
Pitted raspberry jelly. How to make raspberry jelly for the winter

Step 1: prepare the raspberries.

First, the raspberries need to be sorted out, removing all twigs and leaves, as well as spoiled berries. After that, of course, all the jelly selected for preparation must be washed and slightly dried. For convenience, use a colander.

Step 2: Boil Raspberries.

Pour the washed raspberries into a pot of suitable size, pour the required amount of water, cover and put on a slow fire. Cook until the raspberries drown in their own juices.
After you steam the berries, remove the pan from the heat and put it to cool in a bowl of cold water.
The cooled raspberries, floating in their own juice, must be properly crushed with a crush so that an almost homogeneous berry puree is obtained in the pan.

Step 3: Express the juice.

Now we need to clear the raspberry juice from the seeds. To do this, fix a colander over the pan and put gauze in it in four layers, and then pour the berry puree there. Lift up the edges of the gauze and grasp them. Squeeze berry juice from raspberry puree.

Step 4: Make Raspberry Jelly

Weigh the purified juice and remember the result. To cook a good raspberry jelly, we need to boil down this juice by 40%.
Boil in several stages, cooling the liquid after each of them almost to room temperature. It usually takes 3-4 sets to eventually reduce the weight of your juice by almost half.
Pour sugar into boiled raspberry juice. It requires exactly as much as the liquid itself weighs.
Put the pan with the future raspberry jelly back on the stove and bring to a boil again, dissolving all the sugar along the way. Cool the now berry syrup to room temperature, and then put it back on the fire and boil.

Step 5: Prepare raspberry jelly for the winter.

Pour hot raspberry syrup into prepared sterilized and heated jars. At the same time, it is very important that the container is small in volume; low jars with a capacity of up to 400 milliliters are suitable. Cover the blanks with gauze and set them to cool.
Usually raspberry syrup turns into jelly on 2-3 days. It's easy to figure this out: tilt the jar, and if nothing comes out, the raspberry jelly is ready. After the contents of the jars have thickened properly, close them tightly with boiled and dry lids and store them in a cool place out of sunlight.

Step 6: serve raspberry jelly.

Add raspberry jelly to pies, bake cookies with it and cook other goodies at least all winter long, delighting your homemade sweets. But even just with tea it is very tasty.
Bon appetit!

You can also sterilize jars in the oven, for this you need to put them in a still cold oven, and then gradually heat them up. But you can’t put glassware in an already hot oven, it will simply burst.

The taste of the blanks depends on the quality of the ingredients, so choose only ripe and sweet raspberries, then your jelly will be just amazing.

Raspberry jelly is a very fragrant delicacy, in which there is a huge amount of vitamins. You can make it at home just to indulge in a treat for dessert, or prepare it for the winter from summer.

This option will not let you forget the taste of juicy berries, remind you of sunny days and cheer you up.

Raspberry Jelly - General Cooking Principles

Jelly can be made on the basis of berry puree, juice or decoction. It all depends on the recipe used, as well as the amount of raspberries. If there are a lot of berries, then you can cook a rich delicacy with a pronounced taste. If there are just a few raspberries, then it is better to prepare a decoction, you can add other juices and compotes to it, then make jelly from this liquid. The mass can simply be boiled down, as the berries contain gelling agents. But more and more often, the process is being simplified; ordinary table gelatin is used for jelly. The product comes in plates, but is not sold everywhere. It is easier to buy loose powder in bags, it is in every store.

Basic rules for using gelatin:

1. The product must be strictly measured, the amount indicated in the recipe is taken. You can take into account the ratio with the liquid indicated in the instructions.

2. Fill gelatin with cool water or room temperature.

3. Gelatin needs time to swell. It is in the instructions. Even instant products need to stand for 7-10 minutes, and simple ones even more.

4. It is undesirable to boil gelatin, the exception is preparations for the winter. After cooking, the gelling ability of the product decreases.

5. Jelly is never frozen, it will only ruin it. To harden, simply keep in the refrigerator for several hours. The exact time depends on compliance with the technology, the amount applied, and the temperature.

After preparation, gelatin is combined with a liquid jelly base and heated. If the dessert is intended for immediate consumption, then only slightly warm it up. Then the mass is laid out in molds or poured into one large bowl, left to harden.

