
How to draw pancakes. Openwork pancakes with lace patterns, recipe with photo

Cooking masterpieces can sometimes be created not only in life, but also on paper. Drawing goodies, a person not only relaxes, but also creates something unusual. This curiosity impresses with its uniqueness: on the one hand, it is a beautiful painting, and on the other hand, it is a stunning still life that you want to try. It may seem strange to some people, why is this being done? The answer is very simple: with the approach of the holiday, many are trying to display the symbol of celebration in the picture, which can be used to decorate the walls of a warm and welcoming kitchen.

How to draw pancakes?

Enough a large number of people are interested in how to draw pancakes. This topic is especially relevant during the Maslenitsa period, which in Lately everyone celebrates with great enthusiasm. That is why many needlewomen and creative people want to show their friends, acquaintances and the whole world that they also celebrate and honor this event, that it is also important for them.

There are even special master classes conducted by real professionals. They simply and easily show their guests (students) the technique and explain how to draw pancakes with a pencil.

Features of unique art

In addition to the fact that many creative people love to depict food on paper, children from 1 to 5 years old are also interested in how to draw pancakes. In fact, this is a very entertaining and developing activity that is suitable for every child, regardless of age and gender. Many mothers, in order to teach their little miracle the technique of drawing, use original way. They cook real pancakes and offer their children to try to draw them on paper. Also, the baby can try the treat, decorate it with jam, condensed milk, and so on. This exciting activity develops the child's imagination, including motor skills. In addition, children love to experiment with food and draw, so why not combine everything into one whole?

Being an artist is easy!

A lot of people can't figure out how to draw pancakes on a plate. But in fact, everything is very simple, the main thing is to mentally adhere to the sequence of steps. The result will be a beautiful picture (every person can do it), which you can decorate, add some elements, embodying bold idea. Often children draw pancakes with emoticons, that is, they can be sad, joyful, in general, as the creator wishes.

Drawing technique

It should be noted that before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on how to draw pancakes in stages. So, the first step is to lay out the space on paper. It is necessary to mentally place a plate of pancakes on a sheet and outline some basic strokes with a pencil (to simplify the work and navigate it). Then the artist proceeds to the most important thing - he draws the first pancake, and in this case it simply cannot turn out to be lumpy.

There are times when it becomes unclear how to draw pancakes, depicting a believable stack. To do this, you just need to outline torn and uneven edges, the effect will not be long in coming. Thus, the artist should get a model of pancakes on a plate. The next step is transformation. It is necessary to select each element separately, giving it a unique shape and removing unnecessary lines. This is how you need to make the whole stack of pancakes, paying attention to each. In this case, a plate with goodies will turn out to be appetizing, believable and simply beautiful.

It should be noted that there should be a little chaos on the plate. That is, not all pancakes should lie evenly, beautifully, in one pile. For some, the edges should be slightly bent, others should be ruffled, and still others should be completely rolled up. The artist should not get two identical pancakes, then the picture will look more interesting. At the next stage, you need to take care of the plate - the base that holds all the cooked charm.

Thus, we figured out how to draw pancakes. But in order to make the picture truly unique, so to speak, “with a twist”, we recommend depicting an appetizing strawberry or any other fruit on a stack. It will refresh the drawing and give it originality. Believable, fresh strawberries are perfect with honey or jam. Therefore, pancakes can be poured with jam or other sweetness on top.

Subtleties of processing

To make the drawing attractive and believable, it should be slightly toned (processed). It must be borne in mind that each pancake casts a shadow in a different way, respectively, it also needs to be depicted in a special way. Every detail needs to be carefully thought out, scrolled in your head: what honey looks like when it flows down a stack, how strawberries look, and so on. After that, you can start coloring the picture and surprise others with a unique masterpiece.

