
Ideas for themed tables. How tasty and inexpensive to set the table for a birthday

The most favorite holiday of any person is a birthday. Such a day happens only once a year, and it is especially pleasant to prepare for it if a round date is planned - an anniversary. This symbolic date in your life means that you have passed a certain stage in life. That is why it is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. It is not necessary to do this in a restaurant or in a banquet hall, you can celebrate a celebration at home. True, at home you will have to do everything yourself - both cook and decorate the table. Therefore, it is advisable to think over in advance all the nuances of your celebration. We will tell you how to decorate the table for the anniversary of 50 years and not only.

Who to invite?

Before thinking about the table setting, you need to decide who you will invite to your anniversary, especially if you are turning 50 years old. This is a very round date and I want to celebrate it in a round way. It all depends on your capabilities, but if possible it is desirable to invite:

  • Colleagues at work. You need to invite especially close people who helped and supported the hero of the day during the entire time of his work.
  • Friends and relatives. Those whom the birthday man wants to see next to him on such a significant day.
  • Spouse, children, grandchildren.

Important! A very motley company is going to, but these will be the people whose congratulations and kind words will be important for the birthday man.


To make everything solid and official, you need to prepare invitation cards. You can order ready-made ones from a printing house or find a suitable design and print it yourself on a color printer, if you have one. They need to be sent out in advance - somewhere a month before the celebration. In the invitation, you need to indicate the place and time of the holiday, note the dress code conditions if a theme party is planned.

Important! At the end, it is advisable to make a note with a request to inform the possibility of your presence within two weeks.

Seating card

When you decide on the number of guests, make a seating chart for guests at the tables and individual cards that you put in front of each guest.

Important! Cards can be made to order or printed by yourself on a printer. This, of course, is not necessary, but it gives the holiday a more solemn form.


You can prepare a comic menu and lay it out on the table so that guests know what dishes are waiting for them. Salad “Starfall”, appetizer “Breakfast of a tourist” and wine “Love potion” will surely attract the attention of guests. Well, the dishes themselves should be:

  • bright;
  • matching;
  • diverse;
  • delicious.

Room decoration

The room in which the celebration will take place must be decorated. The decoration of the holiday depends solely on the chosen style and preferences of the hero of the occasion. We can offer you several different options for decorating the room.


The numbers will emphasize the solidity of the date being celebrated, and any material for their manufacture can be used to your taste:

  • Balloon figures are voluminous and look very impressive.
  • You can make numbers from photos of the birthday man.
  • Numbers made of shiny paper can be hung from the ceiling - this design is suitable for decorating a holiday for both men and women.
  • You can make numbers not only spectacular, but also tasty. For example, from fruits or sweets.


Bright inscriptions will fit perfectly into any room design. You can buy ready-made stretch marks, you can make them yourself.


You can make a custom banner with a large photo of the birthday boy. And you can make a semblance of a school wall newspaper, stick old photographs, write wishes to the hero of the day.


What is a holiday without flowers? Any flowers will give solemnity to your anniversary. You can use bouquets, compositions, it all depends on the style of the event.

Decorate the table:

  • Table decoration begins with the choice of a festive tablecloth. It can be a one-color tablecloth - these are used as a background. Or a bright colored tablecloth if a themed birthday is being held. Excellent additions to any tablecloth will be beautiful plates, festive glasses and delicious dishes.
  • The most important attribute of the festive table is dishes. Just do not put too many dishes on the festive table. Often they use dishes that match in color to the basic design of the table. White dishes look good.
  • Napkins make great decorations. If they are beautifully folded and laid out on the table, then with their appearance they will delight and surprise your guests.
  • The festive table can be decorated with flowers. For example, place a large vase of flowers in the middle of the table. Or arrange miniature flower baskets in several places.
  • If you arrange a birthday in a certain theme, then your holiday will be remembered not only by you, but also by your guests. There are a huge number of topics. Just keep in mind that this will require certain accessories. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy expensive items, it is quite possible to get by with cheap ones. You can, based on the theme, come up with contests for guests with prizes.

Important! Beautifully complete the holiday will help a small fireworks display, the launch of balls or lanterns.

Any birthday will seem brighter and more interesting if you decorate the festive table in a special way. What can diversify it?

Festive table decor elements

Any holiday table has the following components:

  • tablecloth,
  • napkins,
  • dishes,
  • cutlery,
  • flowers,
  • candles,
  • trinkets.


