
How long does it take for beer to leave the body? How to speed up the withdrawal process? And the indicator will reach zero in eight hours.

Surely each of us has come across something similar: tonight you want to spend time with friends, have a drink with them, but tomorrow morning you will have to drive. Or tension has accumulated, it is not difficult to relieve it with the help of the same beer, but after a few hours - an important meeting or something else. In such situations, it is very useful to know how much beer is excreted from the body. Then you can correctly calculate the volume of the drink and avoid unpleasant consequences.


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Own feelings and objective reality

Many of us can say: why any calculations, I already know my limit. Or: what's the difference after what time the beer leaves the body? If there is clarity in my head, what am I, I can’t cope with things?

Here it is very important to separate your own feelings and the general state of the body. What is it for? Here are some examples.

Usually, with alcohol intoxication, at least a little, but dizzy, the sense of orientation in space worsens. But there are lucky ones among us with amazingly stable vestibular apparatus. Such people never get sick in any transport, they are not afraid of the most sophisticated carousels and puzzling rides. And with alcohol intoxication, the gait remains even, no swaying and tangled legs. But this does not mean that there is no intoxication! All the same, the body is saturated with alcohol, its decay products. In a serious situation, something unexpected, negative, can happen.

For your information:

You can calculate the approximate time for the release of alcohol from the body using our

What to focus on

Below is a table. It will show how long you have to wait until the beer is excreted from the body.

Beer strengthVolume drunk, mlBody weight of the drunk, kg
up to 6070 80 90 100
4% 100 35 minutes30 minutes26 minutes23 minutes21 minutes
300 1 hour 44 minutes1 hour 29 minutes1 hour 18 minutes1 hour 10 minutes1 h 03 min.
500 2 hours 54 minutes2 hours 29 minutes2 hours 11 minutes1 hour 56 minutes1 hour 44 minutes
6% 100 52 minutes45 minutes39 minutes35 minutes31 minutes
300 2 hours 37 minutes2 hours 14 minutes1 hour 57 minutes1 hour 44 minutes1 hour 34 minutes
500 4 hours 21 minutes3 hours 44 minutes3 hours 16 minutes2 hours 54 minutes2 hours 37 minutes

How long it takes for beer to be removed from the body of a particular person is a matter of practice and elementary self-examination.

How to sober up faster

There are several methods that can speed up the elimination of alcohol. They can be successfully applied when there is an urgent need to recover after drinking alcohol:

  1. Drink water - mineral or with the addition of citrus juice. The part of alcohol that is excreted in the urine will “leave” the body faster.
  2. The previous method plus diuretic herbs or fees. They can be asked at the pharmacy and kept in reserve. This method is suitable only for home use (unless, of course, you prepare a decoction / infusion in advance and do not have it with you). There are many medicinal diuretics, but without a doctor's prescription, they can have a very negative effect (for example, dangerous dehydration of the body).
  3. Cold and hot shower.
  4. Walk in the fresh air, especially at a brisk pace.

Many will ask: what about strong tea, coffee? These and other tonic drinks will not work. They are able to give only an external sobering effect, but all alcoholic vapors will remain with you, the speed of their removal will not improve at all. Moreover, when the tonic effect ends, the state of health can deteriorate greatly, because the body will exhaust its reserve forces.

The same can be said about all sorts of "anti-police" means, so popular with drivers. These "chewing gums" only mask the smell of alcohol, but do not reduce its amount in the blood.

Doctors' opinion

Alcohol intoxication, its manifestations and consequences is a long-standing and serious subject of research for many medical specialists. Narcologists believe that after a serious intoxication, the body needs about a day to cleanse itself.

The question of how much beer is excreted from the body is very important. Especially for drivers and for those who need to show increased attention and concentration. Such knowledge will help to avoid many unpleasant situations.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and is not an instruction for use. Consult with your physician.

Beer for the male half of the population is the most popular low-alcohol drink. Of course, each driver is interested in how long the beer disappears from the body. It depends on the strength of the product and the amount of drink consumed. It will take the body much longer to process five liters of beer than one or two.

Beer and the reaction of the driver

In order for the concentration of alcohol in the human body to reach 0.5 ppm, it is enough to drink a bottle of beer. Many consider this dose to be quite acceptable. As a rule, a person behaves normally, thinks clearly, that is, he does not feel drunk. But even with such a small dosage of alcohol in the blood, his reaction slows down, which is extremely dangerous for extreme driving, when the driver has to make instant decisions on the track.

