
White marshmallow cake. A step-by-step no-bake marshmallow cake recipe

Cake "Autumn - Mushroom Time" To prepare this cake, you need to bake a biscuit. Beat the eggs well, gradually introduce sugar, without stopping beating. Mix the flour with vanilla sugar, raisins and baking powder, and carefully combine with the egg mass. Burning oil and...Required: eggs - 7 pcs., Butter - 60 g, sugar - 200 g, wheat flour - 200 g, baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet, cottage cheese - 300 g, sour cream - 100 g, sugar - 50 g, marshmallows - 2 pcs., egg whites - 3 pcs., sugar - 50 g, raisins ...

Cake "Elegant" Marshmallow cut into circles. Whip the sugar-free cream into a thick foam. Chop the nuts, fry in a dry frying pan. Peaches cut into pieces. Put a layer of marshmallows in a salad bowl, grease it with jam, sprinkle with nuts. Then lay out a layer of peaches, whipped plums...You will need: sweet and sour jam - 1 cup, thick cream - 200 g, marshmallows - 1 kg, walnuts - 1/2 cup, canned peaches - 300 g, chocolate - 50 g

Cake "Eugene" Divide the marshmallow into halves, cut off the rounded tops. Chop nuts. For cream, grind eggs with sugar, pour milk and cook in a water bath until thickened. Cool and rub with butter, adding vanillin. Fill out the form...You will need: marshmallows - 1 kg, hazelnuts - 500 g, sugar cookies - 100 g, sugar - 1 cup, milk - 1 cup, butter - 200 g, chocolate - 100 g, egg - 2 pcs., vanillin - 1 pinch

Marshmallow cake Divide the marshmallow into halves. Mash the eggs with sugar, crumble the cookies, add to the egg-sugar mixture. Pour the mixture with milk and cook, stirring constantly, until a thick mass forms. Cool down. Finely grate the lemon zest. Whip the oil...You will need: marshmallows - 1 kg, egg - 2 pcs., crumbly cookies for cream - 2 packs and small cookies for decoration - 12 pcs., sugar - 1/2 cup, milk - 1 cup, butter - 200 g, zest 1 lemon, small marmalade for decoration - 12 pcs., nuts - 5 cores

Cake "Marshmallow" Marshmallow cut into thin circles with a hot wet knife. Roast and chop the walnut. Whip cream. Put a layer of marshmallow circles on a plate, then whipped cream, then berries and sprinkle with nuts. So let's repeat...You will need: marshmallows - 500 g, cream - 500 g, fresh or frozen berries - 500 g, walnuts - 400 g

Cake DRAKOSHA Beat eggs, sugar, salt, add sour cream and condensed milk, mix, add flour, and then slaked soda with vinegar. Bake two cakes. Make a cream. Connect the cakes and cut in half: 1 half will be the body, and cut out the tail from the second, divide the remaining biscuit into the neck from the heads ...You will need: 4 eggs, 1 tbsp. sugar, 200g sour cream, 1b condensed milk, 0.5 tsp soda and salt, 2 tbsp flour, cream: 1b condensed milk + 200g butter, or you can take a ready-made Magetta cream, which is diluted with cold milk: convenient, fast and simple!, for decoration: sprinkles, candies Mmdems, s...

Cake Pink Zebra We bake a chocolate biscuit. Any recipe you like. If you don't have one, contact me and I'll help you. Here. for example - a wonderful biscuit: 5 eggs 1 tbsp sugar 8 tbsp. starch 3 tbsp. cocoa powder 1 tsp soda 1 tbsp. sweet black coffee. Recipe from our s...You will need: Chocolate biscuit: ......................., Cottage cheese and sour cream: Cottage cheese - 200 g, Sour cream - 400 g, Sugar - to taste (or rose jam) + sour cream, Impregnation: Rose jam - 300 ml, Butter cream: Butter - 200 g, Rose jam - 100 ml, Mastic: ...