Surely every mistress of the house has a special festive tablecloth, or even more than one, which is waiting in the wings in a closet on a shelf and is spread out only on special occasions. Since “there is no friend for the taste and color,” then recommendations for choosing a tablecloth will be redundant. Some people like monophonic strict canvases, someone prefers bright and multi-colored ones. The main thing is that the hostess herself should be pleased to decorate the festive table, and the tablecloth should match the overall color scheme of the decor. If the tablecloth is plain, it can be advised to complement it with elements of contrasting colors. On a dark canvas, light napkins, dishes and vice versa will look spectacular.

Do you know how to compose correctly? The most important thing to take into account is age - after all, girls are teenagers from 14 years old, and even ladies from 40! To get an answer to the question of how to make figures from balls with your own hands - you can read our article.


You can make real masterpieces from paper napkins if you know the art of creating origami. If not, then you can limit yourself to the formation of simple crafts - at least in the form of boats. They will give the table a very original look. Napkins made of fabric can be folded in the form of a fan, rose, turret. If you are looking for a simpler option, just roll the napkins into tubes and tie with a beautiful braid. You can also put them in glasses and add one flower at a time: such a composition looks very nice.


Glasses for drinks should be placed from left to right, and they do not require special decorations, as this can create unnecessary inconvenience. It is only allowed to place napkins in glasses. For a beautiful arrangement of personal dishes, you will need a flat front plate and a slightly recessed one placed on top - directly for eating. It is better if they are in contrasting colors.


Do not forget about the rules of serving - the correct arrangement of cutlery is good form. The fork should be on the left of the plate, and the knife and spoon should be on the right.. They can be placed on a napkin or tied with a beautiful ribbon.


No birthday is complete without flowers. Guests, of course, will present bouquets to the birthday man or the birthday girl. It is better to place them in a separate place, but do not clutter up the festive table with them. Only one bouquet can be left on the table, presented as a gift by the person who enjoys the special location of the main hero of the occasion. At all, in a room where people eat, you should never leave strong-smelling flowers. Their smell can have a bad effect on well-being and cause a headache.


They are able to decorate any table. There are many original candlesticks that can be purchased in advance. Candlesticks from simple bottles look interesting, inside which you can place infusible bright objects. Ordinary glasses filled with multi-colored shells with sand and decorated with flowers can also act as candlesticks.


On the festive table there is always a place for small trinkets that will noticeably decorate the table and do not take up much space. The main thing at the same time is not to overdo it with their number!

Curly salt and pepper shakers, original plates with the names of guests, beautiful jars filled with colorful sweets can serve as a useful table decoration, both for a children's birthday and for an adult.

Decoration of cooked dishes

Decorating dishes requires special attention. On the birthday table, there should be salads, meat and cheese cuts, sandwiches, snacks, hot dishes with a side dish, fruits and, of course, a cake. First of all, when choosing dishes, you should focus on those that are most successful for the hostess, and simply arrange them successfully. You can do this as a separate topic.

Festive table "Flower meadow"

The table is covered with a green tablecloth - it will be a clearing. Let's start decorating it. We put out plates for guests, which we cover with beautifully laid out green paper napkins. Naturally, you can pick up plates of the appropriate color. We put glasses on them, inside which we form roses from red fabric napkins, and lilies from white ones. This can be done even by a non-professional. In the middle of the table we place a bouquet of fresh flowers for the birthday girl or birthday boy. Further - according to your imagination: bunches of greens in several glasses, one small flower in each glass, candles or candlesticks in the form of flowers, salt shakers in the form of mushrooms, various decor elements that correspond to the general appearance. All that's left is food preparation. Who and what can fill the clearing?


We decorate a dish with sandwiches with the help of tomatoes in the form of ladybugs. We add greens. The filling is to your taste, on top of it we cut (but not completely) a half of a tomato and slightly separate it to get slightly spread wings of a ladybug. We make the head and black dots from olives.


A beautiful and simple sunflower salad dressing that goes well with many recipes.. The salad is coated with mayonnaise on top, sprinkled with chopped egg yolk, raisins, pieces of prunes or cut olives (“sunflower seeds”) are laid out in places. Round chips ("petals") are placed around. There are also recipes for salads, designed in the form of a hedgehog, stump, nest, the presence of which is also relevant in the clearing.


Stuffed eggs - in the form of mushrooms. We cut the egg into two parts across, boil one half for several minutes in concentrated brewing of black tea. It will turn brown - this will be our hat. The second part is stuffed with a mixture of yolk, fried mushrooms with onions, mayonnaise and put on a dish with the filling down. Place a hat on top.


We cut the fruit and decorate the dish in the form of a butterfly. We form her wings from pieces of oranges, tangerines, pineapples, strawberries, kiwi, and circles of bananas will serve as eyes.

