
Children's New Year's table. Avocado and shrimp salad

Little children look forward to the New Year holiday with special impatience. For them, this is a time of magic, days shrouded in a fabulous atmosphere and faith in miracles ... But even in this case, the baby should not be deprived of the usual dietary intake. How to combine all this?

Healthy dishes for children for the New Year

On the New Year's table for children, vegetables must be present, served as in fresh, and in boiled. But complex salads of which children under three years old can not do. It is better to just finely chop or, conversely, grate on coarse grater vegetables and arrange in the form of a forest clearing. Older children can be offered lungs vegetable salads, like vinaigrette, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil. It is also better to cut fruits into pieces and lay out a festive composition from them.

On the children's table for the new year, low-fat hard cheeses are allowed, which can be part of sandwiches or canapes, as well as stand separately on the table, in the form of thinly sliced ​​​​slices.

For hot, baked or boiled meat, cut directly in the baby’s plate, is perfect. Very healthy meals- Baked chicken or steamed fish. Even the usual cutlets will do: in this case, you need to decorate such a dish with imagination, for example, make them in the form of small cones and “hang” them on a spruce branch laid out on a plate.

You can diversify children's New Year's table sandwiches with the muzzles of animals laid out from products or with New Year's patterns drawn with a syringe.

Desserts for children for the New Year

Of course, not a single children's New Year's table can do without holiday dessert! It can be:

  • various fruits served separately or as a salad dressed with yogurt;
  • cottage cheese desserts(if time and imagination allow, you can decorate the New Year's dessert table for a child with snowmen or Snow Maidens made from cottage cheese);
  • light biscuit marshmallow cakes home cooking, home-made cookies in the form of Christmas trees, deer, which will once again remind the child of the fabulousness of the New Year period.

New Year's drinks for children

Children's New Year's table must include enough various drinks. Celebration of the New Year, even at home, involves active games and dances, which makes the little fidgets hot, and they will certainly need to quench their thirst from time to time.

For little ones up to two years old, it is best to use compotes and fruit drinks from dried fruits, weak black tea or children's herbal tea.

Older children can also be offered diluted with water, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices. But just remember that they can not be abused, otherwise the baby may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And, of course, sweet carbonated drinks should not be on the child's New Year's table.

How to serve a children's New Year's table?

planning baby new year menu, try to focus on the original design holiday food. Your culinary delights at all Small child unlikely to appreciate. And the table, let simple meals, but decorated in the style of a favorite fairy tale, he will like it.

The easiest way to give a table festive mood is to serve it in accordance with the winter theme.

For example, children's drink glasses can be covered with "frost". To do this, pour in a saucer granulated sugar and lower the wet glass into it with the edges down. And if you add a drink with a bright straw or decoration in the form of an umbrella or a snowman, then there will be no end to the delight!

Also, the children's New Year's table can be decorated with colorful napkins, figures of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, cheerful symbols of the coming year.

Expert opinion

Evgeny Timakov, pediatrician, head physician of the Timomed Medical Center

younger children preschool age can be divided into two main groups: from 0 to 2 years and from 2 to 4 years. For both groups, both individual and general rules menu compilation.

For example, on the New Year's table of all kids, fruits, vegetables and herbs should be present. But children under three years old should not be offered tangerines and kiwi, which often provoke allergies. Also, be careful to include berries in the children's New Year's menu.

Children up to three years old ready-made cakes and cakes are better to replace with special children's cookies, muesli or yogurt.

A child under four years of age should not be fed at all ready meals from the culinary departments. He should be given food prepared at home. You will delight your baby with fresh and healthy dishes, as you will be sure that they do not contain harmful fats, dyes and preservatives.

Spices (black pepper, Bay leaf) can be added to children's meals from as early as two years of age.

Olivier salad recipe for kids

  • Throw out the mayonnaise. Great alternative becomes a sauce of sour cream and olive oil.
  • Not needed and green pea: babies usually swallow it whole, and then it is not digested.
  • Don't use any sausage! The correct replacement is chicken breast.
  • Pickled cucumber - no best treat for a small child. But cleaned fresh will be in place.
  • The salad, which smells delicious and crunches cheerfully, will appeal to all household members!

