
The most expensive fruits and vegetables in the world. Mango from the northern territories of Australia

For luxury items that emphasize the state and social status, you have to lay out a tidy sum. Five-figure and modest four-figure sums for watches, jewelry or art will not surprise connoisseurs, which cannot be said about food price tags. The cost of some food products even makes them rub their eyes and count the number of zeros again. Here are 10 fruits that are so obscenely expensive that we can only look and dream.

Buddha-shaped pears/$9 each

The silhouette of the fetus resembles a Buddha. One Chinese farmer came up with the idea of ​​growing such pears, who, in order to give the pear a characteristic shape, began to fix a special shape on it. As a result, the pear looks like a miniature sculpture, which can also be eaten. True, for edible art you will have to pay as much as 9 dollars.

Sekai Ichi apples/$21 each

In Japan, these apples have been grown for over 40 years. Sekai Ichi means "the best in the world", such a bold name due to the unique taste properties and size. They say that the apple literally melts in your mouth. Each fruit weighs about 900 grams. Sekai Ichi apples cost $21 each.

Dekopon/80 dollars for 6 pieces

A hybrid of mandarin and orange is called the most delicious citrus fruit in the world. There are no seeds, the lobules are separated by thin partitions, and the plump top of the fruit is a sure sign that it is sweet and juicy. 6 pieces of such exotic will cost $ 80.

Strawberry Sembikia / $85 for 12 pieces

Strawberries "Sembikia" are considered the most delicious and beautiful in the world. Berries do not have the slightest hint of a defect and are distinguished by a shiny, red skin and dark green leaves. Fruits that do not meet high aesthetic requirements are simply thrown away. The package contains 12 strawberries, for which they ask for $ 85.

Square watermelon / $800 each

It is in our country that watermelons and melons grow in large fields, and in Japan they can be grown in special square containers. Due to the peculiarities of cultivation, the watermelon acquires a square shape. One such watermelon weighs about 6 kg and is sold in many stores for $ 800 apiece.

Pineapples from the Lost Garden of Heligan / $1,600 each

The most expensive pineapples in the world grow in the famous British botanical gardens. They are grown in special conditions, which are created using greenhouses. The process is time consuming and requires special attention. Due to this, the price for a one-of-a-kind fruit reaches a record $1,600 apiece.

Mango Taiyo no Tamago/ $3,000 per pair

Translated Taiyo no Tamago means "egg of the sun", which fully reflects the shape of the fruit. This variety is grown in Japan, and to be called Taiyo no Tamago, a mango must weigh at least 350 g and contain at least 15% sugar. Taiyo no Tamago mangoes can be purchased by advance request or at auction, where the price for a pair can easily soar to $3,000.

Ruby Roman grapes / $4,000 per brush

This grape variety originated in Japan. The grapes first became available on the market in 2008. Ruby Roman grapes must meet certain standards: they must be the size of a ping-pong ball, red in color, and the sugar content of the grapes must not exceed 18%. Premium brushes must weigh at least 700 grams. Due to stringent requirements, the harvest may be limited to a very modest "circulation". In 2013, an unknown person paid $4,000 for a single bunch of "ruby Roman" grapes. In a good year, you will have to pay at least $910 for grapes.

Watermelon Densuke / 6100 USD each

In appearance, this watermelon is absolutely different from its popular counterpart all over the world: the Densuke variety has no stripes, and instead of green, its peel is painted black. Inside the melon culture, a bright red sugar pulp is hidden. These watermelons are grown only on the island of Hokkaido, in Japan. Such a watermelon weighs 5-7 kg. In season, watermelon can be purchased at a price of $50. The most expensive Densuke in history was sold at auction in 2008 for $6,100.

