
How to make a cookie as a gift. #26 Original box "Package of milk"

B Gift box for cookies from improvised means

In the New Year's rush, we may not have time to run around the florist shops in search of packaging materials for our little culinary gifts.
It doesn’t matter, because you can use some of the things that are always available at home or in the office.
Material for FM Christmas Culinary Gifts
And FM "Journey to the Kingdom of the Nutcracker"

Envelopes for CDs
Yes, yes, simple paper CD sleeves with a transparent window .. They seem to be specially designed for gingerbread!
Transparent bags for CDs are also quite suitable. Their disadvantage is that they do not keep their shape well. It is easy to eliminate by inserting a strip of cardboard cut exactly to the width into the bottom of the bag. In the same bag for cookies, you can also put a New Year's card with congratulations.

Basket-manager from whatman paper
For her, we need an A3 paper sheet.
We cut out a square from it with a side of 297 mm (the length of the smaller side). We divide each side of the square into three and draw it according to these marks, as if we were drawing a lattice for playing tic-tac-toe. We make folds along these lines, the folds should look down. On the four corner squares we make diagonal folds, these folds should look up.
Now we bring the bent corners to the center and with the help of a needle we collect them on a strong thread. We tighten the thread, tie it, fix the knot, cut off the excess thread. We decorate the junction of the corners with a ribbon or something else.
The storage basket is ready. You can put sweets, cookies or other small gifts in it, and decorate the outer sides with appliqué or drawings.

(photos enlarge by clicking)
It is easy to make a cubic gift box from the same blank.
It’s just that the corners-ears should not be reduced to the center, but pressed from the inside to the walls and attached - glued with glue, tape or using a stapler.

(photos enlarge by clicking)
Pencils, markers, markers
These stationery will help you arrange our box or basket at no extra cost. Before the final assembly, we draw snowflakes, stars or Christmas trees on the sides, and write good wishes to the addressee.
Today it is fashionable to stylize everything and everything as “houses”. Why not take advantage of this idea - drawing windows and doors is not at all difficult!
Stationery files
Any gift will look more advantageous if wrapped in a transparent rustling film - lavsan. Instead, we can use the usual clerical file pockets. It is enough just to carefully cut off the strip intended for the binder, and we are already holding a ready-made gift bag in our hands.
The size of the package, by the way, is very practical. For example, our basket-manager will perfectly fit into it. Well, except that the corners in the center will have to be connected not end-to-end, but slightly overlapped.

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If this package is too big for your purposes, you can simply cut it into sheets and wrap small gifts like candy, tied with a ribbon.

The tradition of giving each other gifts for the New Year holidays will never cease to exist. Christmas gifts can be very different.

Making delicious surprises

Such an unusual holiday surprise can act as a corporate gift to colleagues or even friends and relatives, and. You can make a whole, which can consist not only of gingerbread and, but also,.

Do not forget about the design of Christmas presents. But how do you wrap gingerbread cookies and gingerbread for a gift? To pack such a present, you can use some.

Put a beautiful openwork napkin at the bottom of the box. Lay the cake out on a napkin. You can put it in several rows, alternating with each other. box .

Do not forget that the wrapper should carry a festive mood, so it is best to choose bright colors with sparkles. For originality, you can glue rhinestones or sequins on the lid of the box yourself.

Another option for presenting a gift set of gingerbread and cookies is to put them on a beautiful one. It is better if it is decorated in a New Year's or Christmas style.

Sweets should also be put on a napkin. Then wrap all this beauty in beautiful transparent paper or film, securing it on top with a ribbon or bow.

This is how you can present a gingerbread cookie or a gingerbread in a gift box, and you don't even have to go to a store that produces gift wrapping.

If a surprise is made to an adult, then in addition you can present a bottle of mulled wine - a drink that in many European countries is associated specifically with the Christmas holidays. Such an additional present will create a truly New Year's mood.


