
Decorate a cake for the new year. How to decorate a cake for the New Year: a snowman

Christmas mood- this is not only a Christmas tree, garlands, Santa Claus and the midnight congratulations of the President. First of all, this is a festive table. And its logical conclusion is a tea party with a delicious cake. And this despite the well-established opinion that "the holiday failed when it came to dessert."

In fact New Year's dessert very important. And even if in new year's eve it never came to him, then in the morning the cake will come in with a bang. However, it is not enough to cook and serve delicious dessert. It still needs to be decorated accordingly in order to maintain the charm of a magical holiday.

How to decorate a New Year's cake

So, it is worth starting with the fact that New Year is a special holiday. Any housewife runs around the shops for several days, prepares food, and on the eve of the celebration itself, she does not leave the kitchen for almost the whole day, constantly chopping, chopping, boiling, frying and baking something.

Being in such a time pressure to have time to cook everything is quite difficult. What can we say about the dessert, and even more so about its decoration. That is why, if, nevertheless, it was decided to make a cake on your own, then its appearance should be thought out in advance, and the decorations should be as simple as possible.

What to make decorations for the New Year's cake? There are no restrictions here. True, it should be borne in mind that on such a holiday there are quite a lot on the table fatty foods. Therefore, you should not make the elements of the confectionery decor too greasy. So it is best to use buttercream to a minimum. Well, the most suitable materials for decorating a homemade cake are:

  • finished jewelry;
  • fruits;
  • powdered sugar and cocoa;
  • chocolate and chocolate glaze;
  • caramel;
  • meringue;
  • confectionery paste.

Each of these materials should be discussed separately. Although in most cases it is best to combine several materials. But here it all depends on the imagination of the hostess, or rather on the design of her confectionery, invented by her.

How to decorate a cake for New Year and Christmas

Decorate new year cake Can different ways. The main thing is to think over the "design" in advance. On New Year's Eve, there simply will not be time for this. Inexperienced confectioners should generally practice in advance in the preparation of materials for decoration. This will save a lot of time on December 31st.

To simplify the task, it makes sense not to be puzzled by decorating the sides. If necessary, it will be quite sufficient to coat them a small amount cream mixed with biscuit crumbs or ground nuts.

But it's time to go back for more detailed description materials for decorating the top of homemade New Year's cakes.

Finished jewelry

Perhaps this is the easiest way to decorate a dessert. Almost every city now has a shop where you can buy a wide variety of sugar or chocolate figurines to decorate cakes and pastries.

Of course, just buying figurines is not enough. First you have to think over the composition in order to select the necessary elements. In addition, you need to prepare the surface of the future confectionery masterpiece by making a background for the future composition. These can be cocoa, powdered sugar or icing.


Decorating a New Year's cake with fresh fruit also does not require special skills and a lot of effort. In the most extreme case, they can simply be spread out on the surface of the confectionery smeared with cream. But it’s better to connect your imagination and build something more interesting, for example: lay out an inscription or make fruit pieces stylized figurines of a Christmas tree or a snowman.

The best options for decoration are strawberries, bananas, currants, grapes, kiwi and pineapple. But you can use other representatives of the fruit family. The main thing is that their taste is combined with the taste of the product itself.

Powdered sugar and cocoa

This option for decorating a New Year's cake will already require some artistic skills and diligence. But at the same time, it is great for beginner confectioners, because it does not involve the use of special tools and the preparation of any additional materials.

To decorate the cake with cocoa or powdered sugar it is enough to cut out a stencil of the desired pattern from paper in advance, put it on the surface of the cake and sprinkle liberally with the above-mentioned materials. Then the stencil is carefully removed, and the intended pattern remains on the surface of the cake.

It’s worth warning right away: it is best to sprinkle your confectionery product with a strainer. Thanks to this device, powdered materials will lie on the surface of the cake evenly.

Sprinkle with what exactly? It all depends on the background color. If the surface of the cake is covered with a light cream, then the drawing is best done from cocoa, and white sprinkles will look brighter on chocolate icing and just a dark cake. You can also combine these elements, for example: sprinkle the entire cake with cocoa powder, and make a pattern of powdered sugar on top.

By the way, the stencil does not have to be made of paper. Very beautiful drawings are obtained using lace napkins. The only downside here is that it will be almost impossible to wash the lace later.

Chocolate and chocolate icing

Decorating a cake with chocolate will never go out of style. Looks quite presentable simple fill chocolate glaze. Moreover, even the most inexperienced hostess can cook it. For this you need to take:

  • chocolate (without additives) - 100 g;
  • milk - 75 ml (5 tablespoons).

Chocolate must be broken into pieces, put in a heat-resistant bowl greased with butter, pour milk and put on water bath. The mixture must be constantly stirred. The frosting is ready when the chocolate is completely melted. Optimum temperature"baths" - 40 ° C.

Almost the same is done for white icing:

  • white chocolate - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • milk - 30-50 ml (2-3 tablespoons).

Break the chocolate into a bowl greased with butter, add powdered sugar and half the indicated volume of milk. Place the bowl in a water bath. Stir the mixture constantly until the chocolate is completely melted. Remove from heat, pour in remaining milk and beat well. By the way, if food coloring is added to such a glaze, then it can be made not only white.

Both of these glaze options are great for pouring the surface of the cake. And then you can do anything: sprinkle with powder or cocoa, install ready-made figurines or make decor from fresh fruits.

