
Canape with red fish and cream cheese. Appetizer of potato pancakes

Snacks in the form of canapés on the festive table are a brilliant idea, with the help of which any feast or buffet can be turned into a holiday without the arrogant expenditure of effort and time. This article reviewed various ideas recipes for delicious canapes at home using a variety of different ingredients able to please any gourmets.

very popular in Lately is a canape variant using a skewer. Ease of preparation, the possibility of combining a variety of ingredients will allow the appetizer to appear in many different types and ways of serving.

The most popular and proven experienced housewives ingredients for canapes are:

  • Olives
  • Fish (especially red)
  • Shrimps
  • Fruits
  1. Usually serves as the basis for canapés cracker, puff pastry, croutons, chips or small pieces of bread.
  2. Fruit canapés can be combined with cheese, sweet fillings, honey.

Cut the ingredients to the same length and width, except for those that can be chopped whole.

There can be an infinite number of options for preparing canapes, it all depends on desire, imagination and taste preferences. When choosing a composition, one should only take into account the compatibility of products, but this is individual for everyone, so you should not limit yourself in your desire to try something out of the ordinary.

Canape with cheese

This canape variant is a very common and favorite dish on every holiday table. The versatility of combining cheese with a wide variety of ingredients makes this appetizer a subject for culinary and taste experiments.

Canape with different types of cheese

Suitable for this type of appetizer different kinds cheeses. Cut the selected cheeses to the same shape and chop on a skewer. You can embellish the cheese with various herbs (basil, tarragon are best suited) and seasonings.

Canape with grapes and cheese

This snack can serve as a dessert for children, and for adults great snack with white wine and champagne.

For snacks we need:

Prick these ingredients onto a skewer in the desired order. You can add a taste of sophistication by using walnuts, pricked on a skewer.

Extraordinary and original taste can be achieved by combining blue cheese and grapes.

Canape with cheese, grapes and mango

Mango can be taken both canned and fresh. The delicate taste of this product perfectly complements the cheese with its richness.

Canape with olives

Olives have a rather specific and non-standard taste that can add zest to many other products. Consider several options for canape recipes with photos.

We cut all the ingredients, except for the olives, into identical pieces (leave the olives intact). You can alternate them any way you like. We look at one of the design options in the photo.

  • Canape with salmon, melted cheese, bread and olives

To prepare this appetizer, salmon cut into small pieces should be spread with melted cheese and twisted together in the form of a roll. On a skewer we place slices of bread and olives (whole or half).

  • Canape with olives, lemon and cheese

  • Canape with pickled mushrooms, olives, sauerkraut and cheese

  • Appetizer with pineapple, olives and cheese

We take as the basis for this snack salted cracker, grease it with liver pate mixed with finely chopped pickled cucumber. On top we place a boiled egg, cut into a circle. We also cut a small tomato in the shape of a ringlet. Decorate with olives on top different colors and greenery.

  • Appetizer with olives, mozzarella and salami

Canape snack options with olives on the festive table: photo

Video: Canape with shrimp

Canape with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes

This snack option differs not only unforgettable taste, which gives a combination of selected ingredients, but also beneficial effect on the body and low calorie content.

For cooking we need:

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • a few basil leaves
  • Mozzarella

Mozzarella should be cut into cubes about 2 cm long and wide. On a skewer we place mozzarella, washed tomato, and between them - a basil leaf. Pitted olives can also be used if desired. Canape with cherry tomatoes and mozzarella is ready!

Another option for a mozzarella appetizer:


  • Homemade croutons
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Mozzarella in balls
  • Salt, pepper, basil


  1. Spread the bread fried in a pan with cheese and cut into cubes 2 cm long and 2 cm wide.
  2. We pierce mozzarella, lettuce, croutons and cherry tomatoes with a skewer, decorate with basil on top.
  3. Salt and pepper the appetizer as desired. Ready!

