
Classic sandwiches. Delicious simple sandwich recipes with photos for the holiday table

Hot sandwiches on hastily- this is an indispensable snack when you arrive unexpected guests or hungry children returned home. You can make them with sausage, cheese, fish, sprats, vegetables, eggs. Mistresses use white, rye, oatmeal bread, some buy special cut slices. Such sandwiches are prepared very quickly, almost everyone can find the products at home.

There are a lot of recipes and tips on how to make quick sandwiches of various types and tastes at home. The most delicious are obtained with sausage, fresh herbs, sprats in oil. Mayonnaise is used to lubricate them, butter. You can combine products to your own taste, as you like, reheat or bake sandwiches in the microwave, oven.

Recipe for making simple sausage sandwiches

You will need:

  • two slices of white bread
  • 4 pieces of smoked sausage
  • 4 slices hard cheese
  • any mayonnaise
  • 2 sprigs of greens


  • Spread mayonnaise on bread with a thin layer so that it does not drip
  • We close the bread with sausage, put 2 pieces each, then similarly lay out slices of cheese
  • Bake all this for one minute in the microwave, decorate with a sprig of greens on top

These quick sandwiches are easy to make, they turn out just delicious. The cheese melts and forms tender crust above. You can also pour ketchup on top of the sausage for spiciness, but this is how you want.

Recipe for making delicious smoked sausage sandwiches

You will need:

  • two thick pieces of smoked sausage
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • a couple of pieces of cheese
  • fresh herbs
  • 2 loaf slices
  • mayonnaise


  • Sweet pepper should be cleaned, cut into thin strips
  • Cut the sausage into small cubes, grate the cheese
  • Greens should be chopped with a knife
  • Mix all products with mayonnaise, spread with a spoon on pieces of loaf
  • Bake in the oven for 3 minutes

These sandwiches should be made when the oven has warmed up. This way they get hotter. You can use any spicy sauce instead of mayonnaise, for example, garlic.

Recipe for making delicious sandwiches with sprats and garlic

You will need:

  • 1 fresh loaf, you can take a baguette
  • mayonnaise
  • 100 grams of cheese
  • jar of sprats
  • garlic


  • Grate the cheese, chop the garlic
  • Mix the garlic with mayonnaise, spread with a fork on top of the pieces of loaf
  • Open a jar of sprats, lay out two fish for each piece
  • Top everything with grated cheese, put in the oven, bake for 5 minutes

If there is a microwave, such hot sandwiches with sprats are cooked in it in just two to three minutes.

Recipe for making hearty sandwiches with sausage and eggs

You will need:

  • 2 slices of rye bread
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups boiled sausages
  • frying oil
  • greens, salt, ketchup


  • Pour oil into the pan, fry the bread
  • We break an egg into each piece, pouring them in the middle, salt, put a piece of sausage on top. Fry, turning the sausage down
  • Spread from the pan, pour ketchup, decorate with a sprig of dill on top

You can make these quick sandwiches healthier by adding tomato slices on top, fresh cucumber. It is recommended to make them not with smoked, but with boiled sausage.

Recipe for making hearty sandwiches with sprats and pasta

You will need:

  • 1 raw carrot
  • piece of hard cheese
  • mayonnaise, pepper, salt
  • 4 slices of rye bread
  • small jar of sprats
  • greenery


  • We rub carrots and cheese, open a jar of sprats
  • We mix carrots, salt, pepper, mayonnaise, grease slices of bread with this paste with a thick layer
  • Sprinkle cheese on top of pasta, bake sandwiches for 3 minutes
  • We take it out, put a dense layer of sprats on top, decorate with parsley

You can make such hot sandwiches at home not only with sprats, but also with any other smoked or salted fish.

Recipe for making fragrant hot sandwiches with ham

You will need:

  • 50 grams of ham
  • 1 sausage
  • 1 tomato
  • 50 grams of cheese
  • mayonnaise, herbs
  • 2 pieces of loaf


  • Ham, tomato, sausage and greens should be very finely chopped
  • Cheese should be rubbed
  • All ingredients must be mixed with mayonnaise, put with a spoon in the middle of the pieces with a pea
  • Now it remains only to bake them and serve for a snack.

Some hostesses add pickle, but it's not for everyone.

Recipe for making crispy hot sandwiches with mushrooms

You will need:


  • We cut the sausage into strips, if the champignons are large, we cut them into slices
  • We spread mushrooms, sausage on bread, slices of cheese on top
  • Bake for 2 minutes in the microwave at high power

You can add mayonnaise and herbs, take any other canned mushrooms.

Recipe for making delicious hot sandwiches

You will need:

  • piece of cheese
  • long loaf
  • mayonnaise
  • garlic
  • any greens


  • Grate cheese, chop greens, garlic
  • Mix everything, spread on slices of loaf
  • Bake in the oven or microwave for 1-2 minutes

The taste of the appetizer is delicate, creamy, fresh. Such sandwiches are eaten instantly and at a time.