Yubari melon / $23,000 per pair

This variety of melon grows exclusively on the territory of Japan in greenhouses, where during the entire growing period a certain temperature regime and air humidity level. The soil in which the melon grows contains volcanic ash. According to breeders, it is he who gives an unusual taste. Because of taste features, growing difficulties and low prevalence, this melon stands like a cast-iron bridge. Wholesalers buy them at a price of 50 to 200 dollars apiece, and then put up for auction, where "Yubari" goes under the hammer for several thousand dollars. The most expensive melons in history cost $23,000 a pair.

Very expensive are not only jewelry, houses, cars and clothing. There are fruits and berries that are super expensive, mega expensive, well, just indecently expensive! The enormous cost of seemingly ordinary gardening fruits is due either to their unusual appearance, either by taste or specific growing conditions. Despite the fact that such a fruit must be bought and eaten immediately, people pay thousands of dollars for the opportunity to try a delicious plant luxury. Taking advantage of this, enterprising gardeners from all over the world are trying to come up with something else to surprise demanding rich gourmets.

Especially in growing outrageous expensive products the Japanese succeeded, but this story will go a little later. So, see the top 10 most expensive fruits in the world. Let's start from the last place:

  • Tenth place - a pear in the form of a Buddha - nine US dollars for one fruit. Specially grown in China. As soon as the pear begins to fill up, a plastic mold is put on it, and by the time it ripens, the fruit looks like a miniature Buddha statue. Legend has it that whoever tastes this miracle will gain immortality. Agree, quite bad marketing ploy.

  • Ninth place - Sekai Ichi apples - $21 each. The name means "number 1 in the world" in Japanese. One such apple can weigh up to 2 kilograms! Apples are grown in special gardens in Japan, where they are pollinated exclusively by hand and fed with honey. Because of such painstaking work, in fact, such a high cost.

  • Eighth place in the ranking of the most expensive fruits in the world - citrus fruit called Dekopon or Sumo Fruit - $80 for a pack of 6. It is a cross between a tangerine and an orange, with a delicate, sweet taste and almost without the membranes we are used to in citrus. More precisely, the membranes there are so thin that they are almost invisible. Usually grown in a greenhouse at a constant temperature. It is also a product of the Japanese inventive for various curiosities.

  • Seventh place - giant royal strawberry called Sembikiya - from $69 to $85 a pack of 12 berries. Each of the strawberries is specially selected and packed in a separate gift box. All berries are the same shape and size.

  • Sixth place - cubic watermelon - $ 800 apiece. Grown in cubic forms that give it unusual shape. By the way, connoisseurs say that it does not taste so good. The fact is that caring for these watermelons is very difficult and at the stage of the desired shape they still do not have time to ripen. Therefore, they buy square watermelons not so much for food, but for decorating culinary windows and presentations.
  • Fifth place in the ranking - Pineapple from the Lost Gardens of Heligan botanical complex - $ 1,600 per copy. Pineapples are grown in England growing on a mixture of hay and horse manure, generously fertilized with horse urine.

  • Fourth place - a mango called "Taiyo no Tamago" or "Egg of the Sun" - $3,000 for a pack of two fruits. When going on sale for this manga, specific criteria apply, such as weight, which must be more than 350 grams and very high content Sahara. This representative of the most expensive fruit in the world is also grown in Japan.

  • Bronze third place in our impromptu ranking is occupied by Ruby Roman grapes - $ 4,000 ... Attention, for one brush! And this is not the limit. At an auction recently held in the Japanese prefecture of Ishikawa, a large bunch of Roman Ruby grapes were sold for almost $10,000. The grape is grown in Japan and has a bright, ruby ​​red color. One berry weighs at least 20 grams (premium version at least 30), the sugar content should be from 18% to 22%, the size of the berry is about the size of a table tennis ball.

  • Second place - Densuke watermelon - $6,100 a piece. Differs like unusual taste, as well as external data. Watermelon has an almost black skin, juicy, very sweet, pink flesh. There are no stripes on the watermelon, so Densuke resembles a black bowling ball.