Canape with cucumber

This version of the canape is distinguished not only by an unforgettable taste, but also by its extraordinary usefulness and low calorie content. Perfect as a snack for weight loss.

For cooking you need:

  • Fresh cucumber
  • Crackers or breadcrumbs
  • Garlic
  • Cottage cheese
  • Greens, salt, pepper

Cooking process:

  1. Grind cottage cheese in a blender along with garlic and herbs, salt and pepper
  2. If the cottage cheese is too dry and the mass does not work out, adding sour cream or butter can correct the situation.
  3. Cucumber cut into thin layers along the entire length
  4. Bread rolls or cooked croutons of the same size are spread with curd mass
  5. We prick greased bread on a skewer, a cucumber laid in a zigzag shape, decorate with greens

Instead of bread and crackers, you can also take an ordinary salted cracker, while the skewer is no longer needed.

Canape with ham and pineapple

For this appetizer we need:

  • 250 g ham
  • Canned pineapple
  • Red pepper - 2 pcs.
  • toasted bread
  • oregano


  1. We string all the ingredients cut into pieces of the same size (length and width up to 3 cm) and heat them on a skewer
  2. Sprinkle grated canapes on top fine grater cheese flavored with oregano
  3. Can be served both raw and baked

The second option has a more intense taste with an alluring smell. Bake the appetizer at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes, until the cheese is slightly melted.

Canape with fish

This appetizer is very quick and easy to prepare, and the taste impressions can remain in the memory of your guests for a long time.

For snacks we need:

  • red fish
  • cucumbers
  • Olives
  • Cottage cheese
  • Greens, salt


  1. We cut the bread into equal pieces, if possible, making it different shape(star, circle, square). This will give the appetizer an exquisite appearance, and the craftsmanship and not the banality of the design will surprise your guests.
  2. We cut cucumbers, red fish into circles of the same size.
  3. Spread on toasted bread curd mass mixed with dill.
  4. We form canapes in layers: bread with cottage cheese, red fish, cucumber and again fish with a cucumber ring. Ready!

Cooking options for canape with herring

This appetizer is distinguished by a more restrained variety of combinations of ingredients that have been tested by time and the experience of culinary masters.

Popular delicious options spreads on black bread with herring:

  • Butter with dill. The butter needs to be softened a little and mixed with finely chopped dill.
  • Spread with mustard beans and butter. Proportions: for 1 teaspoon of mustard, a spoonful of butter.
  • Mass from mayonnaise, mixed with finely chopped greens and fresh cucumber.
  • Cheese spread: mix cottage cheese and hard cheese in proportions 1:1 and 1 boiled egg.

The next ball could be:

  • boiled egg
  • Red pepper
  • piece of apple
  • Chopped onion
  • A circle of boiled new potatoes

Options top decoration canape with herring:

  • Pickled onion
  • Ring of thinly sliced ​​lemon or lime
  • Olives
  • lettuce leaves
  • spinach with mashed potatoes inside
  • Cumin, coriander or sesame.

Snacks canapes with herring on the festive table: photo

Recipes for canapes with fruits on the festive table with a photo

This snack option will take a minimum of your time and amuse the stomachs of both adults and children. As ingredients, you can use the most different fruits available in your kitchen. If you have imagination and aesthetic taste, you can come up with a lot of design options, but it is still better for beginners to use ready recipes, gradually changing over time.

Option 1

Compound: mango, bananas, pineapple, lemon juice, honey, mint.


  • Cut the mango in half lengthwise and remove the pit. We remove the skin from it.
  • Sprinkle banana and pineapple a little with lemon juice, cut into squares, identical in size.
  • We string the fruit on a skewer and pour over with honey. You can decorate the appetizer with a mint leaf.

Option 2

Compound: oranges, pears, banana, grapes, lemon juice, powdered sugar.