But you can do it differently by decorating the cake with figures or inscriptions from the chocolate itself. It is not difficult to do this. However, this will require an additional tool - a pastry bag or syringe.

To make such an ornament, you first also need to prepare stencils or molds. The stencil can be cut out of foil. Further, everything is simple. Chocolate is melted in a water bath, poured into a pastry bag or syringe and squeezed out along the contour of the future decoration on a flat surface covered with parchment. Then the parchment is carefully moved to the refrigerator. After complete solidification with figurines or decorative elements, you can decorate the cake. With a mold (cliché) it's even easier. The melted mass is poured into it and sent to the refrigerator.

In this way, you can make almost any decoration, from elementary borders, Christmas trees or snowflakes to complex chocolate compositions. The only caveat, on the cake, chocolate figures need to be placed evenly, so that when it is cut into pieces, everyone gets a little chocolate treat.


Excellent decorations are obtained from ordinary sugar syrup, i.e. from caramel. For its preparation you will need:

  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • vinegar essence - 5 drops (you can use a solution of citric acid - 10 drops).

Mix sugar with water and put on slow fire. The mixture must be constantly stirred so that the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as this happens, add vinegar essence or citric acid to the solution and continue to cook until it thickens, constantly stirring the mass with a spoon.

To make caramel figurines or decorative elements, you will need a cliché. You can cut it inside the half of the potato. The resulting form must be dipped in hot caramel and put on a cold plate, greased vegetable oil. Caramel will stick to the plate, while maintaining the desired shape. In the meantime, it has not completely frozen the figure, you can modify it a little: bend it or add texture.


Without really straining, you can decorate the cake with meringue. But first you need to prepare the mass itself. For this you need to take:

  • eggs - 5 pcs. (only proteins are needed);
  • sugar - 250 g.

Beat the egg whites until a stable foam forms. Then gradually - 1-2 tablespoons - add sugar, continuing to beat thoroughly. When all the sugar is driven into the mass, it must be continued to beat for at least another 15 minutes in order to form a sufficiently dense structure.

The base for the meringue is ready. What happens next depends on the design. You can bake a lot of small beads to decorate the cake evenly or lay out a pattern or inscription. And you can make several large “pies”, giving the protein-sugar mass, for example, the outline of a castle with turrets, before baking.

Meringue should be baked at a temperature of about 100 ° C, on a baking sheet covered with parchment. You can spread the mass on it both with the help of pastry bag, and an ordinary spoon.

confectionery mastic

Well, with this material, you can do anything. There is already a place for fantasy to roam. With the help of mastic, any cake can be turned into a real confectionery masterpiece. True, for cooking sweet mastic and working with it you need to have certain skills, both culinary and artistic. Therefore, before making a final decision in favor of this type of decor, it makes sense to practice.

There are many recipes for making confectionery mastic. However, for home use best fit milk version of this material. The thing is, it's universal. It can be used both for covering the entire cake (covering), and for sculpting various figurines and decorative elements.

You can prepare such a mastic from the following products:

  • powdered milk- 180 g;
  • condensed milk - 180 g (1 can);
  • powdered sugar - 180 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

In a deep bowl, mix the milk powder with powdered sugar well. Add lemon juice there and mix everything thoroughly again. Then condensed milk should be added to the mixture. This should be done in several stages, each time mixing the resulting mass properly. First you can mix with a spoon, then you have to knead the mastic with your hands, like dough. By the way, to sweet mass did not stick to your hands very much, you can grease them with a small amount of vegetable oil or sprinkle with starch.

As a result, you should get a homogeneous, slightly yellowish, pasty mass, which must be wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator for half an hour. After that, you can work with mastic.

To give the mastic any other color, during the kneading process, you need to add some kind of dye to it. We are talking, of course, about natural dyes. As such, you can use the juices of vegetables and fruits.

To cover the cake, the mastic must be rolled out and carefully applied to the leveled surface of the cake. After that, cut off the excess pieces of material. To make the mastic roll out better, you need to do this on a surface sprinkled with starch.

It is not necessary to throw away the cut pieces. The mastic can be re-rolled and cut out some additional elements decor. And you can make a few “sausages” and weave a pigtail, getting an original border along the entire border of the cake.

As for the figurines, everything is quite simple. The structure of the mastic is very similar to plasticine, and you can also work with it. But in order to glue together two or three fragments of multi-colored mastic, you need to grease the glued pieces with water using an ordinary brush.

New Year's cake theme

As has been repeatedly mentioned above, the design option for the New Year's cake needs to be thought out in advance. Of course, the most acceptable theme is a variety of New Year's symbols.

The simplest option is to decorate the cake with Christmas trees, snowflakes, or make it in the shape of a clock, the hands of which are approaching midnight. But you can also dream up.

It will look beautiful on the surface of the New Year's cake spruce branch, decorated with two or three balls. You can make such a decoration either monochrome - using powdered sugar or cocoa, or colored using multi-colored icing or mastic.

In a similar way, you can turn the surface of the cake into a real picture. A snow-covered branch of mountain ash with bullfinches sitting on it will look bright and festive. The materials are the same - icing and mastic, and you can use real currants to create a bunch of mountain ash.

Do you want to decorate the cake with voluminous figurines? No problem. Even an inexperienced "sculptor" can mold a whole family of snowmen or a kind of penguins out of mastic. If you place them among Christmas trees made of chocolate or mastic, you get an excellent New Year's story. Well, culinary specialists with obvious inclinations for artistic art can also stick on more complex figures, for example: white bears from cartoons or a whole zoo of animals rolling down an ice slide.

