manufacturers claim in the advertisements. For cooking useful option for such a dessert you will need cottage cheese, any berries, yogurt or cream, honey. You can use jam or, in extreme cases, add sugar. By the way, skim cheese V this case will not give desired consistency. It is better to use a product with a fat content of at least 9%. First, cottage cheese with the addition of yogurt must be brought to a pasty state. The easiest way to do this is with a blender. The more yogurt you add, the thinner the paste will be. Then add berries and, for example, honey and beat with a blender again. A little skill and you will get the desired consistency.

Number four - date candy

Dates contain a large number of vitamins and minerals, they are good for the heart, skin and hair, and also regulate the amount of fluid in the body. For cooking healthy sweets you will need about 200 grams of dates, 10-15 nuts (preferably almonds), about 150 grams of other nuts, cocoa or coconut flakes for rolling. Almonds must first be soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes, then remove the skin from it. Grind other nuts into crumbs or even grind into flour. Puree dates with a blender, combine with nut crumbs and mix until smooth. You can add cocoa or cinnamon. Divide the resulting mass into small balls of the same size. Make cakes out of them, in the middle of which place almonds. It remains only to form a candy and roll in cocoa or coconut.

Number five - strawberry marmalade

To prepare this unusual dessert you will need about 200 grams of strawberries, 15 grams of gelatin, half a lemon and 150 grams of powdered sugar. Blend strawberries in a blender until smooth. Add all the gelatin and let it swell. Then add ¾ of powdered sugar and lemon juice. Mix and send to the fire. Do not forget to constantly stir the future marmalade until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Watch carefully so that the mass does not boil! Next, take the pan off the heat and let the contents cool down. Beat the cooled mixture with a mixer for about 6 minutes until it becomes thick and light. It remains to pour into a mold covered with paper and place in the refrigerator to solidify for 6 hours. Ready marmalade cut into cubes and sprinkle powdered sugar through a sieve. By the way, the same homemade sweetness sometimes called Turkish Delight.

If your loved ones suffer from allergies, you can easily replace allergenic foods from recipes with hypoallergenic ones. For example, make marmalade from apples and pears. With the same fruits or cooked mashed potatoes, you can fill a glass with homemade yogurt and cottage cheese. If you have allergies, you can not eat nuts, honey, cocoa and chocolate. Be attentive to the health of your loved ones. Dinner Angel!

How many people in the world who do not like them at all appearance! More than half of them think about losing weight. Overweight suffer all over the world, from young children to the elderly. Nutritionists and other doctors of various fields come to their aid. And, of course, there is just great amount diets. But any diet is a difficult, sometimes very difficult process, sometimes capable of driving a person into depression. Therefore, before choosing one of the methods of losing weight, you should take the problem of weight loss very seriously and by all means involve specialists. You need to understand: it does not happen ideal diets. Each of them has limitations. Often a diet, especially untested and invented by someone without special education, can cause serious harm to the body and cause chronic diseases.

The menu must be delicious.

When it comes to diet, people immediately remember hunger, and the complete absence of sweets. But today this perception can be called erroneous. Indeed, for example, the method proposed by Pierre Ducane includes diet sweets, and their list is very diverse.

Therefore, it makes sense to briefly review possible options that are capable of people adhering to a certain type of diet. Diet sweets, the recipes for which will be described below, are easy to make at home. Since people are mostly busy and have no time for long-term culinary activities, these are quite simple diet recipes.

The most popular products from the sweet category are sweets, cookies, cakes, chocolates, cakes, eclairs, mousses, cheesecakes, buns, cheesecakes and donuts. Such a list will suit any sweet tooth and satisfy its needs without driving it into a rigid framework.

Unusual treat

Candies are diet sweets when properly prepared. For the first method, you need to take three tablespoons of powdered milk, preferably skimmed, and one third of a glass of skimmed cocoa. More will be required, but here it should be noted. Most of these products are not safe. Therefore, the most innocuous solution would be to use sugar replacement tablets made exclusively on a natural basis, for example, using stevia.

The final ingredient is liquid milk, also skimmed. Everything should be beaten with a blender, shifted to Silicone forms and put in the freezer.

The second method will require approximately 60 ml of coffee and three tablespoons of dry skimmed milk, in the amount of 2 tbsp. and a spoonful of cocoa (as in previous recipe, fat-free). Gelatin will be enough if you measure one teaspoon. The sweetener is taken based on personal preference. Gelatin dissolves in coffee. After swelling, it warms up in a water bath, but you do not need to bring it to a boil. Sweet tablets are crushed and mixed with all ingredients. The resulting mass, previously laid out in forms, is sent to cool in the freezer.