  • Cut the orange and pear into slices, and slice the bananas without removing the peel.
  • From a pear and an orange, you must first cut the core and remove the seeds.
  • We prick fruit on skewers, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to cool.

Option 3

Compound: pear, apple, grape, banana.


  • We clean the pear and apples from the core and cut into squares up to 3 cm wide and long.
  • We string a pear, an apple, a banana on a skewer and decorate with grapes on top.
  • You can pour the dessert with honey, and decorate with mint.

More options for light snacks with fruits:

The preparation of these small snacks is an excellent basis for the development of imagination and creativity, as well as the search for options combination of products. Having learned some features of the combination of ingredients for canapes, you will never feel monotonous on your table, and the ability to serve an appetizer in different ways will make every holiday always special and unique!

Video: Canape on the festive table. Snack Recipe - "Penguins"

Cooking for festive table always means choosing dishes that are attractive and original appearance as well as excellent taste. Meanwhile, any housewife wants to take as little time as possible to cook, and the result is pleasing.

This time I propose to make canape with red fish and cucumbers - an appetizer that is easy to prepare, but looks really festive. In addition to groceries, buy a plastic syringe as large as possible in advance - I have 20 ml. That is, the larger the volume of the syringe, the wider the canapes will be. In addition, prepare toothpicks, on which you will plant canapes.


Cooking step by step with photos:

To begin with, cut into longitudinal pieces (about 7 mm in height) salted fish. Let's get rid of the skin. As a rule, such fish do not have bones, but if yours does, be sure to remove them too.

White bread (you can take a loaf or a baguette), cut portioned pieces. By the way, great choice- Sliced ​​bread, which is already sold in this form in the store. Then each piece has the same size and height, and so we need to cut them into about 0.7 - 1 cm. We spread slices of loaf or white bread with soft butter.

Now wash and dry the cucumber. Cut the vegetable into transverse rounds, also about 1 centimeter in height.

At this stage, we need to prepare the syringe. Just cut sharp knife the end of the syringe is in the place where the width no longer changes. Let's start with cucumbers - just press the syringe into the round, twist a little. It turns out that inside the syringe we have an even cucumber circle, which is easily removed by simply pressing the piston. We repeat similar manipulations with the rest of the cucumbers.

Then we repeat the same thing with salted fish - here the matter will undoubtedly become a little more complicated. The flesh of the fish is not so juicy, fibrous, so rounds are cut out with some effort.

At the end of the turn of white bread or a long loaf with butter - we also make rounds of the same size as cucumber and fish. In the end, there are a lot of circumcised people, what to do with them? Do not worry: the family will easily solve this issue - they will hamster, just give it.

Canape is versatile snack, which is able to decorate any table, including a festive one. The dish not only looks very beautiful, but also convenient to serve. Well, oh palatability and you don't have to speak. Very often, housewives prefer to cook canapes with fish. Salmon or trout go well with vegetables, fruits and cheeses. And because the festive table is difficult to imagine without them.

small canapes

There are an incredible number of recipes for canapés with fish. Such an appetizer can surprise even real gourmets. In general, canapes are an invention of French culinary specialists. They were originally served on skewers. Very quickly snacks fell in love with many housewives. This is largely due to the simplicity and speed of serving. Colorful appetizers are always a hit. In addition, cook them under the power of the most inexperienced housewives.

The fact that mini-sandwiches are appropriate in the most different occasions. They can be served on a festive table, at a buffet table, a solemn banquet, taken with you to nature, and for every day a snack is good. Canape with fish - universal dish, due to the fact that it can be prepared from completely different products. The main thing is to use compatible components. For cooking, you can take expensive products due to small size. So, for example, there are not many options for serving the same red fish. Not everyone can buy salmon in large quantities. And here is a canape with fish - perfect option filing.

Preparing such snacks is incredibly simple, you just need to learn how to combine products correctly in order to come up with your own options. In the meantime, you can use the recipes we offer.

