
How to cook oatmeal jelly from oats. Therapeutic oatmeal jelly Izotov - preparation, rules of admission

Oats can be called medicinal plant. It has a calming and stabilizing effect on nervous system, has established itself as a means of improving metabolism, and as a tonic.

Doctors of Ancient Egypt, Ancient India and China Widely used oats for the treatment of diseases.

I will not tire of repeating: a smart doctor should in no case shy away from time-tested and practice-tested remedies. On the contrary, a doctor, if he wants to become a really good doctor and subsequently remain so in people's memory, must constantly update his knowledge and be aware of the basics of traditional medicine. And do not let the phrase "folk medicine" scare him away. For some reason, these very words often cause a dismissive smirk from some (if not many) of our doctors. Where does this manifestation of medical snobbery come from? God knows - not from a great mind.

So, I want to keep the conversation going on oats. Moreover, you probably already noticed: often my recommendations for the treatment of certain diseases include oatmeal jelly.

The so-called "horse" oats are especially good. Do not even try to cook porridge from unpeeled (horse) oats - nothing good will come of it. Well, the shell does not boil, and that's it. And here Healing oatmeal broth and oatmeal jelly from such oats are simply wonderful.

Just do not be afraid of the apparent difficulties in preparing these potions. Always only at first it seems that this or that action is very difficult. But once you cook it once, everything starts to roll like clockwork. And the result will certainly be wonderful!

A decoction of oats

Let's start our conversation with Recipe and technology for making oatmeal broth.

1 cup of unpeeled (and, of course, not pickled) thoroughly washed oats, pour 1 liter of distilled water. Insist 12 hours. Put on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes with the lid tightly closed. Remove from heat, wrap and leave for 12 hours. Strain. Top up with distilled water to the original volume - up to 1 liter.

Take 20 minutes before meals three times a day, 100 ml (half a cup) for 2 months. A break of 1 month and again a course of 2 months. So throughout the year.

This decoction has a beneficial effect on the activity of the liver, improves the functioning of the gallbladder and organs. gastrointestinal tract .

It should be noted that healing action decoction depends on the quality and purity of the water used. It must be really pure - either distilled, or passed through a quality filter, or purified by freezing.

And now, I hope, you, my friends, are ready to prepare oatmeal jelly - a dish so healing that the word “miraculous” is asking for the tongue.

Kissel from oats

Dr. V. K. Izotov reminded him of it, improved it and tested it on himself. The results came very soon. Gradually, from a completely sick person, he turned into a healthy and cheerful person. Such a metamorphosis, according to the doctor, occurred precisely due to the long-term use of oatmeal jelly.

This miraculous jelly has A bunch of useful properties .

Oatmeal jelly is indicated for chronic diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, as well as kidneys, organs of cardio-vascular system. It promotes better functioning immune system- the most important system responsible for the state of health. It helps to improve metabolism, increase the efficiency of the soul and body.

What is jelly in our understanding with you (remaining from childhood)? This is nothing but a dessert. This is a mistake! Kissel is wrong if it is sweet. real jelly obtained only as a result of enzymatic fermentation. And they do not eat it at all as a dessert, but as a separate dish, which is in itself.

How to cook kissel

Three liter jar fill half or a third with Hercules flakes or ground oatmeal, or you can do both at once. Add a little warm boiled water, but not to the very top, so that during fermentation there is room for air. Add half a glass of kefir or yogurt as a starter. Close the jar tightly with a lid and put it in a warm place (say, not far from the radiator).

After two days, strain the fermented mixture through a colander into glass jar.

The rest of the thick in small portions rinse with boiled (not hot!) water, holding a colander over large saucepan and stirring with a wooden spoon. Do this until the water passing through the thick becomes transparent.

Pour all the washing water collected in the pan into jars. The clot remaining after washing can be added to baking.

Close all jars with lids and set to settle for 12-16 hours. During this time, two layers are formed in the jar: the upper one is water, the lower one is dense white precipitate. Carefully, without shaking, drain the water into some kind of kitchen (preferably glass) container. This sour-tasting water can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and used to make jelly and cereals.

The sediment from the cans, also connecting together, place in a separate jar and put in a cold place (in the refrigerator, say).

This is the oatmeal jelly concentrate that you will need in the future.