The cake will also be interesting, the surface of which is presented in the form of an ice-covered pond (bluish icing) on ​​which funny characters, made again from chocolate or mastic, ride. The edges of the cake can be made in the form snowdrifts whipped cream or cream.

Do not forget that the cake does not have to be round or square. A dessert in the form of a Christmas tree will look great on the table. At the same time, the upper part can be laid out from pieces of kiwi, sprinkling the “branches” with powdered sugar or spreading snow from the cream on them.

You can use other forms: a bottle of champagne, a bag with gifts, a cornucopia, and finally, just a Christmas ball. Fantasy is not limited here. So keep it up!

Happy New Year and… bon appetit!

Video "Decoration of the New Year's Cake"

On the eve of the New Year, each housewife thinks over various treats for the table. Baking is no exception. Only here's how to decorate a New Year's cake so that it creates festive mood, and the treat looked appetizing, not every hostess knows, because sometimes there is simply not enough experience.

Topic Tips

Many people love it when the decoration of the New Year's cake meets the winter theme. If we touch on our traditions, then, as a rule, this is the Snow Maiden with Grandfather Frost and a team of deer, as well as snowmen, Christmas trees and other New Year symbols.

But it should be noted that, according to ancient customs that originated a very long time ago, each year has its own patron, who should take over on December 31st. As a result, 2017 marked the year Fiery Cockerel.

Many experts in their practice share their advice, as well as tell the secrets and nuances in this skill. For example, in their opinion, you should not copy store-bought New Year's cakes that are found on the shelves. It is better to do everything in your own way, while showing your own imagination.

In order to understand how to decorate a cake for the New Year, you need to understand that this process should not be made too laborious. That is, you can come up with something very simple and place it in the middle of the treat.

How to decorate a New Year's cake so as not to spoil it, but on the contrary, so that the work looks at the highest level, many people are interested. Therefore, first you need to practice in advance in blanks or selected jewelry. If you have no experience with food coloring, do not be upset, replace them with natural products such as nuts, candied fruit jujube, chocolate and so on.

Mastic and its products

It is not uncommon to use mastic decorations that can be made in advance. Such a design is on the shoulder even for beginners in the confectionery business. After all, this material is universal and will help every hostess to decorate her cake attractively and appetizingly.

The process of making various figures and elements from mastic resembles modeling from plasticine. This mass is pleasant to the hands and easily corrected if something went wrong. Cake decorations for the New Year are often made from marzipan. This mixture is ground (in flour) almonds, powdered sugar and syrup. It is easy to make figurines, animals and other decorative details from such material.

Chocolate and chocolate decorations

To date, many are attracted by such a product as chocolate. Jewelry from this product are among the most popular and beloved. For work, parchment, foil and chocolate are mainly used. And you can take this product different colors and shades, and there already select according to your taste and disposition.

Many housewives love various inscriptions on cakes. In this connection, decorative glaze is just the right material for this work. Such ideas will always be relevant. For convenience, pastry bags or syringes are usually used. In the manufacture of the inscription, the contrast in color paints should be taken into account. Then the product will look much more attractive and appetizing. After all, it is known that at first a person evaluates everything with a glance, and then with taste.

Finished cake decorations

If there is not enough time at all or it is not possible to do something on your own, ready-made jewelry will always come to the rescue. They can be made from sugar, wafers, mastic and other materials. food production. A wide range of beads, balls, roses, leaves and other figurines will satisfy the taste of everyone, because at the moment they exist huge variety. When decorating a cake, it is better to choose any one decoration technique. As a rule, such treats look much more attractive.

Idea for experienced confectioners and not only

For those with little experience confectionery production You can offer some of the simplest options for decorating a cake. To begin with, you can prepare the mastic, especially since you can do this in advance and put it in the refrigerator in plastic bag so that it doesn't dry out.

After that, you can prepare some chocolate decor. First, prepare a sheet of parchment paper and a pastry bag, or better a syringe. The fact is that the chocolate will pour hot and sometimes you can burn your hands when using a pastry bag. Therefore, a syringe is better.

Next, chocolate is melted in a water bath in a deep container, collected in cream injector and on parchment paper you can draw openwork patterns of various origins. Of course, those who draw well can draw a team of deer led by Grandfather Frost. For those people who find it difficult to depict such drawings, you can limit yourself simple Christmas trees, snowflakes (preferably white chocolate), as well as other elements of New Year's decor.

After that, the patterns freeze on parchment paper. They are carefully removed and decorated with a New Year's cake. You can also make mushroom caps with this chocolate. The legs are made of mastic, they will be white, and the hats will be brown.

For those who cannot afford such a process, they can limit themselves to the simplest option. For example, decoration only from mastic. To do this, the cake prepared for decoration is covered with a sheet of rolled mastic. They cut off the excess along the edges, thereby giving a shape, and after that they proceed to the design.

Ordinary mastic has White color, but it is well dyed with food coloring. In order not to buy a lot of paint, buy at least red. Then paint some of the mastic red. Roll out a thin layer and cut out two wide strips, which you place crosswise on the cake. After that, in the place where these stripes intersect, you will need to form a bow. Work as if the fabric is at hand. Make it next to you first, if it doesn’t work out, practice, as this is one of the easiest elements, even beginners can make such decoration. After the bow has turned out, plant it at the intersection of the red ribbons and additionally decorate with golden sugar beads.