Also often used for canapes different sauces which make the dish even more delicious and refined. Canapés with red fish on skewers are ideally combined with any spirits. And therefore they are the perfect snack. Fish combined with fresh vegetables and cheese is always a success with guests.

Fish as the main component for making canapes

Canape with fish on skewers the best option bringing the product to the table. Firstly, it is very tasty, and secondly, it is beautiful and convenient. In our article, we have tried to select the most different recipes canape with fish on skewers.

It is worth noting that not only red fish is used to prepare such snacks. It could be herring and tuna. There are many different options, each of which is good in its own way.

Canape with vegetables and salmon

Canape recipe with red fish on skewers colorful vegetables incredibly simple. For cooking, we need a white baguette. We cut it into thin slices, after which we dry it a little in the oven. Next, cut the tomato into rings. We put each such ringlet on a slice of bread. Brynza is also cut into pieces and put on tomatoes. For a snack, we need slightly salted salmon. We cut it thin slices, bend in several layers and spread on cheese. Next, grind the cucumber, which will be the next layer after the fish. And the olive completes the pyramid of canapés.

Canape with cheese, salmon and tomatoes

This fish canape recipe is good because the ingredients used in it are quite affordable.


  • baguette (1/2 part);
  • hard cheese (60 g);
  • salmon (170 g);
  • tomato;
  • greenery;
  • butter.

Cut the baguette into circles, after which we divide each piece into two more parts. Cut the salmon into squares with a sharp knife. Put each piece of fish on bread. We also cut the cheese into cubes and put on the salmon. Tomatoes can first be cut into circles, and then form squares out of them. We fix sandwiches with skewers, and also decorate with herbs.

Canape with cream cheese and fish

Canape with red fish (photo in the article) and soft cheese is a classic. So satisfying and tasty snack desirable on any table.


  • black bread or crackers;
  • salmon;
  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • cream cheese.

Cut brown bread into slices. thin pieces. Add cheese to chopped dill and garlic. Lubricate each piece of bread with the resulting mass, and decorate with a slice of salmon on top. You can also add a sprig of greens.

Appetizer with avocado and red fish

Interesting canapes with fish on skewers can be prepared by adding avocado to the appetizer.


  • red fish (170 g);
  • cucumber;
  • avocado;
  • black bread;
  • lemon juice;
  • greens and olives.

We cut the black bread into thin slices, cutting out squares from the nickname. Next, peel the avocado and remove the pit from it. We take out the pulp with a spoon, turn it into mashed potatoes and add lemon juice. We chop the dill, and cut the fish into thin slices. Cucumber must be chopped into thin slices. We apply avocado puree to the bread blanks, lay out the pieces of fish and, using toothpicks, fasten the appetizer by adding cucumber slices and olives.

Appetizer of potato pancakes

All canape recipes with red fish are good in their own way. However, if you want to cook something unusual, then we recommend preparing an appetizer using potato pancakes, which will replace bread.


  • potatoes (430 g);
  • trout or slightly salted salmon (210 g);
  • egg;
  • flour (st. l.);
  • dill and mayonnaise.

raw potatoes clean, wash and grind on a grater. Put salt, egg, flour and pepper into the potato mass. We mix all the ingredients. From the resulting dough we form pancakes, after which we fry them in a pan. Ready-made pancakes can be smeared with mayonnaise, and put slices of chopped fish on top. Decorate the top with greens.

Bright canapes

Canape with red fish on skewers and without - it's always beautiful and bright snack. But it can be made even more attractive. To prepare canapes, you definitely need to use greens, which give brightness to the dish.


  • parsley;
  • White bread;
  • butter (120 g);
  • saffron;
  • salmon (230 g).

The oil must first be held at room temperature to soften it up. Next, mix it with saffron and mix well. The resulting mass is transferred to a pastry bag.

