
What is the best way to cut a watermelon. How to cut a watermelon beautifully: various options for original ideas

Not eating watermelon in the summer means offending His Majesty WATERMELON SEASON! Cutting a watermelon wrong means offending His Majesty the WATERMELON and depriving yourself of bliss when eating it!

1. Slicing watermelon into slices without peel.

This method of slicing watermelon will allow you and your comrades to enjoy the delicious pulp of the fruit. The checkerboard order of the pulp will give the serving not only originality, but also convenience when eating. And the absence of the peel will not burden the need to get rid of it during the feast.

Photo: how to cut a watermelon into slices without a peel

2. Slicing a watermelon into squares without a peel.

A simple, quick and delicious way to eat watermelon on your own or with friends. Ideal cutting for those who like to eat watermelon with a fork.

Photo: how to cut a watermelon into squares without a peel

3. Slicing watermelon into cubes with a crust.

The correct cut of a watermelon is a one-bite bar. The knife works wonders, doesn't it?

Photo: how to cut a watermelon into cubes with a peel

4. Slicing watermelon into slices with a peel.

If you have a question about how to beautifully cut a watermelon on a festive table, this method will be a godsend for you. Three valuable benefits in one way - done quickly, it turns out beautifully, it is eaten with appetite!

Photo: how to cut a watermelon into slices with a peel

5. Slicing watermelon into cubes without peel.

Another way to cut watermelon for the holiday table. Your guests will definitely appreciate the convenience of serving watermelon on skewers without a peel.

Photo: how to cut a watermelon into cubes without a peel

6. Slicing watermelon without a knife.

This method of cutting watermelon is indispensable in the absence of a knife. If you bought a watermelon and want to eat it before reaching the place where the knife is stored, you can use the change (coin) to get to the pulp of the berry.

7. Slicing a watermelon with a watermelon knife.

Today, to cut a watermelon quickly, it is enough to use a simple device - a watermelon cutter. It costs - inexpensively, skills - does not require, serves - every watermelon season.

Photo: how to cut a watermelon with a watermelon knife

8. Slicing watermelon with a watermelon slicer.

This method of slicing watermelon can be described in two phrases - without unnecessary movements or what progress has come to.

Photo: how to cut a watermelon with a watermelon slicer

You can cut in different ways, as we want, and we cut, so the wording "how to cut a watermelon" not entirely true. It would be more accurate to say “how to cut a watermelon so that less juice flows from it, and so that when eating, your mouth is not all in watermelon juice”. But this wording is too long for the name, so let it be as it is. No one can limit us in this matter, so I’ll just show the method that I’ve been using recently ....

Previously, I always cut a watermelon something like this: in half (sidewalls can be cut off, or as they are called there: “priests”), i.e. like this:

And let's bite them. But the slices are quite large and when eating, the whole mouth turns out in watermelon juice, every now and then you need to either wipe it with a rag or wash it:

Once guests came to me and, seeing how I began to cut a watermelon, they showed me another way. It consists in layer-by-layer cutting of round layers of watermelon, followed by cutting these circles into sectors. So, we take a watermelon and put it vertically on the “ass” (it is better to use some kind of plate):

Then cut off the correct part:

After that, we begin to cut horizontally the layers of the watermelon as follows:

After the next layer (circle) is cut off, on the watermelon itself we cut our circle into sectors:

The number of parts (sectors) is determined, so to speak, "by eye". It all depends on the size of the watermelon, in our case I cut it into 6 parts:

At the same time, watermelon juice does not flow, i.e. nothing on "zalyapyvaetsya". Here are the pieces:

These pieces are convenient to eat and the mouth does not get dirty. Then cut off the next layer:

Again we cut this circle into pieces - sectors:

If the watermelon remains, then cover with cling film on top and put in the refrigerator.

Of course, the main thing is that the watermelon is tasty, and cutting it - we can do it somehow!

Watermelon is a great seasonal dessert, it is appropriate for a family dinner and at a high reception. But if alone with ourselves we can enthusiastically bite into the juicy pulp, then for serving guests it is worth coming up with something more refined. Fortunately, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, it’s enough to peep a few good ideas from talented chefs.

Ways to cut watermelon

At restaurant buffets, you can often see artistically carved watermelons that serve more as a decoration for a banquet than a full-fledged dish. Such masterpieces in the form of bouquets, baskets, castles, silhouettes and other plots can only be done by experienced craftsmen. We are interested in you how beautiful to serve watermelon to the table without spending a lot of time and effort on the design of a striped berry. Here are simple ways to original submission:

1. Balls. You will need a small semi-circular spoon, like the one used to form ice cream. At worst, an ordinary tea is also suitable, but in this case, not balls will turn out, but a kind of ellipsoids. Cut the watermelon across into three parts. Insert a spoon into the pulp and scroll it around the axis. We get a neat red ball. We create the maximum number of such figures, put them in a single composition and serve.