Cake Bunny on a hill of carrots How to cook cakes can be found here: http://www.edimdoma.ru/recipes/18438 Rinse the berries (I still had mine). Dry on a towel. Cut strawberries. Cream. Whip cream with thickener and powdered sugar. We collect the cake. It took me 5 cakes (the sixth left ...Required: For cakes: sugar - 100 g, soda (repay) - 0.5 tablespoons, egg - 1 pc., sour cream - 0.5 cups, butter - 80g, flour - 2 cups, Cream: Cream - 500 ml 30%, powdered sugar - to taste., Cream thickener Dr. Oetker., Strawberries, wild strawberries., Decoration...

Cake CHERESHONOK :) We mix all the components for the dough. Divide the finished dough into 5 parts, bake each cake at 190C for 5-7 minutes. Prepare sour cream by whipping 350g of sour cream with 150g of powdered sugar or sugar. Then we soak the cakes with syrup (fruit for children, liquor for parents ...You will need: Dough: 150g sour cream, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp honey, 150g ground hazelnuts, 1 tsp baking powder, about 3 cups flour, CREAM: 350g sour cream, 150g powdered sugar, fruit syrup , For decoration: marshmallow 250g., fruit,

Chocolate cake with marshmallow Melt butter or margarine in a water bath. (Or leave to soften beforehand). Grind sugar and vanillin with butter until white. Cakes: Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Or cook it yourself. To do this, mix 5-6 tbsp. cocoa, sugar and milk (water) and...You will need: cakes: 150 g chocolate (OR cocoa: sugar: milk or water = 1: 1: 1), 150 g butter or margarine, 150 g sugar, 2 eggs, 250 g flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, vanillin, cream: 1 can of condensed milk, 150 g butter, icing: 5 tbsp. cocoa, 5 tbsp ...

Did you know that you can make a delicious marshmallow dessert? If you have not met such people yet, we offer you some simple and very appetizing cakes, for the preparation of which you will spend a minimum of products and your time. And it is not necessary to have a reason for such a goal, you can simply prepare a sweet treat for your family and friends, to please them in this warm spring weather.

If you have planned a magnificent celebration, you will certainly need to prepare original dishes. One of which can be a sugar cake. And don't let the abundance of ingredients scare you, it's quite simple to prepare. So, in order to prepare this treat, you should stock up on the following products:

  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp
  • Marshmallow (can be white and pink) - 10 pcs
  • Forest nuts - 400 g
  • Pasteurized milk - 125 ml
  • Sugar cookies - 100 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • Vanillin
  • A bar of chocolate (milk or black at your discretion, but preferably in its pure form without raisins, nuts, and so on)
  • Cream or sour cream - 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  • Cut each marshmallow into 4 pieces. Peel the nuts, put them in a clean piece of cloth and beat them with a rolling pin until they are crushed. You can not do this, but use a blender. Thus, you will save your time and energy.
  • Prepare the cream: beat the granulated sugar with eggs well until a homogeneous thick composition is obtained. Pour in the same milk and sweat a little cream in a water bath. The fire must be very small.
  • During the process, stir the mass until it thickens. Set the mixture aside for a while to cool down. Then add vanilla with butter. Beat the cream well and you can proceed to the next step.
  • Lay a film or foil in the mold. Put even pieces of marshmallow on the bottom, while lubricating it with the resulting cream.

  • Put the cookies on top, press down a little so that they stick together with other ingredients. Repeat this process several times, cover the cake with cling film and leave it in a cool place for 1 hour.
  • While your cake is cooling, prepare decorations for it. Chop the chocolate, put in a container and put on a small fire. When the chocolate begins to melt a little, put cream or sour cream on it.
  • Boil the composition, stirring constantly. After that, cool and pour the product. Sprinkle chopped nuts on the cake and serve.

Marshmallow cake recipe from Laima Vaikule

We all know what a slender figure Laima Vaikule has. But this does not prevent her from sometimes feasting on a variety of sweets. Of course, the singer never has enough time to prepare complex dishes. And yet, when she finds it, she mostly devotes it to desserts.

The singer's cookbook contains a lot of interesting dishes that she came up with herself. We offer you to prepare a cake, which is named after this beautiful woman "Lyme". You will surely enjoy this treat, and you will want to cook it for your guests.

