
Red fish is very salty - how to make it lightly salted? How to soak too salty fish in milk? Soaking salted fish.

If the fish product contains up to 14% salt, then it is a strong salting, for a weak salting, from 5 to 9% salt is typical. If the fish turned out to be strong salted, then it becomes necessary to soak it. Before the soaking begins, the fish must be cut into neat pieces. Even lightly salted fish is cooked already cut into equal pieces. The fire used should be small, and the escaping scale should be removed periodically.

How long to soak

  • Soaking salted fish should be done exactly as many hours as the days the fish product was in a strong saline solution.
  • It is desirable to soak salted fish in ice water, it is also possible in the refrigerator.
  • During soaking, do not forget to change the water regularly, every 2 hours.
  • The emergence of salted fish to the surface means that it has already lost enough of the accumulated salt in order to have time to acquire a delicate taste.
  • During the hot season, the best place to successfully soak is the refrigerator.
  • Do not forget about the timely change of liquid so that the soaked fish does not start to deteriorate quickly.
    It should be borne in mind that reducing the amount of salt during soaking is not the only effect; along with the loss of salt, the fish product loses a certain amount of mineral salts, useful proteins, and essential nitrogenous substances. All this leads to a significant decrease in the taste of the fish itself.
  • By absorbing water, the specific gravity of the fish product increases by 25%.
  • When soaking, there is one minus - the product after such processing is stored only for a day.
  • Soaked fish is desirable to eat directly or cook it with the help of additional food processing.
    In order to speed up the soaking, add a little ordinary vinegar to the water in a ratio of 10: 1 (ten parts of water and one part of vinegar).
  • Different varieties of fish have their own nuances when soaking. For example, salted herring is soaked according to its technology.

Traditional recipe for soaking herring

This method significantly speeds up the process of soaking salted fish, improving the final quality of the soaked product. First, the herring must be carefully cut in half along the line of the spine, leaving a thin skin. Strongly brewed sweet tea or fresh milk is excellent as a necessary steeping liquid. Tea contains important tannins that do not soften the flesh of the fish, while maintaining its original density. The action of fresh milk is just the opposite: it softens the pulp well, giving it a little tenderness to taste. In addition to this recipe, there are traditional ways of soaking fish.

Classic fish soak recipe

  • To begin with, uncut fish is placed in ice water for further swelling.
  • After that, they are carefully cleaned of excess scales, subjected to butchering, the head and unnecessary fins are removed, and carefully plastified. The necessary soaking is carried out in clean running water.
  • Strongly salted fish is carefully poured with water in proportions of 1: 2. Due to the difference in the maximum salt concentration in the butchered fish and water, the diffusion process proceeds quite rapidly, ending an hour after the onset of the concentration equilibrium of the salts. When the specific content of accumulated salt in the product decreases, the rate of internal diffusion begins to slow down, and then the water needs to be changed much less frequently.
  • It is necessary to change the water at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 6 hours. After a full 12 hours of continuous soaking, the salt concentration should drop to the normal 5%.

In order to personally verify this, they cook for a test, if necessary, soaking should be extended or the fish product removed. The disadvantage of this soaking method is that as the fish releases the accumulated salt to the water, the soaking process slows down significantly.

It should also be taken into account that with a sharp decrease in the salt concentration in the fish product, its deterioration can quickly begin.

With the method of soaking salted fish in a flowing aquatic environment, the fish are placed in a special bath with frequent slatted flooring, under which there are built-in pipes for uninterrupted water supply. The flow of water will evenly wash the salted fish, flowing into the water drain.

With this industrial method, one must remember to stir the soaked fish every half hour. This simple way allows you to soak the fish in a few hours.

Use after soaking salted fish

It is advisable to serve the soaked fish product with various healthy vegetables in fresh or pickled form, it is served as a delicious salty snack. It can also be used for cooking, preparing a homogeneous cutlet mass.
Before direct serving, even moderately salted herring is subjected to thorough processing:

  • gently separate the skin
  • remove head and gills
  • take out all the unnecessary insides,
  • remove dense vertebral and costal bones.
  • After these steps, the fish is thoroughly washed.

If the herring is sufficiently salty and dryish, then it is defended in cooled boiled water or in a tea solution. When soaked in tea, the fish loses some amount of salt, without acquiring flabbiness in return, as happens in an ordinary aqueous solution.

To give the herring a little juiciness and a noticeable tenderness to the taste, it is defended in milk. The herring is placed in a container, poured with fresh milk so that it slightly covers the laid fish.

Before you start using the resulting fish product, you need to know some of the subtleties of preparing such a product.

The nuances of cooking original dishes from a salted fish product
When choosing a soaked salted fish product as the main ingredient, you need to remember that its meat is drier in texture than the fresh version. Therefore, it is customary to add components to dishes with this type of fish that will help it give a little juiciness:

  • regular vegetable oil
  • homogeneous tomato puree,
  • fresh cream of medium fat,
  • various sauces.
  • But the main preference for a salted fish product is still given to vegetable oil.
  • Herring fat has a good content of unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to humans. Among them, linoleic and arachidonic acids are considered the most biologically valuable. Ordinary vegetable oil does not contain arachidonic acid, but there is a sufficient amount of linoleic acid. When salted herring is combined with ordinary vegetable oil, the value of cooked dishes increases significantly.
  • Various delicious snacks using herring, salted sprat, tender herring with the addition of vegetable oil become independent dishes, balanced in terms of the content of important fatty acids.

side dishes

As side dishes for dishes from such a fish product are used:

  • fragrant boiled potatoes,
  • fresh tomatoes and cucumbers,
  • chopped parsley,
  • boiled beets,
  • pickled mushrooms,
  • grated sweet apples and hard-boiled eggs.