Flowers and grass

Lay out meat and cheese cuts in the form of flowers, add greens. We buy a cake or make it with cream flowers. The field is covered!

feng shui table setting

Feng Shui is a very popular Chinese science, which is based on the correct and harmonious placement of interior items. Its main goal is to improve existence: the more comfortable and favorable the house, the more successful and happier life will be. When setting the festive table, Feng Shui suggests using the following tips for an unforgettable birthday.


He should be located in the largest room of the apartment - in the living room. The ideal table is round or oval. This will ensure pleasant communication, intimacy and unity of all those present at the celebration. The table should be located so that the guests sitting at it can, if necessary, easily bypass it without disturbing other people present.. This will make guests feel more comfortable and cozy. Table lighting is another important detail. All Feng Shui rules require bright and even lighting.. The presence of white, yellow and orange candles on the table will be especially good. These colors are most suitable for a birthday.


Feng Shui recommends using tablecloths made from natural fabrics, with particular preference for linen. This material has a pleasant aura and contributes to a good mood and ease of communication. The color of the tablecloth should preferably be light colors..

Although there is such a nuance: if you assume that people whose sincerity you doubt will come to visit you, you can use a tablecloth in aggressive or dark colors - red, dark green, blue. These colors will protect you from the evil intentions of bad people.


By folding them in a special way, you can attract energy for a specific occasion. If the napkins are folded with sharp corners, this will give the owners protection and confidence. If you want to spend a holiday in a warm and kind environment, you should avoid any sharp corners..


The most important thing in cutlery and dishes for the festive table is their impeccable cleanliness. Everything should shine and sparkle: this is a requirement not only of feng shui, but also of good manners. It is better to use crystal glasses and salad bowls, which will ensure purity and transparency of thoughts, as well as create an atmosphere of trust among those present. It is better to take plates of a classic rounded shape in order to avoid attracting negative energy. If you prefer the original design in the form of square and rectangular dishes, make sure that their corners are slightly cut off.


It is better to keep the colors for the festive table in yellow-green tones, this will improve the appetite and bring peace.

Magic secrets when setting the table

There are some customs that originate from ancient times. What is false and what is true is unknown. But the beliefs of the ancestors still have a certain rational grain, because even in every joke there is a certain amount of truth.

  • To make the silent talker, put his spoon with the convex side up.
  • To neutralize a talker, hide a cactus needle under his plate - it is a symbol of silence.
  • On the reverse sides of the plates of obvious enemies, draw five-pointed pentagrams - they will reconcile.
  • Cutlery disputants - a fork and a knife - put crosswise.
  • For a glutton, hide a bay leaf under the plate - this will curb his appetite.
  • In front of a lover of alcoholic beverages, put a glass upside down and make sure that he turns it over with his own hands.
  • To help a girl get married, knit a ring out of silk thread and put it under her plate.
  • Put a coin under the tablecloth for the poor.
  • Opposite the person with whom you want to negotiate something, place a saucer with a small piece of butter so that it becomes just as soft and pliable.
  • For a fun birthday party, place napkins upside down in glasses.

Can't compose? No need to suffer - take the finished version from our article. What should be taken into account when composing a comic birthday greeting for an aunt? her sense of humor must be taken into account. Valentine's Day poems don't have to be romantic. At the following address you will find cool options.

And most importantly, be joyful, cheerful, and your enthusiasm will be transferred to your guests, and you will have a wonderful birthday! In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video that shows how you can decorate a plate on a non-holiday table with a napkin and a simple ring: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_tEZ9szHeQ

Holiday on the nose. It's time to think about how to quickly, inexpensively and beautifully arrange a festive table. The main thing is that children and guests are happy. Most hostesses begin to think in advance about how beautifully to serve dishes for the holiday.

Traditions, family values, mutual understanding, these concepts are in trend today. No matter how much society changes, the concept of family and holiday remains the same: these are guests, loved ones, fun, beautiful, tasty and unusual dishes.

Beautiful decoration of the festive table in detail

Let's start decorating the table by choosing a color palette

White color is peace and serenity. Therefore, it is suitable for decorating a solemn banquet or an official buffet reception.

Pastel shades, shades of vanilla cream, pistachio ice cream, blueberry sherbet and other tenderness are used to decorate the winter holidays. You can complement and enhance the color background with bright flowers, fruits and greens.

noble silver, cold steel and mother-of-pearl shades should sparkle and shimmer on expensive and richly decorated tables, perhaps in such a palette the decoration of an anniversary, wedding. Dishes on such a table are crystal white, mirror, glass, silver.

Aquamarine, gold, green are great for summer, autumn, spring, winter holidays. They create a sunny mood.

Pink color perfect for decorating the table of any women's celebration, because it flatters any woman, charmingly shading the skin.

Blue color, looks very impressive in combination with white. This decision in the design of the table is considered European. If you want to wow your guests, try decorating your holiday table using just these two colors. Suitable for discreet, quiet family holidays.

