
The effect of pu-erh on the body. The benefits of Chinese tea, its medicinal properties

The birthplace of pu-erh is a territory close to the border of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, which was called Bashu in ancient times, and today is the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, as well as northern territories Burma, Laos and Vietnam. When writing the name of the territory in hieroglyphs, it began to sound like "puer". Tea made from the raw materials of large-leaved Yunnan trees began to be called the same.

The preparation of high-quality pu-erh takes place in several stages: the collection of leaves, their withering, twisting and pressing. Such tea can be stored for a very long time without losing its properties over time.

There is a (by the way, quite common) opinion that pu-erh is a specific tea, the effect of which is as close as possible to a light narcotic trance. There is a similar misconception mainly among young people.

Pu-erh is not absolutely in any (even relative) sense a drug, since its effect on the body is radically different from the substances mentioned. Of course, this one has the strongest tonic effect, which is several times stronger than coffee: it invigorates and is even able to bring a person into a special state. However, comparing it with a narcotic does not make sense, since there are absolutely no grounds for this. The effect of pu-erh, however, is not always the same, it is determined by different circumstances: the place of tea drinking, the mood of the participants in the ceremony, and others.

This tea has a strong invigorating effect, speeds up the work of thought, gives the body unusual sensations makes a person more open and sociable. white pu-erh has a thin and delicate taste. Compared to the usual, it works even stronger.

The action of which depends largely on the correctness of the brewing procedure, has a wide range palatability, is distinguished by a wide variety of olfactory effects that turn tea drinking into a truly ritual ceremony. Since tea has a particularly pronounced tonic effect, its use should be dosed. IN moderate amounts it has a very beneficial effect on the state of the body. Excessive use of it can even be harmful.

According to doctors, the action of pu-erh accelerates the treatment of colds and all its symptoms, lowers cholesterol levels, and aged varieties - and blood glucose levels. Also, the drink perfectly helps to get rid of tension, fatigue, and Pu-erh has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes moderate weight loss, cleanses the liver of fats, normalizes acid balance, and activates brain activity. Therefore, at home, the drink is called healing.

The action of pu-erh is perceived very individually. The sensations experienced by one person can be very different from the effect a drink has on another. However, most people who have experienced the effect of his magic on themselves note that the wave of sensations with which the drink fills rolls very slowly and smoothly. The aftertaste also takes a long time to dissolve. Compared with this tea, the effect of coffee and other stimulating drinks can be called almost perfidious and rude.

This is pu-erh tea. Its action changes consciousness to a certain extent, although such a change has nothing to do with psychedelic changes. Thanks to this drink, a very peculiar term has appeared today - “ tea intoxication”, which indicates that the state that pu-erh is capable of creating is radically different from all known states of human consciousness.

The Chinese say that this tea intoxicates with its sublimity, purity and sobriety. It is so subtle that it is difficult to describe in words. "Intoxication" with pu-erh resembles a mixture of opposite states - cheerfulness and relaxation, sobriety and spiritual hops. This tea adjusts to a state of harmony, puts people together, gives a positive charge. You need to understand that such reviews that describe the action of pu-erh are very subjective. To understand what pu-erh is, you need to try it yourself.

The effect of Pu-erh tea is simply legendary. But does he have the very qualities that are attributed to him in Russia? Perhaps our boundless interest in something unusual makes us exaggerate the tonic properties of this legendary tea, calling them intoxicating and even narcotic. In fact, the effect of Pu-erh is due to the content of a huge amount of enzymes and caffeine in it. It is these active substances that nervous system a person into a state of tone, which many used to call intoxication.

Also known properties of this tea, such as the ability to lower blood sugar, promote weight loss and powerfully improve performance. If dizziness or weakness suddenly appears after drinking tea, then we can say about the manifestation of the glycolysis process, which can be easily compensated by eating something sweet.

Waiting for the effect: drinking Pu-erh at home

About what effect can be expected from Puer, it is written in many sources. Those who are particularly interested in getting new sensations from this kind of tea ceremony are able to study a mountain of information to find out all the secrets of brewing and drinking this explosive tea. Shu Puer, the effect of which excites the minds of our compatriots, is truly famous in China. Now his fame has reached Russia. True, we speak of him as of a certain magic potion, permitted by law, but leading almost to a state of "narcotic" intoxication.

Due to the unfamiliar qualities of such a tonic tea, knowledgeable people recommend trying it at home for the first time in order to avoid unexpected situations associated with instant relaxation or, conversely, excitement.