Soaked herring is served in beautiful herring bowls along with potatoes, and a side dish of lightly salted cucumbers and boiled carrots is placed on the sides. To complete the dish, greens are used along with thin onion rings.

The following types of fish are supplied to public catering establishments in salted form: cod, haddock, flounder, herring, perch and other fish. Salt in them contains from 10 to 20%. Fish intended for frying should contain no more than 3% salt, and for cooking - no more than 5%, so the fish is soaked before cooking.

Before soaking, the fish is prepared: it is poured with cold water to swell, the scales are cleaned, the head and fins are removed, and can be cut along the back into fillets. At the same time, the soaking time is reduced, but the taste and nutritional value are deteriorating. Pike perch, perch, herring, carp fish are soaked without cleaning, as a whole.

Fish is soaked in two ways: in changeable water and in running water.

For soaking change water the fish is placed in a bath and poured with cold water at a temperature of 10-12 ° C. They take twice as much water as fish (2 liters of water per 1 kg of fish). As salt accumulates in water, its further release becomes more difficult, so the water is periodically changed after 1, 2, 3 and 6 hours. Ice can be put into the water to maintain the required water temperature.

For soaking running water the fish is placed on a grate in a special bath, into the lower part of which cold water enters, constantly washing the fish and pouring out through a pipe in the upper part of the bath.

Soaking time for salted fish is from 8 to 12 hours. Soaked fish is used for boiling, frying, preparing cutlet mass and stewing.

Requirements for the quality of semi-finished products:

As a raw material for semi-finished products, live, frozen or chilled fish, not lower than the 1st grade, that meets the requirements of the current standards and specifications, is used.

The following semi-finished products are produced from fish: carcasses, fillets, links.

Carcasses - fish, butchered along the abdomen and gutted: the head, humerus and black film from the abdominal cavity are removed; the abdominal cavity is cleared of blood clots. The ventral, pectoral, dorsal and anal fins are cut at the level of the skin, the caudal fin is removed by a straight cut 1-2 cm above the end of the skin.

In fish (except for flounder, goby), having a cut weight of 200 g or less, the head can be left with the carcass, the gills are removed along with the entrails.

In flounder fish, eggs and milk can be partially left in the abdominal cavity. The surface of the carcasses is clean, without scales, natural color. In scaleless fish, the surface is carefully cleaned of mucus.

It is allowed (as a result of hemorrhages) redness of the surface in horse mackerel, bream, asp, carp, pike perch, kutum, ide, catfish, and in flounder - spots of various colors. In sea bass, a change in surface color to pale pink or partial blanching of the surface is allowed.

The consistency of the fish is dense, inherent in this type of fish. Rib bones are not exposed.

The color and smell characteristic of this type of fish, without "sunburn" and other discrediting signs.

Fillet - made from large fish. The fish is carefully cleaned of scales; head. The humerus and vertebral bones, as well as the black abdominal membrane and bruised areas, have been removed. Depending on the type of cutting, the fillet can be with or without rib bones, as well as with or without skin.

The consistency of the meat is dense, inherent in this type of fish. In fillets of cod fish and halibut, longitudinal stratification of meat is allowed.

Color and smell - characteristic of this type of fish, the smell of oxidized fat and other discrediting signs are absent.

Links - are produced from sturgeon fish, from raw materials not lower than the 1st grade. The fish is spread into links strictly along the spine, the fat layer of the back is evenly distributed between the two links. The surface of the links is carefully cleaned from the dorsal and costal cartilages, bone plates, scales, and bruises.

The pelvic and anal fins are cut at the level of the skin. The caudal fin is removed by a vertical cut at the level of the end of the anal fin. The consistency is dense, the smell inherent in this fish, without oxidized fat, sunburn, and other discrediting signs.

Basic requirements for fish- this is freshness, it is determined by appearance, color, elasticity, smell.

Fish should have dense shiny scales, elastic flesh, red gills, tightly pressed, without mucus, bulging eyes.

The inner surface of the semi-finished products must be carefully cleaned from the insides, blood clots, dark film. The pulp should hold tightly to the bone, darkening of its inner part, exposing the costal bones is unacceptable. The skin of the treated fish must be intact, free of fins and scale residues. The bony parts of the fins that penetrate the flesh of the fish must be cut out.

Fish semi-finished products intended for cooking at catering establishments and sale through culinary shops are cooled for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 0 to -2 °C. Whole chopped fish or large pieces are stored for 48 hours, portioned pieces and minced fish - 24 hours, cutlet mass is placed on a baking sheet with a layer of no more than 5 cm and stored for 2-3 hours, and semi-finished products from cutlet mass - up to 12 hours.

The total period for the sale of semi-finished products, provided they are stored in refrigerators, should be no more than 24 hours from the end of their preparation, including the time of storage and transportation. If unrefrigerated transport is used, the duration of transport should not exceed 2 hours.

Questions for self-examination in the section: Processing of fish and preparation of semi-finished products:

1. What nutrients are found in fish?

2. Depending on the fat content, the fish is divided into (specify % ratio)?

3. How is frozen fish thawed?

4. How is salted fish soaked?

5. To reduce the loss of minerals, what should be added to the water? And how much to take per 1 liter of water?

6. What quality requirements apply to semi-finished products (carcasses, fillets, links)?

How to soak salted herring in milk?

    Yes, it happens that the herring is very salty and you need to soak it and you can do it in water, or you can in milk. And it is in milk that it will taste more tender and less salty, but will be slightly lightly salted.

    And for first we must cut the herring into boneless fillets, for this we should cut off the tail and head, open the abdomen and clean it, then remove the skin from the herring and for this cut it along the ridge.

