
What is the difference between pancake flour and regular flour? How is pancake flour different from regular flour? Use in cooking

Properties of pancake flour

Pancakes are considered an indispensable attribute of the Russian national culinary tradition. Since ancient times, such a dish as pancakes has been customary to cook both on special occasions and holidays, and used in the daily diet. We think that many domestic housewives traditionally bake pancakes for Maslenitsa, which are also an ancient Russian symbol of the sun.

In cooking, pancakes are understood as a food product that is made from batter, which is placed in a frying pan and fried. As mentioned earlier, the correct rounded shape of pancakes is not accidental and symbolizes the heavenly body, which our ancestors worshiped. But indeed, the shape and color of pancakes resembles the sun.

Pancakes are served to the table as an independent dish. In addition, pancakes are stuffed with various fillings, and the product is also used as a filling in the preparation of stuffed fish, as well as poultry. Researchers argue that pancakes can be easily attributed to one of the most ancient culinary products that people began to cook in the prehistoric period of the development of human civilization.

In the national culinary traditions of many nations, you can easily find recipes for different types of pancakes. For example, in France, thin pancakes are especially popular, which are fried, as a rule, only on one side and stuffed with both sweet and meat or fish fillings. Pancakes are baked in Europe, as well as in Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Usually, for stuffing pancakes, such types of fillings are used as: minced meat or fish, as well as vegetables, fish caviar, mushrooms, chicken eggs, cheese, fruits, berries, condensed milk, honey, chocolate, caramel, sour cream, and so on. For baking pancakes, they use both homemade batter and ready-made dry mix or the so-called pancake flour.

Composition of pancake flour

Pancake flour is a ready-made culinary mixture that is used to make pancakes. The composition of pancake flour includes almost the same ingredients that housewives use to make batter. However, in the composition of pancake flour, egg powder is used instead of fresh chicken eggs. In addition, in addition to wheat flour and egg powder, salt, sugar, baker's defect and whey powder are added to pancake flour.

In order to end up with delicious pancakes from pancake flour, manufacturers of ready-made culinary mixtures use high-quality wheat flour, and always whole-ground. It is believed that ordinary refined wheat flour of the highest grade does not give such excellent results. The use of pancake flour significantly reduces the hostess' time spent on making pancakes.

Calorie Pancake flour 336 kcal.

Energy value of the product Pancake flour (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

10.1 g.

Hi all.

Many of us love pancakes and there are many recipes for making this wonderful dish. I myself love pancakes on kefir, I love thin yeast pancakes, but there is often no time to bother with preparing the dough.

Having tasted pancakes "in a hurry" from pancake flour "Every day", I was pleasantly surprised, the taste of the pancakes was exactly the way I like it. I'm not a fan of sweetish pancakes, I like the "kefir" flavor of pancakes more.

Once in our local Atak (the younger brother of the Auchan hypermarket chain), I immediately purchased two packs of flour at an attractive price of 26 rubles.

Volume of 1 pack - 300g

All useful information is located on the package:

The design, like that of the other products of the Every Day brand, is laconic and restrained.

Expiration date - 6 months at observance of terms of storage.

In appearance, pancake flour is slightly different from ordinary flour, the color is not as snow-white as that of ordinary flour, but still slightly grayish, and there is a subtle smell of soda.


Baking wheat flour of the highest grade, whole milk powder, granulated sugar (powdered sugar), baking powder: soda, table salt, acidity regulator: citric acid, egg powder.

As you can see, there is nothing "criminal" or chemical in the composition.

Cooking method tritely simple:

Add warm water (500 ml) and stir until smooth (no lumps)

And so we pour the flour into a container:

Add 500 ml of water. I add a little kefir to the water (you can replace it with milk) and a little sunflower oil.


Voila, 3 minutes and our pancake batter is ready. If the dough is too thick, you can increase the amount of water a little, then the pancakes will turn out thinner.

Let's start frying pancakes. It is worth noting that the dough does not stick, does not roll, and turning pancakes is not difficult. At the same time, the pancake does not break, in general, as it should be

Lubricate each pancake with oil and you can serve:

Here are such beautiful, sunny pancakes I got:

Summing up, I can say that from the prepared dough I got 8 full-fledged pancakes. Delicious and beautiful, thin, and most importantly, the cooking time is minimized.

Therefore, I answer my own question: Can pancakes be tasty for 26 rubles? Quite!

You may also be interested in reading my review of unusual Philadelphia roll flavored chips

Bon appetit!

Pancake flour can be found in any large store, however, not every cook uses it in the kitchen. What kind of product is this and how does special flour for pancakes differ from ordinary flour - let's try to figure it out.

? 6 differences between pancake flour and regular flour

  1. It contains all the ingredients for making pancakes: wheat flour, salt and sugar, soda, egg powder, whey powder.
  2. The cost is significantly higher.
  3. It has a lower calorie content (336 kcal versus 364 kcal).
  4. Cooking from it is much easier and faster, since the mixture only needs to be diluted with water or milk.
  5. Not universal.
  6. Short shelf life, 6-12 months.

You can determine the quality of the product by taste. If the expiration date expires, it will be slightly bitter.

Contrary to popular belief, pancakes made from a special mixture of useful substances are no less. The taste of the dishes is the same.

What are the similarities between pancake flour and plain flour?

  • You can knead the dough not only for pancakes, but also for other pastries. Before use, you need to carefully study the composition of the product and adjust the amount of ingredients.
  • The structure of the products is almost the same. It takes the same amount of force to dissolve it in a liquid.
  • Both types need to be sieved so that the dishes are airy.

Despite the fact that the pancake mixture is more expensive, the cost of cooking when using it remains lower (the baker does not have to buy more eggs, sugar and milk, which will significantly reduce the price).