Who can make Christmas trees and mushroom caps spilled in advance from chocolate? forest glade. To do this, the cake is covered with a sheet of thinly rolled white mastic. Christmas trees of different sizes are attached along the edges of the sides, and mushrooms are attached in the middle in two or three pieces. After that, the cake can be decorated with silver beads, as if it were snow.

A very beautifully decorated cake looks from multi-colored snowflakes. On a white mastic background, you need to attach red, white and silver snowflakes diagonally, which are sprinkled with multi-colored glaze beads. It is necessary to stretch a red ribbon of colored glaze along the lower contour of the board. This is done for contrast. Such a New Year's cake will definitely become a decoration of the festive table.

Doing with children

Decorating cakes is always entertaining, but children can also be involved in such work. After making the mastic, you can apply various templates made of paper. Children love this process. And it is not necessary to make the background of the cake white. You can pour the base with chocolate icing and, after it hardens, put on top, for example, a team of deer led by Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden.

You can decorate cakes in many ways, using a lot of ideas that will embody your creative process into real pleasure. Moreover, it is not necessary to resort to a laborious design process. Sometimes the most simple ideas can portray real masterpiece. Happy New Year!

Festive dishes want to cook not only tasty, but also beautiful. Special attention we devote to desserts and cakes, trying to create a real confectionery masterpiece. This is true in 2019, as the hostess of the year, the Yellow Earth Pig, is an incredible aesthete. So, cake decorations: how to decorate in an original way New Year's baking to surprise everyone at the festive table?

Preparatory stage

There are quite simple options decorations for which you will need: chocolate, nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruits, marmalade, ready-made figurines from the store. If you plan to work on the decoration yourself, you will need: sugar, food coloring, confectionery powders, molds for creating figures.

Of the tools, a confectionery syringe will be relevant if you decide to make inscriptions and patterns using cream. Cream decoration provides for the presence of all necessary components for cooking. Most often it is: milk, chocolate, cream, butter, eggs, condensed milk.

The most beautiful Christmas cake decorations

Let's start creative experiments at home with cream jewelry. Only a few types are used to decorate cakes. cream masses:

  • oil;
  • creamy;
  • protein.

Butter cream

Butter cream can be varied by adding cocoa or food coloring. It's very easy to prepare.


  • oil, fat content not less than 82%;
  • sugar;
  • liquid food coloring.


  1. Mix the three components and beat with a blender.
  2. IN oil cream can add boiled condensed milk, which will provide a density of consistency and give a pleasant taste.

Protein cream


  • 6 spoons of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a slice of lemon or a pinch of citric acid;
  • colors and flavors as desired.


  1. We will need ¼ cup of water and sugar to make the syrup. We put the liquid on the fire and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Put the whites in a bowl and beat with a mixer. To make it thick white foam, add a few drops of lemon juice or throw a pinch of citric acid.
  3. Continue beating while gradually adding the sugar syrup. Beat for a couple more minutes and at this point you can add dyes and flavors.
  4. If you are worried about the density, during cooking protein cream add agar agar.

Butter cream

Butter cream is prepared according to the same principle as butter cream.


  • cream with a fat content of at least 32%;
  • powdered sugar;
  • liquid food coloring;
  • flavoring.


  1. Before whipping ingredients experienced chefs it is recommended to cool the container in which you will make the cream, and the cream itself.
  2. Whisk all chilled ingredients until stiff.
  3. If you're worried about thickness, purchase a special thickener for buttercream ahead of time. You can also use additives in the form of dyes and flavors.
  4. It is necessary to apply the cream on the surface of the cake with a culinary syringe.
  5. With the help of different attachments you can create floral and geometric patterns, as well as whimsical lines.

Cakes decorated with mastic are very popular. You can make marshmallow or sugar mastic, or buy ready-made decorations at a candy store or supermarket. Mastic expands the horizons, because it helps to create voluminous, beautiful and, most importantly, edible “objects”.

Video recipe

sugar mastic


  • 80 ml of water;
  • 20 g of oil;
  • 7 g gelatin;
  • 2 tablespoons of glucose;
  • 1 kg of powdered sugar.


  1. We brew gelatin warm water and stir until completely dissolved. If necessary, a dye is introduced at this stage.
  2. Add glucose and oil to gelatin, mix and cool.
  3. It's time to add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly so that it is completely absorbed into the mastic.

Marshmallow mastic


  • packaging of chewing marshmallows;
  • powdered sugar;
  • butter.


  1. We heat the marshmallow with a piece of butter in the microwave until it becomes twice as large. A water bath can also be used for heating.
  2. Add to marshmallow necessary dye, powder and knead until a plasticine consistency is obtained.

Marshmallow mastic not only covers cakes, but also creates original figurines.


Another option for creating culinary decor is meringues. You can buy ready-made or make your own.


  • 5 eggs;
  • food coloring;
  • 250 g sugar.


  1. Cool the eggs, separate the whites and pour into a mixer.
  2. Add sugar or powder in the ratio: 1 part of proteins - 2 parts of sugar. We introduce gradually, without ceasing to beat the proteins.
  3. After all the sugar has been added, beat for about 8 more minutes. It may take longer due to the power of the mixer, so focus on the final result: protein mass should be tight.
  4. If you want to get colored meringues, color half the mass in the desired color.
  5. We put our whipped proteins in a pastry bag. If there are colored meringues, place the white mass on one side of the bag, and the colored mass on the other.
  6. We take a baking sheet, cover it with baking paper, squeeze the meringue out of the bag. The oven must be preheated to 90 degrees. Bake for about 2 hours.