All these recipes are prepared at lightning speed while the guests undress. You can also treat children with such snacks, they eat them with pleasure. The main thing is to use fresh food, beautifully serve ready-made sandwiches on plates.

sandwiches Is it light or quite satisfying snack dish, which is a slice of bread or lightly fried toast with some kind of sauce, on top of which a wide variety of products are placed: meat products, meat, fish, seafood, cheese, vegetables, herbs, fruits, confectionery etc. It can serve not only as a snack, but also as a main dish. So, for example, in Holland, a variety of sandwiches are the main dish with which the Dutch satisfy their hunger during the day. In this country, you simply will not find a person who has not eaten sandwiches for at least a day.

The popularity of sandwiches has been steadily growing since their inception. And this is not at all surprising, because this dish turns out to be very tasty, it perfectly satiates, and besides, it is prepared in haste. Some five to ten minutes of time and a wonderful snack is ready!

The secrets of making sandwiches at home are very simple and can be reduced to the following list:

  • The basis of a sandwich is bread. It can be absolutely anything - Borodino, bran, hearth, wheat, etc. The most important thing is that the bread is fresh.
  • If you have to make sandwiches from different types bread, then remember that white should be stored separately from black or garlic, as it tends to absorb surrounding odors.
  • A slice of bread for a good tasty sandwich should not be too thick, the optimal thickness is one centimeter.
  • Butter or sauce is of great importance when making sandwiches. These components must be fresh. It is unlikely that someone will like sandwiches on rancid oil. And mayonnaise is generally a nutrient medium for the reproduction of bacteria and microbes. So the freshness of these components is not only a guarantee good taste, but also a guarantee that a snack will not cause poisoning.
  • If you have to grease bread for sandwiches with butter, then it is better to put this product out of the refrigerator in advance. Oil room temperature easier to smear. In addition, in the process of working with oil, you can heat the knife under a stream hot water. So it will be easier to cut it and making sandwiches will not turn into torture.
  • In order to make sandwiches with butter spicier, you can mix this product with a small amount mustard.
  • If you plan to put a piece of cheese on a sandwich, then when cutting this product, you can use the same trick with a knife as when cutting butter.
  • When choosing ingredients for making homemade sandwiches, both for every day and for the festive table, the composition of the main dishes should be taken into account. It is desirable to select components in such a way that they do not intersect, but complement each other.
  • Cook sandwiches at home should be immediately before serving. Sandwiches are a dish that storage does not improve taste characteristics but, on the contrary, worsens them. In addition, the design can "float".
  • You can decorate sandwiches with sauces, herbs, as well as other food products, including carved vegetables and fruits (carving is the creation of edible decor elements through artistic cutting for the previously mentioned products).

Here, perhaps, are all the main secrets of cooking delicious sandwiches at home. All other tricks will be given in each specific step by step photo the recipe given in this section of the site.

Beautiful holiday sandwiches in a hurry

Beautiful sandwiches on the festive table can be seen both at home and in expensive restaurant. Such an appetizer is considered the most common for any special occasions. New Year, Birthday, March 8, Valentine's Day and many other holidays are not complete without sandwiches. Classical, such as sandwiches with red caviar or red fish sandwiches, as well as themed, they become beautiful decoration holiday table.

Festive sandwiches, just like everyday sandwiches, can be prepared in haste. That is why, as a rule, several of their varieties are prepared. Due to the variety of this type of snack festive table becomes richer and tastier.

Distinguishes holiday sandwiches from everyday sandwiches special design. We invite you to get acquainted further with the most interesting and original versions decorating such an appetizer.

In this section you will find a lot of cooking recipes holiday sandwiches. All of them, in addition to a step-by-step text description, also contain a photo of each cooking stage. Thus, there will not be a single misunderstood moment in the preparation and decoration of holiday sandwiches.

Simple sandwiches for every day

Simple sandwiches for every day are the best option breakfast or snack between main meals. They can be prepared on the basis of any kind of bread and using any product. Thus, simple everyday sandwiches can be formed according to your taste preferences . Having chosen the sandwich recipe you like, you can painlessly replace one or another component. And, of course, the beauty of such sandwiches is that their preparation takes minimal amount time, and it is quite convenient to take them with you to work or study. They won't take up a lot of space in your bag.

Among sandwiches for every day, one can distinguish special category hot sandwiches. Their only difference is that before serving, such sandwiches are baked in the oven or microwave oven. As a rule, whatever filling the sandwich has, a piece of cheese is placed on top of it. Bake hot sandwiches until the cheese is melted. And, although it takes a little more time to prepare such an appetizer, it turns out to be much tastier and more satisfying than its “cold” counterparts.

Summing up…

In conclusion, we propose to study the proposed range of recipes for making sandwiches. Here you will find options for the festive table, and everyday options for every day. Choose your favorite recipe, and go to the kitchen to create delicious and simple masterpieces.