    Then he pulls out the bone and separate the fillet, and cut it into medium pieces. We spread the herring in a container, fill it with cold milk and leave it in the refrigerator for four or five hours, the milk will need to be changed after a couple of hours.

    I soak heavily salted herring in milk as follows:

    1) I clean, take out the insides and separate the fillet from the bones. The fillet gives off excess salt much faster than a whole herring.

    2) I pour cool milk into a small container and immerse the whole herring fillet in it.

    I put it in the fridge so the fish doesn't spoil.

    3) I keep the herring in milk for 4-8 hours, depending on how much salt it was. Every 2-3 hours I change the milk to fresh. And you can leave the herring to soak overnight, but then pour more milk.

    4) I take out the finished herring and wipe it with a paper towel.

    Herring is very tasty, tender and soft. From it you can cook any dish. But, for my taste, it’s enough just to cut it into pieces, sprinkle with vinegar, pour over with vegetable oil, sprinkle with onions, herbs and eat with young boiled potatoes.

    Bon appetit everyone!

    Soaking salted herring in milk is one of the best, herring least of all loses its useful and taste qualities. It turns out tender, soft. First you need to prepare the herring: remove the head, entrails, tail. Rinse in cold water, dry well with a towel or paper towel.

    It can be cut into two halves along the back or cut into pieces, put in a container and pour cold milk and refrigerate. Soak for 8-12 hours, but change the milk 2-3 times. Or dilute the milk with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1 and soak the salted herring in this mixture.

    We clean the herring, remove the head, offal. Cut into pieces, and put in a glass or ceramic dish. Pour milk so that the pieces are completely immersed in it and put it in a cool place, in the refrigerator. Usually five to six hours is enough. Depending on the degree of saltiness, it may be necessary to change the milk, and leave the herring for another four hours. After that, the herring is taken out and dried.

    It is better to soak each new portion of salted herring in milk immediately before use. Milk draws out salt, but saturates fish meat with bacteria that reduce its shelf life.

You have a party and you decide to cook different dishes. You bought a herring in the hope that you sprinkled it with lemon and put it on the festive table, and then you realize that the herring you bought turned out to be too salty and you need to do something about it and as soon as possible.
Here is a step by step guide on how to soak salted herring.

For this process, you need to prepare the following components:
Herring itself, strong black tea, or cow's milk. Half a glass of vinegar, one teaspoon of sugar. Two to three teaspoons of mustard, cooked, not powdered. Sunflower oil and one head of onion.

1. So we move on to the process: how to soak a salted herring.
We clean the fish from the internal organs, pulling them out of the belly.

2. Cut off the heads with the tail and fins on the back. Remove the skin carefully.
Cut the meat itself, clearing the ridge with bones. Remove the black film on the belly.

3. Place the herring meat in a container.
Determine if your herring has a high fat content and friability, then pour strong, freshly brewed black tea into the container. Tea will restore its density and remove excess salinity.

4. In the case when the herring has a narrow but dense structure, fill it with milk. From milk, her meat will become more tender and less salty.

5. Pour in such a way that all the meat is immersed in liquid.

6. Soak the herring from four to six hours. If it was very salty, then soak for up to eight hours.

1. If the herring is too salty, while its meat is dry, then there is the following way.
Such a herring is soaked in water, placing it under a tap, if possible, so that it is under running water for three hours, crushed by a load. And in the water you may have to keep up to two days, after three hours changing the water all the time.

2. So we learned about some ways to soak salted herring.
Now you can prepare an original side dish for your herring. Although you can refer to the classics.

3. Few people will not appreciate the potato side dish and tender herring meat. Herring can be poured with vinegar with mustard sauce.
To do this, remove the container for herring and lay out thin pieces. Prepare a filling of table vinegar, sugar, mustard and oil.

What to do if the herring is very salty, what to soak in?

Not a single feast in our country is complete without salted herring. After all, each of us loves low-fat, appetizing herring for its incredible, memorable taste. But what to do if the herring turned out to be very salty after the purchase? Check out our helpful tips.

Before choosing the method of soaking salted herring, first rinse it under cool running water. This is necessary so that excess salt is washed off the skin of the fish. As a rule, the herring is cut into separate pieces of equal size. If it is washed in small pieces, it will be washed much faster. But if the fish is small, it can be washed entirely before soaking.

If you bought a non-gutted fish, then clean it before soaking, remove all the insides, cut off the head, cut off the fins, and clean it from the scales. Divide the fish into layers, remove the skin. To make the skin come off faster, make a small incision in the head area, between the skin and the cape. Remove the skin along the fat layer in one direction, while holding the meat with your hand. Also remove the bones of the ribs, as a result you will get a herring fillet.

As soon as you clean the herring, cut it into equal pieces so that their thickness is no more than 1 cm. Only then rinse the prepared pieces thoroughly in cool water. Do the following:

  • Put the fish pieces in a colander and put it in the sink
  • Turn on only cool water, not warm
  • In this state, the fish should remain for about 1 hour.

If, after all the methods used, you could not soak the herring, then you can use the express method. It is as follows:

  • Place the salted herring in a saucepan filled with hot water
  • Soak fish in water for 2 minutes. Don't boil the water
  • Then soak the fish in cool water for about 10 minutes.

Note that, using one of the methods, do not keep it longer than the allotted time, which is indicated in the recipe. For example, if you leave herring in milk or cool water for a day or more, then it may go bad. After soaking, do not store the fish for too long. Try to eat it immediately after soaking.