Here Algorithm for your next steps.

3-4 st. spoons of concentrate mix well in 2 glasses remaining after settling cold water. Put the mixture on a small fire and, stirring with a wooden spoon, bring to a boil, then cook until the density you desire (about 4-5 minutes). At the end of cooking, you can add a little vegetable oil(any), as well as a pinch of dry or fresh herbs: dill, parsley, gout, beet or carrot tops etc. Salt is desirable to replace sea ​​kale, ground grains of sweet pepper. If you do not like the sour taste of jelly, dilute the concentrate with plain water before cooking - in this case, the jelly will turn out to be insipid in taste.

IN medicinal purposes jelly should be consumed every day, preferably in the morning, certainly in a warm form and it would be nice with a small piece rye bread. daily rate: 200 g (1 cup) jelly, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 100 g of rye bread. After jelly, it is advisable not to eat anything else for 3-4 hours.

There is no reason to eat oatmeal before bed at night. After all, it is inherent in him to give a feeling of efficiency and cheerfulness. What is the dream then?

Cooking jelly for the future, a few days ahead is completely useless. Kissel concentrate is another matter: it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks.

Oats are one of the healthiest cereals in the world. Gluten Free whole grains are excellent source important vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants. Various studies show that grains and flakes have a lot of healing effects.

These include losing weight, lowering blood sugar levels, and reducing the risk of heart disease. One of natural medicines used in traditional medicine, is oatmeal jelly. Recipes, benefits and harms - all this is described in detail below.

How much is needed for health?
To provide maximum benefit for the body it is recommended to consume 100 ml daily healing agent. This amount covers 1/3 of the required essential fatty acids contributing to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Is there any harm?

Oats only bring benefits, or is there harm to the body when eating it? No, the cereal has no contraindications, it is recommended for men, women (including the elderly), for children (kissel - from 2 years of age, unlike porridge).

The product is useful for pregnant and lactating women, providing the body with the substances it needs during these periods. Although, harm is possible - in the form extra pounds, because the we are talking O high-calorie product. Therefore, it is recommended for weight loss special preparation(see below).

Incredibly Nutritious

Nutritional composition well balanced. Grains and cereals - good sources carbohydrates and dietary fiber, incl. β-glucan.

  • manganese - 191% RDA*;
  • phosphorus - 41% RDA;
  • magnesium - 34% RDA;
  • copper - 24% RSD;
  • iron - 20% RDA;
  • zinc - 20% RDA;
  • folic acid– 11% RSD;
  • vitamin B1 - 39% RDA;
  • vitamin B5 - 10% RDA;
  • carbohydrates - 51% RDA;
  • small amounts of calcium, potassium, vitamins B6 and B3;
  • protein - 13 g;
  • fats - 5 g;
  • cellulose ( alimentary fiber) - 8 g;
  • energy - 303 kcal.
  • * – recommended daily dose.

Flour is made from grains

Oat flour is prepared by grinding grains and fractionating. Flour contains everything biologically important components cereal. Suitable for making sauces, using as a batter component.

Flour is present in many skin care products. It contains a number of protective substances that have a beneficial effect on the treatment of skin itching, irritation, unpleasant symptoms of eczema.

Oats are a storehouse of antioxidants

Grains, flakes and flour are characterized high content antioxidants and beneficial plant substances, polyphenols. Most notable is the unique group of antioxidants, avenanthramides, found exclusively in this grain.

Contribute to the reduction blood pressure by increasing the formation of nitric oxide. This molecule promotes vasodilation, which leads to improved blood flow. Avenanthramides also have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects.

β-glucan and its effects

In grains and flakes, there is a high percentage soluble fiber, β-glucan. It partially dissolves in water, forming a dense gel-like solution in the intestines.

Health effects of β-glucan include:

  1. Lowering cholesterol.
  2. Decrease in glycemia.
  3. Increased feeling of satiety.
  4. Increased growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract.

Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. One of the primary risk factors is high blood cholesterol. Studies have shown that β-glucan is effective in lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. β-glucan fiber increases the secretion of bile to cholesterol, thereby reducing its level in the circulating blood.

Reducing cholesterol is very important because its excess causes inflammation of the arteries, tissue damage, and increases the risk of heart and brain disease.