If you want the symbol of 2019 to be pleasantly surprised by your culinary experiments, create an unusual decoration using chocolate icing.

Dark chocolate icing

Chocolate decorations and chocolates very popular. Pour the finished cake with white or dark chocolate icing, then place a lot of chocolate treats. It could be a random combination of candies different shapes, pieces of chocolate, tubes, dragees and bars.

Decorations made from candied berries - cherries or cranberries - are also appropriate. On a white chocolate base, the berries look especially beautiful and will create christmas decor. And on the basis of dark chocolate, pink figurines of pigs made of mastic look great.


  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 75 ml of milk.


  1. Melt chocolate in milk.
  2. It is best to do this in a water bath.

white icing

The principle of preparation is the same as in previous recipe.


  • 100 g of white chocolate;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 50 ml milk.


Put the container in a water bath and melt the white chocolate in milk, add powdered sugar and mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

If you want to create chocolate figurines, stock up on stencils and molds. For beginner cooks, a mold is best suited where you can pour chocolate mass and send it to the refrigerator. Molds in the form of snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen and, of course, piglets are very appropriate as a New Year's cake decoration.


Caramel is perfect for decoration holiday baking.


  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 5 drops of vinegar essence;
  • 150 ml of water.

How to cook:

  1. Mix sugar with water and put on a slow fire, stirring constantly with a spoon.
  2. You can make caramel figurines using potato clichés. To do this, take half a potato and cut out the desired shape inside.
  3. Dip the cliche in the still-hot caramel and place on an oiled plate. Caramel will stick to the surface of the plate, but will retain the desired shape.
  4. Until the figure is frozen, finalize it.

Step-by-step recipes for New Year's cakes

New Year's celebration implies a special menu for the holiday. Desserts should also be special. I made a selection of delicious cakes for the New Year 2019 that you can cook for your household and guests.


Cake with a juicy name combines the tenderness of puff pastry and flavor wild berries so everyone will love it.


  • 360 g of condensed milk;
  • 320 ml cream with a fat content of 33%;
  • 410 g frozen blueberries;
  • 360 g of frozen raspberries;
  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 400 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 spoon of vinegar;
  • ½ table salt;
  • 175 ml cold water.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Egg mix with vinegar and salt, pour in water, mix and send to the refrigerator.
  2. Add the frozen grated butter to the flour. We mix, form a slide and make a recess in it.
  3. Take the egg mixture out of the fridge and add it to the batter. Mix thoroughly. We put the formed dough in a bag, send it to the refrigerator for several hours.
  4. Preheat the oven to 185 degrees.
  5. We take out the dough, divide into parts for cakes. We roll out each cake so that its thickness does not exceed 2 mm. You should get 5-6 cakes. Each bake for about 10 minutes.
  6. Whip the cream, gradually add condensed milk.
  7. Put on a dish and coat with cream, spread a layer of berries. We repeat the action from the beginning: cake-cream-berries.
  8. Berries can be laid out both mixed up and alternating layer by layer.
  9. We coat the top cake with cream, put it in the refrigerator.
  10. Garnish with berries and mint leaves before serving.


We fully justify our name, and will ideal option for the New Year's table.



  1. We heat the oven to 185 degrees.
  2. Beat eggs for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add baking powder to flour.
  4. We put 110 g in a saucepan butter and put on a small fire so that the butter melts a little.
  5. Pour the oil into the flour, stirring gradually. Add eggs and mix thoroughly.
  6. We divide the dough into three parts: we fall asleep to one pink dye, to the second - cocoa, the third remains without additives.
  7. We cover the baking dish with paper, put the chocolate mass into it and put it in the oven for 15 minutes. Then we bake a pink cake, and after that - a cake without additives.
  8. Mix 100 g of melted butter with cream cheese and beat for about 10 minutes, add powdered sugar and continue to beat for about 7 minutes. As a result, we should get an air mass.
  9. We place the chocolate cake on the dish, grease with cream and cover with a pink cake. Again we coat thoroughly with cream and lay out the cake without additives.
  10. Grease the top of the cake and the sides butter cream and decorate the cake with strawberries. It is best to cut them into slices.
  11. We put in the refrigerator for 4 hours. This dessert will decorate any table.


Better than chocolate, only the Megachocolate cake will be, in which there is simultaneously the taste of black, milk and white chocolate in combination with Amaretto liqueur and the most delicate cream. I am sure that this cake will be a New Year's hit and will win the hearts of the sweet tooth.

For the biscuit:

  • 200 g of sugar;
  • ¾ st. flour;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • ¼ st. starch.

For the base:

  • 210 g milk chocolate;
  • 210 g dark chocolate;
  • 210 g of white chocolate;
  • 1 gelatin plate;
  • 6 yolks;
  • 65 g butter;
  • 455 g heavy cream;
  • 25 g of pine nuts;
  • 25 g walnuts;
  • 25 g cocoa;
  • 1 bottle of whipped cream;
  • 55 ml Amaretto liqueur.