Those who love to cook can make gingerbread cookies as a gift with their own hands. For cooking you will need:

How to cook:

  1. In a bowl, mix sugar and flour.
  2. Squeeze the soda with lemon juice and add to the flour.
  3. Pour ginger, cinnamon and vanilla there. Mix everything well.
  4. Whisk the egg yolks.
  5. Cut the butter or margarine into cubes and add to the mixture.
  6. Add honey and yolks.
  7. Knead the dough with your hands and refrigerate for at least an hour.
  8. Roll out a 0.5 cm thick layer from the finished dough. Cut out cookies using cookie cutters.
  9. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for no more than 15 minutes.

Ready-made New Year's cookies can be additionally decorated with icing, chocolate or nuts. And enjoy the taste with a cup of good tea.

Now is the time that edible gifts no longer seem something strange and people are happy to accept homemade cakes, sweets and just delicacies brought from vacation.

In this review, you can find your favorite, simple and beautiful way to pack these goodies.

The easiest way to make a nice little gift with your own hands, in my opinion, is to bake cookies, pack them beautifully and give them as a gift. After all, it is for cookies, in fact, that special shapes and ingredients are not needed.

And I will be happy to share with you the recipe of my favorite, very tasty lazy cookie.


We measure dry ingredients without a slide, freely pouring them into a measuring container with a spoon and not tamping.

For 30 large cookies we will need:

355 gr flour;

156 grams of sugar (preferably grind in a processor);

1/4 tsp. spoons of salt;

226 g butter at room temperature;

2 teaspoons spoons of vanilla essence;

2 table. cream cheese spoons. Philadelphia, cream cheese or regular, not very fatty cottage cheese will do.


1. Mix butter with sugar. Add salt, essence as desired. Then add the cheese and carefully add the flour.

2. Mix everything until smooth.

3. If desired, chocolate, nuts, raisins or lemon zest can be added to the dough.

4. Divide the dough into 2 parts, shape each part into a disk, wrap in a film and keep in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

The dough can be refrigerated for up to 3 days or frozen for up to 2 weeks. Then defrost in the refrigerator.

5. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.

6. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper.

7. Roll out the dough with a thickness of about 5 mm, cut out cookies from it. We do not regret the flour for sprinkling, it will not be felt later.

You can make cookies round, or you can cut out themed figures with cookie cutters for holiday gifts.

For Halloween:

For the New Year

For a birthday

For Valentine's Day

8. Bake for about 10 minutes (better check after 8 minutes because thin cookies burn quickly).

9. Remove the finished cookies from the oven, cool and carefully place with a spatula on a dish or in a package.

And now I will tell and show how to pack for hotels such cookies or other sweets.

Of course, the easiest thing is to just put it in a beautiful bag, and stick a nice ready-made sticker on top, or stick a small pike with colored decorative tape to decorate desserts.

The bag can be tied up with a two-color cord several times, and glued (or attached to the cord itself) a piece of paper (or a ready-made tezhik) with handwritten text and the name of the person for whom all this is intended.

In the middle, I also inserted a small flag (ready pika for desserts).

Spades come in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and themes.

If there are a lot of cookies, then choose a larger bag in advance, in a transparent one it will be clear right away what kind of gift it is. That's why he's good))!

Tie the bag with a beautiful ribbon, cord or lace and fasten some small decoration. In my case, these are cute flowers.

Also, a few cookies will look great in a craft box with a window.

Tie the box over the top with decorative ribbons with various curly ornaments, cotton cords.

Attach a flower, a sticker with an inscription, or a sheet with a handwritten wish.

The emphasis on the box can be done both in the middle of the window and on the edge of the box - it will look equally good.

Another way of packaging is to give cookies in a colorful opaque bag, in which you can still keep the secret of the gift).

Such bags are already good in themselves because they are made in bright colors and can be used for children's gifts, for example, in a kindergarten. Due to the addition of paper, they are quite voluminous.