Advice! So that during the meal you do not have to constantly get rid of the seeds, when cutting, remove at least visible grains from the outer surface of the pieces. Trust me, your guests will appreciate it.

2. Bars. We divide the watermelon across into two equal parts. Place one cut side down on a cutting board. Next, we cut into longitudinal segments about 2 cm wide. And then we turn the segments into long sticks, each of which is based on a small square of crust. If you want to make the cut smaller, turn the bar into several cubes.

3. Eskimo. Cut the berry into wide longitudinal circles. We divide each circle into 8 parts, as we usually cut the cake. We insert ice cream sticks into the crust of the resulting triangles.

Interesting! The serving will be more spectacular if the triangles are slightly frozen, dipped in yogurt or melted chocolate, and then placed back in the freezer for a couple of minutes.

4. Various figures. This is where cookie cutters come in handy. We fill a watermelon circle 1 cm wide with your favorite shapes - stars, flowers, little men ... Or you can make, for example, only hearts from the whole “minke whale” - you get a very romantic dessert.

Ideas for presenting a dish

It is advisable to chop small portions of watermelon on skewers or toothpicks. This applies to balls, cubes and slices of other shapes. Larger pieces are served along with the crust, as described in the case of "popsicle".

Dishes for serving can serve:

  • flat dish with a large diameter;
  • salad bowl;
  • wide vase made of white transparent glass;
  • whole peel of half a watermelon with an even or curly cut.

Mint leaves, grapes, mulberries, blueberries, large raspberries, melon balls, candied fruits, chocolate and berry sauces will decorate any presentation.

Careful serving of watermelon - video

There are many different recommendations on how to cut a watermelon into cubes, bars, ordinary slices and even stars. At first glance, it may seem that some of these methods are incredibly complicated, but it's worth trying and "filling your hand" as you will see the opposite.

Watermelon is not only a tasty and healthy delicacy. This is a whole symbol of fertile autumn, which gives us such generous gifts. It will decorate any holiday, whether it's a beach party or a luxurious wedding. Unusual slices look especially impressive. But in addition to a spectacular appearance, convenience is also important. If you're wondering, the tips and photo examples in this article will help you get inspired.

When thinking about how to cut a watermelon correctly and beautifully, many imagine one of the two most common ways. The first involves cutting into slices, like an orange, and the second recommends cutting round slices from the watermelon, starting from the top, and then cutting them in half. However, there are many more interesting ways of cutting. They also deserve attention.

Convenient bars

Once upon a time it was customary to cut a watermelon in a circle into identical slices. This method is not very convenient, especially in the case of especially large specimens. It is difficult to cut it, and it is inconvenient to eat huge cuts. But recently, another wonderful method has gained well-deserved popularity - cutting into bars, with which we will begin our review of methods. How to cut a watermelon beautifully and quickly with a regular knife is clear from the following illustration.

Cut the fruit in half, turn one of the halves over and cut with a sharp long knife, making cuts perpendicular to the board. You can serve such a watermelon on a wide dish, tray, plate. It is convenient to take the bars, remove the bones from them and eat.

even cubes

This method is often used when watermelon is planned to be served on a buffet table. Bamboo skewers can be inserted into the cubes and guests do not have to get their fingers dirty. Watermelon cubes are often used for making snacks, combining them, for example, with feta, cheese, salted salmon, spinach and olives.

How to cut a watermelon into cubes? To do this is quite simple. First, cut the fruit into flat round slices, as you would cut a sausage. Then cut off the skin. Cut the slice into strips and then into cubes. For this procedure, it is better to use a wide sharp knife.

Figured pieces for salad cocktails and decor

Other ways to cut a watermelon into cubes or other figures may come in handy. With ordinary cookie cutters, you can get pieces of almost any shape. If you are interested in this method, choose laconic simple shapes without small details: stars, hearts, rhombuses, circles.

Work on a large flat surface. First, cut a circle from the watermelon, remove the seeds as much as possible. Using a cookie cutter, cut out the shapes and let the excess juice drain. These figurines can be used to decorate fruit cakes, ice cream, sorbets and other desserts. Watermelon figurines go well with salty snacks of cheese, fish, grilled vegetables.

Special spoon for balls

Once upon a time, we could only see such people in foreign TV series about a beautiful life. Today, a special spoon, with which you can cut balls from the pulp of watermelon and melon, is available to everyone. You can buy it at kitchen supply stores.