We cut the bread into slices, from which we cut blanks of any shape. Cut salmon into thin slices. Roll up each piece and place on a piece of bread. We decorate all canapes with greenery. And squeeze oil on top of the fish. Insert a skewer into each canapé.

Canape with ladybugs

Beautiful and delicious canapes can be built in the form of ladybugs. Children will love this appetizer and will decorate the table.


  • white bread;
  • butter (50 g);
  • olives;
  • cherry tomatoes (branch);
  • slightly salted salmon (160 g);
  • greenery;
  • mayonnaise.

Cut the bread into pieces, giving them the desired shape. Grease the blanks with oil on top and lay out the pieces of salmon. Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves, each of them is also cut, but not completely. These will be the wings. ladybug. The head of an insect can be made from a piece of olive. We put drops of mayonnaise on the tomatoes. By the way, dots on tomatoes can also be made from pieces of olives. We decorate the finished dish with herbs. You can also use lettuce leaves for decoration. Then the appetizer will be even brighter and more beautiful.

roses from salmon

Canape recipes with fish with photos allow you to visually appreciate all the beauty ready meal. Appetizers with red fish always look advantageous. And canapes with beautiful salmon roses can generally become the best decoration table.


  • bread;
  • cucumber;
  • cream cheese (170 g);
  • smoked salmon (210 g).

Cut the bread into portioned slices, then cut out of them round bases for toast. Fry them in a pan without oil. Lubricate each slice with cheese, and put a cucumber slice on top. Salmon must be cut into thin slices, which we twist into roses. We set each such flower in the middle of the toast and decorate with greens.

Canape with paprika, fish and cheese

Canape with fish on skewers with paprika and cheese is delicious spicy dish which will please many.


  • slightly salted salmon (240 g);
  • lettuce leaves;
  • hard cheese (180 g);
  • butter (90 g).

Slice the bread thinly and brush each piece with butter. We cover each canape with a lettuce leaf, put slices of red fish on top. To top it off, we decorate the appetizer with slices of cheese, rolled in paprika. We decorate the finished canape with fish on skewers with olives.

Pancake Canape

There are no restrictions at all for making canapés with red fish on skewers (the photo is given in the article). As a basis, you can take not only bread and toast. It could be crackers biscuit cookies And so on. Here, every hostess can show her imagination. IN this recipe pancakes are taken as the basis for canapes. Surely every housewife will cope with their preparation.


  • soft cheese(180 g);
  • cucumber;
  • dill;
  • olives;
  • salad;
  • salmon (230 g);
  • pancakes (5 pcs.).

The fish must be cut into thin slices, and the dill must be chopped. Lubricate each pancake with cream cheese and sprinkle with dill, then roll up. Cut them into rolls. We decorate each of them with a salmon rosette on top. We stick a toothpick with a piece of cucumber and an olive into each canapé.

Canape from tartlets

You can use tartlets as canapés. Filling them with stuffing tender cheese And chicken eggs, available great snack.


  • dill greens;
  • two processed cheeses;
  • smoked salmon (230 g);
  • three eggs;
  • tartlets.

Boil the eggs, peel them and grind them in a blender together with melted cheese. Finely chop the dill and add it to the mass. Cut the fish into thin slices. We fill the tartlets with cheese mass, and decorate with a slice of fish on top.

Canape with herring

If the housewives try to cook canapes with red fish for the holiday, then as an option for every day, you can offer a snack with herring. This dish has a bright and rich taste thanks to the use of special oils. It is quite easy to prepare. It is necessary to take butter (110 g) and add a teaspoon of mustard, a little ground pepper, a couple of drops soy sauce and chopped greens. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed.

For cooking, you need to take only black bread, it goes better with such a fish. Cut slices of bread and fry them on both sides. After they have cooled, we apply the oil prepared by us to each piece. Put the herring on top and add a slice of lemon. To make the canapé look more interesting, you can pierce it with a skewer.