Cookies are one of the most popular treats, loved by both adults and children. Therefore, it is possible to crunch tasty and dietary cookies on a diet. To do this, you need to beat egg whites(4 pieces) with a pinch of salt. In a separate bowl, mix the sugar substitute, Nut flavor (if you can’t find one, you can add lemon or other flavor), and oat bran. Mix everything with proteins and put on a baking sheet, previously covered with baking paper. You can use a spatula for this. Can be sprinkled diet cookies bran. The temperature at which the product is baked should be 160 degrees.

diet cake

"Napoleon" is well known and in demand. You can bake its analogue, while not worrying at all about the calories eaten, because it will diet cake. For cakes you need three chicken eggs, two tablespoons of corn starch and a sweetener, which is added to taste. The ingredients are mixed and baked in a pan like pancakes or dried in the oven.

Take for cream corn starch, sugar substitute and vanillin, mix them with a small amount of milk, always cold. Separately, bring to a boil 250 ml of milk, add the resulting mixture to it, while stirring constantly. After re-boiling the cream is cooked for a few more minutes.

Chocolate: white and black

If you really want to see diet sweets on the table, but there is very little time, you can try homemade chocolate. Its composition includes the following ingredients: powdered milk - six tablespoons, liquid skimmed milk - 12 tablespoons, sugar substitute, vanillin. When adding cocoa or instant coffee it turns out dark chocolate. Products are thoroughly mixed and poured into molds. Treats should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer due to the fact that it melts quickly due to the lack of special additives.

Appetizing eclairs

It is sometimes impossible to pass by this delicacy, it looks so appetizing. If the desire to eat an eclair or two is simply irresistible, here is a recipe that can come to the rescue. For the dough, beat two yolks with a mixer and add two tablespoons of casein (analogues are possible), salt and baking powder. After that, the dough is kneaded, small sausages are rolled up and baked at 200 degrees for about twenty minutes. To prepare the cream, you need half a glass of milk, a tablespoon of corn starch and one teaspoon of cocoa and vanilla.

Sweetener is added to taste. After mixing all the ingredients, you need to heat the mixture in a small saucepan until it thickens. To turn eclairs into diet sweets, it remains only to smear the cut buns with cream and enjoy their taste.

Low calorie mousse

Mousse is a wonderful kind of dessert. It is easy and quick to prepare. If you can’t put aside the thought of what to cook dietary and simple, this delicacy will be a great option.

For example, a very simple recipe: add a sweetener to a liter of skimmed milk and heat until boiling, then add three beaten eggs and two tablespoons of cornstarch. Then the whole mixture is mixed and heated again, but the second time it does not boil.

Cheesecakes for breakfast

A delicacy familiar to everyone since childhood is perfect for hearty breakfast. Generally dietary cottage cheese recipes, among which are syrniki, they satisfy the feeling of hunger very well. For the dish in question, 180 grams is well suited. crumbly cottage cheese with the lowest possible fat content. You also need one egg, one and a half tablespoons oat bran, one tablespoon of wheat bran and isolate (can be soy). Sugar substitute is added to taste. Everything is whipped with a blender, then, with a few drops of oil, it is fried in a frying pan under the lid over the slowest fire.

Fast and helpful

Remembering delicious diet recipes, it is impossible not to describe the buns. You can make them sweet or savory, grate cheese or add cottage cheese. The dough is very easy to prepare. Six tablespoons of powdered milk are mixed with two eggs, baking powder and vanilla.

Salt and sweetener are added to taste. The mixture is baked for only ten minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees in a preheated oven.

Low calorie cheesecakes

Those who prefer diet sweets know a variety of recipes, and cheesecakes seem very tempting among them.

The first method, like all the previous ones, is extremely simple. You will need the following products:

Cottage cheese - one pack, preferably fat-free;

Two tablespoons of lemon juice;

Two tablespoons of corn starch;


Three yolks;

Five proteins.

To begin with, in a tight foam, then cottage cheese is very carefully introduced into it. Separately, the remaining ingredients must be mixed. mass thick consistency combine with protein mixture. This cheesecake can be baked both in a slow cooker and in the oven.

Another recipe is more refined and interesting. The dough for it is made from oat bran.

Oat bran, ground to a state of flour - 4.5 tablespoons;

Chicken eggs - 2 pieces;

Baking powder - 1 teaspoon;

Water - 2 tablespoons;

Sweetener to taste.

Cottage cheese, as in the first case, soft, fat-free - 800 g;

Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;




Decoration (optional):

Hibiscus - 1 sachet;


Agar-agar - 1 teaspoon with a slide;

Water - 1 cup 200-250 ml.

Proteins should be separated from the yolks and whipped into an elastic dense foam, and the yolks, water, sugar substitute, baking powder and bran should be mixed. Next, combine the resulting mixture with protein foam and beat gently, preferably with a wooden spatula. After that, the dough is poured into the prepared form and placed in a preheated oven.