After drinking a glass of low-alcohol drink, the driver stops looking at the speedometer, he wants to exceed the speed limit, he behaves more relaxed on the road than other road users, does not keep a safe distance, etc. After a liter of such a drink, the alcohol concentration is 0.8 ppm, a person's visual reaction worsens, the viewing angle narrows. And after drinking a little more than 2.5 liters, a person becomes unable to adequately drive a vehicle.

That the more alcohol was drunk, the longer it will leave the body. The beer product has an interesting feature - it is rather difficult for a person to stop after drinking a glass, especially in a cheerful company, since its effect on the body is not immediately noticeable, unlike strong alcoholic beverages, such as cognac.

Factors affecting the elimination of alcohol

The following indicators influence the removal of alcohol derivatives:

With a significant dosage of alcohol, the body will need several hours to process it. In the summer, alcohol leaves the body faster, blood vessels expand in the heat, blood circulation increases, respectively, the neutralization of alcohol is more active.

Weathering time of different volumes of drink

Today, beer is considered one of the most popular low-alcohol drinks, the main drawback of which is a specific smell that betrays a person who has taken even a few sips of this drink. The smell interests drivers not so much. It is important for them to know how much 1 liter of beer disappears from the body, a bottle, after what period it will be possible to drive a vehicle and not worry if a traffic inspector stops, after how long 2 liters of beer will disappear.

According to the new legislation, permissible alcohol concentration - up to 0.16 mg / l. This is a rather low indicator, which a household breathalyzer will not even record, and a traffic inspector's device will show one hundred percent. It is impossible to accurately name the period of time during which beer will disappear from the human body. This process is influenced by many factors: gender, age, weight of a person, the amount of alcohol consumed.

Average weathering time:

  • 100 g of drink - in 30 minutes;
  • 250-300 g - in 60 minutes;
  • a bottle of 0.5 l - in 120 minutes;
  • 1 liter - 4-6 hours;
  • 2 liters - 12-14 hours.

Above are the indicators of the weathering of beer drinks for middle-aged men weighing about 70 kg. With a lower body weight, the sobering procedure for men is slower, with a weight of more than 85 kg - faster. To calculate these figures for women, you need to add 30 minutes.

Ways to speed up the process

To do this, it is necessary to accelerate blood circulation, improve metabolic processes. To do this, it is enough to perform simple physical exercises without much stress and alcohol will begin to come out with sweat. A brisk walk or a light jog in the fresh air is ideal.

A glass of beer, under certain conditions, is absorbed in about 2.5 hours. To speed up utilization, for example, you can drink a cup of green tea or a mug of chicken broth.

After drinking a foamy low-alcohol drink in large quantities, they help:

  • Orange juice;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • lean food;
  • good dream.

Disposal of alcohol depends on the initial state of health. As a rule, beer drinks have diuretic characteristics, so they do not stay in the body for a long time. The body manages to get rid of the drunk liquid and alcohol within half a day.

The sobering time is also influenced by external factors, such as:

  • tobacco smoking;
  • snack quality;
  • Times of Day.

The more actively the body works, the faster alcohol will be removed from it. For example, ethanol elimination will be faster if a glass of beer is drunk with a fresh salad in the morning, and slower when the same amount of a low-alcohol drink is drunk with fatty meat in the evening with an additional smoking procedure.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many of us are sure that beer, being a low-alcohol drink, does not bring significant harm to health and is quite easily and quickly excreted from the body. The latest misconception is eloquently reported by traffic police reports, whose employees regularly “catch” drunk drivers who drank just a bottle of beer some time before the trip. So how long does it really take for an alcoholic drink to completely leave the bloodstream?

alcohol withdrawal process

Removal of beer from the body is carried out in 2 stages. The first one is absorption. This stage begins in the oral cavity, continues in the stomach and ends in the small intestine. Through the mucous membranes, alcohol enters the bloodstream. It happens quite quickly. By the way, the absorption of beer proceeds much faster than its removal from the body. It is rather difficult to determine exactly how long an alcoholic drink is completely absorbed into the blood, since this process takes place individually for each person. On average, it lasts 45-120 minutes.

The duration of this stage depends on the weight, and on the age, and on the state of health of the user. In addition, it also matters whether the beer is drunk on an empty or full stomach. By the way, due to these same factors, intoxication in different people who have drunk the same amount of foamy drink may occur with some difference in time.

Excretion of beer from the body is carried out mainly through the liver. Some of the alcohol is also removed with the participation of the kidneys, lungs and sweat glands, but a large proportion of the load still falls on the liver cells. How long does this stage take? In the process of removing alcohol from the blood, everything is also purely individual.