By the way, all the recipes in this section are equipped with step by step photos. It is the photos that will help you better navigate the process of cooking and decorating sandwiches. Good luck!

One of the most popular snacks are sandwiches. Any table in our time is not complete without them. By the way, no one knows the author of this wonderful dish. A simple slice of bread topped with a slice of cheese or other goodies is in many countries full breakfast. Often on big holidays, sandwiches are served as an appetizer. For example, such are the New Year or March 8th.

Denmark is a country in which there are more than two hundred varieties of sandwiches. Entering any store or restaurant, you will immediately notice big choice this dish. It should be noted that even the most simple sandwiches in this country have their own names. And if you ever have to visit buffet, which will have cold snacks, then get ready to meet even more sandwiches, because they are more popular there than in Denmark. Today we will share with you the recipes of the most popular sandwiches that will be a great decoration for your holiday table.

Hot sandwiches in the oven

This great option and a lifesaver for housewives. With the help of hot sandwiches, you can feed the whole family for breakfast, especially children. And most importantly, you will spend a minimum of time and effort.


The sandwich that came to us from France is called "Croc Monsieur". It is worth once to feel this indescribable crunch, which, along with delicious stuffing makes a sandwich insanely appetizing, and you yourself will want to cook it.


  • egg 2 pcs.
  • loaf 4 pieces.
  • leek 1 pc.
  • milk 200 ml.
  • hard cheese 100 g
  • herbs, salt and herbs to your taste.


1. Cut the loaf.

2. We break the eggs into milk, put the spices and mix thoroughly.

3. Each slice must be dipped in the milk mixture.

4. Alternately put onion and cheese on the loaf.

5. Turn on the oven and heat up to 180 degrees. Place sandwiches and bake for about 15 minutes. Chop greens and sprinkle on top.

Video recipe

Bon appetit!

Hot with tomatoes and bacon

Toast for this dish is suitable from multigrain bread. The cooking itself will take place in the oven.


  • multigrain bread 4 slices.
  • bacon 8 slices.
  • tomatoes in the form of slices 12 pcs.
  • Gruyère cheese 120 g (chopped).
  • mustard 8 tsp


1. Activate the "grill" mode in the oven to preheat the oven.

2. Put the slices of bread on a baking sheet, place in the oven and fry each side for 1.5 minutes. Be sure to smear each piece with mustard, put a couple of pieces of bacon on top, 3 pieces of tomato on top and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake for 3 minutes, during which time the cheese will melt and give the dish a wonderful appearance.

Serve them hot immediately, garnish with tomato slices.

With chicken fillet

Often there is such a situation that there is no time for cooking, but you really want something tasty. Appetizing sandwich easily solves this problem.


  • chicken fillet 4 pieces of 150 g
  • flour 1 tbsp
  • mayonnaise 0.25 cups.
  • refined oil 1 tbsp.
  • ham 4 slices.
  • chopped basil 2 tbsp
  • tomato 1 pc.
  • bread of any type 4 slices.
  • coarse black pepper.
  • mozzarella or other type of cheese 60 g.


1. First of all, mix the flour with pepper and sprinkle the chicken fillet with the mixture.

2. We heat the pan with refined oil over moderate heat. Add meat and fry until golden color. This will take about 10 minutes. Fry until the fillet is soft.

3. Turn on the oven. While it's getting hot, we'll make the sauce. Add pepper and basil to mayonnaise, mix.

4. We soak each slice of bread well with sauce and send it to the oven for a couple of minutes.

5. Put a slice of fillet on each piece of bread, a tomato on top of it. Sprinkle with hard cheese on top and put back in the oven for a couple of minutes. If the cheese does not have time to melt, then send it to the oven for another minute. Bon appetit!

Easy and delicious birthday sandwiches

Today, no holiday is complete without such snacks as sandwiches. They look great on the festive table with all the other goodies, and will delight not only you, but also the guests.

Canape for the holiday table

Today we will look at 3 options for canapes that will be a great snack on New Year's table. Many friends will come to visit you, they need to cook something delicious, but there is no time. What to do? Believe me unusual sandwiches will not only decorate the festive table, but will also become a favorite treat for all guests!


  • white bread.
  • black bread.
  • sausage Doctor's and Moscow (sliced).
  • hard cheese (sliced).
  • herring (fillet).
  • Crimean onion (blue).
  • butter.
  • Cherry tomatoes.
  • greens to your liking.
  • lettuce leaves.
  • olives.
  • lemon 1 pc.


First we will cook canapes with herring and onions.