So stock up on these ingredients:

  • Marshmallow (colorful) - 500 g
  • Fat cream or natural sour cream - 500 ml
  • Sugar sand - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped walnuts - 1 tbsp
  • Chocolate - 25 g
  • Various fruits (kiwi, orange, banana)

You can take berries instead of fruits, or canned peaches - choose to your taste.

Cooking process:

  • Cut marshmallows into thin circles. To make the process easy, rinse the knife in hot water before each time. Leave the tops for later - you will decorate the entire cake with them.
  • Prepare the cream: take sour cream or cream, add granulated sugar, beat well with a mixer.
  • Arrange marshmallow circles on a flat, wide plate so that they fit snugly together. Lubricate the marshmallows with cream, sprinkle with nuts, and place chopped kiwi slices on top. Then again marshmallows, cream, nuts and berries.
  • Make your cake open. The top layer you should get from fruit
  • Decorate the sides with chocolate. You can decorate the cake however you like. Enjoy your appetite!

Marshmallow cake recipe without baking

Marshmallow cake is a delicious and quite popular sweet treat. It is simple, but no different from the exquisite and expensive cakes that are sold in stores. In the summer, it will be a real find for you, because not everyone wants to stand near a hot oven.

To prepare the cake, stock up on the following products:

  • Marshmallow - 650 g
  • Cookies - 400 g
  • Nuts - 150 g
  • Sugar sand - 375 g
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs
  • Flour - 125 g
  • Milk - 3 tbsp
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla sugar

Cooking process:

  • Prepare the cream: pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, put also the yolks. Mix everything well. Then add flour and pour in milk. Break up the lumps and put on the stove.
  • After the composition boils, boil it for a couple of minutes and remove from heat. Whip the butter, add it to the cream. Put cocoa powder, vanilla sugar there and mix. Your cream is ready.
  • Chop nuts and cookies. Cut marshmallows in half, cut off the tops.
  • Take the form, cover it with cling film (the edges should hang down).
  • Place foil at the bottom of the mold.
  • Place the marshmallows very tightly on the bottom of the mold, and fill the empty spaces with the tops.
  • Lubricate with cream. Then pour the second part of the cookies and nuts, tamp.
  • Repeat layers.
  • Cover the cake with foil, put it in a cool place for 24 hours.

After the time has elapsed, take out the cake, put it on a flat plate and you can serve it to the table.

Marshmallow cake recipe with pastries

If you like working with dough, then prepare this cake. Go to the store for these products:

  • Flour - 19 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 12 tbsp. l.
  • Yolks - 5 pcs
  • Cream - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Baking powder - 1 pack
  • Zephyr - 9 pcs. + 1 pc. For decoration
  • Bananas - 3 pcs
  • Sour cream - 25 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar - 25 tbsp. l.
  • Chocolate - 1/2 bar

Cooking process:

  • Beat butter with sugar, add cream and boiled yolks
  • Take the flour, add the baking powder to it and mix all the ingredients, then knead the dough
  • Lay the dough on the parchment
  • Prick the dough with a fork, bake for about 15 minutes at 180°C
  • Cut the marshmallow into thin circles (leave a few tops, as you will have to decorate the cake with them)
  • Add powdered sugar to sour cream and beat well
  • Lubricate the cake with cream
  • Put marshmallow circles on the cake
  • You can also put fruits or berries on top
  • Repeat the marshmallow layer
  • Put banana slices and cream on top of the marshmallow
  • Decorate the received product at your discretion

Cake with homemade marshmallows: recipe with photo

  • Gelatin - 25 g
  • Sugar sand - 300 g
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • vanilla sugar

Cooking process:

  • Pour gelatin with warm water (0.5 tbsp.). He should swell.
  • Mix 1/2 tbsp. water with sugar and put the composition on the stove. Boil the syrup for about 10 minutes. Add the swollen gelatin to the resulting syrup and mix thoroughly.
  • Remove the composition from the stove and whisk.
  • Add citric acid, beat well again.
  • Add vanilla sugar and baking soda.
  • Put the finished mass on a mold, pre-lubricated with oil. Leave it for 24 hours in a cool place.