Much depends, in particular, on the weight of the drinker and how much of the foamy drink is drunk. So, in men weighing 80 kg, a bottle of drunk beer with a strength of 5% leaves the body within 2.5 hours. The dependence of the excretion time on body weight is clearly shown in the table:

60 kg 70kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg 120 kg
0.5 l 3 h 20 m 2 h 50 m 2 h 30 m 2 h 10 m 2 h 1 h 40 m
1 l 6 h 35 m 5 h 40 m 5 h 4 h 25 m 4 h 3 h 20 m
1.5 l 9 h 50 m 8 h 30 m 7 h 25 m 6 h 35 m 6 h 5 h
2 l 13 h 10 m 11 h 20 m 9 h 50 m 8 h 45 m 8 h 6 h 35 m
2.5 l 16h 30m 14h05 12 h 20 m 11 o'clock 9 h 50 m 8 h 15 m
3 l 19h 45m 17 h 14h 50m 13 h 10 m 11 h 50 m 9 h 50 m
3.5 l 23 h 19h 45m 17h 15m 15 h 20 m 13 h 50 m 11h 30m
4 l 26h 20m 22h 35m 19h 45m 17h 35m 15 h 50 m 13 h 10 m
5 l 33 h 28h 15m 24h 40m 22 h 19h 45m 16h 30m

Calculating how long it will take to remove beer from the female body, it is necessary to increase the table indicators by 20%, since in women alcohol is removed from the blood much longer than in men. In addition, how much a foamy drink will come out of the blood is affected by:

  • general poor health and liver in particular (up to 100% increase in withdrawal time);
  • drinking alcohol after a hearty lunch, dinner (increase in withdrawal time by 20%);
  • the presence and degree of addiction to alcohol (50% increase in withdrawal time).

Of course, one cannot unequivocally rely on averaged data. The exact time to remove alcohol from the blood at home can only be determined using a special portable test, which not everyone has. It is better not to drink alcohol at all on the day when you need to drive, as well as the night before.

How to speed up the elimination of an alcoholic drink?

Often there are situations when drinking beer becomes an obstacle to the implementation of plans. In this case, a person usually seeks to find out not only how long alcohol leaves the body, but also how to speed up this process.

There are several ways to quickly remove a foamy drink from the blood:

  1. Clear the stomach by inducing vomiting. This method will only work if a little time has passed since drinking the beer. Of course, alcohol does not completely leave the body with this method, but it is possible to somewhat stop the absorption of alcohol.
  2. Drink absorbent. The simplest, safest and most effective sorbent is activated carbon. It is recommended to take it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. It is advisable to use a large amount of water.
  3. Visit a bath or sauna, take a contrast shower. The shower tones the body and improves blood circulation. Increased sweating allows alcohol to be removed through the pores. At the same time, it must be remembered that even a slightly drunk person cannot stay in a room with high temperature and humidity for a long time.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids in combination with a diuretic. Black, green or herbal tea, natural juices (especially citrus fruits), fruit drinks and compotes, plain or mineral water are welcome. But coffee, energy drinks and sweet carbonated drinks are not the best choice in this case, as they increase the load on the body. As for the diuretic, thanks to him, the beer quickly passes through the kidneys.
  5. Workout. Best of all - on the street. Physical exercise and fresh air speed up the metabolism and significantly reduce the time it takes alcohol to leave the body.

You can also resort to medication methods: some drugs accelerate the excretion of beer from the body through the kidneys. The most important thing in this case is to strictly follow the instructions and do not forget to drink plenty of fluids. Funds from the category of "anti-police" are not able to remove beer and other alcohol from the blood in principle.

Basically, these drugs only eliminate the smell of alcohol from the mouth, but if you check how much alcohol is contained in the body after taking such "drugs", you can see that the indicator has not changed at all. Remember that how much alcohol was drunk directly depends on the time of its removal from the body. And the best way to protect yourself from the consequences of drinking beer is to replace it with a healthy non-alcoholic drink - for example, juice.

It would probably be superfluous to say that everyone loves beer. This is largely due to the fact that beer is a low-alcohol drink. If you drink a mug of beer in hot weather, you will get a slight dizziness, and after a couple of hours there will be no smell from the drunk mug.

If we talk about the room, here most often the foamy drink disappears after half an hour. If we talk about which drink leaves the body faster, then kefir is the fastest in this regard, then beer comes, and vodka is removed from the human body the longest, which is completely natural. But here you need to take into account the fact that a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the human body.