Raspberry jelly for dessert

The recipe for a simple raspberry jelly that can be prepared for dessert. Here you can use fresh or frozen berries, which allows you to make a delicacy at any time of the year.


100 g of raspberries;

400 ml of water;

10 g of gelatin;

30 g of sugar;

1 pinch vanilla (optional)

Cooking method

1. Pour 40 ml of water, mix with loose gelatin. It is important to use liquid at room temperature. If the water is hot, lumps will immediately appear. Set aside gelatin, withstand the time indicated on the package.

2. Mix raspberries with the remaining water, put on the stove, boil for a couple of minutes after the liquid boils.

3. Strain the broth, grind the berries through the same sieve. Throw away the bones and films.

4. Add granulated sugar to the raspberry broth, stir. In general, the amount of sugar and its sweetness can be adjusted to your liking. Put a small pinch of vanilla, stir again.

5. Gelatin is already swollen by this point. Just transfer it to the hot mass, stir. If the base has already cooled down, then put it on the stove and heat it up a little over low heat. All clots should dissolve.

6. Pour the syrup with gelatin into molds, bowls or vases, you can just use glasses. Makes three full servings.

7. Leave in the refrigerator for three hours. When serving, you can put a few raspberries on top, garnish with a mint leaf.

Raspberry jelly for the winter without gelatin

A recipe for a bright and appetizing preparation for the winter. For it, you can use the softest, mashed berries, as well as the juice accumulated at the bottom. The main thing is to sort everything out, take out the spoiled raspberries. If the berries are no longer fresh, they are given with wine, then they cannot be used for winter harvesting.


1 kg of raspberries;

100 g of water;

3 grams of citric acid;

1 kg of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Put the clean berries in a saucepan, add granulated sugar.

2. Thoroughly knead everything with a pestle. No need to leave, as is done when cooking jam, immediately send to the stove.

3. Bring to a boil over low heat so that all the sand is dissolved. Then boil for 30 minutes.

4. Cool the raspberry jam, rub it through a sieve, remove all the seeds.

5. Return the resulting puree to the stove.

6. Dissolve citric acid in water. Pour a spoonful into the future jelly, each time bringing to a boil. Boil for another quarter of an hour.

7. While the mass is being prepared, you need to steam the jars, scald the sealed lids with boiling water.

8. Pour the jelly into prepared jars, roll up, put away for storage. In a cool place, the mass will become thicker.

Raspberry jelly for the winter with gelatin

Of course, jelly without gelatin is very tasty, tender, but the consistency does not always turn out the way it should. Usually, the delicacy simply resembles confiture, it can even be smeared on bread. For those who want to make thicker raspberry jelly for the winter, this recipe is suitable.


1 kg of raspberries;

700 g of granulated sugar;

30 g of gelatin;

1 tsp citric acid;

250 grams of water.

Cooking method

1. Pour gelatin with water, use 150 grams for now, for this amount of powder it will be enough. Set aside, let it stand and swell.

2. Transfer the berries to a saucepan, add granulated sugar, stir and mash a little so that the juice comes out. Due to the addition of gelatin, there is less sugar than berries.

3. Put the raspberries on the stove, boil until soft. Since the berries themselves are very tender, ten minutes is enough.

4. Strain the liquid, wipe the rest of the berries. Throw away the excess.

5. Screw the sweet mass onto the stove, boil for another ten minutes.

6. Add citric acid diluted with hot water, cook for another five minutes.

7. Introduce swollen gelatin. Stir. Cook jelly for another ten minutes, but now turn on the fire to the lowest setting. The mass should not gurgle and actively boil. Just warm it up thoroughly.

8. We prepare the jars in advance: steam or fry in the oven, warm in the microwave, pouring a little water. Cover the lids with boiling water.

9. Pour the jelly while it is hot, the consistency is liquid.

10. Quickly roll up jars, turn over. As soon as the raspberry delicacy has cooled down, you can put it away for storage.

Raspberry and cream jelly

A variant of the most delicate jelly dessert, which is prepared with cream. Gelatin is ordinary food, cream with a fat content of 33%.


150 g raspberries;

200 ml of water for berries;

40 g of sugar;

150 g cream;

21 g gelatin;

3 art. l. powdered sugar;

90 ml of water.

Cooking method

1. Separate 14 grams of gelatin, pour 60 ml of water into it, leave to swell. Also combine 7 g of gelatin and 30 ml of water.