In the case of the reaction of cholesterol with free radicals, oxidation occurs bad cholesterol LDL, which is another step towards the development of heart disease.

β-glucan and its role in glycemic control

Type 2 diabetes is a disease characterized by a significant increase in glycemia. Usually, this is the result of a decrease in insulin sensitivity.

Oatmeal jelly will help reduce sugar levels, especially in people who are overweight or with type 2 diabetes, and improve insulin sensitivity.

These effects are explained by the ability of β-glucan to form a dense gel that slows down gastric emptying and absorbs glucose in the blood.

How to cook jelly?

There are several cereal recipes. All of them have nearby healing properties, promote health, suitable for the diet of supporters healthy lifestyle life. First of all, consider the recipe for cooking on water.

Option number 1 - classic

This is an old Russian recipe for oatmeal jelly.
To prepare it you need:

  • 200-300 g of flakes;
  • a little black bread (enough brisket);
  • 1/2 l of water;
  • salt.

Boil and slightly cool the water (it should be warm). Pour in cereal. Leave for 2 days in a warm place, stirring occasionally. After 2 days, strain through a colander, discard the cake, bring the liquid to a boil, add salt, mix.

Kissel can be prepared from hercules - the recipe is similar.

Option number 2 - Dr. Izotov's jelly

Now consider step by step recipe cooking oatmeal jelly according to Izotov. This cooking recipe is more complex, but its medicinal properties can not be overestimated!

The whole process consists of 3 stages:

  • fermentation;
  • filtration;
  • final processing.

It takes 3-4 days to prepare.


You need:

  • 400 g of flakes;
  • 5 tbsp whole oats;
  • 2.5 liters of water room temperature(boiled);
  • 1/2 cup kefir;
  • hump of black bread.

In a glass jar (3 l), put bread, cereal, grains, kefir, fill with water. Stir, close. Bank should not be full to the top! Insist in warmth (30-32 ° C) for 2 days.


Collect the bread floating on top, strain the liquid through a colander - you get a highly acidic filtrate (about 2 liters). Pour it into a clean jar.

Rinse the remaining cake over the pan with 1 liter of boiled warm water- a low acid filtrate was obtained. Drain it into a jar. Leave both banks to infuse for 18 hours.


The filtrates are divided into 2 layers. Drain carefully upper layer(this is kvass). Don't throw it away. Drain the remaining concentrates separately.


Now we proceed to the cooking process itself and see how to cook thick oatmeal jelly.

Mix the concentrate with kvass (3 tablespoons / 250 ml). While stirring, bring to a boil. The jelly will begin to thicken in 5 minutes. Boil until desired thickness.

For taste, you can add salt, dried fruits, butter ...

The videos show step by step the preparation of jelly according to Izotov.

Option number 3 - oatmeal jelly

The recipe for oatmeal jelly is the simplest. 1 tbsp flour pour 1 liter of boiled warm water. Leave to infuse under the lid for 12 hours. Strain, add salt (to taste), cook until desired density. After cooking, leave for 1 hour.

You can use it in pure form or with honey, berries.

Option number 4 - whole grain jelly

The recipe for oatmeal jelly is similar to the Izotov method, but a little simpler.
You need:

  • 2 cups of grains;
  • 2.5 liters of water (warm boiled);
  • 1/2 cup kefir.

In a jar, infuse a mixture of grain + water + kefir for 2 days. Strain through a colander. Rinse the cake (rinse into a saucepan, do not throw away the water). Combine both liquids clean jar. Leave for a day. Then carefully drain the top layer, and cook the remaining concentrate to the desired density.

Option number 5 - for weight loss

The ability of β-glucan to slow gastric emptying increases the feeling of satiety. β-glucan also promotes the release of YY peptide, a satiety hormone that reduces calorie intake and the risk of obesity.
In order to lose weight, use this oatmeal jelly, which, by the way, is the easiest to prepare.
You need:

  • flakes;
  • water.

Pour the cereal into a saucepan, cover with water. It is not necessary to measure - the water should cover the raw materials by 3 cm. Leave for 2 days. Then strain, bring the liquid to a boil. After cooling, place in the refrigerator.

Consume useful tool 100 ml 1-2 times a day.