And yet it is very interesting to know: how long does it take for beer to leave the body? How much time must pass for the breath test of a person who has drunk a glass of intoxicating drink to show zero point, zero tenths per mille? And here again it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the human body. There are people who, after drinking two or three bottles of foamy drink, cannot get home on their own, and they need the help of strangers for this. If you need to know how long a foamy drink leaves the body, you should take into account the gender of the person. So, men sober up much faster than women, and this is due to the fact that the liver of the fair sex is much weaker than that of men.

You should also take into account the fact that in people with a lot of weight, beer leaves the body faster than in thin people. This is a proven fact.

Individual characteristics of the human body

It is interesting to know why beer leaves the body faster in fat people than in thin people? In this regard, tests were carried out that showed that in order for the foamy drink to completely leave the body of a person who weighs up to 60 kg, it will take about 3 hours. This is if a person drank about 0.5 liters of beer, which has a strength of 4 degrees. If we are talking about a person who weighs 70 kg, then it will take 2.5 hours for the beer to completely leave the body. For a man who weighs 80 kg, it will take approximately 2 hours.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that beer leaves the human body faster if he has a healthy liver. For a person who has a healthy liver, beer processing can take no more than an hour. However, if we are talking about a person who abuses alcohol, you need to be prepared for the fact that it may take at least 6 hours to completely remove alcohol from the body. People who are interested in getting beer out of the body quickly prefer to apply a heating pad to the liver area, thus increasing its efficiency. But this method is inconvenient because in this case the heating pad will have to be constantly carried with you.

This question is very relevant, especially for those people who plan to drive a car after drinking beer. Here everything is again individual, but you should know that on average you can drive a car in about 3 hours if you have drunk one half-liter mug of foamy drink. It is necessary to take into account the fact that after drinking a bottle of intoxicating drink with a volume of half a liter, alcohol intoxication may not be felt at all. But this does not mean that you can drive a car, as this can lead to serious problems. There is nothing good about being fined for drunk driving.

How does beer leave the body?

The intoxicating drink comes out in two ways:

  1. Through the kidneys.
  2. Through the lungs and skin.

One must take into account the fact that a significant part of the alcohol remains to decompose in the liver, resulting in a poisonous compound called acetaldehyde. It is this harmful substance that is the cause of such a terrible disease as cirrhosis of the liver.

There are times when you need alcohol to leave the body as quickly as possible. Then it is recommended to drink more strong sweet tea and walk in the fresh air. As for tea, it is good because it contains a large amount of caffeine, which successfully copes with alcohol. And tea is well known as an excellent diuretic. However, you should not drink large amounts of sweet strong tea, as in combination with alcohol it increases blood pressure.

There are cases when a large amount of strong tea drunk after alcohol led to a heart attack.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in order to avoid problems that may arise with excessive alcohol consumption, one must always know when to stop. Do not get too carried away with the “green snake”, experiment - and nothing terrible will happen. And you can talk as much as you like about the dangers of a delicious intoxicating drink, but a glass of beer will not bring much damage to health. Only it should be noted once again that it is necessary to know the sense of proportion. It should be noted that such a drink should not be consumed by pregnant women and children, as well as drunk by those who have liver problems.

Additional Information

The following circumstance should be taken into account: after drinking 1 liter of foamy drink, the driver loses the ability to see what is happening along the edges of the road. And if a person drank 2.5 liters of one of the most popular drinks, then he completely loses the ability to drive any vehicle. And the type of foamy drink is also of no small importance. It is known that dark varieties come out an order of magnitude slower than light ones.

If the situation develops in such a way that it is necessary to sober up as quickly as possible, you can go to the sauna. It should be noted that good steam contributes to the fact that alcohol leaves the human body about 5-6 times faster than if it leaves the body in natural conditions. It is also recommended to consume a large amount of fatty foods, then the rate of alcohol exit from the body will be much greater. Especially in such cases, hot, fatty khash is recommended, which will not only bring alcohol out faster, but also greatly improve well-being.

If a person often consumes such a popular drink in the evenings, and in the morning you have to drive, then it is better to purchase a breathalyzer.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

    Ekaterina a week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaves to drink (she said that it was good for the heart), so after an hour he left with the men to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods ...

Beer is a low-alcohol drink that is drunk by men and women. The danger of beer is that a person may not feel intoxicated, but the per mille of alcohol in the blood will still increase. On average, beer disappears in 4 hours if you drink no more than one liter.