2. Boil the berries with prescription water, boil for a minute, wipe through a sieve. Add granulated sugar.

3. Boil the raspberries again, put the swollen 14 g of gelatin, stir and remove from heat after dissolution.

4. Pour the raspberry syrup into portions, filling only halfway. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.

5. Whip cream with powder. Add vanilla to taste.

6. Melt 7 g of swollen gelatin. You can put it in a water bath or warm it up a little in the microwave. Pour in the cream while continuing to whisk.

7. Spread the cream over the raspberry jelly on top. Can be squeezed through a pastry bag with a nozzle.

8. Put the dessert for another 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, let it completely harden.

Raspberry jelly with berries

A variant of a delicious treat with whole berries inside. The dessert is also prepared on gelatin, but with raspberry juice. You can mix it with the juice of apples, oranges, other fruits or berries.


300 ml of raspberry juice;

150 g of berries;

15 g of gelatin;

2 tbsp. l. Sahara;

30 ml of water.

Cooking method

1. Mix water and gelatin, add 30 ml of juice, let the mixture swell.

2. Add granulated sugar to the remaining juice, dissolve.

3. Sort the berries, rinse and dry.

4. Melt gelatin, combine with juice.

5. Pour a layer of jelly into the mold, half of the syrup should go. Send for 20 minutes in the freezer. The jelly won't freeze, but it will set a little on top.

6. Take out the form, spread the raspberries.

7. Spoon over the raspberries. Do not add quickly, as the bottom layer is not strong enough yet. Carefully pour the remaining syrup, refrigerate for two hours.

Raspberry and orange puff jelly

It is best to collect such jelly in wide glasses without a pattern. Through the transparent glass it will be possible to appreciate the beauty of the dessert.


250 ml of orange juice;

150 g raspberries;

20 g of gelatin;

260 ml of water;

Sugar to taste.

Cooking method

1. Divide gelatin in half, pour 30 ml of water into each part.

2. Boil raspberries in a glass of water, wipe or simply squeeze the juice through gauze. Sugar to taste.

3. Add one part of gelatin to hot raspberries, dissolve.

4. Pour 1.5-2 cm of raspberry broth into each glass. Put in refrigerator.

5. Melt the second part of the gelatin. Combine with orange juice. If it is not sweet enough, you can add granulated sugar.

6. Take out the raspberry jelly, which has already frozen, pour a layer of orange juice. Re-place in the refrigerator.

7. As soon as the orange layer hardens, pour the raspberry broth again.

8. The number of layers and their thickness is arbitrary, the main thing is to let them harden a little so that the liquids do not mix.

Raspberry Jelly - Tips and Tricks

If there is gelatin in the plates, then its amount is the same as indicated in the recipe. It is simply soaked in cold water, which is not taken into account in the recipe. And the liquid that is there is simply added to the puree or syrup. The soaked plates are taken out of the water, added to the total mass, dissolved.

As with jam, it is important to remove the foam that forms when raspberries boil. This is especially true in preparations for the winter. Rubbish, air accumulates in the foam, it reduces the shelf life of the treat, spoils its appearance.

Raspberries go well with mint leaves and lemon balm, you can add a few pieces to the weld, but do not put in jars.

In addition to gelatin, agar-agar can be used to thicken the mass, it is sold in the departments for confectioners, the dosage is indicated on the package.

A cup of fragrant tea and a fresh bun spread with raspberry jelly - both children and adults will be happy to eat such a breakfast. The dessert has an amazing taste and aroma, and thanks to the gentle cooking technology, it retains a lot of useful properties for which we appreciate garden berries so much. Dozens of recipes - from mashed raspberries and just chopped, with a gelatinous consistency and thicker, like jam, paired with other berries, such as red currants.

Raspberries - a source of vitamins, an excellent prophylactic against winter colds

Preparation of ingredients and rules for making jelly

The main component of raspberry jelly is, of course, the berry itself. In order for the finished product to turn out thick, transparent, fragrant, retain a bright saturated color, the quality of the raw materials and the rules for its heat treatment are important. A few words about this.

What should be a raspberry?

    Ripe, but not overripe, with a small amount of unripe fruit. They have more pectin, and therefore gelling properties are higher.

    Without stalks, pests, rot. It is better to follow this during the collection, so as not to “disturb” the fragile berries once again.