Future adults love to imitate their parents, and this is an important quality for development, but it is a pity that parents do not imitate their heirs much - in the ability to genuinely enjoy the holidays. Let's fix the annoying mistake, and start enjoying life even at the stage culinary training, for which we will decorate the children's New Year's table generously, beautifully and creatively! You are waiting for the triumph of spectacular ideas, fabulous motifs of the glorious days of the calendar, delicious food combinations and ample opportunities for kids to imitate their parents.

thinking children's holiday, immediately direct your imagination towards the buffet table. We have already written about children's birthdays more than once, and the convenience of a buffet service - with a lot of recipes and photos! leaves no room for doubt. Children will love the buffet for the new year!

For those who want to know interesting thematic ideas For holiday table We invite you to read them in the following articles.

New Year's snack buffet: what can you make a Christmas tree from

You can’t do without Christmas trees on the New Year’s table, so even at the stage of snacks you can build a lot of elegant options. Here are just a few photos that make it easy to understand the principle of growing festive beauties - from a variety of products.

There are cheese and sausage cuts, and slices of cucumbers, and cucumber skin plates, and grapes, and, of course, citrus fruits, so beloved by the Monkey-2016.

New Year's "recipes" of Christmas trees for children

The snowman looks interesting and Christmas balls, which can be made from several snack masses. You will find three recipes for them in the story about New Year's snacks.

Based on inexpensive but delicious New Year's salads, which we talked about in the article of the same name, you can make cones.

It can be several large cones that will have to be divided with a spoon, or many portions - on a plate for each child.

You can bribe the hearts of parents who care deeply about the diet of their children by choosing a high-value product for traditional recipe. For example, quail eggs- for stuffed eggs.

We need

  • Quail eggs, hard boiled - 10 pcs.;
  • Soft cheese (creamy or cottage cheese) - 2-3 tbsp. (can be replaced curd mass with greens
    or melted cheese)
  • Salted salmon - 50 g;
  • Dill - 3-4 sprigs;
  • Pepper - 1 pinch.

How to cook

  1. Cut the boiled eggs crosswise and take out the yolks.
  2. Salted salmon cut into small cubes
  3. Chop the dill very finely.
  4. We combine the yolks, cheese, salmon and dill and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  5. We stuff the halves of the eggs with this mass, covering the top with the second empty half.
  6. We dress each stuffed egg on a skewer or toothpick.

Submission - on lettuce leaves or surrounded by cheese and sausage slices.

"Egg" children's New Year's table (photo)

Preparing the menu for New Year's celebration, so you don’t want to go beyond the already inflated budget. On the other hand, you really want to please your guests with something original!

We invite you to consider the ideas of hot with apples, bananas and frozen cherries, because these are the most affordable fruits on the winter shelves.

And in general, it makes sense to look through the options for hot dishes for a children's birthday, because December 31 is also a birthday for the new 2016 year.

And if you decide not to limit the New Year's menu to snacks and sweets, then look for hot recipes on our website - on the request "children's birthday".

For dessert, gingerbread cookies are especially good - as a variant of a portioned New Year's dish, which is convenient to eat with your hands, including with free buffet serving. And again it is worth focusing on the form.

A few photos of traditional options.

Children's "photo-recipes" of gingerbread for the New Year

How to work with glaze is the topic of a separate detailed conversation. And today we will describe for you delicious recipe dough and an easy way to make a charming decoration for children - NO GLAZE.

New Year's gingerbread cookies "Bear wants to be friends!"

We need

  • Flour - 250 g;
  • Butter (already softened) - 70 g;
  • Sugar - 80 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Ginger (dried, powdered) - 1 tsp;
  • Fresh ginger, grated - 1 tsp;
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • Cloves (ground) - ½ tsp;
  • Soda - ½ tsp;
  • Almonds (whole nuts) - according to the number of cookies.

How to make Christmas cookies

  1. Cut the butter into cubes, combine with sugar and egg and beat in a blender until smooth.
  2. Add flour, spices, soda, grated fresh ginger, cocoa powder. We twist again in a blender. We form a test lump, wrap it in a film and send it to the refrigerator - for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Divide the dough in half. We take one part to work, and we can return the second to the refrigerator.
  4. We roll out the dough between two layers of baking paper: put a lump on the paper, press it lightly, on top of the second piece of paper - and slowly work with a rolling pin. Our goal is an even test pancake up to 7 mm thick.
  5. Using a teddy bear cutter, cut out cookies. With any colored pencil (or confectionery stick) we outline the eyes, mouth, ears and nails on the legs. We put a nut in the middle of each cookie and wrap the upper paws that hold the nut.