Benefits for the liver and pancreas

One of the most well-known effects of oatmeal jelly is for the health of the pancreas (helps with pancreatitis) and liver.

Treatment of pancreatitis

The way how to drink oatmeal jelly for medicinal purposes depends on the form of the disease:

  1. Acute form - the product in its pure form (without additives), use 100 ml in the morning, after 3 days after the onset of the disease.
  2. Chronic form - the dosage is the same as in the previous case, but you can enrich the taste with berries, dried fruits ...

Liver cleanse

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It filters all harmful and toxic substances entering the body. Therefore, its periodic cleaning is very important.

For liver health, you can use both oatmeal jelly from oat grains and flakes - depending on your desire. According to user reviews, jelly prepared according to Dr. Izotov's recipe is the most effective for detoxification.

Use it 100 ml on an empty stomach for a month. After a month break, repeat the cleansing.

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

An important factor for improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract is the enveloping ability of the product, the analgesic effect, and the acceleration of healing. It reduces acidity, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of gastritis with hyperacidity.

It is also useful in inflammatory processes of the stomach, peptic ulcer.
In diseases of the stomach, it is recommended to take 100 ml of the drink before meals. Course - 1 month.

Elimination of constipation

Modern people often suffer from constipation or intestinal motility disorders. Laxatives are commonly used to relieve constipation, which are often ineffective and are associated with a number of side effects. Research shows that oatmeal can eliminate this problem.

In one study, 30 patients consumed daily healthy drink within 12 weeks. About 59% of these patients were able to stop using laxatives after only 3 months.

The above dosage is for an adult. For children under 7 years old, 1 tsp is enough, up to 12 years old - 1 tbsp.


Oatmeal jelly is a versatile drink suitable for all age groups. In addition to improving the state of immunity, it helps to cure a number of diseases, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.

In view of high calorie, caution should be shown to people with obesity - for them there are special recipe cooking. In this case, compliance with the recommended amount of consumption plays an important role.

Against the backdrop of abundance exotic products the good old cereal began to be undeservedly forgotten - which has unique flavors and. Strengthening infusions of oats have been famous since the time of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Although now cereals are used to make cereals, oatmeal, flour and coffee, few people remember that oatmeal is a product for making kissel - a unique balm for the human body.

Pros and cons of oatmeal

The cereal plant oats is a real pantry of health. Unrefined oats are rich in phosphorus, iodine, silicon, iron and fluorine. The leathery shell of the grain contains the substances necessary for the human body: protein, fiber, starch, amino acids and vitamins.

Groups of vitamins B and E provide healthy blood vessels and blood system, reducing the risk of tumors, blood clots, cataracts and atherosclerosis, vitamin A is responsible for the tissue condition of the skin, hair growth and muscle system, and vitamin F has anti-allergic properties. All this biological collection is in a miracle - cereal and passes, without losing quality, into jelly.

Interesting! are in no way inferior to jelly cooked on this cereal.

Advantages of oatmeal jelly:

  • it improves performance digestive tract, balances the metabolism;
  • cleanses the liver and gallbladder, removing toxins and cholesterol;
  • destroys viruses in the body, has antipyretic, diaphoretic and expectorant effects;
  • lowers blood sugar levels by reducing insulin production;
  • normalizes weight and sleep;
  • helps get rid of addiction smoke;
  • irreplaceable as additional remedy in the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis, diabetes (how to apply when diabetes oats), hypertension.
  • How culinary dish, kissel is tasty and nutritious.

Oats can only harm people with hypersensitivity to jelly components and those with diseases in which it is undesirable powerful action magic cereal.

  • severe forms of chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • renal and cardiovascular failure;
  • high acidity of the stomach;
  • alcohol addiction.

Important! Don't give up on oatmeal broths people with the above problems. They need only an additional medical consultation about the possibility of treatment with oats.

How to cook oatmeal jelly

Variety of ancient and modern recipes making oatmeal jelly is impressive. It can be cooked from grain, flakes or oatmeal, on water or with the addition of milk (read how). You can treat yourself to a frozen view of jelly. But, no matter what recipe you like, the method of preparation does not change its valuable medicinal qualities.

Interesting! has the same medicinal properties, which is jelly!