    If you don’t know the origin of raspberries (buy on the market), before cooking, it is better to rinse it under running water, put it in a colander, and let it drain.

Advice! No matter how large and attractive the garden raspberry is, in terms of aroma it cannot be compared with the plain-looking forest relative. If possible, make a few jars of wild raspberry jelly for testing - homemade people will appreciate the recipe for an unusual treat.

Pay attention to the rules for the heat treatment of berries. Knowing them, you will not digest jelly, fix the desired density, raspberry taste and aroma, and extend the shelf life of the blanks.

    The duration of cooking juice with sugar should not exceed 30 minutes. Next comes the destruction of useful substances, the mass darkens, the taste of the product deteriorates.

    In order not to increase the cooking time, but to obtain a thick gelatinous consistency, gelling agents (gelatin, pectin) are added.

    Pectin is also used if the amount of sugar is reduced (it plays the role of a thickener).

    The less jelly is boiled, the more useful components remain in the workpiece. In this case, the finished product must be pasteurized (temperature - 85–90 ⁰ С, time for liter dishes - 10 minutes).

    If pectin is not used, most recipes advise adding citric acid to raspberry jelly. It will set off the sweet taste of berries, will not allow the workpiece to sugar during storage.

Several proven recipes

Many housewives switch to making jellies and jams, because it is easier compared to jams, they are preferred by children. Europeans, on the other hand, do not imagine breakfast without toasts with a sweet treat.

Raspberry juice jelly with pulp

Traditional raspberry jelly is prepared according to a classic recipe. For 1 kg of berries take the same amount of sugar, 100-120 g of water, 2-3 g of citric acid. The step by step cooking process is as follows.

    Prepared raspberries are kneaded or chopped with a blender, water and sugar are added, and brought to a boil.

    Stirring and constantly removing the foam, cook over low heat for half an hour.

    The finished mass is slightly cooled and ground through a fine sieve to separate the seeds and obtain a uniform structure.

    The mashed juice, boiled with sugar, is put on fire again, citric acid dissolved in a tablespoon of water is added, boiled for 2-3 minutes.

    Hot jelly is poured into sterile dishes, hermetically sealed and cooled without turning the jars over.

Advice! Jelly is considered ready if the formation of foam noticeably decreases, it does not diverge along the edges of the pan, and a drop of syrup does not spread on the glass or plate after cooling.

Raspberry jam

You can cook raspberry jelly without separating the seeds - this recipe for the winter will appeal to those who are short of time and not so scrupulous in terms of following the classic recipe. Raspberry seeds are smaller than strawberries, they do not affect the texture too much and do not impair the taste. On the contrary, thanks to the “cake”, the confiture will turn out to be thicker, similar to jam. The cooking technology is the same as in the above recipe, only without rubbing through a sieve.

Recipe with gelatin or pectin

Many people prefer to make raspberry jelly with gelatin. In this case, a gelatinous consistency is achieved due to a thickener, in addition to gelatin, it can be pectin, agar-agar, jamfix. The cooking process is significantly reduced (up to 10-15 minutes), vitamins and biologically active compounds are better preserved, sugar can be put less than the norm.

In the case of using gelatin (40-50 g per 1 kg of raspberries), it is pre-soaked in 100-150 g of cold boiled water, then heated until completely dissolved, filtered. Pectin-based thickeners are used according to the instructions.

Raspberries are kneaded, half a glass of water is added, boiled for 2-3 minutes, after which they are rubbed through a sieve. Sugar, a thickener are added to the mixture and boiled over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Hot packed in jars and corked.

Proportions: 1 kg of berries, 0.7–1 kg of sugar, 100–150 g of water, 40–50 g of gelatin (pectin).

With red currant juice

Instead of gelatin and water, you can use redcurrant juice. For 1 kg of berries you will need 250-300 g of juice. It will add the necessary acid, act as a thickener.

Crushed raspberries with sugar and red currant juice are evaporated for 30 minutes, then rubbed. Then bring to a boil and pour into sterilized jars.

Seedless raspberry jelly:

Raspberries, as everyone knows, make a very tasty and healthy jam, which we often use during winter colds. But, in addition to jam, you can cook and roll up wonderful jelly into jars, which will shatter with a bang. In principle, it does not differ in taste from jam, but the big plus here is that there are absolutely no seeds in the jelly.

