
Marshmallow and marmalade cake without baking. Cake with marshmallow cream

Cake "Autumn - Mushroom Time" To prepare this cake, you need to bake a biscuit. Beat the eggs well, gradually introduce sugar, without stopping beating. Mix the flour with vanilla sugar, raisins and baking powder, and carefully combine with the egg mass. Burning oil and...Required: eggs - 7 pcs., Butter - 60 g, sugar - 200 g, wheat flour - 200 g, baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet, cottage cheese - 300 g, sour cream - 100 g, sugar - 50 g, marshmallows - 2 pcs., egg whites - 3 pcs., sugar - 50 g, raisins ...

Cake "Elegant" Marshmallow cut into circles. Whip the sugar-free cream into a thick foam. Chop the nuts, fry in a dry frying pan. Peaches cut into pieces. Put a layer of marshmallows in a salad bowl, grease it with jam, sprinkle with nuts. Then lay out a layer of peaches, whipped plums...You will need: sweet and sour jam - 1 cup, thick cream - 200 g, marshmallows - 1 kg, walnuts - 1/2 cup, canned peaches - 300 g, chocolate - 50 g

Cake "Eugene" Divide the marshmallow into halves, cut off the rounded tops. Chop nuts. For cream, grind eggs with sugar, pour milk and cook in a water bath until thickened. Cool and rub with butter, adding vanillin. Fill out the form...You will need: marshmallows - 1 kg, hazelnuts - 500 g, sugar cookies - 100 g, sugar - 1 cup, milk - 1 cup, butter - 200 g, chocolate - 100 g, egg - 2 pcs., vanillin - 1 pinch

Marshmallow cake Divide the marshmallow into halves. Mash the eggs with sugar, crumble the cookies, add to the egg-sugar mixture. Pour the mixture with milk and cook, stirring constantly, until a thick mass forms. Cool down. Finely grate the lemon zest. Whip the oil...You will need: marshmallows - 1 kg, egg - 2 pcs., crumbly cookies for cream - 2 packs and small cookies for decoration - 12 pcs., sugar - 1/2 cup, milk - 1 cup, butter - 200 g, zest 1 lemon, small marmalade for decoration - 12 pcs., nuts - 5 cores

Cake "Marshmallow" Marshmallow cut into thin circles with a hot wet knife. Roast and chop the walnut. Whip cream. Put a layer of marshmallow circles on a plate, then whipped cream, then berries and sprinkle with nuts. So let's repeat...You will need: marshmallows - 500 g, cream - 500 g, fresh or frozen berries - 500 g, walnuts - 400 g

Cake DRAKOSHA Beat eggs, sugar, salt, add sour cream and condensed milk, mix, add flour, and then slaked soda with vinegar. Bake two cakes. Make a cream. Connect the cakes and cut in half: 1 half will be the body, and cut out the tail from the second, divide the remaining biscuit into the neck from the heads ...You will need: 4 eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar, 200g sour cream, 1b condensed milk, 0.5 tsp soda and salt, 2 tbsp flour, cream: 1b condensed milk + 200g butter, or you can take a ready-made Magetta cream, which is diluted with cold milk: convenient, fast and simple!, for decoration: sprinkles, candies Mmdems, s...

Cake Pink Zebra We bake a chocolate biscuit. Any recipe you like. If you don't have one, contact me and I'll help you. Here. for example - a wonderful biscuit: 5 eggs 1 tbsp sugar 8 tbsp. starch 3 tbsp. cocoa powder 1 tsp soda 1 tbsp. sweet black coffee. Recipe from our s...You will need: Chocolate biscuit: ......................., Cottage cheese and sour cream: Cottage cheese - 200 g, Sour cream - 400 g, Sugar - to taste (or rose jam) + sour cream, Impregnation: Rose jam - 300 ml, Butter cream: Butter - 200 g, Rose jam - 100 ml, Mastic: ...

Cake Bunny on a hill of carrots How to cook cakes can be found here: http://www.edimdoma.ru/recipes/18438 Rinse the berries (I still had mine). Dry on a towel. Cut strawberries. Cream. Whip cream with thickener and powdered sugar. We collect the cake. It took me 5 cakes (the sixth left ...Required: For cakes: sugar - 100 g, soda (repay) - 0.5 tablespoons, egg - 1 pc., sour cream - 0.5 cups, butter - 80g, flour - 2 cups, Cream: Cream - 500 ml 30%, powdered sugar - to taste., Cream thickener Dr. Oetker., Strawberries, wild strawberries., Decoration...