Remember an important point - soaking salted herring leads to the fact that it will lose a lot of salt, and with it useful substances, for example, protein. Consequently, the nutritional quality of the product will be greatly reduced. If you do not need to make the herring less salty, then eat it the way you bought it in the store.

How to soak herring from salt in milk and how long to soak: recipe

Yes, it often happens when the track is very salty, therefore, it must be soaked. You can do this in ordinary water, or you can in milk. It is milk that allows the fish to become more tender and not so salty. First, remove the bones from the fish, cut off the tail, head, cut the belly, remove the insides. Remove the skin by dividing the fish along the spine.

After removing the bones and removing the insides, cut the fish into small pieces. Put the herring in a bowl, pour cool milk, refrigerate for 4-5 hours. During this period of time, change the milk a couple of times.

There is another similar method. You will have to do the following:

  • Clean the fish, remove the bones, chop it. After all, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bherring will give salt faster than in its entirety.
  • Pour cold milk into a small bowl, immerse the pieces of herring fillet. Put it in the refrigerator so that the herring is not lost
  • Soak the fish in milk for 4 to 8 hours. It all depends on its salinity. Change fluid every couple of hours. You can soak the herring all night, then you need to add more milk
  • Take out the finished herring, wipe it with paper napkins

Herring soaked in this way is tasty, tender, soft. Prepare from it any snack of your choice.

The third soaking method is as follows:

  • Clean, rinse the herring under running water. It must be cold
  • Dry with paper towel
  • Cut it along the ridge, cut it into slices
  • Put in a bowl with cool milk, place in the refrigerator
  • Soak for 8-12 hours. Change milk every 3 hours

As a rule, salted herring is soaked for 5 hours. Here you have to consider how salty the fish is. If 5 hours is not enough, hold it for another 4 hours. Then take it out and dry it.

How to soak herring from salt in water: a recipe

To remove excess salt from the fish, immerse it in a liquid for a certain time. In this option, there will be ordinary water. This method is considered the simplest and most convenient. When a salted herring is immersed in water, from the very beginning there is a diffusion of salt, which passes from the fish body into the liquid. You can speed up this process by using the following methods:

  • If possible, increase the surface of the liquid that the herring will come into contact with.
  • Soak the fish in this way - the difference in concentration between the herring and water should be increased

What do these two methods mean? Let's try to figure it out:

  • To fulfill the first requirement, clean the herring before soaking, gut
  • To comply with the second requirement, change the water with herring as often as possible

The fish is soaked in both running and changing water.

Soak in running water:

  • To soak in running water, gut the herring, put it on a wire rack, and immerse it in a container filled with water. Make sure there is space between the bottom of the dish and the rack. Water must flow into this space through a tube.
  • Over time, the water will begin to rise upward, washing the herring and flowing out of the container. Therefore, place the container with the fish in the sink. Soaking this method will take you about 6 hours.

Soaking in changing water:

This option is considered simpler and more affordable. To use it, do the following:

  • Pour the prepared herring with cool water in the following calculation: 2 liters of water / 1 kg of salted herring. Take cool water so that its temperature is no more than 12 degrees Celsius.
  • Change the water not very often. First, do this after an hour, then after 2 or 3 hours.

In extreme heat, make sure that the liquid is always cool. In order to cool it faster, you can use pieces of people.

As you noticed, soaking salted herring in water is not a very reverent task. But you can also use other methods. Choose at your discretion.

How to soak herring from salt in tea: a recipe

Previously, our ancestors used a lot of salt, because thanks to it the product could be preserved much longer. This, of course, is not fiction. Practice has shown that a lot of salt is used to process herring, the fish retains its own freshness longer in the refrigerator. Consequently, in ancient times, people came up with a method that allows you to quickly and very efficiently get a not so salty fish to cut it on the dinner table.

For this method, you will need to take the most ordinary black tea. You may have such a question - why, why exactly tea? The answer is simple - the infusion of the black drink contains a huge number of tannic components that soften the sugary taste of salt. In addition, if you soak heavily salted herring using cool water, then its flesh may become watery, losing its own taste properties. If you take strong black tea, then it does not allow the fish to become softer.

To soak herring, prepare a fresh drink, add granulated sugar to it, leave the infusion to cool. If the herring is not too salty, but you still want to soak it, then cut it into two equal parts along the ridge, leave it to soak for about 1 hour. If the fish is really very salty, and its taste is cloying, then add a couple of tablespoons spoons of vodka or syrup made from cherries. Soak the fish in such a liquid for 2 hours, even more.

We offer you one interesting recipe for herring after soaking. You can treat them to your friends at a party. To prepare you will need to stock up:

  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • strong tea
  • Vinegar - 120 ml
  • Sugar sand - 1\2 tsp
  • Ready mustard - 1.5 tsp
  • Bulb - 1 pc.

Soaking process:

  • Clean the fish from the insides by cutting its abdomen. Remove the tail, head, fins. Remove the skin, fillet the fish
  • Place the fillet in a container. Pour tea into it so that it can cover all the herring flesh. If your fish is very oily and the flesh is loose, then tea can correct the situation.
  • Leave the fish for about 6 hours, heavily salted for 8. Change the tea 4 times

Preparing snacks:

  • Cut the fish into pieces, put in a herring
  • Sprinkle with chopped onions
  • Mix granulated sugar with vinegar, add ready-made mustard
  • Add oil
  • Stir the sauce, pour into the herring to the fish
  • Leave it for 30 minutes to infuse

How to soak salted herring quickly?