Jelly is prepared without the use of gelatin. Of course, it will not be too thick, as jelly can be, but in winter this can be easily corrected with gelatin or agar-agar. This jelly is great to use as an independent dessert for a sweet table or as an addition to various pastries, cakes or pastries.


  • raspberries - 250 g;
  • sugar - 250 g.

How to cook raspberry jelly for the winter without gelatin and cooking

We need berries and sugar.

Put the required amount of raspberries in a colander and rinse under running water. You can wash the raspberries in a slightly different way, for this, simply fill them with water and leave for 1 hour. Then simply drain the dirty water and rinse the berries again with clean water. Pour them into a saucepan, crush a little and leave for a day.

After that, take a colander. Pour the raspberries on it and rub it well with a spoon.

Thus, you will have a raspberry mass completely pitted.

Add sugar to the resulting raspberry jelly.

Mix again and leave for a day in this form.

After that, pour the jelly into sterile pre-prepared jars and roll up the lids.

Turn the jars upside down and wait for the jelly to cool completely, only after that you can clean it in a cool and dark place.

The body constantly requires a whole complex of vitamins throughout the year. Raspberry preparations will help to fill the lack of useful components in the diet in autumn and winter. In addition to the jam familiar to many, you can cook raspberry jelly for the winter.

There are a huge number of recipes for raspberry jelly of varying complexity. Moreover, a sweet dessert is not necessarily prepared on the basis of gelatin. It can also be prepared by extracting juice from berries with a high content of pectin. Such sweetness is also suitable for children, as it will not contain preservatives and other chemical additives.

A jelly-like treat can become a dessert on the festive table, or it can be suitable for winter evening gatherings with tea in good company.

For the winter

To prepare delicious raspberry jelly for the winter, you need fresh raspberries, water and sugar. The berries need to be sorted out, pour water and boil for 3-5 minutes. The liquid should cover the raspberries by about half. The resulting mixture must be pitted with a sieve or gauze.

At the next stage, it is necessary to weigh the wiped mass to determine further proportions. If the juice is liquid, then it is recommended to boil it for about an hour until it decreases in volume and increases in density. Sugar must be added after boiling in a ratio of 1: 1.

Jelly should be cooked in 2 batches. After the first, complete cooling is required. After the second hot jelly is poured into jars.

simple recipe

This dessert can be left for the winter. It prepares very quickly. For cooking you will need:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.

For this jelly, you can use berries that are not suitable for jam. Pure raspberries should be filled with water, boiled for 2-3 minutes. Then the resulting mass is filtered through gauze to get rid of the seeds.

The juice is mixed with sugar and boiled over low heat for 1 hour, removing the foam with a slotted spoon. For testing, you need to put a couple of spoons of jelly in a plate and cool. If within 8-10 minutes it hardens, then the dish is ready. Otherwise, you will need to hold the raspberry mass on fire a little more.

It is better to pour jelly into hot jars, and after complete cooling, it should be removed in a dark, cool place.

From raspberries and currants

The main advantage of the recipe is that the berries do not need to be cleaned of leaves and twigs. They just add flavor to the dish.

First, the berries must be chopped with a blender, and then squeezed through a sieve. It is also acceptable to pass them through a juicer. To the resulting juice, add 0.5 liters of water and a couple of tablespoons of sugar and boil.

With the help of gauze, you need to separate the juice again. It is better to take the fabric in several layers. Then add sugar in a ratio of 1:1 and cook for half an hour. The finished jelly can be poured into molds and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

with gelatin

To prepare raspberry jelly with a thickener, you will need:

  • 1 liter of raspberry juice;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 30 g dry gelatin.

Gelatin is poured with water and left for half an hour. Then it needs to be heated over low heat until completely dissolved.

Meanwhile, the juice is boiled with sugar until reduced in volume. At the end of cooking, warm gelatin is poured into the center of the raspberry mixture and mixed quickly.

No gelatin

To make raspberry jelly without gelatin you will need:

  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Put clean berries in an enameled container and knead well. It is convenient to do this with a pestle from a rolling pin.
  2. Pour the berry puree with water and stir.
  3. Put the resulting mass on fire and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. After complete cooling, grind everything through a sieve. Mix the juice with sugar and bring to a boil again.
  5. It takes 40 minutes to cook the mixture, periodically removing the foam.
  6. At the end, you need to add citric acid and pour the jelly into jars.