Cake CHERESHONOK :) We mix all the components for the dough. Divide the finished dough into 5 parts, bake each cake at 190C for 5-7 minutes. Prepare sour cream by whipping 350g of sour cream with 150g of powdered sugar or sugar. Then we soak the cakes with syrup (fruit for children, liquor for parents ...You will need: Dough: 150g sour cream, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp honey, 150g ground hazelnuts, 1 tsp baking powder, about 3 cups flour, CREAM: 350g sour cream, 150g powdered sugar, fruit syrup , For decoration: marshmallow 250g., fruit,

Chocolate cake with marshmallow Melt butter or margarine in a water bath. (Or leave to soften beforehand). Grind sugar and vanillin with butter until white. Cakes: Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Or cook it yourself. To do this, mix 5-6 tbsp. cocoa, sugar and milk (water) and...You will need: cakes: 150 g chocolate (OR cocoa: sugar: milk or water = 1: 1: 1), 150 g butter or margarine, 150 g sugar, 2 eggs, 250 g flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, vanillin, cream: 1 can of condensed milk, 150 g butter, icing: 5 tbsp. cocoa, 5 tbsp ...

cake recipes

30 min

200 kcal

5/5 (5)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: to prepare the cake, we need a mixer, a blender and a bowl for mixing the cream.

What is the easiest cake to make? Of course, the one who no need to bake. Preparing the dough and baking the cakes takes a very long time. And I will tell you how to make a marshmallow cake without baking. If a man wants to surprise his beloved, but does not know how to cook, this recipe is for him. The dessert is prepared very quickly, only 30 minutes.


They say that the ancestor of marshmallows is marshmallow, which has been prepared in Rus' since the 14th century. The composition of the marshmallow included applesauce with sugar. Later they began to add egg white. But it was not whipped, because it was added to improve the color, not the shape.

French confectioners, trying to reproduce this dessert, added whipped proteins. And as a result, we got an unusually tender marshmallow. With this interesting story, we will begin the preparation of our cake.

Choosing the ingredients

What is the most natural and correct composition of marshmallow? It's applesauce, sugar and whipped egg whites. This recipe is still used today, with only one innovation. Pectin was added to it. Along with applesauce, other fruits and berries are used, which is also quite acceptable. If you buy white marshmallows, then it should not contain dyes. Marshmallows artificially dyed with white dye cannot be natural.

A good marshmallow in itself must have white color. The main rule for choosing marshmallows is one - the less chemistry, the better. This applies to both condensed milk and butter. If you want to make a cake without baking from marshmallows and make a cream with sour cream, then you need to choose a fairly thick sour cream.

Cake with marshmallows and fruits without baking

Marshmallow no-bake cake with condensed milk is ready!

Cake making video

This video shows how to make no-bake marshmallow biscuit cake:

Decorate the cake

You can decorate the cake chocolate glaze. Usually I decorate desserts with strawberries and kiwis, I think this is the perfect option. These are very beautiful fruits, and they look just fine when cut.

You can put a variety of chocolate decorations on the cake. From chocolate petals to regular sweets. To make the cake liked by children, make interesting figurines from mastic. Children are very fond of when the dish is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

As a child, my mother used to cook delicious food for me. I still remember its taste. The cake just melted in your mouth. From recipes for lazy housewives, I still have a step by step recipe. This is also a very simple and quick cake to prepare.

I heard that some chefs recommend putting marshmallow cake in the refrigerator for several days. Then it will be better saturated and will be even tastier. This is the right advice if you have enough willpower. Marshmallow is quite dense, and it takes more time to soak it.

There are no irreplaceable ingredients in my recipe, except for marshmallows. Cake ingredients may vary. In a no-bake cake, you can use gingerbread instead of cookies along with marshmallows.

Cream can be prepared as custard, chocolate, sour cream, fruit, etc. Cookies and nuts are also optional. Nuts can be used not only walnuts, hazelnuts or peanuts are also suitable here. Bananas can be replaced with any other fruit or no fruit at all. Zephyr may be varied, any color and flavor.

Our no-bake cake can also be made from marshmallows in chocolate. It all depends on your personal preferences.

I hope my recipe is useful to you. I look forward to your feedback and comments. Bon appetit!

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Many ladies who prefer to watch their figure are very fond of such a delicacy as marshmallows. This delicate and airy dessert has a minimum amount of calories, while it is incredibly tasty. Today we will talk about how you can make a marshmallow cake with various fruits without baking, with sour cream. Such a delicacy will be enjoyed not only by home, but also by guests who are not indifferent to marshmallows.

The advantage of such a dessert is its availability and ease of preparation, because instead of cakes, the airy delicacy itself is used. And for the layer, any kind of fruit and berries can be used, canned pineapple remains especially popular. Also, the layers can be smeared with various types of cream, in our case sour cream is used, but the hostess can use whipped cream or condensed milk.