How to surprise guests and family on Maslenitsa? New super pancakes? But if you do not want to try new dough recipes (and this is quite logical if the old one is good and reliable), then you can bake pancakes in a new way. with a pattern, openwork decorations. Or just make curly pancakes. By the way, for children it is great option. Moreover, pancakes with patterns are made - it is not at all difficult and they do not require special equipment.

Alexandra Efremenko, the pancake cook of the Teremok restaurant chain, showed us how to cook figured pancakes with openwork decorations.


Two pans for pancakes. Alexandra uses a professional flat crepe maker, which produces very thin identical pancakes. But at home, it will be completely replaced by two frying pans on adjacent burners.

Test bottle. You can wash the ketchup dispenser bottle. Can you take cream injector. The first is more convenient and cheaper.

Blades for flipping pancakes. Since we will have to shift the pancake from one pan to another, it is better to take two spatulas, it will be more convenient to hold the pancakes.

pancake dough

Prepare the dough according to any recipe, only it should be very batter, about like cream, and low-fat. Or like liquid sour cream, even thinner. The dough should flow very easily.

Tricks from a pro

IN pancake dough need to add a little vegetable oil then the pancakes will be easy to flip.

Frying pans should be well heated and oiled. But only in a very thin layer.

Frying pans should be wiped with a paper towel after each pancake so that there is nothing left on them that could burn.

The blades with which you turn the pancakes need to be heated, then they will not cling to the pancakes and spoil them.

Professionals can draw whole pictures in a pan, they use different dough, tinted food coloring. To draw such a picture, you need to have excellent spatial thinking, be able to mentally draw a mirror image, because it turns out that you draw a negative in a pan, and then turn it over and get a positive. And all this is very fast. But this is a professional level. Beginning pancake makers can also draw on pancakes. It's not difficult at all.

You can make pancakes with a pattern in different ways. We show two ways: for pancakes that you later roll up, and an example of how you can make a pattern on the entire pancake, so that later, without folding, put it on a plate.

Option number 1. Pattern

This option is suitable if you intend to roll the pancake into a roll or tube. We begin to turn on the right so that the pattern is on top, it should be on the left side.

We draw any pattern, even curls, even stars. The main thing is to quickly so that it bakes at the same time.

While the pattern is baking, start baking the pancake in another pan. We bake on one side only, when the dough thickens and dries, grease it with oil and turn it over to the other side. So that the unbaked side is on the pattern.

You need to wait until the pancake is cooked (30-60 seconds), meanwhile the pattern will stick to the pancake. And it can be rolled up.

Option number 2. figurine

The technology is exactly the same as in the previous version, only the figure is different. Such a decoration is suitable for a pancake, which we will roll into a square or four times. We also draw a figure on the left, preferably one that can fit into a square, we also bake a pancake on the second side and also turn it over into another pan.

Option number 3. Pancake painting

In this case, the technology is somewhat different. In this way, you can draw whole pictures ... So: draw a pattern in a pan, wait a minute for this pattern to bake. When it dries up on top - fill it with dough and bake a thin pancake.

The pancake itself is lighter than the pattern that was baked earlier, which is why it is visible.

The main thing here is not to overexpose the whole pancake so that it does not burn out, then the pattern will be clearly visible. It is better to spread such pancakes in a slide on a dish, and not roll them with a filling.

Figured pancakes

They no longer need two pans, one is enough. All the same bottle of dough for drawing and all the same batter - in stock? Then everything is ready for drawing.

The technology is simple: draw the outline of the figure with dough, the main elements that should be printed on it, for example, the eye and mouth of a fish, scales, etc. Wait a minute until the dough is baked, then fill the figurine with pancake dough and bake a pancake a little. Bake from now on in the same way as regular pancake: poured, waited until it was baked, turned over, waited again and removed from the stove. That's all. The contour will be baked more, it will turn out darker.