Canape with tuna

Tuna is also great for making canapés. The fish has a rich taste, and therefore there is no need to use any special products as a supplement. Tuna is good in combination with lemon and pickles. For canapés, you can take canned tuna. Mash the fish to a mushy consistency. boiled egg grind and add to the tuna mass. We also add finely chopped basil. The resulting cream is applied to the dried slices of bread. Top canapes decorate pickled cucumber, a slice of lemon and herbs.

Canape with shrimps

Seafood lovers can prepare a wonderful appetizer with red fish and shrimp. Paired with fresh cucumber Seafood Cocktail has a bright and rich taste.

Boil the shrimp in lightly salted water for about twenty minutes. Then take them out and let them cool down. Cut the bread into slices, grease each of them with mayonnaise. Cut the cucumber into rings and spread on the canapes. Put a piece of fish and a peeled shrimp on top. We chop each canapé with a skewer.

Canape with caviar

If you want to impress your guests, you can cook classic canapes with salmon and cheese, garnished with fine-grained caviar. This dish is worthy of the most solemn events.

We put soft cheese on dried slices of white bread. Put a circle of cucumber on top, and then twist a slice of lightly salted salmon into a roll. We put the roll on a canapé and decorate it with caviar and a sprig of greens. Caviar should not be much. Its main task is to decorate the appetizer.

Canape with cream

Fine canapes can be prepared from salmon filled with gentle cream. The filling can be prepared differently each time, so the appetizer will never get bored. For the dish you need slightly salted fish cut into thin strips.

For cream, take 190 g of any cottage cheese and 90 g of hard cheese. Grind the cheese on a grater, chop the greens. We combine cottage cheese, cheese, herbs, add pepper. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The consistency of the cream resembles sour cream. We apply it on a strip of fish and turn the roll. The filling will be in the middle of the roll. It can be pierced with a skewer for convenience and garnished with grapes or olives.

In cold appetizers, slightly salted salmon is often used. And in hot appetizers and some kinds warm salads use fried. Canape with salmon is an excellent and even slightly sophisticated version of the perfect treat for the festive table.

There are a myriad of options for preparing such sandwiches. And we will tell you how to arrange them beautifully and profitably. Especially for you, the editors of our portal have prepared some ideas for creating delicious canapes with salmon. With us you will find best recipes with a photo and we are sure that you will definitely choose for yourself perfect recipe mini sandwich.

Sandwich base:

  • White bread toast
  • Baguette or Borodino bread, cut into pieces of arbitrary shape (circles, triangles, squares)
  • Homemade potato chips
  • Crackers. Suitable fresh or salted
  • Puff pastry flounces
  • Thin omelet
  • Unsweetened pancakes
  • Leaf lavash

Decoration products:

  • Lemon, lime
  • Cucumbers or avocados
  • Black olives and olives
  • Salmon caviar or tobiko
  • Lettuce, all kinds of greens

For sandwiches and canapes, feel free to choose any combination of the proposed bases and toppings. So that you can fantasize freely and create your own culinary masterpieces Let's give some examples.

Salmon on potato pancakes

Festive canapes with salmon in this version are made nowhere easier. And the food is amazing. So attention:

  1. Rub on coarse grater 1 kg potatoes and squeeze out excess liquid.
  2. Add 1 egg, 1 tablespoon flour, finely chopped green onion and a pinch of salt.
  3. Spoon the mixture onto the hot oil, forming round cakes.
  4. Fry on each side until golden brown 3-4 minutes.
  5. To remove excess oil, ready-made cakes blot with kitchen towels.
  6. When potato pancakes have cooled, put sour cream (1 teaspoon) and pieces of salted salmon fillet on them.

Rolls with salmon in lavash

  1. Lay sheet pita bread on cling film or a sushi mat.
  2. Mix 50 gr. cheese "Mascarpone" with finely chopped dill.
  3. Spread the lettuce leaves and chopped cucumber evenly on top.
  4. Then lay out the fish slices and pour over the lemon juice.
  5. Roll the roll with a mat, pressing it as tightly as possible with your fingers.