As an addition, such a dessert is decorated with candied fruits, various types of cookies, meringue or chocolate, everything here depends only on the hostess's imagination.

Marshmallow dessert with strawberries and sour cream


  • marshmallow white or pink - 320 grams;
  • any nuts - 75 grams;
  • fat sour cream - 265 ml;
  • fresh strawberries and kiwi - 155 grams each;
  • granulated sugar - 95 grams;
  • candied fruits for decoration - 25 grams;
  • chocolate for decoration - 35 grams.

It is not at all difficult to prepare such a marshmallow cake with fruit, without the use of baking, with sour cream according to the presented step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Initially, it is worth preparing all the ingredients for this dessert, while it is worth noting that the ingredients may vary depending on the preferences of the hostess.

To prepare a dessert, you need to deal with marshmallows, since it is sold in its entirety, you can simply break the dessert into halves, or you can cut it with a knife.

It is worth noting that marshmallows that are too soft are difficult to cut; to facilitate the process, you can periodically lower the knife into hot water. A hot knife will cut the airy marshmallow faster and more evenly. Several halves of the dessert are removed before decorating the cake, as they act as the final layer.

Now sour cream is taken, since we need to get a thicker mass, it is better to purchase a thicker product. Also, for the cream, we need sugar or powdered sugar, both products are beaten with a mixer until a homogeneous and thick mixture is obtained. The form for dessert is prepared in advance. At the very bottom, one layer of halves of airy delicacy is laid out, everything is covered with a layer of cream on top.

If you want the cream to freeze better, you can make a no-bake marshmallow cake with fruit with sour cream and gelatin. In this case, the gelatin will harden in the refrigerator, and the cake will hold its shape better.

Now they begin to prepare fruits and berries, for this the strawberries are washed in water and cleaned of tails, and the skin is simply removed from the kiwi. Both ingredients are cut into thin slices to make the products easier to fit into the cake. If there were no strawberries and kiwi at home, then these fruits are easily replaced by any others. Still, the dessert itself is very sweet, so it is recommended to use sour fruits. When the first layer of fruit is laid out on marshmallows, everything is sprinkled with pre-chopped nuts on top. You can use absolutely any kind of nuts, but we use walnuts.

Now the nuts are again poured a little with sour cream, and a new layer of marshmallows is laid on top of it. It is best to spread the halves as close to each other as possible, this will help make the dessert more dense. To make the cake even and beautiful, you should lightly press the marshmallow with your hands. The top layer is again decorated with a small amount of cream, this is necessary in order to lay out the fruit decoration.

As soon as the cream is applied, slices of strawberries and kiwi are placed on the surface of the treat. As the last layer, we use marshmallows, but you can leave the dessert in this form.

The delicacy is removed to the refrigerator, where it is kept for at least three hours. After hardening, you can decorate the cake with melted chocolate and candied fruits.

Marshmallow dessert from Laima Vaikule


  • high-fat sour cream or cream - 550 ml;
  • marshmallow white soft - 520 grams;
  • strawberries - 120 grams;
  • banana - 115 grams;
  • canned pineapples - 95 grams;
  • dark chocolate - 85 grams;
  • walnuts - 55 grams.

Dessert making process:

Cooking a marshmallow cake with fruit, without the use of baking, with sour cream, according to the recipe from Laima Vaikule, is not difficult. To begin with, it is worth preparing the marshmallow, it is cut into two equal halves and left aside. It is also worth immediately preparing a baking dish or just take a large dish on which the cake will be formed. The first layer of marshmallows is laid out on a plate or form. Then you can temporarily postpone the form, but for now, start preparing the cream.

To make a cream, we need to know what exactly is used to lubricate the layers. If we talk about sour cream, then just smear a layer of marshmallow with the product. Do not worry about the absence of sugar in sour cream, as marshmallows are very sweet, and sour cream will make the dessert less sugary.

If cream is used, then a little granulated sugar can be added to them for taste, or you can not add it. The cream is whipped until fluffy, and then laid out on top of the marshmallow. Next, you need to take the prepared nuts and chop them, the finished nuts are stacked on top of the cream.

You can start laying fruits on nuts, our recipe uses pineapple, banana and strawberries, this fruit can be replaced with others to taste. The fruits are cut into slices or circles, and then laid out on a cream. Marshmallows are again laid on top, and then the layers of nuts and fruits are repeated again. Dessert is removed in the refrigerator and left for a couple of hours. As a decoration, not only fruits and berries can be used, but also melted chocolate, coconut flakes, crushed nuts or marmalade.