Red- active and deep color perfectly complements all previous colors. The only thing is to use it in order to make accents, highlight certain details on the table and create a counterbalance to other colors. For example, it can be napkins, holiday candlesticks or flowers in the center of the table.

Festive table setting. Everything's under control

In each design of the table, one super-task can be distinguished. The first thing is to determine what will stand in the center of the table, then effectively beat and arrange the rest of the details.

So, the main element of the center of the table, as a rule, is the brightest and largest object, for example, a vase of flowers, a decorative Christmas tree decorated with miniature toys, or a large vase with colorful, bright fruits.

Next, you need to think over the list and arrangement of dishes, beautiful dishes and cutlery. Serving should be supplemented with original napkins, possibly with themed drawings and decorative elements, so that a special mood reigns at the festive table.

Decorative festive table elements. Decorations

  • 1. These are flowers. They decorate the table and, of course, no holiday is complete without them. But not huge bouquets, but small decorative ones, perhaps they will be petals or individual buds.
  • 2. Original cloth or paper napkins are a must on the festive table. They can be with thematic drawings or plain, depending on the celebration. There are many options for folding holiday napkins, for example, in the form of a lily or a candle. Roll the simplest with a tube or triangle, decorate with a ribbon. Napkins not only decorate the table, but also serve to cleanliness.

  • 3. Miniature toys, figurines, colored vases with fruits and sweets will decorate any children's holiday table.

  • 4. Candlesticks, glass, ceramic, metal and glasses with high legs will add a special charm to the celebration.
  • 5. Glass vases can be filled with balls, sea pebbles, tangerines, flowers, pearls. This technique is simple and will undoubtedly enrich the festive table setting.

  • 6. Carving of vegetables and fruits will perfectly decorate any salad, and fruit candles are a holiday.

  • 7. Tinsel, candles, fir cones, New Year's toys, postcards, decorative Christmas trees, serpentine, sequins are all attributes of the New Year's feast to make the night, the holiday brilliant and bright.

Use what nature itself offers, and these are bouquets of pine and spruce branches, decorated with shiny tinsel and colored serpentine. They will decorate the table and will delight you even after the festive night for two more weeks.

Astrologers recommend decorating the New Year's table in the year of the goat so that burgundy, gold, blue, green and chocolate shades are present on the table and in the festive elements.

It is advisable to use wooden utensils, wood crafts, linen tablecloths, napkins, hand-made paper decorations when serving. And let the spruce be the color accent. What a new year, but without a Christmas tree =)

In anticipation of the holiday, every hospitable hostess wants to impress guests not only with her culinary masterpieces, but also with the original design of the festive table. How to decorate a table for receiving guests in order to create a warm festive atmosphere, a few tips from experienced housewives and designers will help.

Choosing a tablecloth

The choice of tablecloth should correspond to the nature of the upcoming holiday. For special occasions, it is recommended to lay a heavy and shiny tablecloth on the table. For festive dinners and friendly gatherings at home, a linen or linen tablecloth in white or solid color, possibly with a pattern around the edge, may be the best option.

The choice of the color of the tablecloth largely depends on the nature of the feast, the color of the dishes, which table is served and the interior of the room. Ideally, the tablecloth should be in harmony with the curtains and furniture upholstery, be clean and ironed.

Table decoration options with napkins

Napkins, being an indispensable attribute of the festive table, can perfectly serve as its decoration. Both paper and cloth napkins are suitable for this. If patterned napkins look elegant, you can use them without additional decorations by placing them in vases. With a little imagination, you can use plain napkins, folding them in an original way.

The easiest option is to put decorative rings on them. They can be purchased in stores or you can make your own by gluing them from thick cardboard. Then this ring is decorated with gift ribbons of various colors and textures or with a beautiful fabric. After that, it is decorated with beads, sequins, beads or artificial stones.

Another way to use napkins to decorate the table with your own hands is to make various figures, flowers, envelopes for cutlery out of them. Napkins resembling a lily flower, a fan, a boat, a sea urchin look very impressive on the festive table.

The easiest option for decorating a table with your own hands with a napkin is to fold it with an “accordion” and stick it between the cloves of a fork. Napkin models are constantly being improved and methods for making them are quite easy to find on the Internet.

Table decoration with candles

The burning of candles gives the holiday a special warm and romantic atmosphere. When decorating a table with candles, you need to think about the shape of the candlestick and candle. To create a romantic atmosphere, high openwork candlesticks are desirable.

Coziness and warmth are provided by candles in low candlesticks in the form of lanterns or transparent colored glasses. Arranging candles on the table is recommended so that they do not cover the dishes. It is best to put them in the center if the guests are not sitting opposite each other.