To prevent pita bread from stale, wrap the roll cling film(or fold into a bag) and refrigerate. After about an hour, take out and cut with a sharp knife into pieces of 3-4 cm. Put the finished rolls on a dish with the cuts up. You can decorate with tobiko caviar or olives. Pickled ginger is perfect for decorating the whole dish. These canapes with salmon look just great (see photo).

Tartlets with avocado and salmon

  1. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, cut into small pieces and grind in a blender.
  2. Sprinkle the resulting gruel with lemon juice, add salt and black pepper.
  3. Fill the finished tartlets in the following order: spread a layer of cream cheese on the bottom, place cherry tomato slices on top of it, then avocado paste.
  4. Thinly slice the salmon fillet (it is best to freeze it beforehand).
  5. From the resulting fish "petals" form a rosette and place in a tartlet.
  6. Make the center of the flower from an olive ring.

Salmon in an omelette

A wonderful salmon canape recipe will help surprise your guests and make them appreciate your culinary talents. Attention:

  1. Whisk 10 eggs with 1 tablespoon flour and 1/2 cup milk with a mixer.
  2. Add salt to taste and bake on a rectangular baking sheet at 180 degrees. Put the cooled omelet on cling film.
  3. Spread slices evenly on top. lightly salted salmon and fresh cucumber (or avocado). Use cling film to roll into a tight roll.
  4. Diagonally cut into several equal parts.
  5. Garnish with parsley and lime.

Classic canapes with red fish

Despite simple ingredients, canapes turn out surprisingly tasty and are always in great demand on the festive table.

  1. 200 g red fish fillet (ideally salted trout),
  2. White bread,
  3. half a fresh cucumber
  4. soft cream cheese and greens (she will go for decoration).

From thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of bread, you need to cut the base for canapes in the form of circles using a narrow glass or squares. Cucumber cut into thin circles, put on toast. To make rosettes from salted trout, the fillet should be cut into thin oblong slices, and then twisted into a flower and fixed on a mug of cucumber smeared with cream cheese. Garnish the elegant canapés with parsley or dill on top.

Canape with specially salted trout

Real gourmets will surely appreciate original taste canape with trout salted in an unusual way. So, for a canape, you need to prepare:

  1. trout fillet;
  2. sea ​​salt;
  3. ginger;
  4. one orange;
  5. wheat bread (for toast);
  6. butter;
  7. chives.

Pour salt on the bottom of a flat container with sides, put a piece of trout on top so that the skin is on the bottom. Grate the ginger and thickly sprinkle the fillet with the ginger mass, the fish should be under the ginger “fur coat”. Cut the orange into circles, squeeze the juice evenly over the trout, then spread the circles over the entire surface. Salt and put the fish in the refrigerator for a short time (5-6 minutes is enough).

At this time, prepare the base for the canapes by squeezing the circles from the pulp of the toast bread with a glass or a special mold. Butter spread the bread on the sides and top, then roll the circles in finely chopped chives and put on a dish.

Remove ginger, oranges and salt from the finished trout, cut the fillet into thin slices and roll up with an accordion or rosette. Secure the fish to the bread base with skewers.

Canape with salmon and cucumber

The delicate taste of these canapés with salmon will surprise guests at a festive buffet table.

For cooking you will need:

  1. one cucumber,
  2. salmon fillet (smoked or salted),
  3. medium fat sour cream
  4. lemon,
  5. horseradish,
  6. black pepper,
  7. dill.

Cut thin grooves along the edge of the cucumber, then cut it into circles and put them on flat dish. Thoroughly mix sour cream with horseradish in proportions to your liking, squeeze the mixture onto cucumber circles. Sprinkle the fish with a little lemon juice, pepper. Twist small rolls from almost transparent strips of salmon fillet, laying them on top of sour cream with horseradish. Decorate with greenery.