1. Prepare the necessary ingredients.

2. Cut black bread into rectangular cubes, lightly spread with butter, but not too thick.

3. Put a herring and a couple of Crimean onion feathers on each piece of bread.

4. Put a slice of lemon on top and decorate with herbs. We connect everything with a skewer.

1. We prepare everything you need.

2. Cut white bread into pieces of medium thickness. From each slice we make a round piece.

3. Put a lettuce leaf on each piece of crumb, on top of a thin piece doctor's sausage, which is folded 4 times.

4. Decorate with tomato and herbs. With the help of a skewer we fasten our canape.

The latest canape recipe - with cheese

1. Cut the bread in the same way as in the previous recipe.

2. On top of each round slice, put hard cheese of the same shape on top.

3. We put a lettuce leaf on the cheese, a piece of Moscow sausage on top and decorate with an olive. We connect the components with a skewer.

4. We got it great snack for a feast. Bon appetit!

With red caviar

Tartlets with red caviar will be a wonderful snack. The dish is made quickly enough, no skills are required. Small baskets will be an addition to the festive table. Be sure to make this appetizer for the next holiday and feel this delicate taste!


  • processed cheese 150 g.
  • garlic 1 clove.
  • red caviar 120 g
  • ready-made tartlets 10 pcs.
  • boiled eggs 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise to your taste.
  • olives 10 pcs.


1. We clean the garlic and pass through the garlic.

2. We rub processed cheese on a small grater.

3. We take olives, drain the water from them and cut them into rings.

4. Cook hard boiled eggs and let cool. We clean, wash and three on a small grater.

5. Unpack the tartlets and open the red caviar.

7. We put the mass in each tartlet, put a little red caviar on top and decorate with an olive.

With smoked salmon and avocado

Today we will prepare fish and avocado tarts. Small sandwiches with pieces of salmon will complement your holiday table. An appetizer, without exception, is suitable for any feast. Salmon is a rather expensive treat that you don’t often see on the table, so we will make tarts with small pieces of fish and avocado, but even in such volumes you will enjoy the snack.


  • avocado 100 g
  • red fish (salmon or similar) 100 g.
  • fatty cheese 100 g
  • black bread 200 g


1. We buy all the ingredients for cooking fish sandwiches. If everything is collected, then it will take you no more than 10 minutes to create an appetizer.

2. Cut black bread into slices, divide each into triangles.

3. We smear each piece with cream cheese. If it is not available, then use butter.

4. Remove the bones from the fillet, cut into small pieces and put the fish on all the tarts.

5. Divide the avocado into 2 parts, remove the stone. The pulp is cut into small pieces, preferably thin.

6. Put avocado on bread, put a piece of fish on top. We do it with each tart and put ready-made sandwiches on a plate.

Bon appetit!

Sandwiches in a hurry recipes from simple products

This is the best and fast option breakfast or snack for the whole family.


If sausages are not currently in your house, then hard cheese, albeit not in in large numbers it's definitely in the fridge. For quick sandwich you can take any kind of cheese, for example, Dutch or smoked. To make the sandwich more appetizing, you can decorate it with a slice of fresh cucumber.


  • hard cheese 200 g
  • butter 100 g
  • fresh cucumber.
  • baguette or other bun.


1. Cut the baguette into thin pieces.

2. We spread all the slices with a small layer of butter.

3. Cut hard cheese as thin as possible and spread on butter.

4. My cucumber, peel and cut into slices, put them on top of the cheese. Top with a slice of bun.


Having enough carbohydrates in the morning, you will definitely be full of energy until lunch. Surely you think that you will have to eat porridge for breakfast again, but you are mistaken. If you cook a few sweet sandwiches, they will completely replace porridge and give you energy for half a day.



1. Cut the bun into pieces of medium thickness. Do not feel sorry for her, because even without filling she has excellent palatability, and it will be even tastier with it.

2. Spread each slice chocolate paste. Use chocolate butter as a substitute.

3.Clean walnuts and we grind the nuclei with any convenient way. Avoid peeling!

4. Clean the banana and cut into circles. Put on chocolate sandwiches. Bon appetit!

Recipes with sprats

With kiwi

Today we will prepare sandwiches from sprats and cheese. Decoration will be a thin slice of kiwi. An appetizer will attract attention at any feast!


  • kiwi 1 pc.
  • garlic 1 clove.
  • mayonnaise 4 tbsp
  • loaf 6 pieces.
  • sprats in oil 6 pcs.
  • processed cheese 30 g.


1. We buy necessary components for a sandwich. I think it goes better with sprats sausage cheese. Kiwi should be firm, with sourness.

2. What do you need for the sauce.

3. Pass the garlic through the garlic press and mix with mayonnaise. Choose the volume according to your personal taste.

4. Rub the processed cheese on a grater of any size.

5. Mix it with garlic sauce.

6. Cut the loaf into slices of medium thickness.

7. We send them to the frying pan for drying.

8. Pieces of loaf should become ruddy. This will take 10 minutes.

9. Remove the peel from the kiwi and cut it into thin slices.

10. Coat the slice with garlic sauce.

11. Put a sprat on top.

12. Decorate a kiwi sandwich.

Appetizing sandwiches are ready.

Set up a festive table. Bon Appetit everyone!