We decorate the table with flowers and original compositions

The decoration of the table is always fresh flowers. A composition with a figured folded napkin and a vase of flowers looks beautiful, or a figured napkin next to a decorative candle in an original candlestick. You can limit yourself to small vases with small bouquets of flowers or flower arrangements placed along the middle line of the table.

Flowers should be chosen without a strong aroma, so as not to accidentally cause allergies in guests.

The design of an individual place for each guest will look exquisite if you place decorations near each plate. It may look like this: next to a beautifully folded napkin, put a vase with a flower or a candle and put a personalized greeting card or a small souvenir on the holiday theme next to them. Try to decorate the festive table in the theme of the celebration.

When celebrating Christmas, put on the table a beautiful composition created from spruce or pine branches and cones decorated with tinsel. If you are celebrating a wedding, it would be appropriate to put figurines of newlyweds, white doves and flower arrangements with rings or hearts on the table.

For a children's birthday, the table decoration can be colored latex and mylar balloons: flowers made from balloons of various sizes and configurations. Such compositions can be placed in the center of the table, and small figures of cartoon characters can be placed near each device.

Decoration with vegetables and fruits. Carving

In recent years, it has become very popular for housewives to decorate the festive table with vegetables and fruits. Here is a real expanse for both culinary and artistic creativity.

The easiest way is to decorate the table with cut fruits of different colors. They can be laid out in the form of a rainbow, a pattern, or in the theme of a celebration.

A mirror plate will look gorgeous on the table. A washed mirror in the shape of a large dish is decorated with cuts of various fruits. The bright colors of fruits, the light from candles and chandeliers, reflected in the mirror, make the table decoration simply fantastic.

The most fashionable way of decorating with vegetables and fruits, without which not a single solid event can do now, is carving. This is the name of cutting out various figures from fruits and vegetables with special knives.

Simple examples of table decorations are cucumber and orange peel roses, onion chrysanthemums, tomato lilies.

Pineapple can be cut lengthwise without touching the leaves, remove the pulp from it and put salad, rice or ice cream in its place. From papaya, removing the pulp, cut out boats for salads or fruits, as well as various shapes of flowers, leaves and various figures. From a melon, an original basket for fruit or salad is obtained.

New Year's table decoration

On the eve of the New Year, it's time to prepare for decorating the room and the New Year's table. For such a case, you need to choose a color scheme that matches this holiday.

Traditionally, red and green colors are used here, but silver and gold will not be superfluous in New Year's compositions. Combinations of red with gold, white with blue and look great.

Christmas balls will look wonderful in glass vases, cones can be decorated with golden ribbons and placed near plates, decorate glasses with tinsel. Candlesticks made of tangerines in composition with spruce branches look like New Year's.

The composition of fir branches will also please, in the middle of which red apples are laid out and fixed. Before New Year's compositions, it is good to add candles floating in water or candles in high candlesticks.

Dishes can also be arranged in the form of a symbol of the year, a Christmas tree, balls, bows and other New Year's attributes. If many guests are expected to each place, it is good to put cards in the form of a Christmas tree or a star.

There are a lot of options for decorating the festive table. In an effort to surprise everyone with beauty and originality, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Decorating salads is a reason to write a separate article, because beautiful salads are an integral part of the festive feast, when each hostess comes up with something original to make the holiday special.

Beautiful salads are especially relevant when there are small children in the house - it is interesting for children to watch how their mother makes salad decorations, and then they gobble it all up together.

Read also: Decorating salads for the holiday: recipes with photos Examples of decorating salads for the New Year, birthday, anniversary, wedding. How to decorate salads for any celebration. Beautiful salads with descriptions and photos

Also, beautiful salads are relevant for children's matinees, and birthdays. Beautiful decoration of salads is not at all as difficult as it might seem, and it is enough to show a little imagination and your beautiful salads will surprise all guests.

Especially for the readers of the Home Restaurant, I made a photo selection of how to beautifully decorate salads, which I hope will come in handy.

Most of the salads in this article are layered, and to keep their shape, they are best done in a split baking dish, waiting for the salads to harden in the refrigerator, and then remove the ring, and only then proceed to decorate the salads.

Festive salad "Butterfly"

How to cook Butterfly salad with step by step photos you can see

New Year's Salad "Horse"


  • Chicken leg: 1 pc. (or chicken breast: 1 pc.)
  • Fresh cucumbers: 2 pcs. (or sweet bell pepper: 2 pcs.)
  • Mushrooms: 200-300 g
  • Onion: 1 pc
  • Vegetable oil: for frying
  • Chicken eggs: 4 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise: to taste
  • Salt: to taste


Hard boil eggs. Cool down.