Such a spoon is very useful for those who are thinking about how to cut a watermelon quickly and beautifully. Watermelon balls look spectacular in many desserts. Spoons that have two nozzles are especially good. Then you can easily get the balls of the right size. And they can also be served as an independent snack by placing them in a basket or vase cut from the skin of a watermelon.

Ice cream on a skewer

If you think that curly cutting is beyond your reach, but you want something unusual, try mastering the following simple method. You just need to cut the watermelon into triangles and insert ice cream skewers into the peel.

In case you liked this method, you don't even need to worry about aspect ratio. Cut the watermelon the way you feel most comfortable without worrying about it. Bright fruit ice cream in any case will look impressive and appetizing.

Children will especially enjoy these treats. They are not as easy to get dirty as ordinary large slices, and in design they resemble ice cream so beloved by children. In addition, it will be easier for you to get rid of the bones. This idea can be very useful for those who are going to arrange a holiday for the kids.

Slicer for straight slices

If you're deciding how to cut a watermelon, methods, tips with explanations, and descriptions of special accessories will help you come up with fresh ideas. Fans of traditional slicing can really come in handy with a slicer.

With it, you can quickly cut the fruit evenly and beautifully. It's easy to use. Lay the washed watermelon on the base, place the slicer on top, grab the handles and lower it down. In order to cut into slices a ripe fruit, some effort is required, but the knives installed in the slicer are quite sharp. They will easily cope with the peel and will not destroy the tender flesh.

When choosing a watermelon, take into account the diameter of the slicer: the watermelon must pass into a circle, otherwise even slices will not work.

Knife tongs and cutting methods

The following accessory is very common abroad. It is a pair of knives with which you can not only cut a watermelon into slices, but also use it like tongs. They can lay out the watermelon on plates.

Such a knife allows you to cut slices from a watermelon cut in half. They come out even and uniform. Such a device will also help those who are considering how to cut a watermelon into cubes. To do this, you will first need to walk along the watermelon, and then across.

serving watermelon

It is important not only how to cut the watermelon into cubes, balls or curly bars, but also how to serve it to the table. If you've already mastered simple slicing techniques, you might like the idea of ​​serving watermelon slices in a rind bowl.

To do this, you will most likely need a peel from another watermelon. It is difficult to cut the flesh and keep the whole peel.

Carefully scoop out the pulp with a long-handled spoon. Try not to damage the peel. Then turn the watermelon vessel over so that the excess juice drains. Think over the decor in advance. It can be a basket or a teapot, a turtle, or even a shark's head with its wide-toothed mouth. For work, you will need a long, sharp knife, and a short one, with which you can cut out small details. You can attach various decorative elements with the help of toothpicks.

Watermelon as an art object: what is carving

If you've already got your hands on curly watermelon cuts, and balls, hearts and stars no longer seem like an impossible task to you, maybe you should try something more advanced? Today, such a direction of art as carving is gaining more and more popularity. It involves figured carving of fruits and vegetables (and in the case of watermelon, even berries). To work, the carver uses various tools similar to those used by the cabinetmaker. The following illustration shows a carving work carved from a single watermelon and decorated with twigs with small flowers.

In the work, the artist can use the coloring of the layers: the top layer of the watermelon is dark green, followed by a pale greenish crust, under which there is an almost white layer. These colors are used to highlight rich, ripe flesh. Of course, such work requires considerable skill, but even for those who cannot afford carving, such beauty can be a source of inspiration.

There are dozens of ways to cut watermelons. Next, consider the most popular and simple techniques.

The traditional way

Most often, watermelons are cut as follows:

  • both “butts” are cut off from the berry;

  • put the watermelon on a plate vertically;

  • cut it into not too wide slices.

In this case, a very sweet, pitted center remains in the center of the watermelon. It is most often given to children. This method of cutting is considered traditional and is characterized by maximum simplicity. However, there are such slices of watermelon, unfortunately, not very convenient. Watermelon juice in this case, in the process of eating, often begins to flow down the chin and arms. In any case, for serving, for example, a festive table, this method of cutting, of course, is completely unsuitable.

We cut the watermelon beautifully into cubes

In order to eat the pulp of this sweet berry was convenient, you should try to cut it into cubes. This method is considered the easiest and fastest. The watermelon is cut in this case like this:

  • peel is removed from the pulp (like potatoes);

  • watermelon is cut into two parts.

Next, one of the halves must be laid on a plate and cut first into strips along. Then each strip should also be cut lengthwise into two or three parts. Further, the pulp is simply divided into cubes. The same should be done with the second half of the watermelon. The resulting cubes must be placed on a plate. You can eat them with either a fork or a spoon.