Now let's move on to making the cake. For this you need:

  • Zephyr - 0.5 kg
  • Kiwi - 4 pcs
  • Gelatin - 55 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 pack
  • Curd - 330 g
  • Sour cream - 330 g
  • coconut flakes

Cooking process:

  • Cut the marshmallow into 2 parts.
  • Peel the kiwi, cut the fruit into circles.
  • Lay the marshmallows and kiwi in layers on the dish (quite densely).
  • Pour gelatin with warm water and put in a water bath to dissolve it.
  • Mix all remaining ingredients (except coconut flakes). Add gelatin to them. Pour marshmallows with the resulting composition, and send the cake to the refrigerator. He must stay there until the morning.
  • Take out the product and decorate it with coconut flakes.

Marshmallow Cream for Cake - Recipe

Marshmallow cream can be used to decorate a cake or pastries. Discard custard, sour cream and butter cream, as they are very fatty. Marshmallow cream is more interesting, and tastier. Consider the simplest recipe.

For its preparation you need:

  • Zephyr - 4 pcs
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Low-fat sour cream - 100 g

Cooking process:

  • Cool the sour cream
  • Melt Marshmallows in the Microwave
  • Add oil, do it gradually
  • Whip the cream quickly, as it tends to harden quickly

The cream is better to use immediately. If you lose at least 2 minutes, it will harden, and then you will not be able to spread it on the cakes. To prepare the cream, you can take white and pink marshmallows, and make two creams out of it. Then your cake will turn out even more beautiful.

Fruit Marshmallow Cake Recipe

Spring has come and I want to eat something spring, for example, a cake made from fruits and marshmallows. Believe me, he will be able to remind you of a warm summer and that it will also come to us very soon. To prepare this delicious and nutritious cake, you need:

  • oranges
  • Zephyr
  • Walnuts
  • Bananas
  • Whipped cream

Cooking process:

  • Wash and clean all fruits thoroughly.
  • Whip the cream (if you have it not ready yet).
  • Finely chop the walnuts.
  • Cut the marshmallow into thin slices. Set aside the tops for a while.
  • Cut fruit into small pieces.
  • Now you can collect the cake: first grease the dish with cream. Put marshmallows on top of them, then nuts and cream again.
  • Next, lay the banana, cream, on top of the kiwi cream and again a layer of cream.
  • Put the nuts with marshmallows on the cream, again a layer of cream.
  • The last layer is nuts with oranges.
  • Cover fruit and nuts thoroughly with cream. Decorate the cake as you wish.

You can also put berries between the layers, such as fresh raspberries or cranberries. Any berries you have on hand will do.

Marshmallow and Cookie Cake Recipe

  • Zephyr - 1 kg
  • Walnuts - 0.5 kg
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar sand - 1.5 tbsp
  • Milk - 1 tbsp
  • Butter - 200 g
  • vanilla sugar
  • Cookies - 6 pcs

Cooking process:

  • Grind the nuts in a blender to make fine crumbs. Cut off the tops of the marshmallows.
  • Prepare the cream: combine the egg with granulated sugar, beat a little. Pour milk into the mixture and keep stirring. Boil until the cream becomes thick. Cool it down.
  • Beat the butter, add a cream composition of eggs, milk and granulated sugar to it.
  • Take the form, cover the bottom with cling film.
  • Now put the following layers: marshmallow - custard - ground nuts - marshmallow - custard - nuts - marshmallow - custard - ground cookies.

Pack all layers well. Cover the cake with cling film and put in a cool place for a couple of days.

Cake with marshmallows and sour cream: photo, recipe

This is a lazy cake recipe you can cook for a birthday or for guests. But believe me, if you cook it once, then for you it will become one of your favorite cakes. Prepare these foods:

  • Honey cakes - 4 pcs
  • Low-fat sour cream - 400 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Thickener - 1 pack
  • Strawberry jelly - 2 packs
  • Zephyr - 5 pcs
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • Fruit or berries for garnish (optional)

Cooking process:

  • First, take the foil (bend the edges), lay it on the form, on top of the cake.
  • Prepare cream. You will need a thickener specifically for the cream, since not all sour cream has the desired consistency. Add a thickener to the sugar and pour the composition into sour cream. You will need a thick cream.
  • Lubricate the cake with cream, put another cake on top of it, and so on. Do not grease the top cake with cream.
  • Make jelly. Dilute it not with 800 ml of water, but with about 600 ml. So you get a thicker jelly. Set it aside to cool down.
  • Then pour the resulting jelly into the mold on the top cake. Send the cake for 40 min. into the refrigerator.
  • Once the jelly begins to set a little, place marshmallow halves on top of it. You can also add some fruits (optional).
  • Place the cake back in the refrigerator to completely set. Do not immediately remove the foil, do this before serving.