The next soaking option will seem familiar to you, but it is slightly different from the previous options. For it, you will have to take the following products:

  • Vinegar
  • Salted herring
  • Immerse herring only in cool water.
  • If you decide to do this in the summer, then hold the dishes with poured water for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. In the event that you do not have a refrigerator at hand, then try to change the water every 2 hours, even more often. Otherwise, your fish will be lost.
  • In order to speed up the soaking process, pour 70% vinegar into the water. The proportion of vinegar and water is as follows: the first product should be 10 parts, the second - 1 part.
  • As soon as the herring floats to the surface, it means that it has lost excess salt. After such a soaking, the fish becomes much more palatable. With a long stay in such a solution, the herring will become a little larger, as it will be able to absorb water.

How to soak a stale, spoiled salted herring?

  • Very often, each of us makes a mistake when buying spoiled salted fish in a store. Yes, the situation is bad. But it can be easily fixed. In this case, it all depends on the type of fish that was spoiled. If you bought salted herring, then only one option will help you - soaking the fish in milk. Put it in liquid, keep it there for a while, 5 hours.
  • But at the same time, you need to be extremely careful. If your fish was fresh then you need to pickle it. In the brine, put more granulated sugar mixed with spices. Such a set will be able to give the herring a pleasant aftertaste, and the salt will serve as a neutralization so that the fish does not rot. But if the fish was badly spoiled, then it is better to throw it away.

The most healthy fish dish is salted fresh fish. It retains the greatest amount of useful substances, so necessary for the human body. Moreover, this definition applies to both ordinary herring and mackerel, and the well-known red fish, which is an integral part of any holiday table. The presence of salted fish on the table indicates a certain skill and diligence of the housewife, which guests, as well as relatives and friends, cannot fail to notice.

Depending on the amount of salt used in the cooking process, the fish is divided into:

  • To hard salted.
  • For medium salted fish.
  • For slightly salted.

The most salty fish contains up to 14 percent salt, the average degree of salinity includes from 9 to 14 percent salt, and lightly salted fish is obtained if less than 9 percent salt is added to it.

The problem is also that it is almost impossible to buy fish prepared in this way in a store. Since fish can be stored in a store for a long time, it contains a lot of salt and often it is impossible to eat such fish.

If you soak it, you can achieve a delicate and pleasant taste. But there is also one "but". It is not known how long the fish was stored in the store. It is possible that it has almost no nutrients left. Therefore, housewives salt fresh or fresh-frozen fish at home, after which they get a delicious and healthy end product by soaking the fish.

The soaking process is dictated by two factors: firstly, to preserve a pleasant and delicate taste, and secondly, for health reasons. Fish, with a low percentage of salt, is much tastier, so it is present in many gourmet dishes, and is also the basis of most cold appetizers. For example, many salads are prepared on the basis of lightly salted, mainly red fish, along with the following ingredients:

  • Tomatoes, carrots and quail eggs.
  • Grapefruit, eggs and spinach.
  • There is a recipe for Olivier based on lightly salted fish.
  • With vegetables and greens, as in the "Royal" salad.

There are many other options for using lightly salted fish, and not necessarily red. If salted fish were included in salads, then not only the taste of the fish would be spoiled, but also the taste of the salad as a whole.

In addition, eating too much salt is very harmful to human health. It is enough for a person to eat about 10 grams of salt per day to feel normal. With an increase in the dose of salt in the human body, the body tries to get rid of its excess, while it requires frequent drinking of water. In ancient times, the Chinese killed themselves by eating about half a kilo of salt at a time.

With excessive salt intake, it is possible:

  • Due to the fact that salt is not absorbed and digested by the body, it does not contain vitamins and minerals, it negatively affects the internal organs.
  • Salt increases the sensitivity of the central nervous system and provokes problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Salt negatively affects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
  • Salt binds calcium and removes it from the body.
  • Salt can accumulate in the joints, provoking various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What you need to have for soaking fish

This will require tools and utensils. For example:

  • Tools for processing fish in the kitchen, such as a knife, scissors and a cutting board.
  • Soaking solution.
  • Soaking container with lid.
  • Salted fish, of course.
  • Spices.

There are several techniques for soaking fish. The technology depends on the amount of fish, on the type of fish and on the taste, as well as on the taste preferences of the housewife.

Fish can be soaked as follows:

  1. The easiest and most affordable way is soaking in plain water.
  2. In milk.
  3. In tea.
  4. In marinades prepared according to special recipes.
  5. In an industrial way, when the fish is soaked under running water.

When soaking fish, you should always remember that additional operations worsen the taste of the product. Therefore, the process must be deliberate and moderate.

Salmon are those types of fish that are desirable on the festive table. Due to their unsurpassed taste and the presence of nutrients, they are very popular with housewives. And since this fish is not cheap, soaking methods are not simple either. The main task is not to spoil the dish.

A similar preparation:

  1. Red fish is butchered, sometimes to the state of the fillet and cut into pieces.
  2. A marinade is being prepared, with the addition of spices, cherry syrup, vinegar, etc. The marinade must be boiled.
  3. The fish is placed in the hot marinade.
  4. After everything has cooled down, the fish is washed and again poured with marinade, filtered through a sieve.
  5. Fish in the marinade can be up to several days. At the same time, it should be in a cool place (in the refrigerator).

There are recipes in which the fish is soaked in tea, sometimes with sugar, vodka and cherry syrup.

No less common is the method of soaking fish in milk. As a result, fish meat becomes tender and tasty. For this you need:

  • Buy at a fresh milk store.
  • Determine it in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Put the fish in a container.
  • Fill the fish with cold milk completely.
  • Put the fish in the refrigerator for a certain time.

The fish is soaked for a certain time, depending on the degree of salinity. For example:

  • A large carcass, which was cooked in a high concentration of salt, can be soaked from one to five days.
  • It is enough to hold medium-salted fish in the solution for several hours.
  • If you need to quickly rid the fish of excess salt, then it is better to place it in hot water or marinade.