On the first bag, I made colored flags and glued them to a paper cord, which I secured with a stapler.

On the side I fixed a flower of a suitable size.

And in the middle I used, again, a sticker and made an inscription by hand.

The emphasis on the sticker was made with a marker.

On the other two I used lace, paper cord, a flower and paper straws for drinks and stickers.

We close the bag with a sticker so that the cookies do not spill out.

General packing advice.

1. To begin with, if you are packing cookies, let them cool, put them on a napkin to remove excess fat.

3. Think about whether you want to make this present personalized or with some kind of wish.

4. You can use ready-made mini postcards, tags, stickers with inscriptions, or simply cut a piece out of paper, sign or draw something.

5. You can also write directly on the package, as I did in one of the examples, using a permanent marker. In fact, if the marker is permanent, you can write with it on a regular plastic bag. You can draw a cyclic pattern, stars, circles, hearts.

6. Ribbon always adorns the package. It can be a regular lace, floss, paper ribbon, shabby, satin ribbon, waxed cord - whatever you have and matches the idea and color.

7. Stickers help a lot, because even if you just stick a beautiful sticker on the bag, it already takes on a special look, more cute.

8. If you have boxes of different sizes at home, it will not be difficult to pack an edible gift.

Thus, here is what I advise you to have at home in order to quickly turn cookies into a beautiful present for a child or an adult:

Paper or transparent bags;

Boxes of different sizes, it is good if they are with a transparent window;




Various stickers;

Permanent marker or markers;

Craft or plain paper;

I hope these tips help and inspire you!

On the eve of the New Year holidays, shop windows are full of gift boxes, decorative bags, wrapping paper for every taste. Smiling sellers helpfully offer to provide services for wrapping New Year's gifts. And all this seems to be great, because you must admit, it is much more pleasant to receive a New Year's trifle in a beautiful package. But on the other hand, the whole meaning of the gift is lost, the very gift that should be intended specifically for you.

The recipient of the gift will be doubly pleased if, in addition to choosing a gift, you spend a little more time wrapping it. In this article, we will teach you how to make gift boxes from paper or cardboard with your own hands. It is not at all difficult to do this, because all the crafts presented with us are accompanied by ready-made schemes, templates and step-by-step master classes. You just have to choose the appropriate box option, print the diagram and glue the paper box according to the instructions. By the way, some of the boxes presented by us are made using the origami technique, which means that you don’t even need glue!

So, before we get started, let's check if everything is ready for you. To make a paper gift box with your own hands, you will need: beautiful wrapping paper (you can get by with plain white paper and then decorate it), scissors, a pencil, a ruler, glue or double-sided tape, a clerical knife. Everything is? Well then, let's get creative!

#1 Box "Herringbone"

A great way to pack a small trifle to friends or relatives is such a themed New Year's box. By the way, it's very easy to do. You will need green paper and punching tongs (although you can do without them). Well, any rhinestones, beads, sequins, in general, to your taste are suitable for decoration!

#2 Gift box "Mint Lollipop"

And here is another original version of a gift box, which is very easy to make with your own hands, especially with our step-by-step master class. You will need red thick paper (for the box itself), as well as white paper for decoration. You can make the upper part of the box with an appliqué or just paint a white sheet with pencils or felt-tip pens. By the way, the top does not have to be a lollipop. You can fantasize about the New Year theme and decorate the box on top, for example, with a snowflake, a Christmas ball, or red M&M's.

#3 Box with lid (diagram)

Well, if there is no time or desire to fiddle with the box for a long time, you can use a simple ready-made template. You need to download, print, cut and glue it. Voila, the box is ready! Please note that we have prepared 2 schemes for you: square (5x5 in size) and rectangular (7x6x4 in size).

#4 Cup with a gift

But the option of gift packaging for those who want to surprise with originality is a gift box-cup. It's pretty easy to do, but it looks amazing! To create you will need thick paper, scissors and glue. And of course our step-by-step instructions!