Marshmallow cake, a simple recipe

Even if you do not know how to cook, and decided to cook a delicious cake, then our recipe will definitely come in handy for you. For this treat, you will need a small list of affordable ingredients. And its main advantage is that it is light and very airy. Stock up on these ingredients:

  • Marshmallow - 12 pcs
  • Heavy cream - 400 ml
  • Sugar sand - 30 gr
  • Jam or jam
  • Canned peaches, grapes - 600 g

Cooking process:

  • Open a jar of peaches, drain the liquid and cut the fruit into free-form pieces.
  • Pour cream into a bowl. Add granulated sugar to them and beat well with a blender. You can take a little less or more sugar. But remember that the marshmallow itself is quite sweet.
  • Put the marshmallow halves in a deep bowl, the top should look up. Spread marshmallows with cream, distribute them evenly.
  • Put the peaches, cut grapes on the cream and cover them with marshmallows tops down.
  • Place the cake in a cold place for 3 hours. After the time has passed, take it out of the refrigerator, carefully turn it over onto a plate.

Marshmallow and condensed milk cake: recipe

Please yourself and your loved ones with a delicious cake, especially since you do not have to mess with the dough and bake it in the oven. Thanks to our recipe, you can make a quick and easy marshmallow cake without much hassle if you find the following ingredients:

  • Zephyr - 1.5 kg
  • Shortbread cookies - 300 g
  • Butter - 350 g
  • Condensed milk - 800 g
  • Walnuts (peeled) - 200 g

Cooking process:

  • Put soft butter in a bowl, add condensed milk and beat the composition until smooth.
  • Grind the cookies with nuts so that crumbs are obtained. Put in a bowl with condensed milk (leave a little to decorate the cake).
  • Mix well.
  • Divide the marshmallows into halves, put on a large plate. Break a couple of marshmallows and fill in the gaps with them.
  • Lubricate the marshmallow with cream.
  • Put another layer of marshmallows. Apply cream again.
  • Put the last marshmallow and coat the entire cake with cream. Sprinkle the cake with nuts and cookies.

Marshmallow for cake decoration: recipe

Marshmallow mastic is very easy to prepare. In our article you will learn exactly how to cook it.

Recipe #1

For the first recipe you need:

  • Chewing marshmallow - 180 g
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar - to taste
  • Food coloring - 1 pinch

Cooking process:

  • Put marshmallows in a container, pour cool water
  • Cover the container with a lid and place in the microwave
  • Heat the marshmallow at high power for about 30 seconds
  • Add dye to the marshmallow (dilute it with water in advance)
  • Add powdered sugar to the bowl
  • Stir the ingredients vigorously until the mastic is thick and homogeneous.
  • As soon as it hardens, divide the composition into parts and form balls
  • Wrap them in cling film and put them in a cool place for 30 minutes.
  • After that, roll out the mastic, powder it with powdered sugar
  • Make figurines of your choice

Recipe #2

For the second recipe stock up:

  • Chewing marshmallow - 210 g
  • Powdered sugar - 310 g
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp

Cooking process:

  • Cut the marshmallow into small pieces, put in a bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice
  • Place the dishes in the microwave at the highest power and heat the marshmallows for about 20 seconds.
  • As soon as the time has passed, put the resulting composition in another bowl and sprinkle it with powdered sugar
  • Knead the ingredients until smooth
  • Soak the mastic in a cold place for 1.5 hours
  • Take out the mastic, roll out 3 mm thick and form figures

Marshmallow and Marmalade Lenten Cake Recipe

When fasting comes, many people refuse animal products. But even during this period, sometimes you want to eat something tasty, for example, a marshmallow and marmalade cake. So, for its preparation you need to stock up:

  • Wheat flour - 270 g
  • Potato flour - 85 g
  • vanilla sugar
  • Cocoa powder - 155 g
  • Orange peel - 25 g
  • Sugar sand - 80 g
  • Ammonium - 10 g
  • Peanut butter - 110 g
  • Soy milk - 300 g
  • Salt
  • Orange syrup - 300 g
  • Marmalade and marshmallows - 1 kg
  • Soy cream - 65 g
  • Bitter chocolate - 210 g
  • Coconut oil - 75 g
  • Sugar sand - 85 g
  • vanilla sugar

Cooking process:

  • Mix sugar with flour and cocoa powder.
  • Pour the oil into the second bowl, whisk and add the milk. Keep whisking.
  • Add orange zest and vanilla sugar to the composition, and then a mixture of sugar, cocoa and flour. Add ammonium to the dough.
  • Bake in the oven.
  • Cut the cake into 2 parts, soak with orange syrup. Set the cakes aside to soak.
  • Lay out part of the marshmallow and marmalade on the cake. Place the second cake on top.
  • Prepare the glaze: boil the cream, add granulated sugar, coconut oil and chocolate to it.
  • When the icing is smooth, cover the entire cake with it.
  • Decorate the product with a thin chocolate thread, marshmallows and marmalade.

The cake is ready!

Video: Marshmallow cake "Lime"

Each hostess is constantly trying to surprise her family and guests with new culinary masterpieces. But, unfortunately, both in everyday life and on holidays, women have a lot to do. In this regard, there is not always enough time to prepare a delicious and beautiful cake, because this can sometimes take half a day. This is where recipes that do not require baking come to the rescue. They are prepared quickly and easily, while not inferior in their taste and appearance to baked cakes.

One of the options for preparing such a dessert is a no-bake marshmallow cake. An airy and tender delicacy will save time and effort and win the hearts of the sweet tooth from the first bite. From the many recipes for this dish, we have chosen those that are the most popular. You can follow them, or use your imagination to experiment with different ingredients and create exclusive cakes.

Recipe 1. Butter cream and fruit. Ingredients

A ready-made marshmallow cake that does not require baking, has a delicate texture and a pleasant taste. You can perform various variations of it, changing the fruits as you wish. To prepare the dessert you will need:

  • 300 marshmallows;
  • 250 grams of cream;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 80 g nuts;
  • 150 g strawberries;
  • 150 g kiwi;
  • 40 g candied fruits or chocolate.


Initially, all products are prepared. The tops of marshmallows are cut off and set aside. They will be needed to decorate the cake. The rest of the marshmallow is cut into thin slices. To simplify the task, you should moisten the knife with hot water.

Fruit must be washed. Strawberries are peeled and cut into small pieces. The peel is removed from the kiwi, the fruit is cut into thin slices. Nuts are shelled and crushed.

To prepare the cream, mix cream and sugar (or powdered sugar) and beat well.

Marshmallow plates are laid out in a dense layer at the bottom. Next comes the strawberries. Then again you need to put a layer of marshmallows, lightly press it with your hands. Nuts are sprinkled on top. They are also covered with marshmallows, which again need to be slightly pressed down. The next layer is kiwi. And at the end, tops from marshmallows are laid out on the very top.

The finished marshmallow cake with cream is sent to the refrigerator for impregnation for 2-4 hours. Before serving, it can be decorated with candied fruits and chocolate chips or icing.

Recipe 2. Cottage cheese and exotic fruits. Ingredients

Recipe 4. Custard. Ingredients

A magnificent no-bake marshmallow cake can be prepared for any holiday, it will become an original replacement for already bored biscuits.

The airy texture and pleasant taste will provide the hostess with a lot of compliments about her culinary skills.

To prepare a marshmallow cake, the recipe of which is described below, you need the following products:

  • 1 kg of marshmallow;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g of milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 500 g walnuts;
  • Cookies - 5 pieces.


Zephyr is divided into two halves. The top of each is cut off so that the piece acquires a flat shape. Cookies and walnuts are crushed with a rolling pin or blender.