Boil or brew?

Chinese Pu-erh tea, the effect of which is due to its enzymatic qualities, is most often brewed in a teapot. Moreover, such a process can rather be called cooking, rather than brewing. So, according to experienced tea gourmets, Pu-erh inserts for a while, leaving no harmful effects after a timely release. The logical chain that develops in the minds of many looks something like this: Pu-erh - Effect - Reviews of friends - Be sure to try. But, believe me, everyone will find their pros and cons in Puer.

Many people wonder which Puer is more rushing: Shu or Shen. So, rather than this Grandiose quality is inherent in Shu Pu-erh. This type of tea can truly be classified as black, since in terms of the concentration of enzymes it cannot be compared with any traditional black tea in Russia. Therefore, there is a common opinion about which Pu-erh inserts: only Shu, moreover, preferably brought directly from China.

The opinion of sound connoisseurs

Distracting from such an attractive property of “inserting”, you can competently approach the description of Pu-erh. After all, this unique tea has just great ability to influence human metabolism. Therefore, Puer tea, reviews of which vary, can affect everyone in completely different ways. It is impossible not to mention such properties as the possibility fight against food poisoning and hangover syndrome. Pu-erh is just a magical tool to increase efficiency in the good sense of the word. Not here in question about how rushing Pu-erh, and its peculiarity to tone up and invigorate is noted.

Magnificent Pu-erh tea: reviews as a reason to try it

Anyone who is even slightly fond of the distant tradition of the tea ceremony should feel the powerful tonic properties of this tea. Being practically the pride of China, this truly black tea has earned the respect of connoisseurs and the attention of the curious in Russia for good reason.

Thus, Chinese tea Puer, reviews of which have long been bypassed by all the interested public, may seem a little surprising. Indeed, some attribute to him the ability to “insert not childishly”, while others tone and invigorate in earnest. All this is just different opinions people interested in this or that effect.

It is simply important to appreciate all facets of this drink. No need to assign to him the humiliating properties of narcotic, toxic or psychotropic substances. Pu-erh is a magnificent gift from nature, which has laid in the properties of this tea leaf ability to transfer human body solar energy and heat.

Pu-erh belongs to the category of noble unique Chinese teas. Its taste is not like the others, unlike other teas, pu-erh only gets better with time. He has many admirers around the world. Pu-erh has long turned from tea into a whole trend in tea world. Because of his unusual taste, which discourages those who try it for the first time, this tea gathers a lot of rumors and controversy around it. Almost narcotic properties are attributed to him, although this is only a myth.

The main qualities of pu-erh

In the collection, "Fan Tian Lu" is called tea from a hundred diseases and a drink of harmony. Pu-erh has a lot of useful properties, providing a beneficial effect on the body. How does puerh work?

  • Affects the digestive system, improves metabolism, breaks down fats.
  • Promotes weight loss and weight loss.
  • Removes sludge harmful substances from the body, cleanses the liver.
  • Carries out oral hygiene, strengthening teeth. Provides fresh breath, prevents the appearance of plaque.
  • Increases the body's resistance to colds, raises and strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves the structure of the skin, rejuvenates it.
  • Reduces the amount of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. Does not allow serious diseases to develop.
  • It has a tonic property, puts thoughts in order, clarifies the mind.
  • It has a slight diuretic property, has a beneficial effect on the urogenital area.
  • Perfectly copes with heavy food, improves the condition after a plentiful feast.

What the research says

Among patients with overweight studies have been carried out, they have shown amazing results. For three months of drinking Pu-erh tea, patients have significantly lost in waist circumference and up to 12 kilograms in weight. After that, pu-erh became the basis of a variety of programs aimed at weight loss.

Another experiment was carried out at Kunming University in China. For two months, one group of people drank pu-erh tea, and the other group - medical preparation PCIB, which is supposed to lower cholesterol. In both cases, there was a decrease in cholesterol levels, in the first by 64%, in the second by 67%. In Europe, the experiment was repeated, in participants who drank this tea three times a day, their cholesterol levels dropped significantly.

What does pu-erh tea contain?

Pu-erh is rich in various substances that can affect the human condition. These are vitamins, antioxidants, minerals. Contained in tea and substances such as theine, theophylline, L-theanine. It is said that these substances are capable of causing "tea intoxication". Although in China about such tea drink it is said that he intoxicates with his sobriety. What properties do these substances have and can they have a strong effect on a person?