  1. Separate the yolks from the whites. We put the proteins in the refrigerator, and grind the yolks with sugar until smooth.
  2. Pour flour and starch to the yolks, knead quickly to avoid lumps.
  3. Salt the chilled proteins, beat until high foam, introduce the mass into the dough gradually.
  4. We lay out the form with parchment, coat with oil. We heat the oven to 185 degrees. We spread the dough in a mold, level the top and set to bake for 40 minutes. After 20 minutes, turn off the oven and leave the biscuit in it. You can use the biscuit for the cake only 3 hours after baking.
  5. We grind the cake on a grater, roll the nuts with a rolling pin, mix the biscuit and nut mass in a bowl, add liquor and cocoa to it.
  6. We coat the form with oil, spread the parchment, spread the biscuit-nut mass.
  7. Divide the gelatin plate into 3 parts and soak for 10 minutes.
  8. We crush dark chocolate, 2 tsp. leave for powder, put the rest in a water bath, add 2 yolks, ⅓ part of the oil, ⅓ gelatin. As soon as the mass reaches uniformity, let it cool slightly.
  9. Whip the cream and pour into the chocolate mixture.
  10. Repeat the previous procedure for milk and white chocolate, allowing the blanks to cool slightly.
  11. Spread on biscuit base milk chocolate mass and put in the refrigerator for 25 minutes. After that, lay out the white chocolate mixture and put it again in the refrigerator for 25 minutes. We do the same with dark chocolate.

Decorate with whipped cream before serving chocolate chips.

Video recipe

Cake without baking "Christmas mood"

IN new year holidays want something special, so take on board a few new recipes. Cakes without baking remain relevant for several years. Perhaps I'll start with them.


  • 1 biscuit;
  • 400 g of yogurt;
  • 12 g gelatin;
  • 1 orange;
  • 2 tangerines;
  • 50 g canned pineapple;
  • 1 banana.


  1. We take finished biscuit or bake it in advance for our cake. We cut into cubes.
  2. Gelatin pour 3 tablespoons warm water, mix yogurt with powdered sugar.
  3. Cut the orange and banana into slices, pineapple into slices, divide the tangerine into slices.
  4. We cover the detachable form with a film, lay out the biscuit and fruit beautifully, but leave some of these components for the second layer. We recommend placing orange circles on the sides of the molds.
  5. Pour gelatin into yogurt, mix thoroughly; pour half of the mass into the mold. Again lay out a layer of fruit and biscuit cubes and pour the remaining yogurt.
  6. Put in the refrigerator until the cake hardens.
  7. Flip over flat dish, remove the film and decorate with chocolate Christmas trees. You can use other Christmas decorations for this delicious cake.

On New Year's table will be appropriate, since its taste and external design fully correspond to the winter celebration.


  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 10 g of gelatin;
  • ⅔ cup milk or plain water;
  • 250 g of cookies (it is better to take shortbread);
  • 100 g of oil;
  • 100 g currant or cherry jam with whole berries.


  1. Grind cookies into crumbs, add melted butter, mix.
  2. We cover the bottom of the mold with paper, put our base for the future cake into it, and tamp it tightly.
  3. Dilute gelatin in 2/3 cup of warm water, leave for 10 minutes. Stir until the gelatin becomes homogeneous and without lumps.
  4. Mix cottage cheese with condensed milk, add gelatin, beat.
  5. We spread the curd mass in a mold, cover cling film and put it in the fridge for a few hours.
  6. Before serving, divide into portions, and pour each piece with jam and decorate with a mint leaf.

Quick chocolate cake with cream and cherries

For the crust:

  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • vanilla.

For cream:

  • 400 ml cream;
  • ⅔ st. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. pitted cherries.


  1. Mix cocoa, baking soda, flour and baking powder in a large bowl.
  2. Separately, in a bowl, beat the butter and sugar. Add eggs and beat until smooth.
  3. Add vinegar to the milk, which will allow it to ferment.
  4. It's time to mix all three blanks in one bowl. Mix thoroughly and beat with a mixer. So we get chocolate dough. Pour it into a baking dish. Pre-fill the bottom of the form parchment paper and grease the sides with oil.
  5. We send the future cake to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. We check the readiness of the cake with a toothpick in the thickest place: if the dough does not stick and does not stretch, you can turn it off.
  6. Meanwhile, prepare the cream: pit the cherries, beat the cream with powdered sugar for 3 minutes at low speed.
  7. Divide the finished cake into two parts, coat each with cream and sprinkle with berries. Bottom cake cover with cream more thoroughly.
  8. You can decorate the cake with grated chocolate.

If you want to surprise your guests not only palatability cake, but also its appearance, you can use the latest trends in cake decoration.

  • "Rustic" or "naked" cake. The point is not to cover the sides and top with cream. Instead, decorate pastries with what nature has given: berries and fruits, leaves and fresh flowers.
  • Rainbow. All cakes must be a different color. The top can be decorated with white cream or continue the rainbow design trend. To do this, use multi-colored mastic or dragee.
  • Color transitions. You can choose 1-2 colors using all sorts of shades. As a result, you will get a confectionery ombre.
  • Decoration with quilling. This technique has passed from needlework to cooking, only in this case, patterns from mastic are used. These cakes look amazing.

The original appearance of the cake will cheer up guests and turn regular dessert into a small New Year's miracle. Home cake will allow the hostess to demonstrate her culinary skills and the ability to decorate the dish beautifully.

Various figurines, chocolate and mastic products, cakes unusual shape- any pastry can become a masterpiece.