Boil the chicken leg (or breast) until tender in salted water (about 30 minutes after boiling). Cool down.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into small cubes.

Wash mushrooms and cut into small cubes.

Heat up a frying pan, add some oil. Place mushrooms and onion in skillet. Cook over medium heat, stirring, for about 10 minutes.

Separate the chicken meat from the bones and cut into pieces.

Wash cucumbers (or bell peppers) and cut into cubes.

Separate whites from yolks. Grate the protein on a fine grater.

Grate the yolk on a fine grater.

Cool mushrooms.

In a bowl, combine the prepared meat and cucumbers.

Salt to taste, season with mayonnaise.

Mix well until smooth.

Combine the yolks with mayonnaise, mix well. (Bring to the consistency of thick sour cream.)

Put the salad on a flat dish (black or burgundy will look more spectacular), forming a horse's head with a knife. You can prepare a pattern in advance.

Lubricate the silhouette of the horse with the yolk mixture. Lay out the mane from the mushrooms.

The last layer is proteins. Finally form the head and ears.

Make eyes and nostrils (for example, from olives), decorate the New Year's salad as you wish. Let the salad rest in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours. New Year's fat t "Horse" is ready.

Salad of crab sticks "Mouse"


  • 150 gr hard cheese (can be processed)
  • 240 gr crab sticks
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 250 gr mayonnaise
  • 1 carrot
  • parsley
  • peppercorns


1. Grate cheese, crab sticks and garlic on a fine grater.

2. Cut carrots into circles.

3. Combine cheese and garlic with mayonnaise, mix well.

4. Put the finished mass in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

5. Form oval molds from the cheese mass.

6. Then roll them in grated crab sticks on all sides.

7. Make ears from carrots, tails from crab sticks, eyes from black pepper.

sakura branch«

Ingredientsfor salad:

300 grams of smoked chicken or pork, cut into strips;

2 small table beets, chopped on a grater;

Bank of pickled champignons;

Egg yolks 4-5 eggs;

Grated cheese 200 grams;

Grated squirrels.

You can add fried or pickled onions after the beets.

Preparing the salad:

Spread all layers with mayonnaise.

Sakura flowers are made from protein, colored with beet juice, branches from black and green olives grated on a fine grater, leek leaves.

Stamens are from the yolk.

The design depends on your taste.

flower pot«

The salad is made in a drop-down form for baking. If there is none, you can use a simple cardboard tape, fastening it in the form of a ring, and wrap it with foil. We lay out in this ring in layers, spreading each with mayonnaise:

1. grilled or smoked chicken, cut into pieces;

2. prunes, cut into strips;

3. champignon mushrooms fried with onions;

4. cucumbers, cut into strips (let them stand before laying out and drain excess liquid),

5. Korean carrots.

For decoration: radish is used, which is soaked in beetroot juice.

If you want lilac flowers - in the juice of red cabbage.

Release the salad from the contour, put unsweetened crackers around the “pot”, decorate with green leaves, which will be at hand. In the photo, the salad is decorated with sorrel.

Lay out the flowers, decorate the middle with yolk, and spread the protein grated on a fine grater between.

Keep in refrigerator until serving.

Salad "Pansies"

Salad "New Year cracker"

The recipe for the New Year's cracker salad with step-by-step photos can be viewed

Salad "Snake" for the New Year 2013

Recipes for the New Year's salad "Snake" (7 pcs) with a photo can be viewed

Salad "Crab"

The recipe for the salad "Crab" can be viewed

Salad "Goldfish"

The recipe for the preparation of the salad "Goldfish" and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Pearl"

The recipe for the salad "Pearl" can be viewed

Salad "White birch"

The recipe for the White Birch salad and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Royal"

Preparation of the Tsarsky salad and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Cornucopia" №1

The recipe for the Horn of Plenty salad No. 1 can be viewed

Salad "Violet"

salad ingredients: smoked legs, prunes, champignons fried with onions, fresh cucumber, Korean carrot, mayonnaise.

cooking : Lay out all the ingredients for the salad in layers, smearing with mayonnaise in a salad bowl, or a detachable form. Cut the radishes into slices, and soak in red cabbage juice so that the violet petals turn lilac. Put spinach leaves on the salad, and then make flowers from radish circles. Make violets from egg yolks. Lay out the sides of the lettuce with crackers.

Salad "Fox coat"

Salad preparation and decoration options, you can see

Salad "Spider line"

salad ingredients: sprats, butter, onions, hard cheese, boiled eggs, mayonnaise. Fresh cucumber, black olives, ketchup, herbs for decoration.

cooking : Mash sprats with a fork and put on a plate, then put finely chopped onion with mayonnaise. The next layer is grated cheese with mayonnaise, then three creamy little, and at the end of the egg.