Is it possible to cook pancakes on ordinary flour

It is most customary to cook from wheat flour, as our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. This process may take longer, but it is still better and calmer when you can be sure of the composition of the product.

To the usual one, you only need to add additional ingredients for making pancakes. Simple recipes can be found at this link.

pancake flour- high-calorie and nutritious product. Used to make pancakes. Wheat and soy are produced.

Pancake wheat flour was made from wheat flour of the 1st and 2nd grades with various additions according to five recipes.

Recipe for wheat pancake flour - per 100 kg of flour of 1 or 2 grades (in kg)

The flour should have been white with a yellowish tint for the 1st grade and white with a yellowish-gray tint for the 2nd grade. The taste is slightly sweet without bitter or sour aftertaste; humidity not more than 15%. When chewing flour moistened with water, there should not be a crunch on the teeth. Fineness of grinding flour: for the 1st grade, the residue on the sieve No. 35 is not more than 2%; passage through a sieve No. 43 not less than 75%. For the 2nd grade, the residue on the sieve No. 27 is not more than 2%; passage through a sieve No. 38 not less than 60%. The ash content of flour of the 1st grade is not more than 0.75%, the 2nd grade is not more than 1.25%.

Pancake soy flour It was produced from soy flour and was the main pancake flour. It was compiled according to the following recipe (in%): non-deodorized soy flour 65, potato starch 30, granulated sugar 3, salt 2. It was allowed to replace potato starch with maize starch or wheat flour in a ratio of 1:1. It was also allowed to replace part of the non-deodorized flour with corn flour in the amount of 50%. The flour had to have a color from light yellow to dark cream, smell and taste - characteristic of non-deodorized soy flour, without foreign smells and taste. The rest on a sieve No. 25 no more than 5%. Humidity no more than 13%.

Pancake flour has great nutritional value: soy pancake flour contains up to 27% easily digestible protein and more than 13% fat; calorie content of 100 g is 385 cal.

Pancake flour is packaged in paper bags with a net weight of 0.5-1.0 kg. The packages indicate, in addition to general data, also the recipe, price and method of making pancakes.

For sale in the public catering network, flour was allowed to be packed in four-layer kraft bags weighing no more than 30 kg. Guaranteed storage period: in the autumn-winter period - 4 months, in the spring-summer period - 2 months.

Sampling and analysis of pancake flour was carried out by the methods established in OST VPS 0292. Acceptance, transportation and other general information - see.

How to make pancake dough(from 1 kg of flour). Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add yeast (50-60 g) previously diluted in water, add flour in small portions while stirring and stir it until smooth. The kneaded dough is set in a warm place for 1½-2 hours, until the volume doubles, after which the dough is ready for baking pancakes.

In stores you can buy various types of flour: corn, barley, buckwheat, rice, wheat. The buyer understands that their difference is determined by the type of grain from which the product is prepared. In the case of pancake flour, such a stereotype does not work - after all, pancake flour is prepared not from pancakes, but for pancakes!

How is pancake flour different from regular flour?

Ordinary wheat flour is ground wheat grains. Pancake flour basically contains wheat flour. And besides it - other necessary components for baking pancakes:

  • powdered milk;
  • egg powder;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • baking powder.

Pancake flour should contain only high-quality ingredients that are carefully dosed for the best result.

Manufacturers claim that in terms of chemical composition and benefits, egg powder and milk powder are no different from natural products, but they are stored much longer.

Advantages and disadvantages of pancake flour

It can be difficult for housewives who do not have experience and knowledge to prepare good dough for baking pancakes. Even with a ready-made recipe at hand, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. Using pancake flour will help you bake delicious and fluffy pancakes, because all the necessary ingredients are collected in it in the required proportions. In addition, the time for cooking the dish is reduced - you will not need to measure and mix the ingredients. Pancake flour is indispensable when going to nature or to the country - in the case of its use, there is no need to purchase and care for the storage of eggs, milk and other additives.

Pancake flour is a real lifesaver for busy housewives, because it allows you to significantly save time and effort on cooking homemade cakes.

The only downside is the higher cost of pancake flour compared to regular flour. But if you add to the cost of flour the price of other necessary ingredients for baking pancakes, then the result will be an obvious benefit.

How to make pancakes with pancake flour

Pancake flour makes the fastest pancakes. Indeed, to prepare the dough, in addition to pancake flour, you will need ordinary water at room temperature:

  1. The liquid and the pancake mixture are mixed with a whisk or mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  2. Next, scoop a small amount of the prepared mixture and evenly distribute it over the bottom of the heated pan.
  3. Bake for 1-2 minutes on each side.
  4. Remove the pancake from the pan and, if desired, grease it with oil, sprinkle with sugar, etc.

The manufacturer always indicates the amount of liquid needed on the package.

The recipe for making pancakes from pancake flour is carefully designed and tested by the manufacturer.

Many housewives dilute the pancake mixture not with water, but with milk. In this case, pancakes will turn out even tastier!

How to make pancake flour at home

Pancake flour is easy enough to make at home. For the preparation of the mixture traditionally used baking wheat flour of the highest quality. If desired, it can be combined with buckwheat, corn, barley flour. Thus, the composition is enriched with fiber, vitamins and minerals. For 0.5 kg of flour you will need:

  • 40 g (or 4 tsp) egg powder;
  • 3 art. spoons of powdered milk;
  • 3 art. spoons of sugar;
  • 3 teaspoons of baking powder (you can use regular baking soda);
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

All ingredients are combined, mixed and stored in a tightly closed container.

The best container for storing flour is glass or plastic.

Having ready-made pancake flour in stock, you will very quickly prepare breakfast for your family or present a stack of pancakes to unexpected guests, which can be stuffed at your discretion with cottage cheese, meat, cheese, vegetables or chopped fruit.