The next step is the stuffing. Using a mixer, the cottage cheese and sweetener are whipped, then the eggs and mixture are introduced, everything is whipped again. The resulting mass is poured onto the cake, leveled and again placed in the oven, while the temperature should not exceed 160 degrees. When curd seizes and thickens, the product can be considered ready.

Jelly for decoration is not an obligatory component, but if the decision to prepare it is nevertheless made, you need to mix a glass of boiling water, agar-agar, a sweetener and a tea bag in a convenient container. This mixture will need to be brought to a boil with constant stirring. At the very beginning of boiling, the dishes are removed from the fire, its contents cool.


There are various delicious diet donut recipes. The composition of one of them includes eggs (2 pcs.), Corn starch (4 tablespoons), cottage cheese (4 tablespoons), baking powder, yeast (1 teaspoon), sweetener.

Mix the ingredients, wait for the dough to come up, and bake either in molds or just in small circles. Baking time - no more than twenty minutes. Bon appetit!

Sweets- this is a temptation, pleasure, temptation, something that improves our mood and makes us a little happier, something that pleases and inspires. Of course, if you are worried about your health and figure, you need to be careful with them, but sometimes you need to allow yourself this little weakness! Besides, modern cooking came up with so many a variety of recipes diet and low-calorie sweets, where you will certainly be able to find your favorite.

In more scientific terms, sweets are confectionery or high-calorie foods foods that contain a lot of sugar. They differ pleasant taste and a scent that is hard to resist.

Absolutely everyone loves them - from the smallest to the oldest. Sweets are easily digested by our body, are stored for a long time and well, contain a lot of carbohydrates that provide us with a lot of energy.

Sweets are often served for dessert - along with a cup fragrant coffee or tea. At celebrations, weddings, corporate parties certain types sweets are served on separate tables, being an ornament and an obligatory component of the holiday.

Depending on the ingredients used in the preparation process, sweets can be sugary and floury. The basis for sugary sweets is sugar, honey and various syrups. basis flour sweets is flour with all kinds of spices and fillers.

Sweets are, first of all, a variety of sweets home cooking. There are a lot of varieties of sweets - these are bars, sweets, caramels and lollipops, sweets with different fillings, truffles, toffee, grillage, wafer, chocolate, milk and fruit candies and many, many others.

As a rule, the main component of all sweets are carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc.), quite a few proteins, fats, a drop of vitamins and minerals. Although, this applies to most candies. However, if you and I prepare homemade sweets from dried fruits, honey and nuts, then, of course, they will the nutritional value will be completely different.

Recipes for original and amazing sweets, which are updated daily with new products on the website, are a wonderful alternative to sweets from supermarket shelves. And what is very important - in homemade sweets you will certainly not find any additives, preservatives, stabilizers and dyes that are harmful to our health.

Candies self made- This best gift for any occasion, an excellent decoration of the festive table and an indispensable delicacy for children of all times and peoples.

How to make sweets on your own - beautiful, natural, tasty, not inferior in taste, or outwardly to their similar counterparts? It's so easy! In addition, the process of making homemade sweets is so exciting that for many hostesses, making sweets becomes a real hobby, which allows you to always have a sweet treat on hand for relatives, friends, children and work colleagues.

We want to bring to your attention only the most delicious and interesting recipes cooking homemade sweets that can turn even the most ordinary tea party into real holiday- Truffle sweets, sweet sausage, homemade caramel, homemade marmalade, Raffaello at home, homemade sweets Toffee, candied oranges, cranberries in sugar, kozinaki, homemade toffee, lard in chocolate, homemade marshmallow, sweets with prunes, soufflé, marshmallow, Grillage and many, many other recipes with photos and step-by-step photo recipes.

Sweets prepared with your own hands, moreover, with love, have a special, unique taste and no doubt everyone will like it - a sweet tooth, a chocoholic, and even those who follow a diet and watch their figure.

Useful low calorie sweets from dried fruits, nuts, with pieces of carrots, pumpkins, with all kinds of spices and honey do not contradict the main principles of healthy and proper nutrition.

Summer is coming to an end, and during all this time, here and there, mentions of some new methods and recipes for making delicious things have surfaced. I have collected for you the cutest photo ideas that will please you both with their appearance and, probably, with taste. Sorry for no recipes, we still do not have a culinary blog.

Bears with gifts

The sweetest idea to please yourself and loved ones. We sculpt a teddy bear from suitable test and give the greedy kid a big nut in his hands. Both delicious and fun.

Donuts with pistachio topping

Loose pistachio petals lie on top of the sweet crunchy glaze. Sweet and gentle!

Chocolate cake in a cup

This recipe inspired me with its ingenious simplicity. Recipes for chocolate cakes in mugs are plentiful on the net (I checked). Knead the ingredients for one serving - and microwave. And then with a spoon the cake is eaten directly from the container.