To decorate, mix 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise with ketchup, and draw a cobweb. Make a spider out of a black olive. Decorate the sides of the salad with cucumbers and herbs.

Eggplant appetizer "Peacock's tail"

Cooking snacks with step by step photos can be viewed

Salad "Fireworks"

salad ingredients: ham, boiled eggs, yellow, red and green bell pepper, tomato, mayonnaise, onion

cooking : Cut all salad ingredients into thin slices. On a plate, lay out the first layer of ham, with strips of onion. Next, bell peppers of three colors, alternating them with egg whites. Top with tomatoes and mayonnaise, which we hide under grated egg yolks. Mayonnaise can be served separately in a gravy boat.

Salad "Lady's Hat"

salad ingredients: is based

ingredients for decoration : suluguni rope cheese, tomato, black olives

Salad "April Olivier"

salad ingredients: boiled eggs, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, pickles, fresh cucumbers, boiled sausage, green onions, smoked sausage, parsley, dill, mayonnaise.

ingredients for decoration : radish, fresh cucumbers, lettuce, curly parsley, salami sausage for rosette, olives, egg white.

cooking : Cut the salad ingredients into cubes and season with mayonnaise. Arrange the lettuce leaves on a plate to garnish the salad. Lay the lettuce on top of the leaves. Cucumber cut in half and cut into slices. Cut the radish in half. Arrange radish and cucumber alternately on the sides. Put curly parsley on top around the edges. Before preparing the salad, cut off a piece of boiled eggs and cut it in half. Lay the halves around. Put the salami rose in the middle. It turns out it's very easy to do. Cut 7 thin pieces of salami, wrap the first piece in a tube, and put the rest on top of each other and secure with toothpicks.

Cut the olives into thin slices and decorate the salad with them in the area of ​​​​the eggs.

Salad "Green Rose"

salad ingredients: boiled chicken fillet, processed cheese, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, pitted olives, red Crimean onion, mayonnaise.

cooking : Cut the salad ingredients into cubes and season with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with plates or slices of fresh cucumber in the form of a rose.

Salad "Mexican"

salad ingredients: boiled chicken fillet, radish, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, green onions, boiled potatoes, chili peppers, lettuce, pickled cucumbers, lemon juice and vegetable oil

cooking : Cut the salad ingredients into cubes and season with lemon juice and vegetable oil. Arrange lettuce leaves on a plate and top with lettuce. Using toothpicks, collect a cactus from pickled cucumbers.

Salad "White crocuses"

salad ingredients: boiled eggs, Beijing cabbage, canned corn, pickled champignons, green onions, fresh cucumbers, mayonnaise.

preparation: Beijing cabbage, pickled champignons, green onions, fresh cucumbers cut into cubes, add corn and season with mayonnaise. Put the salad on a plate, and sprinkle with finely chopped eggs on top.

For decoration, we take 7-8 small seedling bulbs (they are sold at grandmothers in the bazaar), a bunch of green onions and 1/4 carrots. We clean small bulbs. Now take a sharp knife and cut the cloves along the top of the onion. We take out the "insides" of the onion and, using a toothpick and green onions, insert the stalks into the "onion cups" and put a small piece of carrot in each onion.

Liver cake "Chamomile"

preparation: Cooking liver cake according to the recipe. We decorate with chopped dill, spread chamomile from egg white and yolk.

Salad "Championship"

salad ingredients : green peas (young or frozen), canned. corn, boiled potatoes and carrots, salmon, eggs, green onions, dill, mayonnaise, quail eggs.

cooking : cut all the ingredients into cubes and spread the layers on a square plate with mayonnaise in the following sequence: potatoes, green onions, eggs, salmon, corn, carrots, potatoes. Decorate the salad with green peas and dill. Mark the field with mayonnaise, and make a soccer ball from a quail egg.

Salad "Snowdrops"

salad ingredients : boiled beef, onion marinated in lemon juice and sugar, eggs, mayonnaise, hard cheese

cooking : the salad is laid out in layers in the following order: pickled onions, boiled meat, boiled eggs. Spread each layer not too thickly with mayonnaise, including the top one. Take it lightly. Sprinkle the salad with grated cheese, make snowdrop stems from green onion feathers, and cut the petals from thinly sliced ​​daikon radish slices.

salad ingredients : unsweetened round crackers, canned salmon, saury or tuna, boiled eggs, garlic, green onions, mayonnaise

cooking : arrange crackers on a plate in a circle in the shape of a flower. Next, a layer of eggs with mayonnaise, then a layer of crackers, then canned food with mayonnaise and green onions, and grease the last top layer of crackers with mayonnaise and sprinkle with finely grated eggs. Decorate the salad with tomato slices, olive halves and sprigs of herbs.