Spicy salted fish is a fish when spices are also used in the salting process. According to this technology, ordinary herring, mackerel, and pink salmon are salted. Such fish is soaked either in water or in milk.

Soaking technique:

  1. It is necessary to take a container in which the fish is placed completely.
  2. Water is poured into the container, with the addition of vinegar in a ratio of 10: 1. The solution should not be very sharp and not fresh.
  3. The fish is placed in a container.
  4. After that, it is placed in the refrigerator for several hours.

You can soak the fish in strong tea:

  • The fish is cut into pieces of the desired size.
  • A container of the required size is prepared.
  • Strong tea is poured into it, with the addition of sugar or syrup.
  • The fish is placed in tea and sent to the refrigerator for several hours.

The method of soaking in tea has its advantages. Due to the presence of tannins in it, the fish does not lose its beneficial qualities.

Dry salted fish is considered an excellent cold snack, although sometimes, due to its saltiness, it simply cannot be eaten. Such fish should be placed in water and then soaked in milk.

When soaking fish, you should always remember that in this form it can no longer be stored as much as the original product. The soaking time is usually determined experimentally, therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cook fish that would satisfy all taste criteria the first time. In this regard, it should be noted that it is better to spend some time experimenting than to give preference to low-quality store-bought products of dubious taste and aroma.

Choose your recipe

You will need

  • - empty container;
  • - milk, water or tea leaves.


Before you do fish less salty, it must be rinsed to wash off excess salt from the skin. If it is small, like a sprat, then it can be soaked whole. Cut large herring into portions so that the salt leaves the fish faster and more evenly.

pre-prepared fish place in a deep bowl. Take regular milk if soaked fish in it, then it will be more tender and juicy, and fill the pulp with it so that the liquid completely covers all the pieces. If there is no milk, you can soak fish in brewed black tea or plain water. Some housewives use vegetable oil to improve the taste of slightly salted fish.

Put the dishes together with the fish in the refrigerator, if you leave it to soak at room temperature, then it can simply go bad. Soaking time depends on the degree of salinity of the fish. If it is not too salty, then two or three hours is enough for this. In the event that the taste is too sharp, it is advisable to leave the soaked fish in the refrigerator overnight.

After the specified time has passed, remove fish from the liquid in which it was soaked, rinse it thoroughly under running water. The composition in which the fish was soaked will absorb excess salt, after which it will less salty.


In some cases, the degree of salinity is due to excessive shelf life, which must be taken into account. Health is more expensive than saving on fresh fish. This is especially true for those who have problems with the kidneys or blood vessels: excess sodium is harmful even for healthy people, and with existing diseases, it can worsen health.

Helpful advice

If even after soaking the taste of the fish remains too salty, it is necessary to choose a combination with such products that will absorb salt and not add it additionally to the finished dish. Boiled potatoes are ideal for this.

Attention, only TODAY!

... If you bought a whole carcass, then it is easiest to cut it slightly frozen: in this case, the bones are separated somewhat faster, and the fillet remains undamaged.

... The brine allows you to make the salting of fish faster, and its taste is more intense.

... To prepare a brine for fish, you need to take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, a little sugar (optional), a few peas of black and allspice, 1-2 bay leaves.

... To speed up the salting process and give a spicy flavor to the fish, you can add a little mustard to the brine, ready-made or in powder - salting fish at home will be reduced by one and a half times.

... The brine can be boiled, or you can use it that way - depending on how quickly you plan to use the finished product.

... If boiled brine is used, then it is better to add mustard after it has cooled to 40-50 degrees.

... Fish carcasses are placed in brine at room temperature for 2-3 days, and after that they are completely ready for use.

… If you salt the fish at home in the form of a fillet, then it will be ready in 5-8 hours, depending on the size of the pieces.

Well, now for the recipes!

When salted, red fish turns out to be especially tender, tasty and beautiful, and due to its high fat content, it absorbs very little salt and therefore is never oversalted.

Lightly salted mackerel is an exquisite delicacy!

This wonderful lightly salted mackerel is just the right thing for potatoes! Let's try to cook according to the recipe of the site recipe com.
1 mackerel weighing 0.5 kg
salt - 1 tbsp
.water - 0.5 l
bay leaf - 3 pcs.
allspice - 6 peas
red paprika - 1 pc.
vegetable oil
Boil water, add bay leaf, salt and allspice. Cool marinade.

Peel the mackerel and completely pour the chilled marinade over. Leave to soak overnight at room temperature.

In the morning, cut the fish into slices, add sweet pepper, sliced, pour vegetable oil and refrigerate for a day. Now you can taste.

Herring at home

Salting herring at home is not difficult, in addition, there are many different recipes.

Fish should be bought with a thick back (oily). If it is frozen, then it should be completely thawed before salting. And don't wash it. And now some recipes:

*Marinade: boiled water (1 glass), vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l., black peppercorns, bay leaf or a few, salt to taste. Boil it all, cool and add a little vinegar. Put the herring, cover tightly with a lid and keep in the room for 4-5 hours, then in the refrigerator for another 5 hours, and it is better to leave it overnight.

*Marinade: for 1 liter of water - 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, bay leaf, black peppercorns, cardamom, garlic, 1-2 flowers (dried) cloves. Bring all this to a boil and cool. Pour the herring so that it is all covered with marinade. Immediately put the container in the refrigerator (in winter - you can go to the balcony). You can eat after two days.

*Brine: 4 tbsp. spoons of salt and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of water (this is about 2-3 herring). Put the fish in the cooled brine for 1 day. Basically, no hassle.