With sprats and crab sticks

Sandwiches are prepared quite quickly, have a crispy taste and perfectly complement the festive table. Such appetizing snack All your friends will love it for sure!


  • sprats 6 pcs.
  • tomato 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp
  • refined oil.
  • crab sticks 3 pcs.
  • loaf 6 pieces.


1. We buy ingredients.

2. Cut the loaf (baguette) into slices of medium thickness.

3. We heat the pan, pre-lubricate with refined oil and dry the loaf on it.

4. Make the fire weak, otherwise the toasts will turn out very hard.

5. Fry each side until golden.

6. We coat each piece of loaf with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

7. Crab sticks are divided into 2 parts.

9. Grind crab sticks (inner part).

10. Sprinkle sandwiches on top. Alternatively, you can pour the sticks into mayonnaise, mix and only then smear on a loaf.

11. Wrap sprats in crab sticks.

12. Cut the tomato into thin slices.

13. Spread on each sandwich.

14. If you wish, you can additionally decorate each piece with greens or Korean carrots.

15. For convenience, you can fasten the components with a skewer and serve!

Your family is sure to love this delicious treat. Bon appetit!

Sandwiches with sprats

Sandwiches with sprats are quite common at any feast. But surely you have never made sandwiches exactly according to our recipe. Crunchy bread with egg and sprat will create a very delicate taste that everyone will love!


  • fresh cucumber 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise 150 g.
  • 7 cherry tomatoes, extra for garnish
  • sprats 1 bank.
  • boiled eggs 3 pcs.
  • green onion 1 bunch.
  • parsley, dill 1 bunch.
  • salad to your liking.
  • sliced ​​loaf 16 slices.


1. We buy components for sandwiches.

2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the loaf pieces inside. In 20 minutes they will dry out and become caramel in color.

3. We chop all the greens as small as possible.

4. Crush boiled eggs with a fork. Do this carefully so that no large pieces remain.

5. Greens and eggs should be mixed with mayonnaise until smooth.

6. We coat each slice of a loaf with a middle layer of sauce.

7. Now let's start assembling the sandwich. We spread the tomato and cucumber on top of the sauce and 2 fish. We decorate our snack with greens.

8. Share bright sandwiches on beautiful dish. Do not lay them in 2 layers, otherwise the appearance will deteriorate significantly.

Is our appetizing dish ready! Bon Appetit everyone!

With cod liver

Here are some options for delicious and hearty snacks.

Liver with quail eggs

This dish is from chicken liver spice up your holiday table. The appetizer is served quite original.


  • chicken liver 0.4 kg.
  • butter 100 g (additionally for croutons).
  • white bread up to 19 pieces.
  • quail eggs up to 10 pcs.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • salt to your taste.
  • pepper to your liking.
  • parsley or lettuce as a garnish.


1. First we will make a pate for sandwiches. Let's start by sautéing the onions. refined oil until transparent.

2. My liver and cut into small pieces. Mix it with onion and fry for 5 minutes. Next, close the pan and simmer the mass for another 10 minutes.

3. Cool the liver and grind it in any convenient way. If you wish, you can use a blender, a meat grinder will be a fallback option. To soften, add a little butter and beat the mass.

4. Let's start cooking croutons. Cut out slices of bread.

5. Fry them lightly in butter. To get rid of excess oil, blot bread slices with a paper towel.

6. We throw quail eggs into boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes.

7.Fill out pastry bag pate, put the nozzle "asterisk" and squeeze the mass onto the croutons.

8. Our dish is ready. You can decorate it with any greenery you like. For example, you can put a piece of egg and a sprig of parsley.

Video recipe:

Bon appetit!

With egg and cod liver


  • cod liver (canned) 100 g
  • chicken egg 1 pc.
  • wheat bread 2 slices.
  • chopped parsley.
  • pickled cucumber 1 pc.
  • refined oil 1 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper to your taste.


1. Boil hard-boiled eggs and cut into circles.

2. My liver and cut into small sticks.

3. We do the same with the cucumber.

4. Lightly fry the bread, put the liver on each piece, on top of the egg and a piece of pickled cucumber.

5. Salt sandwiches and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

With red fish

This appetizer is from the category of more expensive, but it turns out very beautiful and tasty.

With black caviar: Red poppies

Sandwiches have a rather unusual design that will attract all guests. In addition, sandwiches have a wonderful taste.


We take the components based on 12 sandwiches.

  • sliced ​​loaf 12 pieces.
  • trout or salmon 200 g (2 packs).
  • butter 100 g
  • black caviar 6 tsp
  • green olives 6 pcs.
  • green onion 2 pods.
  • pickled cucumbers 3 pcs.
  • cranberries or red currants.


1. Soft butter is mixed with black caviar and smeared with a small layer on the loaf.

2. From pieces fish slices make petals. We make a flower from petals from one part of the sandwich. Put a little in the center of the slice black caviar, decorate with a green olive, cut in half.

3. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into slices, preferably thinner. We make an incision to half the slice. We decorate the sandwich with a small piece of green onions and lay out a few berries. Red currant will look very good. We put them on a beautiful dish.

Our snack is ready. Bon appetit!

With salmon and pickled ginger

Canape, made in an unusual style, will be a wonderful decoration for your holiday table. Cucumber along with pickled ginger will give the sandwich a special piquancy and spiciness. Thanks to the pieces of salmon, the dish will be more satisfying and tender.


  • cucumber 1 pc.
  • salmon or trout 100 g.
  • cottage cheese 50 g
  • butter 30 g.
  • pickled ginger 20 g
  • black bread 100 g
  • salt and pepper to taste.

If not at hand desired fish, then you can take smoked herring, pink salmon or something similar.

Black bread can be replaced with French loaf, rye bread or malt.

So that sandwiches do not lose their taste and juiciness, make them before the start of the feast.


1. We buy all the necessary ingredients.

2. Stir the cottage cheese with butter, add pepper and salt.

3. Mix the resulting mixture until smooth.

4. Cut black bread into small pieces.

5. We spread curd mass for every slice.

6. Cut the cucumber into thin rings and spread on bread.

7. Salmon or other fish on top of the cucumber.

8. It remains to put a little ginger and the dish is ready!

You can serve snacks at the table. Bon appetit!


Cod liver - 2 jars of 100 gr
3-4 eggs
grated, hard cheese - quantity as desired
· mayonnaise
french loaf
2 cloves of garlic
· dill
green onion for garnish


Cut the loaf into slices and fry in a toaster or in a dry frying pan.
Grate the eggs, crush the cod liver with a fork.
Combine with cheese, chopped dill and mayonnaise.
Grate slices of loaf (if desired, with garlic on both sides),
put stuffing on them.
Serve sprinkled green onion and dill.

2. Sandwiches with red caviar.

Ingredients for cooking and decorating sandwiches with red caviar:

Wheat or rye bread
· Red caviar,
· butter,
dill, parsley
Recipe and decoration of sandwiches with red caviar:

cut bread thin slices figuratively in the form of hearts (as in the photo), rhombuses, triangles or stars.
Butter not only the surface of the bread, but also the edges (ends).
Dip the sides of the future sandwich, buttered, into finely chopped dill - a green border is obtained.
We put caviar on a sandwich (how much is not a pity, but only in 1 layer).
We decorate the sandwich with lemon slices and a sprig of parsley, along the edge we make a pattern of softened butter using a culinary syringe and a rosette of butter.

Turned out delicious and very beautiful sandwiches for the holiday table.

3. Sandwiches "Ladybugs"..


· Sliced ​​loaf
Red fish (salmon, trout, pink salmon, salmon)
· Butter
· Tomatoes
Seedless olives
· Parsley


1. Separate red fish from bones and skin, cut into thin slices.
2. Take a loaf, cut each cut slice of loaf in half.
3. Brush butter on each half of a slice.
4. Put a piece of red fish on top.
5. Take the tomatoes, cut them in half. Cut each half not completely, so that you get the wings of a ladybug.
6. Make a head ladybug with an olive cut in half.
7. Make spots for a ladybug using finely chopped pieces of olives.
8. Put the ladybugs on the red fish and garnish with a sprig of parsley! Delicious and beautiful! Especially surprises guests

4. Snack "Ladybugs"


・Toast bread
· Cheese
· Garlic
· Mayonnaise
Cherry tomatoes
· Dill
Lettuce leaves


1) White toast bread cut into thin square pieces measuring 5 by 5 centimeters, fry a little on small amount butter in a frying pan.

2) We make the first layer of a sandwich: grate hard cheese, crush the garlic, mix the cheese with garlic and mayonnaise. Sprinkle with finely chopped lettuce and dill.

3) The second layer of the sandwich is a ladybug.
We cut the cherry tomato in half, cut off one edge, there will be a ladybug's head, we make a longitudinal incision on the tomato separating the future wings.

4) We make the head from half an olive, draw eyes with mayonnaise or lay them out with sesame seeds, cut out the dots on the back from black olives.

5) We lay the layers on a sandwich, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and decorate with parsley sprigs.

This is the most delicious spreader of all the ones I've tried. The taste is very reminiscent of red caviar, it always goes with a bang! Mom "brought" the recipe from the guests many years ago, and now we have this pate very often!


Herring - 1 pc.
Butter - 150 g
Processed cheese - 2 pcs
Carrots (small) - 3 pcs


Clean the herring from the insides, skin and bones. Boil carrots until tender.

Herring, carrots, butter, cheese twist through a meat grinder and stir. The spreader is ready. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (I don’t know for sure, I have never stood that much).
You can spread it on bread, a loaf, on slices of boiled or baked potatoes, stuff eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes. Bon appetit!
I experimented several times, gave me a bite of a sandwich and asked me to tell you what it was, everyone unanimously said, of course, with red caviar !! So cheap and cheerful, but delicious ....