#5 Christmas box "Cake"

If the New Year's party is planned in a large company, for example, in the circle of a large family, it makes sense to pack gifts for everyone in one large composite box. The cake packaging box consists of 8-10 pieces, each of which is a separate paper gift box.

#6 Gift box with lid for muffins and other little things

On New Year's holidays, edible gifts are quite common: various sweets and pastries. An original gift will be a muffin made by hand in an author's gift box.

#7 Christmas box "Diamond"

You can pack a New Year's gift in a gift box in the shape of a diamond. With our scheme, it will not be difficult to make such an intricate package. It is enough to print the box template, cut and glue it according to the instructions. Everything is simple!

#8 New Year's package "Santa"

A very cute New Year's package will turn out from an ordinary paper bag, decorated with a paper Santa. Download Santa's diagram, cut it out and glue it on the bag. Do-it-yourself Christmas packaging is ready!

#9 Harry Potter boxes

Fans of stories about Harry Potter will come to indescribable delight, having received a piece of their favorite hero as a gift. By the way, such a box with magical sweet beans can be a great addition to a set of books about the adventures of a young wizard.

#10 Box "Gingerbread House"

The well-known symbol of the Christmas and New Year holidays from Hollywood films is the gingerbread man. You can make a box of paper in the form of a gingerbread man's house. By the way, putting the gingerbread men themselves in such a house will be very symbolic, but if you also make them with your own hands, there is no price for such a gift at all! The Gingerbread House box is made according to a special scheme, which you can download below. Also below is a master class on making a box with your own hands.

New Year's time is coming - the time of miracles, when everyone can feel like a little helper ...

#11 Box "Heart of four parts"

A cute package of four boxes can be made using our scheme. Giving your loved one not one, but four New Year's gifts at once is a real manifestation of love. You can download the scheme with four boxes and the basis for them below.

#12 Origami box

To make such a gift box, you will not need a diagram or a template. To make a paper box with a lid, you only need a piece of paper. The main condition is that the sheet must be square. Clearly follow the instructions of the master class and in 10 minutes you will have the cutest handmade origami gift box ready.

#13 And another version of the origami box

Such a box looks very similar to the previous one, but the manufacturing method is slightly different. In the manufacture of this box, you will need scissors, but the scheme is not needed: only a square sheet of paper. Follow the instructions of the master class and you will succeed!

#14 Origami box “Volumetric triangle”

If you want to get confused and ready-made templates are not for you, then be sure to pay attention to this difficult and very effective gift box. You will need paper and patience. Well, then follow the instructions and everything will work out!

If you like to make gift boxes without templates, glue and scissors, but only with the help of the correct paper folds, then you will appreciate this box as well.

#16 Origami resealable box

Well, another version of the origami box. It is quite easy to do, especially if you follow the instructions. By the way, the steps for making the box are described below in the photo instructions.

#17 Box "Cupcake"

The original gift packaging for a gift for the New Year will be a box in the form of a cupcake. It looks very impressive, but the creation will have to work a little. In general, there is nothing complicated in creating this box, all you need is patience and imagination! See the step-by-step master class below.

#18 And another cupcake

And here is another variation on the theme of a gift box in the form of a cupcake. The manufacturing scheme is very similar to the previous one, but you might like it!

#19 Gift box for cookies

A ready-made scheme for making a cardboard box with your own hands. All you need is to use our ready-made scheme, which you need to print, cut out of cardboard, and then glue in accordance with the master class.

#20 Chinese style gift box

In such a box, made with your own hands, you can put anything you want. And most importantly, it is done quickly and easily. You can download the box diagram from the link below.
Download scheme

#21 Gift box in the form of a cup

Really original wrapped gifts are valued much more than gifts in a regular gift bag. Pay special attention to this charming paper box, which you can make yourself using our scheme.

How to make a cup

How to make a lid

#22 Box "New Year sweater"

Here is such a beautiful gift box can be made by hand. To do this, you will need a diagram, which you can download on our website, scissors, glue and a little patience.