How to make a marshmallow cake with custard? First, eggs and sugar are lightly beaten with a whisk, placed in a water bath. Next, while stirring constantly, slowly pour in the milk. The resulting mass is boiled in a water bath until thickened. Then the cream cools down. Meanwhile, finely grate the lemon zest. Butter is whipped with a mixer. Cooled cream and lemon are gradually added to it. Beat should be until the mixture becomes fluffy.

The detachable form is covered with parchment paper. The first layer is laid out from the marshmallow. It is applied on top and sprinkled with chopped nuts. Then the marshmallow is laid out again, slightly pressed. Layers alternate as much as there are enough ingredients.

Cakes that do not require baking are prepared very easily and quickly. If you replace ordinary cakes with marshmallows, you get an incredibly beautiful one and Recipes on how to make a marshmallow cake (with photo) are presented above in the article. Variations with cream and other fillings are different, you can choose according to your taste. The finished marshmallow cake without baking is covered with cream on top and sprinkled with cookie crumbs. Then it must be covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator for a day to solidify.

Happy tea!

Cooking that does not require baking is a godsend for hostesses who want to make a delicious dish without much difficulty, as well as in the absence of an oven. Most often, in such recipes, the final stage is the cooling of the product, after which it is ready to serve. Among such dishes are cheesecakes and some cakes: for example, marshmallow.

No Bake Nut Marshmallow Cake: Recipe

The fact that the marshmallow cake does not require an oven does not mean that it is easy and simple to work with it: due to the peculiarities of the recipe, it takes almost 4 days to cook, although the main process takes only 30-40 minutes. But it will soak for several days, so this recipe is not an option if “guests are on the doorstep.” An electric coffee grinder and mixer will come in handy from improvised means: it will be difficult to do without them.


  1. Zephyr - 1 kg
  2. Crumbly cookies - 150 g
  3. Nuts - 400 g
  4. Cream - to choose from


  • At the initial stage, all the ingredients are prepared. Nuts must be crushed into crumbs, which is most conveniently done through a coffee grinder. If not, you can use a blender with a special nozzle or a simple meat grinder. In the absence of the above devices, you can chop the nuts manually as follows: pour them into a bag, wrap them in a towel, and walk over the nuts several times with a rolling pin or a wooden mallet for meat. Some hostesses chop nuts with a knife, but this takes a lot of time.
  • Now it's time for the Zephyr. If it is doubled, the halves must be separated from each other, and after that the top is removed from each of them. The necessary peculiar flat "medallions" of marshmallows, but the cut peaks are not thrown away - they will come in handy later. Cookies, by analogy with nuts, need to be scrolled in a blender and poured into a separate bowl: they will be added to the cake at the last stage.
  • The form for such a cake is detachable. According to the indicated number of components, it will be optimal to be round, with a diameter of 25-27 cm. The marshmallow fits tightly into it so that there are no gaps left on the bottom layer: they are covered with previously cut caps. As soon as a new “bottom” is obtained, it is poured with cream, sprinkled with nuts, and again they begin to lay a layer of marshmallows. A similar "tower" is built until all the marshmallows are gone. The last level ends with cream, on top of which ground cookies are scattered. Before putting the resulting cake in the refrigerator, it is wrapped with cling film.
  • After 3-4 days, the dish can be served with tea.

Cream for marshmallow cake without baking: recipes

Most often marshmallow cake is prepared with custard. It is more complicated than the classic, mixed with cream, and also has a higher% fat content, but it suits airy marshmallows perfectly.


  1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Sugar - 200 g
  3. Butter - 180 g
  4. Milk - 200 ml
  5. Vanilla sugar, lemon zest - to taste


  • Fresh milk is brought to a boil in a metal saucepan: ideally, it should be no more than 2 days from the date of bottling, otherwise the liquid will begin to curdle.
  • Then sugar and beaten eggs are slowly poured into it, and the whole mixture is boiled over low heat until it begins to thicken. The process usually takes 10-15 minutes, after which the pan is removed from the stove and the cream is allowed to cool.
  • At this time, the softened butter is whipped with a mixer and carefully combined with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Vanilla sugar and other ingredients are introduced along with regular sugar, if necessary.