6. Italian crostini.

Crostini are miniature crispy sandwiches popular in Italy. You can put anything on top, or whatever is in the refrigerator, just remember to fry bread slices and sprinkle them olive oil. Great treat for surprise guests

Half a baguette
2 tablespoons of olive oil
4 slices of bacon
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup salsa sauce
1/4 cup chili sauce
· Cheese
· Tomato
· Black pepper

1. Cut the baguette. We should have 8 slices.
2. Heat a frying pan, pour olive oil into it, fry the bread and pepper.
3. In a mug, mix mayonnaise, salsa and chili.
4. Spread the bread slices with the mixture.
5. Three grated cheese and sprinkle sandwiches on top.
6. Now fry the bacon.
7. Cut the bacon in half and put it into slices. The cheese will melt a little. This is what we need. Put the arugula on top.
8. Then put chopped tomatoes and cilantro on top.

7. Hot sandwiches with cheese.

White bread - 400 gr.
Sausage s / c - 150 gr. (you can use any)
Cheese - 100 gr.
Mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp. spoons.
Marinated gherkins - 7 pcs.
· Red bell pepper- 1 PC.
· Parsley greens.
Eggs -2 pcs.

To make sandwiches, you can take any sausage, ham, etc. to your taste. To begin with, we cut the bread into small pieces, for example, I left a whole loaf for sandwiches.
Now cut the sausage into cubes.
We also cut pickled cucumbers into small cubes.
Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and also cut into small cubes.
After that, we chop the greens.
We send all chopped products to one container, add to them raw eggs and mix.
Next, grease the baking sheet with oil.
We spread white bread on a baking sheet and grease with mayonnaise.
Spread the prepared filling on top of the mayonnaise.
It remains to grate the cheese on a medium grater.
And sprinkle them on top of our sandwiches.
Now bake sandwiches in an oven heated to 190 degrees for 5-7 minutes, until golden cheese crust.
All our hot cheese sandwiches are ready. And for those who like it spicier, you can sprinkle sandwiches with black pepper.

8. Sandwiches with mushrooms and cheese.

Delicious hot sandwiches with mushrooms and mozzarella cheese are sure to become a favorite in your family. After all, they are prepared in just 5-7 minutes, very easily and very quickly, which is so appreciated in our time. And it is also important that it is not at all expensive and does not require much experience.


1 baguette
3 garlic cloves
200 gr fresh mushrooms
2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
200 gr mozzarella cheese
spices as desired
· Salt pepper

We put the oven on the grill. Cut the baguette across, lay on a sheet and put in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the finely chopped garlic until golden brown. Add mushrooms and fry for another 5 minutes. Salt and pepper.

Put mushrooms on a toasted baguette and put a few pieces of mozzarella cheese on top. You can put it in the microwave to melt the cheese, or you can put it in a preheated oven, which I did. The cheese has browned a little. Sprinkle with your favorite spices.

Sandwiches are juicy, fragrant, crispy and very tasty.

9. Hot sandwiches in a hurry.

What could be better if you come unexpected guests than hot sandwiches in a hurry. You can, of course, make cold ones, but much tastier and more satisfying, for example, hot sandwiches with minced meat or ham or tomatoes or ... Well, I won’t torment you. Here are a couple of recipes that will help you out in difficult times.

So, of course, you can quickly fry meat, but still, in addition to other snacks, pickles and jams, your guests will surely like hot sandwiches in a hurry:

Hot sandwich with minced meat.

We do the proportions by eye, and the amount depends entirely on the number of your guests.

We will need:

· bread,
· ground meat,
· butter,
· mayonnaise,
· garlic,
salted or pickled cucumber,
· greenery,


Cut the bread and grease the top with a thin layer of butter. Spread a layer on top of the oil minced meat(seasoned with salt and pepper to taste). Three garlic on fine grater or you can squeeze through the garlic and mix with mayonnaise. We also spread this mixture over the minced meat.

We place the sandwiches on baking sheets and put in the oven preheated to 200C for 10 - 15 minutes. Ready sandwich decorate with slices of pickled cucumber and sprigs of greens. You can also bake hot sandwiches in the microwave, then the time for cooking will go away even less.

Hot sandwich with ham.

We will need:

· bread,
· mayonnaise,
· ham,
fresh tomatoes,
· cheese,


We spread mayonnaise on sliced ​​​​bread slices, put ham, slices on top fresh tomato and cover everything with thin slices of cheese. Bake in the oven until the cheese is melted (2 - 3 minutes)

Sandwiches can be served wide dish laying on lettuce leaves. This is how simple recipes for hot sandwiches in a hurry will help you out when the guests are already on the doorstep!