#23 Box with bow closure

Pretty simple to make, but very original gift box. You will need a square sheet of wrapping paper, glue, and instructions from the master class. 15 minutes - and your gift box is ready!

It is very easy to make a cardboard box for a New Year's gift, but for this you will need not only cardboard, but also scissors (clerical knife) and glue or double-sided tape (for secure fixation). Below is a step-by-step manufacturing master class, following which you can quickly and easily make a cardboard box with your own hands.

If you want to give a delicious gift in the form of cupcakes or muffins, then the ideal packaging for such a gift would be a paper egg tray. Cut out the desired number of compartments, decorate the top of the box with decorative elements, tie with a ribbon and Voila! The gift is ready!

You may be interested in:

#26 Original box "Package of milk"

Another incredibly cool Christmas box that will amaze anyone. You can pack a simple trifle in such an unusual box. It is quite simple to make it if you use the ready-made scheme, which you can download on our website.

#27 Box with lid

Using our simple scheme, you can easily make a gift box with a paper lid with your own hands in just a few minutes. You can put anything in such a box as a gift: from a cute trinket to handmade sweets. You can download the box diagram below.

#28 Packing box with flower clasp

A simple diagram of a cute packaging box with a flower clasp. Fast, beautiful, original. Surprise your loved ones with a handmade gift. You can download the finished scheme from the link below.

#29 Gift box "Petals"

You can make a wonderful box for a New Year's gift with a lid in the shape of petals with your own hands. In fact, the manufacture of such charms will not only take a lot of time, but will also delight you with its sweetest

#30 Gift box for New Year's cupcake

You can make a very cute cardboard box with your own hands. It will turn out no worse than the store. In the box, you can make a special bottom for the cake. Putting your little delicious gift in a special stand, you don't have to worry that all the cream will remain on the box. To make such a cardboard box with your own hands, you need to print out the template and follow the instructions of the master class.

#31 Gift box for children "Ice cream"

A New Year's gift should be packed not just well, but tastefully. In the gift box "Ice cream" your gift will be appreciated! With our scheme, making a delicious box will only bring pleasure!

#32 Packing box "Candy"

Another option for "tasty" packaging will be a box in the form of a candy. To create a New Year's atmosphere, the packaging can be slightly enlivened by adding eyes and a mouth to it. Download the diagram, print it out and glue the box in the right places.

#33 Gift box "Cheerful bunny"

Dear and close people always want to give a special gift. And best of all, when this gift is not only special, but also in a special package that emphasizes the importance of a particular person. It will not be difficult to make such a paper box with your own hands if you download the diagram from the link below.
Download scheme

#35 Box "Cheerful frog"

Another very cheerful and positive box for New Year's gifts is the "Cheerful Frog". Done quickly, gives a lot of emotions! Download the scheme and please your loved ones with a cheerful New Year's box.

#36 Box with a face

You can also pack a gift in an original way in a box of plain white paper, drawing on it some details in the form of an eye and a mouth, thus, as it were, reviving the gift. With our ready-made scheme, making such a box is not at all difficult. Just download the diagram, print and glue.

#37 Gift box "Birdhouse"

Let's start with perhaps the most unusual paper gift box. Making such a birdhouse is quite simple when there is a ready-made scheme. The scheme must be printed, transferred to suitable paper, cut and glued in certain places. Complex and intricate at first glance do-it-yourself boxes will be ready in 10-15 minutes.

#38 Box "Apple"

The original will be a gift in a paper box in the form of an apple. With such a box, picking up a gift is quite simple - gelatin worms will come in handy. Making such a box with your own hands with the corresponding scheme is very simple, the manufacturing process will take no more than 10 minutes!

#39 Box "Christmas wreath"

There is no limit to your originality, we only give you direction, and then you create yourself. On the New Year theme, you can come up with a lot of boxes, for example, in the form of a Christmas wreath. Very symbolic!