It is better to choose jars with a capacity of up to 0.5 liters and close them with nylon lids.

Five Minute

For the fastest raspberry jelly recipe, you will need 1 kg of ripe berries and 1 kg of sugar. The berries remain intact, and the jelly has a delicate transparent pink color.

In a saucepan, raspberries are covered with sugar and left for several hours so that the raspberries release juice. Then everything is cooked for 5 minutes. Fragrant jelly is ready.

From red raspberries

Red raspberries are a special variety. It is larger, denser and no less sweet. Jelly from such a berry is thick and fragrant. Previously, the berries must be cleaned of leaves and check the core of each berry. Often it comes off the branch along with the pulp.

Pure raspberries are laid out in a saucepan, a little water is added and boiled until all the berries release the juice. The mixture is then cooled and passed through a sieve. But you can leave it like that, if the small bones in the finished dish do not bother.

Sugar is added to the juice in equal proportions. Cane can be used. The mixture is boiled for an hour, and then mixed with prepared gelatin and poured into containers.

thick jelly

Before cooking, the berries need to be sorted out, twigs, leaves and spoiled fruits removed. Then the raspberries need to be washed and dried. For this you can use a colander. You need to cook raspberries until they drown in their own juice. You can add a little water first so that the berries do not stick to the pan. The resulting mass should be cooled and thoroughly kneaded in any convenient way. You can use a blender, it will whisk the mixture a little, and it will become thicker.

The resulting puree must be pitted and weighed, and then boiled down by about half. To obtain a thick aromatic jelly, it is boiled in several stages, each time cooling to room temperature.

Sugar should be added as much as the weight of the remaining puree. With it, the raspberry mass is boiled several more times, and then poured into jars. The dish will thicken on about the third day. After that, the jars can be closed with lids.


It's nice to eat jelly that has a smooth, pitted consistency. It's not that hard to cook it. It is enough to grind the berries in a blender to a liquid puree, and then squeeze the juice well through gauze. You can make jelly from juice according to any recipe you like.

From raspberry juice

Overripe raspberries work well for this recipe. Even slightly spoiled berries can be used. They are first passed through a juicer. The finished juice is boiled for an hour, then cooled and boiled again for the same time. Then you can add sugar in equal proportions. As soon as the sugar dissolves in the berry syrup, the dish is ready.

With agar-agar

To prepare the raspberries, you must first chop and pass through a sieve. A blender works well for grinding. The puree is thick, so it is better to dilute it with a glass of cold water before straining. The remaining raspberry juice with pulp is the base of the jelly. Next, you need to determine the amount of juice and calculate the proportions of other ingredients.

For 1 liter of berries, 4 teaspoons of agar-agar powder, a glass of water and a glass of sugar are taken.

Agar-agar is poured with water and sugar and left for 15-20 minutes, then mixed and put on fire. After boiling, pour raspberry juice into the pan, stir well. The dish is ready. Next, the mixture should be poured into molds and put in the refrigerator.

Gooseberry with raspberries

For cooking you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of raspberries;
  • 0.5 kg of gooseberries;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

The berries are put in a wide enameled pan and poured with water. Water is needed so that the berries do not burn. The container must be covered with a lid. It is required to keep the raspberries on fire until the berries burst under the action of steam. After separation of the juice, the mixture is rapidly cooled under running water.

Next, the berries need to be well kneaded with a rolling pin or crush and squeeze the juice. It should be boiled for another hour over low heat, and then mixed with sugar and kept on the stove for 10 minutes. After hot jelly can be poured into containers.

From raspberries and red currants

For the recipe you will need:

  • raspberry juice - 1 liter;
  • red currant juice - 0.3 liters;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Mix the juice of two berries and cook until reduced by about 1/3 part. This will take about an hour. After sugar is added and cooked for another 15 minutes. The finished dessert can be immediately poured into molds or jars.


Christina S: Raspberries are the most delicious berry. Jelly and jam from it are eaten very quickly. Thanks for the easy and healthy recipes. The jelly cooks very quickly. I especially liked the recipe without gelatin. No chemicals, everything is delicious and natural.

Alla M: We often make raspberry desserts. Thank you for such a variety of recipes. I didn’t think that you can mix raspberries with currants, it turned out very tasty, the whole family liked it.