Canape with smoked salmon and crab sticks

A simple recipe for everyday and festive table.

For canapes you will need:

  1. 150 g smoked salmon fillet;
  2. 100 g crab sticks;
  3. 100 g butter;
  4. 4 pieces of toasted bread toast;
  5. greenery for decoration.

Soften the butter in advance, place grated on a fine grater in it. crab sticks, to stir thoroughly. Cut the toasted bread into canapé bases in the form of squares, circles or triangles (optional), thickly spread it with a gruel of butter and crab sticks.

Cut the fish fillet into medium-sized pieces or strips (they can be folded into an accordion, roll), lay on an oil layer. Sprinkle the canape with finely chopped herbs.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in preparing salmon canapes, and our recipes with photos will make your task as easy as possible.

Canape with salmon and cream cheese

Fast and very delicious recipe canape, which will require:

  1. soft cream cheese (115 g);
  2. smoked salmon fillet (120 g);
  3. black bread (6 slices);
  4. dill (for decoration and cheese mix);
  5. lemon zest and juice;
  6. salt pepper.

Ingredients are for 6 servings.

First, prepare the cheese mixture by mixing cream cheese with finely chopped dill (about 1 tbsp), grated lemon zest (about 1 tsp), lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Then cut from the pulp rye bread small circles and grease them with a thick layer of cheese mixture. Salmon fillet, cut into thin strips, lay on top in the form of neat roses. Use the rest as a decoration. lemon peel and greens.

Canapes - small sandwiches - are good not only for a buffet table, but also for any feast: after all, they look very appetizing, they are convenient to take and eat, so guests always like canapes. I also often cook them, and I always have a lot of ideas for canapes on skewers: how to decorate them beautifully, how to assemble them correctly, and most importantly, what to make canapes on skewers from.

They really can be prepared from a variety of products, but still I have a few of the most good recipes. One of them is a canape with red fish. For these purposes, trout, and salmon, and pink salmon - any red fish are suitable. She is accompanied by hard cheese, shading her bright taste, and cucumber, which brings freshness and lightness to the overall composition.

Such an appetizer looks elegant, and it turns out very tasty, and it is not at all as difficult to prepare as it seems at first glance.


  • loaf;
  • butter;
  • 100 g lightly salted red fish;
  • 1\3 tsp lemon juice;
  • 70 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 small cucumber

How to cook canapes on skewers with red fish:

The basis of our canapes is a loaf or any white bread of your choice. Black bread is not suitable in principle, and it will not be very convenient to cut baguettes into small cubes later (canapes are small sandwiches, so all the ingredients for them are cut very finely). Lubricate the banana with butter.

Then we cut the loaf with butter into squares with a side of about 2 cm. At the same time, we do not use part of the loaf with a crust - this may not be very economical, but it is a guarantee that our canapés on skewers on the festive table will look neat.

The next step is to prepare the rest of the ingredients. We cut the red fish into squares - the same size as the cut loaf. The same goes for hard cheese. Fresh cucumber cut into thin rings. Yes, one more thing. Red fish I advise to sprinkle a small amount lemon juice - this will emphasize delicate taste lightly salted fish.

Now let's do the design of canapés on skewers. Put a square of red fish on a cube of loaf with butter, then hard cheese and again a square of red fish.

We string a circle of cucumber on a skewer, as shown in the photo. It is very important that the cucumber is thinly sliced, then it will look beautiful on a skewer.

With a skewer with cucumber we pierce a pyramid of loaf, red fish and cheese.

That's all, our delicious canapés on skewers are ready for the festive table. If desired, they can also be decorated with herbs - dill or parsley.

Now you know how to cook canapes on skewers with red fish quickly and without special trouble, but in such a way that they look very presentable. Bon appetit!