Well, what is a real New Year without the Nutcracker and music from the famous ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky? An excellent gift would be a bag of nuts with a nutcracker tag attached. You can draw the most fabulous hero yourself, but if you have no inclinations for drawing, you can find the image of the Nutcracker on the Internet and print it out, then cut it out and attach it to the package.

Cookies are a popular sweet. Since 2014, its consumption has been steadily growing in Ukraine. This is due to the fall in chocolate sales as prices have risen. Ukrainians are switching to more economical sweets: semi-chocolate and caramel sweets, pastries, etc.

Packaging is one of the tools to increase product sales. If it has a central idea, humor, a communicative element, or a call to action, the chances of buying a product increase. Packaging is especially important for new brands that are just entering the market. The consumer at the first stage does not know anything about your product, behind his name is not the authority of a famous brand. It is the packaging that will be the decisive factor when choosing a new brand by the consumer.

You can read more about selling packaging in our article.

In this review article, we look at different examples of cookie packaging design: from the economy segment to exclusive lines. For each category, there are several options for product positioning. The design and materials of packages of different price categories are very different from each other. We will focus on the main design options and talk about interesting and non-standard solutions from different parts of the world.

Cookie packaging design: simple solutions

One of the most popular packaging options is flow-pack (flexible packaging)- packaging made of synthetic film, cardboard foil and paper. It is ideal for packaged biscuits of medium and large volume (from 200 grams to a kilogram). Also, portions of cookies can be individually packed in a flow-pack, the main packaging of which is a cardboard or metal box. These include BelVita brand products, for example.

Usually inexpensive cookies are packed in a flow-pack, since this package has a low cost. We picked 3 bright examples flexible packaging designs for cookies that look stylish and stand out on the shelf.

Lyons cookie packaging design

The Lyons brand produces more than 10 types of biscuits with and without fillings. He did a redesign a couple of years ago. Each species has its own primary color. And the unity of products is emphasized by a blue geometric insert at the top of each package. The design of Lyons cookies is very simple. However, geometric shapes and a bright, but not acidic color palette, combined with mouth-watering cookie images, give excellent results. The result is a simple but noticeable package. She attracts attention And arouses interest and desire to try the product.

Packing design for biscuits "On charge" and Biskids - playful motifs in children's products

Two more examples are the Russian brand of biscuits Na Zaryadku and the American Biskids. We combined them in one block, because the central idea of ​​both brands is activity and cheerfulness. "For exercise" - cookies designed for children from 2 to 14 years old and their parents. The designers were faced with the task of creating a brand that able to compete with foreign brands, as well as demonstrate the naturalness of products and their usefulness.

The Biskids have a similar story. This healthy cookies, no preservatives with minimal sugar content. To make it more attractive to children, the creators came up with active and mischievous characters for each of the 5 representatives of the line (on the photo 3 of them).

Both brands have successfully coped with the task. One glance at the packages is enough to recharge with vivacity and playfulness, which they are imbued with. So, thanks to smart design, Healthy biscuits wrapped in trendy packaging becomes attractive to children.

If you need to create a packaging design for children's products, contact KOLORO. We know everything about children and their interests.

Cookie Design: Communicate and Conquer

Another technique that is widespread in the field of food branding is calls to action as an element packaging or even brand names. One such case is the Russian biscuit "I Recommend". The positive characteristic of the cookie and the motivational call are included in the title. There are also positive characteristics on the packaging (“what you need for tea”, for example). 3 ambassadors were invented for 3 lines connoisseurs: Ilya Petrovich, Iraida Robertovna and Petya Verevkin. All of them, each in their own way, praise cookies, reviving the image of the brand in the eyes of consumers.