In this photo tutorial, we will show you how to draw pancakes in watercolor step by step. We will not create a complex composition, we will only depict a huge stack of pancakes on a plate. The only addition to the picture will be honey. Let's depict it flowing down a stack of pancakes, write down the depth, color reflections and highlights of the streaks, which will give finished drawing realism and appetizing. The lesson, in fact, is not difficult, but still there are some details that will need to be worked on. Having mastered the technique of drawing pancakes, you can create funny postcards with their image for Shrovetide, because pancakes are one of the symbols of this bright winter holiday. Before drawing, familiarize yourself with the sequence and nuances of drawing, and then prepare the tools according to the list and start drawing.

List of pancake drawing tools:

  • watercolor paper album;
  • palette of watercolors;
  • synthetic brushes No. 3 and 1;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • palette;
  • a glass of water.

Drawing stages

Step 1. First of all, we apply a light rough sketch of pancakes, a plate and drips of honey. In the center of the sheet, we outline a stack of pancakes with a cylinder. Draw a flattened oval under the cylinder - a plate.

After designating the main elements of the composition, we begin to draw a sketch in detail. Select the edges of the pancakes in the stack. On the top pancake, highlight the highlights, and drips of honey on the sides. We draw a clearer outline of the plate. Erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser. Sketch completed.

Step 2. We proceed to applying the underpainting. Pale yellow ocher work on the lightest parts of the image.

Step 3. To create shading between the layers of pancakes, you will need a shade from a mixture of burnt umber and sepia. Considering that the lighting source of the composition is on the left, we shade the right side more strongly.

Step 4. To draw honey, we will use medium cadmium yellow. We process streaks and a glossy layer of honey on the top pancake with a rich tone. We do not paint over the glare highlighted with a pencil.

The underpainting is created, we begin to work out the details and basic shades.

Step 5. With cadmium orange we create depth in the honey drips, darkening the middle. Iron oxide light red with an admixture of burnt umber we lay shadows in honey between the layers of pancakes, which are well translucent.

Step 6. We process the edge of the plate with the created shade. In sepia, we outline a falling shadow under the plate on the right.

Step 7. With cadmium yellow and umber we increase the saturation of the picture. Neutral black marks the darkest areas on the right side of the stack of pancakes. Rewrite the drop shadow.

There is nothing unusual about drawing with pancake dough. Now many are beginning to experiment with this new type of pancake preparation. Someone wants to surprise their loved ones in the morning, someone to please the guests on Maslenitsa or to amuse the kids with funny faces. You can find out how to make pancakes with a pattern in the video tutorial presented here. The simplest and fast way creating openwork pancakes.

We will need:

  • any pancake dough that you are used to making (it is very important that it be liquid and light);
  • baby water bottle or special pastry bag;
  • a wide crepe pan or a regular large pan (not cast iron);
  • sketch (if you are planning a complex drawing, if you are not an artist and cannot think through all the lines on the go).

Let's start, of course, with the preparation of the dough. If you still do not know which one is better to do, then the video tutorial presents the simplest recipe from the most basic ingredients. Optionally, you can add various additional spices (cinnamon, vanilla, etc.) or crushed nuts and so on. It all depends on your imagination and the drawing that you plan to make. But one more condition is also important here - the dough must be light.

In the second step, we need to prepare a drawing tool. Namely - pour the dough into a children's jar of water or a pastry bag with a thin nozzle. Ideally, it is best to use special confectionery pencils here, which are convenient to fill and draw with. But, as we see from the video tutorial, the first tool also copes well with a simple drawing.

And now, the most important thing. To create a clear drawing, you must first draw the darkest lines. The bottom line is that these lines will be more fried and will stand out better against the background of light dough. Draw the eyes, smile and head of the emoticon.

We wait a few seconds when the dough is at the stage of complete baking. After that, you can fill in the rest of the drawing with the test.

We wait until the pancake is baked, turn it over, and wait a few more seconds. We remove from the pan.

Such pancakes can be made at least every morning and come up with a variety of patterns.