Features and rules for decorating cakes for the New Year

Making a dessert for the new year is different from conventional cooking- after all, on this day, in addition to sweets, you need to cook a large number of salads, snacks and hot dishes. Lack of experience also affects - after all, cakes with a New Year theme have to be prepared only once a year.

Cake decoration features:

  • No need to make the decorations on the cake too fat - on holiday table and without this, there are enough products that are heavy for the stomach;
  • You need to practice in advance in creating jewelry. On December 31, there will be enough worries, and it will be hard to learn something new in the pre-holiday turmoil.

Cake decorating rules:

  • Do not abuse artificial dyes especially if there are small children among the guests. A beautiful color can be given to the product with the help of berry juice;
  • When decorating a cake, do not overdo it with its design - the product must be stable, and the decorations must hold securely on it;
  • Do not aim to make an exact copy of the cake from the picture - often the most beautiful jewelry are self-created when inspired during the manufacturing process.

In case of unsuccessful design attempts, there is no need to panic - the error can always be corrected or hidden by adding new decorations to the confectionery.

How to decorate a cake for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

Design methods finished cake plenty, but we must not forget that the year of the rooster is coming, and he has his own preferences. Favorite treat rooster is seeds, nuts and popcorn. If all this is not planned in decorating the cake, then the cake itself can be cereal or nutty.

Cake decorating options:

  • Marzipan figurines.

This year, the figurine of a rooster on the finished product is relevant. The bird can be easily sculpted due to the simple shape of its body.

To sculpt a rooster, you will need marzipan - plastic almond paste (preferably several colors) and plasticine handling skills. Ready-made marzipan can be bought at the store by choosing the right colors for your cockerel.

First, we form the body in the form of a droplet, then we make the head out of the ball. We create wings and tail from marzipan cakes, cut feathers with a knife. From red marzipan, add a scallop, beak and beard to the head. Draw the eyes with black dye.

You can add a hen and several chickens to the rooster.

  • Chocolate decorations.

Chocolate for decoration is melted and poured into a pastry bag. With such chocolate, you can draw openwork snowflakes, Christmas trees, snow drifts. Figurines can be placed vertically in the cake - such decoration will be very elegant.

When cutting the cake, the figures will be damaged, so it is better to decorate the cake in cut form. Or group jewelry so that they do not fall under the cut line. White chocolate will allow you to create real "snow", and beautiful spruce trees will turn out from the dark.

  • Sugar elements.

This method is suitable for beginners who are not sure that they can make jewelry on their own. In pastry shops big choice ready-made sweet figures: these are shiny beads, snowflakes, stars, leaves. From this set, you can lay out a picture or decorate the edges of the cake.

  • Fruit decor.

A fruit decoration will be more useful than a sweet design. You can build a Christmas tree from green kiwi pulp and add toy berries to it. Or cut different shapes from fruits and lay them on the surface of the cake. Also, bright berries will perfectly decorate the New Year's dessert.

  • Decoration with powdered sugar.

Having cut out stencils of images from paper, you can put them on the cake and sprinkle the rest of the surface thickly with powdered sugar. With its help, you can draw whole pictures on a confectionery product.

Some jewelry options can be combined with each other, others look better without unnecessary elements. Before you start designing a product, you need to decide on the design and stick to it.

Ways to decorate a New Year's cake with mastic and recipes for its preparation

Mastic is a sweet and very plastic material that can beautifully cover the cake. Various figurines are also made from mastic. Dyes will allow you to decorate the mastic and add brightness to the finished product.

You can buy a ready-made mass, but the most delicious sugar paste is obtained by home-made.

Marshmallow mastic

Marshmallow mastic is quickly prepared and easy to use: it is evenly colored, easily rolled out and takes any shape.

  • Marshmallow (marshmallow) - 100 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • Water - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.

marshmallow cut in small pieces, fill with water and put in a water bath. When the marshmallows begin to dissolve, you need to add oil to the pan. After the marshmallow becomes a homogeneous mass, it's time to remove it from the stove.

Now you need to add powdered sugar and mix the mass without stopping.

If the spoon starts to get stuck, stir the mass with your hands.

The mastic should feel like elastic dough to the touch, it will be ready when it stops sticking to your hands.

Gelatin-based mastic

It is very convenient to sculpt figurines and decorations from this mastic.

For cooking you will need:

  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Powdered sugar - 500 g.

Gelatin is soaked in water for 20 minutes, and then heated over low heat until completely dissolved. The mass must be stirred and not allowed to boil.

Pour half of the powdered sugar on the table and form a hill with a recess from it. Pour lemon juice with gelatin into it and knead the mastic, gradually adding the remaining powder. You need to stir until smooth, then wrap the mass with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a short while.

Milk mastic

This is a universal mastic - it is convenient to create both decorations and a cake coating from it.

To prepare the mastic you will need:

  • Powdered milk - 180 g;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can;
  • Powdered sugar - 180 g;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Powdered sugar is combined with milk powder, lemon juice is added and everything is mixed. Now gradually add condensed milk and stir the mass until a dense state. If the mastic crumbles, you need to add a little more lemon juice.

Ways to decorate a New Year's cake with mastic

  • Covering cakes.

With the help of mastic, a smooth coating of the top of the product and its sides is created. To cover with mastic, the surface of the cake must be leveled - there should be no bumps or pits.