Quick Kissel Recipe

This delicacy does not ask pre-soak and insistence on it cooking will go away no more than an hour. For a liter of water you need 200 gr. oatmeal. Cook for 40 minutes, then pass the resulting mixture through a colander. The remaining cooked flakes must be rubbed through a sieve and combined with a decoction. Boil again on low heat for 5 minutes, the jelly is ready.

Important! Oatmeal for the preparation of high-quality jelly is better to take coarse grinding. You can turn them into the necessary fine substance using a coffee grinder or a conventional meat grinder.

Kissel for the pancreas and stomach

The antiseptic and enveloping actions of oatmeal jelly will help get rid of the problems of the gastrointestinal tract: heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and belching, as well as colitis. It is enough to regularly use a simple, but effective recipe: soak unpeeled oats overnight, drain the infusion in the morning and boil it for small fire to the consistency of jelly. These simple actions will help restore the intestinal microflora and allow the body to cleanse itself of toxins and slag.

Interesting! you need to brew correctly, how to do this we will tell in our article.

To create a healing treat for the pancreas, it will take more time, as it is necessary to germinate the grain of the plant.

  1. Put a glass of grains on wet gauze and pour boiled water over so that the water slightly covers the grains. After a few days, the seeds will sprout.
  2. Grains with sprouts should be thoroughly washed, dried and ground. Get a kind of grain porridge.
  3. To create one serving, 1 tbsp is enough. l. porridge and 1 tbsp. water. Boil the mixture over high heat for 2 minutes.
  4. Infuse the cooked jelly for 1 hour in a warm place and use as directed.

The drug is directed primarily to prevent exacerbations. As soon as a decrease in the symptoms of acute pancreatitis began to be observed with conventional treatment, it is necessary to enter into daily diet oatmeal jelly as a therapeutic prophylaxis. vegetable fat seed coat is easily absorbed by the pancreas and does not have a negative effect. Grain amino acids will relieve the inflammatory process, block the aggression of enzymes and normalize the functioning of the gland.

Important! It must be remembered that oatmeal jelly is, first of all, medicinal dish. It is preferable to take it in the morning, 1-2 hours before breakfast.

A person will be able to do without snacks that are harmful to the figure during the day, saturating his body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins and energizing him with an oatmeal jelly breakfast. It is good to fix the weight before starting the breakfast course, and after a week, get back on the scales to be surprised at the result.

  1. In a 3-liter jar we place 70 g of kefir and 2 liters. water, add 1.5 tbsp. cereals, cover with gauze, leave in a warm place and do not interfere with the fermentation process for 2 days.
  2. After 3 layers of folded gauze, you need to strain the resulting solution and put it in the refrigerator for a day to settle.
  3. The colorless liquid that will stand out in the upper part of the jar must be drained; for jelly, only the sediment at the bottom of the jar is of interest.
  4. Add water to the resulting sediment, in a ratio of 1: 3, and cook over low heat, stirring, like a regular jelly.

Drink three times a day, with an interval of two weeks.

Kissel for weight loss from the refrigerator

Finally, I would like to give a peculiar dish, which is still popular in monasteries, famous for diets - fasting.

  1. Pour in oatmeal warm water and insist for a day in a warm place, after tying the container with a woolen cloth.
  2. The infusion obtained after 24 hours must be filtered and squeezed.
  3. Boil the infusion over moderate heat, adding a minimum dose of salt until the mass thickens.
  4. Cool the resulting "jellied", add 1 tsp. honey and refrigerate.
  5. The frozen masterpiece is cut and served at the table.

Important! The addition of honey, sugar, raisins makes jelly amazingly tasty. But, do not get carried away with the use of oatmeal jelly: an overdose can lead to a headache.

Kissel from oats is a kind of natural biostimulant that will help not only to balance the figure, but also strengthen the immune system, slowing down the aging process. Oats will always be on guard human body as a source of strength and health.

Oats - that unique cereal crop, the benefits of which can be discussed endlessly. Flakes, oatmeal, flour are made from its grains, porridges, soups, kissels and decoctions are prepared, which differ not only nutritional value but above all for its medicinal properties.