In this way, you can salt not only herring, but also mackerel

*Brine: 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. dissolve a spoonful of sugar in 0.5 liters of hot boiled water, add bay leaf, allspice peas and coriander (bubbly). Sue everything. Cut the herring into medium pieces, put in a bowl on the barrel, pour over the chilled marinade. Close with a plate, put a jar of water on top like a press. Leave in a cool place for 1 day.

*Second recipe:

6 table. spoons of salt, 1 table. a spoonful of sugar, seasonings are the same for 1 liter of water. The rest is done the same way.

* Arrange the ungutted fish in a three-liter jar and pour in brine: for 1 liter of boiled chilled water you need 5 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2-3 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon of allspice peas. When the brine is already poured into the jar, put 1 tablespoon of dry mustard on top.

Quick salting of any red fish

Option number 1
Prepare a brine from 1 liter of cold water, 4 tbsp. spoons of salt and 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Pour the pieces of fish with this brine (the pieces should be small), soak for 3 hours, drain the brine.

Option number 2
1 kg of red fish fillet cut into pieces 5x5, put in a container and salt each piece steeply, then add spices to taste (peppercorns, coriander, bay leaf) and pour cold water so that it covers the fish. Put in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning you can eat the fish.

Option number 3
Prepare a brine from 1 liter of water and 1 cup of salt. The brine should be very salty. Put the fish in it, skin down, press down so that the whole piece is in the brine. After 4 hours, remove from the brine, rinse, wrap in any paper, but not in foil (salty foods are not wrapped in it, and even more so they are not stored in it) and placed in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

Option number 4
Cut pink salmon (salmon, salmon) along the ridge, cut off the ridge. With a very sharp knife, cut the layers of fish (across), hold the knife at an angle of about 45 degrees.

Sprinkle the bottom of the container for salting fish with salt, sugar (“by eye”, depending on the number of fish). Lay out sliced ​​layers of fish in layers, sprinkle with salt and sugar again, and repeat the layers in this way. After 2 layers, add black peppercorns and bay leaf. Drizzle with sunflower oil. Close and refrigerate. A day later, the fish is ready to eat.

Option number 5
Grate the prepared pieces of fish with a mixture of coarse salt and sugar, sprinkle with spices if desired, and the next day you can start tasting it, but if patience allows, it is better to wait the recommended two days. The thicker the pieces, the longer they should be salted. In this form, the fish can be kept for about a week, and then you need to hide it in the refrigerator.

When cutting fish, waste remains: heads, tails, fins, ridges and bones. Do not rush to throw them in the trash. From all this you can cook an excellent ear. And the bones can be salted separately - you get an excellent snack for beer.

Pink salmon (salmon or other red fish) salted at home

Required: 1 kg of fish, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Rinse the fish, remove the skin and remove the spine and bones to make 2 halves of a clean fillet.

Separately, mix salt and sugar in a bowl, rub both halves of the fish fillet with this mixture on all sides. Then connect the two halves together, wrap in a canvas cloth and put in the refrigerator. The fish is ready to eat in a day.

Salted fish cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, so it is better to store it in the freezer.

Salted pink salmon

Method number 1
Defrost pink salmon, but not completely, gut, wash and wipe dry. Cut off the head (useful for fish soup or fish broth, as a base for lean borscht).

Grate well with salt, inside and out (about 3-3.5 tablespoons of salt per 1 medium carcass of pink salmon), wrap the fish in cellophane, then in several layers of newspapers, put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, turn it on the other side in a day and leave for another day. Then wipe with a dry cloth, wrap in it and eat.

The fish is evenly salted, it turns out very tasty and juicy.

In the same way, you can pickle salmon and salmon.

Method number 2
Defrost pink salmon, cook the fillet and rub it with salt, adding a little spice (there are special seasonings for fish) and always white mustard in grains. Leave the fish in this state, warm for 3 hours, then cut into pieces and pour vegetable oil. Put in refrigerator. After 12 hours the fish is ready.

When mustard is added, the fish becomes dense, does not fall apart when cut and does not lose its taste.

Salmon or home-cured trout

Option number 1

For 2 kg of fish you will need: 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of coarse salt and 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
Prepare a pickling mixture of salt and sugar.
Remove the skin from salmon still in ice cream (it is removed like a stocking), wash. Cut into thin pieces. Grate each piece with a pickling mixture and fold close, one to one, into a low jar. Put in the refrigerator for 8 hours, and the fish is ready.

So is trout. Clean the carcass, wash. You can not cut, but simply rub with a pickling mixture and fold tightly, one to one. Only you need to rub not only outside, but also inside.

And you can cut into portions and rub each piece with salt.

Option number 2

For 1 kg of fish you will need: 3 teaspoons of salt and ½ cup of sunflower oil.

Rinse the fish, remove the skin and remove the bones to make 2 halves of a clean fillet.

After that, cut the resulting fish fillet across into slices 0.5 cm thick. Put the slices in a bowl, salt and mix. Pour in sunflower oil and mix again.

Transfer to a jar and refrigerate. After 10 hours, lightly salted fish is ready to eat.

Option number 3

For 0.5 kg of fish you will need: 3 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, vegetable oil.

Grate the prepared fish fillet with a pickling mixture and keep in the refrigerator for 12 hours, no more. Then rinse, cut into pieces, put in a jar, pour a little vegetable oil and refrigerate.

In the same way, you can salt mackerel and anchovies.

Option number 4

Prepare a brine at the rate of: for 0.5 liters of water - 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt (without a slide) and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Cut the fish fillet into thin slices. Pour the fish slices with brine and leave for 40-45 minutes. Then dry the fish with a napkin, grease the slices with sunflower oil and put in the refrigerator. If you stand an hour or two in the cold, it will be even tastier.