When preparing the mastic for coating, it must be rolled out to a thickness of 5 mm. Cover the product with mastic carefully, smoothing out all the folds and cutting off the excess with a knife. If the mastic is not applied very beautifully, you can hide the flaws by decorating - figurines, icing or cream inscriptions will do

  • Stucco compositions.

Figurines are made from mastic of varying complexity. For their manufacture, you can buy ready-made stamps - mastic is applied to them, and then the figure is squeezed out of the mold. The figurines are also molded by hand - the consistency of the mastic resembles plasticine, so even children can cope with modeling.

Rules for working with mastic:

  • So that the mastic does not stick to the table, it must be sprinkled with starch;
  • Keep the mastic in an airtight closed container so that neither air nor water violates the consistency of the mass;
  • Already finished goods from mastic can be lubricated with a solution of vodka and honey (1: 1). The smell of vodka from the product will disappear, and the figures and glaze will acquire a mirror shine;
  • To get from mastic bright color, during the preparation of the mixture, you can add coloring juice: beetroot, blueberry, cherry;
  • When adding dyes to the mastic, the mass must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a uniform color.

Ideas for decorating a New Year's cake

In the new year, magic surrounds us everywhere. You can even create it yourself using an unusual cake.

Original ideas for decorating a cake in 2017:

  • Glowing house.

Making and glazing a biscuit house will take a lot of time, but the effect of such a cake will be considerable. The LED is placed inside the house, and the cake itself is served in a room with subdued lighting. Thanks to the light in the windows, the house immediately comes to life, and the cake itself is remembered for a long time.

  • Volumetric figure.

By using a large number mastics regular biscuit can be issued as a symbol of the new year 2017 or a large Christmas tree toy.

  • Waffle treat for kids.

If a separate birthday cake, then it can be simply and tasty to decorate waffle sticks. Kids will love it beautiful view crunchy treats.

When serving dessert, instead of ordinary candles, you can buy sparklers - then the impressions of the unusual appearance products will be even stronger.


When decorating a cake, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • It is necessary to think in advance about the design of the cake and the products necessary for its manufacture;
  • With no decoration experience confectionery, you should practice and master all the nuances before the new year;
  • All products must be fresh, if possible, use more natural ingredients- fruits, berries, nuts;
  • When decorating a cake, manage to stop in time - a big pile various decorations may look messy.

Unusual and beautifully decorated cake will become the best gift for the whole family.

New Year's Eve is a holiday with lots of food and drink. Everyone is trying to decorate the room and treats, so the question of how to decorate a New Year's cake is a popular and often requested one.

The cake is the final stage of the holiday and the impression of the holiday will depend on its taste and design.

Each hostess, if desired, bake sweet dessert, must calculate her abilities and decorate the cake in such a way that it does not take away all her strength.

Types of holiday cake decor

A delicious dessert can be decorated in various ways, you need to focus on the complexity of using the decor, the cost of the products used and the qualifications of the hostess.

Snowman cake

Such a dessert in the shape of a Snowman is a great idea for a New Year's celebration. This design will appeal to children, and besides this, many adults will also be delighted. There are several options for such a design:

Cake with reindeers and Santa Claus

New Year's desserts can be decorated with New Year's characters. Cake with Santa Claus and reindeer will amaze any guest or household. The base and cream of the sweet dessert can be anything. Even the top of the cake can be decorated to your liking. Santa and Reindeer figurines can also be bought ready-made or ordered online. And if you have time, desire and inspiration, you can make them yourself with the help of master classes.

Cake decoration according to the symbol of the year

Cake decorations for the new year are often made based on the symbol of the coming year.

The symbol of 2018 is the dog, so figurines depicting an animal will look perfect on dessert. Such figures can be made from marzipan. Marzipan can be made from almonds yourself, or you can buy ready-made pasta, or ready-made almonds.

What do we have to do:

  • Marzipan needs to be kneaded by hand. Marzipan in consistency resembles plasticine, so if, it turns out, you work with plasticine, then there will be no problems with marzipan;
  • Marzipan must be divided into parts from which you need to make the body, head, tail, paws. To make it easier to work, you can look at the technique of making an animal figure on the Internet. Mouth, eyes are painted with food coloring;

Christmas tree cake

Dessert in the form of a Christmas tree will always look beautiful. Such a decoration will appeal to children and will be welcome on any holiday table, even in the company of adults. To make such a cake, the cakes need to be baked in the form of a Christmas tree or cut out according to a stencil from already baked cakes. It will be possible to decorate such a cake with cream with green dye, with the help of other colors you can draw toys. In addition to the cream, you can use green coconut flakes.

Decoration with chocolate figurines

Chocolate decorations are a classic loved by everyone. Chocolate figurines can be an addition to marzipan, mastic, and coconut flakes, and the combination with whipped cream can be considered just perfect. Chocolate can be melted with a pastry bag, and then made chocolate trees on paper. After drawing on paper, the figures are sent to the refrigerator to solidify. After the figures come off the paper. If there is no self-confidence, or there is simply not enough time for such decor, you can buy ready-made chocolate decorations.

fruit decoration

Fruit is the best end to any meal. Fruits will not overload the dessert, make it lighter and brighter. Fruits can be taken both fresh and canned. And the presence of a large number of flowers will make the dessert bright and will not require extra decorations.

The cake can be decorated with whipped cream. Make small snowman heads. You can make snowman hats out of strawberries.

Another option on how to decorate a cake for the new year is to put all the fruits and pour jelly. Jelly will betray a seductive shine to fruits and will not let them get windy.


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