Salad "Vegetable with garlic"

salad ingredients : tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, vegetable oil, herbs

cooking : cut vegetables into slices, and arrange in rows on a round dish. Sprinkle with crushed garlic, herbs, and pour over vegetable oil.

Salad "Crab Spring"

salad ingredients : crab sticks, or crab meat, fresh cucumbers, eggs, grated hard cheese, Beijing cabbage, olives. Sauce: mix equal parts mayonnaise and sour cream, seasoning with a little mustard.

cooking : cut crab sticks, cucumbers, eggs, and olives into cubes, tear Beijing cabbage into small pieces. Add cheese, and season with sauce, put in a mold, and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Take out the salad, transfer to a dish, and garnish with green onions and crab stick flowers.

Mimosa salad with mice

salad ingredients : boiled eggs, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, onions, canned fish (sardines in oil), mayonnaise, greens

ingredients for decoration : pieces of cheese (for the ears and tail of mice), black peppercorns (use as eyes for mice)

Salad "Aquarium"

salad ingredients : sea cocktail, onion, canned red beans, pickled champignons, pickles, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : seaweed, red bell pepper (to make fish and star), mayonnaise, a few mussels to make crabs

Salad "Sunflower"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken fillet, onion, fried champignons, boiled eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : Pringls chips and olives

Salad "Gate"

salad ingredients : avocado, shrimps, fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, onions, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : green onion feathers, salty straws, a piece of black bread to make the bottom

Salad "Corn"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken breast, pickled cucumbers, onions, fried mushrooms, boiled eggs, parsley and dill, mayonnaise, canned corn

ingredients for decoration : leek leaves and canned corn

Salad "Hedgehog"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken breast, pickles, boiled carrots, green onions, dill, parsley, canned corn, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : Put the salad on a dish in the shape of a hedgehog.

Rub the eggs on a fine grater, mix with mayonnaise, and coat the hedgehog. For needles, use potato chips, and for the eyes and nose, squeeze circles from the skin of a pickled cucumber.

Salad "Crab Paradise"

salad ingredients : crab sticks, pickled mushrooms, processed cheese, canned corn, garlic, mayonnaise, greens

ingredients for decoration : red caviar, olives, curly parsley

Salad "Watermelon slice"

salad ingredients : smoked chicken fillet, fried champignons, boiled carrots, boiled eggs, grated cheese, garlic, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : red bell pepper (watermelon pulp), olives (stones), fresh cucumber (peel)

Salad "Gift"

salad ingredients : boiled veal, boiled carrots, boiled beets, steamed prunes, walnuts, boiled eggs, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise, parsley

ingredients for decoration : cut ribbons from boiled carrots and garnish with parsley.

Salad "Capercaillie Nest"

salad ingredients : boiled chicken fillet, ham, marinated champignons, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : julienned potatoes fried in vegetable oil, lettuce, for bird eggs: processed cheese, egg yolks, dill, mayonnaise, garlic.

Salad "Starfish"

salad ingredients : crab meat, or crab sticks, canned corn, boiled eggs, slightly salted salmon, grated hard cheese, garlic, dill, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : shrimps, red caviar, lettuce is laid out in layers.

Salad "Hares in the garden"

salad ingredients : smoked fish fillet, such as butter, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, boiled carrots, pickles, herbs

ingredients for decoration : in the middle make a "bed" of carrots, put egg bunnies on the sides

Salad "Orange slice"

salad ingredients : boiled eggs, boiled carrots, onions, chicken fillet, marinated champignons, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : lay the salad in layers, shape into orange slices, garnish with grated carrots and egg white.

Salad "Cornucopia" No. 2

salad ingredients : boiled chicken fillet, boiled potatoes, pickles, canned corn, eggs, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : lettuce, vegetables, slightly salted salmon, herbs, and cheese

Salad "Pineapple"

salad ingredients : smoked chicken, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, grated hard cheese, pickles, onions, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : walnut halves, green onion feathers

Salad "Tiger"

salad ingredients : smoked or fried pork, onions, boiled carrots, eggs, grated cheese, prunes, fresh cucumbers, paprika, garlic, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : salad is laid out in layers, garnish with grated carrots, olives, olives, and egg white

Salad "Grapes"

salad ingredients : canned fish (cod liver, for example), green onions, boiled potatoes, eggs, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : blue seedless grapes

Salad "Male caprice"

salad ingredients : smoked chicken fillet, boiled beef, eggs, Crimean onion, grated hard cheese, mayonnaise

ingredients for decoration : Sandwich cheese for the calla flowers, green onions for the stems, and yellow bell peppers to make the pestle