Jammie Dodgers are cookies that are positioned as an option for a quick snack. That is, all sorts of chocolate and energy bars compete with him. Usually such products are promoted based on recharging energy to reach new heights. Jammie Dodgers took a different, less popular approach. The idea of ​​the brand is based on the unique taste of products. And the slogan was the phrase "Love at the first bite" (from the first bite). To focus on this thought were chosen bright colors and the shape of the hole in the cookie. Instead of the standard round notch in the center of the Jammie Dodgers is a small heart. The taste information is confirmed by the label "Best Ever Recipe" (the best recipe ever invented). Well, in order to satisfy the curiosity of people who care about their body, they put an infographic on the front side on the number of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Such concern for the consumer is always in favor of the brand.

Humor in cookie packaging design

Buying confectionery is always associated with internal struggle and introspection. Usually, manufacturers do not focus on this, but try to build a brand image on cozy evenings, a festive atmosphere, romantic themes, etc. Bloomsberry & Co have taken a bold step. They placed on the package all those thoughts which each of us comforts himself buying junk but delicious food:

  • One more can't hurt (one more won't hurt);
  • It'll make me happy (this will make me happy);
  • Tomorrow I'll go to the gym (tomorrow I will go to the gym).

There are no product photos on the packaging, or comments about its taste. The company logo is placed at the bottom, it is much smaller than the phrase in the center of the package. themselves boxes are decorated with stylish patterns of catchy flowers that catch the eye of everyone who sees them. This is how the company emphasizes the status of a top-class cookie that needs no introduction.

Another option for using irony in design was suggested by the founders of the Früute family confectionery. Witty phrases about cookies and life take center stage in their cookie packaging. For example, “Cookies are proof that life is good”, “Can’t it? Eat a cookie" or "A cookie a day and you don't need a doctor."

Früute biscuit packaging design

Luxury cookie packaging design: create a successful image

Products from the premium and luxury segments sank very little in sales during the 2014 crisis. By 2017, this segment had already moved away from the shock, and the sales level is almost back to the original mark. This behavior makes this category the most promising for creating new brands. Premium product design always is different from the low and mid-price segment. First of all - materials and design. For cookies in this category, the most popular are the use of tin boxes, cardboard packaging, intricate bizarre-shaped packaging.

Packaging design Honolulu Cookie Company

Honolulu Cookie Company presented packaging for its cookies, which repeats its shape (pineapple). It is presentable and bright at the same time. Achieving a combination of these two characteristics is usually not easy. Therefore, the packaging of Honolulu Cookie Company is doubly remarkable.

Queen City Cookies are exquisite cookies that are impossible to miss on the store shelf. It will strike the eye, even if there are hundreds of other options nearby. The packaging of the series with elephants is incredibly bright. There is both a strong individual story of each member of the line (name, color scheme, content illustration), as well as a common theme. I want to note call at the top of the package. It says "Don't leave my friends behind." Usually, motivational phrases about collecting a collection can be found on a series of children's toys. Incorporating such a call into cookie packaging is a great idea. Queen City Cookies did it perfectly. Under the inscription are illustrations with other elephants and names and rulers. Besides, the company focuses on the naturalness of products. There are notes about this on the packaging.

Another example is Taiwan's Duckie Cookie design. The creators decided use packaging design to educate. In the center - the idea to show in an illustration how rice is grown and how ducks are connected with this process. On the inside of the box is a detailed illustration card that will tell the story. Well, the cookies themselves are packed in individual packs, which together form one pattern. This is an example of the fusion of marketing and science lessons.

Cookie Packaging Design: Watercolor Dreams

Watercolor is a trend in design which has been popular for several years. The packaging of Jovial biscuits is an illustration of its appropriate use. The basis is white, in the center are placed appetizing photos of products. The image is completed by a watercolor insert at the top of the package, which tells about the type of cookie. All three elements are simple and well-known to everyone, but the designers managed to combine them into a perfect-sounding trio. There is nothing superfluous in this package, it is - good design example.

If you need to design a confectionery package, please contact COLORO. Your sweets will become leaders in sales!