Option number 5

Prepare a pickling mixture from 1 tbsp. spoons of salt, 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar, ½ teaspoon curry and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil (you can also sunflower).

Salmon fillet (trout or other red fish) cut into thin slices, grease with pickling mixture and leave for some time at room temperature. Then put in the refrigerator.

If you need to salt the fish as soon as possible, for example, before the arrival of guests, then you can put pieces about 2 cm thick and wide into the brine, and the fish will be ready to eat in 2-3 hours - this time is enough to serve it to table or use in salads.

If you need, for example, herring for salad "Herring under a fur coat", then 1.5 hours is enough, you just need to pre-cut it in such pieces as they should be in the dish.

salted fish

Herring, herring, mackerel, flounder are especially successful in this salting method, but it is also suitable for other types of fish.

Option number 1

For 1 kg of fish you will need: up to 200 grams of salt, up to 40 grams of sugar.

Cut the fish into fillets, but leave the skin, salt and sugar it. Lay a layer of fish skin down on baking paper, put a layer of chopped greens on it (dill is best), close it with a layer of fillet (skin side up). Wrap the fish in baking paper, put it under a press and put it in the refrigerator.

Small fish will be ready in a few hours. Large fish will ripen the next day.

Option number 2

Frozen fish (so it is easily separated from the skin and bones and thinly cut - 2 mm thick) cut and put in layers in a plastic container, sprinkle the layers with ½ teaspoon of salt and sugar, sprinkle with olive oil and lemon juice.

When the container is full, cover with cling film or foil, leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Salted fish is ready!
It is advisable to salt the fish in small containers, and store the rest in the freezer, salting the next portion as needed.
You can also cook salted caviar.

Stroganina in the north

Of course, this is an amateur recipe, you need to get used to raw fish.

Salmon and trout are very delicate varieties of fish and do not require such a long salting, 3 to 5 hours is enough for them. Otherwise, they lose their taste and juiciness.

Frozen salmon, trout, sterlet cut into thin slices, put on a dish, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and you can immediately eat until it melts.

Nanai salted fish

Prepare a pickling mixture by taking salt and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.
Remove the skin from the fish, grate with a pickling mixture and leave for 6 hours.

Then separate the fillet from the bones, cut into portions, rinse with cold water and put in a jar. Pour vegetable oil and leave for 20 days in a cold place.

You can add spices to taste (bay leaf, pepper).

And in conclusion, a few more recipes for homemade salting of fish.

Method number 1
Prepare a not very strong brine. Put in a raw peeled potato. The potatoes will sink in the brine. Then add salt to the brine until the potatoes float. Put the fish slices in the brine for 2-3 days. If the fish is very salty, you need to soak it in water. Put fish slices in a glass jar and pour vegetable oil. Keep it in a cold place

Method number 2.
So you can salt any fish, but herring, Baltic herring and mackerel are especially tasty according to this recipe.

Gut the salak. Gut the herring and mackerel, cut off the heads, tails and fins, and then proceed as desired. You can cook the fillet by removing the skin, freeing the fish from bones and ridges (add them to the rest of the waste and leave in the ear). Cut the fillet into pieces.

You can simply cut the fish into portions without removing the skin.

Salt the prepared pieces to taste, mix with chopped onion rings or half rings, add seasonings for fish if desired and season everything with vegetable oil. Pack tightly into a jar and refrigerate.

Method number 3
Defrost the fish, cut the fillet on both sides with a thin knife, rub the inside with a mixture of salt and pepper, put the halves together and wrap tightly in a bag. Put in the refrigerator for a day. Then dry the fillets in limbo for 12 hours and you can eat.

Snack "Five Minute"

Such an appetizer is especially suitable in nature, at a picnic or in the country.
Peel the herring, wash, cut the fillet. Fill the fillet with salt and leave for twenty minutes, at this time we make a fire.

Then rinse the fillet a little with water, put fresh poplar branches with leaves on the fire, and put the fillet pieces on the smoke coming from under the leaves.

We must try to ensure that the flame does not break out from under the leaves. Turn the fillet pieces several times within 20-30 minutes.

Readiness is determined by color: if the fillet has become light brown, then it is ready.

I really hope that you will certainly choose recipes for homemade salting of fish for yourself. This is especially useful on the eve of the Advent and the upcoming New Year holidays.

Good luck in the kitchen and bon appetit!

Many people like the taste of salted fish, but the problem is that it is simply impossible to guess the degree of salting of fish when buying it. Sometimes too salty fish seems simply unsuitable for consumption. There are several ways to correct the situation.

You will need

Empty container;
- milk, water or tea leaves.

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Before making the fish less salty, it must be washed to remove excess salt from the skin. If it is small, like a sprat, then it can be soaked whole. Cut large herring into portions so that the salt leaves the fish faster and more evenly. Put the pre-prepared fish in a deep bowl. Take ordinary milk, if you soak the fish in it, it will be more tender and juicy, and pour the pulp into it so that the liquid completely covers all the pieces. If there is no milk, you can soak the fish in black tea or plain water. Some housewives use vegetable oil to improve the taste of slightly salted fish. Put the dishes together with the fish in the refrigerator, if you leave it to soak at room temperature, then it can simply go bad. Soaking time depends on the degree of salinity of the fish. If it is not too salty, then two or three hours is enough for this. In the event that the taste is too harsh, it is advisable to leave the soaked fish in the refrigerator overnight. After the specified time has passed, remove the fish from the liquid in which it was soaked, rinse it thoroughly under running water. The composition in which the fish was soaked will absorb excess salt, after which it will be less salty. How simple