Cook's Advice
You can cut out cookies with other cutters. The main thing is that it should be an animated character with distinct hands.

  1. We heat the oven to 180 * C. Lay baking paper on a baking sheet. And lay out our figures.
  2. Bake cookies for 10 minutes. If the dough is thicker than 7 mm, an additional 4-5 minutes will be required.
  3. While baking the first batch, repeat all the steps to create cookies from the second half of the dough.

Of course, when preparing a children's New Year's table, you can not do without wide variety sweets and pastries. Interesting ideas for recipes - without extra costs time and effort! - have long been described on our website, where we invite you to look.

Pay special attention to no-bake cheesecakes, which are easy to prepare even for a novice housewife. Among the options offered are convenient recipes– with ingredients readily available in winter.

For these easy cakes, we have in store an equally simple but spectacular decor - in a red and white New Year's style.

Approaching the end of the article, let's not pass by the apogee of adult attributes in the new year's menu. This is a necessary drink not only for the upcoming 2016, but for all the past and future. Yes, you guessed it right, we mean CHAMPAGNE!

In order to fully please the children, we will serve a refreshing baby drink in champagne or wine bottles. Or we will buy Apple juice with gas, which is called "Children's Champagne", and, armed with simple techniques, we decorate bottles especially for children.

Such a drinking accompaniment is perfect for a sweet table, because, you see, tea is served to children at home - in common days. And the New Year's menu is a place for surprise and delight!

New Year's bottle decor options

Method number 1

Santa Claus is easy to make, for which you will need red, white, gold and black fabric, some cardboard, cotton wool, ribbons and buttons.

Fleece, felt, thick chintz will help you out. But even if these materials are not available, you can create a decoration from glossy colored paper, it is only important to glue it well (a thick layer of PVA or Moment glue).

Method number 2

In the presence of acrylic paints, a piece of sponge, brushes and minimal drawing skills, you can bring to life and others wonderful recipes For New Year's bottles with drinks for children's table.

Leaving your home after the New Year's celebration, each of the young guests can take with them a sweet memory of a fun holiday and a delicious, originally laid table.

Option number 1

If you are a good baker and enjoy baking, this might be the easiest recipe. gingerbread with glaze. It is important that the gingerbread have a ribbon by which it can be hung from the Christmas tree.

And do not forget to make a bright label where the wish for the child is written - always with his name (!)

Option number 2

Take a look at candy Christmas trees- on the basis of the bottle. Please note that you can always choose a bottle smaller than champagne. At your service kefir, from juice or milk. The main thing is that they are made of glass.

For a smaller bottle and candy, you can choose a smaller one. However, the well-known craft will not lose its relevance, because it is beautiful, stable and curious for children in the very process of obtaining sweets - they need to be cut off or cut off.

Option number 3

For older children who are already beginning to be interested in all sorts of tests and horoscopes, you can beat the meeting of the new 2016 year - as the time under the Monkey symbol. And then the best decor for the bottle will be round sweets in gold foil. What beauty can be built - can be clearly seen in the photo.

Such a pineapple does not have to be decorated with expensive sweets. There is another - budget recipe: take any round candies and wrap them in gold foil. Pineapple leaves - double-sided green paper:

Option number 4

The abundance of interesting New Year's dishes and entertainment for children is very elegantly emphasized by handing out candy wreaths at parting. They can be the same for everyone, but they are executed not in a circle, but in the form of a heart.

The universal symbol of love emphasizes the friendliness of your home and the desire of the child to make friends with all the guests.

The recipe for making wreaths is as easy as shelling pears! Just one photo immediately makes the manufacturing process clear:

You will need cardboard, candies, scotch tape (or strong thread) and a ribbon - for a loop on which you can hang the wreath. Note! It is easy to involve your child in this craft - starting from 4 years old. Let the kid know that friendship is a troublesome business that requires work and dedication. And only in this way a person has the right to count on the reciprocity and reliability of friends.