There is an easier and less calorie custard recipe that can be used for marshmallow cake. It takes 400 ml of fresh milk to create it, as well as 3-4 large chicken eggs, vanilla sugar, 50 g of powdered sugar and the same amount of wheat flour. Eggs separate yolks and whites, the latter can be disposed of - they will not appear in the cream, but you can make meringue cakes from them. The yolks are beaten with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar, carefully poured into the milk boiling on the stove in a thin stream, and the liquid is kneaded to a homogeneous consistency. Then flour is added there, the power of the burner is reduced to a minimum, and the cream is cooked until thick.

But the easiest and fastest cream for marshmallow cake without baking is protein. For this, 3-4 egg whites are taken, which must be chilled, the same cold water in a volume of 100 ml, and powdered sugar - 200 g. Or powdered sugar and cocoa powder are combined in a 3: 1 ratio if you want to get chocolate cream . Water must be boiled together with powdered sugar, boiled over medium heat for 40 minutes, and pour cocoa powder into the resulting syrup. While the mixture continues to cook, but already at low power, in a separate bowl, beat the proteins with a pinch of salt and a drop of lemon juice. As soon as the proteins turn into non-falling foam, the resulting syrup is slowly poured into them, slightly chilled in advance. At the end, the cream is whipped for 5-7 minutes. in a blender or mixer.

Marshmallow cake with fruits without baking with sour cream: recipe and tips

An expensive cake from a pastry shop is in no way inferior to a cold marshmallow, prepared with biscuit cakes, decorated with fruits and sour cream. It does not require long-term cooling, so if you are expecting guests, you can start preparing such a dish in the evening: everything will be in the best possible way by morning.


For cakes

  1. Egg - 2 pcs.
  2. Powdered sugar - 100 g
  3. Flour - 1 tbsp.

For base layer

  1. Marshmallow double - 10 pcs.
  2. Dried apricots and prunes - 100 g each
  3. Fruit - to taste
  4. For cream:
  5. Fat sour cream (cream) - 400 g
  6. Powdered sugar - 100 g


  • To prepare the base for the cake, you will have to resort to the oven: while it warms up to 180 degrees, the eggs are beaten with powdered sugar and flour, baking powder or slaked soda (1/2 tsp) is added there, and 2 tbsp can be added . cocoa powder. The dough is poured into a round detachable form, leveled, and the future biscuit is brought into the oven, where it will stand for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to bake on the forced convection mode to prevent uneven cooking. Readiness is easily checked with a wooden stick: when it is removed from the biscuit, it should not have wet areas.
  • While the biscuit is cooling, the main layer of the cold cake is being prepared: the marshmallow is cut across 2 times to get 3 flat circles from each half. Fruits are also divided into small thin circles, with the exception of strawberries - it is enough to cut them in half if the berries are not large. Dried fruits can be used without grinding. If you are using frozen fruits and berries, you need to remove excess moisture from them before you start collecting the marshmallow cake, otherwise all the liquid will be in it. In addition, if you want to use citrus fruits (for example, tangerines), it is better to replace sour cream with protein custard.
  • Now you need to knead the cream: excess liquid is removed from the cream (in this case, they are preferable to cream), they are combined with powdered sugar and whipped at medium speed with a mixer. The duration of the process depends on the fat content and freshness of the main product, so focus on the appearance of the mixture: you should get a strong air mass. For flavor, you can add a pinch of vanillin here, but this must be done simultaneously with the addition of powdered sugar.
  • The cooled biscuit is cut with a transverse line in the middle, as a result of which 2 cakes remain. The lower one is smeared with ready-made cream, after which a layer of marshmallows is placed on it, which overlaps the fruit. For better adhesion, a small amount of cream is placed between each layer. When all the fruits and marshmallows are used up, they are again poured with cream and covered with the remaining cake. It also needs to be smeared with cream, and on top you can decorate with grated chocolate or colored mastic. It takes 4-5 hours for marshmallow cake to cool, but it is better to let it stand in the refrigerator all night.

Cold no-bake cakes are a great alternative to classic options, especially when modifying the recipe, because you can get an easy and quick dessert that will delight you and your family and even random guests. Try making a marshmallow cake and see for yourself!