  • And finally, Yubari melon takes the first place in the ranking of the most expensive fruits in the world. Imagine that two large melons of this variety were sold at one of the auctions for $ 27,000. Small copies usually cost $ 300 for one. Yubari is grown in greenhouses on the island of Hokkaido. Each melon that is allowed for sale must be perfectly round, have smooth peel with a pattern characteristic only for this variety on the sides.

Extremely rare, difficult to grow, or only available in certain regions of the world. You will probably never see them with your own eyes, and you can hardly afford to try them.

Here is our top 10 most expensive fruit in the world. Let's start from the end.

10th place - Buddha-shaped pears - 8.5 euros per piece

This is no joke - the fruit resembles a Buddha sitting in a lotus position. The pear is so similar to the outline of the Buddha that you can distinguish the features of his face.

The fruit was patented by a Chinese farmer from Hebei province - Hao Xianzhang. A legend has already arisen that says that eating these pear fruits provides immortality. The price is not so prohibitive if you take into account the benefits received :)

9th place - Sekai Ichi apples - 20 euros per piece

The name Sekai Ichi means "best in the world." This is a pretty bold assumption. Apples of this variety have been grown in Japan for over 40 years. The diameter of the average fruit is 38 cm, so the apples are much larger than their ordinary counterparts. They weigh about 900 grams. Newton would be very unlucky if such an apple fell on his head (although this is also a legend).

8th place - Citrus fruits Dekopon - 75 euros for 6 pieces

There is no such person who has not tried oranges, but the Dekopon variety (grown since 1972) is a highlight.

Dekopon is a brand name used for only the finest citrus fruits. They differ in appearance from all the others - the fruit is the size of a tennis ball on the tip has a growth. They are considered the most delicious and sweet oranges in the world.

7th place - Strawberry Senbikiya Queen - 80 euros per pack (12 pieces)

Everyone knows what the perfect strawberry should look like - red all over, with dark green leaves and a shiny skin. And this is exactly what each berry of this variety looks like.

If a berry does not meet strict aesthetic requirements, it is simply thrown away so as not to spoil the image of the brand. In the package we get 12 magnificent strawberries, which are so beautiful that you can look at them for hours.

6th place - Square watermelons - 750 euros per piece

What country can produce something as ridiculous as a square watermelon? Of course, this is Japan. Most of the products are sold overseas at a high price.

The square fruit shape is achieved by placing the berries in boxes during growth. One watermelon weighs about 6 kg. You can buy them in almost any store in Japan. Most people, however, do not eat them at all, but use them as a decoration.

5th place - Pineapples from the Lost Heligan Garden in Cornwall - 1500 euros per piece

They are grown in one of the most famous botanical gardens in the UK. Pineapple cultivation is not popular in Europe, pineapples are grown only in the Azores, which belong to Portugal. Therefore, these pineapples are the only European pineapples. Their cultivation requires a lot of time - requires multiple transplants. However, people are willing to pay generously for these unique fruits - at the moment, the most expensive fruit has been sold for $15,000.

4th place - Mango Taiyo no Tamago - 2,800 euros for two

Loosely translated, the name means “egg of the sun”. Japanese fruits were so named because of their shape. The company refuses to sell fruit that weighs less than 350g and does not contain enough Sahara. Every year, auctions of the first harvested fruits break price records - so far the highest price for two pieces is 2,800 euros.

3rd place - Ruby Roman grapes - 3,700 euros per bunch

Another Japanese variety. The most main feature sorts it big size berries in a bunch - on average the size of a ping-pong ball. They can only be found in one region, Japan, and only started selling in 2008.

2nd place - Densuke watermelon - 5700 euros per item

Again very rare variety from Japan - one fruit weighs about 11 kg, it has very dark skin. Its insanely high price is due to its uniqueness - watermelons can only be found in the Hokkaido region of Japan, where they are grown annually in the amount of 10,000 pieces.

rich people love unique products, therefore, during the auction for the first harvest, the price tags reach sky-high values.