It is a natural neurotransmitter, it provides transmission between brain cells nerve impulses. This substance increases efficiency, improves mood. L-theanine penetrates the brain, transforming into gamma-aminobutyric acid, which has a psychostimulating effect on the nervous system.


Thein is found in tea leaves at a concentration of 2-4%. This enough, but theine is a natural caffeine that has a milder effect. Its purpose is to keep the body in good shape, stimulate brain activity. Caffeine absorption slows down big amount antioxidants.


This plant substance, which can act on the central nervous system, helps to saturate the blood with oxygen, improve the function of the respiratory muscles. This is not to say that tea completely changes consciousness. It simply gives impetus to the fact that you can look at the world in a new way, try to comprehend and revise some views. Tea sets you in a philosophical mood.

How to brew pu-erh

The positive effect of pu-erh on the human body is guaranteed only with proper preparation of this amazing drink and correct acceptance. Pu-erh is produced in the form of tablets, in the form of small nests, there are loose varieties of pu-erh.

Loose tea. To properly brew pu-erh, you need to stock up earthenware and quality water. The water is heated up to 95°C. The clay teapot is warming up. For 200 ml of drink, you need a tablespoon of pu-erh. Dry tea is poured with boiling water to open the leaf. The water is immediately drained, then boiling water is poured again, which drains after a few seconds. After the third brew, the holding time is doubled.

Pressed pu-erh. Such tea is strongly compressed, it consists of a large tea leaf. All you need for brewing small piece tea leaves. A special awl or knife for pu-erh will help to break it off from a large layer. A piece of 5-7 grams is broken off, poured cold water and left for a few minutes. Then you need to drain the water, pour boiling water over the tea, leave for 10 seconds. Tea is brewed several times in a row, the infusion time gradually increases.

Puer in tablets. A strong infusion can be made in a thermos with a volume of one and a half liters. 1-2 tablets of pressed tea are used, which are pre-soaked, then placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water. Tea should be brewed for about two hours.

For brewing in a kettle, use 1 tablet per 250 ml of water. A multi-stage brewing is carried out with a gradual increase in the infusion time.

How to drink Puer

All types of pu-erh are not recommended to drink on an empty stomach. Heavily fermented tea Shu Puer is not recommended to drink at night. Yes, and when taking tea during the day, it is worth monitoring your condition, since this tea raises blood pressure, can cause headache, give a strong strain on the heart.

Black puer is better drink damp, cold evenings, winter or autumn. White tea Bai Hao Puer is a weakly fermented tea, it can be used at any time of the year, there is only one restriction - you should not drink it with meals.

Puer contraindications

  • Pu-erh can cause insomnia, it is not recommended to drink it at night.
  • Pu-erh is not recommended during pregnancy, children, lactating women.
  • Puer should not be drunk by hypertensive patients.
  • Reception of pu-erh can cause an attack of pain, the movement of stones in urolithiasis.

It can be considered that pu-erh has positive impact on the body as a whole, having a minimum list of contraindications. The greatest positive effect can be achieved only with regular use of the drink.

It should be noted that pu-erh practically does not deteriorate over the years, during long-term storage it picks up aromas and matures, in this it vaguely resembles cognac. Exists great amount types of pu-erh, which differ in the method of production and the form of pressing.

Results of medical research

There is a widespread opinion that the effect of pu-erh on the body is similar to the effect of soft drugs. This complex issue, since the pu-erh is on different people acts differently: someone really feels the euphoria and the effect light intoxication others feel nothing at all. However, the positive effects of pu-erh on the body have been proven by numerous independent studies.

Pu-erh has a noticeable effect on the cardiovascular system, it helps cleanse blood vessels, fights cholesterol plaques, blood clots, and improves blood circulation. These positive properties especially important for urban residents, who often have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Another positive effect- cleansing the body. Regular use of this drink removes toxins and slags, normalizes metabolism, helps to digest heavy, fatty and junk food. Therefore, it is recommended to drink pu-erh for overweight people, when hangover syndrome or poisoning.

Pu-erh perfectly regulates the work gastrointestinal tract because it has absorbent and antispasmodic properties. Pu-erh is an alkaline drink, so it does not provoke stomach irritation and may be useful for ulcers. duodenum and stomach. This tea helps to cope with the inflammatory processes of the stomach, but at the same time it should be drunk warm, not hot.

How to brew and drink pu-erh?