10. Crispy sandwiches with mozzarella and smoked salmon (crostini).

· Smoked salmon
· Fresh mozzarella
Fresh baguette
Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
Honey - 1 teaspoon
Soy sauce - 2 teaspoons
Garlic powder - 1 teaspoon
· green onion- 2 tablespoons

Slice the bread and brush it with olive oil. Roast in the oven until crispy.
Place a slice of mozzarella and salmon on each piece of baguette (size of your choice).
Mix honey in a bowl soy sauce and garlic powder.
Drizzle this mixture over each sandwich, top with chopped green onions and serve.

Compared to the popularity various dishes, then the most popular and most beloved are sandwiches. And this is no coincidence, they are tasty, practical, they are quick to cook. Sandwiches are indispensable when traveling, they are great not only for breakfast or dinner, they can be served on the festive table. The undeniable advantage of sandwiches is their variety. What kind of sandwiches people have not come up with: meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, sweet, salty ... At the same time, the most ordinary sandwich can be turned into a culinary and design masterpiece, if you use a little imagination.

How to pickle caviar for sandwiches

To enjoy sandwiches with caviar, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive delicacy in the store, pickle caviar from river fish you can do it at home, and very simply and quickly ...

Prepare a very tasty and tender pate of beef or pork liver, it makes delicious and nutritious sandwiches, it is also suitable as a filling for pancakes...

Shawarma is a great alternative to a sandwich, so it has become the number 1 dish for outdoor enthusiasts, tourists and business travelers. She is getting ready...

These hot sandwiches with ham, pineapple and cheese will be appreciated by lovers of exotic food. Sandwiches are prepared quickly - a couple of minutes to prepare the ingredients and five to eight minutes in the oven ...

Delicious cod liver sandwiches will become a real decoration of the festive table. The ingredients are not cheap, but they are worth it, especially if it's New Year or Birthday...

These sandwiches are prepared in a matter of minutes, but they turn out so tasty, so appetizing that no matter how much you cook them, it will still not be enough. Ingredients: bread, cottage cheese, dill, garlic...

Prepare these delicious and beautiful sandwiches with mushrooms, onions and cheese. They are perfect for a picnic or children's day birth. A simple, quick and practical recipe...

Home-cooked hamburgers are great food for picnics, children's birthday parties, and they can also be taken to work as lunch. Sharing a delicious homemade burger recipe...

Prepare delicious and healthy summer sandwiches with egg, lettuce and tomatoes. They are prepared in minutes from the simplest and most available ingredients. Perfect solution for a summer house or a picnic...

Capelin caviar is an inexpensive and affordable product. By mixing it with whipped cream or butter, you can get a very delicious pasta for sandwiches. They are great for breakfast or lunch...

These sandwiches with smoked salmon are prepared very quickly. In fifteen minutes you can make a whole mountain of gourmet sandwiches that will allow your guests to forget about hunger ...

Sandwiches with liver pate, especially if it is made from chicken liver, are tender and exquisite taste. These sandwiches will keep you energized until lunch...

These delicious sandwiches with freshly roasted chicken are perfect for a trip to the countryside or as a lunch for schoolchildren. They won't spoil until the evening...

The pate is prepared easily and quickly, it turns out tender and healthy, with a bunch of vitamins and essential fatty acids. You can make sandwiches from cabbage pate, or you can serve it as a side dish ...

There is nothing tastier than a fragrant sausage baked in dough. Adults and children alike enjoy this treat. In addition to the taste, this dish has a big plus - the filling never falls, because it keeps well in the dough)))

This sandwich is served hot, so these sandwiches are best prepared for breakfast. They are ideal for people who watch their figure, as they contain almost no fat...

mexican tortilla This good alternative ordinary sandwich. She combines bread product, meat and vegetables, just everything you need to maintain strength during the working day ...

  • If sandwiches are served as an aperitif, then it is important that the main ingredients of the sandwiches do not coincide with the main ingredients of the main course. As the saying goes, long live diversity!
  • Sandwiches should be cooked just before serving. To speed up the process of preparing sandwiches, we prepare the ingredients in advance. Remove the butter from the refrigerator so that it melts and spreads easily on bread. We make pastas, sauces, etc. in advance.
  • Sandwiches are made either from ordinary white loaf, or on toasted bread in the oven, or on croutons. The toast should be soft on the inside and crispy on the outside.
  • We always store white bread separately from black bread. This is due to the fact that white bread quickly absorbs all odors.
  • Sandwiches will turn out sharper if you add a little table mustard to the butter.
  • To soft cheeses cut easier, from time to time we lower the cheese knife into hot water.
  • For sandwiches, the skin is usually removed from the tomatoes. So that the skin is removed easily, we lower the tomatoes for a few seconds first in boiling water and then dip into cold water. We begin to remove the skin from the center.
  • For sandwiches, fish is usually boiled large piece. So it turns out more juicy and fragrant.
  • Sandwiches are usually decorated with herbs, as well as mayonnaise. To make mayonnaise new taste and color, various ingredients are added to it: herbs, garlic, mustard, horseradish, chopped mushrooms, etc.