Our top winner - Melon Yubari 21,500 euros per pair

Melon is a fruit that you can either love or hate. For gourmets, Yubari is the ultimate delicacy. The variety can only be found in the Hokkaido region. Yubari is the result of crossing two very sweet varieties of melon. In Japan, they buy them in order to give someone a gift, because they are just insanely expensive.

The most expensive berry in the world is the Densuke watermelon, which comes from Japan. This giant japanese fruit black, weighing 8 kilograms, was put up for auction in northern Japan and sold for $6,100 or 650,000 yen. With such a record price, it has become the most expensive watermelon ever sold in the country, and probably in the whole world.

incomparable durian

Durian is called the Asian "king of fruits". It has a pervasive, heavy odor similar to rotten meat. Thais recognized him as the most delightful and delicious fruit, and for Europeans, its “aroma” discourages any appetite. Durian has a unique combination of smell and taste. Ordinary sweet and sour taste durian is combined with a sickening smell, which is why durian is forbidden to be exported.

fruit of the cupuaçu tree

There are not many food products on earth that have caused an interstate scandal. The fruit of the cupuaçu tree is just such a fruit. It is the most expensive fruit in Latin America.
Here is how it was. A rare plant grew in the Brazilian jungle, the fruits of which the natives ate with pleasure. By some miracle, the local delicacy came to the Japanese, distinguished by their enterprise.

La bonnotte potatoes

The price of a potato can be a fortune if it is french fries La bonnotte, fertilized seaweed. One kilogram of this sea potato, which grows on the western coast of France, on the island of Noirmoutier, sells for about five hundred euros. Local farmers affectionately call this fruit "La bonnotte". It has a slightly salty sea ​​taste with a subtle lemon flavor.
The divine tubers of this potato are so delicate that they are harvested by hand, as only human hands cannot damage them.


Rambutan is considered a Malaysian fruit. Its name comes from the Malaysian word for "hair". Rambutans began to grow several centuries ago in some countries of South Asia. For example, in Sri Lanka. Ripe rambutan has fruits that reach a diameter of four to five centimeters. They look like lychees.
This fruit grows on trees in large clusters.

There are thousands of types of fruits on Earth, but we are familiar with only a small part of them. In the world there are quite rare Exotic fruits, see which in northern latitudes almost impossible. If you chose tropical countries, then you have seen how wide the range of local fruits is. In this article, you will get acquainted with some of the rarest and most amazing fruits in the world.

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The fruits of this evergreen tree are the largest fruits that grow on trees. They can reach a meter in length and weigh up to 34 kg. The thick skin of the fruit is dotted with small protrusions conical shape. Inside the fruit contains a sweet fibrous pulp, divided into large lobes. Each lobe contains one seed up to 6 cm long.

Cutting a ripe fruit is not a very pleasant job. The fact is that its peel has bad smell similar to the smell of rotten onions. Also, the peel of the jackfruit contains sticky latex, so you need to cut the fruit either with rubber gloves or after lubricating your hands with oil. delicious pulp the fruit has a short shelf life, so it does not make sense to export this fruit.

Jackfruit grows in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, North Brazil, East Africa (Kenya, Uganda). It is less fashionable to meet his landings on the islands of Oceania and in the tropics of the New World.

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11. Passion fruit

This tropical liana is cultivated in tropical areas mainly (South and Central America, South Asia, New Zealand, Australia, etc.). Its fruits contain juicy delicious juice filled with many seeds!

Passion fruits are used in various dishes from desserts to soft drinks, the juice is also used as an aromatic flavor enhancer and is added to other fruit juices. Passion fruit juice is very useful - it has sedative properties. It is also used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

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Aki is a tree, 10 - 12 meters high, whose homeland is West Africa. The tree has pear-shaped fruits 7-10 cm long, covered with an orange crust. After ripening, the fruit cracks and opens. Its flesh is edible and tastes like a walnut.

The only place where aki is eaten is Jamaica. This fruit is even national dish, although it was brought by people to this island.

Unripe ackee fruit is highly toxic and is used in many countries as an antibacterial soap or as a fish poison.