Watermelon slices on a crust

Now let's see how to properly cut a watermelon using this technique. This is a less simple, but at the same time more beautiful way of slicing. To serve watermelon on the table:

  • cut it into four equal parts;

  • cut each quarter into two more parts;

  • carefully separate the peel from the pulp, trying not to break them;

  • cut the pulp into strips of the same width (along each piece).

Now place the sliced ​​pieces back into the crusts, stagger them and serve the watermelon.

How to cut a watermelon: triangles

It is also a very easy way to cut. In this case, the watermelon is first cut across and then simply cut into traditional slices. As a result, appetizing triangles are obtained. With this method, you should try to cut the watermelon into as thin slices as possible of exactly the same thickness. In this case, the triangles will look very nice on the table.

"Ice cream" from watermelon

This method is very well suited for a large company. To make "ice cream" from a watermelon, it must first be cut into two halves. Then each half:

  • peeled;

  • lay on the board flat side down;

  • cut into several strips along and across.

The result will be long watermelon columns. To make “ice cream” out of them, the half of the watermelon cut in this way should be covered with a large cup (you should try to pick up a container with a diameter equal to the diameter of the half) and turn it over. Thus, the columns will be inside the plate. Now you just need to stick a thin stick into each of them.

Watermelon without peel balls

You can cut a watermelon in such a beautiful way with the help of a special spoon-knot. The berry itself must first be divided into two parts. Instead of a nauzet, you can also use ordinary baking dishes. With their help, it will not be difficult to cut a watermelon, including into stars, hearts, etc.

What if there is no knife?

Sometimes it happens that there is a watermelon at hand, but not a knife. Of course, this situation cannot be attributed to too common. But you never know what happens in life. So, how to cut a watermelon without a knife? In this case, you can simply use or, for example, a clean carnation. With these simple "tools" you just need to cut through the center of the rind along the diameter of the watermelon. Next, the berry should be hit hard with the palm of your hand. As a result, it will split into two equal parts. You can eat a watermelon “cut” in this way with a spoon.

Oud invite guests: the original way

So, we figured out how to properly cut a watermelon. Finally, let's look at one more - very original - slicing technique. In order to surprise guests, in this case, you will need not one, but two watermelons.

One of the berries should be cut into two halves. Next, you need to remove the pulp from each half. It can be cut into cubes and set aside.

From the second watermelon, you need to carefully cut off the rind. At the end of this procedure, the pulp must be rubbed with the hard side of a new sponge for washing dishes. This is necessary in order to remove traces of the knife. Further, the pulp is simply installed in one of the crusts from the first watermelon and covered with the second.

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The watermelon season is just beginning, and you can enjoy a delicious treat on our tables! However, the joy will be more from the beautiful design of this coveted summer treat. This is especially true when decorating holidays, especially for children! Below are the ways to decorate and serve watermelon on the table. Let your holiday be fun!

You will need

  • The main ingredient is watermelon. It is possible to add any fruits: grapes, kiwi and others currently available, or berries - blueberries, blueberries and others. Tools are also needed - a knife, a spoon, curly molds for baking cookies, skewers (umbrellas, toothpicks), a large dish and a little imagination!


Wash the watermelon under cool running water and pat dry.

On a cutting board, place the watermelon on its side and cut it in half. At the same time, it is advisable to watch the position of the watermelon, it should not swing. We must provide a strong and secure foundation. If you still cannot find a flat and stable surface, you can cut off a small layer of peel with a knife.

Cut the other half of the watermelon in half again. Now you have a solid base - 1/2 of a watermelon, and 1/4 of a race car.

Now you need to remove the watermelon pulp, leaving only the rind. A spoon or scoop works well for this.

For the pattern, use auto and erasable markers to outline the pattern.

With a knife it is necessary to carefully cut out the contours of a racing car, attach cardboard tires and fasten them with buttons.

A few touches: add stickers for the car body.

To fasten the car to the base, use a mount like a pencil, or a few toothpicks firmly inserted into both the base and the car.

Watermelon pulp must be cut into pieces or, using a small spoon, form balls. Mix with other fruits or berries that you have available and arrange beautifully in the base.

The composition can be additionally decorated with flags using photocopies, from magazines or sports stickers.

This composition uses the same principle as the previous one. The difference is in the design.

Materials used here:

slingshot, toothpicks, cardboard to create the effect of water.

Please note that in this case the pulp is not removed from the base, and the second half of the watermelon goes to create the composition. In this regard, this composition is easier to perform.