Pu-erh has a positive general strengthening effect on the body, it contains a huge amount of enzymes and substances that reduce the risk of oncological diseases and serious viral infections. In addition, it improves the structure and color of the skin, has a noticeable rejuvenating effect. It should be borne in mind that pu-erh should be consumed after a meal, since it has negative impact on an empty stomach.

Healing properties are preserved correct brewing. First, you need to pour fresh boiling water over the Pu-erh tablet and drain it after a few seconds, this is necessary to remove foreign odors and impurities that enter the tea during transportation and storage. After that, the purified tea must be poured with boiling water again and brewed for at least a minute. In order to fully reveal the taste of pu-erh, it is advisable to use soft purified water.

In details. But useful and harmful properties- this is not all that interests Internet users. This article will talk in more detail about what effect Puerh tea can have on the body.

Chinese dark (not to be confused with black) Puer tea has won the hearts of many tea connoisseurs around the world. The drink has a noble color and aroma, it has refined taste and useful for the body substances in the composition. Regular consumption of pu-erh improves mood and well-being. But these are not all the effects achieved from the tea ceremony.

What is the effect of Pu-erh tea on the human body?

Tonic properties of tea

The main effect of pu-erh tea is toning the body. The drink doesn't work. worse than coffee helping to cheer up in the morning. But, unlike its granulated rival, tea does not harm health and does not increase blood pressure. For this reason, pu-erh is loved in all countries of the world, giving preference to it in the morning.

Impact on the body

Pu-erh also has a beneficial effect on internal organs. Tea improves performance of cardio-vascular system, thins the blood, normalizes blood pressure. Regular consumption of the drink reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. Just 1 cup of tea a day will relieve arrhythmia and tachycardia, eliminate shortness of breath "cores".

Intoxication effect

The effect of intoxication from Puer tea is nothing more than a myth

Rumors about such an intoxicating or even narcotic side effect have been circulating on the Internet for a long time. When it comes to what emotions pu-erh tea causes, and what is the effect of drinking the drink, lovers of this Chinese drug note a slight effect on the mind. Intoxication sets in, comparable to the sensations after taking a small dose of alcohol. A person feels a surge of vivacity, strength. His mood rises, apathy disappears. The effect is achieved after one or two drunk cups of tea.

But not everyone feels it. Only a similar effect on consciousness has been proven when several servings of tea are consumed at once.

Many believe that pu-erh should not be drunk due to the manifestation this effect that it contains drugs. In fact, tea is absolutely safe for the body, it can be consumed without harm to health (in reasonable quantities).

By the way, the effect of intoxication can be caused by excessively strong brewing of almost any tea.

Slimming effect

Puerh can help with weight loss

It would be wrong to compare this drink with slimming teas in pharmacies. Pu-erh tea does not have a direct effect on weight loss, however, it is great addition to a holistic approach to fat burning. The drink contains a unique set of enzymes that speeds up the metabolism, which is the key to the proper functioning of the body and promotes weight loss. In a similar way, spicy spices act on the body.

In terms of reset excess weight it will be useful to use pu-erh, combining with moderate physical activity, changing the diet in favor of healthy food. In this case, you can count on the loss of 5-6 kg of excess weight per month.

Additional properties

These effects are complemented by several more useful properties:

  • removes cholesterol and harmful toxins from the body;
  • cleanses blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • restores the work of the stomach and intestines;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors;
  • strengthens the immune system, prevents viral diseases;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves its condition.

But, despite the numerous positive properties of pu-erh, it is recommended to drink it after meals and no more than two glasses a day. Do not drink tea in chronic and acute kidney disease.

How to brew

You can feel the benefits of drinking pu-erh only if the tea is brewed correctly. Having violated the cooking technology, you will have to be content with a low-flavored drink that is not able to have a beneficial effect on the body.

Brewing technology is simple:

  1. Rinse the kettle well and pour over with boiling water, let it cool slightly.
  2. Pour tea leaves into the kettle, close the lid, shake the dishes slightly.
  3. Pour the tea leaves with boiling water and immediately drain the water.
  4. Again, fill with water with a temperature of up to 90 degrees.
  5. Let it brew for 3-5 minutes and pour into cups.
  6. The tea leaves can be reused up to 3 times.


If you like puerh tea, the effect after it, or noble taste, it is worth knowing about useful properties drink. Regular consumption of the drink will improve the state of the heart system, normalize digestion and metabolism, and cleanse the body. But in this case the rule does not work: “the more, the faster”, because everything should be in moderation.

Have a delicious tea!