Always remember that the children's New Year's table, as well as a holiday for children in general, is primarily a creative approach and an optimistic vision of the world. All its joys, beauty and crazyness open up for you the forgotten scope for expressing affection, friendship, love, faith in your own strength and in everything good!

Dishes for the children's New Year's table should be different from what will be served to adults. If the composition of dishes can be the same, then you should think about the originality of serving and other bold children's ideas in advance.
The menu for the children's New Year's table should not include many items. The main thing is that each recipe meets children's preferences and attracts the attention of kids with its bright colors. unusual presentation. We offer children's New Year's dishes to choose from, which will be relevant on the New Year's table 2016.

Recipes for children on New Year

According to the recipe, this is the usual Olivier. If you cook a lot of this salad, then a part can be served on the adult part of the New Year's table. But for one tomato, designed for one child, you need one for a salad boiled fillet, three tablespoons of green peas, boiled carrots and potatoes, two hard-boiled eggs, one hundred grams of sour cream, green onion, pickle and one large tomato. All ingredients, except for the tomato, cut into cubes and season with sour cream, add peas. Clean the middle of the tomato and put the salad in such a beautiful and appetizing salad bowl. You can decorate with slices of olives, onion rings.

And your child is guaranteed to love it.

Eight eggs will need four tomatoes, 100 grams hard cheese and ham, onion head. Boil eggs and peel. Cut off the tops, remove the yolk. In a bowl, mix the fried and finely chopped onion, yolks, the inside of the tomato, grated cheese and finely chopped ham. Salt. Put the egg white filled with the resulting mixture on a plate, cover with a solid half of a tomato on top, and decorate the cap of the resulting fungus with specks of sour cream or mayonnaise.

Prepare this dish recommended in separate small fireproof bowls. Each pie is served for one child. The recipe is for three such servings. From the ingredients you will need two teaspoons vegetable oil, one chopped onion, 100 grams of chopped green onions, 375 peeled potatoes, 40 grams butter, 200 grams of minced chicken, 50 grams of grated carrots, two teaspoons tomato paste and 100 ml chicken broth. For decoration, you will need a bunch of green onions, a tomato and carrots, a few peas and sweet corn.

Heat vegetable oil, add onion and fry until half cooked. Boil potatoes and mash with butter and milk. Add onions to the pan minced chicken and grated carrots. Keep on fire for about five minutes. Place the contents of the pan in a food processor and mix until smooth. Return the mixture to the pan, add the ketchup and chicken bouillon. Cover with a lid and keep on fire for a few minutes.

Divide chicken into thirds and place in bowls. Put mashed potatoes on top, a little butter. Bake in a preheated oven until golden brown. After the cake is ready, you need to decorate it with slices of vegetables.

It is difficult to imagine New Year's dishes for the children's table without dessert. On the menu, without fail, a cake must be planned. This pastry will be not only sweet and tasty, but also thematic. From the ingredients you will need three eggs, 150 grams of butter, a glass of sugar, three glasses of flour, half a teaspoon of soda, a little vanilla sugar and two packets of coconut. For cream: a glass of sugar and 50 grams of sour cream.

Eggs with sugar are beaten into foam. The butter must be melted, cooled and added to the eggs. Mix well, add vanilla sugar, flour, soda and some salt. Knead the dough. Pour the dough into a mold and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. Cool and cut into pieces 4*4 cm. To prepare the cream, beat the sugar with sour cream, if the sour cream is very sour, add more sugar. Every small piece Dip the cake into the cream and gradually lay it out in the form of a snowman on a tray. Sprinkle the finished snowman coconut flakes and, if desired, decorate with nuts, candies and candied fruit.

And to please the smallest members of the family, you can bake.

A beautiful and spectacular dish in its presentation. It will appeal not only to children, but also to adults who love sweets. For cooking, you need four medium-sized apples, peach jam, melted chocolate bar, crushed almonds. Remove the core from the apple and fill the hole with peach jam. Place the apples on a baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes. Apples should not be very soft. Ready apples Place on a plate and drizzle with melted hot chocolate. Let cool slightly and sprinkle with chopped almonds. Serve the dish after the glaze has completely set.

And your child will certainly like it.

We offer to prepare such dishes for children for the New Year 2016. Each dish will be guaranteed to be appreciated. The main compliment from kids is an empty plate!