Oats are that unique cereal crop, the benefits of which can be endlessly discussed. Flakes, oatmeal, flour are made from its grains, porridges, soups, kissels and decoctions are prepared, which differ not only in nutritional value, but above all in their medicinal properties.

Since ancient times, grandmother healers have used oatmeal dishes as carminative, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antipyretic, cleansing agents. A decoction and oatmeal jelly are especially useful: the recipe for these drinks has been known since ancient times, but it still has benefits.

In their composition, oats retain all the richness of proteins, vitamins, starch, mineral salts, fats and organic acids that Mother Nature endowed it with.

oatmeal jelly
To prepare a healthy and nutritious oatmeal jelly, you do not need any special culinary skills, it does not take a lot of time, effort and financial costs. Cooking it is simple and quick, and you can enjoy the healing, healing effect for a very long time.

There are many recipes for making oatmeal jelly. You can try different ones and select the one that turns out tastier and healthier.

Classic recipe from grandmothers suggests doing it in the following way.
1. Mix 300 g of oatmeal and 4 tablespoons of large natural oatmeal and 1/3 cup of fresh (preferably homemade) kefir.
2. Place the mixture in a three-liter glass jar, pour boiled warm water.
3. Put the jar for two days in a warm place (you can near the battery).
4. After that, pass the mixture through a sieve.
5. Pour the resulting liquid into boiling water in a thin stream and bring the jelly to readiness.
6. To taste, you can add salt, or sugar or honey, as well as any berries and fruits or lemon juice.
Oatmeal is ready.

To taste, you can add salt, or sugar or honey, as well as any berries and fruits or lemon juice.

Bon appetit to you and good health, because with regular use of such a healing and delicious drink can solve many health problems.

Such jelly with regular use will have a positive effect on health. The main indication for home treatment oatmeal jelly - pancreatitis.

However, in addition to this, this dish:
contains a large number of starch, which is incredibly beneficial for the kidneys, liver and entire gastrointestinal tract;
included in therapeutic diets for those who suffer from ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis;
improves the condition food poisoning and other intoxications of the body;
favorably affects the cardiovascular system;
reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
normalizes metabolism, therefore oatmeal jelly is recommended for weight loss, it effectively helps to cope with obesity.

It is simple and pleasant to be treated with oatmeal jelly - you need to eat it for breakfast every morning. A serving should be at least 250 gr.

If you want it to be beneficial, try to do without sugar and spices. If he really gets tired of him or you don’t like him, flavor him a small amount honey, sour cream, fresh berries or eat it with rye bread.

Already after a week of such an unusual treatment, you will feel lightness in the stomach, your condition will improve, the skin will smooth out, overweight if you follow the principles of proper nutrition, they will begin to leave.

Kissel is considered even more useful decoction of oats , which keeps large quantity useful substances in its composition.

Oat decoction. Classic recipe for oat broth - 1

Brew 1-2 cups of grain in 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day for liver diseases.

Oatmeal for insomnia . Recipe for decoction of oats - 2

500 g oat grains to be washed cold water, pour 1 liter of water, cook until half cooked, strain and take 150–200 ml daily, adding a little honey.
Squeezed grains can be boiled and used at your discretion: as a garnish...

A decoction of oats in milk for pneumonia in children. Recipe for decoction of oats - 3

1 glass of oats with husks, rinse well and pour a liter of milk. Boil for an hour on low heat. Strain and give to children to drink instead of tea or soup - several times during the day. With honey, butter - optional. It is especially useful to use jelly at night. You can not store for a long time - it quickly sours. It is better to cook fresh every day.

A decoction of oats in milk as a tonic .Recipe for decoction of oats - 4

Oats or oatmeal (1 glass) pour 1 liter boiled water and cook until the density of liquid jelly, pour the same amount of milk into the broth and boil again. After cooling, combine the first and second decoctions and dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey in them. Drink warm drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day as a general tonic.

Decoction of oats "Elixir of life". Recipe for decoction of oats - 5

Three glasses of oats (not "Hercules") are thoroughly washed and poured with 3 liters of water. Boil 20 min. over low heat, then removed from heat and well wrapped for 24 hours, or poured into a thermos.
Later, the broth is filtered through a thick napkin, 100 grams of honey is added to it, tightly closed with a lid, put on fire again and allowed to boil. Once cooled, pour into clean bottles and refrigerate. Before use, add freshly squeezed lemon juice (to taste).
They drink the decoction in small sips, very slowly, with pleasure, savoring, 100 grams a day half an hour before meals. When the drink is over, the decoction is made three more times. The course is held 3 times a year: in spring, summer and autumn.
This recipe will help cleanse the body of toxins and naturally increase vitality.