Fruit mixes

"Wet" fruits have become a lifesaver for Americans this summer. They prepared a lot fruit cocktails with ice as a dessert. I believe that the inhabitants of all other countries did not lag behind. The best treat during the heat.

Bananas on the fire

A sweet and sweet treat, even creatively designed. It would seem a trifle, but it's nice!

frozen yogurt

A delicacy for the heat, and not only. Just unusual way eat plain yogurt. Freeze in the fridge and your ice cream is ready.

frozen cocktail

I wonder if it is possible to freeze borscht? More precisely, is it worth it? Here the cocktails are frozen - just on the way. Alcoholic including. Still alcohol is poured into small bears from chewing marmalade. They soak it up and the dangerous treat is ready.

fruit rolls

To make these, you need a transparent white salad. We do not sell this at all, but in principle it exists. We wrap the fruit cut into strips and eat like burritos.

Toast with honey and chocolate

Simple and brilliant. Although for an amateur. But apparently, a good half of humanity ate such food this summer, too often I see the recipe in completely unpredictable places and sources.

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To lose those extra pounds, it is not necessary to give up mouth-watering desserts. It is enough to know a simple list, which includes the lowest-calorie sweets that do not harm the figure.

Prohibited Products

If you want to lose weight, you should know what treats are on the list of prohibited foods. These include the following products:

Every girl who dreams of a slim silhouette should remember that the above delicious desserts cause strong fermentation in the intestines. This slows down the digestion process.

To lose weight, you should eat foods that are easy and simple to digest.

There is also a lot of fat in baked goods. It is on them, and not on calories, that you need to pay attention to those who want to part with extra pounds. After all, excess fat remains in the body and envelops the internal organs.

These deposits of internal fat are quite difficult to get rid of, while excess calories go away if you start actively playing sports or just running in the morning.

The good news is that there are low-calorie, low-fat sweets. And if you introduce them into your diet correctly, they will not harm the figure. internal fat will not accumulate in the body.

How to eat low calorie sweets

There are a number clear rules to help you enter diet menu healthy treats:

  • Sweets can only be eaten in the morning. Desserts eaten in the evening and before bedtime will be stored as fat. At night, the body does not need much energy. Therefore, he will hide the received calories "in reserve", distributing fat on the waist and legs.
  • Do not confuse healthy sweets and artificial sweeteners. They have nothing in common. Sweeteners irritate the receptors of the tongue, making us dream of pies and cakes
  • Count how many calories are in dessert. This figure should not exceed 10 percent of the daily norm.
  • If you can't live without baking, replace wheat flour to linen. There are significantly fewer calories, but a lot of fiber. It will relieve the unpleasant feeling of hunger. But indulge in buns from flax flour no more than twice a week

  • If you are used to eating chocolate in unlimited quantities, from now on, when you go to the store, buy only dark dark chocolate. You can eat it one slice in the morning

Homemade sweets

If you decide to go on a diet, but do not want to completely give up mouth-watering delicacies, cook them yourself at home. So you can control the entire process of dessert production. You will be sure that there are no sweeteners and excess fats in cookies or gingerbread.

The simplest low-calorie sweet that everyone can cook at home in the kitchen is oat cookies.

You will need the following ingredients

  • Oat bran (4 tablespoons)
  • Wheat bran (4 tablespoons)
  • Egg yolks (4 pieces)
  • Cottage cheese 0% fat (4 tablespoons)
  • Maple syrup (1 tablespoon)
  • Baking powder (1 teaspoon)

Cooking process:

Place the yolks in a bowl with high sides and beat them with a whisk or mixer. Then add bran of two types, cottage cheese, syrup and baking powder. Stir the resulting mass with a tablespoon, it should thicken.

Form round cakes from the dough, put them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until cooked.

Can be laid out oatmeal dough By silicone molds in the form of hearts or funny animals.

These sweets belong to the category low calorie desserts. When choosing marmalade in the store, pay attention to its composition. It should be low in calories and fat.

Marmalade dipped in sugar or sweet powder, contains extra calories. It is not among the low-calorie treats.

Small jars of colored jelly can become great addition your morning table. This treat contains a small amount of calories.

Try to carefully study the composition of the jelly. Remember what easier composition- topics more natural product. And this means that it is easily digested and will not burden your stomach.

Ice cream helps the body to destroy extra calories. The thing is that this exquisite cold dessert lowers body temperature. At the same time, the centers responsible for thermoregulation of the body are activated.

A sharp release of energy begins to heat the body. Calories are burned quickly, which means that excess weight is lost.

If you are on a diet, indulge in low-calorie treats. Jelly, ice cream, marmalade and oatmeal cookies - best friends girls who watch their figure.