Marshmallow cake with custard


  • any cookies - 385 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 355 grams;
  • marshmallow white - 670 grams;
  • crushed nuts - 135 grams;
  • cow's milk - 2.5 cups;
  • egg yolks - 2 pieces;
  • butter - 155 grams;
  • wheat flour - 0.5 cups;
  • cocoa powder - 35 grams.
  • vanillin - a pack.

Cooking process:

Usually a no-bake marshmallow cake with fruit is prepared with sour cream (see photo). But in our case, we will already prepare custard, which will make the cake no less tasty and tender. First, it is worth preparing the cream, for this, the yolks of chicken eggs are taken and mixed with sugar and flour. Milk is gradually added to the mixture, it is better to stir with a whisk. Thus, the appearance of lumps in the cream can be avoided.

Even if lumps of flour suddenly form in the cream, you can break them up with a blender. The cream is put on fire, and then it is allowed to boil, while the mass must be constantly stirred so that the flour and milk do not start to burn. As soon as the mass is ready, it is well cooled, and then softened butter is added to it and beaten with a mixer. It is also worth adding cocoa powder and the required amount of vanilla powder there.

It is best to chop the nuts in a blender, so the crumb will turn out to be smaller, they also do it with cookies, in the end we should get a product that looks like breadcrumbs.

Dessert formation process:

Marshmallows are divided into two equal halves, but you can simply cut off the tops of each delicacy to make it flat. Do not throw away the tops, as they will be used to decorate the dessert. Marshmallows are placed in a detachable form, and then covered with a layer of custard. Cut tops can be used to fill in any gaps between marshmallow circles. A layer of biscuits and nuts is poured onto the cream, and then the marshmallows are repeated.

Cover such a dessert with the final layer of cream, and then cover everything with cling film. It is also best to line the bottom and sides of the mold with cling film. The delicacy is sent to the refrigerator for three hours, after which it can be taken out and the top layer of the film removed. To serve dessert, a large plate is taken, the form is turned over, and the cake is transferred to the dish.

After that, you can remove the top layer of the film and serve the cake to the table. If desired, such a dessert is decorated with any fresh and canned fruits, nuts, melted chocolate or candied fruits.

My husband has a sweet tooth, and it was for him that today I made a cake without baking from cookies and marshmallows. Such a cake is prepared quite simply and, thanks to the use of cookies, it is very easy to divide into portions. I remember, as a child, my mother cooked a cake for my brother and me from cookies in packs, smeared it with custard and laid it out right on the cutting board, due to the lack of a square plate. Zephyr was then in short supply and if it got into the house, it was quickly eaten. Now times have changed, and the shops are full of both cookies and marshmallows - choose what your heart desires.

Well, I will not torment you, let's cook!

To prepare a cake from cookies and marshmallows without baking, prepare all the products on the list.

As in, cut the marshmallow into balls. Depending on how you want to decorate the surface of the cake, set aside the required number of curly pucks.

Prepare buttercream. In a bowl, beat cream, sugar and cottage cheese, you can also add vanillin. Beat until the mass becomes homogeneous and begins to thicken. Put the cream in the refrigerator while we cut the bananas.

Pour milk into a cup, dip cookies in it and put on a plate. I got 10 pieces.

Lubricate the cookies with butter cream and lay out the marshmallow balls, the gaps can be filled with small pieces.

Lubricate marshmallows with cream and lay out bananas.

Coat the sides and top of the cake with the rest of the cream. Put marshmallows on top.

From the remaining cookies and walnuts, make crumbs, sprinkle the cake with it. I decided to decorate the top with frozen raspberries. The cake should soak in the refrigerator for several hours, then it can be cut into portions and served in tea or coffee.

The cookie and marshmallow cake without baking was a success!

Bon appetit!

Combine the softened butter with boiled condensed milk and mix until smooth. Place the cookies in a tight bag and crush with a rolling pin into crumbs.

Place the nuts in a bag and grind into large crumbs, also using a rolling pin. You can grind cookies and nuts in a blender.

Pour the cookie crumbs into the mixture of condensed milk and butter and mix well.

Then add chopped nuts and mix the resulting cream again.

Butter cream will turn out not very thick and sticky.

Divide marshmallows into halves. At the bottom of a detachable form, lay out half the marshmallow, divided into halves. I used a mold with a diameter of 20 cm.

Put half of the cream on top of the marshmallow. It is good to distribute the mass in shape and fill all the voids between the marshmallows.

Then lay out the second part of the marshmallow.

Next, lay out the remaining cream and smooth the surface well.

Put the form with marshmallow cake with condensed milk in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, remove the sides of the mold and transfer the cake to a plate.

You can sprinkle the top of the cake with crushed cookies and nuts. The sides of the cake can be decorated with small cookies.

Here is such a delicious and tender cake made from marshmallows, cookies and condensed milk, and it was prepared without baking.

Happy tea!