A decoction of oats is sticky. Recipe for decoction of oats - 6

1 cup rinsed oatmeal pour 1 liter of melt water at room temperature, leave for 12 hours, then boil for 30 minutes with the lid tightly closed, remove from heat, wrap for 12 hours, filter. Add melt water, bringing the volume of the broth to 1 liter. Take 30 minutes before meals or between meals 3 times a day, 150 ml for a month. It is used as a mild, stomach-sparing enveloping remedy for diarrhea, especially in children.

A decoction of oats is cool. Recipe for decoction of oats - 7

3 cups of unpeeled oats pour 3 liters of water, cook on low heat for 3 hours, strain, store in the refrigerator. Drink warm, 0.5 cups 1 hour before meals. A cool decoction of oats relieves any inflammation, removes toxins, normalizes the work of the stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys.

A decoction of oat grains in the form of jelly. Recipe for decoction of oats - 8

2 tbsp oat grains or flour in 1 cup of boiled water - boil over low heat until a thick mass is obtained. Drink warm 0.5-1 glass 3 times a day before meals. Kissel broth from oat grains is used for violation of bile secretion, and a decoction of oatmeal - for disorders of the digestive tract, diarrhea.

A decoction of oat grains with honey. Recipe for decoction of oats - 9

Pour 1 cup of oats with 5 cups of cold water. Boil over low heat until half of the original volume, strain. Add 4 tsp. honey and boil again. Decoction drink warm 1 cup 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals. This high-calorie drink It is used to strengthen strength, in diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland.

A decoction of oats in distilled water. Recipe for decoction of oats - 10

1 glass of washed oats is poured with a liter of distilled water at room temperature, insisted for 10-12 hours, then brought to a boil over low heat and boiled for 30 minutes with the lid tightly closed. Wrap and insist 12 hours, filter. Then with distilled water bring the volume of the broth to a liter.

Ethis decoction of oats helps to improve the metabolism in the body, is indicated for peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, regardless of the state of acidity, and is especially useful if gastrointestinal disease burdened with chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis.

The word kissel is associated with thick drink from berries and fruits. But few people associate this name with such a product as oatmeal. This drink was prepared in ancient times, to raise vitality. This dish belongs to the category diet food because it has medicinal properties. Kissel contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins of groups A, E, B, F. Oatmeal jelly is rich in fiber and amino acids, but at the same time low in calories. This perfect product for those who want to get rid of excess weight. In order to properly use this dish, it is necessary to study in detail its beneficial properties.

The process of cooking oatmeal jelly

Even in past centuries, healers knew about the beneficial properties of this drink. Oatmeal jelly is still a good remedy which can improve general state body and normalize all metabolic processes. Nutritionists and gastroenterologists highlight several useful properties of this simple dish.


  1. The phytochemicals found in oats prevent the formation of malignant cells.
  2. And regular consumption of oatmeal jelly contributes to the normalization of estrogen in female body which prevents the development of breast cancer.
  3. Due to these properties, this dish can be used as a prophylactic against cancer.

Kissel has a thick jelly-like structure, which gently envelops its walls when it enters the stomach. As a result, the absorption of carbohydrates slows down, which helps to normalize glucose levels. This property allows people with diabetes to use the dish.

Vegetable fibers and starch stimulate intestinal motility, which helps to avoid constipation.

Low fat content and neutral acid-base balance make this dish indispensable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal jelly will be very useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. Fiber in the composition of the product prevents the formation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, which has positive action throughout the circulatory and cardiac systems.

Features of oatmeal jelly

Cooking medicinal drink very simple. It is prepared from whole grains of oats or herculean flakes. By itself, jelly does not have a pronounced taste, it is rather bland. In order to appear pleasant taste, add dried fruits and nuts.

Kissel must be boiled in medium-fat milk.

Eating the dish is best done in the morning, when the processes of cleansing the body start. At one time, experts recommend drinking 200 ml of the drink. Correct use drink will ensure normal digestion.

  • IN preventive purposes;
  • With constipation;
  • With pancreatitis;
  • With gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • During the period of exacerbation of rotavirus diseases;
  • With reduced immunity;
  • If the profession is associated with the release of toxins and harmful substances.

It is also worth noting that this dish has the ability to absorb toxic elements and other harmful substances, gently bringing them out. This dish does not carry harm, rather the opposite.

What is Izotov kissel

The famous doctor Vladimir Izotov transformed regular recipe oatmeal jelly, making it even more useful. In order to prepare jelly, you need 5-7 oat sourdough, olive oil and honey to taste, 2 tbsp of water.

Kissel Izotov has several stages of preparation:

  • fermentation;
  • Filtration;
  • settling;
  • Getting a concentrate.

Step by step recipe medicinal jelly includes several stages of preparation. The first stage is the most important, so do not break the sequence. First you need 8 tablespoons of oats, previously ground in a blender, 2 liters of boiled cold water, 100 g of kefir or sour milk.

Flakes for the preparation of jelly must be taken natural without impurities and additives.

It is best to use a 5 liter bottle as a dish. Preparation begins with the fact that it is necessary to pour crushed oatmeal flakes into the dishes and pour them with water. To enhance the fermentation process, kefir is added. The dishes are covered with a lid for making wine or put on a rubber glove. The dishes are covered with any dark cloth so that there is no daylight. The composition is left to ferment for several days. It is advisable to place dishes with sourdough in the warmest place in the house. At the end of time, the mixture must be filtered. excess water poured into a separate bowl, and the oats must be washed well. The second stage consists in filtration, which is carried out using a colander. During the washing process, 2 cans of filtrate should be obtained, which are covered with a lid and left for 16 hours. The next step is to prepare the jelly itself. The concentrate must be mixed with water, the resulting mixture must be brought to a boil. When kissel acquires thick consistency, it is ready to use.

How to cook oatmeal

Kissel from oats is very nutritious and causes a long-lasting feeling of fullness, which is suitable for losing weight people. Compound this dish has an optimal balance of all nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. Due to its composition, this product improves the general condition of the body and normalizes work. digestive system. This product it is necessary to include in the diet of frequently ill and weak children. Cooking oatmeal jelly can be quick and easy.

To do this, take:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 100 gr. flakes;
  • 1.5 cups of sugar;
  • 30 gr. butter.

Flakes must be roasted in the oven. Then flakes and sugar are added to the milk brought to a boil. For taste, you can add honey, nuts and dried fruits. The mass must be cooked for about 5 minutes, while not forgetting to stir it constantly. The cooked mixture is poured into cups. It is recommended to use jelly in a warm form.

A simple recipe for oatmeal oatmeal jelly

It is necessary to use jelly for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis within 3 months. After taking the drink, you can eat food after a few hours. In order to reduce weight, traditional recipes are used. It is necessary to prepare a drink only from natural products good quality. The preparation of this recipe is very similar to the Izotov recipe, the difference is in the fermentation ingredient.

To begin with, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of hercules;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 slice of rye bread;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 2 tsp honey and sugar.

Hercules fall asleep in a jar and pour water. Then add the bread and cover with a lid. The jar with the mixture is placed in a warm and dark place for several days. After fermentation, the resulting mixture is ground through a fine sieve. The resulting substance is used to prepare a drink. To give taste to the drink, fresh fruits and berries are added.

Kisel Izotova (video)

Summing up, we can safely say that oatmeal jelly is very healthy drink. You can cook jelly according to any recipe, even grandmother's or modern way. His unique composition makes this dish indispensable for diseases of the stomach, heart and blood vessels. Properly prepared jelly helps to get rid of toxins and harmful substances. Oatmeal jelly saturates the body with vitamins and minerals that give vital energy. Many nutritionists recommend including in your diet this drink for preventive purposes. Numerous studies showed that oatmeal excellent tool in the fight against cancer. For cooking healthy jelly, you need to make a starter, detailed recipe which is described above. The human body in conditions of poor ecology, the influence of negative factors requires additional help. Regular use oatmeal jelly will help the body resist daily negative influences.