What determines the rate of withdrawal of beer

Beer is kept in the blood, which is displayed during the test with exhaled air, as well as when taking a sample of biomaterial. The results indicate the content of the drink in ppm and the degree of intoxication of the person. Alcohol, which came in the form of beer, disappears gradually, turning into metabolites and leaving the body with the kidneys, breathing. The speed of its removal depends on the following factors:

  • the number of enzymes for the metabolism of alcohol (alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase);
  • the gender of the person drinking the drink;
  • body dimensions and amount of blood;
  • age (metabolism is slowed down in the older generation);
  • the amount of alcohol consumed.

The main factors are the amount of enzymes and the volume of circulating blood. The volume of enzymatic systems and the metabolic rate are what is inherent in the body at the genetic level.

Gender matters because men have less fluid in their bodies, while women retain it, slowing down the metabolism of alcohol. The cause of fluid retention is hormonal background.

Weathering table depending on the person's weight. The greater the weight, the greater the amount of circulating blood. It is in this liquid that alcohol and its decay products are distributed.

The study of the weathering time of beer from the body was carried out on a sample of people who consumed beer. Measurements were taken using breathing devices every 5 minutes, as well as using control blood sampling every 20 minutes.

It is not always possible to rely on alcohol withdrawal calculators and tables. They may contain errors. The characteristics of a particular organism are not taken into account.

Time to remove beer from a man's body

The drink in men is excreted faster than in women. All reactions are individual, but the elimination time depends on the body weight and gender of the person. The number of liver enzymes responsible for the breakdown of alcohol in men is genetically greater. This does not always affect the rate of intoxication, but it has a positive effect on the process of removing alcohol metabolites (acetaldehyde). Excess fluid in the body of a man does not accumulate.

Male weight (in kg)

500 ml beer 4%

2 hours 50 min.

A person may feel sober much sooner than the time shown on the table. But just such a period is required to reduce the ppm in the blood up to complete disappearance. It is always important to observe your own body response in order to determine your “safe” proportion of low-alcohol drinks.

Time to remove beer from a woman's body

Beer is excreted from the body of a woman more slowly than that of a man. It depends not only on the characteristics of the constitution (body structure), but also on the hormonal background. In women, the hormone progesterone is responsible for fluid retention, including alcoholic beverages. Therefore, the beer itself lasts longer in the body. On average, the difference is calculated in minutes (up to 20–30 minutes). And the enzyme systems of the liver work more slowly. Therefore, 1 liter of beer is the maximum daily allowance of alcohol.

How long can you get behind the wheel

The driver is not recommended to get behind the wheel if he drank a glass or more. A car can be driven if a person drinks no more than a glass of non-alcoholic beer, in which the amount of natural alcohol is minimal (about 0.5%). And if a glass of strong drink (0.5 l) was drunk, then it will disappear from the blood no sooner than after 2 hours.

If a person allows himself to drink more than one liter, then it is not recommended to drive on the same day. It is better to call a taxi with a sober driver service. At the same time, the gender of a person does not matter; both men and women need to give up driving.

Permissible rate ppm in the blood and exhaled air - up to 0.3. This indicator can be achieved only by drinking no more than one sip of a low-alcohol drink. If you use more (for example, 2 bottles), then the breathalyzer will display a high indicator, and this threatens the driver with a fine. It will not work to deceive the device with the help of flavored products (Anti-policeman and others).

Effect of beer on driver response

Beer intoxication is a deceptive state, since a person may not even realize that he is drunk. If you drink up to one glass of beer, then there may be a slight feeling of confusion or a slight rise in mood, “the tongue is untied”. Slightly reduced concentration. This corresponds to the first degree of intoxication, when the amount of ppm in the blood does not exceed 0.59.

After 20 minutes, the first changes in mood appear. And an hour after drinking beer, a person feels tired and sleepy. A drinker will be disturbed by the desire to go to the toilet, which will further interfere with driving.

With an increase in the level of ppm to 0.6-0.9 in the blood, which corresponds to two or three glasses of drunk beer (4-6% alcohol), the first violations of coordination are observed. A person becomes cheeky, reasoning is blurred. The response is greatly reduced.

The number of ppm 1-1.9 indicates a strong degree of intoxication. It is difficult to bring yourself to such a state with beer, only if you drink a strong drink (6%) in the amount of 3 liters of beer or 3 bottles per evening for two hours. With such indicators, you can’t drive, because not only reaction and observation are lost, but also motor skills. If you use 4 liters, then a person experiences serious character changes, outbursts of anger and impulsivity, excessive euphoria or aggression.

In general, alcohol lovers are not recommended to wait strictly according to the schedule for sobering up. It is better to plan your leisure time in advance and do not drive from the day of drinking alcoholic beverages. Even beer can disrupt the coordination of movements and overshadow the mind, reduce the reaction rate.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol
